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莆田第二十五中学2019-2020学年上学期期中考试卷 高三英语 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ ‎ ‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 ‎ (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A SIGN YOUR CHILD UP FOR “FLY TO THE MOON CLUB"‎ AND ENJOY A FREE FLIGHT TO ANY DESTINATION IN ASIA!‎ With a registration fee of just $ 50 per child, children under the age of 12 can join Eagle Airways' FLY TO THE MOON CLUB as members. ‎ They can then enjoy the same benefits on board Eagle Airways’newest Boeing-797 to any destination in the world!‎ BENEFITS YOU CAN'T MISS!‎ l A free flight to any destination in ‎Asia l ‎30% off any course at ‎Tanya‎ Language ‎School l ‎20% off any purchase made at Ruby Bookstore l A free notebook with every purchase above $50 at Starlight Stationery l A free bowl of dessert for a family of four at Don's Diners with every set dinner ordered l A birthday gift on your child's birthday l A free album containing pictures taken during the journey ‎ All booking made before 12 September will receive free travel insurance for the entire family! Insurance is issued by Live Life Insurance Group.‎ ‎10% OFF ALL BOOKINGS for departures from 5 to 11 September 2017‎ ‎*Child must be accompanied by two paying adults.‎ ‎*Terms and conditions apply.‎ ‎21. Which benefit is mentioned in the advertisement?‎ A. A free flight to any destination in ‎Africa B. a 20% discount on any course at ‎Tanya‎ Language ‎School C. 20% off any book purchased at Ruby Bookstore D. a free bowl of dessert at any restaurant ‎ ‎22. Which of the following bookings may receive the most benefits?‎ A. B.‎ ‎ C. D. ‎ ‎23. This passage is probably taken from a(an)_____________‎ A. textbook B. instruction C. poster D. report B In the 1980s, I took a part-time weekend job as a hospice(收容所) nurse, visiting fatally sick patients in their homes. My first visit was to a young man dying of AIDS. His chart showed he had been a patient for only a short time and was near death. As I drove to his house I wondered what I could do for him. Had he gone to college? What kind of work had he done? Had he been successful? Did his family disown him when he was diagnosed with this dread disease? AIDS in the1980s. So many fears. So much still to learn.‎ As I got closer to his house, my anxiety kicked in. What would I be facing? Would he welcome me or be cross? I wondered about the wisdom of taking this hospice job. I knocked and walked inside. Slowly I climbed the stairs,wishing for more stairs. I heard a woman whisper, “She’s here.”The bedroom door was partly open. I was shocked to see a skeleton of a man.‎ Walking into the room, I felt like a robot. When I introduced myself, he gave a moan, never opening his eyes. I drew up the pain medication, praying that there would be enough flesh to give the injection. He moaned again as I gently turned him on his side. "So sorry,"‎ I said, as he frowned with pain. This man, not yet thirty-five years old,was actively dying.‎ I asked him if I could ease him into the chair and straighten the sheets on his bed. He didn't speak but nodded his head and opened his eyes. Could he see the compassion in my eyes above the mask? When I asked if he wanted a sip of water, he nodded. I was grateful I could provide some comfort to him.‎ Preparing to leave, I went to my patient to say goodbye. He murmured something, and I bent down closer to hear him. His words surprised me. Where did he get the strength to utter them? He whispered, “There must be a special place in heaven for ‎ people like you. ”‎ ‎24. It is implied in the first paragraph that in the 1980s_______.‎ A. people learned too much about AIDS.‎ B. people had prejudice against AIDS patients.‎ C. people had AIDS patients treated at home D. people were not afraid of dying of AIDS ‎25. Why did the writer wish for more stairs?‎ A. She was tired of caring for an AIDS patient.‎ B. She was worried about being affected with AIDS.‎ C. She didn't know the reactions of the man D. She was afraid of making the man feel ashamed ‎26. In the last paragraph, why did the man say that?‎ A. Because he was grateful for the writer's service.‎ B Because he expected the writer to be an angel.‎ C Because he promised a place in heaven for the writer.‎ D Because he thought heaven to be a special place.‎ ‎27. What might be the best title for the text?‎ A. The Service of a Hospice Nurse.‎ B. The Words from an AIDS Patient C. The Pain of a Man with AIDS D. The Skill of Caring for a Patient C There is something very wrong with the system of values in a society that has only unkind terms like nerd and geek for the intellectually curious and academically serious. We all know what a nerd is: someone who wear thick glasses and ugly clothes: someone who knows all the answers to the chemistry or math homework but can never get a date on a Saturday night. And a geek,according to Webster's New World Dictionary,is a street performer who shocks the public by biting off heads of live chickens. It is an obvious fact about our language and our culture that someone devoted to the pursuit of knowledge is compared to such a strange person.‎ Even at a famous educational institution like Harvard, anti-intellectualism(‎ 反智主义) is widespread: Many students are ashamed to admit how much they study. The same thing happens in US primary and high schools.‎ Enough is enough. The anti-intellectual values that have spread throughout American society must be fought. There are very few countries in the world where anti-intellectualism runs as high in popular culture as it does in the US. In most industrialized nations, especially in East Asia, a kid who studies hard is praised. But in America, average professional ballplayers are much more respected and better paid than professors of the best universities How can a country where typical parents are ashamed of their children studying mathematics instead of going dancing be expected to compete in the technology race with Japan? How long can America remain a world-class power if we constantly put social skills and physical strength over academic achievement and intellectual ability?‎ Do we really expect to stay afloat largely by bringing in our scientists and intellectuals from abroad,as we have done for a major portion of this century without making an effort to also cultivate(培养)a pro- intellectual (有利于知识分子的)culture at home. ‎ Not until the words “nerd” and “geek”become words of praise rather than insults do we have a promising future.‎ ‎28. The main purpose of this article is to _________. A. argue against higher salaries for athletes ‎ B. offer solutions to current economic problems C. complain about the lack of respect for intellectuals  D. describe changes in the American society 29. What is the meaning of the words “nerd” and “geek” in this passage? A. They are insulting terms which are applied to smart students. B. They are used in the U.S.‎ to describe students from other countries. C. A nerd is a good student and a geek is a poor student. D. Nerds and geeks are accurate descriptions of strange students. 30. The sentence “Enough is enough.” means “___________”. A. it is now time to reverse the trend and to start respecting intellectuals B. hardworking students have been separated from others for long enough C. nerds and geeks have been playing for too long a time D. there have been enough teasing of those idle students  ‎ ‎31. What is probably the author’s attitude towards the present society’s anti-intellectual values?‎ A. Neutral B. Supportive C. Concerned D Objective.‎ ‎ D Google’s new camera, called Clips, is a smart device. It comes with a case that has a clip (夹 子), but it’s not designed to be worn on your clothing. Most interestingly, it uses artificial intelligence to take photography out of your hands and captures moments entirely on its own!‎ What sets this roughly 2-inch by 2-inch camera, with a three-hour battery life and Gorilla Glass for toughness apart is that it is specially intended for candid moments, like when a child does something cute that may happen too quickly for you to pull out your smartphone.‎ On board the Clips device, it uses machine learning algorithms ( 计 算 程 序 ) to help capture scenes. Those algorithms include face recognition. “Once it learns that there’s a face you see frequently, it’ll try to get nice photos of those faces,” said Juston Payne, the device’s product manager. And they also want it to recognize facial expressions, which involved “training it to know what happiness looks like”. The Google team also trained it to recognize what not to shoot—like when a child’s hand is over the lens, or if it is tossed in a dark purse.‎ The only way to see the images is by connecting the camera with your phone, as it has no screen for viewing or editing.‎ Were people concerned it could seem strange? Yes, Payne admitted, but he said they addressed that by making it obvious what it is. A green light on the front signals that it is on. Besides, unlike a camera meant to monitor your home, it is not connected to the Internet.‎ ‎“This product is only possible because of the way that silicon(硅) has advanced,” Payne said that now they could squeeze the technology down into a device this size. Going forward, we’re likely to get more assistance from the artificial intelligence packed into our apps and gadgets.‎ ‎32. What is the most outstanding feature of Clips?‎ A. It enables easy Internet access B. It is equipped with tough glass. ‎ C. It can be worn on your clothing. D. It allows of hands-free photography.‎ ‎33. What does the underlined word “candid” in Paragraph 2 mean?‎ A. Awkward. B. Brief. C. Touching. D. embarrassing..‎ ‎34. What makes Clips a reality according to Juston Payne?‎ A. The advance in technology. B. The popularity of the Internet.‎ C. The screen for viewing and editing. D. The rise of the smartphone industry.‎ ‎35. What does the text mainly talk about?‎ A. New gadgets in the age of apps. B. Artificial intelligence in daily Life. ‎ C. A new digital camera from Google. D. An alternative way to photograph.‎ ‎ 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ A dog’s mind is only equal to that of a two-year-old baby. 36 As a result, they are likely to notice any change in the behavior of their owners. Let’s do some further exploration to understand the fantastic ability of a dog.‎ Dogs are aware of your feelings. 37 This is true. An article published in the Animal Cognition journal says that dogs are believed to come to people who appear sad or frustrated. It doesn’t matter whether the person is their master or not. They have an ability to sense sadness and are attached to troubled souls.‎ ‎ 38 They can easily tell when you’re playing with favorites. Whenever you spend more with other pets, your dog might sense it and feel uncomfortable. Though they can’t say out how they feel, they will scratch, yawn or lick their mouths.‎ Dogs smell fear. Let’s say you’re faced with your worst fear. Would you get scared and run away or just face it? Before choosing how to deal with it, you should remember one thing. 39 Research shows that dogs often notice their masters’ responses in dangerous situations. If you fear something and choose to back away, chances are that your pet is going to do the same thing.‎ Dogs are watching you. We are all educated as respectable individuals who are instructed to respect elders, obey the law and help out people in need once in a while. ‎ ‎40 But if you have a dog at home, it is time to be serious about them. Dogs favor generous people. So remember to be mindful around your pet; it may judge you on how you behave with others.‎ A. Dogs understand when they are ignored. B. They are able to notice health problems.‎ C. You would be setting an example to your pet.‎ D. They can sense when nobody is looking at them.‎ E. However, not all of us take these three things seriously.‎ F. Every time you are in a bad mood, your dog just knows it.‎ G. However, dogs are capable of sensing everything around them.‎ ‎ 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入 空白处的最佳选项。 ‎ Noah and Ella is a couple who consider birthdays as a good chance to appreciate life.‎ When their daughter, Jessie, 41 six in 2012, they invited friends and relatives to attend her birthday party. Afterwards, the 42 decided to find ways to 43 Jessie about giving to others.‎ ‎“We wanted to do something that Jessie could ‎44 in and work with us to have a(an) 45 on our community. We didn’t know what 46 fortunate children do on their birthdays. Therefore, we rang up a shelter, and learnt that 47 children there actually did 48 to observe their birthdays. No cakes or gifts, let alone parties.”‎ Later, the family ‎49 a party for the kids who had birthdays that month at the 50 they rang up earlier. Jessie eagerly helped to 51 gifts.‎ ‎52 that first party, they have transformed their simple idea_ 53 Birthday Blessings, a nonprofit organization for the needy.‎ So far, Birthday Blessings has held over five hundred 54 at different shelters and delivered countless party 55 to thousands of homeless children around their community.‎ ‎ 56 entirely by volunteers, the charity accepts almost anything—toys, shoes, ‎ baby items— 57 it’s not used and in good condition. What the organization does for the kids makes a big 58 to them mentally and spiritually.‎ Being “part of this labor love” has 59 made a positive impression and influence on Jessie on her ninth birthday, her grandparents sent him a check as a gift. 60 it, the first thing she said was that she wanted to give half to Birthday Blessings.‎ ‎41. A. got B. grew C. came D. turned ‎42. A. couple B. neighbors C. friends D. relatives ‎43. A. inform B. thank C. educate D. congratulate ‎44. A. take B. bring C. move D. participate ‎45. A. impression B. influence C. permission D. description ‎46. A. more B. rather C. less D. fairly ‎47. A. penniless B. homeless C. jobless D. hopeless ‎48. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ‎49. A. threw B. approve C. command D. claim ‎50. A. shelter B. church C. school D. community ‎51. A. mark out B. figure out C. hand out D. leave out ‎52. A. After B. Since C. Before D. Until ‎53. A. down B. into C. out D. off ‎54. A. parties B. debates C. lectures D. donations ‎55. A. cakes B. honors C. favors D. surprises ‎56. A. Operated B. Analyzed C. Continued D. Instructed ‎57. A. as far as B. as soon as C. as long as D. as simple as ‎58. A. advantage B. surprise C. benefit D. difference ‎59. A. never B. still C. already D. hardly ‎60. A. Realizing B. Folding C. Saving D. Unfolding 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The Silk Road is in fact 61 relatively recent term. These ancient roads had no particular name until in the mid-nineteenth century; Baron Ferdinand von Richthoften ‎ named the trade and communication network the Silk Road. Since then the term 62 (accept) globally.‎ In thenineteenth century, a new type of travelers stepped onto the Silk Road: archaeologists and geographers, enthusiastic explorers who were eager 63 (look) for adventure. Researchers who came from many countries traveled through the Taklamakan Desert, 64 is now in Xinjiang, to explore ancient sites along the Silk Road, 65 (lead) to many discoveries and studies, and most of all, a renewed interest 66 the history of these routes.‎ Today, many historic 67 (build) and monuments still stand, marking the passage of the Silk Road through hotels, ports and cities. What’s more, the long-standing legacy(遗产) of this remarkable network is reflected in a large number 68 cultures, languages, customs and religions that have developed for many years along these routes. The passage of merchants and travelers of many different nationalities resulted not only in commercial exchange, ‎69 in a widespread and continual process of cultural interaction. 70 (obvious), it has become a driving force in the formation(形成)of diverse societies.‎ ‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ As a senior three student, it won't take long after I graduate. Now, I have much to share with my fellow classmate. Firstly, I'd like to show my appreciation to those stands by me all the way, teachers, parents and friends including. Without their help or advice, my life would be different. Secondly, it's time for I to say sorry to the classmates whom I hurt or misunderstand. I firm believe that communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship. Thirdly, I’ve made my mind to make every effort to study, because hard ‎ work is the key to a success. Finally I want to express my hope which all the younger fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no man.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你和好友David约定本周六上午一起去参观市博物馆。但是本周六你校要举办一场主题为"孔子及其思想" 的讲座. 你崇拜的清华大学的王教授将到校作讲座。请给David发一封电子邮件,向他表示道歉并说明原因,请求他的原谅并另约时间再去。‎ 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 4.参考词汇:孔子 Confucius,孔子思想 Confucianism. Dear David, ‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Yours LiHua ‎2019高三英语期中考试参考答案 ‎1—5 BAACB 6—10 BAACC 11---15ABAAC 16---20 BABBB ‎21-23 CDC 24—27 BCAB 28—31 CAAC 32-35 DBAC ‎ ‎36-40 GFACE ‎41- 60 DACDB CBDAA CBBAC ACDCD 语法填空 ‎61. a 62. has been accepted 63. to look 64. which 65. leading ‎ ‎66. in 67. buildings 68. of 69. but 70. Obviously ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 短文改错 ‎1.afrer→before 2.classmate→ classmates 3. stands → standing ‎4.including →included 5. I →me 6. misunderstand →misunderstood 7.firm →firmly 8.made后加 up 9.success前 a 去掉 10.which →that

