牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit 2 language points (共70张PPT)

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牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit 2 language points (共70张PPT)

1 care for Care for your hair look after care for: like,love Who will care for the children if their mother dies? 如果他们母亲死后,谁来照顾孩子? 他深深地爱着她。 He cares for her deeply. What’s the meaning of “care for” in the sentences? He likes pop; he doesn 't care for classic music. The sick child was well cared for . We care for one another here. like, love take care of look after care (n. ) n. 小心,谨慎 You should take more care over your work. Take care not to break it. Take care that you don’t get run over when you cross the road. . Make a sentence with “ take more care over/take care to do/take care that ”in your mother’s tone to you. [ u] protection; charge; 照料,管理,责任 The child was left in its sister’s care. The library is in the care of Mr. Grey. My aunt takes care of my grandma leave sb . in the care of sb ./ leave sb in sb ’s care 他们把孩子交给朋友照看。 They left the child in a friend’s care. care (v.&n.) careful (a.) careless(a.) carefulness(n) carelessness(n) The driver’s carelessness led to the car accident. 2 Connie’s Connie 的美发店 在 Connie 的美发店 at Connie’s 在我叔叔的家 at my uncle’s Where do you live? I live on Chunshen Road. I live at No. 3355 Chunshen Road. Where do you live? 3 suit suit 合乎口味、性格、地位、条件等,从 而使人感到满意,,尤指 款式,颜色,发型 等与人相配. Does the climate suit you / your health? Will it suit you for us to come at 7 o’clock? We’ ll do all that we can to suit your needs . fit v. ( 尺寸大小等方面) 合适 This dress fits you well , but the colour doesn ’t suit you. match 匹配( go with ) I’d like to buy a hat to match the dress. ( adj ) suitable & fit be suitable for These clothes are suitable for cold weather. be fit for one’s job/ office/ position / post be fit to do The polluted water is not fit to drink. Phrases: fit in with 适应 fit on 试穿 be fit for be fit to do 适合做 Exercises: You look nice in green. Green ________ you. The food is _______ to eat. These shoes don’t ______ me. Do you have a larger one? The little girl doesn’t ______ in with the life in shanghai. This carpet ______ the colour of the curtains. Does Monday _______ you? She is not _______ to live by herself. Would you please ______ the coat on ? suits fit fit matches suit fit fit fit 4 guarantee : definitely promise We guarantee our hairstyles will make you feel on top of the world. guarantee sb . sth . = guarantee sth . to sb . Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. = Many shopkeepers guarantee customers satisfaction. 这家旅行社向顾客承诺最优质的服务. The travel agency guaranteed its customers the best service . guarantee + that clause 我们保证我们的服务会带给你更多的惊喜。 We guarantee that our service will bring you more surprises. guarantee to do sth . 他们保证两小时内把文件送到公司 . They guaranteed to deliver the papers to the company within two hours. Make a sentence with “guarantee to do” and “guarantee that” I guaranteed to….. so my father guaranteed that…. …. guaranteed to …. and therefore…. guaranteed that ….. guarantee (v) 保修 Normally such an electronic product is guaranteed for one year. guarantee (n) 保修期 The watch comes with a year’s guarantee . 5 feel on top of the world = be proud and happy When I heard that I had won the competition, I felt on top of the world. …… 6 be right for Choose the one that is right for you. be most suitable for He is the right man for the job. 那件大衣你穿正合适。 That coat is just right for you. 7 get free advice from sb . advice(n.) a piece of advice ask sb . for advice give sb . some advice on take/follow sb ’s advice 如果你不听我的劝告,总有一天你会后悔的。 You will regret one day if you don't follow my advice . advise (v.) advise sth . The doctor advised a good rest . advise + that clause The doctor advised that I (should) take a good rest . advise doing sth . 医生常建议多做户外运动。 Doctors often advise doing more outdoor exercise. advise sb . to do sth . 医生建议我好好休息。 The doctor advised me to have a good rest. My teacher always advises me…. The doctor advised that… One of my friend once advised… …advise… 8 expert (n.&a.) an expert in/at … 方面的行家 be expert in /at 干某事很在行 I am an expert in/at….. ….is expert in/at… 9 hide ( hid, hidden) They hide the angles of the face. 孩子们正躲在门后。 The children are hiding behind the door. hide sth from sb 不让某人发现,向某人隐瞒什么。 不要企图向我隐瞒什么。说实话。 Don’t try to hide something from me. Tell me the truth. 他不让他的父母找到他的成绩报告单。 He hid his school report from his parents. 10 keep my hair healthy keep sb / sth healthy keep healthy keep fit Keep+Object+O.C. 保持某种状态 1. keep+ Object+ adj. Your job is to keep the classroom clean. Keep the children quiet,please. Keep+Object+O.C. 保持某种状态 2 keep+Object + prep.phrases 如果你的手很冷,就揣在口袋里。 If your hands are cold, keep them in pockets . Keep+Object+O.C. 保持某种状态 3 keep+ O. +doing 她已足足让我等了两个小时了。 She has kept me waiting for two hours. Phrases: 1. keep(on) +doing 一直做某事 She kept (on) ______________ although she was tired . working/studying/ walking/fighting.. 2. Keep sb / sth from doing 阻止.防止 我们必须尽全力阻止城市空气变得被污染。 We have to try our best to keep the city air from becoming polluted . 11 diet Eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise. 11 diet Eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise. have/eat a balanced diet 均衡饮食包括大量新鲜水果,蔬菜和肉。 A balanced diet contains plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and meat. 每天摄入均衡和健康的膳食很重要。 It is important to have a balanced and healthy diet every day. go/be on a diet 节食 I am on a diet. 12 . plenty of=a lot of( 既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数) Don’t worry. We still get__________( 很多时间). __________________ ( 大量的参考书) are needed when you write a research paper. plenty of time Plenty of reference books 只可修饰可数名词 many a number of a great many a good many 只可修饰不可数名词 much a great deal of a large amount of 既可修饰可数又 可修饰不可数 a lot of plenty of a large quantity of 否定句中常用 many, much 不用 a lot of , plenty of, a large quantity of 13 exercise exercise(n.) 体育锻炼( u.c.) get plenty of exercise morning exercises, eye exercises 练习( c.) After doing a lot of exercises , your English can improve greatly. exercise(v.) 练习 exercise doing 14 You will shine and so will your hair . 你年轻,我也年轻。 You are young and so am I. Tom 喜欢与人交流, Simon 也喜欢与人交流。 Tom likes communicating with others and so does Simon. 他昨天去看电影了,他妹妹也去了。 He went to the cinema yesterday and so did his sister. Mary told me that this book was worth reading and so it was . and so it was 确实是这样的。 母亲叫我早起,我就早起了。 Mother told me to get up early, and so I did. 他说他会来拜访我的。他真得来了。 He said he would call on me, and so he did. 15 in addition: besides 相比写信,我更喜欢打电话。首先,打电话比较方便。而且,通过打电话,我更能表达我的情感。 I prefer making a phone to writing letter. First of all,making a call is more convenient. In addition , I can express myself better by phone. in addition to 除了 除了他手头的练习,他还得上钢琴课,小提琴课和象棋课。 In addition to his exercises at hand, he has to attend piano class, violin class and chess class. in addition to doing 除了完成了他手头的工作, Johnson 还帮着他的同事打扫了办公室。( assist) In addition to finishing his work at hand, Johnson assisted his workmates in cleaning the office. 16 It is wise for sb to do sth It is wise for you to shampoo your hair often. It is+adj.+ for sb to do 如今,人们相互交流很方便。 Today it’s convenient for people to communicate with others. Make a sentence… It is + adj + of sb to do 用来表示人物的特征, 如 kind, rude, cruel, mean, generous,foolish, clever , thoughtful, considerate,brave 你真是太好了,给了我们这么大的帮助。 It is kind of you to give us so much help. Fill in the blanks with the preparations “of and for”. It is important_________ her to practise swimming as often as possible. It was boring ________ me to attend such a long lecture. It is impolite________ him to speak so rudely to a young lady. It is considerate ________ him to send it to us. for of of for 有的形容词后面加 of 还是 for 要看意思而定 It’s good______ us to keep a balanced diet and take plenty of exercise. It is good _____ him to pick us up in such rainy weather. of for 17 effective Their efforts to improve the production have been very effective. 他们提高生产力的措施卓有成效 。 The method proved highly effective. 这种方法被证明是非常有效的 新的法律很有效。 The new law has been very effective. 18 normal oily hair/dry hair/normal hair (type of hair) hairstyle, shape of face normal 正常的 ( abnormal) People’s normal temperature is 37 °C. normal/ordinary/usual /average/common normal : 正常的 ordinary: 平凡的,普通的 ordinary people usual: 通常的 as usual average: 平常的,平均的 average family/on the average common 共有的,共同的 a common language The _________age of the boys in this class is fifteen. We took the boy's temperature, and it was__________. I’m an ________ teacher. It’s ________for western people to greet each with a ”good morning” before lunch. She followed her______custom of spending Sunday at her villa at the seaside. average normal ordinary common usual 19 squeeze 他挤捏橙子以得到橙汁。 He squeezed an orange to get the juice. 我使劲把所有的书都塞进了公文包。 I squeezed all my books into the briefcase. squeeze out Gently squeeze out the extra water. 轻轻地压掉多余的水分 。 20 apply 1) vt . 涂,抹 apply…to… Apply ing the medicine to your wound will relieve the pain. 把药涂在伤口上会减轻你的疼痛. 2) vt . 应用 apply…to… 把你学的知识运用于实践是明智的 . It’s wise of you to apply what you have learned to practice. 3) 申请 apply for sth to sb . 看到广告后, Debbie 向这家公司申请经理的职位。 Debbie applied for the position of manager to the company after seeing the ads. 21 enough adj + enough to do Would you be kind enough to tell us the truth? adj +enough for sb to do The river is narrow enough for me to swim across. Change the sentences using “enough to do” 1. The problem is too difficult to complete. The problem is not easy enough to complete. 2.These boats are too dangerous for us to travel in. These boats are not safe enough for us to travel in. enough + n. +(for sb )+to do 你有足够的时间写完论文吗? Do you have enough time to finish the paper? 我们有足够的钱花。 We have enough money to spend. 22 damage(v.) These should be soft enough not to damage your hair . 我的车在交通事故中严重受损了。 My car was badly damaged in the road accident. damage (n.) do/ cause damage to 对…..造成伤害 暴风雨对稻谷造成了很大的伤害。 The storm has caused great damage to the crops. wound 刀伤 , 枪伤 , 尤指战争中受伤 hurt 身体受伤痛 , 还可指感情或精神上的伤害 harm 对…. 有害处 do harm to injure 常指身体部位器官受伤 , 尤指事故中受伤 He was seriously ________ when the bus hit his car. I didn’t expect my words ________ his feelings. Reading in dim light does ______ to your eyes. Smoking________ your health. The soldier was _________ in the leg in the battle. injured harms harm hurt wounded 23 set Always set it at a low temperature . 设定 Every working day I set the alarm for 6:00 but on Saturday and Sunday, I set it for 12:00. Phrases: 1) set off 出发 2) set up 建立 3) set about doing =set out to do 着手做某事 4) set aside( some time /money) 腾出 1 We could have ______earlier. 2 She ________ to break the world record. 3 She_________a bit of money every month. 4 The new government must _______ finding solutions to the country’s economic problems. 5 I try to _______ a few minutes each day to do some exercises. set off set out set aside set about set aside

