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课时作业 三十五  模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world ‎ 建议时间 / 40分钟 ‎                    ‎ 基础检测 Ⅰ.词形转换 ‎1.Mutual trust is still    (lack) to a certain extent due to a power relationship change but the gap between China and the US has narrowed.  ‎ ‎2. Your essay contains too much     (describe), and not enough discussion of the issues.  ‎ ‎3.When you have great demand for the services, the government would be more conscious of the    (urgent).  ‎ ‎4.The weather was freezing cold and the food was scarce. People died of    (starve) every day.  ‎ ‎5.Thailand's    (commit) to the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and willingness to deepen cooperation with China showed confidence in clean energy companies.  ‎ Ⅱ.单句填空 ‎6.What a shame! If only I    (inform) him of the news.  ‎ ‎7.—Hey, do you like the heavy metal music that I am playing?‎ ‎—To be honest, I don't. I'd rather you    (keep)silent.  ‎ ‎8.We lost our way in that small village; otherwise we     (visit) more places of interest yesterday.  ‎ ‎9.How I wish I    (see) her off at the station, but I was too busy.  ‎ ‎10.They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation, or they    (come) to our help.  ‎ Ⅲ.短语填空 if only, think back to, in addition to, break down, remind sb of ‎ ‎11.         the works of Da Vinci, the exhibition also deliberately placed some art history documents in scattered places.  ‎ ‎12.The computer system        suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.  ‎ ‎13.It's raining cats and dogs.        I had taken an umbrella.  ‎ ‎14.The witness was asked to        the traffic accident happening last week.  ‎ ‎15.The picture on the wall often         (I) the experience in Scotland.  ‎ Ⅳ.句型训练 ‎16.The problem is           . (be+adj.+to do) ‎ 这个问题很容易处理。‎ ‎17.He             his homework in order to go out to play. (pretend) ‎ 为了能出去玩,他假装已经完成了他的作业。‎ ‎18.I             the club. (would rather) ‎ 我宁愿你没有加入这家俱乐部。‎ ‎19.            a little longer! (if only) ‎ 要是她能活得再久一些,那该多好啊!‎ ‎20.He hurried to the booking office                that all the tickets had been sold out. (only to do) ‎ 他匆匆忙忙赶到售票处,结果被告知票已售罄。‎ 能力提升 Ⅴ.阅读理解 词数:310  主题:加拿大之旅  文体:记叙文 Many years ago, when we first went to Canada, we were driving through Montana to Colorado with our two children. We thought we would find a motel(汽车旅馆) on the way and had not made a booking. As it was getting late, we started looking for a motel, only to find that all were booked. ‎ Finally, around 9 pm, we stopped at a gas station to fill up on gas. My husband asked for a phone book and told the woman at the counter that we were trying to find a motel. He tried for 15 minutes. When he was unsuccessful, the woman, Linda, said she and her family lived nearby and would be happy if we spent the night at her home. ‎ My husband was stunned at her offer. She called her son to direct us, since she had to hold the fort at the gas station till midnight. ‎ When we reached their home, her husband greeted us. He took out two sleeping bags for the children. He invited us to have coffee and chat while we waited for his wife. When she came back, we asked if we could slip away in the morning so as not to disturb them. They said we were now guests and we would have to have breakfast with them. ‎ We woke up to a table set for breakfast. They'd made a mountain of pancakes and bacon. We ate breakfast, and when we were leaving, my husband asked if he could offer some payment.‎ They insisted we were their guests. We left moved by their spirit of hospitality (好客). We were amazed that they would take in a family of total strangers from a different country. We kept in touch for many years. Over the years, we lost touch, but I have never forgotten their kindness. ‎ ‎21. What made the author upset at first?‎ A.They got lost in Canada. ‎ B.They ran out of gas. ‎ C.They had nowhere to stay. ‎ D.They were late for dinner. ‎ ‎22. What does the underlined word “stunned” in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A.Troubled. B.Surprised. ‎ C.Disappointed. D.Confused. ‎ ‎23. What did the author's family do the next morning?‎ A.They slipped away. ‎ B.They paid for their breakfast. ‎ C.They met some strangers. ‎ D.They had a big breakfast.‎ ‎24. What is the best title for the text?‎ A.Unexpected hospitality ‎ B.A kind woman C.Be kind to strangers D.Looking for a motel ‎ Ⅵ.阅读七选五 Any woman can be strong. I don't just mean being strong in mental aspect.  25  You may think that strong women are born, not made. You may be thinking of Olympic weightlifters lifting dozens of kilos over their heads, or of bodybuilders posing. ‎ ‎ 26  It is a requirement for everyday life. Strength is what you need if you carry your luggage. You need to be strong to pick your child up off the floor. And, most of all—especially as you get older—you need strength simply to stand up without falling over. ‎ As we age, we progressively lose muscle mass, which can make us weaker.  27  We might have trouble going up and down steps, picking up something heavy, even standing up from a seat. But while aging is unavoidable, building muscle through strength training is meaningful. ‎ A programme that is becoming more and more commonly used is Starting Strength. The basic Starting Strength programme consists of four different lifts. Trainees learn these lifts step by step.  28  Three times a week they perform three of the lifts. If they are successful in a period, they then add 2.25 kg in the next period. ‎ But barbell (杠铃) lifting doesn't just offer physical strength; it also gives women emotional and mental confidence.  29  ‎ A.But strength is not just about appearances.‎ B.I mean simply being able to fight against gravity.‎ C.Being strong doesn't mean having a stony heart, either.‎ D.However, this condition can be improved by working out.‎ E.Most people begin to learn the lifts using an empty bar weighing 20 kg.‎ F.In daily life, the actions we take for granted become more and more difficult.‎ G.However you feel about your body, you can become the strongest version of yourself.‎ Ⅶ.短文改错 Daniel was born with a brain disorder. Because of it, he was differently from other children. As a boy, he likes to play alone and acted strangely. To many of his classmate, Daniel seemed unusual and we laughed at him. This hurt Daniel deeply, but he became very shy.‎ As a teenager, things were changed. Daniel found he could solve difficult maths problems almost instantly. He also discovered other talent: he could learn to speak a language very quickly. Today, he is fluent in twelfth languages.‎ As adult, Daniel has overcome his shyness. He has written two books and now he travels constantly to talk to people with his life.‎ Ⅷ.书面表达 假定你是学生会主席李华,你需要设计一张关于英语社团纳新的海报。你想请外籍教师Mr Smith来帮忙策划。请根据以下提示,用英语给Mr Smith写一封求助信。内容包括:‎ ‎1.求助事由;‎ ‎2.希望指导;‎ ‎3.感谢帮助。‎ 注意: 1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Mr Smith, ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 课时作业(三十五)‎ Ⅰ.1.lacking 2. description 3.urgency 4. starvation ‎5.commitment Ⅱ.6.had informed 7. kept 8.would have visited ‎9. had seen 10.would have come Ⅲ.11.In addition to 12.broke down 13.If only ‎14.think back to 15. reminds me of Ⅳ.16.easy to deal with ‎17.pretended to have finished ‎18.would rather you hadn't joined ‎19.If only she could have lived ‎20.only to be told Ⅴ.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者一家去加拿大时得到陌生人帮助的故事。‎ ‎21.C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“As it was getting late, we started looking for a motel, only to find that all were booked.”可知,由于天色已晚,作者他们开始找汽车旅馆,却发现旅馆都被预订了,‎ 由此可知作者很担心无处可住,故选C。‎ ‎22.B 词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句“When he was unsuccessful, the woman, Linda, said she and her family lived nearby and would be happy if we spent the night at her home.”和第三段第二句“She called her son to direct us, since she had to hold the fort at the gas station till midnight.”可知,琳达要为作者一家提供住宿,让儿子来给他们领路,因为她要值班到午夜;结合最后一段第三句“We were amazed that they would take in a family of total strangers from a different country.”可知,作者他们对琳达为陌生人提供帮助的行为感到惊讶,由此可推知stunned意为“惊讶的”,故选B。‎ ‎23.D 细节理解题。根据对第五段的整体理解可知,第二天一早,琳达一家就准备好了丰盛的早餐与作者一家共享,故选D。‎ ‎24.A 主旨大意题。根据对文章的整体理解可知,本文主要讲述了作者一家在加拿大时被陌生人热情帮助的故事,与选项A呼应,故选A。‎ Ⅵ.【文章大意】 本文是一篇议论文。文章论述了如何让女性在精神和身体方面都变得强壮。‎ ‎25.B 根据上文“Any woman can be strong. I don't just mean being strong in mental aspect.”可知,任何女人都可以变强壮,而这不仅仅是心理方面的坚强。B项“我的意思是能够抵抗重力”承接前文,符合行文逻辑。该项中的“…mean simply…”对应上文中的“…don't just mean…”。‎ ‎26.A 第一段谈到了奥运会举重运动员会把重几十公斤的杠铃举过头顶,和健身爱好者摆好姿势。A项“但力量不仅仅关于外表”承接上一段,符合行文逻辑。该项中的but表示转折,appearances对应上句中的“…over their heads, or of bodybuilders posing.”。‎ ‎27.F 根据前一句“As we age, we progressively lose muscle mass, which can make us weaker.”以及后一句“We might have trouble going up and down steps, picking up something heavy, even standing up from a seat.”可知,随着年龄的增长,我们逐渐变得更弱,上下台阶,捡起重物,甚至从座位上站起来都会有困难。这些都是指日常生活中的行为。故选F。该项中的more and more difficult与上文的weaker对应;该项中的“…the actions we take for ‎ granted…”与下文的“…going up and down steps, picking up something heavy, even standing up from a seat.”相对应。‎ ‎28.E 根据前一句“Trainees learn these lifts step by step.”可知,学员们一步一步地学习这些举重动作。E项“大多数人使用一个重20公斤的空棒来开始学习举重” 承接上文,符合行文逻辑。该项中的“…begin to learn…”与上文的step by step对应。‎ ‎29.G 根据前一句“But barbell (杠铃) lifting doesn't just offer physical strength; it also gives women emotional and mental confidence.”可知,举杠铃并不仅仅提供体力;它还赋予女性情感和精神上的自信。G项“无论你如何看待你的身体,你都可以成为你自己的最强版本”承接上文,符合行文逻辑。‎ Ⅶ.Daniel was born with a brain disorder. Because of it, he was differently‎ ‎different from other children. As a boy, he likes‎ ‎liked to play alone and acted strangely. To many of his classmate‎ ‎classmates, Daniel seemed unusual and we‎ ‎they laughed at him. This hurt Daniel deeply, but‎ ‎and/so he became very shy. ‎ As a teenager, things were changed. Daniel found he could solve difficult maths problems almost instantly. He also discovered other‎ ‎another talent: he could learn to speak a language very quickly. Today, he is fluent in twelfth‎ ‎twelve languages.‎ As ‎∧‎an adult, Daniel has overcome his shyness. He has written two books and now he travels constantly to talk to people with‎ ‎about his life.‎ Ⅷ.One possible version:‎ Dear Mr Smith,  ‎ I'm writing to ask you for advice, hoping that you will do me a favour. ‎ As you know, every year we hold an activity, appealing to new members to join a variety of student societies. I'm keen to organize an English club and throw English parties if possible. What I should do is to put up attractive ‎ posters. I've been told that no one else can design a better poster than you. Would you please do me a favour to help create the poster? If you agree, I will come to your house at your convenience. ‎ I'd appreciate it if you'd like to offer me a helping hand. Looking forward to your reply. ‎ Yours, ‎ Li Hua ‎

