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定语从句 语法精讲 跟踪训练 语法精讲 细筛选 · 巧拓展 考点一 关系代词 who,whom,whose 引导的定语从句 1.who 指人 , 在定语从句中作主语。 The little boy who is singing there can recite quite a number of poems. 正在那儿唱歌的那个小男孩能背诵很多首诗。 2.whom 指人 , 在定语从句中充当宾语 , 可省略。 The author (whom) you criticized has written a letter in reply. 你批评的那位作者写了一封回信。 3.whose 通常指人 , 也可指物 , 在定语从句中作定语。 Many children,whose parents are away working in big cities,are taken good care of in the village. 很多父母去大城市工作的孩子 , 在村 里得到了很好的照顾。 The building whose roof is red is a post office. 红顶的那幢大楼是邮政局。 考点二 关系代词 that 和 which 的区别 类别 说明 只用 that 不用 which 的情况 先行词是 everything,anything,nothing,few,little,all,none 等不定代词或被 all,little,few,much,any,every,no 等修饰时 先行词被序数词、形容词最高级修饰或先行词本身就是序数词、形容词最高级时 先行词被 the very,the only 等修饰时 当主句中的先行词是疑问词 who 或 which 时 先行词既有人也有物时 只用 which 不用 that 的情况 非限制性定语从句中 关系代词前有介词时 先行词是 that 或 those 时 There seems to be nothing that seems impossible for him in the world. 世界上对他来说好像没有不可能的事。 Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about? 你知道他们正在谈论的人和事吗 ? My house,which I bought last year,has got a lovely garden. 我去年买的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。 The reason for which he refused the invitation is not clear. 他拒绝邀请的原因不清楚。 What ’ s that which was put in the car? 被放入车内的是什么 ? 考点三  as 和 which 引导的定语从句 1.as 和 which 都可以在非限制性定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语 , 代表前面的整 个句子。 He opposed the idea,as ∕ which could be expected. 正如所料 , 他反对这个想法。 They have invited me to dinner,which ∕ as is very kind of them. 他们真好 , 邀请我去参加宴会。 2. 位置不同。 as 引导的非限制性定语从句可以放在主句之前 , 也可放在主句之 后 , 还可以放在主句之中 , 位置相当灵活 , 而 which 引导的非限制性定语从句 , 则只能放在主句之后。 As has been said before,grammar is not a set of dead rules. 如前所述 , 语法并不是一套死板的规定。 ( 不能用 which) As anybody can see,great changes have taken place in the village. 有目共睹的是这个乡村已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。 3. 使用的句子结构不同。 as 作关系代词还可用于 the same...as,such...as 等 结构中 , 而 which 作关系代词不能用在上述结构中 , 但有时可用 which 引导的从 句来改写。如 : Here is such a big stone as no one can lift. =Here is a big stone which no one can lift. 这是那么大的一块石头 , 没人能搬得动。 She wears the same kind of clothes as her younger sister. 她穿着和她妹妹所穿的一样的衣服。 考点四 “介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句 1. 简单介词 + 关系代词 在这种结构中 , 关系代词指人时只能用 whom, 指物时只能用 which; 介词的选择主要是 根据与从句中相关的动词、形容词、名词的固定搭配而定 ; 或者根据先行词与从句中 动词的关系而定 ; 或者以先行词在定语从句中的作用而定。 Is that the newspaper for which you often write articles? 那是你经常为其写文章的报社吗 ?(for 与 the newspaper 搭配 )   Can you explain to me how to use these idioms about which I am not sure? 你能给我介绍一下如何使用这些我不确定的习语吗 ?(about 与 sure 搭配 ) 1949 was the year in which our country was founded. 我们国家是在 1949 年成立的。 (in 与 the year 搭配 ) Do you know the man to whom I spoke just now?(to 与 spoke 搭配 ) 你认识我刚才和他讲话的那个人吗 ? 2. 简单介词 + 关系代词 + 名词 Last month,part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods,from whose effects the people are still suffering. 上个月东南亚局部受洪水袭击。如今 , 人们仍在 遭受洪水的影响。 3.the+ 名词 +of+ 关系代词 该结构表示所有关系 , 口语中常用“ whose+ 名词”代替 , 非正式文体中可以用“ of which the+ 名词”。 The man pulled out a gold watch,the hands of which were made of small diamonds. 那个人拿出一块金表 , 表的指针是用小钻石做成的。 The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,of which the sailing time was 226 days. 这位老水手的这次环球旅行历时 9 个月 , 其中有 226 天是航行时间。 4. 表示整体或部分的词语 +of+ 关系代词 表示整体或部分的词语常见的有 : 不定代词 all,both,none,neither,either, some,any; 数词 ( 含基数词、序数词、分数和百分数 ); 数词 + 名词 ;the+ 最高级 ∕比较级 , 以及表示数目或数量的词语 many,most,few,several,enough, half,a quarter 等 The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, most of which are beyond our control. 一种植物的生长速度受很多因素的影响 , 其中大多数的因素是我们控制不了的。 Last week,only two people came to look at the house,neither of whom wanted to buy it. 上周 , 只有两个人看房子 , 而且他俩都不想买。 考点五 关系副词 when,where,why 引导的定语从句 1. 关系副词 when 引导的定语从句 先行词是表示时间的名词 , 从句中不缺少主语、宾语或表语 , 引导词常用关系 副词 when,when 在从句中充当时间状语 , 也可用“介词 +which ”结构代替。 I still remember the day when I first came to this school. 我还记得 我第一次来这所学校的那天。 The book was written in 1946,since when the education system has witnessed great changes. 这本书写于 1946 年。自那时以来 , 教育制度已见 证了巨大的变化。 Jane is back in May,by when the new house should be finished. 简五 月回来 , 到那时 , 新房子应该完工了。 2. 关系副词 where 引导的定语从句 (1) 先行词是表示地点的名词时 , 从句中不缺少主语、宾语或表语 , 引导词常用关系副词 where,where 在从句中充当地点状语。 Jane paused in front of a counter where some attractive ties were on display. 简停留在一个柜台前 , 一些吸引人的领带摆在那儿。 (2) 有时先行词是表示抽象意义的地点名词 , 像 activity,business,career,case,job, point,position,race,stage,situation 等 , 当从句中缺少状语时 , 用关系副词 where 。 They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other. 他们已经到了必须分手的地步。 It ’ s helpful to put children in a situation where they can see themselves differently. 把孩子放在一个能使他们从不同角度认识自己的处境中对他们是有帮助的。 3. 关系副词 why 引导的定语从句 关系副词 why 引导定语从句时 , 修饰表示原因的名词。只能在定语从句中作原 因状语 , 可用 for which 代替 , 有时也可以省略。 The reason why he didn ’ t pass the driving test was that he lacked practice. 因为缺少实践 , 他没有通过驾驶考试。 特别提示 定语从句中的注意事项 ①定语从句中谓语动词的单复数形式应与先行词保持一致。 I,who am your teacher,will try my best to help you. 我是你的老师 , 我将尽力帮助你。 The Forbidden City is one of the world-famous buildings that draw a lot of visitors. 故宫是世界著名的吸引大批游客的建筑之一。 He is the only one of the students who has been a winner of scholarships for three years. 他是唯一一位三年获得奖学金的学生。 ②关系代词 that ∕ which ∕ whom 在从句中作宾语时 , 可省略。如 : There is no one else she can turn to,is there? 她没有可以寻求帮助的人 , 对吧 ? 真题链接 1.On the edge of the jacket,there is a piece of cloth      gives off light in the dark.(2019 年 6 月浙江 )  2.Now Irene Astbury works from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield,      she opened with her late husband Les.(2019 全国 Ⅱ)  答案及剖析 : 1.that/which  考查定语从句。此处先行词是 a piece of cloth, 而且在从句中作主语 , 故填关系代词 that/which 。 2.which  考查非限制性定语从句。本空引导非限制性定语从句 ,the pet shop 是先行词 , 在句中作 opened 的宾语 , 指物 , 故本空应填关系代词 which 。 3.They were well trained by their masters      had great experience with caring for these animals.(2019 全国 Ⅲ)  4.Many westerners      come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out. (2018 年 6 月浙江 )  答案及剖析 : 3.who  考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知 ,“     had great experience with caring for these animals” 为定语从句 , 修饰先行词 their masters,masters 为人 , 故填 who 。  4.who∕that  考查定语从句。此处先行词是 Many westerners, 故填关系代词 who∕that 。 5.The best part of the process is that there ’ s enough room for improvement,      means you ’ ll just keep getting better and better.(2017 全国 Ⅰ)  答案及剖析 : 5.which  此处所缺单词引导非限制性定语从句 , 修饰前面的句子 , 因此用 which 。 跟踪训练 重实效 · 冲高考 Ⅰ. 单句语法填空 1.One of its jobs is to protect us,      keeps bad things out. (2019 浙江余姚高三 11 月模拟 )  2.This led him to Street Symphony,a group of professional musicians mostly from the LA Philharmonic( 交响乐团 ),      works with homeless,mentally ill and disabled populations.(2019 浙江七彩阳光联盟高三上学期第二次联考 )  答案及剖析 : 1.which  考查定语从句。此处先行词是其前面的主语 , 故用关系代词 which 。 2.which  考查非限制性定语从句。句意 : 这让他加入了街头交响乐团 (Street Symphony), 这是一群主要来自洛杉矶爱乐乐团 (LA Philharmonic) 的专业音乐家 , 他们的工作对象是无家可归的人、精神病患者和残疾人。此处 the LA Philharmonic 是先行词 , 指物 , 在后面的定语从句中作主语 , 故答案为 which 。 3.He liked the country and noted down every interesting thing      he had found.(2019 浙江台州黄岩中学高三上学期第一次模拟 )  4.However,people      have done related researches believe that the full moon affects human behaviors to some degree. (2019 浙江温州 2 月模拟 )  答案及剖析 : 3.that  考查定语从句。句意 : 他喜欢这个国家 , 并记下了他所发现的每一件有趣的事情。此处 thing 是先行词 , 指物 , 被不定代词 every 修饰 , 在后面的定语从句中作宾语 , 故答案为 that 。 4.who/that  考查定语从句。先行词是 people, 在定语从句中作主语 , 故填关系代词 who/that 。 5.Out of nearly fifty people      came to apply,Mr.James selected one and dismissed the others.  6.At work he is much appreciated and he has many colleagues      ask for his help each time they have problems to solve.  7.The researchers looked at 17 studies comparing people who ate organic food with those who did not and 223 studies      compared the levels of nutrients, bacteria and pesticides in various food.  答案及剖析 : 5.who∕that  考查定语从句的关系代词。根据句意 : 在来面试的大约五十人中 ,Mr.James 挑选了一个人驳回了其他人的申请。可知此句是定语从句 , 先行词是 people, 从句缺少主语故用 who∕that 引导定语从句。 6.who∕that  考查定语从句的关系代词。先行词是 colleagues, 故用 who∕that 引导定语从句 , 并在从句中作主语。 7.that/which  考查定语从句的关系代词。分析句子结构可知 , 空处在此引导定语从句 , 且在从句中作主语 , 先行词是“ 223 studies”, 故填关系代词 that/which 。 8. “ You are not going to be able to respond to danger efficiently,      . increases the risk of injury. ” He added.(2019 浙江嘉兴高中学科基础测试 )  9.Little Tom has been looking forward to the big day      he can show his talent at school.  10.Our special thanks go to thousands of volunteers,without      tireless work none of this would be possible.  答案及剖析 : 8.which  考查定语从句。此处的先行词是前面整个主句 , 所以填 which 。 9.when  句意 : 小汤姆一直在盼望一个他能够展示他的才能的伟大的日子。此处 , 所缺的词引导一个定语从句 , 修饰 day, 同时作定语从句中的时间状语 , 因此用 when 。 10.whose  考查定语从句。句意 : 我们特别致谢成千上万的志愿者 , 没有他们的孜孜不倦的工作 , 这一切不可能成功。此处所缺的词和前面的介词 without 一起引导一个定语从句 , 修饰 volunteers, 同时 , 关系词作定语 , 修饰 tireless work, 因此用 whose 。 11.Luck comes to these      prepare for it.If you do something you love, don ’ t let little bumps along the road stop you.  12.What does a beautiful person look like?Well,it depends on whom you ask and      they are from.(2019 浙江嘉兴 5 月高三模拟 )  答案及剖析 : 11.who  考查定语从句的关系代词。此处为定语从句 , 先行词为 these, 指人 , 关系词在从句中作主语 , 故填 who 。 12.where  考查定语从句 , 此处是介词后接关系副词的用法 , 从后面的 from 可知要用 where 。 13.How many students are there in your class     homes are in the countryside? 14.We live in an age      more information is available with greater ease than ever before.  15.There you will find information      was once secret. (2019 浙江名校协作体高三下学期联考 )  答案及剖析 : 13.whose  考查定语从句的关系代词。先行词为 students, 定语从句      homes are in the countryside 中缺少 homes 的定语 , 还原为 the students ’ homes are in the countryside, 表示所属关系 , 故使用关系代词 whose 。   14.when  考查定语从句。先行词为 an age, 关系词在定语从句中作时间状语 , 故用 when 。 15.that/which  考查定语从句。句意 : 在那里你会发现曾经是秘密的信息。此处 information 是先行词 , 指物 , 在后面的定语从句中作主语 , 故答案为 that/which 。 16.The heart-warming story began in September last year      a woman asked the primary school in her neighborhood to accept her six-year-old son.  17.      we all know,baked or fried foods may be tasty,but eating too much of them will probably result in some illnesses.  18.The reason      he refused to attend the meeting was that they didn ’ t give him an invitation earlier.  答案及剖析 : 16.when  考查定语从句。句意 : 那个温馨的故事发生在去年的九月 , 当时 , 一位女士请求她所在社区小学接受她 6 岁的儿子。先行词为 last year, 表示时间 , 且从句中不缺少主语和宾语 , 故用 when 引导从句 , 在从句中作时间状语。 17.As  考查非限制性定语从句。空处指代主句内容 , 在从句中作宾语 , 意为“正如” , 故填 as 。 18.why  考查定语从句的关系副词。该句中关系词指代先行词 the reason 并在定语从句中充当状语 , 可还原为 he refused to attend the meeting for the reason, 表示“原因” , 故使用关系副词 why 。 19.To practise calligraphy requires the basic tools of four treasures of study as well as much concentration on guiding the soft writing brush charged with fluid ink,and writing on the paper      the ink will spread quickly. (2019 浙江稽阳联谊学校高三上学期 10 月联考 )  20.I ’ m buying some Christmas gifts for those      work with me, but it ’ s really a headache.  答案及剖析 : 19.where  考查定语从句 , 此处引导词在从句中作地点状语。故填 where 。 20.who  考查定语从句。空处引导定语从句 , 且在从句中作主语 , 先行词为指人的 those, 故用 who 。 Ⅱ. 语篇语法填空    In the past,human activities 1.      (have) little effect on global warming,but now they have caused the rise of the earth temperature.All scientists agree that the increase in the temperature results 2.      the burning of fossil fuels.One of some byproducts 3.      (call) greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide which can trap more heat energy in the atmosphere.  Over the last 100 years,the temperature of the earth has increased.The 4.      (attitude) towards this rise are completely different.Some are positive 5.      others are negative.Those who are positive think that without the greenhouse gases the earth would be 6.      (cool) than it is,7.      would not be suitable to live on.Others think the rise of the earth temperature may cause severe storms,floods,droughts and so on.  8.      (actual),green house gases will continue to build up in the atmosphere.Luckily,we human beings are doing what we can 9.      (reduce) green house gases.More importantly,individuals can make 10.      difference.  答案及剖析 : 1.had  考查时态。根据时间状语 in the past 可知谓语用一般过去时。 2.from  考查介词。 result from 起因于 ……; 由 …… 造成。 3.called  考查非谓语动词。此处作后置定语 , 修饰 byproducts, 由于 byproducts 与 call 之间表被动意义 , 因此用过去分词。被叫做温室气体副产品之一的是二氧化碳。 4.attitudes  考查名词。根据下文的系表成分 are completely different 可知 , 主语用复数。 5.while  考查连词。空格前后为对比、对照关系 , 故用 while 。有些看法是积极的然而有些是消极的。 6.cooler  考查比较级。根据空格后的 than 可知用形容词比较级形式。 7.which  考查关系代词。此处引导非限制性定语从句 , 修饰整个主句 , 此处所用的关系词在从句中作主语 , 因此用 which 。 8.Actually  考查副词。此处位于句首 , 后有逗号 , 应用副词 Actually 修饰后面的整个句子。大气中温室效应不断加强。 9.to reduce  考查非谓语动词。 what we can 作 doing 的宾语 , 此处用动词不定式作目的状语。 10.a  考查冠词。 make a difference 是固定搭配 , 意为 : 有影响 , 至关重要的。

