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高考高频单词与短语识记排查 单词识记:‎ headmaster  laboratory   literature   president private schedule teenager access achieve approach cheat concept examine instruction means review score strength award discourage 短语扫描:‎ by mistake错误地 in one’s opinion/view在某人看来 pass by经过 give a report作报告 do research on 从事关于……的研究 as a result (of)结果(由于)‎ result in造成,导致 have access to 有……可以使用,接近 get full marks得满分 refer to 查阅;参考;谈到;指的是 ‎[跟踪训练]‎ 在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式 ‎1.What is the (strong) and weakness of each process?‎ ‎2.Like all (teenager),there’s one thing she’d rather do without—spots.‎ ‎3.An airliner came close to disaster while (approach) Heathrow Airport.‎ ‎4.The patients (examine) thoroughly in order to make a correct diagnosis by ‎ the doctors.‎ ‎5.I seem to remember giving you very precise (instruction).‎ ‎6. mistake he took the tall heavyset(敦实的) man for his boss.‎ ‎7.As her private secretary he has access all her letters.‎ ‎8.You can do research the Internet to learn more about TCO.‎ ‎9. my opinion,it’s important for us to protect the earth.‎ ‎10.I was not referring her when I said so.‎ 阅读能力专练 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2017·广东佛山一中月考)‎ September is an exciting month in every college freshman’s life.For many,it’s the first time that they’ve left home to live in a new environment.But after the hustle and bustle(喧嚣) of a few weeks,excitement gives way to a less enjoyable emotion—homesickness.‎ Homesickness manifests(显露) itself in many ways.You may miss mum’s cooking,your pets,or even your old bed.All this becomes a fond memory of the past.Homesickness can be a bitter feeling for many students,especially when faced with the challenges of settling into an unfamiliar environment.‎ But remember,you’re not alone.According to a recent BBC article,70 percent of British college students experience homesickness.In this increasingly globalized world in which people migrate to faraway places for a relationship,education or work,homesickness is a feeling shared by many adults.‎ Homesickness can have similar symptoms to depression and in extreme cases it can develop into a panic attack.As for the term,homesickness or nostalgia wasn’t invented until the 17th century.It was considered a disorder by a Swiss physician,who attributed soldiers’ mental and physical discomfort to their longing to return home,“nostos” from Greek,and the accompanying pain,“algos”.‎ Studies in recent years,however,have shown that nostalgia may have some benefits to our ‎ mental health.After a decade of surveys and researches,Constantine Sedikides,a US social psychologist,found that nostalgia is what makes us human.He explains that nostalgia can resist loneliness,boredom and anxiety.Therefore,it’s necessary for college students to learn some ways to overcome the uncomfortable feeling.‎ ‎1.From the first two paragraphs,we can infer that .‎ A.homesickness means a fond memory of the past B.only a few students will experience homesickness C.homesickness is an enjoyable emotion among freshmen D.college freshmen usually suffer from homesickness after weeks ‎2.According to the passage,we can know that .‎ A.homesickness may cause mental diseases B.homesickness is a feeling only shared by adults C.homesickness won’t do any good to our health D.homesickness is also called nostalgia in Switzerland ‎3.The attitude of Sedikides towards homesickness is .‎ A.negative B.supportive C.doubtful D.critical ‎4.What is the best title for the passage?‎ A.Let’s Accept Homesickness B.How to Fit in with the College Life C.A Harmful Emotion—Homesickness D.The Disadvantages of Homesickness B Earlier this week,I wrapped up(圆满完成) a 5day trip in San Francisco.I woke up a few hours before sunrise,drove through the darkness and out of the city,hiked for 30 minutes to the top of a hill overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge,and snapped(拍摄) this photo.As I stood there soaking in the early morning light,I was reminded of an important lesson.‎ When I arrived in San Francisco,I told myself,“Just take photos as you do other things.” My primary goal was to meet with friends and so I figured I could take pictures as we walked around the city.This resulted in exactly zero photos worth sharing.I had vague ideas like,“I’‎ d like to do some street photography,” but I never went out with the intent of photographing something specific.Finally,on the last morning,I went out with the intent of capturing a specific picture and I ended up with something worth sharing.My mistake was that I assumed that because I wanted to take photos,I would end up getting a desirable result.‎ How often do you do this in your own life?We go to the gym to “work out” without trying to become better at something specific.We wish that we were more creative,but never work on a particular project.When you commit to a task,however,then the next step is obvious.You want to take a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge at sunrise?Next step:find a good spot.You’ve found a good spot?Next step:wake up early and drive there.‎ This is perhaps the most shocking thing:if box yourself in,then you’ll begin to break out and achieve something greater than you ever imagined.‎ ‎5.What’s the author’s original purpose of the trip?‎ A.To take pictures. B.To attend lessons.‎ C.To visit friends. D.To enjoy sunrise.‎ ‎6.What lesson did the author learn?‎ A.A given task leads to achievement.‎ B.Stick to your own decision.‎ C.Get ready for challenges.‎ D.Hard work pays off.‎ ‎7.What are you advised to do first when you want to get stronger physically?‎ A.Make a detailed outline.‎ B.Go to work out immediately.‎ C.Discuss the ways with coaches.‎ D.Choose a certain muscle group.‎ ‎8.What’s the function of the last paragraph?‎ A.To introduce a new topic.‎ B.To draw a conclusion.‎ C.To make a suggestion.‎ D.To ask readers to reflect on something.‎ Ⅱ.七选五 ‎(2017·湖南衡阳八中月考)‎ For people with thousands of pages to read,speed reading seems like manna(甘露) from heaven.In addition,speed reading helps lighten the load of information you have to absorb since it provides a filter that you can use in screening all bits of information before you approach it.‎ ‎ 9 Examining how much information you need will help you identify how you should read a certain document to maximize your learning and comprehension.Thorough reading may no longer be necessary in some cases,such as when you only need an outline of a certain document.‎ Another skill that can ease the burden of a reader is the ability to read words in blocks.Make sure you do not spend too long on a certain block. 10 This will also make reading less tiresome and boring.‎ To master this important skill,you have to practice reading more and more words in a certain block at a time.A suggestion shared by some experts regarding this step is to increase the distance between you and the document you are reading.If you can read more and more words in one block,you can cut down on the time it usually takes you to read a certain text and you will be able to read more in a shorter period.‎ Readers should also practice reducing the number of times they go back to previous sections or blocks.Using a pointer such as the tip of a pencil or pen can also help to make the flow of your reading smoother and faster. 11 Thus,your speed in reading will largely depend on the speed of the movement of your pointer.‎ If you still find yourself confused about the topic even after you have finished reading the document,do not reread right away.Rereading immediately will just lead to slower speed in reading. 12 Getting your own reading corner will also help.‎ ‎ 13 Continue practicing and practicing the techniques aforementioned and soon,you’ll achieve the reading speed that will work best for you.‎ A.In this technique,your eyes will follow the tip of the pointer.‎ B.This saves time and reduces the effort that you have to make.‎ C.Taking a short break first is recommended before reading the material again.‎ D.As a final note,the most important point is consistent and deliberate practice.‎ E.Your invaluable time can be saved if you can have your reading speed doubled.‎ F.The first step to increase your reading speed is to identify the specific information you need.‎ G.Reducing the time you spend on a specific number of words in a block will make no big difference.‎ 答案解析 高考高频单词与短语识记排查 跟踪训练 ‎1.strength 2.teenagers 3.approaching 4.are examined 5.instructions 6.By 7.to 8.on 9.In 10.to 阅读能力专练 Ⅰ.阅读理解 语篇解读 文章通过介绍大学新生常有的想家情绪,引出想家带来的负面后果,但是同时作者也指出想家是很正常的,有时也会给学生带来好处。‎ ‎1.D [推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句“But after the hustle and bustle(喧嚣) of a few weeks,excitement gives way to a less enjoyable emotion—homesickness.”及第二段中讲述的想家的症状可知,大学生经常在几个星期后开始想家,故选D。]‎ ‎2.A [细节理解题。根据文章第四段首句“Homesickness can have similar symptoms to depression and in extreme cases it can develop into a panic attack.”可知,想家会造成心理疾病,故选A。]‎ ‎3.B [推理判断题。根据文章第五段第三句“He explains that nostalgia can resist loneliness,boredom and anxiety.”可知,Sedikides认为想家是有好处的,即他对想家的态度是支持的,故选B。]‎ ‎4.A [标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章介绍想家的情绪是大学新生常有的且作者在文中分析了想家的情绪的利与弊。故选A。]‎ 语篇解读 本文通过举例说明,一个给定的任务会导致意想不到的成就。‎ ‎5.C [细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“My primary goal was to meet with friends...”可知作者最初的目的是去拜访朋友。故选C。]‎ ‎6.A [推理判断题。根据最后一段“This is perhaps the most shocking thing:if box yourself in,then you’ll begin to break out and achieve something greater than you ever imagined.”可知A项符合题意。]‎ ‎7.D [推理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知:当你想让身体变得更强壮时,首先要选择一定的肌肉群。故选D。]‎ ‎8.B [推理判断题。纵观全文可知,前几段是举例说明,最后一段是得出结论。故选B。]‎ Ⅱ.七选五 语篇解读 阅读大量文字让人头痛,本文作者给我们介绍了几种省时省力的方法来提高阅读速度。‎ ‎9.F [根据下文可知本段主要讲要先通过了解你需要的信息来鉴别你怎样阅读,F项(提高阅读速度的第一步就是鉴别你所需要的特定信息。)符合题意,故选F。]‎ ‎10.B [根据上文中的“do not spend too long”和下文中的“make reading less tiresome and boring”可知,此处主要讲第二种方法的好处,而B项中的“save time”与“reduces the effort”在文中起承上启下的作用。故选B(这样做省时又省力)。]‎ ‎11.A [本段讲利用指示器减少回读的次数来节省时间,A项(用这种方法你的眼睛就会跟随指示器尖端往下看。)符合题意,故选A。]‎ ‎12.C [上句讲如果读完之后还不懂不要马上再读,因为这样会浪费时间,C项(推荐再读之前先稍作休息。)与上文相照应,故选C。]‎ ‎13.D [根据下文中的内容可知,本段主要讲坚持练习来达到提高阅读速度的目的,故D项中的“consistent”与下文相照应,且D项(最后一条,最重要的一点是一致性和强化训练。)放在文章最后起总结作用,故选D。]‎

