2018届外研版必修2一轮复习:Module6 FilmsandTVProgrammes单元学案(15页)

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2018届外研版必修2一轮复习:Module6 FilmsandTVProgrammes单元学案(15页)

‎2018届外研版必修2Module 6 Films and TV Programmes单元学案 重点识记单词 ‎1.poster n.海报 2.masterpiece n.杰作 ‎3.moving adj.感人的→moved adj.感动的→move vt.使感动 ‎ ‎4.argue vi.争论→argument n.理由;论据;争吵 ‎5.actress n.女演员→actor n.男演员→act v.表演 ‎ ‎6.brave adj.勇敢的→bravery n.勇敢 ‎7.character n.角色;人物;性格;品格→characteristic n.特征;特色;adj.典型的,特有的 ‎8.graceful adj.优美的;优雅的→gracefully adv.优美地;优雅地→grace n.雅致;优美 ‎9.interest vt.使感兴趣;n.兴趣;爱好→interesting adj.有趣的→interested adj.感兴趣的 ‎10.occasionally adv.有时;偶尔→occasional adj.偶然的;偶尔的→occasion n.时机;机会 ‎11.entertaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的→entertain vt.使快乐;使感兴趣→entertainment n.娱乐;娱乐节目 ‎12.setting n.(小说、戏剧、电影的)背景→set vt.以……为背景 重点识记短语 ‎1.fall in love with爱上;喜欢(表动作)‎ ‎2.be in love with爱上;喜欢(表状态)‎ ‎3.to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 ‎ ‎4.in surprise吃惊地 ‎5.every now and then有时;偶尔 ‎ ‎6.come out出现;出版 ‎7.play a part扮演角色 ‎ ‎8.tell of讲述 ‎9.care about关心;顾虑;在乎 ‎ ‎10.at the age of在……岁时 必背经典句式 ‎1.Now, to everyone’s surprise, Ang Lee, director of a number of excellent films, has made a martial arts film called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.‎ 令大家惊奇的是,曾经拍了许多优秀影片的导演李安,现在也拍了一部名为《卧虎藏龙》的功夫片。‎ ‎2.Unusually,it is the female characters that interest us most.‎ 不同寻常的是,女主角最能吸引我们。‎ ‎3.Brave,good and strong,Xiulian is the character we care about most.‎ 我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。‎ ‎4.Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?‎ 你曾为看哪个电视节目而和家人争吵吗?‎ 词汇语法练习 Grammar     从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎1. Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break _______ she got to her office.(2010年,四川卷)‎ A. since B. that C. when D. until ‎2. Tom was about to close the windows _____ his attention was caught by a bird. (2010年,全国卷II)‎ A. when B. if C. and D. till ‎3. Mary made coffee _______ her guests were finishing their meal. (2010年,全国卷I)‎ A. so that B. although C. while D. as if ‎4. She had just finished her homework _________ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday. (2009年,福建卷)‎ A. when B. while C. after D. since ‎5. You can’t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your student card. (2009年,上海卷)‎ A. before B. if C. while D. as      ‎ 参考答案 ‎1-5 CACAA 单元综合测试 第一部分:听力 (共两节, 满分30分) ◆第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)      听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When will the two speakers arrive in Suzhou if they go by train?      A. In two days.‎ B. Tomorrow morning.      C. Tomorrow afternoon. 2. What will the man do on Sunday?      A. Do some shopping.‎ B. Do his homework.      C. Go to his sister’s home. 3. What will the man do next?      A. Have dinner.‎ B. Go to the railway station.      C. Call to check for a ticket. 4. What does the woman want to do?      A. Hold a party.‎ B. Attend a lecture.      C. Attend a meeting. 5. What gift did the man get from Mary?      A. A hat. B. A pair of jeans. C. A shirt.‎ ‎◆第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)      听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?      A. Colleagues. B. Classmates. C. Friends. 7. What should the man do first?      A. Learn to use the fax machine.      B. Get familiar with the different numbers.      C. Check the data. 8. Whose dictionary can the man use?      A. The woman’s. B. Tom’s. C. Jim’s.      听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What does the woman advise the man to do?      A. Visit Shanghai. ‎ B. Stay at home.      C. Do some sports. 10. Why does the woman like studying French?      A. She thinks it is beautiful.      B. She thinks it is easy to learn.      C. She thinks it is useful. 11. Which sport does the woman prefer?      A. Basketball. B. Table tennis. C. Football.      听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。 12. What will the man do in Houston?      A. Attend a meeting. B. Finish his report.      C. See his uncle. 13. What will the woman do to take care of the man’s dog?      A. Feed it. B. Walk it every day.      C. Prepare dog food. 14. When will the man leave for Houston?      A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday. ‎ ‎     听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。 15. What do we know about Mike?      A. He is hard-working.‎ B. He likes movies.      C. He is the man’s roommate now. 16. Why does Jane want to meet Mike?      A. He is very kind.      B. He has earned many scholarships.      C. He can help her with her studies. 17. What will the man do after seeing the movie?      A. Have dinner. B. Go home. C. Stay with Mike.      听第10段材料,回答第18至20 题。 18. How many students were found to have been depressed in the study?      A. More than 320. B. About 700. C. About 4,000. 19. What were the young students questioned about?      A. The time they spent watching TV.      B. The time they spent playing.      C. The time they spent sleeping. 20. What did the study find?      A. The more young students listen to the radio, the hap-pier they are.      B. Young women are more likely to become depressed than young men.      C. The more time people spend reading and visiting friends, the happier they are.      第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)‎ ‎◆第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)      从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. —Do you know when the famous novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows _____________?      —On July 21, 2007.      A. came out B. came about      C. came along D. came around 22. Something bad must have happened to him, ________ he doesn’t look well.      A. if B. although C. as D. but 23. Our maths teacher ________ the class while the head-master is away.      A. takes hold of B. makes fun of      C. takes charge of D. makes use of 24. He doesn’t ____ have foreigners in his café, so he doesn’t know how to serve the ‎ American family.      A. quite B. seldom C. often D. sometimes 25. Young people are often curious about new things, so they are_______ to try them.      A. strange B. dangerous C. funny D. delighted 26. The film Examination1977, directed by Jiang Haiyang, made the audience deeply______.      A. moving B. moved C. to move D. being moved 27. ______, Mary and Jane decided to stop and have a rest.      A. Tiring and hungry B. Tiring and hungrily      C. Tired and hungry D. Tired and hungrily 28. Directors know that only when actors and actresses play their __________ well can films be made well.      A. roles B. backgrounds C. traditions D. positions 29. —Hey! Look where you are going!      —Oh, I am terribly sorry. I ______ you.      A. didn’t notice B. wasn’t noticing      C. am not noticing D. don’t notice 30. The old saying, "Look before you ______"means, "Think carefully before you act".      A. run B. walk C. leap D. escape 31. They argued _____ the matter the whole afternoon, and at last agreed____ the date for the next meeting.      A. with; on B. on; over      C. about ; on D. over; over 32. I used to sit in front of the old man, watching him ______ bicycles.      A. repaired B. to repair      C. repair D. to be repairing 33. —How often do you go home?      —_____________.      A. Two weeks B. A week ago      C. Every other week D. Every another week 34. Unless my mother is completely recovered, I can’t _________ America.      A. leave for B. deal with C. speak about D. care about 35. —Why are there so many people outside? _______?      —They have come for the fish on sale.      A. What about them B. Why not      C. How are you D. What’s on ‎◆第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) ‎ ‎     阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。      When my father was still in his teens, his father usually took him to the church to pray (祈祷). My grandfather had a 36 of keeping his change in his shirt pocket. As they 37 in the church side by side one day, the 38 fell out of his pocket and onto the floor. Obviously deep 39 concentration, my grandfather didn’t notice it at all. 40 , a gentleman that was sitting nearby, as well as my father, 41 the incident. The man moved quickly and picked up the coins 42 . Maybe he was afraid the others would have seen what he was doing. Then he 43 to another corner of the church. He pretended (假装) he hadn’t done anything except praying. My father saw the man’s 44 and as soon as my grand- father 45 praying, he couldn’t 46 telling my grand-father what had happened. My grandfather 47 what had happened and stopped my father from telling him who 48 the money. He then told my father the following. 49 the man had to steal in church, then it must be because he was very 50 and could not support his family. "We mustn’t be so 51 to judge a person," he added. They 52 a grocery store (杂货店). My grandfather told my father to make sure that every month he would53 a bag of daily things needed by a 54 and send it to that person without telling him whom it was from. I don’t know how 55 went for that man from then on, but wouldn’t this world be a better place to live in if we had that kind of kindness in our society?      36. A. habit B. hobby C. secret D. dream      37. A. sang B. walked C. prayed D. existed      38. A. cards B. coins C. tickets D. bills      39. A. on B. by C. at D. in      40. A. Therefore B. However C. Besides D. Instead      41. A. noticed B. experienced C. found D. searched      42. A. bravely B. slowly C. secretly D. hardly      43. A. went away B. put up C. set off D. ran after      44. A. sighting B. evidence C. behavior D. change      45. A. continued B. finished C. succeeded D. supported      46. A. imagine B. keep C. stop D. help      47. A. heard B. talked C. cared D. worried      48. A. brought B. took C. earned D. borrowed      49. A. Whether B. If C. Although D. Once      50. A. poor B. angry C. mild D. bad      51. A. clever B. friendly C. impolite D. quick      52. A. passed B. reached C. owned D. bought      53. A. prepare B. produce C. examine D. compare      54. A. group B. family C. shop D. church ‎ ‎     55. A. luck B. life C. time D. work      第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)     阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎     A难度:★‎ Seven weeks into my trip, I arrived in Paris. I had been on a night bus from London for many hours because of a traffic accident. Unfortunately, I could not sleep, so I was tired. My difficulties became worse when I arrived at the bus station. Day hadn’t broken and my clothes were wet in the rain. I wanted to wash in warm water but the bathrooms needed euros (欧元). I didn’t have any coins and the ATMs (自动取款机) didn’t dispense coins, so I was helpless.      I decided to find a hotel. There were no hotels near the bus station. I made my way to the subway. I was completely brain dead and my years of high school and college French classes had deserted me. I stood, looked at the board which showed the subway routes but didn’t understand them. I had no idea how to get to a hotel.      I must have looked very sad. I stood there with my heavy backpack and looked at the subway board without understanding. Then a kind Frenchman came up to me and asked in English if he could help me. Obviously, the backpack showed that I was a tourist. He not only called a hotel to make sure there was a room for me, but also helped me buy some subway tickets and wrote the route I should take in English. I accepted his help and thanked him. But a "thank you" was all he received for what he did for me.‎ ‎56. How did the author feel when he got off the bus from London?‎ A. Excited. B. Tired. C. Interested. D. Scared.‎ ‎57. Why couldn’t the author have a warm bath?      A. He couldn’t find a bathroom.‎ B. There was no ATM nearby.‎ C. He didn’t have euro coins with him.      D. A traffic accident happened to him.‎ ‎58. What do the underlined words "I was completely brain dead" in the second paragraph mean?‎ A. The author’s brain didn’t work any more.‎ B. The author couldn’t think of anything about Paris.‎ C. The author couldn’t speak any French at that time.      D. The author lost his way completely.‎ ‎59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the pas-sage?‎ A. The author understood the routes on the board.      B. The words on the board were written in English.‎ C. The board was used to help those who lost way.      D. The author didn’t get anything useful from the board.‎ ‎60. What can be inferred from the passage?      A. The author probably arrived at the hotel in the end.‎ B. The author arrived in Paris in the afternoon.‎ C. The Frenchman spoke little English.‎ D. The Frenchman was familiar with the hotel.           B难度★★‎ Where can you study, discover and experience a new culture while traveling? You can do all at the China Quest summer program. For 32 days, students will not only study the Chinese language and culture but also tour around China. Since 1995, our summer program has continued to be popular among high school and college students from all over the world. We hope you come and join us now and see for yourself what makes the China Quest summer program so special.‎ ‎★Program Details:      For 32 days, students will study the Chinese language and culture not only in the traditional classroom but also by visiting famous places in China.      Students will start their journey by taking classes on the Chinese language and culture at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA,北京航空航天大学). Beijing is considered the nation’s political, economic, cultural and educational center and is also a center for international trade and communication. ‎ ‎★Chinese Language Classes:      Each weekday for three hours, students will take intensive (集中的) Chinese language classes which are taught by professors at BUAA. There will be three levels of language classes depending on the students’abilities and their requests. The classes offer lectures on the Chinese language as well as instruction in written and spoken communication. Students will be graded according to their test results, completion of ‎ assignments (作业) and attendance. After the three weeks of classes and lectures, the graduation ceremony will conclude with a Peking duck dinner. Students will also receive certificates (证书) of completion while excellent students will receive special awards.‎ ‎61. What’s the author’s main purpose of writing this passage?‎ A. To attract students to visit famous places in China. ‎ B. To introduce a famous Chinese university to students.‎ C. To encourage students to learn more about the Chinese culture. ‎ D. To introduce the China Quest summer program to students.‎ ‎62. How long will the students spend on the classes and lectures?‎ A. 3 weeks. B. 10 days. C. 30 days. D. 1 week.‎ ‎63. The three levels of language classes depend on _______. ‎ ‎①what students request ‎②students’test results ‎ ‎③students’abilities ‎ ‎④students’assignments A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ②③‎ ‎64. The underlined word "conclude" in the last paragraph means "______".‎ A. offer an idea B. bring about a final agreement C. reach a decision      D. come to an end ‎65. Which of the following is TRUE about the China Quest summer program?‎ A. Students will begin the program by visiting some famous places. ‎ B. The program has been running for 10 years.‎ C. The program includes educational and relaxing activities. ‎ D. The program will offer each student an award in the end.           C难度:★★‎ There are many differences between men and women, especially in organs (器官). With the help of some famous experts, I’ll tell you the differences. ‎ The Brain      Women’s brains, though smaller than men’s, are more closely packed with cells(细胞)in the area that control mental activities such as making decisions, according to Canadian researchers. However, as they get older, women appear to lose cells more quickly than men. This difference might be the reason why women are ten times more likely to develop a mental illness. ‎ The Heart      Men are more likely to have a heart attack than women. However, women might be at greater risk of the effects of a heart attack, as they are less likely to realize they are suffering from it in the first place.      Women smokers may develop heart disease at almost the same age as men smokers. Researchers have found that women smokers have heart attacks nearly 14 years earlier than women who don’t smoke. For men, it is about six years.‎ The Life span(寿命)      For men in Britain, the average age is 79 years and six months, but for women it’s 82 years and eight months. There’s no strict reason why women live longer than men. Women might be born with a more powerful body system that protects them well into old age, suggest researchers in London.      They have also found women produce more infection- fighting (抗感染) white blood cells than men of the same age. However, according to an earlier study, women live longer because they have stronger hearts. ‎ ‎66. Why are women more likely to develop a mental illness than men as they get older?‎ A. Women’s brains are smaller than men’s. ‎ B. Women lose cells more quickly than men.‎ C. Women’s brains are packed with more cells than men’s.      D. The number of cells in women’s brains drops slowly.‎ ‎67. Women may be at greater risk of the effects of a heart attack, mainly because they ______.‎ A. don’t realize they are suffering from it in time B. produce less white blood cells than men C. have a less powerful body system      D. have weaker hearts than men ‎68. From the research on smokers, we learn that ______.      A. women smokers are at greater risk of heart disease than men smokers B. men smokers have heart attacks 14 years earlier than men who don’t smoke C. women and men smokers develop heart disease at about the same age D. women smokers have heart attacks 6 years earlier than women who don’t smoke ‎69. What does the passage mainly talk about?      A. Some physical differences between men and women.‎ B. Some effects of smoking on men and women.‎ C. Some reasons why women live longer than men. ‎ D. Some reasons why women are more likely to develop a mental illness.‎ ‎70. Which section of a website does the passage come from?      A. Education. B. Culture. C. Sports. D. Science.           D难度:★★★‎ The Marx Brothers made many funny movies in the 1930s and 1940s. They made fourteen movies together which are still popular today. Most of these movies made fun of officials.      There were five Marx Brothers. The most famous were Julius, Leonard and Adolph. They were born in New York City between 1886 and 1890. Their father made clothing. Their mother wanted them to become performers. Julius, Leonard and Adolph started performing when they were children. They began making funny movies in 1929. They changed their first names: Julius became Groucho; Leonard became Chico and Adolph became Harpo.      Groucho Marx looked funny. He had large black eyebrows(眉毛)and a hairy mustache(胡子). He spoke very quickly and walked in a funny way. He entertained people with funny names, like Rufus T. Firefly. Otis B. Driftwood.      Chico Marx talked as if he was born in Italy. He spoke English that was not ‎ correct. Many other funny men spoke as if they came from other countries. They were making fun of themselves and other people who did not speak English well. Chico also made funny jokes about words and expressions that sound alike but have different meanings.      Harpo Marx had curly yellow hair, but it was not his real hair. It was false hair. He never said a word in any of the movies. Instead, he acted out what he wanted to say. He could make people laugh without saying a word. People always knew what he was thinking. He made funny sounds with his actions to express his thoughts and feelings.      Some of their most famous movies were Horse Feathers, Duck Soup, and A Night at the Opera. Experts say the Marx Brothers’movies were popular for several reasons.‎ ‎71. What do we know about the Marx Brothers from the first two paragraphs?‎ A. They made films about people in many positions.‎ B. The eldest of the three brothers was three years older than the youngest.‎ C. Before they started making funny movies they were performers.      D. They once helped their father make clothing.‎ ‎72. Which of the following is TRUE about Chico Marx?      A. He spoke fast and walked funnily. ‎ B. He made jokes about words. ‎ C. He didn’t express himself with words.      D. He was born in Italy.‎ ‎73. From this passage we learn that ______.      A. the Marx Brothers changed their names to make funny films B. the Marx Brothers had different film images ‎ C. Chico Marx was born in Italy and spoke poor English      D. Harpo Marx did not have real hair ‎74. What can we infer about the Marx Brothers from the passage?‎ A. Their father supported their performances.‎ B. Their films seemed to be about dissatisfaction with the government.‎ C. They started to make funny films when they were children.      D. Their success was due to their hard work.‎ ‎75. What may the author write if the passage continues?      A. An introduction to the Marx Brothers’films. ‎ B. The Marx Brothers’lives. ‎ C. The reasons for the Marx Brothers’movies’popularity.‎ D. The Marx Brothers’popularity.      第四部分:书面表达(共两节, 满分45分)     ◆第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)      阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。     [1] The study, in the journal Psychological Science, suggests that showing popular history movies in a classroom can be a double-edged sword (双刃剑)when it comes to helping students learn.      [2] "We found that when information in the film was the same as that in the text, watching the film increased correct memories. It may increase the memory by about 50 percent compared to reading the text alone," explains Andrew Butler, a doctor of psychology at Oxford University. "However, when information in the film directly contradicted (反驳)the text, people often falsely remembered the things in the film, sometimes as much as 50 percent more than the text."      [3] "The misleading effect occurred when people were not reminded of the incorrect nature of popular films right before viewing them," Butler says. "However, the effect was completely different when a specific warning was provided before the film."      [4] Butler carried out the study with colleagues in the Department of Psychology’s Memory Lab. "These results have given some guidance on the common educational practice of using popular films as a teaching aid," Butler concludes. "Although films may increase learning and interest in the classroom, educators should be aware that students might ___________, even if the correct information has been presented in the text. More broadly, these positive and negative effects apply to the watching of popular history films by the general public."      76. What does the author think of showing popular history movies in class according to the first paragraph? (within 8 words)      ____________________________________________ 77. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one? I foned watched a film without knowing that there was wrong information in it, he would misunderstand the facts.      ____________________________________________ ‎ ‎78. Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words. (within 5 words)      ____________________________________________ 79. What’s the main idea of the passage? (within 10 words)      ____________________________________________ 80. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.      ____________________________________________      ◆第二节 写作(满分30分)      假设你是李华,请根据以下要点提示给你的笔友Tom写信介绍你最近看的电影《卧虎藏龙》。 ‎ ‎1. 《卧虎藏龙》由李安执导,受到了国内外观众的喜爱;‎ ‎2.影片以李牧白与岳秀莲这对恋人为主线,讲述了当李的剑被玉娇龙偷走时,他们尽量想找回来的过程;‎ ‎3. 影片中的武术动作是亮点,主题曲《月光爱人》(A Love Before Time) 也很动听。     要求:1. 词数100词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);‎ ‎2. 可适当增加细节。     ‎ Dear Tom,      How’s everything going? I’m writing to tell you something about a movie that I watched recently. ‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Go and see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and it will make your heart leap with excitement at its beauty. Wish you all the best!‎ Yours, ‎ Li Hua      ‎ 听力原文 Text1‎ W: When can we expect to arrive in Suzhou? I am anxious to see the beautiful city.‎ M: If we leave tomorrow morning, we will arrive there in two days if we go by train, or later that afternoon if we go by plane.‎ Text2‎ W: Have you got any plans for the weekend?‎ M: Yes. I will go shopping and do homework on Saturday and go to my sister’s home on Sunday.‎ Text3‎ W: The meeting is finally over. Let’s go to dinner.‎ M: I’m sorry. I have to call the railway station to check if they have an available ticket. Maybe next time.‎ W: Oh! That’s all right.‎ Text4‎ W: It is already seven o’clock. I wonder why the lecture hasn’t begun yet.‎ M: The students’party has just finished and they are cleaning the room at the moment. Please wait for another five minutes in the meeting room.‎ Text5‎ W: What a beautiful hat! Where did you buy it?‎ M: Max got it for me for my birthday. Mary got me a shirt. They match my jeans perfectly.‎ Text6‎ W: I am very happy to have you as my new partner. I look forward to working with you.‎ M: That’s very kind of you. I’m new here. In fact, I don’t even know how to use the fax machine.‎ W: That’s not a big deal. Anyone in the office can help you with that. ‎ M: OK. What should I do first then?‎ W: OK. Before checking the data, you should become familiar with the various numbers. That could take some time.‎ M: Yeah, I think I need the dictionary to learn them now. But I haven’t got time to buy one.‎ W: I lent my dictionary to Jim yesterday. You can use Tom’s. He’s not using it right now.‎ M: I see, thank you.‎ Text7‎ W: What do you plan to do during the holiday? ‎ M: I want to visit China. Can you recommend any interesting places I should visit there?‎ W: I think Shanghai will interest you. It is a big city.‎ M: Good idea. Where are you going to spend your holiday?‎ W: I will stay at home. I want to spend my time studying French. It is said that French is a very popular language because it is the most beautiful language in the world. I think it’s a very useful language, even though it isn’t very easy.‎ M: You really work hard all the time. You should really do some sports. For example, you can play basketball or football.‎ W: That’s a good idea, but I think I’d rather play table tennis better. That’s a fun sport.‎ Text8‎ M: Miss Wang, I am going to see my uncle in Houston and I am worried about my pet dog. Can you look after it while I am away?‎ W: Oh, you mean Phoebe? No problem. I like little dogs.‎ M: Thank you very much. Please feed it three times a day with the dog food I have prepared. ‎ W: I need to walk the dog, too, don’t I?‎ M: Yeah, if you could, that would be great. Today is Tuesday. I have to attend a meeting this afternoon. I will fly to Houston in two days, so I will bring Phoebe here tonight. Is that OK? Thanks again.‎ W: That’s fine. You’re welcome.‎ Text9‎ M: Jane, there is still half an hour before the movie starts. Let’s wait in the cafe.‎ W: Good idea. By the way, I met your roommate Mike last night. ‎ M: Yes, he used to be my roommate. He is a hard-working guy. He always gets up early to study. He has earned many scholarships.‎ W: Could you introduce me to him? I have some questions about my lessons and I think he might be able to help me.‎ M: No problem. He is always glad to help others. ‎ W: Oh, do you mind if we invite him to the cinema to see the movie with us?‎ M: Of course not. I will call him right now. ‎ W: OK, that is so kind of you. Then we can have dinner together.‎ M: That sounds good, but I want to go home early to do my homework.‎ W: You are so hard-working.‎ M: Mike is coming soon, so I will wait for him outside the cafe.‎ Text10‎ A recent study suggests that when young students watch more television, they are more likely to become unhappy. The researchers had investigated the relationship between watching TV and depression over a long period of time. About four thousand young students were interviewed. The study began in 1995 and lasted seven years. The young people were asked how many hours of television they watched daily. They were also asked how often they played computer games and listened to the radio. The results showed that more than eight percent of the young people had felt depressed. The study also found that having spent the same length of time watching TV, young men were more likely than young women to become depressed. According to the study, spending too much time watching TV decreases the amount of time people spend on sports time and, as a result, influences their sleep. All these contribute to ‎ making people feel depressed. The study found that happy people spent more time reading or visiting friends.     ‎ 参考答案 ‎1-5 ACCBC 6-10 ABBAC 11-15 BCACA 16-20 CBAAC ‎21-25 ACCCD 26-30 BCAAC 31-35 CCCAD ‎ ‎36-40 ACBDB 41-45 ACACB 46-50 DABBA 51-55 DCABB ‎ ‎56-60 BCCDA 61-65 DABDC 66-70 BACAD 71-75 CBBBC ‎ ‎76. It has good and bad effects. ‎ ‎77. The misleading effect occurred when people were not reminded of the incorrect nature of popular films right before viewing them.‎ ‎78. learn wrong information too ‎79. The effects of showing popular history movies in class. ‎ ‎80. 我们发现当电影里的信息和课本上的相同的时候,观看电影有助于正确的记忆。‎ 写作(One possible version)‎ Dear Tom, ‎ How’s everything going? I’m writing to tell you something about a movie that I watched recently. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, directed by Ang Lee, is very popular in China and abroad. The story takes place in the early 1800s in China. Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian are in love with each other, but they can’t get married. When Yu Jiaolong steals Li’s sword, they try to get it back. The action in the film is amazing. Characters leap through the air every now and then, with beautiful, graceful movements. The film is really good, with wonderful dialogues and brilliant actors. It also has a beautiful song, A Love Before Time. Go and see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and it will make your heart leap with excitement at its beauty. Wish you all the best!‎ Yours, ‎ Li Hua

