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Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications 一、课前基础自查 ‎(一)分类记单词——省时高效 Ⅰ.阅读单词(知其意)‎ ‎1.crash vi.   (计算机)崩溃 ‎2.software n. 软件 ‎3.breakdown n. 故障 ‎4.data n. (复)数据 ‎5.network n. 网络 ‎6.keyword n. 密码;口令 ‎7.log vt. 记录;登录 ‎8.via prep. 途经;经由 ‎9.percentage n. 百分数;百分率 ‎10.document n. 文件 ‎11.military adj.  军事的;军队的 ‎12.fantastic adj. 极好的;美妙的 ‎13.statistics n. (复)统计数字 ‎14.sideways adv. 横着地;斜着地 Ⅱ.重点单词(写其形)‎ ‎1._contain_vt. 包含;包括 ‎2.source_n. 来源;出处 ‎3.average adj. 平均的 ‎4.pass_vt. 超过 ‎5.essay n. 文章 ‎ Ⅲ.拓展单词(通其变)‎ ‎1.access n.接近;通路→accessible adj.可进入的;可使用的 ‎2.defence n.保护;防卫→defend vt.防护;防卫 ‎3.create vt.创造;发明→creation n.创造(力)→creative adj.有创造力的 ‎4.design vt.设计→designer n.设计者 ‎5.invention n.发明→invent vt.发明→inventor n.发明者 ‎6.permission n.许可→permit vt.许可 n.许可证 ‎7.concentrate vi.集中(注意力、思想等)→concentration n.集中;专心 ‎8.independent adj.独立的→independence n.独立→depend v.依靠;依赖 ‎9.frequently adv.时常;经常→frequent adj ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village, so it is not accessible to the outside now.(access)‎ ‎2.It's believed that hard work can create wealth but the creation of wealth also needs creative quality.(create)‎ ‎3.Mr Smith, an inventor,_ has invented many useful things and has made much money from his inventions.(invent)‎ ‎4.His father wouldn't permit him to drive there even if he had got his driving permit.Without his father's permission,_he had no choice but to go there by bus.(permit)‎ ‎5.Concentration is important for this kind of work, and only by concentrating on it can you get it done well.(concentrate)‎ ‎6.The famous building is said to be designed by ‎ ‎.频繁的;经常发生的→frequency n.发生率;频率 ‎10.disadvantage n.弊端;缺点→advantage n.优点;长处 ‎11.shorten vt.缩短→short adj.短的;缺乏的 ‎12.definite adj.明确的→definitely adv.明确地;确切地 an outstanding designer called Jason.(design)‎ ‎7.Most of us are longing to be independent from our parents, because our independence shows that we've grown up but when meeting with difficulties, we'll have to depend on our parents.(depend)‎ ‎(二)练中记短语——记牢用活 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.consist_of  由……组成 ‎2.as_well 也 ‎3.compared_with 与……相比 ‎4.come_up_with 提出 ‎5.concentrate_on 聚精会神;集中思想 ‎6.become_known_as__..._ 作为……而出名;‎ ‎ 被称为……;叫作……‎ ‎7.log_on/off 注册/注销 ‎8.go_down 下降 ‎9.from_that_moment_on 从那时起 ‎10.a_series_of 一系列的 ‎1.I can't concentrate_on my work with the kids running back and forth in the room.‎ ‎2.The solution to the problem he came_up_with_at the meeting has been supported by most people.‎ ‎3.Heze in Shandong province becomes_known_as “the hometown of peony”.‎ ‎4.This book consists_of six units and we will have learnt them by the end of next month.‎ ‎5.He failed the College Entrance Examination last year._From_that_moment_on,_he was determined to study harder.‎ ‎6.Compared_with those who stand by, I am proud of what I have done for the injured lady in the accident.‎ ‎7.It is known to all that water becomes ice when the temperature goes_down below zero.‎ ‎8.In that discussion, the students have put forward_a_series_of_questions.‎ ‎(三)仿写明句式——以用为本 教材原句 句式解读 句式仿写 ‎1.BernersLee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army.‎ make复合结构中,it作形式宾语。‎ 为了更容易联系我们,你最好将这张卡片放在身边。‎ To_make_it_easier_to_get_in_touch_with_us,_you'd better keep this 贝尔纳斯·李使每个人都能使用互联网成为可能,而不仅仅限于大学和军队。‎ ‎ card at hand.‎ ‎2.Our English teacher is excellent, but she can't help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.‎ 我们的英语老师非常棒,但是她不可能在50分钟内帮助班里的每一位同学。‎ not ... everyone表示部分否定。‎ 事实是并不是每个人都把时间管理看得很重要。‎ The truth is that not_everyone_is_attaching_great_importance to time management.‎ ‎3.I'm home now, why not give me a call?‎ 我现在在家,为什么不给我打电话呢?‎ Why not do ...?“为什么不做……?”,常在口语中用来提出建议。‎ 参观展览会使你接触中国传统文化。为什么不试一下呢?‎ Visiting the exhibition will make you exposed to traditional Chinese culture.Why_not_have_a_try?‎ 二、课堂重点深化 ‎1.contain vt.包含;包括;容纳;容忍;克制,抑制(感情)‎ ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①The stadium is large enough to_contain (contain) 100 thousand audience.‎ ‎②Be especially careful of information contained (contain) in advertisements.‎ ‎③Hearing the disappointing news, he was too sad to contain himself.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ contain oneself     克制自己;自制 container n. 容器 ‎ [辨析比较] contain, include contain 通常用来指某容器中盛有某物、装有某物;还可指某种物质中含有某种成分或含有其他物质,指作为组成部分而被包含或容纳在内 include 通常表示把某事物作为其中的一部分包含在内,在句中常构成分词短语sth.included或including sth.‎ ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错对对碰(contain/include)‎ ‎④The box contains a number of letters, including those from her admirers and of course his letters included as well.‎ 佳句时时写 ‎⑤这里面包含了我童年拍摄的许多照片。照片记录了我在医院出生的情况、我的第一次微笑和我的第一次行走。‎ It contains_a_lot_of_pictures_taken during my childhood.It keeps a record of my birth at the hospital, my first smile and my first walk.‎ ‎2.access n.接近;通路;接近或进入的权利/机会/通路v.进入;存取(尤指电脑数据);访问 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 写出下列句中access的含义 ‎①To sum up, low price, easy access to information and wide use make students use computers a lot.使用……的机会 ‎②The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.通路 ‎③He accessed three different files to find the correct information.访问 单句语法填空 ‎④All the sites are free to the public and accessible (access) to anyone with an Internet connection.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)access to ...  接近……的机会;进入……的权利 have/get/gain/obtain access to ... 可以接近/会见/进入……‎ ‎(2)accessible adj. 可进入的;可使用的 be accessible to 可进入……;可使用……;易接近……‎ ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎⑤The Nankai Secondary School Library is access only if you have a Student Card of Nankai.access→accessible 佳句时时写 ‎⑥我写信是申请“自由分享”, 即把书放在指定地点,由其他参与者自由获取。‎ I'm writing to apply for “wild release”, in which you can put the books in the appointed place, and other participants can have_free_access_to_them.‎ ‎[名师指津] access前通常不加冠词,且access和accessible短语中的to是介词。‎ ‎3.design vt.设计;构思;计划n.设计;图案;构思 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①(2018·北京高考)The Center offers programs designed to_challenge (challenge) and inspire with handson tasks and lots of fun.‎ ‎②This course is specially designed for beginners like you, focusing on listening and speaking practice.‎ ‎③She arrived just as we were leaving, but I'm not sure whether this was by accident or by design.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)design ... for ...     为……而设计……‎ be designed for/to do 计划做;打算用来做 be designed as 被设置为……‎ ‎(2)by design 蓄意地,故意地 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎④The programme is designed to helping people who have been out of work for a long time._helping→help 佳句时时写(根据汉语提示完成下面语段)‎ ‎⑤Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other sports_designed_for_them (为他们而设计的).These exercises_are_designed_to_build_up_their_body (目的是使他们强身健体).So they all like to do them.‎ 表示“故意与偶然”的词语小结:‎ ‎(1)故意地 ①by design ②on purpose ③deliberately ‎(2)偶然地 ①by chance ②by accident ③accidentally ‎ ‎4.concentrate vi.集中(注意力、思想等)‎ ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Playing computer games can give us some relaxation after school, but as students we must concentrate on our studies.‎ ‎②Lacking sleep caused him poor memory and poor concentration (concentrate).‎ 补全句子 ‎③If you are unable to concentrate_your_attention,_ you are unable to achieve at your best ‎ level.‎ 如果你不能集中注意力,你就无法达到最好的水平。‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)concentrate one's mind/attention/energy on 把心思/注意力/精力集中于 concentrate on/upon ... 全神贯注于;集中精力于 ‎(2)concentration n. 专心,集中 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎④I decided to concentrate my efforts finding a good job.finding前加on 佳句时时写(句式升级)‎ ‎⑤He concentrated his mind on his work and didn't notice my appearance.‎ ‎→With_his_mind_concentrated_on_his_work,_ he didn't notice my appearance.(用with复合结构改写)‎ ‎→His_mind_concentrated_on_his_work,_ he didn't notice my appearance.(用独立主格结构改写)‎ ‎“集中精力于;专心于”的常用短语还有:‎ ‎①be absorbed in      ②pay attention to ‎③apply oneself to ④devote oneself to ‎⑤put one's heart into ⑥be buried in/bury oneself in ‎ ‎5.average adj.平均的;普通的;正常的;平常的n.平均数;平均水平;一般水准v.平均为;计算出……的平均数 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 写出下列句中average的词性及含义 ‎①It's said that the newspaper office receives an average of nearly 100 articles a day.n.平均数 ‎②There was nothing special about the film — it was only average.adj.普通的 ‎③The hotel averages 50 to 100 foreign guests daily.vt.平均为 单句语法填空 ‎④It is said that the time spent on homework by the Chinese students is more than four hours a day on average.‎ ‎⑤Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 ℃ above the average.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ an average of         平均有(后跟数词)‎ with the/an average of 平均为 on (the/an) average 平均地;在一般情况下 above/below (the) average 高于/低于平均数/水平 up to the average 达到平均水平 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎⑥The average age of the boys in this class are fifteen.are→is 佳句时时写 ‎⑦(2018·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)所有学生每周有两节体育课,每天平均跑20分钟。‎ All students have two PE classes a week and run_for_an_average_of_20_minutes_every_day.‎ ‎[名师指津] (1) “the average of ...”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。(2)“an average of +可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。‎ ‎1.consist of由……组成;由……构成 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Life mainly consists of happiness and sorrow while happiness consists in struggle.Remember that your ideal life does not always consist with the reality.‎ ‎②If what you say is not consistent (consist) with what you do, it will have a bad effect on your children.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)consist in    在于,存在于 consist with 与……一致,相吻合 ‎(2)consistent adj. 相容的;一致的 be consistent with 和……一致/相符 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎③The colourful design consisted of sixty candles and a flag appeared on the square on October 1st.consisted→consisting 佳句时时写(一句多译)‎ 生活中不仅仅有阳光,还有艰难的日子。‎ ‎④Life consists_of not only sunshine but also hard times.‎ ‎⑤Life is_made_up_of not only sunshine but also hard times.‎ ‎⑥Life is_composed_of not only sunshine but also hard times.‎ ‎⑦Not only sunshine but also hard times make_up life.‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)由consist组成的几个短语consist of/in/with都不能用于被动语态和进行时态。‎ ‎(2)表示“由……组成”的短语还有:be made up of, be composed of。‎ ‎2.come up with提出;想出;赶上 ‎ [系统归纳]‎ come up 走近;上来;被提出,被提及(无被动形式)‎ come about      发生;产生 come across (偶然)遇见;发现;被理解 come out 出来;出版 come to 来到(某地);加起来总共;恢复知觉 When it comes to ... 当涉及/谈到……‎ ‎ [重点强化]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①(2017·浙江10月高考)Unfortunately, on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel.‎ ‎②Several new books will have come out by the end of next month.‎ ‎③How did it come about that the man was dismissed?‎ 佳句时时写(句型转换)‎ ‎④(2016·北京高考)In our class the idea came up to make better use of used materials.‎ ‎→Our class_came_up_with_the idea to make better use of used materials.‎ ‎3.make it+adj.+for sb.to do sth.‎ ‎ [教材原句] BernersLee made_it_possible_for_everyone_to_use the Internet, not just universities and the army.‎ ‎ [自主体验]‎ ‎①Nowadays convenient transport makes it possible for us to_travel (travel) around the world within minutes.‎ ‎②Susan made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.‎ ‎③I consider it no use quarrelling (quarrel) with him about it.‎ ‎ [归纳点拨]‎ 用法规则 ‎(1)动词+it+形容词/名词+ (for sb.) to do sth.‎ ‎(2)动词+it+形容词/名词+从句 ‎(3)动词+it+no good/no use/no value/worth/worthwhile+doing sth.‎ 注意事项 ‎(1)当不定式短语或从句作宾语时,多用it作形式宾语;‎ ‎(2)常用于该句型的动词:make/think/consider/find/feel/believe等。‎ ‎ [佳句背诵]‎ ‎①(增分要点句)We thought it wrong that the child should be left alone in the house.‎ ‎②(增分要点句)I found it difficult to make friends in this new school.‎ 本单元语篇话题与新课程主题语境“人与社会”中的“科技发展与信息技术创新”子话题相对应 一、话题语素积累多一点 话题词汇记一记 子话题(一) 网络术语 温故浅易词汇 ‎①blog  ②address ③email ‎④network ⑤technology ⑥system ‎⑦website ⑧access ⑨WeChat 识记生疏词汇 ‎①delete vt.删除  ②command n.命令;指令 ‎③process vt.加工;处理 ④download vt.下载 ‎⑤insert vt.插入 ⑥surf v.上网;冲浪 ‎⑦file n.文件 ⑧source n.来源 ‎ 子话题(二) 人工智能 温故浅易词汇 ‎①breakthrough ②operate ③design ‎④platform ⑤replace ⑥communicate ‎⑦comfortable ⑧store ⑨disadvantage 识记生疏词汇 ‎①convenience n.方便;便利 ②function n.功能;作用 ‎③drawback n.弊端 ④calculate v.计算;核算 ‎⑤automatic adj.自动的 ⑥digital adj.数字的;数码的 ‎⑦instant adj.立即的;即时的 ‎⑧indispensable adj.不可或缺的 ‎⑨electronic adj.电子的 ⑩intelligent adj.智能的 ‎ 常用词块忆一忆 ‎①log on/off          登录/注销 ‎ ‎②connect with 与……联系 ‎③surf the Internet 上网冲浪 ‎④hightech products 高科技产品 ‎⑤portable computer 便携式电脑 ‎⑥electronic books 电子读物 ‎⑦text message 短信 ‎⑧shop on the Internet 网购 ‎⑨serve as 担任……,充当……‎ ‎⑩benefit from 从……中获益 ‎⑪be in the lead 领先 ‎⑫be used for 被用来……‎ ‎⑬make full use of 充分利用 ‎⑭by this means 以这种方式 ‎⑮make a new discovery 有新发现 ‎⑯keep up with 跟上 ‎⑰be addicted to 沉迷于……‎ ‎⑱distract one's attention 分散某人的注意力 ‎⑲have a negative effect 有负面影响 写作佳句背一背 ‎①With the development of the Internet, many individuals favour online shopping because it is more convenient and can save time.‎ ‎②Computers have replaced humans in many areas of our life, making our work much easier and more efficient.‎ ‎③WeChat can provide a platform to show our talent and release our pressure, thus making it more and more popular with high school students.‎ 二、话题书面表达亮一点 对于孩子们使用因特网,有人支持,认为优点颇多,也有人反对,认为对孩子们的健康有害。请根据下列要点写一篇100词左右的文章并谈谈你的看法。‎ ‎1.优点:因特网是一个好的信息源;‎ ‎2.缺点:(1)网上有太多为孩子们设计的游戏。‎ ‎(2)一些孩子甚至登录一些不好的网站。‎ ‎3.你的观点……‎ ‎   ‎ ‎[写作4步走]‎ 第一步:句写对——给词写句 access, design, disadvantage, essay, frequently, source, via, concentrate on, log on, make use of   ‎1.现在越来越多的孩子可以使用因特网。‎ Nowadays_more_and_more_children_have_access_to_the_Internet.‎ ‎2.上网既有优点也有缺点。‎ Surfing_online_has_both_advantages_and_disadvantages.‎ ‎3.因特网是很好的信息来源。‎ The_Internet_is_a_good_information_source.‎ ‎4.孩子们在网上也可以了解外面的世界、阅读文章。‎ Children_can_get_to_know_the_world_outside_and_read_essays_on_the_Internet_as_well.‎ ‎5.他们可以通过因特网做作业。‎ They_can_do_their_homework_via_the_Internet.‎ ‎6.有太多为孩子们设计的游戏。‎ There_are_too_many_games_designed_for_children.‎ ‎7.有些孩子经常玩游戏。‎ Some_children_play_games_frequently.‎ ‎8.他们不能集中注意力学习。‎ They_can't_concentrate_on_their_studies.‎ ‎9.有些甚至登录一些不好的网站。‎ Some_even_log_on_some_bad_websites.‎ ‎10.事物都有两面性。‎ Every_coin_has_two_sides.‎ ‎11.重要的是你如何利用它。(it作形式主语)‎ It_matters_much_how_you_make_use_of_it.‎ 第二步:量写够——语句扩充 ‎12.在第6句“有太多为孩子们设计的游戏”前可增加总括句“它也有弊端”。‎ It_also_has_disadvantages.There_are_too_many_games_designed_for_children.‎ ‎13.在第9句末增加现在分词短语作后置定语“包含不健康的新闻和图片”。‎ Some_even_log_on_some_bad_websites_containing_unhealthy_news_and_pictures.‎ 第三步:语写美——词句升格 ‎1.用so ...that ...引导的结果状语从句合并第7句和第8句。‎ Some_children_play_games_so_frequently_that_they_can't_concentrate_on_their_studies.‎ ‎2.用what引导的主语从句改写第11句。‎ What_matters_much_is_how_you_make_use_of_it.‎ 第四步:篇连顺——衔接成文 用however, as far as I'm concerned, even等衔接词连句成文。‎ Nowadays_more_and_more_children_have_access_to_the_Internet.Surfing_online_has_both_advantages_and_disadvantages.‎ The_Internet_is_a_good_information_source.Children_can_get_to_know_the_world_outside_and_read_essays_on_it_as_well.They_can_even_do_their_homework_via_the_Internet.‎ However,_it_also_has_disadvantages.There_are_too_many_games_designed_for_children.Some_children_play_games_so_frequently_that_they_can't_concentrate_on_their_studies.Some_even_log_on_some_bad_websites_containing_unhealthy_news_and_pictures.‎ As_far_as_I'm_concerned,_every_coin_has_two_sides.What_matters_much_is_how_you_make_use_of_it.‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.The sun from which we get heat and light is the most important source (来源) of energy.‎ ‎2.Every child in our class spends one hour on average (平均)doing the homework every day.‎ ‎3.I am satisfied with the fantastic (极好的)workplace since everyone here is easy to get along with.‎ ‎4.This book contains (包括) all the information you need, so you should read it carefully.‎ ‎5.The book, designed (设计) for young adults, turned out to be popular with the elderly.‎ ‎6.Last week, I even forgot to do my English essay (文章). ‎ ‎7.A lot of jobs will be created (创造) after the factory is completed in the area.‎ ‎8.It is a pity that he lost all the statistics because of the sudden breakdown (故障) of his computer.‎ ‎9.You need to double check the data (数据) when you have finished in order to avoid any possible inaccuracy.‎ ‎10.The lawyer was expected to come up with some proposals after reading all those documents (文件).‎ Ⅱ.语境语法填空 ‎1.❶Definitely (definite) speaking, he has created five ❷inventions (invent) in the past years.‎ ‎2.Once, he was astonished to find a breakdown of his computer.Later he knew that because of lack of ❶defence (defend), a Trojan horse (木马程序) ❷containing (contain) a virus got access ❸to his computer via the network.‎ ‎3.Although the statistics he got have many ❶disadvantages (advantage), this method has ❷‎ shortened (short) his writing time.‎ ‎4.He was a hardworking student and scored ❶above average in most subjects, but he was poor in English.His English teacher came up ❷with a good method to help him improve his English.‎ ‎5.Compared ❶with other communication means, WeChat makes it easier for us ❷ to_have_ (have) access to the latest information.‎ Ⅲ.语境改错 ‎1.文中共有6处错误,每句中最多有一处,请找出并改正。‎ Our class consists in 56 students.With the help of our teachers, we have learned how to come up questions.In class, we concentrate at our teachers.Comparing with other classes, our class is more active in school activities.We take an active part in social activities as well as.Finally, our class becomes known for a model class.‎ 答案:第一句:in→of 第二句:up后加with 第三句:at→on/upon 第四句:Comparing→Compared 第五句:去掉第二个as 第六句:for→as ‎2.文中共有3处错误,每句中最多有两处,请找出并改正。‎ Many young people couldn't afford the houses.Fortunately, last year the government took the series of measures to reduce the prices of the houses.From that moment, the prices of the houses gradually went up.‎ 答案:第二句:第二个the→a 第三句:moment后加on; up→down Ⅳ.根据提示补全或翻译句子 ‎1.人们有了比过去更便捷的医疗服务,因此人们更长寿了。(access)‎ People have_better_access_to health care than they used to,and they're living longer as a result.‎ ‎2.他努力学习的决心使得他上大学成为可能。(it作形式宾语)‎ His determination to work hard makes_it_possible_for_him_to_go to college.‎ ‎3.你这么难过,为什么不找你的妈妈谈一下呢?(why not)‎ You are so upset.Why_not_have_a_talk_with your mother?‎ ‎4.普通感冒就是一个很好的例子:平均而言,与男人相比,女人更少得感冒。(average)‎ The common cold is a good example: women, on_average,_get fewer colds than men.‎ ‎5.并非所有人都同意你的意见。(部分否定)‎ All_people_don't_agree_with_you./Not_all_people_agree_with_you.‎ Ⅴ.短文填空 ‎(Ⅰ)根据提示填空 Spending time online is normal ❶behaviour (behave) for teenagers.But too much Internet use by teens — or too little, for that matter — might ❷be_related_to (与……有关) depression, a new study finds.‎ The findings, ❸reported (report) in the journal of Pediatrics, do not mean that the Internet ❹is_to_blame (该受责备).For one, teens in the study who spent no time online were also at increased risk of depression symptoms.Instead, the researchers say that both heavy Internet use, and nonuse, could ❺serve_as (充当……) signals that a teenager is having a hard time.‎ For the study, Dr PierreAndre Michaud and his colleagues at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, surveyed 7,200 individuals ❻aged (age) 16 to 20 about their Internet use.‎ Those who were online more than two hours per day ❼were_considered (consider) “heavy” Internet users,while those online anywhere from several times per week to two hours per day were considered “regular” users.❽Compared_with (与……相比) regular Internet users, the study found, kids who were heavy users or nonusers were more likely to be depressed or very depressed.‎ ‎(Ⅱ)片段选词填空 think about, gather information, at present, download a movie, on the Internet, in the past, deal with, connect with ‎ For Personal Use If a person wants to spend a whole day with the Internet, it is possible.The Internet has become a good friend of everybody.Now we don't need to go to the theater to watch a movie.We can ❶download_a_movie,_old or new, from the Internet within a few minutes.Whenever we want a new dress, but confused ❷thinking_about the design and color of the dress, there is a quick solution ❸on_the_Internet_which can help us hopefully.No teenager is found who doesn't use Weibo.In Weibo we will be able to ❹connect_with_those friends with whom we don't have any connection for a long time.‎ In Office and Business ‎ Before computers there were many problems in our life.In office, we have to ❺deal_with many kinds of information.❻In_the_past,_we had to ❼gather_information on papers, but it was very difficult for one person to preserve thousands of papers.Maybe your office would be attacked by fire.But ❽at_present,_it is not a major problem.We can store lots of information in computers conveniently.Before computers when we went to an office, we saw lots of files gathered beside the desk.Some people were running with files.It was a previous scene.At present, this scene can be ‎ very funny.So we can say computers help to change the environment of an office indirectly.‎ 一、复现单元考点——增强备考信心 Ⅰ.高考中的语法填空 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)His office is located at the Xiangshan campus (校园) of the university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.Many buildings on the campus are his original creations (create).‎ ‎2.(2018·江苏高考)Kids shouldn't have access to violent films because they might imitate the things they see.‎ ‎3.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ) As the Kennedy Center's artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible (access), and preserve its history and culture.‎ ‎4.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.‎ ‎5.(2017·北京高考)The little problems that we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions (invent).‎ ‎6.(2017·江苏高考)Located where the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to_the Belt and Road construction.‎ ‎7.(2016·天津高考)As the average age_of_the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for.‎ ‎8.(2015·天津高考)He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing (contain) the best advice I've ever had: Be bold and brave — and mighty (强大的) forces will come to your aid.‎ Ⅱ.高考中的完形填空 ‎(选用permission, design, average, concentrate, come up with填空)‎ ‎1. (2017·浙江高考完形填空)She had asked the government for __41__ to move the books to a safe place, but they refused._permission ‎2. (2015·广东高考完形填空)How long can human beings live?Most scientists who study old age think that the human body is __1__ to live no longer than 120 years.designed ‎3.(2013·重庆高考完形填空)On that afternoon, as the math teacher started to introduce difficult concepts, dark clouds covered the sky, and the storm set in.Hard though she tried to make the kids __40__, the thunder won the battle for their attention._concentrate ‎4.(2011·广东高考完形填空)It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes.The argument is based on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by learning situations that are designed ‎ for the __3__children.average ‎5.(2010·浙江高考完形填空)So I __31__ a plan and gathered forty people from my company to help.We gathered about 125 orphans (孤儿) at the Christmas party.came_up_with 二、复现话题词汇——提高阅读准度 新高考下的命题新视角:科学技术的发展正在影响着你我的生活,我们拿出智能手机,连上WiFi,打开淘宝、京东一键购物,打开微信、QQ与好友聊天……这些都是科学技术对人们生活的贡献。引领学生充分利用信息技术,同时认识到信息安全的重要性,不仅是日常生活的需要,也是建设富强国家的需要。高考围绕此话题进行命题,旨在引导学生正确利用科技,让科技安全地服务于我们的生活。‎ ‎[话题感悟]‎ 学习目标 ——语篇复现词汇,活学活用记忆更深 ‎( 加蓝词汇为本单元话题词汇,读文时请揣摩其用法)‎ ‎[1]Today just as technology changed the face of industry, farms have undergone an “agricultural revolution”.On the farm of today, machines provide almost all the power.‎ ‎[2]One of the most important benefits will be the farm computer.A few forwardlooking farmers are already using computers to help them run their farms more efficiently.The computers help them keep more accurate records so they can make better decisions on what crops to plant, how much livestock to buy, when to sell their products, and how much profit they can expect.Many computer companies have been developing special computer programs just for farmers.Programs are being written for hog producers, grain farmers, potato farmers, and dairy farmers.In the future, farmers will be able to buy computer programs made to their needs.Because of the growing importance of computers on the farm, students at agricultural colleges are required to take computer classes in addition to their normal agricultural courses.There can be no doubt that farmers will rely on computers even more in the future.While the oldtime farm depended on horse power, and modern farms depend on machine power, farms of the future will depend on computer power.‎ ‎[3]Another technological advance which is still in the experimental stage is the robot, a real “mechanized hired hand” that will be able to move and, in some ways, think like a human being.Agricultural engineers believe that computeraided robots will make surprising changes in farming before the end of the century.Unlike farmers of the present, farmers of the future will find that many daytoday tasks will be done for them.Scientists are now developing robots that will be able to shear (剪) sheep, drive tractors, and harvest fruit, even complex jobs will be done by robots.For example, in order to milk their cows, farmers must first drive them into the barn, then connect them to the milking machines, watch the machines, and disconnect them when they are finished. In the future, this will all be done by robots.In addition, when the milking is completed, the robots will automatically check to make sure that the milk is pure.The complete mobilization ‎ of the farm is far in the future, but engineers expect that some robots will be used before long.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了科学技术,尤其是电脑在农业生产方面起到的重大作用。不久的将来,机器人将在农业生产中发挥重要作用。‎ ‎1.Which sentence carried the main idea of the whole passage?‎ A.The first sentence of the first paragraph.‎ B.The first sentence of the second paragraph.‎ C.The first sentence of the third paragraph.‎ D.The last sentence of the second paragraph.‎ 解析:选A 主旨大意题。通过阅读全文可知整篇文章都是围绕第一段第一句展开的,即“农业的技术革命”,讲述了农业方面使用电脑以及未来的机器人将在农业生产中发挥重要作用,故答案为A。‎ ‎2.According to the passage, computers can NOT help farmers decide ________.‎ A.how much money they can earn from their products B.whether to plant a certain kind of crop C.what livestock to raise D.when to sell their products 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第二段中的“The computers help them ...they can expect.”可知A、B、D三项表述正确,C项中应把what改为how much。‎ ‎3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?‎ A.Farmers in the future will depend totally on computers.‎ B.Both computers and robots have been in use on today's farms.‎ C.Farmers mainly use machines on their farms at present.‎ D.Students at agricultural colleges must take computer classes because they can do nothing without the help of computers on today's farms.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。由第一段中的“On the farm of today, machines provide almost all the power.”可推知C项正确。‎ ‎4.According to the engineers, ________ will be done by robots in the near future.‎ A.all farm work       B.milking cows C.most of the farm work D.some farm work 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第三段中的“Agricultural engineers believe that computeraided robots will make surprising ...many daytoday tasks will be done for them.”可知答案为C。‎ 学习目标 ——题后把脉规律,练后得法理解更透 主旨大意技法(1)——读首段(句)确定文章大意 有些文章或段落开门见山,往往在开头即段首就提出主题,也就是文章的主题句,随之用细节来解释、支撑或发展文章主题句所表达的主题思想,在说明文、议论文、科技文献以及新闻报道中多采用这种形式。因此,要寻找此类文章的主旨大意就需要细心研究文章的首句和首段。同样,寻找段落的主旨大意则要研究段落的首句。上文中的第一段第一句即为全文主题句,整篇文章都是在围绕第一段第一句展开,由此可以得出第1题的答案。‎ Ⅰ.完形填空 Five years ago, when it was time for my cousin to start college, my 75yearold grandfather, Rex, decided to do the same.He __1__ at a community college, taking classes twice a week until his __2__ last summer.‎ As a student, my grandfather spent __3__ hours in his office studying and completing his __4__.He often earned a 4.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) and __5__ appeared on the list of top students.Although he was twice as old as his __6__, he loved attending their classes.He said, “You can___7__ know too much, no matter how old you are.” It seemed that learning new things was truly __8__ for him.‎ My grandfather's __9__ to learn was a great example to __10__ me to do my best in school.We were always __11__ with each other, trying to bring home the better grade.‎ When my grandfather turned 80, he still felt like he could take on the world.He believed he could __12__ whatever happened to him — whether it was his continuing battle with cancer or a tough professor.‎ Some people regard Superman or Batman as their hero,__13__ my grandfather will forever be mine, the one who always came to my __14__.In my times of need he was always there to support me.I could always __15__ him to help me out and he never __16__ me.My grandfather also helped me __17__ that learning is a quality we were all __18__ with and it should continue throughout our lives from our early childhood until the end of our life.I __19__ greatly from his philosophy (哲学) of life and learning.And the strength he __20__ with me will continue to make me a better man.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的爷爷热爱学习,虽然已75岁高龄,却坚持学习大学课程,直至生命结束,这使得作者受益良多。‎ ‎1.A.worked        B.aimed C.registered D.arrived 解析:选C 根据下文“taking classes twice a week”可知,作者的爷爷报名参加了一所社区大学。‎ ‎2.A.retirement B.death C.graduation D.suspension 解析:选B 根据下文“his continuing battle”以及“until the end of our life”可知,爷爷身患癌症,因此他坚持学习直到去年去世。‎ ‎3.A.considerable B.limited C.flexible D.valuable 解析:选A 根据下文的“He often earned a 4.0 Grade Point Average (GPA)”以及他对学习的态度可知,爷爷学习很刻苦,用了大量的时间学习,取得了优异的成绩。‎ ‎4.A.operations B.appointments C.assignments D.requirements 解析:选C 根据下文的“He often earned a 4.0 Grade Point Average (GPA)”可知,爷爷花大量的时间学习并完成作业。‎ ‎5.A.completely B.basically C.merely D.frequently 解析:选D 根据上文语境可知,爷爷学习刻苦,成绩很优异,屡次登上优秀学生名单。‎ ‎6.A.colleagues B.friends C.professors D.classmates 解析:选C 根据下文的“he loved attending their classes”以及爷爷上社区大学学习的事可知,此处指社区大学的教授。‎ ‎7.A.gradually B.never C.always D.actually 解析:选B 根据爷爷对学习的态度可知,他认为无论你多大年纪,学习都是无止境的。‎ ‎8.A.challenging B.discouraging C.affordable D.enjoyable 解析:选D 根据上文爷爷对于学习的态度可知,学习对于他而言是一件快乐的事情。‎ ‎9.A.will B.chance C.curiosity D.way 解析:选A 根据上文语境可知,爷爷学习的决心为作者树立了一个好榜样。‎ ‎10.A.force B.require C.motivate D.allow 解析:选C 根据上文语境可知,爷爷为作者树立了榜样,作者受到了他的激励。‎ ‎11.A.chatting B.competing C.comparing D.communicating 解析:选B 根据下文中的“trying to bring home the better grade”可知,作者和爷爷在学习中相互竞争,努力将更好的成绩带回家。‎ ‎12.A.control B.survive C.tolerate D.beat 解析:选D 根据上下文语境可知,爷爷认为自己可以战胜发生的任何事情。‎ ‎13.A.but B.and C.as D.so 解析:选A 根据上下文语境可知,一些人将超人、蝙蝠侠当作他们的英雄,但爷爷将永远都是作者的英雄。‎ ‎14.A.recovery B.rescue C.celebration D.decision 解析:选B 根据下文的“In my times of need he was always there to support me.”可知,在作者需要的时候,爷爷总是给予他帮助。‎ ‎15.A.explain to B.pick up C.count on D.turn down 解析:选C 根据上文的“In my times of need he was always there to support me.”可知,作者能指望爷爷帮助他摆脱困境。‎ ‎16.A.missed B.failed C.criticized D.ignored 解析:选B 根据上文语境可知,爷爷总能帮助作者摆脱困境,并且从来没有使他失望过。‎ ‎17.A.predict B.realize C.remind D.agree 解析:选B 根据上下文语境可知,爷爷热爱学习的例子让作者意识到学习是一个人与生俱来的一种品质。‎ ‎18.A.born B.bored C.satisfied D.connected 解析:选A 根据上下文语境可知,作者意识到学习是一个人与生俱来的一种品质。‎ ‎19.A.differ B.suffer C.benefit D.accumulate 解析:选C 根据全文内容可知,作者从爷爷的人生和学习哲学中受益颇多。‎ ‎20.A.exchanged B.reasoned C.argued D.shared 解析:选D 根据全文内容可知,爷爷用自己的实际行动分享给作者的力量将会继续使作者成为一个更好的人。‎ Ⅱ.语法填空 Drinking water is one of the favors you can do to your body.It has surprising health benefits ‎ such as making you __1__ (energy) and happy.There is a long list of __2__ (reason) why water should be a must in your diet.‎ If you are looking for a product that helps you recover and become younger, water __3__ (be) a good choice.It can help your skin recover faster __4__ being injured.Hot water even helps your skin become smooth.‎ Water is __5__ keeps the food moving down through your body.If there's not enough water in the body, it'll be too hard for the food __6__ (pass) through the body.Warm water helps break down food faster and can __7__ (effective) relieve your pain.According to a study, drinking two cups of water will increase __8__ speed of digesting by about 30 percent.This includes warm water, which increases your body temperature so the food can __9__ (digest) faster.‎ Hot water can also play a role in __10__ (clean) your skin, so in a way it is a natural skin care product.Fewer harmful bacteria (细菌) in the skin mean a smaller risk of suffering skin diseases.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了水对我们身体健康的重要性。‎ ‎1.energetic 考查形容词。根据后面的happy提示及上下文语境可知,此处表示喝水可以使我们有活力。“make sb. + adj.”表示“使某人……”。‎ ‎2.reasons 考查名词复数。根据上文的“a long list of”可知,水是我们日常饮食中不可或缺的因素,原因有很多,故用名词的复数。‎ ‎3.is 考查动词时态和主谓一致。这里是一般性的表述,且主语是不可数名词water,故谓语动词用is。‎ ‎4.after 考查介词。这里表示先后关系,即:皮肤先受伤,然后更快地恢复。故用介词after。‎ ‎5.what 考查名词性从句。此处用what引导表语从句,并在从句中作主语。‎ ‎6.to pass 考查非谓语动词。此处it引导形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。‎ ‎7.effectively 考查副词。此处修饰动词relieve,因此用其副词形式effectively。‎ ‎8.the 考查冠词。喝水可以增加消化的速度,此处特指消化的速度,故用定冠词the。‎ ‎9.be digested 考查动词语态。food和digest之间是逻辑上的被动关系,因此用被动语态。‎ ‎10.cleaning 考查非谓语动词。介词in后面用v.ing形式,故填cleaning。‎

