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‎2019届一轮复习译林版选修七 Unit 3 The world online单元学案设计 一、刷黑板—— Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写]‎ ‎1.brand n.      品牌;类型 ‎2.*source n. 来源,信息源;根源,原因 ‎3.click n. (鼠标)点击;咔嗒声 vi. & vt. 点击;(使)发出咔嗒声 ‎4.*claim vt. 宣称,断言;索取,认领 n. 声明,断言;索款,索赔 ‎5.statistics n. (pl.) 统计数字,统计数据,统计资料 ‎6.diverse adj. 多种多样的,形形色色的 ‎7.globe n. 世界,全球;地球仪;球体 ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎8.avenue n.    途径,手段;大街 ‎9.address vt.  探讨,解决,处理;向……说话;称呼(某人)‎ ‎10.withdraw vi. & vt.  脱离(社会),不与人交往;撤回;取(款)‎ ‎11.explicit adj. 直言的,坦率的;清楚明白的,易懂的 ‎12.*bulb n. 电灯泡;(植物)鳞茎 ‎13.*sample n. 样本,样品 vt. 采样;尝试;品尝 ‎14.terminal n. 终端,终端设备;终点 adj. 末端的,末梢的 ‎ ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎15.search engine n.    (因特网)搜索引擎 ‎16.directory n. 目录;电话号码簿;公司名录 ‎17.web n. 网状物,网络 ‎18.web page n. 网页 ‎19.comb vt. 仔细搜索;梳理(头发)‎ n. 梳子 ‎20.category n. 类别,种类 ‎21.sparrow n. 麻雀 ‎22.minus n. 减号;负号;缺点 prep. 减;没有,缺乏 adj. 零度以下的;负数的 ‎23.outline n. 提纲,概要;轮廓线,略图 ‎ Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎[第四屏听写]‎ ‎1.abundant adj.      大量的,充裕的 ‎2.command n. 命令;控制;掌握 vt. 命令;指挥;控制 ‎3.assumption n. 假定,假设 ‎4.bond n. 纽带,联系;债券;枷锁 vt. & vi. (使)牢固结合 ‎5.correspond vi. 通信;相一致,符合;相当于 ‎6.evaluate vt. 评估,评价 ‎[第五屏听写]‎ ‎7.accuracy n.      准确性;精确度 ‎8.up_to_date adj. 最新的;现代的;时髦的 ‎9.weakness n. 缺点,不足;弱点;虚弱,衰弱 ‎10.false adj. 虚假的,伪造的;错误的;人造的 ‎11.educator n. 教育工作者,教师;教育(学)家 ‎12.reference n. 参考,查阅;提到,谈及;介绍信,介绍人 ‎13.booth n. 不受干扰的划定空间(如电话亭、投票间 ‎ 等);临时货摊 ‎[第六屏听写]‎ ‎14.conference n.      (大型的正式)会议,研讨会 ‎15.alarm vt. 使担心,使害怕,使警觉 n. 警报(器);惊慌;闹钟 ‎16.lifetime n. 一生,终生;存在期 ‎17.competence n. 能力,胜任;技能,本领 ‎18.inventor n. 发明者,发明家 ‎19.abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃,舍弃 ‎20.appointment n. 约会,预约;任命,委任 ‎21.classify vt. 分类,归类 ‎ ‎[第七屏听写]‎ ‎22.type vt.      (用计算机或打字机)打字 ‎23.qualification n. 资格,资历 ‎24.specific adj. 具体的,明确的;特定的;独特的 ‎25.bunch n. 串,束 ‎26.relevant adj. 紧密相关的,切题的;有价值的,有意义的 ‎27.bother vi. & vt. 花费时间、精力(做某事);打扰,给某人造 ‎ 成麻烦 ‎28.correction n. 改正,纠正,修正 ‎ ‎[第八屏听写]‎ ‎29.plus n.        加号;优势,长处 prep. 加;以及,和 adj. 零度以上的 ‎30.acknowledge vt. 承认,认可;感谢 ‎31.turn_to_somebody/something  向……求助 ‎32.at_someone's_command 受某人支配 ‎33.what_is_more 更有甚者,更为重要的是 ‎34.drop_out 退学,辍学;退出,脱离 ‎35.comb_(through)_something_(for) 仔细搜寻 ‎36.a_bunch_of 一串,一束;大量,大批 二、刷清单—— ‎(一)核心单词 阅读单词 ‎1.source n.  来源,信息源;根源 ‎2.statistics n. 统计数字,统计数据 ‎3.diverse adj. 多种多样的,形形色色的 ‎4.avenue n. 途径,手段;大街 ‎5.address vt. 探讨,解决,处理;‎ ‎ 向……说话;称呼(某人)_‎ ‎6.withdraw vi.&vt.   脱离(社会);‎ ‎ 撤回;取(款)_‎ ‎7.explicit adj.  直言的,坦率的;‎ ‎ 易懂的_‎ ‎8.sample n. 样本,样品 vt. 采样;尝试;品尝 ‎9.terminal n. 终端,终端设备;‎ ‎ 终点 ‎   adj. 末端的,末梢的 ‎10.directory n.目录;电话号码簿;公司名录 ‎11.category n. 类别,种类 ‎12.minus n. 减号;负号;缺点 prep. 减;没有,缺乏 adj. 零度以下的;负数的 ‎13.outline n. 提纲,概要;轮廓线,略图 ‎14.claim vt. 宣称,断言;索取,认领 n. 声明,断言;索款,索赔 表 达 单 词 ‎1.conference n.  (大型的正式)会议,研讨会 ‎2.lifetime n. 一生,终生;存在期 ‎3.competence n. 能力,胜任;技能,本领 ‎4.specific_adj. 具体的,明确的;特定的;独特的 ‎ ‎5.alarm vt. 使担心,使害怕,使警觉 ‎  n. 警报(器);惊慌;闹钟 ‎6.false adj. 虚假的,伪造的;错误的;人造的 ‎7.classify vt. 分类,归类 ‎8.abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃,舍弃 ‎9.command n. 命令;控制;掌握            vt. 命令;指挥;控制 ‎10._correspond vi. 通信;相一致,符合;相当于 ‎11.relevant adj. 紧密相关的,切题的;有价值的 ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.He acknowledged (承认) publicly that he might have made a mistake.‎ ‎2.The new products which have been sent here will be classified (分类) in sorts.‎ ‎3.This house has long been abandoned (舍弃). There is thick dust everywhere.‎ ‎4.What experience do you have that is relevant (有关的) to this position.‎ ‎5.The two people had corresponded (通信) for many years before they met so they knew about each other very much.‎ ‎6.It's true that lots of people dislike being bothered (打扰) when they are absorbed in their work.‎ ‎7.The correction (改正) of all my mistakes in my composition ‎12.bother vi.& vt. 花费时间、精力;打扰 ‎13.acknowledge vt. 承认,认可;感谢 ‎14.correction n. 改正,纠正,修正 ‎ took nearly an hour.‎ ‎8.Some people even spread false (虚假的) information to create trading opportunities to make money.‎ ‎9.He didn't just command (发号施令).He personally fought in several heavy battles.‎ 拓 展 单 词 ‎1.accuracy n.准确性;精确度→accurate adj.准确的;精确的;精密的→accurately adv.准确无误地 ‎2.evaluate vt.评估,评价→evaluation n.评估,评价 ‎3.weakness n.缺点,不足;弱点;虚弱,衰弱→weak adj.虚弱的,不强壮的;软弱的→weaken vi.& vt.(使)变弱 ‎4.educator n.教育工作者,教师;教育(学)家→educate vt.教育→education n.教育 ‎5.reference n.参考,查阅;提到,谈及;介绍信,介绍人→refer vi.提及,参考,查阅 ‎6.inventor n.发明者,发明家→invent vt.发明,创造 ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.Two thousand students were educated by the famous educator,_many of whom received further education later.(educate)‎ ‎2.He was appointed as headmaster and wanted to tell his girlfriend the good news at the appointed time, but she missed their appointment somehow.(appoint)‎ ‎3.Previous experience is an essential qualification for the job. We welcome applications from suitably qualified individuals.(qualify)‎ ‎4.Apart from the textbooks, I often refer to other reference ‎→invention n.发明,创造 ‎7.appointment n.约会,预约;任命,委任→appoint vt.约定,指定,确定;任命,委任 ‎8.type vt.打字→typewriter vt.打字机→typist n.打字员 ‎9.qualification n.资格,资历→qualify vt.使合格,取得……资格→qualified adj.有资格的 ‎10.assumption n.假定,假设→assume vt.假定,假设 ‎ materials to assist my studies.(refer)‎ ‎5.Midterm examination is an evaluation of the basic capabilities and study, so you must take the exam to evaluate your learning performance.(evaluate)‎ ‎6.My cousin is weak in running. We all worry about his weight, but he can't overcome his weakness for fatty foods.(weak)‎ ‎7.Tell your doctor with the accuracy of the symptom so that he can give you the accurate treatment. If you are not treated accurately,_you'll be in danger.(accurate)‎ ‎8.“Houses” have been the most popular area for inventions in the past and even now. There you can also see some pictures of the inventors.(invent)‎ ‎(二)常用短语 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.turn_to   向……求助;转向 ‎ ‎2.at_sb.'s_command 受某人支配 ‎3.what_is_more 更有甚者,更为重要的是 ‎4.up_to_date 最新的;现代的;时髦的 ‎5.drop_out 退学,辍学;退出,脱离 ‎6.comb_(through)_sth._(for) 仔细搜寻 ‎7.a_bunch_of 一串,一束;大量,大批 ‎8.keep_..._in_mind 记住,牢记 ‎9.have_positive_effects_on 对……有积极影响 ‎10.take_..._into_consideration 把……考虑在内 ‎11.belong_to 属于 ‎12.set_a_good_example_to_sb. 给某人树立好的榜样 ‎13.stand_for 代表,象征 ‎14.make_a_difference 有关系;有影响 ‎1.I'm very strong and I am fond of dancing and singing. What_is_more,_I'm outgoing and warmhearted.‎ ‎2.According to the research, women tend_to jobs requiring speech skills.‎ ‎3.If you run into any problems at school, you can turn_to your teacher for help.‎ ‎4.I dropped_out of the play because I had too much work to do.‎ ‎5.He came from the Sudan without a word of English at_his_command.‎ ‎6.Everyone present at the meeting was in_favor_of what he put forward.‎ ‎7.On Valentine's Day, Jack presented his girlfriend a_bunch_of flowers.‎ ‎8.Only when we match our words with actions (言行一致) can we make_a_difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.‎ ‎15.communicate_with 与……交流 ‎16.tend_to 往往会,趋于 ‎17.search_for 寻找 ‎18.in_favor_of 支持,赞成 ‎9.In China, these knots (中国结) stand_for friendship, love and good luck.‎ ‎10.Since we're League members, we should set_a_good_example_to others.‎ ‎(三)经典句式 原句背诵 句式解构 佳句仿写 ‎1.Without the Internet, these people would have fewer avenues to meet people. ‎ 如果没有因特网,这些人与别人交往的途径就会更少。‎ without引导的介词短语表示虚拟条件,相当于if引导的虚拟条件句。‎ 要是没有长江,可以说就不会有江南文化。(2017·北京高考写作佳句) ‎ Without_the_Yangtze_River,_I may say, there would be no Jiangnan culture.‎ ‎2.Usually, people try to put correct information on the Internet, but not every person bothers to read over their own writing and make corrections. ‎ 通常,人们尽量把正确的信息放在因特网上,但并非每个人都会费心去阅读他们所写的内容并做修改。‎ 部分否定:当not与every, each, all, both等连用时,无论not的位置如何,都表示部分否定,意为“并非都”。‎ 众所周知,不是所有的人都愿意给那些渴望在比赛中获胜的人投票。(2016·江苏高考满分作文) ‎ As is known to us all, not_all_the_people are willing to vote for the people who are eager to be the winners in ‎ competitions.‎ ‎3.Follow these tips, and your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile. ‎ 遵循这些窍门儿的话,你在网上做研究所花的时间就会更加值得。‎ ‎“祈使句+and+陈述句”句型,祈使句相当于if引导的条件状语从句。‎ 请告诉我,我会给你寄些书的。(2016·北京高考写作佳句) Please_tell_me,_and_ I'll send you some books.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(四)初中考点再回顾 高频考查类——记熟 文化差异类——辨清 易忘易错类——勤览 ‎1.make_a_decision  做决定 ‎2.make_a_mess 弄得一团糟 ‎3.make_a_mistake_in_...‎ ‎ 在某方面犯错误 ‎4.look through 浏览 ‎5.look up to 钦佩;仰慕 ‎1.serious enough  足够认真 ‎2.at the picnic 在野餐 ‎3.run through the field 跑过田野 ‎4.shout back angrily 生气地回应 ‎5.talk back 顶嘴;反驳 ‎1.light pollution  光污染 ‎2.ecosystem n. 生态系统 ‎3.noise pollution 噪音污染 ‎4.environmental protection ‎ 环境保护 ‎5.at the top of the food chain在食物链的顶端 一、过重点单词—— ‎1.command n.命令;控制;掌握 vt.命令;指挥;控制 ‎[高考佳句] Besides, I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.(2015·陕西高考书面表达)‎ 另外,我精通英语,以至于我被选为英语课代表。‎ ‎(1)at sb.'s command     受某人支配;听从某人吩咐 in command of 控制 have a good command of 精通 take command of 指挥,控制 under sb.'s command 由某人指挥 ‎(2)command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 ‎ command that ... 命令……‎ ‎[多角练透] ‎ 完成句子 ‎①If you do not serve others, you can not take_command_of them. ‎ 不能服务他人者,无法指挥他人。‎ ‎②Only when you have_a_good_command_of vocabulary will reading no longer be your obstacle. ‎ 只有掌握充足的词汇,阅读才不会成为你的拦路虎。‎ 一句多译 老板命令我们一个小时内完成这项工作。‎ ‎③The boss commanded_that_we_(should)_finish_the_work in an hour.(command that)‎ ‎④The boss commanded_us_to_finish the work in an hour.(command sb. to do)‎ ‎[名师指津] command意为“命令”时,其后的名词性从句中的谓语用虚拟语气形式“(should+) do”。‎ ‎2.correspond vi.通信;相一致,符合;相当于 ‎[教材原句] What is more, people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can correspond and communicate with others around the globe who have similar interests.‎ 而且,残疾人和必须待在家里的人可以与全球有相似兴趣的其他人通信和交流。‎ ‎(1)correspond with/to ...  与……一致/相符/相类似 correspond with sb. 与某人通信 ‎(2)correspondence n. 一致,符合,通信 in correspondence with ... 与……通信,和……一致 hold/keep up correspondence with (sb.) 与(某人)保持通信联系 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I assure you my actions will correspond with/to my words.‎ ‎②Your account of the accident had little correspondence (correspond) with the story the other driver told.‎ 一句多译 大学毕业后,你一直和他通信吗?‎ ‎③Have you been corresponding_with him since you graduated from the university?‎ ‎④Have you been in_correspondence_with him since you graduated from the university?‎ 她刚才所说的同大多数人所持的观点不一致。‎ ‎⑤What she has just said isn't_in_correspondence_with the views of the majority. ‎ ‎⑥What she has just said doesn't_correspond_with/to the views of the majority.‎ ‎3.abandon vt.放弃;抛弃,舍弃 n.放任;纵情 ‎[教材原句] They would not have achieved their success if they had abandoned their dreams.‎ 如果他们放弃了他们的梦想,他们就不会取得成功。‎ ‎(1)abandon doing sth.    放弃做某事 abandon oneself to ... 沉湎于……;纵情于……‎ ‎(2)with abandon 放纵地;放任地 ‎(3)abandoned adj. 无约束的;无度的;被遗弃的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Feeling abandoned (abandon) and guilty, I put on my gym shoes to get some fresh air.‎ ‎②They abandoned carrying (carry) out the plan because of the lack of money.‎ 完成句子 ‎③Many young people decided to abandon_buying_houses in big cities because of the high price.‎ 由于房价太高,许多年轻人决定放弃在大城市买房子。‎ ‎④Those who abandon_themselves_to despair can not succeed.‎ 那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。‎ ‎⑤The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms with_abandon.‎ 那些女孩子跳上跳下尽情地挥舞着手臂。‎ ‎4.classify vt.分类, 归类 ‎[教材原句] The links that you get are not classified by subject.‎ 你获得的链接并没有根据主题分类。‎ ‎(1)classify ... as ...       把……归类为……‎ classify ... by ... 按照……划分……‎ classify ... into ... 把……分为……‎ ‎(2)classified adj. 分类的,类别的 classification n. 分类;类别 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①He glanced his eyes down the classified (classify) advertisements while waiting for the bus.‎ ‎②For the convenience of our classification (classify), any over eighteen years old counts as an adult. ‎ 完成句子 ‎③Memory can be_classified_into shortterm and longterm memory.‎ 记忆可分为短期记忆和长期记忆。‎ ‎④Would you_classify_her_novels_as serious literature or others?‎ 你认为她的小说属于严肃文学类,还是其他类?‎ ‎⑤The books in the library are_classified_by_subject.‎ 图书馆的书是按照科目分类的。‎ ‎5.relevant adj.紧密相关的,切题的;有价值的,有意义的 ‎[教材原句] Most often, the information in subject directories has been evaluated, and someone has decided that the information is ‎ relevant and correct.‎ 通常说来,主题目录里的信息是经过了评估的,人们已确定了这些信息的相关性和正确性。‎ ‎ (1)be relevant to      和……有关 ‎ (2)relevance n. 相关性;关联 have relevance to 与……有关 ‎[题点全练] 单句语法填空 ‎①I don't think what he said is directly relevant to the matter in hand.‎ ‎②The economic improvement has the highly positive relevance to the urbanization level.‎ ‎③There are additional publications of special relevance (relevant) to new graduates.‎ ‎6.bother vi.& vt.花费时间、精力(做某事);打扰,给某人造成麻烦n.麻烦,不便 ‎[教材原句] Usually, people try to put correct information on the Internet, but not every person bothers to read over their own writing and make corrections. ‎ 通常,人们尽量把正确的信息放在因特网上,但并非每个人都会费心阅读他们所写的内容并做修改。‎ ‎(1) bother to do/doing sth.   费心做某事 bother sb. with/about sth. 为某事打扰或麻烦某人 bother about/with sth./sb. 为某事而烦恼/为某人而费心 It bothers sb.that ... 使某人苦恼的是……‎ ‎(2)put sb. to bother 给某人添乱 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句改错 ‎①I don't know why he bothers me this kind of rubbish.me后加with/about ‎②I was so uninterested in the result that I didn't even bother to looking at it.去掉to或looking→look 完成句子 ‎③I don't want to put_him_to_any_bother,_so I try doing it by myself.‎ 我不想给他添乱,所以,我试着靠自己做这件事。‎ ‎④Don't bother_yourself_about me; I'm doing quite well.‎ 别为我操心,我一切安好。‎ ‎⑤It_bothers_me_that this should have happened.‎ 我很心烦竟然发生这种事。 ‎ ‎7.acknowledge vt.承认;认可;感谢;告知(信件、礼物等)已收到 ‎[教材原句] When you are finished, you should always acknowledge where you got your data by attaching a list of the websites you got your information from.‎ 当你写完报告后,你总是应该附上你获取信息的网站列表,表明你对所获资料的来源的感谢。‎ ‎[练牢基点] 写出下列句中acknowledge的含义 ‎①I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.感谢 ‎②With so much evidence against him he had to acknowledge his error. 承认 ‎③It is acknowledged that the shortest distance between persons ‎ is a sincere smile.认可 ‎④I wrote him a letter to acknowledge the receipt of the book he sent me._告知(信件、礼物等)已收到 ‎[系统考点]‎ acknowledge sb.'s (doing) sth.  承认某人(做了)某事 acknowledge sth./that ... 承认……‎ acknowledge sth./sb. to be/as ... 承认某事/某人是……‎ It is generally/widely/universally acknowledged that ...‎ ‎ ……是大家公认的 ‎[练通重点]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎⑤It is a truth which is universally acknowledged (acknowledge) that wealth doesn't necessarily mean happiness.‎ ‎⑥She is acknowledged as one of the best typists in our company.‎ 一句多译 人们普遍认为阅读在英语学习中占有重要地位。‎ ‎⑦People_universally_acknowledge_that reading plays an important part in learning English.‎ ‎⑧It_is_universally_acknowledged_that reading plays an important part in learning English.‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control.‎ ‎2.It is acknowledged that culture and language are associated ‎ with each other.‎ ‎3.If people feel hopeless, they don't bother to_acquire/acquiring (acquire) the skills they need to succeed. ‎ ‎4.I practise gratitude for my life every single day and I feel the abundance (abundant) in everything I have now.‎ ‎5.Living creatures are classified into plants, animals and protists.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Teamwork is acknowledged to the most important aspect of any enterprise. to→as ‎2.He is abandoned to read all kinds of books in his spare time. read→reading ‎3.You can take focus on one of your skills and learn a trade that is relevant with that skill.with→to ‎4.We told him that our services were completely by his command.by→at Ⅲ.一句多译 ‎1.老师命令所有的学生立即集合。‎ ‎①The teacher gave_a_command that all the pupils gather at once.(command n.)‎ ‎②The teacher commanded_that all the pupils gather at once.(command v.)‎ ‎③The teacher commanded_all_the_pupils to gather at once.(command v.)‎ ‎2.一直没有对他讲真话,这让我很苦恼。‎ ‎①It_bothers_me_not_to have told him the truth.(bother sb. to ‎ do sth.)‎ ‎②It_bothers_me_that I haven't told him the truth.(bother that ...)‎ ‎③Not having told him the truth puts_me_to_bother.(put sb. to bother)‎ 二、过短语、句式—— ‎1.turn to向……求助;转向;翻到;查阅;开始从事 ‎[教材原句] When people need information, from the news and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research, the Internet is now the first source they turn to.‎ 如今,当人们需要信息时,无论是时事新闻、天气预报还是旅游线路、学术研究,因特网都是他们的首选。‎ ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中turn to的含义 ‎①Follow the main road until it branches and then turn to the left.转向 ‎②While in trouble, you can turn to her for help.求助于 ‎③If you turn to page 40, you will find it.翻到 ‎④After he left university he became a teacher, but later turned to journalism.开始从事 ‎[归纳拓展]‎ turn away     转过脸去;拒绝(某人)进入 turn against 反对;背叛 turn down 调小(音量等);拒绝 turn up 调大(音量等);出现;到场 turn off 关掉 turn in 上交 turn out 结果是;证明是 turn over 翻转;反复考虑;移交 It didn't rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck. ‎ 天没下雨,结果成了件幸事。 ‎ Don't forget to turn off the light when you leave the room. ‎ 你离开房间时别忘了关灯。‎ ‎2.drop out退学,辍学;退出,脱离 ‎[教材原句] One university did a study about the students who had dropped out, and found that 43 per cent of them were heavy Internet users. ‎ 某大学曾对退学的学生做过一项调查,发现43%的人痴迷于网络。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎①drop out of ...   退出……‎ ‎②drop off 中途下客或卸货;减少,下降;打盹 ‎③drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人 ‎④drop in at a place 顺便拜访某地 ‎[应用领悟]‎ ‎①The Hope Project is designed to help those children who drop out of school because of poverty.‎ 希望工程旨在帮助那些因为贫困而辍学的孩子。‎ ‎②Is there any chance you could drop off this package for me at the post office? ‎ 你可不可以帮我把这个包裹顺路送到邮局去? ‎ ‎3.祈使句+and+陈述句 Follow these tips, and your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile.‎ 遵循这些窍门儿的话,你在网上搞研究所花的时间就会更加值得。‎ ‎(1)本句是“祈使句+and+陈述句”句型。它表示“如果……就……”,其中祈使句相当于一个if引导的条件状语从句,and之后的句子相当于主句。‎ ‎(2)“祈使句+or (else)/otherwise+陈述句”表示“……否则……”‎ ‎(3)在“祈使句+并列连词+陈述句”句型中,也可以用“名词+并列连词+陈述句”表示。‎ ‎①Stay with happy people and_you_will_be_happy every day.‎ 和快乐的人在一起,你就会每天都快乐。‎ ‎②Work harder, or_you_won't_pass the exam.‎ 学习再努力些,否则你是不会通过考试的。‎ ‎③A_bit_more_effort,_I think, and you will settle the problem.‎ 再努力点,我认为,你就会解决那个问题。‎ ‎4.without引导的含蓄条件句 Without the Internet, these people would have fewer avenues to meet people.‎ 如果没有因特网,这些人与别人交往的途径就会更少。‎ 介词短语without the Internet为含蓄条件句,相当于由if引导的非真实条件句(if there were no Internet),所以句子用虚拟语气。类似的表达还有:but for, otherwise, or else等。‎ ‎①Without your help, the job would_have_never_been_completed in time. ‎ 要是没有您的帮忙,工作便无法按时完成了。‎ ‎②But_for the rain we should have had a pleasant journey. ‎ 要不是下雨,我们会有一次愉快的旅行。‎ ‎③My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn't_have_afforded the trip. ‎ 我父母借钱给我了。否则,我可付不起这次旅费。 ‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.You'll never go to college if you drop out of high school.‎ ‎2.We had been waiting for him for a long time, yet he didn't turn up.‎ ‎3.I couldn't have gone through that bitter period without your generous help.‎ ‎4.A few minutes earlier, and you could have seen the famous scientist.‎ ‎5.Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future belongs to the welleducated.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Keep in the mind that you have to be home by 11 o'clock.去掉the ‎2.I think there are other things to take in consideration when you are searching. in→into ‎3.Please turn on the television. I have to study for tomorrow's test.on→off ‎4.Read this story, or you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.or→and ‎5.What you have told me may make difference to my own position.make后加a Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1.You should remember it, and_what's_more,_you should get it right. ‎ 你应该记住它,更重要的是,应该正确理解它。‎ ‎2.Listen_to the teacher carefully in class, or_you_can't catch what he is saying.‎ 上课认真听老师讲,否则你就会听不懂他所讲的。‎ ‎3.But for the storm, we should_have_arrived_earlier.‎ 要不是碰到暴雨,我们还会早些到。‎ ‎4.While you are in trouble, you can turn_to_her_for_help.‎ 遇到麻烦的时候你就去向她求助。‎ ‎5.The Smiths dropped_in_on_some_old_friends on their vacation trip to New York.‎ 史密斯一家去纽约度假时顺道拜访了一些老朋友。‎ 三、过语法、写作—— ‎(一)单元小语法 ‎  ——助动词 用适当的助动词填空 ‎1.In the past, many students didn't (not) know the importance of English.‎ ‎2.I haven't (not) seen him for a long time.‎ ‎3.Only when we began our college life did we realize the importance of English.‎ ‎4.I bought this watch here yesterday, but it doesn't (not) work now.‎ ‎5.He will come to the office this afternoon.‎ ‎6.These books are not supposed to be taken out of the readingroom.‎ ‎(二)课堂微写作 ‎  练补写——让行文更条理 ‎[题目要求]‎ 网络投票已变得越来越流行,人们对它的看法褒贬不一。‎ ‎[补写提示] 根示线索提示补写下列习作的中间段落 With the rapid development of the Internet, online voting has been gaining popularity. It brings several advantages, influencing people actively. However, online voting has adverse effects, and considering too much about personal emotion may cause inequality.‎ 网络投票的好处(人们有更多的机会参与各种各样的社会生活、正面的社会形象带来更多的社会利益)→并非所有的人都喜欢参与投票→网络投票也会导致不公平。‎ From my own perspective, online voting should be treated rationally. Neither should we embrace online voting aimlessly nor can we deny it completely.‎ ‎[答案示例]‎ With the rapid development of the Internet, online voting has been gaining popularity. It brings several advantages, influencing people actively. However, online voting has adverse effects, and considering too much about personal emotion may cause inequality.‎ Online_voting_may_indeed_offer_people_more_opportunities_to_participate_in_a_variety_of_social_activities_without_expending_too_much_effort._Moreover,_wider_and_better_social_benefits_can_be_reached_with_the_positive_social_images_built._Everything_is_doubleedged._As_is_known_to_us_all,_not_all_the_people_are_willing_to_vote_for_the_people_who_are_eager_to_be_the_winners_in_competitions._What's_worse,_fairness_will_undoubtedly_be_affected_due_to_the_emotional_factor_resulting_from_interpersonal_relationships.‎ From my own perspective, online voting should be treated rationally. Neither should we embrace online voting aimlessly nor can we deny it completely.‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A Public Art Manager in University College London (UCL)‎ Location: Central London, Greater London Job level: Management Education level: Undergraduate degree (or equivalent)‎ Salary: £42,304 - £49,904 per year Hours: Fulltime UCL department: UCL Culture ‎  The appointment will be fulltime on UCL Grade 8. UCL ‎ Culture manages museums, theatres and collections and facilitates engagement within and outside of UCL. We bring diverse performers and audiences into the heart of UCL to enrich the student experience and fuel UCL's creative culture with cuttingedge cultural experiences. We use our objects, insights and expertise to reframe questions and surface new ideas.‎ The post holder will develop and deliver a public art strategy for UCL and an accompanying events programme that can make the public and communities take part in UCL research and teaching through arts and culture. The successful candidate will have experience of managing complex and largescale public art projects and building ‎ relationships with artists, contractors and community groups. They will have experience of contributing to and implementing (实施) organizational strategy, the ability to communicate clearly both orally and in writing and an interest in community engagement.‎ For further information about this post contact Sophie Elgood (s. elgood@ ucl. ac. uk).‎ For further details about the vacancy and how to apply online please go to http://www. ucl. ac. uk/hr/jobs/ and search on Reference Number 1617169.‎ We particularly welcome applications from black and minority ethnic candidates as they are underrepresented within UCL at this level.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一则招聘广告,介绍了一所大学招聘“公共艺术经理”的相关信息。‎ ‎21.What work experience should the chosen public art manager ‎ have?‎ A.Having managed museum affairs.‎ B.Having organized large art events.‎ C.Having taught art college students.‎ D.Having worked as an art manager.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文中的“The successful candidate will have experience of managing complex and largescale public art projects”可知,这个岗位要求应聘者负责过大型的公共艺术项目,即组织过大型的艺术活动。‎ ‎22.Why are black candidates more likely to be chosen?‎ A.To guarantee more options.‎ B.To show they haven't racial discrimination.‎ C.To have a balanced staff structure.‎ D.To increase the competition among applicants.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据最后一段“We particularly welcome applications from black and minority ethnic candidates as they are underrepresented within UCL at this level”可知,学校该级别的员工中黑人和少数民族群体的人数较少,其代表性不足,故他们被雇用的可能性更大,因为该大学希望其员工结构更加均衡。本题的解题关键在于理解underrepresented“代表人数不足的,代表人数低于适当比例的”。‎ ‎23.What type of writing is this passage?‎ A.An introduction to UCL.‎ B.A guide to UCL.‎ C.An activity ad.‎ D.A job ad.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,本文是一则伦敦大学学院的招聘广告,招聘职位是Public Art Manager,故选D。‎ B Elon Musk is a man of big ambition. He says his goal is to save humanity. And as strange as that sounds, the South Africanborn, CanadianAmerican inventor might actually be doing it.‎ On December 22nd, SpaceX, the company Musk founded, successfully launched its reusable Falcon 9 rocket. The moment furthered Musk's goal of making space travel more affordable and eventually colonizing Mars for humanity's longterm survival. As if this wasn't enough, Musk, 44, is also the founder of Tesla, an electric car company. He has also helped to create three Internet startups including the online payment company PayPal. All of them could be said to have turned their industries upside down.‎ The companies Musk started cover three areas: the Internet, sustainable energy and exploring space. Since college, Musk has believed that those areas will most affect the future of humanity and that he should spend his life working on them. “There's no shortage of people with a vision for the future,” Microsoft founder Bill Gates said to Vogue magazine. “What makes Elon special is his ability to make his vision come true.”‎ Nothing showed this ability better than the crisis Musk faced in 2008. In 2008, both SpaceX and Tesla were in real danger. SpaceX's three launches had all failed and the company could afford only one more launch. But everything soon turned around. In September 2008, ‎ SpaceX launched its fourth rocket and it succeeded. It won a $1.6 billion contract with NASA. SpaceX was saved. Musk then shocked the investors and the tech world by pouring his entire personal savings into saving Tesla.‎ Despite his success, Musk's ambition has not gone away. He has also been working on other ambitious projects in recent years.‎ 语篇解读:本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了天才创业冒险家——埃隆·马斯克 。‎ ‎24.What do Musk's companies have in common?‎ A.They all gained an instant success.‎ B.Their goal is to offer affordable space travel.‎ C.Their development wasn't optimistic at first.‎ D.They had a revolutionary effect on their own fields.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第二段的内容,尤其是最后一句“All of them could be said to have turned their industries upside down”可知,Musk的公司在它们各自所属的领域产生了革命性的影响。‎ ‎25.What do Bill Gates' words indicate?‎ A.There're many creative people.‎ B.Not everyone's dream can come true.‎ C.Successful people have a vision for the future.‎ D.Ability of practice accounts for Musk's success.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。由第三段中Bill Gates所说的话,尤其是“What makes Elon special is his ability to make his vision come true”可推断,Bill Gates意在说明Musk成功的关键在于他的执行力。故选D。‎ ‎26.Which words can best describe Musk?‎ A.Devoted and accessible.‎ B.Creative and determined.‎ C.Adventurous and aggressive.‎ D.Ambitious and sympathetic.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第四段的最后一句“Musk then shocked the investors and the tech world by pouring his entire personal savings into saving Tesla”可以看出,Musk拥有敢于冒险的精神;根据第一段和最后一段的“ambition”可以看出Musk是具有上进心的,故选C。‎ ‎27.Where may the passage be taken from?‎ A.Popular fiction. B.A biography.‎ C.A speech. D.A study.‎ 解析:选B 文章出处题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了天才创业冒险家——埃隆·马斯克,故最有可能出自人物传记,选B。A项表示“通俗小说”。‎ C ‎(2018·贵州省贵阳市六中调研)A decade ago, secondary and higher education was prized above all else. Apprenticeships (学徒工作) were viewed as an option for dropouts rather than a daring career choice. And the young men and women who didn't fit into the school system, preferring to create startups and focus on making a living in the business world, were dismissed as wheelerdealers (投机者).‎ Now ‎ there're_no_birds_of_this_year_in_last_year's_nests. Young people are being encouraged to think carefully about whether academia is right for them — this trend has been fuelled by rising university fees and a global shortage of many skills that were passed over in schools in recent years, ranging from web development to sales.‎ Young people are required to stay in some kind of education or training until they are 18, but this learning may now take many forms. The Government runs its own platform to help interested youths find an apprenticeship that suits their skills and ambitions.‎ Tom Hartley, who runs a highend performance and classic car business based in Derbyshire, founded his first company at just 12 years old. “I had no school education,” he says. “Business was how I learned everything. I call it the Hartley University of Life.”‎ His business, 43 years on, turns over £ 200m, and sells cars to highnetworth individuals across the globe, from Hollywood celebrities to foreign royalty. Many years ago, Hartley was asked to explain why he had chosen to be selfeducated and why he had supported his son Carl's decision to leave school and join the family business instead.‎ ‎“I got a lot of criticism at the time,” he says. “I tried to explain that you can't teach gut feelings on a blackboard and that school is fine if you want to be a doctor or fly a rocket to the moon but otherwise it's all about experience in business.”‎ 语篇解读:十年前,人们很重视中高等教育,学徒工作被认为是辍学者的一种选择,而不是一种大胆的职业选择。而如今,情况已发生了改变,年轻人被鼓励认真思考学术是否适合他们,如若不适合,他们可以放弃教育而开始创业。‎ ‎28.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 indicate?‎ A.The situation above has changed.‎ B.Education is no more important nowadays.‎ C.Things change for the worse for dropouts.‎ D.University fees are becoming higher and higher.‎ 解析:选A 句意理解题。根据第一段的内容及第二段中的“Young people are being encouraged to think carefully about whether academia is right for them ... ranging from web development to sales”可知,此处指的应是第一段中所讲述的情况随着时间的推移发生了变化。所以A项正确。‎ ‎29.Which statement may the author agree with?‎ A.Education is the only way to success.‎ B.Education systems change from time to time.‎ C.School dropouts could be future business stars.‎ D.School dropouts were common among youngsters.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。文章第二、三段告诉我们,如今不擅长学术的年轻人被鼓励放弃接受教育而开始创业。第四、五段指出,Tom Hartley没受过什么教育,12岁就开始创业,并且他的汽车生意经营得很成功。由此可知,昔日的辍学者未来可能会在商界取得成功。所以C项正确。‎ ‎30.What does the author say about Tom Hartley?‎ A.He attaches more value to experience than to education.‎ B.He was supported in founding his first company.‎ C.He is welleducated and farsighted.‎ D.He is brave and openminded.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“founded his first ‎ company at just 12 years old”可知,小小年纪就创业,Tom应该是很勇敢的;再根据第五段中的“he had supported his son Carl's decision to leave school and join the family business instead”可知,支持自己儿子辍学经商的Tom是开明的,故选D。‎ ‎31.How does the author prove his view?‎ A.By giving an example. B.By making a comparison.‎ C.By analyzing causes. D.By listing figures.‎ 解析:选A 写作手法题。通读全文可知,作者主要是通过列举Tom Hartley的成功故事来说明他的观点的。所以A项正确。‎ D ‎(2018·青海省平安县一中质检)A record of 6.15 million trips was made by Chinese mainland tourists to overseas destinations during the sevenday Spring Festival holiday, which ended on Thursday, according to the China National Tourism Administration. That is an increase of 7 percent compared with last year's Spring Festival. About 374,000 trips were organized by travel agencies, a 2.5 percent increase.‎ The administration also reported growth from individual and highend (高端的) travelers and said that in addition to top and coastal cities, inland cities — such as those in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region — became important source markets. With many Chinese now traveling abroad for Spring Festival, their choice of destinations has expanded along with their growing interest in foreign cultures and services.‎ ‎“Chinese tourists are increasingly willing to experience local cultures and services, including staying in private homes,‎ ‎ appreciating plants and watching monkeys in hot springs,” Li Xuejing, the agency's marketing manager, said.‎ A Chinese tourist surnamed Guo, who was vacationing on an island in the Philippines, said: “I now pay more attention to relaxation and enjoyment during the holidays instead of shopping or choosing gifts for relatives.”‎ Another choice is Britain. Though the devaluation (货币贬值) of the pound is a factor, Britain's rich history and famous education tradition have caught the eye of Chinese.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道。国家旅游局统计,在今年春节期间去海外旅游的游客人数比去年同期有所增长。文章分析了造成这一现象的原因。‎ ‎32.How many trips were made to foreign countries during the Golden Week of this Spring Festival holiday?‎ A.6,150,000. B.2,500,000.‎ C.7,000,000. D.374,000.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句“A record of 6.15 million trips was made by Chinese mainland tourists to overseas destinations during the sevenday Spring Festival holiday, which ended on Thursday, according to the China National Tourism Administration”可知,在春节黄金周期间,中国大陆赴海外旅游的人次达到6 150 000,故A项正确。‎ ‎33.What can we learn about some inland cities in Guangxi?‎ A.They're reported to have become important attractions.‎ B.They're famous for all kinds of plants and monkeys.‎ C.They have the best hot spring in the world.‎ D.They belong to coastal source markets.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“in addition to top and coastal cities, inland cities — such as those in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region — became important source markets”可知,广西壮族自治区的许多城市也成了重要的旅游地,故A项正确。‎ ‎34.What would Miss Guo do on her vacation according to the text?‎ A.Go shopping for gifts.‎ B.Study foreign cultures.‎ C.Relax and enjoy herself.‎ D.Chat with her relatives.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段的“I now pay more attention to relaxation and enjoyment during the holidays instead of shopping or choosing gifts for relatives”可知,这位郭姓游客认为现在她的旅游目的是放松和享受而不是购物或为亲人挑选礼物;据此可知,她在旅游期间会放松和享受。‎ ‎35.Where does the text probably come from?‎ A.A guide book. B.A newspaper.‎ C.A scientific magazine. D.An advertisement.‎ 解析:选B 文章出处题。通读全文可知,文章第一段的第一句为文章主题句;结合下文内容可知,文章属于新闻报道,符合新闻报道文体的结构特征:先写明报道主题,接着分析原因。故B项正确。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ Tips to Manage Stress You can't rid stress from your life completely, but you can ‎ reduce it. Know that it takes some efforts because you may have to make changes in your attitude and lifestyle. Reducing stress requires that you know how you react to stress. If you know, you can change your behavior. __36__. See the glass as half full instead of half empty. Also, develop a strategy for handling stressful situations. This way, you won't be caught off guard (措手不及). Here are the helpful tips:‎ ‎● __37__‎ When your body is healthy, it can stand up to stress. Keep your body healthy and strong with nutritious foods.A lowfat diet helps slow the progress of some stressrelated diseases. Avoid caffeine (咖啡因), nicotine (尼古丁) and alcohol.‎ ‎●Laugh ‎__38__. When you laugh or just smile, the blood which flows to the brain is increased. It is due to the release of endorphins (内啡肽) which results in a drop in the level of stress hormones (荷尔蒙).‎ ‎●Be social When you feel stress, your instincts tell you to isolate yourself. When you withdraw, you allow yourself to concentrate more on the problem, which makes your stress level greater. __39__. Be around with young children, who can help make you forget yourself and your worries.‎ ‎●Know your stress and personality Do you know how to react to stress? Do you yell and kick the furniture? Or do you retreat into stony silence? __40__. Make note of any stressor, the time, the place, how you feel, and what you do as a result. By knowing your own personality, you can learn to respond to stress before you reach the crisis mode.‎ A.Call friends B.Support your coworkers C.Add good nutrition and exercise D.Keep a stress diary for two weeks E.Participate as actively as possible F.Try to be more optimistic and confident G.It may be one of the healthiest ways to reduce stress 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了几种应对压力的方法和策略。‎ ‎36.解析:选F 由下文的“See the glass as half full instead of half empty”可推知,改变态度很重要,要努力变得更加乐观和自信,所以选F项。‎ ‎37.解析:选C 空处为本段的标题,根据本段中的“Keep your body healthy and strong with nutritious foods”可知,本段主要讲的是增加营养和多锻炼身体可以应对压力,故选C项。‎ ‎38.解析:选G 根据常识并结合本段的整体内容可推知,笑也许是减少压力的最健康的方法之一,所以选G项。选项G中的It代指“Laugh”。‎ ‎39.解析:选A 结合本段的标题“Be social”可推知,本段主要讲的是多参加社交活动,不要自我封闭,所以选A项。‎ ‎40.解析:选D 由下文的“Make note of any stressor, the time, the place, how you feel, and what you do as a result”可知,把与压力有关的东西都记下来,分析并采取相应的策略,这与D项契合,所以选D项。‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎(2018·福建省厦门市湖滨中学模拟)I lost my flat by accident, and then I discovered my car needed a new engine. That meant I would have to spend £1,000 to get the car back on the __41__. I suddenly found that I needed, first, somewhere to __42__ and second, something to travel around __43__.‎ I was trying to decide what to do when I __44__ the advertisement on a board: Converted (改装过的) ambulance __45__, £ 1,600. So I rang the number in the ad and __46__ to go and see it. It was love at first sight! I made a __47__ straight away. Two days later I was the __48__ owner of a converted camper van (野营车).‎ At first I was __49__. I wasn't sure whether I could handle it. __50__, gradually I've had feelings that I haven't __51__ before. Living in my van is just the __52__ of waking up in the morning, and, for the first few seconds, not knowing __53__ you are. Then you look out of the window; some strange trees __54__ you, and some beautiful scenery makes your heart beat __55__. Living in a flat in the city I missed all that.‎ Now I begin to __56__ what the travelers have been telling us. Living in a van is cheap. No rent. What's more, there's the sense of __57__ my new lifestyle has given me. I love being able to go where I want and when I want. It's __58__ to feel that the whole world is your home. It is no __59__ that so many people are __60__ their houses and going on the road.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。“我”的车发动机坏了,修理费很昂贵。偶然间“我”看中了一辆由救护车改装的野营车,立即买下了它。在这辆车里,“我”既可以居住,又可以旅游,觉得世界就是家,这种感觉真好。‎ ‎                   ‎ ‎41.A.side B.road C.spot D.platform 解析:选B 根据该句中的“get the car back on the ________”可以判断,此处是说,让“我”的汽车重返上路(road)则要花费“我”1 000英镑。A项意为“旁边”,C项意为“斑点,污渍”,D项意为“平台”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎42.A.drive B.relax C.work D.live 解析:选D 根据该句中的“somewhere”及上文中的“I lost my flat”可以判断,“我”突然意识到“我”首先需要有个地方居住(live),故D项正确。A项意为“驾驶”,B项意为“放松”,C项意为“工作”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎43.A.for B.through C.in D.at 解析:选C 根据该句中的“something to travel around ________”并结合常识可知,“我”还需要有一个坐在里面(in)驾驶着四处旅游的东西。故C项正确。‎ ‎44.A.took charge of B.made use of C.got hold of D.caught sight of 解析:选D 根据该句中的“when I ________ the advertisement on a board”可知,此处是说当“我”看到(caught sight of)公告牌上的广告时。A项意为“负责,控制”,B项意为“利用”,C项意为“抓住,找到”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎45.A.for sale B.on show C.in need D.under repair 解析:选A 根据空后的“£ 1,600”并结合空前的“advertisement”可知,这辆改装过的救护车是用来出售(for sale)的,故A项正确。B项意为“在展出”,C项意为“需要”,D项意为“在修理中”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎46.A.failed B.arranged C.applied D.hesitated 解析:选B 根据该句中的“to go and see it”及后一句“It was love at first sight”可知,“我”打进电话,并安排(arranged)时间去看看。A项意为“失败”,C项意为“申请”,D项意为“犹豫”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎47.A.difference B.suggestion C.decision D.comment 解析:选C 根据前一句“It was love at first sight”可知,“我”一下子就爱上它了,据此可知,“我”立即作出了决定,make a decision为固定搭配,意为“作出决定”。A项意为“差别”,B项意为“建议”,D项意为“评论”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎48.A.proud B.painful C.careless D.brave 解析:选A 根据该句中的“owner of a converted camper van (野营车)”并结合前一句所表达的“我”立即作出决定可知,两天后“我”成了骄傲的(proud)野营车车主。B项意为“痛苦的”;C项意为“粗心的”;D项意为“勇敢的”。‎ ‎49.A.unwilling B.confident C.satisfied D.nervous 解析:选D 根据后一句“I wasn't sure whether I could handle it”‎ 可知,“我”不知道是否可以控制这辆车,据此可以判断,刚驾驶时,“我”有点紧张(nervous),故D项正确。A项意为“不愿意的”;B项意为“自信的”;C项意为“满意的”。‎ ‎50.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.However D.Besides 解析:选C 前一句说不确定是否可以控制这辆车,空后说逐渐能够掌握驾驶技能,并享受驾驶这辆车,据此可以判断,空处前后为转折关系,故C项正确。‎ ‎51.A.suffered B.experienced C.hurt D.controlled 解析:选B 根据语境可知,该处表示“逐渐地,我有了未曾体验(experienced)过的感觉”,故B项正确。A项意为“遭受”,C项意为“弄伤”,D项意为“控制”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎52.A.fear B.tiredness C.excitement D.belief 解析:选C 根据前一句可知,“我”体验到了以前未曾体验过的感觉,据此可以判断,早晨在车子里醒来是让人兴奋(excitement)的,故C项正确。A项意为“恐惧”,B项意为“疲倦”,D项意为“信念”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎53.A.what B.where C.how D.who 解析:选B 根据该句中的“waking up in the morning, and, for the first few seconds, not knowing ________ you are”并结合常识可以判断,早晨在车里醒来“我”很兴奋,在开始的几秒里,不知道自己在哪里(where)。‎ ‎54.A.greet B.block C.protect D.guide 解析:选A 根据该句中的“some strange trees _______ you, and some beautiful scenery makes your heart beat ________”可以判断,此处是说在清晨,“我”驾驶着爱车,窗外的树在和你打招呼(greet),窗外的美景让你的心激动地(wildly)跳动。B项意为“阻塞”,C项意为 “保护”,D项意为“指导”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎55.A.softly B.strongly C.normally D.wildly 解析:选D 参见上题解析。A项意为“轻柔地”,B项意为“强烈地”,C项意为“正常地”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎56.A.doubt B.refuse C.appreciate D.ignore 解析:选C 根据本段内容可知,本段主要讲述在野营车里居住的种种优点,据此可以判断,“我”现在开始理解(appreciate)旅行者一直告诉我们的关于住在野营车里的优点。A项意为“怀疑”,B项意为“拒绝”,D项意为“忽视”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎57.A.freedom B.duty C.humor D.safety 解析:选A 根据语境可知,此外,还有“我”的新生活方式给“我”的自由(freedom)感,故A项正确。B项意为“责任”,C项意为“幽默”,D项意为“安全”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎58.A.terrible B.delightful C.useful D.boring 解析:选B 根据该句中的“to feel that the whole world is your ‎ home”可知,你会感觉到全世界就是你的家,据此可以判断,这种感觉是让人高兴的(delightful),故B项正确。A项意为“可怕的”,C项意为“有用的”,D项意为“令人厌烦的”,都与语境不符。‎ ‎59.A.chance B.way C.possibility D.wonder 解析:选D 根据该句中的“so many people are _______ their houses and going on the road”可知,此处是说怪不得有那么多人要离开家,行驶在路上。It is no wonder that ...为固定句型,意为“并不奇怪,不足为奇”,故D项正确。‎ ‎60.A.leaving B.designing C.buying D.building 解析:选A 参见上题解析。B项意为“设计”,C项意为“购买”,D项意为“建造”,都与语境不符。故A项正确。‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ This weekend I was delighted to show my parents around Seville, as they __61__ (come) for a short but sweet visit. Although the weather wasn't the best, we still made __62__ best of our time together.‎ Being reunited with the people you love in a new place __63__ (bring) such excitement. Showing them around the new city makes you __64__ (extraordinary) happy. For example, as Seville is known for flamenco (弗拉门科舞), I took them to see a famous __65__ (perform) my friends recommended to me, which gave us such a wonderful visual feast. Furthermore, getting to show your visitors the places __66__ (appeal) to you is a pleasant feeling, because you are eager to let them know where you love to spend your time. You are letting them get involved __67__ your new life. Also you have the ‎ opportunity __68__ (show) your loved ones the new places that they may fall in love with.‎ So, after a twoday trip, I feel pleased to have had the time to explore those __69__ (attraction) with my parents. I am already looking forward to their next visit __70__ I can show them more of what Seville offers and what I am still yet to discover.‎ 语篇解读:本文是记叙文。讲述了作者带着父母游玩塞维利亚的经历。‎ ‎61.came 考查时态。根据上文中的“This weekend”“was”可知,此处讲的是过去发生的事情,故应用一般过去时。下文中的“wasn't”“made”亦是提示。‎ ‎62.the 考查冠词。虽然天气不是很好,但是我们仍然充分利用了我们在一起的时间。make the best of“充分利用”,为固定搭配。‎ ‎63.brings 考查时态和主谓一致。和你所爱的人在一个新的地方团聚是如此让人兴奋。此处陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时;且动名词在句中作主语,谓语动词应用第三人称单数。故填brings。‎ ‎64.extraordinarily 考查词性转换。此处应用副词修饰形容词。extraordinarily“极其,非常”。‎ ‎65.performance 考查词性转换。我带他们去看了一场我朋友推荐的出名的表演,这让我们享受了一场美妙的视觉盛宴。根据空前的“a famous”及句意可知,空处应填名词performance“表演”。‎ ‎66.appealing 考查非谓语动词。此处表示“吸引你的地方”,appeal与places之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故需用其现在分词形式在句中作后置定语。appeal to“吸引,对……有吸引力”。‎ ‎67.in 考查介词。你是在让他们参与你的新生活。get involved in“参与……”,为固定搭配。‎ ‎68.to show 考查非谓语动词。opportunity后可跟动词不定式作后置定语,故填to show。‎ ‎69.attractions 考查名词单复数。我感到非常高兴能有时间和父母一起探索那些颇具吸引力的地方。attraction意为“有吸引力的事物”,为可数名词,且空前有those,故此处需用其复数形式。‎ ‎70.when 考查状语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导状语从句,且在从句中作时间状语,表示“当……时,在……期间”,故用when。‎ Ⅰ.写作规范增分练 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ Dear Amy,‎ I am the student from Xinhua Middle School. I am terribly sorry to have been heard that you are so bitter before having a lung cancer. At present, ACS decides that when you received a letter it will give me three cents. That will offer you so many courage. I do hope gradual you will manage to overcome all kind of difficulties, no matter how great they are. You are sure to make it. I will try my best to ask all my friends, schoolmates and relatives to write letters to you, what may help you a lot. It will give you more courage live on.‎ Yours,‎ Li Ming 答案:第一句:the→a 第二句:去掉been; before→after 第三句:received→receive; me→you 第四句:many→much 第五句:gradual→gradually; kind→kinds 第七句:what→which 第八句:live前加to 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎(2018·甘肃天水一中期中)假定你是李华。某中学生英语报社准备增设一个Environmental Protection的栏目,为此报社就报道内容与方式向读者征求建议。请你根据以下提示给编辑写封信,提出你的建议。‎ ‎1.报道内容广泛;‎ ‎2.报道应包括原因、危害,并重点突出应对方法;‎ ‎3.语言简单易懂,适合更多的读者。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考范文:‎ Dear editor,‎ I'm glad to know from your paper that you are asking readers for suggestions on your new section, Environmental Protection. Mine are as follows:‎ The section should cover a wide range of environmental concerns and meanwhile, each report should include causes, effects and more importantly, effective measures, thus making the public aware that everyone should and can do something to deal with environmental problems. Besides, reports should be written in simple English in order to attract as many readers as possible.‎ I'd appreciate it if you could take my tips into account and I do hope that your paper will make a difference to environmental protection.‎ Yours truly,‎ Li Hua Ⅱ.单元基础回扣练 ‎(一)单句语法填空 ‎1.Without electricity, human life would be different today.‎ ‎2.The discovery and use of knowledge has always been relevant to a human future.‎ ‎3.After careful deliberation, they agreed to abandon carrying (carry) out the project. ‎ ‎4.Would you drop in on us tomorrow evening for a chat? ‎ ‎5.Friends can be classified into two kinds: good friends and evil friends. ‎ ‎(二)单句改错 ‎1.Give me a chance, I will give you a wonderful surprise.I前加and ‎2.He commanded that all the gates were shut immediately in case the murderer escaped.were→be ‎3.That is universally acknowledged that water is indispensible to us.That→It ‎4.Topics for conversation should be relevant with the experiences and interests of the student. with→to ‎5.I have enough to contend with; don't bother about me with your problems.去掉about ‎(三)完成句子 ‎1.Be modest, or_(else)_otherwise you will lag behind.‎ 要谦虚,否则就要落后。‎ ‎2.But for your help we couldn't_have_succeeded in the experiment.‎ 如果没有你的帮助,我们的实验是不会成功的。‎ ‎3.His designs, for the most part, correspond_with the actual needs.‎ 他的设计绝大多数情况下都符合实际需要。‎ ‎4.If you stop working out, your muscles will_turn_to_fat.‎ 如果你停止锻炼,你的肌肉将变成脂肪。‎ ‎5.Cui Jian is_universally_acknowledged_as the pioneer of the rockandroll of Chinese mainland. ‎ 崔健被公认为是中国大陆摇滚乐的先驱。‎

