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‎2020届一轮复习外研版必修三Module2单元学案 单元重点词汇 figure ‎【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳figure的意思。‎ ‎1. Write the figure “7” for me.‎ ‎2. The central figure in the painting is the artist's daughter.‎ ‎3. Most women have to watch their figure.‎ ‎4. I figured that it was worth the trouble.‎ ‎5. Lily is figuring the spending on these books.‎ ‎【归纳】figure既可作名词,也可作动词。‎ ‎★作名词时,意为:①数字(句1);②人物(句2);③身材,体形(句3)。‎ ‎★作动词时,意为:①认定,认为(句4);②计算(句5)。‎ ‎【拓展】figure out理解,弄明白;计算出 ‎【即学即练】写出下面句子中画线部分单词(短语)的中文释义。‎ ‎1. I figured that you'd want your coffee. ________‎ ‎2. He has become a figure known to everyone. ________‎ ‎3. Linda has an attractive figure. ________‎ ‎4. By 1998, this figure had risen to 14 million. ________‎ ‎5. Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost? ________‎ make an effort ‎【归纳】make an effort意为“作出努力”,后常接不定式。 effort前通常可加great, every, brave, big, special, real等形容词。如:‎ I know you don't like her, but please make an effort to be polite.‎ I can see you have made a big effort to clean up.‎ ‎【拓展】其它含effort的短语:‎ ‎● put effort into ... 在……上努力/倾注心血 ‎● spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事 ‎● in an effort to do sth. 为了做某事 ‎● with (an) effort费力地,使劲地 ‎● without effort毫不费力地,轻松地 ‎【即学即练】翻译下面句子。‎ ‎1. 我要不遗余力地帮助穷人。‎ ‎___________________________________ ‎ ‎___________________________________ ‎ ‎2. 许多女士正在努力减肥。‎ ‎___________________________________ ‎ ‎___________________________________ ‎ ‎3. 他们没费劲就把那块沉重的石头抬起来了。‎ ‎___________________________________ ‎ ‎___________________________________ ‎ 答案 figure ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1. 认为 2. 人物 3. 身材 4. 数字 5. 计算出 make an effort ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1. I will spare no effort to help the poor.‎ ‎2. Lots of ladies are making efforts to lose weight.‎ ‎3. They lifted the heavy rock without effort.‎ I. 根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词)。‎ ‎1. The average ________ (收入) has risen by 4.5% over the past year.‎ ‎2. I asked the 3-year-old girl to write the f________ “5” for me.‎ ‎3. Well, I've found our p________ on the map if you want to see where we are.‎ ‎4. There have been great computer ________ (发展) during the last ten years.‎ ‎5. Parents should ________ (教育) their children to respect others. ‎ ‎6. They achieved their g________ of increasing sales by five percent.‎ ‎7. “Will the table fit in here?” “I don't know — let's m________ it.”‎ ‎8. The Dow Jones ________ (指数) fell another 50 points yesterday.‎ II. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。‎ ‎1. The workers are ________ ________ ________ ________ (努力改善) ‎ their working conditions.‎ ‎2. People are forced to work ________ ________ ________ ________ (多达19个小时) a day, 7 days a week in the factories.‎ ‎3. No one really knew why Justin ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (同意饰演一个角色) in the movie without getting paid.‎ ‎4. My office is ________ ________ ________ ________ (在……的顶层) the building.‎ ‎5. I wanted to ________ ________ (确保) you were all right. ‎ ‎6. She has ________ ________ ________ (没有进展) with her English this period.‎ ‎7. Mom always ________ ________ ________ ________ (鼓励我学习) a foreign language at school.‎ ‎8. Let's ________ ________ ________ (做个交换). You clean my room, and I'll do the shopping for you.‎ Part 2 GRAMMAR 选用方框内合适的单词填空(每个单词限用一次)。‎ but, however, although, though, while ‎1. “Shall we go to the theatre tonight?” “I'd love to, ________ I'm too busy.”‎ ‎2. ________ he had only entered the contest for fun, he won first prize.‎ ‎3. Prices have been rising. ________, it is unlikely that this increase will ‎ continue.‎ ‎4. Poor ________ her family was, they would never ask for help.‎ ‎5. The south of the country continues to grow richer, ________ the north grows poorer.‎ Part 3 PRONUNCIATION, SPEAKING, VOCABULARY AND LISTENING, FUNCTION, VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING, WRITING, EVERYDAY ENGLISH, CULTURAL CORNER & TASK I. 根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词)。‎ ‎1. The narrow roads are c________ with holiday traffic and we had to stand.‎ ‎2. Three hundred people were made ________ (无家可归的) by the earthquake.‎ ‎3. Howard is doing a study of the s________ and differences between the two countries.‎ ‎4. It's very ________ (遗憾的) that your father can't come to the wedding.‎ ‎5. The country depends on ________ (旅游业) for much of its income.‎ ‎6. Which type of t________ do you prefer when you travel? Train or plane?‎ ‎7. ________ (工业的 ) production has risen by 0.5% since November. ‎ ‎8. Pollution is serious here. The project's aim is to clean up p________ ‎ land.‎ II. 选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空(每个短语限用一次)。‎ be connected with, be willing to, think of, close to, as a result, find out about ‎ ‎1. He ________________ tell the police everything he knows.‎ ‎2. This organisation can help you to ________________ new job opportunities.‎ ‎3. Bad diet ________________ many common illnesses.‎ ‎4. Susan sat on a chair ________________ the window. ‎ ‎5. Ivan made one big mistake, and, ________________, lost his job.‎ ‎6. They're still trying to ________________ a name for the baby.‎ 答案 Part 1‎ I. 1. income 2. figure 3. position ‎ ‎ 4. developments 5. educate 6. goal ‎ ‎ 7. measure 8. index II. 1. making efforts to improve ‎ 2. up to 19 hours ‎ ‎ 3. agreed to play a part ‎ ‎ 4. at the top of ‎ ‎ 5. make sure ‎ ‎ 6. made no progress ‎ ‎ 7. encouraged me to learn ‎ 8. make an exchange Part 2‎ ‎1. but 2. Although ‎ ‎3. However 4. though ‎ ‎5. while Part 3‎ I. 1. crowded 2. homeless ‎ ‎ 3. similarities 4. unfortunate ‎ ‎ 5. tourism 6. transport ‎ ‎ 7. Industrial 8. polluted II. 1. is willing to 2. find out about ‎ ‎ 3. is connected with 4. close to ‎ ‎ 5. as a result 6. think of 单元语法指导:连词but, however, while, although / though用法小结 ‎【语境展示】阅读下列句子,注意并归纳黑体部分单词的用法。‎ ‎1. We’re making a lot of progress but we’ve still got a long way to go.‎ ‎2. Prices have been rising. However, it is unlikely that this increase will continue.‎ ‎3. She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate.‎ ‎4. The president was confident of success. His advisers were not so sure, however.‎ ‎5. Some people work better to music while others do not.‎ ‎6. While I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.‎ ‎7. Although / Though we all tried our best, we lost the game.‎ ‎8. Sean didn’t light the fire, although / though it was cold.‎ ‎9. Strange though it may seem, I like housework.‎ ‎10. Poor though her family was, they would never ask for help.‎ ‎【自我归纳】‎ ‎★but与however的用法 but与however都可译为“但是,然而”,引出表转折意义的句子(句1-句4),但二者的用法有区别:‎ ‎1. but表示非常明显的对比,转折的意味较however强。‎ ‎2. but常用于句中,而however可位于句首、句中或句末。‎ ‎3. but后不加逗号,但however后一般要加逗号。‎ ‎★while的用法 ‎1. 连接表示对比关系的并列句,意为“而,然而”,常用于句中(句5)。 ‎ ‎2. 引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”,多放在________(句6)。‎ ‎★although与though的用法 ‎1. although与though作连词,意为“虽然,尽管”,引导________状 语从句。二者常可互换(句7和句8)。‎ ‎2. though引导让步状语从句可采用部分倒装形式,整个从句须置于主句之前(句9和句10)。‎ ‎【拓展】‎ ‎★ but还可用于引出礼貌的请求、歉意或提问,but本身无意义,常用于结构I’m sorry或Excuse me等之后。如:‎ I’m sorry but I can’t stay any longer.‎ Excuse me, but is there a post office anywhere around here?‎ ‎★ however还可意为“无论到什么程度,不管多么”,引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter how。如:‎ However you look at it, it’s a big problem.‎ ‎★ though还可用作副词,意为“可是,不过”,一般放在句末。如:‎ Economics is a difficult subject. It’s interesting, though.‎ ‎★ although / though引导从句时,主句不可再使用but, however等表示转折的词,但可出现副词still等。如:‎ Although he’s got a good job now, he still complains.‎ 选用合适的单词完成下面句子。‎ ‎1. but / however ‎① I did not expect you. ________, I'm very pleased to see you.‎ ‎② John is not very good at maths, ________ passed the exam.‎ ‎③ Please excuse me, ________ there is something I must say.‎ ‎2. while / although / though ‎① ________ it is snowing, it is not very cold.‎ ‎② Linda likes reading books ________ her sister prefers painting.‎ ‎③ Two heart attacks in a year. It hasn't stopped him smoking, ________.‎ ‎④ Tired ________ we were, we continued working.‎ 答案 ‎1. ① However ②but ③but ‎2. ① Although / Though ②while ‎ ‎ ③ though ④though 单元写作指导:如何用英语对比两座城市 ‎【写作任务】‎ 假设你是李华,最近刚从悉尼旅游回来。请你根据所给提示,给你的英国笔友Tom写一封电子邮件,比较悉尼和你的家乡广州这两座城市。‎ 城市 广州 悉尼 相同点 1. 都是亚热带气候;‎ ‎2. 气候宜人,草木常青,花朵常开。‎ 不同点 1. 人们习惯吃甜食、喝汤;‎ ‎2. 人文景观较多。 1. 人们常吃西餐;‎ ‎2. 自然风光更美。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数); 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:亚热带气候subtropical climate 开花bloom Dear Tom,‎ How are you doing these days? I would like to say something about the two cities — Guangzhou and Sydney — to you.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎【写作指导】‎ 一、 审题定调 本写作要求写一封电子邮件。正文部分是对比两座城市,属于对比类说明文,可以从气候、景观、交通、饮食习惯等方面进行对比。写作时应将两座城市的相同点和不同点进行归纳整理,使正文层次分明。时态多用一般现在时,如果有今昔对比,则用一般现在时和一般过去时。‎ 二、谋篇布局 正文可分为三部分:‎ 第一部分:介绍两座城市的相同点;‎ 第二部分:介绍两座城市的不同点;‎ 第三部分:简要总结。‎ 三、组织语言 第一部分:介绍广州和悉尼的相同点。‎ 普通表达 高级表达 The two cities are similar in many ways. The two cities share something in common.‎ ‎... have subtropical climates. The weather is pleasant, plants are green and flowers bloom over all in the four seasons. ... enjoy subtropical climates, where the weather is agreeable, with green plants and flowers blooming all the year round.‎ Millions of tourists from around the world come to visit them every year. They both attract millions of tourists from both at home and abroad every year.‎ 第二部分:介绍广州和悉尼的不同点。‎ 普通表达 高级表达 ‎..., there are also some differences between the two cities. ..., they differ from each other in some aspects.‎ ‎... like to eat sweet food and soups, but ... like western food. ... prefer sweet food as well as soups, while ... like to enjoy western food.‎ There are more cultural sights in Guangzhou, but the natural scenery in ‎ Sydney is more beautiful. Compared with Sydney, Guangzhou has more cultural sights, while you can appreciate more beautiful natural scenery in Sydney.‎ 第三部分:简要总结。‎ 普通表达 高级表达 In short, each of them is a very special and attractive place. All in all, each of them has some distinctive features and is worth a visit.‎ ‎【范文展示】‎ 普通范文 Dear Tom,‎ How are you doing these days? I would like to say something about the two cities — Guangzhou and Sydney — to you.‎ ‎①The two cities are similar in many ways. ②Both of them have subtropical climates. The weather is pleasant, plants are green and flowers bloom over all the four seasons. ③Millions of tourists from around the world come to visit them every year.‎ ‎④However, there are also some differences between the two cities. ⑤The people in Guangzhou like to eat sweet food and soups, but the people in Sydney like western food. ⑥There are more cultural sights in Guangzhou, but the natural scenery in Sydney is more beautiful.‎ ‎⑦In short, each of them is a very special and attractive place.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua 高级范文 Dear Tom,‎ How are you doing these days? I would like to say something about the two cities — Guangzhou and Sydney — to you. ‎ ‎①The two cities share something in common. ②Both of them enjoy subtropical climates, where the weather is agreeable, with green plants and flowers blooming all the year round. ③They both attract millions of tourists from both at home and abroad every year.‎ ‎④Nevertheless, they differ from each other in some aspects. ⑤The people in Guangzhou prefer sweet food as well as soups, while the people in Sydney like to enjoy western food. ⑥ Compared with Sydney, Guangzhou has more cultural sights, while you can appreciate more beautiful natural scenery in Sydney.‎ ‎⑦All in all, each of them has some distinctive features and is worth a visit.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua 温馨提示:以上两篇范文中,相同标号的内容采用了两种不同的表达 方式来表达相同或相近的含义。显然,第二篇范文中的高级词汇和短语以及一些复杂语法结构的使用为文章增色颇多。因此,同学们平时不仅要掌握基本的词汇和结构,还应注意积累一些高级的表达方式。‎ ‎【实战演练】‎ 假设你是李华,刚从英国伦敦留学回到北京。你的加拿大朋友Peter来信询问你北京和伦敦的差异。请根据所给提示给他回一封信。‎ 伦敦 北京 阴雨天多 晴天多 懂汉语的人少 会说英语的人多 汽车靠左行 汽车靠右行 注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数); 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Peter,‎ I'm very glad to hear from you. __________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ That's all. Best wishes to you.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua 答案 Dear Peter,‎ I'm very glad to hear from you. Clearly there are many differences between Beijing and London.‎ I think it's more comfortable to live in Beijing than in London. The weather in Beijing is dry and mostly fine, but London has so many cloudy and rainy days. I also found that few people in London can speak Chinese, while English is very popular in China and many people here can communicate with others in English. In addition, what really surprised me is that cars in London are driven on the left side of the road, but in my country on the right side.‎ That's all. Best wishes to you.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua 链接高考测试题 第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Sundays, I walk to the supermarket. Mother hands me the grocery list and puts money in my pocket, hoping it will be enough. She's had a hard day, and I've had a hard week. Nothing out of the ordinary happens when I get to the store. I grab the bread, some milk, and other things on the list. As I turn to head out, I see a beautiful dress in the window. I turn away, bitter that I could never own such a dress.‎ Outside, I cannot stop thinking about that pretty dress. It's not fair that I can never have what I want. I work so hard to help my family and yet I get nothing in return, just another list to do. In my anger, I fail to realize the apples are rolling (滚动) across the road. Suddenly, I see a pair of hands, offering me an apple. Looking up, I see the tanned (晒黑的) face of this stranger. His clothes are mismatched, borrowed or stolen. But his eyes are soft and kind.‎ ‎“Thanks,” I say. No other words are spoken as he continues to help me. I tell him “thank you” one more time and am on my way because I have ‎ many other things to finish. Suddenly, he says, “Have a good day, ma'am.” And then he gives me the biggest smile I have ever seen. Right then, he looks years younger — and I feel a fool.‎ Look at me, feeling sorry for myself because I don't get what I want! Do I not think others are in the same boat, or worse? There are worse things than not having a beautiful dress.‎ My mother will hand me the list today. I will make the same journey and probably see something I want but cannot have. But before I start to feel sorry for myself, I will remember the kind stranger with the big smile, and I will grab the last item (物品), and check out.‎ ‎21. What can we learn about the author from the first paragraph?‎ A. She is rushing to get home.‎ B. She comes from a poor family.‎ C. She never buys herself new clothes.‎ D. She enjoys doing the family shopping.‎ ‎22. Why does the author feel angry as she walks home?‎ A. Her apples drop on the road.‎ B. She gets nothing for her effort.‎ C. She is expected to do too much.‎ D. Her family pay little attention to her.‎ ‎23. The author speaks very few words to the man because _____.‎ A. she thinks he is a bad man B. she has never met him before C. she is in a hurry to do other work D. she doesn't like the way he's dressed ‎24. What's the best title for the text?‎ A. A difficult daily job B. Learn to understand C. My greatest influence D. Save money for the future ‎ ‎ B ‎ One part of the world is still largely unexplored (未经探索). It is the deep sea. Over the years, many people have explored under the sea. But the first deep-sea divers (潜水员) wanted to find sunken treasure. They weren't really interested in studying the creatures of life there. Only recently have they begun to learn some of the mysteries of the sea.‎ ‎ It's not easy to explore the deep sea. A diver must have a way of breathing underwater. He must be able to protect himself from great pressure (压力). The pressure of air is about 15 pounds on every square inch. But the pressure of water is about 1,300 pounds on every square inch!‎ The first diving suits (潜水服) were made of rubber. They had a metal helmet (头盔) with windows in it. The shoes were made of lead and ‎ weighed twenty pounds each! These suits let divers go down a few hundred feet, but they were no good for exploring the very deep waters. With a metal diving suit, a diver could go down 700 feet. Metal suits were first used in the 1930s.‎ In 1927, a diver named William Beebe wanted to explore deeper than anyone had ever gone before. He was not interested in finding treasure. He wanted to study the creatures and plants of the sea. His friend invented a metal ball called the Bathysphere. It weighed more than 5,000 pounds, but in it Beebe went down 3,028 feet. He saw many things that had never been seen by humans before.‎ ‎25. People who first explored the deep sea hoped to _____.‎ A. learn about the animals and plants of the sea B. solve some mysteries about the sea C. have an exciting trip in the sea D. discover treasure under the sea ‎26. According to the text, what make(s) deep-sea diving difficult?‎ A. The pressure of water. ‎ B. The temperature of water.‎ C. The dangerous sea creatures. ‎ D. The heavy breathing equipment. ‎ ‎27. Compared with rubber diving suits, metal diving suits _____.‎ A. had windows in the metal helmet B. weighed twenty more pounds C. were good for exploring deeper waters D. began to be used much earlier ‎28. What do we know about William Beebe from the text?‎ A. He broke the diving record in his time.‎ B. He failed to find the treasure he wanted.‎ C. He met something terrible under the sea.‎ D. He was the first diver to explore the deep sea.‎ ‎ ‎ C One day, a patient came to see me. He worked as a waiter in a restaurant and his problem was acid reflux (胃酸倒流), a disease that influences as many as 40 percent of Americans, a marked increase in recent years. Reflux can lead to esophageal (食道的) cancer, which has increased by about 500 percent since the 1970s. The drugs we use to treat reflux don't always work and may even increase the risk of developing cancer when used long term.‎ What is responsible for these worrying developments? For one, our poor diet, with its huge increases in the intake of sugar, fat, soft drinks, and unhealthy foods. But another important fact has been overlooked: dinnertime. Over the past twenty years, the time of my patients' evening meals has become later and later. Dinner — already pushed back by ‎ longer work hours — is often further delayed (推迟) by activities such as shopping and exercise.‎ In my experience, the single most important treatment for reflux is to avoid late eating. A patient with reflux came to see me because her father and uncle died of esophageal cancer, and she was afraid of getting it too. Her nightly routine (常规) included a 9 p.m. dinner with at least two bottles of red wine. The reflux was serious, and changes were needed.‎ She listened, then did not come back to see me for a year. “For the first two months, I just hated you,” she told me, “and for the next two months, I was having some trouble eating. I guessed I was going to die of esophageal cancer.” Then she added, “You know, we're the reason that it's not so easy to get 6 p.m. reservations (预约) at the good restaurants anymore.”‎ To stop the increase in reflux disease, we have to stop eating at least three hours before bed. As for my waiter patient? I told him to eat dinner before 7 p.m. Within six weeks, his reflux was gone.‎ ‎29. The disease the waiter caught is _____.‎ A. on the rise B. easy to control C. unusual in America D. the most dangerous cancer ‎30. What does the underlined word “overlooked” in Paragraph 2 mean?‎ A. Talked about a lot.‎ B. Paid no attention to.‎ C. Carefully looked into.‎ D. Taken into consideration.‎ ‎31. Why did the woman patient hate the author?‎ A. He spoke of her dead father and uncle.‎ B. He asked her to change her eating habits.‎ C. He couldn't find a way to deal with her problem.‎ D. He couldn't make her healthy again within a year.‎ ‎32. The author writes the text to tell us _____.‎ A. not to work late at night B. to avoid eating at restaurants C. unhealthy foods cause cancer D. the danger of eating late at night ‎ ‎ D Open Cambridge ‎3 pm - 5 pm Building stones of Cambridge Meet outside the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences Explore some of the main rocks used for building Cambridge. Learn ‎ where they came from and how they were transported here and see the Watson Collection, which is usually closed to the public. This walking tour is led by Dr Nigel Woodcock from the Department of Earth Sciences.‎ Ages 12+, Pre-book (预约)‎ ‎11 am - 12.30 pm Historic Cambridge Meet behind Great St Mary's Church Cambridge is well-known for its beautiful buildings and rich history, and is packed with famous names and great achievements. This tour will introduce you to some of the people and places that have made Cambridge the powerhouse it is today.‎ Ages 10+, Pre-book ‎10.30 am - 12.30 pm Cambridge University Press (出版社)‎ University Printing House Dr Rosalind Grooms, Press Archivist, presents the history of the Press from 1534 in an introductory talk. Kevin Taylor, Board Director, follows with a description of activities and plans. A visit to the Press Museum is included.‎ Adults, Pre-book ‎11.30 am - 12.30 pm The history of rowing in Cambridge Pitt Building How did rowing go from being an artisan's (匠人的) job, to an activity for gentlemen and then on to an Olympic sport the UK is good at? Chris Dalley, businessman and former (以前的) Cambridge's rower, talks about the sport's history and Cambridge's part in its past, present and future.‎ Ages 14+, Drop in ‎ The activities take place on both Fridays and Saturdays of this month. Booking is important and necessary for all Pre-book events. Please book by visiting:opencambridge.cam.ac.uk, or by telephoning: 01223 766766.‎ ‎33. When is the tour around the Watson Collection?‎ A. 10.30 am - 12.30 pm. ‎ B. 11 am - 12.30 pm. ‎ C. 11.30 am - 12.30 pm. ‎ D. 3 pm - 5 pm.‎ ‎34. Which activity is designed only for adults?‎ A. Historic Cambridge.‎ B. Cambridge University Press.‎ C. Building stones of Cambridge.‎ D. The history of rowing in Cambridge.‎ ‎35. Who will give a talk on a sport?‎ A. Rosalind Grooms. ‎ B. Nigel Woodcock.‎ C. Chris Dalley. ‎ D. Kevin Taylor.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. People thought that there was a special danger from evil (邪恶的) spirits, so friends and family came together to bring good thoughts and wishes and even presents. 36 But as time went by, children and then adults began to have their own birthday celebrations. There are some traditions — such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the “Happy Birthday” song, that you can find almost anywhere, any time. 37‎ In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top. 38 The key means that the young person is now old enough to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!‎ In the past in parts of Europe, men who reached the age of thirty and were still single, had to clean the stairs of the City Hall. This way every girl could see that the man didn't have a girlfriend. 39‎ After the age of thirty, many people prefer to forget their birthdays ‎ rather than celebrate them ...children often bring Mum (or Dad) breakfast in bed. 40 It's also a day when your friends and family have to pay if you go out for drinks or a meal!‎ A. Birthday traditions are around the world.‎ B. At one time, only kings had birthday parties.‎ C. Or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key.‎ D. It's traditional to give flowers and enjoy a special meal.‎ E. Family members put many sweets on the birthday cake.‎ F. They could also see how good he was at cleaning the house!‎ G. Others are more specific to certain ages and certain countries.‎ ‎ ‎ 第三部分: 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Ben Underwood was a normal teenage boy. He 41 playing basketball, riding his bicycle and playing video games. But in one way, Ben was 42 to most other teenagers — he was blind. 43 , Ben had a special talent. He didn't have any eyes, but he could 44 see.‎ Ben was born in 1992, and he was a happy and healthy baby. However, when he was two years old, his life 45 . Ben had cancer and he had to have an operation. The operation was 46 , and Ben was fine. However,‎ ‎ the doctors had to remove (移除) his eyes and Ben became 47 .‎ After his operation, Ben 48 a special talent. When he was three, he learned how to “see” buildings with his 49 . He listened very carefully, and he could 50 noises bounce off (反弹) buildings. The noises told him where the 51 were. Then, when Ben was seven, he 52 to “click (发出咔哒声)”. He made clicking noises with his mouth, and listened for 53 that bounced back from things. In this way, Ben could “see” where he was and what was around him. This is the same 54 in which dolphins see things under water.‎ Scientists and doctors were 55 Ben's talent. There are only a few blind people in the world who can 56 like Ben. He became 57 . He was on TV, and he traveled to different countries and talked to people about his life. 58 , when Ben was 16, his cancer came back. He died soon after. However, during Ben's life, he 59 people that anything is possible. Many people admired him because he encouraged them and helped them feel 60 . When he died in 2009, over 2,000 people went to his funeral (葬礼).‎ ‎41. A. stopped B. loved C. avoided D. suggested ‎42. A. different B. polite C. close D. kind ‎43. A. Instead B. Besides C. However ‎ ‎ D. Then ‎44. A. still B. just C. soon D. ever ‎45. A. started B. improved C. continued D. changed ‎46. A. simple B. cheap C. successful D. dangerous ‎47. A. blind B. free C. angry D. lucky ‎48. A. used B. developed C. knew D. discovered ‎49. A. eyes B. hands C. ears D. feet ‎50. A. make B. hear C. watch D. help ‎51. A. teenagers B. dolphins C. doctors D. buildings ‎52. A. learned B. failed C. remembered D. decided ‎53. A. voices B. noises C. songs D. shouts ‎54. A. time B. study C. way ‎ ‎ D. problem ‎55. A. worried about B. experienced in C. annoyed by D. amazed at ‎56. A. talk B. see C. finish D. understand ‎57. A. tired B. serious C. nervous D. famous ‎58. A. Sadly B. Quietly C. Carelessly D. Immediately ‎59. A. promised B. advised C. taught D. warned ‎60. A. comfortable B. strong C. popular D. happy ‎ ‎ 第Ⅱ卷 第三部分: 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎2015 marks 25 years since the first Human Development Report introduced 61. ________ new approach for advancing human well-being. The approach is about expanding the richness of human life, ‎ rather than the richness of the economy. It is an approach 62. ________ (focus) on people and their opportunities and choices.‎ People Human development focuses on improving people's lives rather than assuming 63. ________ economic growth will lead to greater well-being for all. Income growth 64. ________ (see) as a means to development, rather than an end in itself.‎ Opportunities Human development is about giving people more freedom to live lives they value. 65. ________ (actual) this means developing people's abilities and giving them a chance to use them. For example, educating a girl would build her skills, but it would be useless and 66. ________ (fortunate) if she didn't have access to jobs or the right skills 67. ________ the local labour market needs. Three foundations for human development are to live a long and healthy life, to be knowledgeable, and to have access to resources 68. ________ (need) for a satisfactory life. Once the basics of human development are achieved, 69. ________ is sure that they open up opportunities for progress in other aspects (方面) of life.‎ Choice Human development is about more choices. People's choices are connected 70. ________ their own concerns. The process of human ‎ development should create an environment for people to develop to their full potential and to have a reasonable chance of leading lives they value.‎ ‎ ‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ ‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ ‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ ‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Last week, I went out with my family for the meal in a restaurant. The food is not very good though. For my first course, I chose a dish calling “Cook's special”, turned out to be a kind of pizza. Generally, I enjoyed fast food, and this meal was quite disappointed because it wasn't very tasty. The rest of my families didn't enjoy their food very much either. Personal, I think we would have enjoyed us more if we'd cooked a meal at home. After all, we always have had plenty of food in the fridge.‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎ 你校英文报“World Famous Cities”栏目现面向全体学生征稿。请你根据以下提示,用英语为该栏目写一篇短文,介绍加拿大著名的城市——多伦多(Toronto)。‎ 位置 安大略湖(Lake Ontario)西北岸 规模 加拿大最大的城市 地位 1. 加拿大的经济中心;‎ ‎2. 世界上最大的金融中心之一。‎ 旅游 拥有100多个公园,有各种各样的艺术节。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1. 词数100左右;‎ ‎2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考答案 ‎21-25 BBCCD 26-30 ACAAB ‎31-35 BDDBC 36-40 BGCFD ‎ ‎41-45 BACAD 46-50 CABCB ‎ ‎51-55 DABCD 56-60 BDACB ‎61. a 62. focusing 63. that ‎ ‎64. is seen 65. Actually 66. unfortunate ‎67. that / which 68. needed 69. it 70. with 短文改错:‎ ‎71. ... for the meal ... the → a ‎72. ... food is not ... is → was ‎73. ... a dish calling ... calling → called ‎74. ... turned out to ... turned前加which ‎75. ... and this meal ... and → but ‎76. ... was quite disappointed ... disappointed → disappointing ‎77. ... my families didn't ... families → family ‎78. Personal, I think ... Personal →‎ ‎ Personally ‎79. ... enjoyed us more ... us → ourselves ‎80. ... have had plenty ... 去掉had One possible version:‎ Toronto, which is located on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario, is the largest city in Canada. It is also the economic center of Canada and one of the largest financial centers in the world. Toronto is such a beautiful city that it attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every year. It is said that there are more than one hundred parks in this city. What’s more, Toronto is famous for its various art festivals. No matter when you come to this city, you can experience the atmosphere of art almost everywhere.‎ ‎ ‎ 部分解析 阅读理解:‎ A篇 (个人情感)‎ ‎ 本文是夹叙夹议文。一次寻常的购物途中遇见的陌生人对作者影响深远。‎ ‎21. B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的hoping it will be enough,She's had a hard day, and I've had a hard week和I turn away, bitter that I could never own such a dress等可推测,作者的家境不是很好。‎ ‎22. B。推理判断题。根据第二段中的I work so hard to help my family and yet I get nothing in return可知,作者感到气愤是觉得自己的努力没有得到相应的回报。‎ ‎23. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的I tell him “thank you” one more time and am on my way because I have many other things to finish可知,作者只对帮助她的那个陌生人说了两遍“谢谢”是因为她还有其他事情要做。‎ ‎24. C。标题归纳题。作者为帮家里购物这件事发牢骚表示不满,然而购物途中一个陌生人的所言所行改变了她。因此C项作标题概括了文章主旨。‎ B篇 (自然)‎ 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了深海探险的相关知识。‎ ‎25. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的But the first deep-sea divers wanted to find sunken treasure可知,人们最初探测深海是想寻找沉入海底的金银财宝。‎ ‎26. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的He must be able to protect himself from great pressure ... the pressure of water is about 1,300 pounds on every square inch可知,水压很大,这使得在深海中潜水非常困难。‎ ‎27. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的These suits let divers go down a few hundred feet, but they were no good for exploring the very deep waters和With a metal diving suit, a diver could go down 700 feet可知,与橡胶潜水服相比,金属潜水服可以帮助人们探测较深的水域。‎ ‎28. A。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的William Beebe wanted to explore deeper than anyone had ever gone before和Beebe went down 3,028 feet. He saw many things that had never been seen by humans before可推断,Beebe通过探海球(the Bathysphere)探测到了更深的海域,打破了以往的潜水纪录。‎ C篇 (健康)‎ 本文是议论文。文章主要讨论了吃晚饭吃得太晚的危害。‎ ‎29. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的a disease that influences as many as 40 percent of Americans, a marked increase in recent years可知,患胃酸倒流病的人数正在逐年增加。‎ ‎30. B。词义猜测题。根据该句中的But以及下文介绍晚饭吃得太晚的弊端可知,晚饭时间是一个被人们忽视了的问题。‎ ‎31. B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的The reflux was serious, and changes were needed和第四段可知,作者让这位女病人将自己的晚饭时间提前,然而女病人很难做到,因此恨作者。‎ ‎32. D。写作目的题。作者以一个病人的案例引出晚上吃饭时间太晚容易得胃酸倒流病,并且给出自己的建议:the single most important treatment for reflux is to avoid late eating,然后再以一个女病人的病例对此加以证明,最后得出结论:To stop the increase in reflux disease, we have to stop eating at least three hours before bed。由此可知,作者写作此文的目的在于告诫大家晚饭时间很关键,不能吃得太晚,否则会导致疾病,甚至会威胁生命。‎ D篇 (日常活动)‎ 本文是应用文。文章是剑桥市的四项活动介绍。‎ ‎33. D。细节理解题。根据Building stones of Cambridge部分中的see the Watson Collection及其时间3pm - 5pm可知答案。‎ ‎34. B。细节理解题。根据Cambridge University Press部分中的Adults可知,该项活动只面向成人。而其他三项活动的年龄要求分别为Ages 12+,Ages 10+,Ages 14+,由此可知,这三项活动除了成人外,其他适龄儿童也可以参加。‎ ‎35. C。细节理解题。根据The history of rowing in Cambridge部分中的Chris Dalley ... talks about the sport's history可知,Chris Dalley将就剑桥的赛艇运动这一话题作报告。‎ 七选五:‎ 话题:节假日活动 ‎ 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了几个特别的生日习俗。‎ ‎36. B。根据下一句But as time went by, children and then adults began to have their own birthday celebrations可知,空格处和该句形成时间上的前后对比,故B项符合语境。‎ ‎37. G。根据上一句There are some traditions ... that you can find almost anywhere, any time以及下文介绍的几个特别的生日习俗可知,G项在此承上启下。‎ ‎38. C。根据上一句中的a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top和下一句中的The key means that可知,C项中的the shape of a key 与之相呼应。‎ ‎39. F。根据该段中的had to clean the stairs of the City Hall和every girl could see ... 可知,F项“她们也能借此看出这名男子很会打扫家”符合此处语境。‎ ‎40. D。根据上一句中的many people prefer to forget their birthdays rather than celebrate them和下一句中的your friends and family have to pay if you go out for drinks or a meal可知,30岁以后人们不再兴师动众庆祝生日,而是简单地度过。故D项“送花和吃顿饭”符合语境。‎ 完形填空:‎ 话题:个人情况 本文是记叙文。Ben Underwood因疾病变成了盲人,然而,他却可以利用耳朵来探索周围的一切。‎ ‎41. B。根据上一句中的a normal teenage boy可知,Ben Underwood“热爱(loved)”篮球、骑车等运动。‎ ‎42. A。根据破折号后的he was blind可知,Ben又“不同于(different)”绝大多数同龄人。‎ ‎43. C。虽然Ben是盲人,“然而(However)”他却有一种特殊的才能。‎ ‎44. A。根据but以及下文讲述Ben的故事可知,Ben虽然没有眼睛,但是他“依然(still)”可以看见周围的一切。‎ ‎45. D。上一句介绍Ben出生时是一个快乐、健康的孩子,下文谈到他身患癌症而且必须做手术,由此可知,当他两岁时,他的生活发生了“改变(changed)”。‎ ‎46. C。根据后半句and Ben was fine可知,Ben的手术很“成功(successful)”。‎ ‎47. A。根据前半句the doctors had to remove his eyes可知,由于眼睛被摘除,因此Ben变成了“盲(blind)”人。‎ ‎48. B。根据该段接下来的When he was three, he learned how to ... 和Then, when Ben was seven ... 可知,手术过后,Ben慢慢地“培养(developed)”出了一种特殊的才能。‎ ‎49. C。根据下文具体介绍Ben是如何靠听周围的回声来辨别事物可知,他靠自己的“耳朵(ears)”来认知周围的世界。‎ ‎50. B。根据该空前的He listened very carefully可知,Ben能“听见(hear)” 周围通过建筑物反弹的噪音。‎ ‎51. D。根据上文中的“see” buildings和noises bounce off buildings可知,Ben通过噪音来辨别“建筑物(buildings)”的方位。‎ ‎52. A。根据上文中的When he was three, he learned how to和下一句中的He made clicking noises with his mouth可知,Ben七岁时开始“学着(learned)”用嘴发出咔哒声。‎ ‎53. B。根据上文介绍Ben三岁开始通过仔细聆听噪音来辨别建筑物可知,当他七岁时,他如法炮制,先用嘴发出特定的声音,然后细听“噪音(noises)”是如何从物体上反弹。‎ ‎54. C。Ben通过听回声来辨别事物和海豚在水里看事物的“方式(way)”相同。‎ ‎55. D。根据下一句中的There are only a few blind people in the world 可知,科学家和医生对Ben的特殊才能感到“惊讶(amazed at)”。‎ ‎56. B。根据上文描述Ben通过听噪音来看世界可知,世界上只有少数盲人可以像他这样“看(see)”世界。‎ ‎57. D。根据下一句He was on TV, and he traveled to different countries and talked to people about his life可知,Ben变得“有名(famous)”了。‎ ‎58. A。下文描述的when Ben was 16, his cancer came back. He died soon after是一件“悲痛(Sadly)”的事。‎ ‎59. C。尽管Ben离开了人世,然而他在有生之年“使人们明白(taught people)”一切皆有可能。‎ ‎60. B。根据上文介绍Ben的励志故事和该句中的he encouraged them可知,Ben帮很多人变得内心“强大(strong)”。‎ 语法填空:‎ ‎61. a。考查不定冠词。approach作“方法”讲时,是可数名词,且此处表示泛指,故填a。‎ ‎62. focusing。考查动词-ing形式作后置定语的用法。approach与focus之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填focusing。‎ ‎63. that。考查连接词。设空处引导从句作assume的宾语,且从句中不缺任何成分,故填that。‎ ‎64. is seen。考查一般现在时的被动语态。Income growth与see之间是被动关系,且由语境可知此处用一般现在时,故填is seen。‎ ‎65. Actually。考查副词。设空处作状语,修饰整个句子,故填副词 Actually。‎ ‎66. unfortunate。考查形容词作表语的用法。由语境可知,设空处与useless并列作表语,且此处表示“不幸的”,故填unfortunate。‎ ‎67. that / which。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句且在从句中作宾语,故填that / which。‎ ‎68. needed。考查动词-ed形式作后置定语的用法。need与resources之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填needed。‎ ‎69. it。考查it作形式主语的用法。设空处作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,故填it。‎ ‎70. with。考查介词。be connected with ...与……有关联。‎

