贵州大方县 2017 高考英语一轮阅读理解统练题

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贵州大方县 2017 高考英语一轮阅读理解统练题

只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 贵州大方县 2017 高考英语一轮阅读理解统练题 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 Most musicians agree that the best violins were made in Italy. They were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200 years ago. These violins sound better than any others. They even sound better than violins made today. Violin makers and scientists try to make instruments like the old Italian violins. But they aren’t the same. Musicians still prefer the old ones. No one really knows why these old Italian violins are so special, but many people think they have an answer. Some people think it is the age of the violins. They say that today’s violins will also sound wonderful someday. But there is a problem here. Not all old violins sound wonderful. Only those from Cremona are special. So age cannot be the answer. There must be something different about Cremona or those Italian violins makers. Other people think the secret to those violins is wood. The wood of the violin is very important. It must be from certain kinds of the trees. It must not be too young or too old. Perhaps the violin makers of Cremona knew something special about wood for violins. But the kind of wood may not be so important. It may be more important to cut the wood in a special way. Wood for a violin must be cut very carefully. It has to be the right size and shape. The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin. Musicians sometimes think that this was the secret of the Italians. Maybe they understood more than we do about how to cut the wood. Size and shape may not be the answer either. Scientists measured these old violins very carefully. They can make new ones that are exactly the same size and shape. But the new violins still do not sound as good as the old ones. Some scientists think the secret may be the varnish, which covers the wood of the violin and makes it look shiny. It also helps the sound of the instrument. No one knows what the Italian violin makers used in their varnish. So no one can make the same varnish today. There may never be other violins like the violins of Cremona. Their secret may be lost forever. Young musicians today hope this is not true. They need fine violins. But there 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 aren’t very many of the old violins left. Also, the old violins are very expensive. Recently, a famous old Italian violin was sold for about US$300,000! 1. This passage is about . A. making violins B. musical instruments C. scientific ideas D. the old Italian voilins 2. The best violins . A. are made with modern techniques B. were lost many years ago C. were made in Italy 200 years ago D. were made by scientists 3. Some people think that modern violins . A. will sound better in the future B. will sound worse in the future C. sound wonderful and natural D. will never be as old as those from Cremona 4. Violins made today . A. look the same as the old ones B. sound the same as the old ones C. are better than the old ones D. have the same varnish as the old ones 1、答案解析:答案为 D。本题为主旨大意题。 第一段最后一句话 “No one really knows why these old Italian violins are so special, but many people think they have an answer.” 引入话题,为什么古老的意大利小提琴如此特别,很多人认为他们知道答案,后文分别给出了 不同人的答案,最后一段对问题的答案进行总结 “There may never be other violins like the violins of Cremona. Their secret may be lost forever.” 意大利小提琴的秘密或许 永远消失了,无人知晓。全文都是围绕古老的意大利小提琴展开。故答案为 D。 2、答案解析:答案为 C。本题为细节题。由第一段第一、二句话 “Most musicians agree that the best violins were made in Italy. They were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200 years ago.” 可知,答案为 C。 3、答案解析:答案为 A。本题为细节题。结合第二段和该段第二句话 “They say that today’s violins will also sound wonderful someday.” 可知,一些人认为现代小提琴有一天也会 演奏出优美的旋律,故 A 选项正确。B、C 选项与文意不符,D 选项未提及。 4、答案解析:答案为 A。本题为推理题。由倒数第二段 “They can make new ones that are exactly the same size and shape. But the new violins still do not sound as good as 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 the old ones.” 可知,科学家可以制作出和意大利小提琴一样大小和形状的小提琴,但是新 的小提琴音质就是不如意大利小提琴好,故 A 正确,B、C 错误。由该段最后两句话 “No one knows what the Italian violin makers used in their varnish. So no one can make the same varnish today.”可知,D 选项错误。 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 【2014 高考英语综合能力测试题】 The writer Margaret Mitchell is best known for writing Gone with the Wind, published in 1936. This book tells a story of love and survival during the American Civil War. Visitors to the Margaret Mitchell House in Atlanta, Georgia, can go where she lived when she started composing it and learn more about her life. Our first stop at the Margaret Mitchell House is an exhibition area telling about the writer’s life. She was born in Atlanta in 1900. She started writing stories when she was a child. She started working as a reporter for The Atlanta Journal newspaper in 1922. One of Ms Mitchell’s photographs, called Peggy, shows her talking to a group of young college boys. She is only about one and a half meters tall. The young men tower over her, but she seems very happy and sure of herself. The tour guide explains, “Now in this picture Peggy is interviewing some boys from Georgia Tech, asking them such questions as ‘would you really marry a woman who works?” The Margaret Mitchell House is a building that once contained several apartments. Now we enter the first floor apartment where Ms Mitchell lived with her husband, John Marsh. They made fun of the small apartment by calling it “The Dump”. Around 1926, Margaret Mitchell stopped working as a reporter and was at home recovering after an injury. Her husband brought her books to read from the library. She read so many books that he bought her a typewriter and said it was time for her to write her own book. Our guide says Gone with the Wind became a huge success. Margaret Mitchell received the Pulitzer Prize for the book. In 1939, the film version was released. It won ten Academy Awards, including Best Picture. 36. From Paragraph 1, we know that visitors can know more about Margaret Mitchell 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 by _____. A. visiting where she wrote Gone with the Wind B. interviewing her relatives about Gone with the Wind C. reading Gone with the Wind and then seeing the film D. living in the Margaret Mitchell House for a time 37. In the Margaret Mitchell House, we can’t see ________. A. her former living place B. something about her own life C. the scene that she was writing D. exhibition of Margaret’s possessions 38. The underlined phrase “tower over” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “______”. A. stand behind B. are shorter than C. are taller than D. look down upon 39. We can know about Margaret Mitchell that _______. A. her height made her marriage unhappy B. she was interested in writing as a child C. writing stopped her from working as a reporter D. her life was full of hardship and sadness 40. From Paragraph 4, we can learn that ________. A. the library was useless for Margaret Mitchell’s writing B. Margaret Mitchell couldn’t write without a typewriter C. Margaret got injured when she was writing a story of the war D. John Marsh offered much help to Margaret Mitchell 【参考答案】36-40 ACCBD 本文主要介绍了《乱世佳人》的作者 Margaret Mitchell 在亚特兰大的生活故事。她的家现 在是亚特兰大著名的旅游景点之一。 36. A。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句 Visitors to the Margaret Mitchell House in 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 Atlanta, Georgia, can go where she lived when she started composing it and learn more about her life.可知答案。 37. C。细节理解题。因为 Margaret Mitchell 已经不居住在这所房子里了,所以今天当我 们参观这所房子时,我们是不可能再看见她写作的情景了。 38. C。词义猜测题。根据上句 She is only about one and a half meters tall.可知, 这些年轻男子高出她许多。 39. B。细节理解题。根据第二段的 She started writing stories when she was a child. 可知答案。 40. D。推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知 Margaret Mitchell 因病在家疗养期间,她丈夫 John Marsh 不但从图书馆借来很多书籍给她阅读而且还给她购买了一台打字机,并鼓励她 写自己的书。 社会生活类 Yao Yunchun, a 24-year-old author who frequently shops online in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, has never been so impatient for her parcels as she is now. She has been counting every day while she waits for the products she ordered to arrive, as many deliveries have been delayed over the past month. “It took more than a week for one of my parcels to arrive from Beijing while, in the past, it took only four days,” said Yao. She is just one of the many who like shopping on Taobao. com, the country’s largest 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 online shopping site, which has posted apologetic announcements to customers for the delays in deliveries. “Many parcels are still at the airport and cannot be delivered on time, but I think I will do my best.” Taobao clothes retailer (零 售商) iM Shop said on its website. Meanwhile, major express delivery companies in China have put up notices saying they are ready to cope with the delay in recent days. “It was mainly caused by a big increase in online shopping orders because of discounts offered by e-commerce companies,” said Chen Shousong, an analyst with domestic research company Analysys International. Taobao Mall, the country’s largest business-to-customer shopping site by market share, for example, rolled out a large-scale discount on November 11 in which 150 brands sold their products at half price. The discount attracted the attention of many e-shopping enthusiasts who spent 936 million yuan ($142 million) in just one day. The recent shortage of diesel oil, which restricts delivery vehicles’ capacity, and bad weather conditions in North China, also added to an already overloaded express delivery market. Bottlenecks in delivery often appear before long holidays, such as the coming Christmas and New Year holidays and the Chinese traditional Spring Festival holiday. Delivery employees often quit their jobs at that time when faced with lots of work and low pay. 1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Waiting for the postman impatiently. B. Shopping on Taobao.com conveniently. C. Arguing with retailers online heatedly. D. Suffering from large-scale discounts. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 2. Why were many deliveries delayed last month? A. The airport didn’t perform their duty properly. B. Some customers didn’t pay enough money. C. Sales volume in online shopping goes up rapidly. D. Delivery companies are short of vehicles. 3. What do you think of the Taobao retailers? A. They lack good faith and service. B. They are proudhearted and irresponsible. C. They are warmhearted and apologetic. D. They should improve their work greatly. 4. The underlined word “enthusiasts” has the same meaning with . A. retailers B. customers C. provider D. netbug 5. What would be continued with the passage? A. To attract more new delivery employees. B. To call off the holiday for Spring Festival. C. To stop online shopping before holidays. D. To build E-commerce companies’ own delivery teams. 【参考答案】8. ACCBD 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 社会生活类 A child’s visit to the dentist can be scary; especially if it is their first time. Let’s face it, this can even scare an adult, too. In order to make it a good experience for the child, there are some things that can prepare them for that visit to the dental office. Children should usually start going to the dentist around age three to have their teeth examined and make sure there are no cavities (龋齿). Before they start going, you may want them to come with you to your dental appointments so that they can see that you are not afraid of having someone look at your teeth with sharp objects. This way, they will know the office personnel and, of course, the dental specialist. The dental professional will be able to explain what is done during the exam by checking their teeth and cleaning them. This should help the child settle down before their actual scheduled appointment. As a parent, you can talk about your positive experiences at the dental office and letting them know how important it is to keep your teeth healthy so that you can have a big beautiful smile. There are also books and even DVDs available to prepare them for the big day as well. Most books will show what to expect during their exam which may include what the dentist will do. This can be a great way to calm their nerves so that they are not so stressed and worried about going to their exam. Just remember, keep talking about the subject while keeping it a very positive thing. With doing some of these things, it should be a positive experience for your child. Take the time to prepare them and even the night before the appointment, make sure they get a good night’s rest and a nutritious meal beforehand so that they are not moody before the visit to help make it a little easier for everyone. Every child’s visit to the dentist should be a good experience with these tips that are mentioned. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 9 1. What’s the aim for the author to write this passage? A. To provide some advice on how to calm down before a dentist. B. To tell parents how to deal with their child’s tooth problem. C. To show how parents and their child communicate their experience. D. To state how important it is to keep teeth healthy. 2. Why do children start going to the dentist around age three? A. Because they are asked to be of such an experience. B. Because they need to make their teeth beautiful. C. Because their parents want to make sure their teeth healthy. D. Because their parents must remove their child’s fear of dentists. 3. Which is NOT the tip the author stated in the passage? A. Offer the concerned books and DVDs. B. Parents talking about their own experience. C. Going to the dentist with their child. D. Making an appointment with the dentist for their child. 4. What should parents keep talking about going to the dentist for? A. Conveying their love to their child. B. Making their child relaxed. C. Pretending it’s a relaxed atmosphere. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 10 D. Telling the dentist to be careful. 5. In what part of the newspaper can you find this passage? A. Education. B. Health. C. Story. D. Family. 【参考答案】9.ACDBB

