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语法填空4‎ ‎1、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎    The makeup of British families has changed①__________(rapid) over the last two hundred years. The traditional family structure (结构)before the Industrial Revolution was the extended family in ②__________three generations lived under one roof. The early twentieth century saw the③__________( grow) of the nuclear family—parents and a small number of④__________( child) would form a single family. In the last thirty years, however, the UK⑤__________( see) a breakdown of the typical nuclear family.‎ ‎    Increased divorce rates, later marriage and a move away from marriage altogether have resulted⑥__________new forms of family ; divorced parents will develop new relationships and take their kids with them. A survey⑦__________( conduct) by researchers shows that over 50% of kids are now born to parents who are not married.‎ ‎    Some minority communities stick to the extended family structure, and it is common ⑧__________(find) that three generations are living together in an Indian family. They say that apart from strengthening traditional family ties,⑨__________can provide security for older people when they cannot work anymore. They believe that the phenomenon of other old people living in care homes ⑩__________ (indicate) that many old people in the wider community are abandoned in their old age.‎ ‎2、    Walking is one of the healthiest and cheapest ways to get moving. All you need are a pair of comfortable shoes and the ①__________(willing) to get moving. Start gradually and increase your distance ②__________no more than five minutes each week. Don’t worry about how far you can go. Walk at a pace where you can breathe ③__________(comfort). Try this walk three times in your first week and in the following week ④__________extra couple of minutes. Continue to build your distance gradually until you are at a stage ⑤__________you can walk for 30 minutes.‎ ‎    There will be days when you won’t feel like ⑥__________(go) out. We all can create excuses on these days, but it’s a lot harder ⑦__________(explain) your excuses to someone else. So walking with others ⑧__________(be) a better way out. Sometimes a canine(犬类的) buddy is even better than a human one. Evidence ⑨__________(show) the most active old people are ‎ those who have a dog. The dog won’t listen to your excuses about being too busy or ⑩__________(tire). The dog won’t mind the cold or the rain.‎ ‎3、    When I was 8 years old, my best friend gave me a copy of this book and told me that I might find it interesting.He could not have been more right, for I ①__________(absorb) in the book immediately and I finished it in a matter of three days.To me ②__________was a miracle(奇迹)to finish a book so ③__________(quick) at that age! I found that the book was ④__________great benefit and entertaining at the same time.The author, Mr.Dale Carnegie, didn’t introduce a principle or an idea without ⑤__________(support) it with at least one real life story where the principle ⑥__________(introduce) was proved helpful.After that point I noticed a great, almost immediate, effect on my ⑦__________(behave) as I was growing up.I noticed that I was getting along better with my parents and teachers,⑧__________(much) popular at school, and I even began to understand people much better ⑨__________before.I grew up believing that this book was one of the ⑩__________(great) factors involved in shaping my character.‎ ‎4、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎    My grandfather is a ①__________(retire) worker. On summer evenings, we often sat together outside the house ②__________(enjoy) the cool air. It was the time that he told me lots of his experiences before liberation.‎ ‎    When my grandfather was fourteen years old, he worked in a coal mine. One day, when he and his two workmates were working in the tunnel, an ③__________(fortune) thing suddenly happened. A part of the tunnel fell down, and they were shut in it. They had no food ④__________(eat). When they were hungry, they only drank some water there. It was very cold in it. In order to keep warm, they hugged one another. In the darkness, they didn’t know whether it was day ⑤__________ night, they only felt they had stayed there for a very long time. They were too hungry to speak or move, and thought they ⑥__________(die). At last, the tunnel ⑦__________(dig) through. They were saved. They had been there for fourteen days! My grandfather said they weren’t let out at once. If ⑧__________, they would have died. They were kept at the entrance to the tunnel ⑨__________ it was very dim, and they were fed ⑩‎ ‎__________ some thin porridge. After a day or two, they had recovered a bit, and they were helped out.‎ ‎5、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎    When I first heard about the Belt and Road Initiative (" —带一路”),I thought about something simple and straightforward—like a fragrant cup of tea.‎ ‎    For centuries,tea has brought ①__________(culture) communities and people closer together. In the past centuries, tea ②__________(connect) economies through trade and investment. The Belt and Road Initiative holds a similar promise, ③__________is about connecting cultures,communities, economies, and people. It is about reviving ancient trade routes and ④__________( build) new ones. It is also about adding a new economic flavor by setting up infrastructure(基础建设) projects based on 21st century expertise and standards. Delivering on this promise is not an easy task, ⑤__________doing so could bring great benefits.‎ ‎    First, high-quality infrastructure could help stimulate potential global ⑥__________( grow) ,and increase the incomes of millions of people. As a Chinese proverb ⑦__________( go ),“ To become rich, one must first build roads” A second benefit is greater inclusiveness. Think of improved roads in rural areas that can raise productivity, and access ⑧__________health services. By sharing the benefits of investment and knowledge more broadly,growth will be ⑨__________(strong) and more inclusive. A third benefit is closer economic cooperation. This would help boost global trade,investment and financial cooperation,making ⑩__________easier to share the benefits of growth more widely. All this is good for consumers,good for productivity and good for poverty reduction.‎ ‎6、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎    The ancient wisdom of Confucius is timeless. His thinking ①__________(lead) the Chinese for thousands of years. However, English teaching seems to be one place ②__________his wisdom is forgotten.‎ ‎    I came to China 6 years ago, and quickly saw the plight (困境) of so many students ③__________(struggle) to learn English. They know a lot “about” English, ④__________they never master the language. They learned far more grammar than students in Western cultures and ‎ almost no oral training.  They were made ⑤__________(recite) sentences and passages from their books. Their teachers were spending 90% of the class talking to them “about” English in Chinese.‎ ‎    All effective language teaching in the world is built   ⑥__________the basis of oral language. Students who excel in English are those that follow the wisdom of Confucius: they use language!‎ ‎    They use it primarily by speaking and listening,  ⑦__________(eventual) supplemented (补充) by reading and writing. Every language is taught by gaining speaking competence long before grammar, reading and writing  ⑧__________(introduce).‎ ‎    Chinese students work so hard. ⑨__________they learned English with correct spoken instructions and classroom practice, they would have the  ⑩__________(high) English scores in the world and they would conquer English.   ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案以及解析 ‎1答案及解析:‎ 答案:rapidly; which ; growth; children ; has seen; in; conducted; to find ; it; indicates 解析:【1题详解】‎ 考查副词。句意:在过去的200年里,英国人的家庭组成结构发生了快速的变化。在英语中通常使用副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或整个句子。本句中句中changed是动词,要用副词修饰。所以要填 rapidly。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 考查定语从句。句意:在工业革命前英国传统的家庭结构是三代居住在一起的大家庭。本句是一个定语从句,应该使用关系代词指代先行词family,并在定语从句中做介词in的宾语,用关系代词which。所以要填which。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:二十世纪初期建筑了核心家庭的成长。句中saw是及物动词,后接名词作宾语。growth是动词grow的名词形式。所以要填 growth。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 考查名词复数。句意:父母亲和孩子们形成了单个的家庭。child是可数名词,其前有a number of修饰时要用复数形式。所以要填 children。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 考查动词时态。句意:在过去三十年里,英国见证了核心家庭的破裂。根据时间状语In the last thirty years要用现在完成时态,且主语UK是单数形式,助动词用has。所以要填 has seen。‎ ‎【6题详解】‎ 考查动词固定搭配。句意:越来越高的离婚率、晚婚晚育等原因导致了核心家庭的破裂。‎ 动词短语 in意为"引起, 导致",是固定搭配。所以句中要填 in.‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 考查过去分词。句意:研究人员进行的一项调查显示百分之50的孩子是由未婚的父母亲所生的。句中名词survey与conduct之间是动宾关系,要用过去分词短语conducted by researchers作定语。所以要填 conducted.‎ ‎【8题详解】‎ 考查动词不定式。句意:在印度家庭里三代人生活在一起是很常见的。句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to find that three generations are living together in an Indian family。所以要填 to find.‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ 考查代词。句意:他们说除了加强传统家庭联系以外,大家庭还可以给不再工作的老人提供安全。句中it指代前文中提到的the extended family structure,使用要填 it。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ 考查主谓一致。句意:他们认为老人生活在护理中心说明很多社区里的老人在年老的时候被抛弃了。主语phenomenon是单数形式,且表示一般事实,谓语动词也应用单数形式。所以要填 indicates。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2答案及解析:‎ 答案:willingness; by; comfortably; an; where; going; to explain; is; shows; tired 解析:‎ ‎【文章大意】散步是最健康、最省钱的运动,但是散步也有一些学问,尤其是对于那些不能坚持长久的人,本文会对他们有所启发。‎ ‎1. willingness考査词性转换,空格前有定冠词the,需填名词。‎ ‎2. by考査介词。increase by增加了,by表示增加的幅度。‎ ‎3. comfortably考査词性转换。修饰动词应用副词形式。‎ ‎4. an考査冠词。a couple of几个,extra是以元音音素开头的词,因此用不定冠词an。‎ ‎5. where考査定语从句。stage表示抽象概念“阶段”,在其后定语从句中作地点状语,故用where。‎ ‎6 . going考查非谓语动词。feel like doing sth.想要做某事。‎ ‎7. to explain考査非谓语动词。it为形式主语,动词不定式短语作真正的主语。‎ ‎8. is考査主谓一致。动名词短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。‎ ‎9. shows考査时态。本文时态是一般现在时,此处应用一般现在时表示客观事实,主语evidence为单数第三人称,故填shows。‎ ‎10. tired考査词性转换。此处与busy并列,故用tired。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3答案及解析:‎ 答案:was absorbed; it; quickly; of; supporting; introduced; behavior; more; than; greatest 解析:‎ ‎【文章大意】有一本书对作者影响很大,作者认为这本书是塑造自己性格的最主要因素之一。‎ ‎1. was absorbed考查谓语动词。absorb与句子主语I为被动关系。be absorbed in专心于,全神贯注于,文章为一般过去时, 故填was absorbed。‎ ‎2. it考查代词。it此处为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式短语to finish a book。‎ ‎3. quickly考査词性转换。修饰动词需用副词形式。‎ ‎4. of考查介词。此处为of+抽象名词,相当于形容词,of great benefit非常有益。‎ ‎5. supporting考查非谓语动词。介词without后接动名词作宾语。‎ ‎6. introduced考查非谓语动词。 principle与introduce之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。‎ ‎7. behavior考查词性转换。形容词性物主代词只能修饰名词。‎ ‎8. more考查副词。根据上下文提示,此处popular应用比较级形式,故填more。‎ ‎9. than考査连词。空格前有提示词better。than before比以前更 ,故填than。‎ ‎10. greatest考査形容词的比较等级。one of之后的名词用形容词最高级修饰。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4答案及解析:‎ 答案:retired; enjoying; unfortunate; to eat; or; would die; was dug; so; where; on 解析:‎ ‎1. 句意:我的祖父是一位退休工人。本題考査过去分词作形容词,retired退休了的。‎ ‎2. 句意:夏天的晚上,我们经常一起坐在屋外享受凉风。此处为现在分词作伴随状语,故填enjoying。‎ ‎3. 句意:一天,他和另两个同事在隧道工作时,不幸的事情突然发生了。根据句意,故填unfortunate。‎ ‎4. 句意:他们没有食物吃。eat和宾语food之间为动宾关系, 故填不定式to eat。‎ ‎5. 句意:在黑暗中,他们不知道是白天还是黑夜。本题考查宾语从句的引导词whether…or…。‎ ‎6. 句意:他们太饿了,不能说话也不能动,觉得他们有可能会死掉,故填 would die。‎ ‎7. 句意:最后,隧道被挖通,他们得救了。考査动词的一般过去时的被动语态,故填was dug。‎ ‎8. 句意:如果那样的话,他们有可能会死掉。考査固定结构,if so如果那样。‎ ‎9. 句意:他们被安置在通向隧道的入口处,那儿很昏暗。考査定语从句,关系词在定语从句中作状语,表地点,故填where。‎ ‎10. 句意:喂些稀粥给他们吃。feed sb. on sth.给某人提供某种食物。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5答案及解析:‎ 答案:cultures; has connected; which; building; but; growth; goes; to; stronger; it 解析:‎ 本文介绍了中国提出的一个伟大的全球发展规划:“一带—路”。‎ ‎1. cultures考査名词单复数。根据语境和句子中的communities可知culture也要用其复数形式,表示“各国文化”。‎ ‎2. has connected考査动词时态和主谓一致。根据时间状语In the past centuries可知应该用现在完成时;主语tea是不可数名词,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。‎ ‎3. which考査定语从句,设空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰的先行词是a similar promise,关系词在定语从句中作主语,所以要用关系代词 which。‎ ‎4. building考査非谓语动词。并列连词and连接两个形式的词reviving和building,作介词about的宾语。‎ ‎5. but考査连词。句意:履行这个诺言并不是一件容易的事,但是这么做能带来巨大的好处。设空处前后是转折关系,且设空处后没有逗号,应该用but连接。‎ ‎6. growth考査词性转换,设空处前是形容词global,所以此处要用其名词形式。‎ ‎7. goes考査动词时态和主谓一致。句意:正如一个中国谚语说的那样 ……。设空处是从句的谓语动词,从句的主语是第三人称单数形式, 时态是一般现在时,所以答案为goes。‎ ‎8. to考査介词。根据固定搭配access to可知答案为to。access to意为:……的机会;……的权利;可以使用……。‎ ‎9. stronger考査形容词比较级。本句中第二个并列连词and连接两个形容词的比较级stronger和more inclusive。‎ ‎10.it考査代词。分析句子结构可知,设空处是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式短语to share...,所以答案为it。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎6答案及解析:‎ 答案: has led; where; struggling; but; to recite; on; eventually; are introduced; if; highest 解析:‎ ‎1.has led 考查时态。根据时间状语for thousands of years 可知,句子要用现在完成时。‎ ‎2. where 考查定语从句。先行词是one place,关系词在定语从句中做地点状语,所以填where。‎ ‎3. struggling考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处是see sb. doing sth.结构.意为“看到某人在做某事”,所以填struggling。本题容易误填struggle。see sb. do sth. “看到某人做了某事”,表示动作已经完成。see sb. doing sth.“看到某人在做某事”,表示动作正在进行。此处指作者当时看到的情景,所以用struggling。‎ ‎4. but 考查连词。根据前面的a lot和后面的never可知,上下文是转折关系,所以填but。‎ ‎5. to recite 考查非谓语动词。be made to do sth. “被迫做某事”,动词不定式做主语的补足语。‎ ‎6. on 考查固定搭配。on the basis of“在......的基础上”,是固定搭配。‎ ‎7. eventually 考查副词。所填的词修饰动词,所以用副词形式。eventual 的副词形式是eventually。‎ ‎8. are introduced 考查语态。句子用的是一般现在时,introduce和 grammar,reading and writing之间是动宾关系,所以用被动语态。‎ ‎9. If 考查连词。根据下文的they learned和they would have可知,本句是非真实条件句,所以填if。‎ ‎10. highest 考查最高级。根据前面的the可知,high要用最高级形式。‎ ‎ ‎

