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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修8Unit 4 Pygmalion单元学案设计 一、刷黑板—— ‎ Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写]‎ ‎1.plot n.         情节;阴谋 ‎2.garment n. (一件)衣服(外套、裙、袍等)‎ ‎(pl.) 服装 ‎3.handkerchief n. 手帕;手绢;纸巾 ‎4.disguise vt. 伪装;假扮;遮掩 n. 伪装 ‎5.ambassador n. 大使;使节                          ‎ ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎6.authentic adj.     真实的;真正的;可信的;可靠的 ‎7.cookie n. 饼干 ‎8.cream n. 奶油;面霜 ‎9.nail n. 指甲;钉子 ‎10.stocking n. 长袜 ‎11.antique adj. 古时的;(因古老、稀少而)珍贵的 ‎ n. 文物;古董;古玩                         ‎ ‎[第三屏听写]‎ ‎12.referee n.       裁判员;仲裁者 ‎13.sob vi. 啜泣;抽噎_‎ n. 啜泣(声);抽噎(声)‎ ‎14.laundry n. ‎ 洗衣店;洗衣房;(待洗的或洗好的)衣服 ‎15.waist n. 腰;腰部;腰围 ‎16.alphabet n. 字母表                         ‎ Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎[第四屏听写]‎ ‎1.adaptation n.      适应(性);改编本 ‎2.classic adj. 经典的;第一流的 n. 经典著作 ‎3.professor n. 教授 ‎4.fateful adj. 重要的;决定性的;命中注定的 ‎5.woollen adj. 毛纺的;纯毛的(〈美〉woolen)                          ‎ ‎[第五屏听写]‎ ‎6.hesitate vi.       犹豫;踌躇 ‎7.uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的;不安的;不自在的 ‎8.uncomfortably adv. 不舒服地;不自在地 ‎9.troublesome adj. 带来麻烦的;使人心烦的 ‎10.outcome n. 结果;效果 ‎11.mistaken adj. (见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的 ‎12.brilliant adj. 光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的                          ‎ ‎[第六屏听写]‎ ‎13.classify vt.      把……分类;把……归类 ‎14.remark n. 谈论;言论;评述 vt.&vi. 谈论;评论;说起 ‎15.betray vt. 显露出(本来面目);背叛 ‎16.upper adj. (位置或地位)较高的;级别较高的 ‎17.extraordinary adj. 不同寻常的;非凡的                          ‎ ‎[第七屏听写]‎ ‎18.condemn vt.     谴责;使……处于不幸(不愉快)的状态;判刑 ‎19.properly_ adv. 适当地;恰当地 ‎20.acquaintance n. 相识;了解;熟人 ‎21.handful_ n. 一把;少量 ‎22.amazement n. 惊讶;惊愕 ‎23.wallet n. 皮夹;钱包                         ‎ ‎[第八屏听写]‎ ‎24.thief n.        小偷;贼 ‎25.status n. 身份;地位;职位 ‎26.superior adj. 优秀的;较高的;上级的 n. 上级;长官 ‎27.disapprove vt.&vi. 不赞成;反对;认为不好 ‎28.rob vt. 抢劫;盗窃;剥夺                          ‎ ‎[第九屏听写]‎ ‎29.musical adj.      音乐的;喜爱音乐的 n. 音乐喜剧 ‎30.overlook vt. 俯视;忽视;不理会 ‎31._fade vi.&vt. (使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失 ‎32.shabby adj. 破旧的;寒酸的 ‎33.compromise n.& vi. 妥协;折衷 ‎34.horrible adj. 可怕的;恐怖的                          ‎ ‎[第十屏听写]‎ ‎35.disgusting adj.     使人反感的;令人厌恶的 ‎36.whistle vi. 吹口哨;发出汽笛声 ‎ n. 口哨声;汽笛声 ‎37.fortune n. 机会;运气;大笔的钱 ‎38.effective adj. 有效的 ‎39.show_..._in 带或领……进来 ‎40.generally_speaking_ 一般来说                          ‎ ‎[第十一屏听写]‎ ‎41.once_more       再一次 ‎42.in_need_of 需要……‎ ‎43.fade_out (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡 ‎44.pass_..._off_as_... (把某人)改变或冒充成……‎ ‎45.in_terms_of_... 就……来说;从……角度 ‎46.make one's acquaintance 结识;与……相见 ‎47.in_amazement 震惊;惊讶 ‎48.in_disguise 伪装(的);假扮(的)‎ 二、刷清单—— ‎(一)核心单词 阅读单词 ‎1.plot n.    情节;阴谋 ‎2.garment n. (一件)衣服(外套、裙袍等)‎ ‎5.stocking n.  长袜 ‎6.cookie n. 饼干 ‎7.cream n. 奶油;面霜 ‎10.laundry n. 洗衣店;洗衣房;(待洗的或洗好的)衣服 ‎11.alphabet n. 字母表 ‎(pl.) 服装 ‎3.handkerchief n. 手帕;手绢;纸巾 ‎4.ambassador n. 大使;使节 ‎8.waist n. 腰;腰部;腰围 ‎9.referee n. 裁判员;仲裁者 ‎12.antique adj. 古时的;(因古老、稀少而)珍贵的 ‎   n. 文物;古董;古玩 表 达 单 词 ‎1.properly_ adv.    适当地;恰当地 ‎2.overlook vt. 俯视;忽视;不理会 ‎3.outcome n. 结果;效果;后果 ‎4.whistle vi. 吹口哨;发出汽笛声 n. 口哨声;汽笛声 ‎5.betray vt. 显露出(本来面目);背叛 ‎6.upper adj. (位置或地位)较高的;级别较高的 ‎7.acquaintance n. 相识;了解;熟人 ‎8.handful n. 一把;少量 ‎9.extraordinary adj. 不同寻常的;非凡的 ‎10.superior adj.‎ ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.We need to hold back global warming and prepare for its outcome (后果).‎ ‎2.Friends are not books, yet books are friends. Friends may betray (背叛) you, while books are always loyal.‎ ‎3.“Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary (非凡的).”from the film Dead Poets Society touched me most.‎ ‎4.This new machine is technically far superior_(优秀的) to the previous type.‎ ‎5.Some people believe that students should be allowed to take mobile phones to school as long as they use them_properly (适当地).‎ ‎6.However, mental health is ‎ ‎ 优秀的;较高的;上级的 ‎    n. 上级;长官 ‎11._fade v. (使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失 ‎12.condemn vt. 谴责;使……处于不幸(不愉快)的状态 ‎13.compromise n.& vi. 妥协;折衷 ‎14.troublesome adj. 带来麻烦的;使人心烦的 ‎15.brilliant adj. 光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的 ‎16.shabby adj. 破旧的;寒酸的 ‎17.status n. 身份;地位;职位 easy to be overlooked (忽视), which can result in serious mental diseases.‎ ‎7.The telegram has faded (逐渐消失) out in our life now, and gone with it are telegraph operators.‎ 拓 展 单 词 ‎1.adaptation n.适应(性);改编本→adapt v.(使)适应;改编 ‎2.classic adj.经典的;第一流的 n.经典著作→class n.班级;阶级;等级→classical adj.‎ ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.In the lecture, the professor_said that his profession is to cultivate more professionals for the country. (profession)‎ ‎2.Yesterday an old woman mistook me for her daughter. ‎ 古典的 ‎3.professor n.教授→profession n.职业;专业→professional adj.专业的 n.专业人员 ‎4.fateful adj.重要的;决定性的;命中注定的→_fate n.命运 ‎5.woollen adj.毛纺的;纯毛的→wool n.羊毛 ‎6.hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇→hesitation n.犹豫;踌躇 ‎7.uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的→uncomfortably adv.不舒服地;不自在地→comfortably adv.舒服地;舒适地→comfortable adj.舒适的;舒服的 ‎8.mistaken adj.(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的→mistake n.&v.错误;误会 ‎9.classify vt.把……‎ That means I was mistaken for her daughter. In fact she often makes the same mistake. (mistake) ‎ ‎3.Don't hesitate to ask for help and solve the problem without hesitation. (hesitate)‎ ‎4.Tom is often fortunate. Last year he went to Shanghai to try his fortune. Fortunately,_he met and married his girlfriend there. (fortune)‎ ‎5.To my amazement,the amazing news amazes_the family and their neighbors are also amazed. (amaze)‎ ‎6.Three of his novels have been adapted_for TV and this is a screen adaptation. (adapt)‎ ‎7.Jane was robbed of her diamond ring the other day and the robber was caught by the police very soon. (rob)‎ ‎8.Her house is modern and comfortably furnished, but she always feels slightly uncomfortable the moment she comes in. (comfortable)‎ 分类;把……归类→classification n.分类;归类 ‎10.remark n.谈论;言论;评述 v.谈论;评论;说起→remarkable adj.非凡的;值得注意的 ‎11.amazement n.惊讶;惊愕→amaze vt.使吃惊→amazed adj.吃惊的→amazing adj.令人吃惊的 ‎12.fortune n.机会;运气;大笔的钱→fortunate adj.幸运的→fortunately adv.幸运地 ‎13.disapprove v.不赞成;反对;认为不好→approve v.赞成 ‎14.rob vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺→robbery n.抢劫(行为)→robber n.强盗;盗贼 ‎15.musical adj.音乐的;喜爱音乐的 n.音乐喜剧 ‎9.The books in the library are classified by subject and its classification is very convenient to the students and teachers. (classify)‎ ‎10.Mike likes music very much. There were many musical instruments in his room. When he was young, he wanted to be a famous musician. (music)‎ ‎→music n.音乐→musician n.音乐家 ‎16.horrible adj.可怕的;恐怖的→horror n.恐怖 ‎17.disgusting adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的→disgust vt.使反感→disgusted adj.反感的 ‎18.effective adj.有效的→effect n.效果;影响 ‎(二)常用短语 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.once_more        再一次 ‎2.fade_out (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡 ‎3.in_disguise 伪装(的);假扮(的)‎ ‎4.in_terms_of_... 就……来说;从……角度 ‎5.in_need_of 需要……‎ ‎6.pass_...off_as_... (把某人)改变或冒充成……‎ ‎7.rob_sb._of_sth. 抢劫某人某物 ‎8.show_...in 带或领……进来 ‎1.It is difficult to express it in_terms_of science.‎ ‎2.Judging from his expression, he probably is in_need_of help now.‎ ‎3.She passed herself off_as a servant into the nobleman's house.‎ ‎4.She was robbed_of her handbag with the considerable sum of $5,000 in it.‎ ‎5.Generally_speaking,_how much you're paid reflects how important you are to the company you're looking for.‎ ‎9.generally_speaking 一般来说 ‎10.make_one's_acquaintance 结识;与……相见 ‎6.As the proverb says, an enemy in_disguise is a wolf in sheep's clothing.‎ ‎(三)经典句式 原句背诵 句式解构 佳句仿写 ‎1.Will that be of any use to you?‎ 那对你有用吗?‎ be of+抽象名词。‎ 常去图书馆对你的学习很有帮助。‎ Going to library often is_of_much_help_to_your_study.‎ ‎2.What if I was?‎ 如果我是,又怎么样呢?‎ What if ...? “如果……将会怎么样?”。‎ 在接下来的半小时里,如果这个问题必须解决会怎样?‎ What_if_this_problem_has_to_be_solved in the next half hour?‎ ‎3.Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.‎ 亨利·希金斯与皮克林上校正坐在那儿进行深入的交谈。‎ 形容词短语作状语。‎ 全神贯注地读书,他没注意到老师走进教室。‎ Deep_in_the_book,_he didn't notice the teacher came into the classroom.‎ 一、过重点单词—— ‎1.hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇 ‎[教材原句] A gentleman (G) passes and hesitates for a moment.‎ 这时有位先生(先)从这儿路过,他迟疑了片刻。‎ ‎(1)hesitate to do sth.       犹豫做某事 hesitate about/in/at/over 对……犹豫不决 ‎(2)hesitation n. 踌躇;犹豫 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事 ‎[题点全练] 单句语法填空 ‎①The Mullers didn't hesitate to_give_(give) their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.‎ ‎②Seeing the girl struggling in the lake, he threw himself in the icy water without hesitation (hesitate), and saved her from drowning.‎ ‎③Please have no hesitation in writing_(write) to me if you want me to do something for you in China.‎ ‎④He was still hesitating about/in/at/over whether to leave or not.‎ ‎2.remark n.谈论;言论;评述 vt. & vi.谈论;评论;说起 ‎[教材原句] You can place a man by just a few remarks. ‎ 你可以根据几句话就判定一个人来自何地。‎ ‎(1)remark on/upon      谈论/评论…… ‎ remark that ... 说;评论说 ‎(2)make remarks on/upon 对……发表评论/看法 ‎(3)remarkable adj. 非凡的;显著的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①He once remarked that “All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”‎ ‎②As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable (remark) progress!‎ 单句改错 ‎③It's bad manners to remark their shortcomings in the absence of other people.remark后加on/upon ‎3.acquaintance n.相识;了解;熟人 ‎[教材原句] And I came to England to make your acquaintance!‎ 我也正是到英国来找你的!‎ ‎(1)  结识某人 have acquaintance with sth. 对某事知道/了解 ‎(2)be acquainted with 熟悉 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①It is a good chance for you to make the_acquaintance of new people.‎ ‎②There are many ways through which we can become _acquainted (acquaint) with the outside world.‎ 单句改错 ‎③I have some acquaintances with Japanese, but I don't speak it fluently. acquaintances→acquaintance ‎4.fortune n.财产;大笔的钱;机会;运气 ‎[经典例句] Good books can bring us a large fortune.‎ 好书能给我们带来巨大的财富。‎ ‎(1)seek/try one's fortune      找出路/碰运气 make a fortune 发财;赚钱 have the good fortune to do sth. 有幸做某事 ‎(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的;侥幸的(=lucky)‎ be fortunate to do sth./in doing sth. 有幸做某事 ‎(3)fortunately adv. 幸运地(=luckily)‎ ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I had the good fortune to_be_chosen (choose) for studying abroad.‎ ‎②Fortunately_(fortune), a young man who was just passing by came up to the injured.‎ 单句改错 ‎③Many young people leave their hometown to seek their fortunes in big cities.fortunes→fortune ‎④Determined never to come back before he could make big fortune, Mike left home without saying a word.‎ make后加a 句型转换 ‎⑤Happy is the man, who before dying, has the good fortune to sail the Aegean Sea.‎ ‎→Happy is the man, who before dying, is_fortunate_to_sail the Aegean Sea.‎ ‎[名师指津]  fortune作名词且意为“机会;运气”时,是不可数名词;作名词且意为“大笔的钱”时,是可数名词。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Please don't hesitate_to_call (call) me if you need more ‎ information.‎ ‎2.He has a large number of acquaintances (acquaintance), so he had no trouble in finding his destination.‎ ‎3.Helen was chosen for the job because she was far superior to any other candidate.‎ ‎4.They were unwilling to compromise with the leaders.‎ ‎5.The man was_condemned_(condemn) to six years in prison for treating his parents cruelly.‎ ‎6.Some famous English professors from the USA and China will be invited to be judges and make remarks (remark) on the performances of the competitors.‎ ‎7.The movie was so disgusting (disgust) that we walked out.‎ ‎8.Librarians spend a lot of time classifying (classify) the books into several parts.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.The hot play on TV is adaptation of a short novel written by Mo Yan.adaptation_前加an ‎2.Most Americans feel uncomfortably if they stand too close to others when talking.uncomfortably→uncomfortable ‎3.People are often mistake in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as well.mistake→mistaken ‎4.The teacher asked the student to explain the word proper in English.proper→properly ‎5.I first made him acquaintance in the early 2010s.him→his ‎6.In addition, some people think English is superior than Chinese.than→to ‎7.When you come to our musical party, remember to bring your own music instruments.music→musical ‎8.It is required that under no circumstances should we betray of ourselves even if there are temptations like money or beauty.去掉of Ⅲ.根据提示词补全(或翻译)句子 ‎1.他对是否参加探险仍拿不定主意。(hesitate)‎ He is still hesitating_over_whether_to_join the expedition.‎ ‎2.老师评论说我的英语作文写得很好。 (remark)‎ The_teacher_remarked_that my English composition was well written. ‎ ‎3.他对音乐不怎么了解,然而他非常精通绘画。(acquaintance)‎ He has_little_acquaintance_with_music, while he has a wide knowledge of painting.‎ ‎4.他卖掉了西班牙的房产,赚了一大笔钱。(fortune)‎ He made_a_fortune_by selling property in Spain.‎ ‎5.为了方便起见,我们可把学生分成四组。 (classify)‎ For_convenience,_we_may_classify_the_students_into_four_groups.‎ 二、过短语、句式—— ‎1.in terms of ...就……来说;从……角度 ‎[教材原句] Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling, etc, so that she can use them properly.‎ 从语法、拼写等方面改正这些句子,以便她能恰当地使用。‎ in the long/short term/run  就长远/短期而言 be on good terms with 与……处得好 ‎[题点全练] 补全句子 ‎①In_terms__of_study_and_health,_we should develop a healthy lifestyle.‎ 就学习和健康来说,我们应该养成健康的生活方式。‎ ‎②The agreement should have very positive results in_the_long_term/run.‎ 从长远来看,这个协议应该会产生非常积极的影响。‎ ‎③Bear in mind that with humor sense, you can always be_on_good_terms_with_others.‎ 牢记拥有幽默感,你就能永远和其他人保持友好关系。‎ ‎2.show ...in带或领……进来 ‎[经典例句] The man in charge of the shop came up to show us in.‎ 这位商店的负责人过来领我们进去。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎①show ...out        带或领……出去 ‎②show off 炫耀;展示 ‎③show up 出现;来到某处 ‎④show sb. around/round 领某人参观 ‎⑤show ...for sb. 向某人表示……‎ ‎⑥show ...to sb. 给某人看……‎ ‎[应用领悟]‎ ‎①We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers.‎ 我们应该对老人、我们的父母和老师表示尊敬。‎ ‎②He showed great interest in the game in which the young man competed last night.‎ 他对昨晚那个年轻人参赛的那个游戏很感兴趣。‎ ‎③You are coming to Hangzhou this weekend. I'll be very glad to show you around/round our beautiful city then.‎ 这个周末你就要来杭州了,到时候我非常乐意带你参观我们的这座美丽城市。‎ ‎3.What if ...?“如果……将会怎样?”‎ What_if I was?‎ 如果我是,又怎么样呢?‎ ‎“what if ...”结构其实是what后省略了will happen。‎ What for?    为什么?‎ So what? 那又怎么样?‎ What's up? 怎么啦?发生什么事了?‎ How come? 怎么会这样呢?‎ ‎①What_if_everyone else brings a present?‎ 如果每一个人都带来一份礼物会怎样呢?‎ ‎②—I'm afraid it's too expensive. ‎ ‎—So_what? We've plenty of money.‎ ‎——恐怕太贵了。‎ ‎——那有什么关系? 我们有足够的钱。‎ ‎③—Susan is absent from today's writing class.‎ ‎—How_come? As far as I know, she has never missed a class.‎ ‎——苏珊今天没来上写作课。‎ ‎——怎么会呢?据我所知,她从没缺过一节课。‎ Ⅰ.根据语境选用合适的短语填空 pass ...off as, fade out, in terms of, in need of, once more,‎ make one's acquaintance, generally speaking, show ...in ‎1.In an advertisement I know that your company is in_need_of a temporary interpreter.‎ ‎2.He passed_himself_off_as_a doctor until someone checked his record.‎ ‎3.In addition, I am thankful for the opportunity to have made_her_acquaintance.‎ ‎4.Please wait here and show the guests in when they don't know how to find the art show hall.‎ ‎5.As the program ended, the music slowly faded_out and someone began to speak.‎ ‎6.Generally_speaking,_when a child learns to read, he usually begins from ABC. ‎ ‎7.However, in_terms_of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory.‎ ‎8.The two sides did not agree on the subject for the first time, so today they will sit down once_more to have a discussion.‎ Ⅱ.句型转换 ‎1.What should I do if I don't know the way to the station?‎ ‎→What_if I don't know the way to the station?‎ ‎2.He was lying in bed listening to the music and he was awake.‎ ‎→He was lying in bed, awake,_listening_to the music.‎ ‎3.When they were asked who had broken the vase, the children all kept silent.‎ ‎→Asked_who_had_broken_the_vase,_the children all kept silent.‎ ‎4.She sings well and dances beautifully too.‎ ‎→She not_only_sings_well_but_also_dances beautifully.‎ ‎5.I suggest that we start early tomorrow.‎ ‎→My suggestion_is that we_should start early tomorrow.‎ Ⅲ.根据提示词和相关要求补全(或翻译)句子 ‎1.当我们和朋友发生冲突的时候,换位思考是十分重要的。(be of+n.)‎ Putting ourselves in their shoes is_of_great_importance/significance when we have conflicts with friends.‎ ‎2.他们开始做实验,希望会成功。(形容词短语作状语)‎ They started the experiment, hopeful_for_success.‎ ‎3.用了很长时间后,这本书看起来很旧了。(过去分词短语作状语)‎ Used_for_a_long_time,_the book looks old.‎ ‎4.参加课外活动在我校很受欢迎,它不仅能使我们的学校生活丰富多彩,而且还能提高我们的学习。(not only ...but also ...)‎ Taking part in afterclass activities, which_not_only_makes_our_school_life_colorful _but_also_improves_our_learning,_is very popular in our school.‎ ‎5.如果她发现你把她的书丢了怎么办? (what if ...?)‎ What_if_she_finds_out_that_you've_lost_her_book?‎ 三、过语法、写作—— ‎(一)单元小语法——复习过去分词作状语 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Asked (ask) why he was late by the teacher, the naughty boy went red.‎ ‎2.Moved (move) by the story, he decided to study harder from now on.‎ ‎3.Seen_(see) in the distance, the village looks more beautiful. ‎ ‎4.Once performed (perform), the play was well received by the ‎ public.‎ ‎5.Beaten (beat) by the opposite team, we didn't lose heart and encouraged each other.‎ ‎6.Generally speaking, when taken_(take) according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.‎ ‎7.Once recovered (recover), he threw himself into his work and made every effort to do it well. ‎ ‎8.If translated_(translate) word by word, the passage will be difficult to understand.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Losing in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.Losing→Lost ‎2.Founding in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.Founding→Founded ‎3.Dress in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.Dress→Dressed ‎4.It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when was questioned at the meeting by my boss.去掉was ‎5.When offering help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It's kind of you.”offering→offered Ⅲ.补全或翻译句子 (注意使用分词)‎ ‎1.和许多中学生相比,她是很幸运的。‎ Compared_with_many_middle_school_students,_she was very lucky.‎ ‎2.他出生在贫困家庭,只上过两年学。‎ Born_into_a_poor_family,_he had only two years of schooling. ‎ ‎3.如果给她更多时间的话,她一定会干得更好些。‎ Given_more_time,_she would certainly have done much better. ‎ ‎4.一旦被养成,坏习惯是很难去除的。‎ Once_formed,_bad_habits_are_hard_to_get_rid_of.‎ ‎5.他虽然又一次被击败,但仍不屈服。‎ Though_defeated_once_more,_he_still_didn't_give_in.‎ ‎(二)课堂微写作练补写——让行文更条理 ‎[题目要求]‎ 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jack对你们学校最近开展的“书香校园”活动很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封信,介绍此项活动的具体内容。词数100左右。‎ ‎[补写提示] 请按提示线索补写下列习作中的中间段落 ‎ Dear Jack,‎ I'm glad that you are interested in the Scholarly Campus activity in our school. I'm eager to tell you something about it.‎ ‎ 我校开展“书香校园”活动旨在鼓励学生多读书→活动内容包括开班会、开展读书俱乐部、分享阅读经验等→活动大受欢迎,整个校园都在读书 ‎ 我非常高兴参加这次活动→它能唤起同学们的读书兴趣,也能使学生爱知识、爱生活→相信大家会受益匪浅 Wish you all the best!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[答案示例]‎ Dear Jack,‎ I'm glad that you are interested in the Scholarly Campus activity in ‎ our school. I'm eager to tell you something about it.‎ Recently_our_school_has_held_the_Scholarly_Campus_activity,_aimed_at_encouraging_us_students_to_read_more_books._We_have_conducted_several_activities,_such_as_holding_class_meetings_about_books,_opening_reading_clubs,_sharing_reading_experiences_and_so_on._Now_the_concept_of_Scholarly_Campus_is_so_wellreceived_that_you_can_find_students_read_books_all_over_the_campus.‎ As_for_me,_I'm_more_than_happy_to_join_in_the_activity._Not_only_does_it_arouse_students'_interest_in_reading,_but_it_also_cultivates_students'_love_for_knowledge_and,_more_importantly,_for_life._I'm_sure_it_will_bring_benefits_for_students.‎ Wish you all the best!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Pygmalion is a drama in which Shaw has made sentiments one of the principle themes of discussion. The Greek sculptor Pygmalion carved a statue and fell in love with it. Aphrodite (the goddess of love) turned the statue into a living woman named Galatea, who then became Pygmalion's wife. ‎ The Shavian Pygmalion is Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics, who picks up a flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, teaches her to speak as educated people do, and then successfully passes_her_off_as a duchess. But she is a ‎ human being and cannot be treated as a machine. In the course of all his experiments and exhibitions, the professor only thinks of his own skill success and failure, but never stops to consider how the girl feels. When the experiment is over, he has a profound sense of relief that he has achieved triumph and has won his bet. Even now,the sentiment of the girl is of no account. The girl naturally protests against this dehumanized relationship between her and her teacher. She hurls the professor's slippers at him when he wants them and then leaves his place. But evidently, she has begun to feel for the professor and wants also to be felt for. ‎ Now the question is what is the nature of Eliza's feelings for the professor with whom she has lived in close association for so long? In the last act, the girl says she would not marry him even if he had proposed (求婚) to her. The professor, curiously ineffectual (无效的) to sexual emotions, does not love any girl because he finds them to be rivals (对手) to his own mother. He wonders, if Eliza does not want to marry him, then what does she want from him? Old Mrs. Higgins, who knows much about a woman says that it would have been better if he had thanked her and petted her and told her how wonderful she had been. Then perhaps she would not have fought with him. Every girl loves to be loved. Eliza herself says that she loves Freddy and he also loves her. Professor Higgins, however, remains as ever, an old bachelor. ‎ 语篇解读:萧伯纳的著名戏剧《卖花女》具有经久不衰的艺术魅力,描述的是语言学教授希金斯如何把一名卖花姑娘训练成英语发音被上流社会接受并认可的故事,从而抨击了当时英国腐朽保守的等级意识。‎ ‎1.What does the underlined phrase “passes her off as” in Paragraph 2 mean? ‎ A.Let her pretend to be.  B.Dress her up as.‎ C.Make her become. D.Turn into. ‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据前文的“teaches her to speak as educated people do”以及下文的“In the course of all his experiments and exhibitions”可知该短语的意思是“把某人冒充或假装为”。‎ ‎2.What kind of person do you think Higgins is according to the second paragraph? ‎ A.He is a kind man. B.He is a considerate man.‎ C.He is a selfish man. D.He is a rude man. ‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段第三句可知希金斯只考虑自己的成败得失,从不考虑伊莉莎的感受,显然他是一个自私的人。‎ ‎3.Why does not Eliza marry Higgins? Because ________.‎ A.she does not love him B.his mother does not like any girl to be her rival C.he likes to be a bachelor D.he doesn't love any girl for fear of them being his mother's rivals 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句可知伊莉莎不会嫁给希金斯,因为希金斯担心未来的妻子会成为他母亲的对手,所以他不敢爱上任何一个女孩。‎ ‎4.Which of the following statement is TRUE?‎ A.Shaw was in fact a Greek sculptor.‎ B.Higgins was experimenting with Eliza.‎ C.Eliza wanted to become an educated lady very much.‎ D.Higgins fell in love with Eliza at first sight.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段可知希金斯只是把伊莉莎当成一个试验品。故B正确。‎ B I can still remember it as if it happened yesterday. I was a college freshman and had stayed up most of the night before laughing and talking with friends. Now just before my first class of the day my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a pillow. A few minutes' nap time before class couldn't hurt, I thought.‎ Boom! I lifted my head immediately and my eyes opened wider than saucers. I looked around with my heart beating quickly trying to find the cause of the noise. My young professor was looking back at me with a mischievous,_boyish smile on his face. He had intentionally dropped the pile of textbooks he was carrying onto his desk. “Good morning!” he said, still smiling. “I'm glad to see everyone is awake. Now let's get started.”‎ For the next hour I wasn't sleepy at all. It wasn't from the shock of my professor's textbook alarm clock either. Instead, it was from the attractive discussion he led. With knowledge and good humor, he made the material come alive. His insights were full of both wisdom and loving kindness. And the enthusiasm and joy which he taught with were contagious (有感染力的). I left the classroom not only wide awake, but a little smarter and a little better as well.‎ I learned something far more important than not sleeping in class that day too. I learned that if you are going to do something in this life, do it well, do it with joy, and make it an expression of your love. What a glorious place this world would be if all of us did our work joyously and well! What a beautiful world we could create if every doctor, teacher, musician, cook, waitress, poet, miner, farmer, and laborer made their work an expression of their love! Don't sleepwalk through your life then.‎ ‎ Wake up! Let your love fill your work and your soul. Life is too short not to live it well.‎ 语篇解读:本文通过作者大学第一节课的经历告诉我们:无论从事什么职业,我们都应该带着热情和快乐去做好它。‎ ‎5.What did the author want to do just before his first class of the day?‎ A.Talk with his friends.‎ B.Take a short sleep.‎ C.Get his eyes examined.‎ D.Stay away from the class.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后两句“... my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier ... A few minutes' nap time before class couldn't hurt, I thought.”可知,作者很困,想在上课前小睡一会儿。故选B项。‎ ‎6.The underlined word “mischievous” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”.‎ A.naughty B.tricky C.sensitive D.dishonest 解析:选A 词义猜测题。画线词与boyish共同修饰smile,感情色彩应一致。根据boyish的含义“男孩子气的”可推测,mischievous应表示“调皮的;淘气的”,与naughty意思相近。故选A项。‎ ‎7.What else did the author learn that day?‎ A.Students should not sleep in class but respect their teachers.‎ B.Everyone should love his job and sleepwalk through his life.‎ C.Life is too limited to make your work an expression of your love.‎ D.People from all walks of life should do their jobs with joy and love.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“I learned that if you are going to do something in this life, do it well, do it with joy, and make it an expression of your love.”和“What a beautiful world we could create if every doctor ... made their work an expression of their love!”可知,作者还学到无论你从事什么职业,都应该用充满快乐与爱的心去把工作做好,从而创造一个更美好的世界。故选D项。‎ ‎8.What can be inferred from this passage?‎ A.The professor often kept his students sharp by using a textbook alarm.‎ B.The author was attracted by the professor's great joy and enthusiasm.‎ C.The author left the twohour period not only wide awake, but a little smarter.‎ D.Though the author was frightened awake, he was not clearheaded in the class.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“With knowledge and good humor, he made the material come alive. His insights were full of both wisdom and loving kindness. And the enthusiasm and joy which he taught with were contagious(有感染力的).”可知,作者被教授的快乐和热情所吸引,故选B项。‎ C ‎(2018·西宁市高三检测)If you choose only to complain and escape from a misfortune, it will always follow you wherever you go.But if you decide to be strong, the hardship will turn out to be fortune on which new hopes will arise.‎ In an accident, a boy lost both his arms and his father who was the main source of support for the family.Since then, he has had to depend on ‎ the arms of his younger brother.For the sake of taking care of him, his younger brother became his shadow, never leaving him alone for years.Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do anything in his life.‎ As the two brothers grew up together, they had their share of problems and they would often quarrel.Then one day, his younger brother wanted to leave, living his own life, as many normal people do.So he was heartbroken and didn't know what to do.‎ A similar misfortune befell a girl, too.One night, her mother who suffered from chronic mental illness disappeared.Her father went out to look for her mother, leaving her alone at home.She tried to prepare meals for her parents, only to overturn the kerosene light on the stove, resulting in a fire which took her hands away.‎ Though her elder sister who was studying in another city showed her willingness to take care of her, she was determined to be completely independent.At school, she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be selfreliant.‎ One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a television interview program.The boy told the TV host about his uncertain future at being left on his own, whereas the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life.They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes.The boy wrote: My younger brother's arms are my arms; while the girl wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过介绍两个不同的故事启迪我们应当积极勇敢地面对困难。‎ ‎9.What attitude should we take towards a misfortune in the author's opinion?‎ A.Trying to find an escape from it.‎ B.Facing it bravely with a positive mind.‎ C.Asking for help from your relatives.‎ D.Ignoring it and living a normal life.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第一段的第二句“But if you decide to be strong, the hardship will turn out to be fortune on which new hopes will arise.”可推知,面对困难我们应当积极勇敢地面对,故B项正确。‎ ‎10.After the accident, the boy ________.‎ A.decided to live with his brother B.learnt to do things with his toes C.made a living all by himself D.depended wholly on his brother 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“Since then, he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother.”可知,失去双臂后,他就完全依靠他的弟弟,故D项正确。‎ ‎11.Which of the following is TRUE of the girl?‎ A.She lost her mother in an accident.‎ B.Her sister took good care of her.‎ C.She was optimistic and full of courage.‎ D.She led a poor life with her father.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句中的“the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life”,并结合第五段可知,她决定独立生活,在学校努力学习。据此可知,女孩在事故后乐观而坚强,故C项正确。‎ ‎12.What did the girl mean by “Broken wings, flying heart”?‎ A.Never give up hopes in face of hardship.‎ B.It's not easy for her to live a normal life.‎ C.If a bird loses its wings, it can not fly.‎ D.If you lose your hands, your life will be hard.‎ 解析:选A 句意理解题。“Broken wings, flying heart”为女孩用脚趾写的话,意为“失去双翼,心仍飞翔”;结合最后一段第二句中的“the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life”和第五段可知,事故之后,她决定独立生活,在学校努力学习,乐观坚强地面对生活;据此可知,该句是说“面对困难,永远不要放弃希望”,故A项正确。‎ D Last year Martha had a crazy idea: “Let's go to the shelter and get a dog.” I was not exactly thrilled about the idea but agreed. We went to a California Animal Shelter. We wanted to find a dog and save a life at the same time. While I walked along the rows and rows of cold metal cages, a dog caught my eye. He was scared, weak and looked like he had given up on life.‎ He looked at me with big beautiful eyes. I could see into his soul that he just wanted it to end. I approached his cage. I stuck my finger through the hole in the cage and scratched him on the head. He closed his eyes and accepted all the love. I knew that this dog had never felt love before. I thought he was enjoying every bit of the love I could give him until his time came to leave the Earth.‎ Tears began to stream down my face because I felt everything that this poor creature was feeling right then. He just wanted to be loved; he just wanted a home and a family.‎ I called my wife Martha and son Gabriel over and told them. “We want him.”‎ Now Carson's favorite thing to do is to leap up in the air onto our bed in the morning and give us kisses with his giant tongue. He is always there to greet us when we come home with a huge smile and a wagging ‎ tail.‎ Our lives are so much better because of this giant dog. He has shown us more love than any living creature on Earth. I know what's in his big brown eyes: love, compassion and gratitude. Taking a chance on this dog was the best decision my family ever made.‎ 语篇解读:本文讲述了作者一家决定收养一只狗的过程以及这只狗给作者一家带来的欢乐。作者认为收养这只狗是全家作出的最好的决定。‎ ‎13.What's the author's reaction to his wife's proposal?‎ A.He hesitated for a while.‎ B.He was excited about it.‎ C.He agreed with his wife.‎ D.He was scared of it.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,作者对妻子的想法并没有感到兴奋,但是却同意了。‎ ‎14.What caused the author to adopt the dog?‎ A.His sympathy. B.His wife's proposal.‎ C.His interest. D.His wife's tears.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句可知,作者看到这只狗后流泪了,因为作者感受到这只可怜的狗的感觉,所以是作者的同情心促使作者决定收养这只狗。‎ ‎15.What can we infer from the last but one paragraph?‎ A.The dog brings health to the family.‎ B.The dog brings happiness to the family.‎ C.The dog brings lots of hope to the family.‎ D.The dog brings some hobbies to the family.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,这只狗现在最喜欢做的事情就是每天早晨跳到床上亲作者他们,总是在他们回家时用大大的微笑和摇摆的尾巴问候他们。再根据最后一段可知,因为这只狗,作者一家的生活更好了,它给予作者一家更多的爱。由此可推知,这只狗给作者一家带来了快乐。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Do you wish to one day become a great artist? Or maybe you're looking for a career in art and need to improve your skills. __1__, here are some ideas to help you improve your art skills.‎ ‎·One of the most important things in art is practicing You've probably heard it many times already — practice makes perfect. __2__.‎ ‎·Take a few moments each day to study your surroundings Look at the face of the person you're talking to. Notice how the light affects where all the shadows go and the shape of his feature. __3__. These things will help you gain a better understanding of how real objects work, are shaped and will come in handy when you're drawing.‎ ‎·Learn how to obtain the correct colors and their properties accurately The color concepts are very different than that in grade school basic art. The basic white and black to get shades and tones has a tendency to change the hue (色调) and make it dull and false. __4__.‎ ‎·Look at other artists' works Pay attention to their styles of drawing, so you can expand your viewpoint. And if you want, try copying their styles for a day to get a good idea on it. Also take trips to museums and art exhibits to gain inspiration.‎ ‎·__5__‎ Whether it is a picture in a magazine or a bowl of fruit you set up on your counter, it's a good practice and it'll help you improve a lot.‎ A.Whatever the case may be B.However far you have reached C.Try using a model when you draw D.Try observing the color and light in another perspective when you learn E.Blue and yellow depending on many factors will be brown and not always green F.Observe colors and shadows around you, and take a look at textures or how clothing wrinkles G.Although you can't reach “perfect” in art, practicing drawing every day will help you improve a lot 语篇解读:你希望有朝一日成为艺术家吗?如果你在寻找与艺术有关的工作,而且需要提高技能的话,本文提出的五点建议会对你有所帮助。‎ ‎1.选A 上文的两句提到了两种情况。无论是何种情况,本文中的建议能帮助提高艺术技能。A项所在句在此处承上启下。‎ ‎2.选G 由上文可知,可能你已经听过很多次“熟能生巧”。G项“尽管你达不到艺术上的‘完美’,但是每天练习绘画会帮助你提高许多”承接上文,符合语境。‎ ‎3.选F 上句提到要留意光线如何影响阴影的位置和他的外形。F项与上句共同解释本段主旨“每天花上一些时间研究你周围的事物”。‎ ‎4.选E 上句提到,基础白色和黑色具有改变色调的倾向,并使之沉闷和虚假。E项“‎ 在许多因素影响之下,蓝色和黄色在一起会变成褐色,并不总是绿色”承接上句,说明确实如本段首句所说,会有不同。‎ ‎5.选C 空格下一段提到,无论是杂志上的一幅画还是操作台上的一碗水果都可以作为很好的练习对象,可以帮助你提高很多。C项“绘画时尝试使用模特”概括了本段主题,适合作主旨句。‎

