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‎2019版一轮复习译林版选修八Unit4Films and film events单元学案设计 ‎[语言基础扎根练]‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写/用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.A wise mother never exposes (使暴露) her children to the slightest possibility of danger.‎ ‎2.The clerk must have overlooked (忽略) your name, because he said you weren't there.‎ ‎3.He does not resemble (看起来像) his brother in any way.‎ ‎4.I had planned to go to your party, but you knew I had to finish the tiresome (令人厌烦的) paper.‎ ‎5.Your actions contradict (与……相矛盾) your principles.‎ ‎6.The country is importing a broad (广泛的) range of skilled personnel.‎ ‎7.The old expert is modest (谦虚的) about his achievements.‎ ‎8.She was very tense (紧张的), but she preserved an appearance of nonchalance (漠不关心的).‎ ‎9.Our tires are the best on the market. Let's sponsor (赞助) a carracing team to prove it.‎ ‎10.ShangriLa, full of attractions (景点), is appealing to many visitors from all over the world.‎ ‎11.The central government will provide financial (finance)‎ ‎ and technical support to protect historic villages.‎ ‎12.Parents can express a preference (prefer) for the school their children attend. ‎ ‎13.I send you my warmest congratulations (congratulate) on your success.‎ ‎14.The police are offering a big reward for information about the robbery (rob).‎ ‎15.The woman deliberately (deliberate) stops, looks her up and down, from head to toe.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.It is unclear if the meeting will go ahead as planned or not. if→whether ‎2.There are thirty students in our class, many of them come from the villages.them→whom或many前加and ‎3.What matters me most is the ability to communicate with others, regardless nationality or cultural background. regardless后加of ‎4.I found that a disappointing look came into his face when he heard the bad news. disappointing→disappointed ‎5.No matter what they did, they couldn't prevent us defend the rights of students.defend→defending ‎6.Give thinking to how much you have now. thinking→thought ‎7.He finally gained entry of the hotel by giving some money to the doorman. of→to ‎8.Eating and drinking too much is likely to giving one's ‎ stomach trouble. giving→give Ⅲ.补全句子 ‎1.当她的儿子再次说谎时,与其说她生气倒不如说她伤心。‎ She was more_sad_than_angry when her son lied again.‎ ‎2.杰克没准时到火车站使得我们大家都很担心。‎ Jack's not getting to the train station on time made_all_of_us_worried.‎ ‎3.你总是很乐观地对待自己经受的艰辛,我很喜欢你这一点。‎ I love_it_if you are always optimistic about the hardships you are suffering from.‎ ‎4.不管你喜不喜欢,你必须改变你的生活方式。‎ Whether_you_like_it_or_not,_you'll have to change your lifestyle.‎ ‎5.当制定国家发展计划时,政府需要认真考虑大多数人的利益。‎ When making a national development plan, the government needs to give_thought_to_the_interests of the majority of the people.‎ ‎6.迈克擅长打篮球,并常常向朋友们炫耀。‎ Mike was good at playing basketball, and he often showed_it_off__to_his_friends.‎ ‎[话题语篇高考练]‎ Ⅳ.阅读理解 A Watching a 3D movie can more than double the concentration powers and cognitive (认知) processing of children, a new ‎ research claims.‎ A study made by visual technology firm RealD and led by child psychologist Dr. Richard Woolfson suggests that children aged between 7 and 14 experienced twice the cognitive processing speed and performed better in testing after watching 20 minutes of a 3D film. This is despite suggestions that attention spans (时期) in children have shortened in the last decade due to unlimited access to entertainment, including ondemand TV, gaming and social media. A 2015 study claimed that watching 3D content had a similar effect to braintraining exercises.‎ Consumer psychologist Mr. Fagan said that the increased stimulation (刺激) found in watching something in 3D “exercised” the brain and improved performance in the short term. “3D films can play the role of ‘braintraining’ games and help to make children ‘smarter’ in the short term,” he said. “The shortening of response time after watching 3D was almost three times as big as that gained from watching 2D; in other words, 3D helps children process aspects of their environment more quickly. This is likely to be because 3D is a mentally stimulating experience which ‘gets the brain's juices flowing’.”‎ The experiment saw children given a range of cognitive tests before watching 20 minutes of a movie in either 2D or 3D and being tested again. The results showed those who saw the ‎ ‎3D content reacted faster and performed better in the second round of testing. Mental engagement also rose by 13% among 3D watchers. Child psychologist Dr.Woolfson added that “supportive parenting” and regularly listening to classical music can also aid a child's memory.‎ 语篇解读:本文介绍了一项新的研究,研究表明观看3D电影可以提升儿童的注意力和认知力。‎ ‎1.The reason why children perform better after watching a 3D movie is that ________.‎ A.a 3D movie makes their brain active B.a 3D movie is more exciting than a 2D movie C.children enjoy watching a 3D movie D.children like the experience which “gets the brain's juices flowing”‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,3D电影能够让大脑更活跃,所以孩子在观看3D电影后会表现得更好。故选A项。‎ ‎2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.Only “supportive parenting” and listening to music can help a child's memory.‎ B.The children in the experiment are tested only once.‎ C.All the children doubled the cognitive processing speed in testing.‎ D.Children's attention spans have shortened in the past 10 years because of access to entertainment unlimitedly.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,过去10年由于无限制的娱乐活动,儿童注意力的持续时间有所缩短。故选D项。‎ ‎3.Where does this passage probably come form?‎ A.An exhibition guide.   B.A science textbook.‎ C.A science report. D.An advertisement.‎ 解析:选C 文章出处题。本文介绍了一项新的研究,研究表明儿童在观看3D影片后,注意力和认知力会提升,并分析了导致这一现象的原因,属科普知识类,应该选自科学报道。故选C项。‎ B ‎(2018·银川二中高考模拟)Alibaba started taking the lead in China by connecting big Chinese manufacturers (制造商) with big buyers across the world.Its businesstobusiness site, Alibaba.com allowed businesses to buy almost everything.Alibaba's advantage wasn't hard to judge: size.‎ ‎ Alibaba is just big, even by Chinese standards.Its market attracts about 231 million active buyers, 8 million sellers, 11.3 billion orders a year — and Alibaba is just the middleman.It encourages people to use its markets — not charging small sellers a percentage of the sale.‎ If you want a quick look into the influence of Alibaba on Chinese daily life, take my experience.I moved to Beijing a year ago and quickly got tired of visiting small stores across the crowded, polluted city of 20 million people in search of new electronics, bathroom furnishings, and anything else my wife ‎ wanted.“You're looking for what exactly?Why not try it?” my Chinese teacher asked me one day.With that, my wonderful new relationship with Alibaba began.‎ Alibaba's original businesstobusiness model now is second to consumer buying.Chinese retail (零售) buying makes up 80% of Alibaba's profit, and leading that group is Taobao, with 800 million items for sale and the most unbelievable selection of things you'll never find. Tmall.com is Alibaba's another big site, where you can find brandname goods from Nike to Unilever almost at the lowest prices.‎ What I have a hard time explaining to friends and family back in the U.S. is how China has gone beyond traditional shopping — bigbox retailers especially — in favor of online purchases on Taobao and a few other sites.In smaller towns than Beijing, Taobao will be the first choice when shopping online.‎ I have a list of some of my recent purchases on Taobao for a sense of how wide the marketplace is.Almost everything arrived a day or two after ordering with free shipping.I'm not even a big buyer, because I need friends to help me search the Chineselanguage site.When I was searching my purchase history on my Chinese teacher's iPad, which helps me buy goods, I looked through with great difficulty about 10 of her purchases for every one of mine.‎ 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了阿里巴巴对人们的购物产生的巨大影响,它已经深入到人们日常生活的方方面面。‎ ‎4.Alibaba's advantage mainly lies in ________.‎ A.its low price B.its not charging small sellers C.its big size D.its businesstobusiness service 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第一段第三、四句“Alibaba's advantage wasn't hard to judge: size.Alibaba is just big, even by Chinese standards.”可知,阿里巴巴的优势就在于规模大。故选C项。‎ ‎5.We know from the passage that Alibaba ________.‎ A.acts as a bridge between the buyers and sellers B.charges small sellers on its site a percentage of the sale C.sells everything you want online D.has taken the place of traditional stores 解析:选A 推理判断题。由第一段第一句“... by connecting big Chinese manufacturers (制造商) with big buyers across the world.”可知,阿里巴巴的运营模式是将制造商与买家联系起来,由此推断出阿里巴巴起到了桥梁的作用,故选A项。由第一段最后一句“... not charging small sellers a percentage of the sale.”可排除B项;由第一段第二句中的“almost everything”可排除C项;D项在文中未提及。‎ ‎6.What can be inferred from the last 3 paragraphs?‎ A.Taobao sells millions of items with the lowest price.‎ B.Alibaba's profit mainly consists of Chinese retail ‎ buying.‎ C.Tmall.com is more popular than Taobao.‎ D.The author can purchase items on Taobao without any difficulty now.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。由第三段第二句“Chinese retail (零售) buying makes up 80% of Alibaba's profit ...”可知,中国人的零售购买占了阿里巴巴利润的80%,故选B项。‎ ‎7.What is the passage mainly about?‎ A.Taobao, the best choice for shopping online in China.‎ B.Alibaba influences people's daily purchase in China.‎ C.Shopping online goes beyond traditional shopping in China.‎ D.How the author learns to purchase online in China.‎ 解析:选B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要论述了阿里巴巴对人们日常购物产生的巨大影响,故选B项。‎ Ⅴ.完形填空 The other day I was offered two tickets to a special preview of the latest movie for free. I wasn't interested, __1__ I knew my two boys would be.‎ That evening, we were a bit __2__ for time. So instead of having dinner at home, we had fast food near the movie theater Oscar. There went the __3__ of eight movie tickets.‎ Then I met up with a friend and we sat around __4__ for a while, and another movie ticket went into a cup of coffee. After that, we figured we ‎ might as well __5__ around until the movie ended to pick up the boys. To help __6__ time, I bought snacks. However, the __7__ went for an hour longer than expected. To watch the free movie, we always have to __8__ an hour of ads.‎ Oh, did I __9__ parking and fighting my way through the __10__ to get to the right theater? I could have sent the __11__ to a movie theater in walking distance and had enough __12__ left over to watch ten more movies!‎ Next time I'm offered something free, I'll __13__ refuse it.‎ I should have known better. __14__ in 2004, I built my own business. One of my marketing strategies is that I often offer free gifts. I said “probably” because “free” is just the most irresistible __15__ in your marketing language. And it always __16__.‎ If you don't believe me, next time when you do a promotion, __17__ this test: one with and one without the free __18__. You will be amazed by how many people will __19__ hundreds of dollars to get something for __20__!‎ 语篇解读:作者回忆了自己看免费电影的经历,告诉我们“免费礼品”往往会让我们付出更多。‎ ‎1.A.for         B.or C.so D.but 解析:选D 本句would be后补充完整为“would be interested in a special preview of the latest movie”‎ ‎,再联系前文可知作者不感兴趣,但她知道两个儿子会感兴趣。设空前后存在转折关系,故选D项。‎ ‎2.A.respectful B.prepared C.rushed D.thankful 解析:选C 根据下文“So instead of having dinner at home, we had fast food near the movie theater Oscar.”可知,作者和孩子们在剧院外吃了快餐,并没在家吃晚饭,推断出他们有点赶时间,故C项符合语境。‎ ‎3.A.time B.price C.chance D.length 解析:选B 根据第四段可知,作者为了免费电影,花了可以看十多部电影的钱,故此处表示吃快餐花的钱相当于八张电影票的价格。故选B项。‎ ‎4.A.singing B.judging C.bargaining D.chatting 解析:选D 句意:然后我遇到了一位朋友,我们坐下来聊了一会儿,这样一杯咖啡又花了一张电影票的钱。sing意为“唱歌”;judge意为“判断”;bargain意为“讨价还价”。故选D项。‎ ‎5.A.wander B.turn C.look D.gather 解析:选A 根据后文可知,作者打算等电影结束再接孩子们,所以作者和朋友觉得不妨再逛会儿(wander around),等到电影结束。故选A项。turn around意为“使转身;使好转”;look around意为“四下观望;进行调查”;gather around意为“围拢;支持”。‎ ‎6.A.save B.waste C.record D.kill 解析:选D 作者是在等电影结束,然后接孩子们,所以买了小吃,是为了消磨(kill)时间。根据语境可知选D项。‎ ‎7.A.meeting B.movie C.walk D.coffee 解析:选B 根据上文可知,作者的儿子们去看电影,而作者此时正在等电影结束,所以此处指电影(movie)播放的时间比“我们”预期的多了一小时。故选B项。‎ ‎8.A.break down B.sit through C.cut down D.look through 解析:选B 为了看免费电影,我们常常要耐着性子看完(sit through)一个小时的广告。故选B项。break down意为“崩溃;出故障”;cut down意为“缩减”;look through意为“看穿;仔细检查”。‎ ‎9.A.forget B.continue C.mention D.stop 解析:选C 上文作者描述了为使用两张免费电影票所付出的“代价”,所以此处指作者刚刚还没有提到(mention)停车以及怎样奋力通过车流(traffic)到达影院的事。故选C项。‎ ‎10.A.race B.park C.gate D.traffic 解析:选D 根据设空前的“parking”以及下文的“in walking distance”可推断出,此处作者在抱怨去影院路上的交通状况。故选D项。‎ ‎11.A.employees B.customers C.boys D.friends 解析:选C 本空是第一段第二句中“my two boys”的复现,指作者本可以把孩子们(boys)送到一个步行就能到达的影院。‎ ‎12.A.food B.patience C.room D.money 解析:选D 根据第二、三段可知,电影票之外的消费比较高,超过了电影票本身的价格。因此,此处指如果不接受这两张免费的电影票,而在就近的影院看电影的话,还可以省下足够看十多部电影的钱(money)。故选D项。‎ ‎13.A.probably B.angrily C.definitely D.repeatedly 解析:选A 本空是下文“I said ‘probably’ ...”中probably的复现词,如果下次再有人给她免费的东西,她可能(probably)会拒绝。故选A项。‎ ‎14.A.Ending B.Writing C.Reporting D.Starting 解析:选D 根据设空后的时间状语in 2004可知,此处指作者从2004年开始(Starting)创业。故选D项。‎ ‎15.A.word B.reason C.letter D.desire 解析:选A 句意:我说“可能”,因为“免费”是市场语言中最不可抗拒的一个词(word)。free在marketing language中是一个词,故选A项。‎ ‎16.A.fails B.cheats C.works D.loses 解析:选C 根据前文作者对自己经历的回忆,且“免费”‎ 是市场语言中最不可抗拒的一个词可知,免费的礼物在销售中总是会起作用(works)。故选C项。fail意为“失败”;cheat意为“欺骗”;lose意为“遗失”。‎ ‎17.A.try B.study C.face D.attend 解析:选A 根据设空后的test可知,此处指如果你不信“我”说的话,下次你做促销的时候,尝试(try)一下这样的测试。故选A项。‎ ‎18.A.help B.gift C.advice D.market 解析:选B 本空是上一段第三句“One of my marketing strategies is that I often offer free gifts.”中gifts的复现词,指其中一个没有免费的礼物。故选B项。‎ ‎19.A.gain B.bank C.receive D.pay 解析:选D 你会惊讶于有很多人竟然会为免费(for nothing)获得某些东西愿意付出(pay)几百美元。根据语境可知选D项。‎ ‎20.A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything 解析:选C for nothing意为“免费地”,对应上文中多次出现的free,故选C项。‎ Ⅵ.短文改错 Dear Mike,‎ What is it going? I will fly to your country to attend the Culture Trip to America in next week. I feel exciting because ‎ my dream of visiting America will come true. Through the trip, I hope to open my eyes and learning more about the customs and history of your country. Besides, it is the good chance to practise my English.‎ Therefore, one thing I'm concerned about is because I may have difficulty communicating with local people. After all, there have many cultural differences between China and America. I'd appreciate if you could give me some proper advices.‎ I'm looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 答案:第一句:What→How 第二句:去掉in 第三句:exciting→excited 第四句:learning→learn 第五句:the→a 第六句:Therefore→However; because→that 第七句:have→are 第八句:if前加it; advices→advice

