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2020-2021 年高考英语语法填空专项训练(三) Go(围棋)is a board game for two players, in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent. The game 1 (invent)in China more than 2,500 years ago and is believed to be the 2 (old) board game continuously played to the present day. A 2016 survey found that there are over 20million current players, the majority of 3 live in East Asia. The playing pieces are called "stones". One player uses the white stones and the 4 , black. The players take 5 (turn)to place the stones on the vacant intersections(交叉点)of a board. Once 6 (place) on the board, stones may not be moved, but stones are removed from the board if "capture(捕获)”. Capture happens when a stone or a group of stones is surrounded by opposing stones on all points. The game goes on until neither player wishes to make another move. When a game 7 (come) to an end, the winner is determined by 8 (count) each player's surrounded territory along with captured stones and komi(贴目).A teacher might 9 (simple)the explanation by saying to a student " you may place your stone any point on the board, but if I surround that stone, I will remove 10 . " 【答案】 1. 【答案】was invented 【解析】句意:2,500 多年前,该游戏发明于中国,人们认为它是至今为止一直被玩的最古老的棋类 游戏。本题考查时态和语态。主语 the game 与 invent 为被动关系,故本空需用被动语态;根据时间状 语 more than 2,500 years ago 可知设空处用一般过去时,故设空处填 was invented。 2. 【答案】 oldest 【解析】根据设空处前的 the 及上下文逻辑可知设空处用形容词最高级形式,故填 oldest。 3. 【答案】whom 【解析】句意:2016 年的一次调查发现目前有两千多万玩家,他们中的大多数都生活在东亚。本句 无从属连词,也无并列连词,只有一个逗号连接两个部分,由此可推知本题考查非限制性定语从句。 先行词 为 players,关系词在定语从句中作介词 of 的宾语,先行词指“人”且介词位于设空处之前, 故填 whom。 4. 【答案】 other 【解析】句意:一位选手用白子,另外一个用黑子。 根据常识可知围棋比赛在两个选手间进行,根据本句中的 One 可知设空处填 other,与设空处前的 the 构 成 the other,表示两者中的另一方。 5. 【答案】turns 【解析】句意:选手在棋盘上的空的交叉点轮流置子。本题考查动词短语。take turns to do sth.为固定 短语,意为:轮流做某事。 6. 【答案】placed 【解析】句意:一旦被放在棋盘上,棋子就不能被移动……。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。主语 stones 与 place 为逻辑上的被动关系,且表示完成,故填过去分词 placed。 7. 【答案】 comes 【解析】此处表示:当游戏结束时,通过数每个选手被捕获的棋子和贴目的个数决定胜负。本句介 绍围棋的规则,需用一般现在时,故填 comes。 8. 【答案】 counting 【解析】设空处前为介词,设空处作介词 by 的宾语,故填动名词 counting。 9. 【答案】simplify 【解析】根据设空处前的情态动词 might 可知设空处填动词原形;根据提示词 simple 可知设空处填 simplify,意为:简化。 10. 【答案】 it 【解析】此处表示:你可以将棋子放在棋盘的任何一个点上,但是如果我包围了那颗棋子,我就会 将其拿掉。设空处作宾语,指代“that stone”,故填代词 it。 二、 I found one time that helping someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the 1 ( nine ) grade at the time , and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl 2 (sit) next to me whispered something, but I didn't understand. Finally I found that she was trying to ask me 3 I had an extra pen. She showed me that 4 ( her ) was out of ink and would not write . I happened to have an extra one , so I put it on her desk . Later, after the test papers had been turned in, the teacher 5 ( ask ) me to stay in the room when all the other students were dismissed. As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about how important it was 6 ( stand ) on your own two 7 (foot) and be responsible for your own acts. For a long time, she talked about honesty and emphasized the fact 8 when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating themselves. She made me promise that I would think 9 (serious) about all the things she had said, and then she told me . I could leave. I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me 10 all those things. Later on, I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test. 1.【答案】ninth 【解析】句意:那时我在上九年级,我们正在进行期末考试。设空处表示次序,需填序数词 ninth。 2. 【答案】sitting 【解析】句意:考试期间,坐在我旁边的那个女孩小声说了些什么,但我没听懂。“——(sit)next to me"作定语。被修饰词 the girl 与 sit 为逻辑上的主动关系,且设空处表示“正在进行”,故填现在分词 sitting。 3. 【答案】 if/whether 【解析】句意:最后我发现她在试图问我是否有多余的钢笔。“——I had an extra pen”为宾语从句, 作 ask 的宾语,设空处表示“是否”,故填 if 或 whether。 4. 【答案】 hers 【解析】句意:她给我看她的钢笔没墨水了,写不了字了。设空处作宾语从句的主语,故用名词性 物主代词 hers,相当于 her pen。 5. 【答案】 asked 【解析】句意:后来,交卷后,其他学生都获准离开了,老师却把我留在教室里。根据上下文可知 设空处说的是过去的情况,需用一般过去时,故填 asked。 6. 【答案】 to stand 【解析】句意:只剩下我们俩时,她开始对我讲独立、对自己的行为负责是多么重要。“how important it was responsible for your own acts"为宾语从句,该从句中 it 为形式主语,故本空可用动名词或不定式作 真正主语,但根据并列连词 and 后的 be(动词原形)可知设空处只能填不定式 to stand。 7 .【答案】feet 【解析】stand on one's own(two)feet 为固定短语,意为:(=be independent and able to take care of oneself) 独立,自立。 8. 【答案】 that 【解析】句意:她很长时间一直谈论有关诚实这一话题并强调了一个事实:当人们做了不诚实的事 情时,他们实际上是在欺骗自己。“———— when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating themselves'为同位语从句,作 the fact 的同位语,该从句中不缺任何成分,故填 that。 9. 【答案】 seriously 【解析】句意:她让我承诺我将认真考虑她所说的话,然后告诉我可以离开了。设空处作动词 think 的状语,需用副词,故填 seriously。 10. 【答案】 about 【解析】句意:我走出房间,纳闷她为什么选择跟我谈那些事情。talk to sb. about sth.为常用短语, 意为:与某人谈论某事。 三、 One news story about the modern Olympics is about men 1 (pretend)to be women to enter the women's events. People are arguing about how fair 2 is to test women athletes to make sure they are not men. One side argues that men are 3 (strong), so they will win any women's event. They say that women should be tested to make sure they are not men. Th other side thinks that this is 4 (fair) to women. They say skill is more important than strength. But has this ever really happened ? 5 answer is yes , several times ! The most famous case is that of Dora in the 1936 Olympic Games. The Olympics 6 (hold) in Berlin, Germany, three years after the Nazis came 7 power. The Nazis wanted to win lots of events, but they had wrong ideas about race. They did not want black or Jewish people in the German team. B many of their best athletes were Jewish. The Nazis did not let these athletes compete. But that meant they might lose events! One event 8 the Nazis thought they might lose was the women's high jump. So the Nazis sent a male athlete, Herman Ratjen, 9 (compete)under the name of "Dora" .Did he win ? No . " Dora " came fourth . The 10 ( win ) was a young Jewish woman from Hungary. She jumped 1.60 metres. "Dora only jumped 1.58 metres. So men do not always win. 【答案】 1. 【答案】pretending 【解析】考查非谓语动词作定语。被修饰词 men 与 pretend 为逻辑上的主动关系,且设空处所表示的 动作没有一定的时间性,需填现在分词形式,故填 pretending,相当于 who pretend... 2.【答案】 it 【解析】考查 it 的用法。句意:人们在争论检查女性运动员以确保她们不是男性的公平性。此处 it 是 形式主语,动词不定式短语是真正的主语。 3 .【答案】stronger 【解析】考查形容词。此处是将男人和女人进行比较,用形容词比较级。 4. 【答案】 unfair 【解析】考查形容词。句意:另一方认为这对女性不公平。此处用形容词作表语,结合句意可知此 处表示“不公平的”,故答案为 unfair。 5.【答案】. The 【解析】考查冠词。此处特指上句问题的答案,故答案为 The。 6.【答案】 were held 【解析】考查动词时态和语态。句意:纳粹掌权三年后,奥运会在德国柏林举行。句子主语 the Olympics 与 hold 为被动关系,故需要用被动语态形式;根据时间状语“after the Nazis came ______power"可知设 空处用一般过去时;the Olympics=the Olympic Games,属于复数概念,故填 were held。 7. 【答案】 to 【解析】考查固定短语。come to power 执政,掌权。 8. 【答案】 that/which 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:纳粹认为他们可能会输掉的一个项目是女子跳高。此处 event 是先行 词,指物,设空处在定语从句中作宾语,故答案为关系代词 that/which。 9. 【答案】 to compete 【解析】考查非谓语动词。send sb.to do sth.派某人去做某事,此处是动词不定式作宾语补足语。 10. 【答案】 winner 【解析】考查词形转换。句意:获胜者是一位来自匈牙利的年轻犹太女性。由 the 修饰该词,结合 句意可知此处表示“获胜者”,故答案为 winner。 四、 Alice Pang from Hong Kong always liked dressing well and looking elegant, but never 1 (actual) considered a career(职业)in modelling. But her granddaughter always thought she had a gift 2 it, so when she saw an online ad for senior models over 65 , she sent in Alice's pictures and she was selected for a photo shoot. Though 3 ( know ) nothing about modelling , Alice Pang had all the natural qualities and succeeded. Today, she 4 (recognize) as one of the best senior models in Asia, as well as the oldest. "What I was worried about was 5 I did not have the slightest idea how to model. But my manager taught me a lot and those girls helped me with my make-up. I gradually developed an interest in modelling and got 6 (good) at it,"Alice said in an interview. "I entered 7 industry when I was 93 and this is my third year working as a model," she added. While most people praise her for her 8 (act) lifestyle and the courage to start a whole new career in her nineties, Alice Pang is not without her critics(批评者). She chooses 9 (ignore)them, though, saying that her personal 10 (happy)is all that counts. 【答案】 1 .【答案】actually 【解析】来自香港的 Alice Pang 一直喜欢穿着得体,看起来很优雅,但事实上她从未考虑过从事模特儿工 作。设空处作 considered 的状语,需用副词形式,故填 actually。 2 .【答案】for 【解析】但是她的孙女一直认为她有这个天赋,所以当她看到网上招聘 65 岁以上高级模特儿的广告时, 她把 Alice 的照片寄了过去,她被选中拍摄照片。have a gift for 是固定短语,表示:有……的天赋,故填介 词 for。 3. 【答案】knowing 【解析】尽管她对模特儿表演一无所知,但她拥有天生就成为时装模特儿的所有特质,结果她成功了。 设空处前没有主语且在连词 though 之后,由此可判断设空处考查非谓语动词作状语。主语 Alice Pang 与 know 为逻辑上的主动关系,故填现在分词形式 knowing。 4 .【答案】is recognized/has been recognized 【解析】如今,她已经成为亚洲公认的最好的高级模特儿之一,也是年龄最大的。根据时间状语 today 可 知设空处需用一般现在时或现在完成时。主语 she 与 recognize 为被动关系,故设空处需用被动语态形式。 综上所述设空处填 is recognized 或 has been recognized。 5 .【答案】that 【解析】让我担心的是我一点都不知道如何当模特儿。考查表语从句。从句意思完整,不缺任何成分, 故填 that。 6.【答案】 better 【解析】我逐渐对模特儿工作产生了兴趣,并做得越来越好。根据上文(我一点都不知道如何当模特儿。 但是我的经理教了我很多,还有那些女孩帮我化妆)可知设空处需填形容词比较级 better。 7 .【答案】the 【解析】我 93 岁进入模特儿行业。本句中的 industry 表特指,特指模特儿这一行业,故填定冠词 the。 8 .【答案】active 【解析】句意:虽然大多数人都称赞她都 90 多岁了还有着积极的生活方式及开创全新事业的勇气,但 Alice Pang 也不乏批评者。设空处作名词 lifestyle 的定语,根据提示词可知设空处填形容词 active,意为:积 极的。 9.【答案】 to ignore 【解析】对他们(指批评者)她都选择不予理踩。考查非谓语动词作宾语。choose to do sth.表示“选择做 某事”。 10.【答案】 happiness 【解析】她说自己开心是最重要的。根据设空处前的形容词 personal 及设空的位置可知设空处作主语,根 据提示词可知填名词 happiness。

