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Learning aims 1.To learn something about Canada. 2.To get the main idea of the travel journal. 3.To improve the reading skills. 4.To learn to express students’ travel in English by themselves. competition How much do you know about Canada? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.How wide is it from the west coast to the east coast of Canada? A. 9,980km 5555565 B. 5,500 km C. 8,800km Q D. 4,500km 2. Which is the national flower of Canada? A. B. cherry rose maple( 枫叶 ) daffodil ( 水仙花 ) C. D. 3. What language(s) do Canadians speak? A. English and Spanish B. English and German C. English and French D. English 4. What is the capital of Canada? A. B. Vancouver ( 温哥华 ) Toronto ( 多伦多 ) C. D. Calgary ( 卡尔加里 ) Ottawa ( 渥太华 ) the biggest city the warmest and most beautiful city the industrial center 5. What is the national animal of Canada? B. Beaver ( 海狸 ) Grizzly bear ( 灰熊 ) C. D. Polar bear ( 北极熊 ) Penguin( 企鹅 ) 6. What is the leader of the country called ? President ( 总统 ) Prime Minister ( 总理;首相 ) Queen ( 女王 ) D. Chairman ( 主席 ) 加拿大总理 -- 斯蒂芬 · 哈珀 (Stephen Harper) 7. How large is it? A. 9.98 million km ² B. 9.60 million km ² C. 9.96 million km ² D. 9.98 million km 8 . How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada and what are they? Lake Superior Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Michigan Lake Ontario Lake Superior Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Lake Michigan A TRIP ON “ THE TRUE NORTH ” Reading Pre-reading Predict: What does “ The True North ” refer to in the text? It is a name for________________ the cross-Canada train Task 1: Divide the passage into three parts and match the main idea of the 3 parts. Task 2: Draw the route (路线) of the two girls' trip. Fast Reading Divide the passage into three parts and match the main idea of the 3 parts. Part 1 para(s)___ Part 2 para(s)___ Part 3 para(s)___ A: What they really saw and felt after boarding the train B: Brief introduction of their trip C: Their chat on their way to the station Passage structure Divide the passage into three parts and match the main idea of the 3 parts. Part 1 para(s)___ Part 2 para(s)___ Part 3 para(s)___ A: What they really saw and felt after boarding the train B: Brief introduction of their trip C: Their chat on their way to the station 1 2 3-5 Passage structure What’s the route( 路线 ) of the trip? brief introduction about the trip who _____ and her cousin ______ why wher e (destination) how (transportation) first by______ , then by______ Li Daiyu Liu Qian to __________________ visit their cousins Scanning Part 1 Read the 1st para. and finish the chart below. Montreal, Canada plane train Para. 1 1. Which continent are the cousins crossing? 2. Why are the cousins not flying directly to the Atlantic coast? They are crossing North America. Because they want to take the train from west to east across Canada. Because they want to travel across Canada. para2:Their chat on their way to the station What can they see during the journey? mountains lakes forests wide rivers large cities Para.2 Vancouver( 温哥华 ) Its population is increasing rapidly Para. 2 (Vancouver ) Vancouver Location 地理位置 Climate 气候 Entertainment (娱乐) Scenery 景色 surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean warm and wet skiing and sailing the oldest and most beautiful forests 1. _____________ 2._________________ population ___________ Part 2 ( para.2 ) 2minutes Canada distance ____________ (from coast to coast) Going eastward, you’ll pass 1 .______________ 3 .______________________ _______ Vancouver Canada’s warmest part the most beautiful city 3. _______________ _______________ increases rapidly. 5 . climate _________ 4.some ___________ ____________ so wet trees ___________ extremely tall mountains wide rivers & large cities 2 . ____________ scenery 5,500 kilometers oldest & most beautiful forests one of Canada’s most popular cities lakes & forests Part 3 ( 3 minutes ) Read paragraphs 3-5 and answer the following questions. 1 What mountains did they cross earlier that day? 2 Which city did they go after crossing the mountains? 3 What did the girls begin to realize after 2 days’ travel? 4 Where did they go after dinner? 5 Which lake did the train rush across that night, and what’s their next destination( 目的地 )? 1Earlier that day, …Rocky Mountains. 2 … Calgary… 3 After 2 days’ travel, … empty… 4 After dinner , …Thunder Bay… 5 That night … across Lake Superior … Toronto Vancouver Time route the Rocky Mountains They managed to catch sight of _______ ___________________________________ ______________. some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle Para 3 They crossed______________________ catch sight of: suddenly see sth Calgary 卡尔加里 Para. 3 the next stop – Calgary( 卡尔加里 ) What is Calgary famous for? Para. 3 (Calgary) The _________ have a gift for riding wild horses and they can win thousands of dollars in ______. cowboys prizes What happens at the Calgary Stampede? Why did they begin to realize that Canada is quite empty? Para. 4 charateristics(特点) :____________ empty Because there are only slightly over thirty million people living on such a huge land and most of them live within the areas of the USA border. A wheat-growing province farms: covers thousands of acres(亩). Para. 4 ____________ Thunder Bay Thunder Bay is a ________ city. Where is Thunder Bay? It is at the top of the _______________. Canada has ______________ the world’s total fresh water ; and much of it is in ______________. busy port Great Lakes one third of the Great Lakes Para 5 :the next stop: Toronto After-reading What three words would you use to describe Canada? big beautiful empty multicultural Summary Li Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train in Canada from ____ to ____. Their cousins’ friend, Danny Lin, took them to the train station to catch “___ _____ _____”. Canada is the ______ biggest country in the world. It is 5,500 km from _____ to _____. As they go ________ , they saw beautiful scenery as well as cities. Vancouver is __________ by mountains, lakes, forests and rivers. When the cousins ______ ____ in the seats, they looked out of the window. They saw mountain goats and even a _____ bear. Calgary is famous for its competition. Many of the cowboys from all over North America ____ __ ___ ___ riding wild animals. Then they ____ _______ a wheat-growing province. Thunder Bay is a busy port. It is ___ ____ ___ __ the Great Lake. west east The second coast coast eastward surrounded at the top of through went have a gift for grizzly settled down True North group-work Suppose you are Liu Qian and Li Daiyu and you have come back from Canada. Please introduce it to your classmates. Vancouver The Rocky Mountains Calgary Thunder Bay My experience in Canada Group work. 6 members for each group. one is Liu Qian, another one is Li Daiyu,and the others are their classmates. oral report Classmates: Hello, Li Daiyu and Liu Qian, I heard that you have come back from Canada. Can you tell me something about Canada? Li Daiyu and Liu Qian: Of course, go ahead. Classmates: ...... Referring questions How did you get Canada? by..... What did you see during the trip? Where was your first stop in Canada? Where is Vancouver? ....... He who travels far knows much. 行千里路,读万卷书。 The longestjourney begins with a single step. 千里之行,始于足下。 We should work hard from now on and be a knowledgeable man in the future. Useful Phrases 1. 与其;不愿 rather ___________ 2. 设法做 … __________ to do sth. 3. 对 … 有天赋 have a ______ ______ 4. 一直;全程 ______ the way 5. 穿过;经历;检查 go ________ 6. 定居;平静下来; settle _________ 7. 在旅行 be ____ a _____ (to) 8. 因 … 而出名 be famous _______ 9. 被 … 环绕 be __________ ____ 10. 看见;瞥见 catch ______ of than down gift for all through manage on trip for surrounded by sight Useful Words 1. measure _________ __ 2. impressive _________ __ 3. scenery __________ 4. surround ________ _ 5. chat ________ __ harbor _______ _____ 测量(v.);措施(n.) 7. slightly __________ 8. continent __________ 9. westward __________ 10. eagle ____________ 11. cowboy __________ 12. urban ____________ 聊天;闲聊 景色;风景 包围;环绕 使人印象深刻的 港口 轻微地 洲;大陆 向西 鹰 牛仔 城市的;市镇的 Homework 1. Read the passage carefully to find out the sentences you can not understand thoroughly and underline them. 2. Finish Ex. 1,2&3 on P.36 Thank You! Well done ^_^

