高中英语外研版必修1课件:Module1 Section Ⅱ Grammar

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高中英语外研版必修1课件:Module1 Section Ⅱ Grammar

Section Ⅱ  Grammar 一 二 三 一、阅读课文 My First Day at Senior High , 观察画线部分的动词形式 , 判断下列几个句子所运用的时态 1 .Today is my first day at Senior High school and I ’ m writing down my thoughts about it.(           )   2 .Every room has a computer with a special screen,almost as big as a cinema screen.(            ) 3 .We ’ re using a new textbook and Ms Shen ’ s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.(           )   4 .They say that girls are usually more hardworking than boys,but in this class,everyone is hard-working.(           ) 5 .I ’ m looking forward to doing it!(            )   现在进行 时 一般 现在时 现在进行 时 一般 现在时 现在进行 时 一 二 三 二、尽可能多地找出本模块中以 -ing 和 -ed 结尾的形容词 1 .Adjectives ending in -ing : 2 .Adjectives ending in -ed : 答案 : amazing;interesting;boring;embarrassing;exciting;surprising; pleasing;disappointing;tiring... 答案 : amazed;interested;bored;embarrassed;excited;surprised;pleased; disappointed;tired... 一 二 三 三、语法填空 1 .How often        you brush your teeth?   2 .My father always        (speak)of my grandmother.   3 .God        those who        themselves.(help)   4 .The flight        (leave)in twenty minutes ─ we ’ ll never make it.   5 .My car              (repair),so I have no transport to the concert.   6 .Well,his mother seems        (please)with his results.   7 .He was         (surprise)when he heard what I said.   8 .All of us became        at the        news.(excite)   do speaks helps help leaves is being repaired pleased surprised excited exciting Grammar Ⅰ .Revision of the present tenses 一、一般现在时 1 . 现阶段经常性、习惯性的动作。常与频度副词 often,always,usually,sometimes,seldom,never,occasionally 等连用。 完成句子 ① The young man seldom                    by car.   这个年轻人很少开车去上班。 ② The old lady usually              on Sunday.   这位老太太通常星期天去购物。 答案 : ① goes to work  ② goes shopping 2 . 表示目前的状态、能力、性格、特征等。谓语动词常用系动词 be 、表状态及感觉的实义动词 ( 组 ), 如 :like,love,hate,think,remember,find,hope,want,understand,appear,seem,belong to 等。 翻译句子 ① The house belongs to his uncle. ② Peter seems unhappy these days. 答案 : ①这座房子属于他的叔叔。 ②这段时间彼得似乎不高兴。 3 . 客观真理、科学事实以及名言佳句等。 语法填空 ① Light        (travel) faster than sound.   ② The teacher told us actions      (speak) louder than words.   答案 : ① travels  ② speak 4 . 按照时间表、节目单、日程表等预定将要发生的事情。这类动词通常是表示开始、结束和位移变化的词 , 如 :start,begin,finish,leave,move,arrive,open,close,go,come 及 take 等。 语法填空 ① The train           (arrive at) Beijing South Railway Station at 9:25.   ② The flight        (leave) at night and      (arrive) in Shanghai the following morning.   答案 : ① arrives at  ② leaves;arrives 5 . 在时间、条件和让步等状语从句中用一般现在时表将来。 单句改错 ① When I graduated,I will go back to the countryside. ② If you run after two hares,you would catch neither. ③ Although he work hard,his parents will not be pleased with him. 答案 : ① graduated→graduate  ② would→ will ③ work→ works 6 . 以 here,there 开头 , 通常用 go,come 的一般现在时表示即将发生的动作。 完成句子 ① Here              !   公共汽车来了 ! ② There              !   铃响了 ! 答案 : ① comes the bus  ② goes the bell 二、现在进行时 1 . 现在进行时表示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作。时间状语有 :now,at present,at the present time,it is five o ’ clock in the morning,listen,hurry up,look 或 what are you doing 等提示语。 语法填空 ① It ’ s three o ’ clock in the afternoon;children      (play) on the playground.   ② Hurry up!The guide           (wait) for us there.   答案 : ① are playing  ② is waiting 2 . 现在进行时表示将来 , 少数动词如 go,come,stay,leave,take,arrive,start,finish 等表示起止、位移的动词的现在进行时 , 可以表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作 , 多与表示未来的时间状语连用。 完成句子 ①今天下午这架飞机将要飞往伦敦。 The plane                    London this afternoon.   ②我们开始看到一些改进的迹象。 We              to see some signs of improvement.   答案 : ① is leaving for  ② are starting 3 . 现在进行时与 always,often,constantly,continually,all the time 等连用 , 表示反复发生的动作 , 常表示不满 , 抱怨或赞赏等情感。 翻译句子 ① You ’ re always complaining. ② The man is getting up early all the time. 答案 : ①你老是抱怨。 ②这个人一直起床很早。 Ⅱ .Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed 一、常见的 -ing 形容词和 -ed 形容词如下 amazing amused astonishing bored confusing disappointing embarrassed exciting frightened interesting moved pleasing surprised tiring 二、阅读并翻译下列句子 , 判断黑体词在句子中作的成分 ① She will be amazed when she wakes up. 翻译 :   成分 :   ② This was really such a confusing question that she looked at me at a loss. 翻译 :   成分 :   ③ Frightened and guilty,Maggie put the book on the shelf she had secretly placed in her schoolbag. 翻译 :   成分 :   ④ If the text is too difficult to understand,the student will find it boring . 翻译 :   成分 :   答案 : ①她要是醒来 , 必定会大吃一惊。表语 ②这真是一个令人困惑的问题 , 她不知所措地望着我。定语 ③既恐惧又内疚 , 玛吉把偷偷放在书包里的书放回到书架上。状语 ④如果这篇课文太难懂 , 学生将会感到厌倦。宾语补足语 三、 -ing 形容词和 -ed 形容词的区别 (1) -ing 结尾的形容词表示中心词或主语的性质和特征 , 通常译为 : 令人 …… 的。 (2) -ed 结尾的形容词表示中心词或主语的感受 , 通常译为 : 感到 …… 的。

