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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 课时作业(十六) [模块 6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you] (限时:30 分钟) Ⅰ.单项填空 1.The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair ________ he wanted to sit next to his wife. A.although B.unless C.because D.if 2.—Look! You've made the same mistake again. —Oh,no,________ that mistake! A.I make B.I'm always making C.I've always made D.I always made 3.A new law has been passed in response ________ the rare animals. A.to kill B.of killing C.to killing D.for killing 4.The dance performed by the disabled actors is really a hit, but years ago no one ________ they were to achieve such great success. A.must have imagined B.could have imagined C.should have imagined D.can have imagined 5.It suddenly ________ to me that we could use a computer to do the job. A.occur B.to occur C.occurring D.occurred 6.Now that this task has been finished,let's ________ the next item on the list. A.move on to B.gone on continuing C.move on with D.go on to 7.His father was then ________ as a bus driver in the city transport company. A.moved on B.put on C.taken on D.held on 8.Tom,don't ________ the poor little girl and ________ yourself.Do you forget the school rules? A.make a joke about; perform B.laugh at; conquer C.make fun of; behave D.tease; believe 9.—What were you doing when I phoned you last night? —I ________ my painting and was starting to take a bath. A.have already finished B.was finishing 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 C.had just finished D.was going to finish 10.The girl followed ________ her mother's footsteps and later became a teacher. A.with B./ C.to D.in 11.Last year three un iversity departments have been ________ $700,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning. A.promoted B.included C.secured D.awarded 12.—Do you know ________ your father thinks of your performance today? —No, I haven't asked him about it. A.how B.what C.which D.when 13.Sam was so angry that he ________ the book in his hand ________. A.tore; off B.tore; down C.tore; up D.tore; away 14.The children ________ themselves by playing hideandseek games,full of joy. A.astonished B.amused C.aroused D.arose 15.Both ________ and ________ laughter do harm to your health. A.burst into tears; burst into B.to burst into tear; to burst into C.bursting into tears; bursting into D.tear; / Ⅱ.完形填空 I wanted to be just like those big kids I saw wearing their medals and carrying their ribbons(绶带).So I__16__the crosscountry team at my school. However,I was very slow in the team.In races,I would finish almost__17__.I'd always have to__18__in the longer races.The_ _19__races and at least 100 people competing in it made me really__20__ . Every time I stopped , 10 people would__21__me.But I still couldn't push myself to keep going , even though I__22__watching them go by me.After every race,I'd go home and burst into tears. Then one of my friends joined the crosscountry team,too.She never got tired and didn't get cramp(抽筋)in her legs.I just didn't understand how that was__23__! I'd been running much longer than she had,but she could run__24__while I had to suffer.She even came 8th in a big race with over 200 people in it! My__25__was lower than ever and I wanted to quit badly. I didn't,__26__.Even a whole month before a race,I'd get so nervous that I felt like I might give up.Still,I__27__to quit.I still had t hat__28__appearing in my mind and I hung on to it. Finally,I realized the reason why the bigger races made me so nervous was that I was always worried that I wasn't__29__for them.I started to practice at home almost every day.I__30__a plan that had me running almost three kilometers every day, which helped me build up a steady__31__. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 When the time came for the big race,all the practice really__32__.I stopped only once and my pace was much better. I was__33__of myself for sticking with it even though it was really hard and I'd even wanted to quit.I showed myself that I was__34__enough to keep going.That was what made me feel good about myself and gave me confidence. The next time I'm faced with a tough__35__,I will know that I can take it up.None of this would ever have happened if I had quitted! 16.A.liked B.admired C.supported D.joined 17.A.best B.first C.last D.least 18.A.stop B.rest C.breathe D.suffer 19.A.exciting B.tiring C.interesting D.disturbing 20.A.nervous B.frightened C.sad D.angry 21.A.help B.encourage C.leave D.pass 22.A.missed B.hated C.avoided D.escaped 23.A.equal B.reasonable C.fair D.tolerable 24.A.quickly B.easily C.happily D.hopefully 25.A.strength B.demand C.goal D.confidence 26.A.yet B.either C.though D.still 27.A.refused B.decided C.failed D.wanted 28.A.lesson B.faith C.future D.picture 29.A.suitable B.active C.ready D.well 30.A.took out B.mapped out C.figured out D.let out 31.A.pace B.race C.will D.level 32.A.set off B.paid off C.got off D.took off 33.A.sure B.aware C.proud D.afraid 34.A.strong B.patient C.steady D.devoted 35.A.job B.sport C.competition D.challenge Ⅲ.阅读理解 When my father was dying,I traveled a thousand miles from home to be with him in his last days. It was far more heartbreaking than I'd expected,one of the most 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 difficult and painful times in my life. After he passed away I stayed alone in his apartment. There were so many things to deal with. It all seemed endless. I was lonely. I hated the silence of the apartment. But one evening the silence was broken:I heard crying outside. I opened the door to find a little cat on the steps. He was thin and poor. He looked the way I felt. I brought him inside and gave him a can of fish. He ate it and then almost immediately fell sound asleep. The next morning I checked with neighbors and learned that the cat had been abandoned by his owner who's moved out. So the little cat was there all alone, just like I was. As I walked back to the apartment, I tried to figure out what to do with him. Having_something_else_to_take_care_of_seemed_like_the_very_last_thing_indeed. But as soon as I opened the apartment door he came running and jumped into my arms. It was clear from that moment that he had no intention of going anywhere. I started calling him Willis,in honor of my father's best friend. From then on,things grew easier. With Willis in my lap time seemed to pass much more quickly. When the time finally came for me to return home I had to decide what to do about Willis. There was absolutely no way I would leave without him. It's now been five years since my father died. Over the years,several people have commented on how nice it was of me to rescue the cat. But I know that we rescued each other. I may have given him a home but he gave me something greater. 36.When the author first saw the cat,she________. A.was very happy B.felt sympathy for him C.didn't know what to do D.was angry with his crying 37 . The underlined sentence in the third paragraph implies that the author________. A.needed something to fill the empty apartment B.was too busy and tired to keep a cat C.loved to stay alone in the apartment D.needed something to take care of to kill time 38.The cat rescued the author by________. A.making her feel better in her hard times B.giving her courage to go on with her life C.helping her tidy the apartment D.telling her what life is 39.What's the best title for the passage? A.A little cat B.A painful experience C.How to take care of animals D.What I got from a little cat 课时作业(十六) Ⅰ.1.C 考查从属连词。空格前后两个句子在逻辑意义上存在因果关系,所以用 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 because 引导原因状语从句。although 引导让步状语从句,unless 和 if 引导条件状语从句。 句意:这位老人叫露西挪到另一把椅子上,因为他想跟他妻子挨着坐。 2.B always 和现在进行时连用表示埋怨或责备,意为“总是”。 3.C 短语 in response to 中 to 是介词,后接名词或 v.ing 作宾语。 4.B 考查情态动词。由句中的 years ago 可知这里是对过去发生事情的推测,因此应 用 could have imagined。 5.D 此题考查 occur 的用法。句型 It occurs to sb. that…意为“某人突然想 起……”;又因为从句中用过去时,故用 occurred。 6.A move on to 表示“接下去,继续”。 7.C move on 继续移动;put on 穿上;take on 雇用;hold on 别挂断。此处 take on 符合语境。 8.C make fun of sb. 拿某人开玩笑;behave oneself 是固定短语,表示“规矩点 儿”。 9.C 考查动词时态。由“我要洗澡”可知昨天你打电话时“我刚刚画完画”,“画完 画”在“接电话”之前,即过去的过去,故用过去完成时。 10.D follow in the footsteps of sb.=follow in one’s footsteps, 意为“走 某人的道路,照某人的样子做”。 11.D award“奖励,授予……奖”,语境是获得了 70 万美元的奖金,故应选 D。 12.B 句型“What do you think of sb./sth.?”在句中作宾语从句,故用陈述语序。 问句句意:你知道你父亲对你今天的表演是怎么看的吗? 13.C 句意:山姆如此气愤以至于他撕碎了手中的书。tear up 撕碎;tear off 扯掉; tear down 拆毁;tear away (使)勉强离去。 14.B 句意:孩子们通过玩捉迷藏游戏取乐,快乐极了。astonish 令人吃惊;arouse 唤醒;arise 出现。只有 amuse(使高兴)符合题意。 15.C tear 是可数名词,此处应用复数形式,B、D 应排除;选项 A 不能用作主语,只 有 C 项动名词短语可作主语,且与谓语动词 do 保持一致,因此 C 是正确选项。 Ⅱ.作者羡慕大孩子戴着勋章和绶带的样子,于是她参加了学校的越野队。虽然很难, 但她坚持了下来,并通过努力锻炼取得了很大进步。文章告诉我们这样一个道理:遇到困难 和挑战时,要勇敢面对,不放弃。 16.D 作者也想像她见到的大孩子那样戴着勋章和绶带,所以她加入了学校的越野队。 第三段中的“Then one of my friends joined the crosscountry team,too.”是线索提 示。 17.C 根据上文“I was very slow in the team.”可知,作者在比赛中几乎总是最 后一个完成,故选 C。 18.A 根据下文“Every time I stopped”可知,作者在长跑比赛中总是不得不停下 来,故选 A。 19.B 根据上文“作者在长跑比赛中总是不得不停下来”可知,这些比赛是很累人的, 再结合下文作者与她朋友的对比“She never got tired and didn't get cramp(抽筋)in her legs.”可知,应选 B。 20.A 这些令人疲惫的比赛以及至少一百人参加比赛的确使作者很紧张。故 A 项正确。 下文“Even a whole month before a race,I'd get so nervous that I felt like I might give up.”是线索提示。 21.D 每次作者停下来,就会有 10 个人超过她。 22.B 虽然作者讨厌看着他们超过自己,但她仍然无法使自己继续下去。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 23.C 作者的朋友从不感到累,腿也不抽筋,且由该空下一句可知,作者无法理解为 何如此不公平。equal“相等的,平等的”;reasonable“合情理的”;fair“公平的”; tolerable“可容忍的”。故 C 项正确。 24.B 她跑得很轻松而作者却觉得那是一种折磨。解题时注意 while 表对比。 25.D 作者从未感到如此没有自信,想放弃。confidence“自信”,符合语境。 26.C 然而,作者没有放弃。though 用作副词时,表示“然而”,常用在句末。 27.A 比赛前一个月作者都紧张得想放弃。然而作者拒绝了放弃。 28.D 此处指戴着勋章和绶带的大孩子的那个画面仍然在作者的脑海里。 29.C 最终作者意识到,自己面对大赛紧张的原因是她总是担心自己没有准备好。be ready for“准备好(做某事)”。 30.B take out“取出”;map out“仔细策划,计划”;figure out“理解”;let out“发出,下课,散场”。此处指“制订计划”,故选 B。 31.A 作者每天锻炼以帮助自己逐渐形成稳定的步伐。根据下文“I stopped only once and my pace was much better.”可知,应选 A。 32.B 根据下文“I stopped only once and my pace was much better.”可知,作 者所有的锻炼奏效了。set off“出发”;pay off“奏效,取得成功”;get off“离开”; take off“起飞,脱下”。故 B 项正确。 33.C 虽然真的很难,作者甚至曾想放弃,但她坚持下来了,她为自己感到自豪。be proud of“为……感到自豪”。 34.A 作者通过坚持不懈的努力取得了很大进步,向自己表明自己足够坚强,能够继 续下去。strong“坚强的;强大的”,符合语境。 35.D 下次作者面临艰难的挑战的时候,她将会知道自己能应对它。challenge“挑 战”,符合语境。 Ⅲ.36.B 推理判断题。根据第二段“He was thin and poor. He looked the way I felt. I brought him inside and gave him a can of fish.”可知,作者看到猫的一副可怜相后 将它领进家并且给它一罐鱼肉,由此判断作者对猫的同情心理,故选 B。 37.B 语句理解题。画线句前后提到:猫像作者一样孤单,作者不知道该如何处置它。 但猫又不愿走,最后决定留下它。根据作者的矛盾心理,可推断她的处境让她觉得不便收留 猫,故选 B。 38.A 推理判断题。父亲的去世让作者感到悲伤和寂寞,而与猫相处的日子使事情变 得更加容易,时间过得更快,即猫让她从悲伤和寂寞中摆脱出来,故选 A。 39.D 主旨大意题。文意旨在讲述与一只猫的相处使作者摆脱了丧父的痛苦与寂寞, 由此判断选 D。

