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Life in the Future Module 1 单元话题链接 SectionⅠ   Reading (Introduction & Reading and Speaking) 课前教材预案 课堂深度拓展 课末随堂演练 目 录 Contents 课前教材预案 resource solar urban material arrest fire outdoors catalogue command recreation charge switch clinic attach alternative alternatively crime criminal prediction predict risky risk load unload disability disabled ability able rely reliable limit limited power powerful powerless for sure attach … to run out rely on get rid of load … with use up at birth free of charge carry out operations preventing no matter where/wherever they live having 所有的这些似乎是肯定的,但是还有许 多关于未来城市生活的事情仍是未知的。 为了了解年轻人对未来城市生活的想法, 美国得克萨斯州的一位大学老师让他的学生们思考如 何管理一个在 2025 年拥有 5 万人口的城市。 为了摆脱垃圾问题的困扰,城市将用巨 型宇宙飞船装载废弃材料朝太阳发射,防止垃圾填埋 和环境问题。  医生们将能在数千英里以外实施手术, 远程手术将变得十分普遍。 课堂深度拓展 [ 词汇点击 ] for sure ( = for certain)  肯定地,确实 1 of to pay risky   adj . 危险的 risk   vt . 冒 …… 的危险  n .危险,风险;冒险 2 at risk at the risk of run out   ( 某物 ) 用完;不多了;没有了 run out of running out up out rely on  依靠,依赖 it for alternative   adj . 替换的;供选择的 n .可供选择的事物 ( 一般为二选一 ) ;选择 5 to take of load   n .负担,负载;负荷物;工作量 vi .& vt . 装;装载;装货 6 off of with with limit   n .限制;极限;界限; ( 常作复数 ) 范围 vt . 限制,限定 limited   adj . 有限的 7 set a limit to limited to to is limited command   n .命令;指令 vt . 命令 8 take command of under to stay charge   n .责任;电荷;指控;费用;价钱 v .控诉;要价;充电 9 in the charge of for with attach   vt . 系;贴;连接;喜欢,依恋;附在 …… 上 attached   adj . 依恋的;爱慕的;附属于的;依附的 10 attached to “no matter +疑问词 ” 引导让步状语从句 [ 句型解读 ] No matter what/Whatever no matter how Whatever you can do helps Whenever with 的复合结构作原因状语 crowding bought to write 课末随堂演练 alternative risky limited attached attached commanded prediction resources switched urban material rely on for sure running out free of charge be loaded with set a limit to get rid of No matter where

