湖南省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试2020届高三考前演练(三)英语试题 Word版含解析

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湖南省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试2020届高三考前演练(三)英语试题 Word版含解析

- 1 - 2020 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试考前演练(三) 英语 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在 本试卷上无效。 第一部分 听力 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂 到答题卡上。 第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where is the woman from? A.America. B.France. C.Russia. 2.Where are the speakers? A.In a bookstore. B.On a bus. C.At home. 3.What does the man really mean? A.The map is too large. B.The window is too small. C.The table is not large enough. 4.What is the man mainly talking about? A.The difference in weather. B.The difference in food. C.The difference in clothes. 5.How long will the flight to New York take? A.One hour and fifty-five minutes. B.Two hours and thirty minutes. C.Two hours and thirty-five minutes. 第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 - 2 - 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6.What will the man probably do in a few days? A.Come back home. B.Drive to the South. C.Pass by the house. 7.Where does this conversation probably take place? A.In a hotel. B.At a travel agency. C.On the phone. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8.What does the man want to do? A.Pay for his advertisement. B.Put an advertisement in the paper. C.Make a change to his advertisement. 9.Why does the woman ask the man for the reference number? A.To make a change to the number. B.To find the advertisement on the computer. C.To make sure she hasn't made a mistake. 10.What is the price of the leather jacket in today's paper? A.$500. B.Less than$500. C.More than$500. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 11.When will the dinner be? A.At 6:00. B.At 6:30. C.At 7:30. 12.What is the last thing the man plans to do in the evening? A.Going for a drive. B.Having a party. - 3 - C.Seeing a movie. 13.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Friends. B.Classmates. C.Workmates. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。 14.What are the speakers talking about? A.Giving a party. B.Buying a house. C.Going to college. 15.Why does the man have to give a party? A.He has to thank the teachers. B.He has bought a house. C.He has to obey the woman. 16.How does the woman feel about the man telling her his plan? A.It is unusual. B.It is amusing. C.It is too late. 17.What does the woman really mean at the end of the conversation? A.She regrets having bought a small house. B.They have to find a bigger house for the party. C.The man shouldn't have invited so many people. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 18.What can kids choose to learn at Long Lake Camp? A.Whatever they like. B.What is about tradition. C.What can be done in summer. 19.What is the number of staff members at Long Lake Camp? A.39. B.145. C.250. - 4 - 20.What is the purpose of the speaker? A.To attract campers. B.To attract visitors. C.To attract staff members. 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Whatever the age of your children, you'll find plenty to interest them in Amsterdam. Here are some of the best activities to do with them while visiting the Dutch capital. Visit the Van Gogh Museum Vincent van Gogh's paintings are colourful and a good introduction to art for little ones.The Van Gogh Museum consists of two buildings with special family tours available in English as well as an interactive audio guide for kids aged 6 to 12. You can request “Vincent's Travelling Case” free of charge which is packed with activities to help your little ones explore the artist's work. Go to the Vondelpark Amsterdam's most famous park has plenty to offer kids-at the Kinderkookkafékids aged eight and up can make their own little dishes such as pizzas and simple cakes.There're also many children's playgrounds,as well as rope bridges for older kids. In the summer, the open-air theatre runs children’s programmes some afternoons. Hire bikes Cycling is the way to get around Amsterdam-around 60 per cent of trips are made by bike in the inner city. Even if your children are too small to cycle by themselves, many cycle shops will be able to come up with a solution to allow you to travel as a family on two wheels. Green Budget Bikes offers bikes where you can carry small children in a kind of basket on the front of the bike, as well as child tandems where your little one gets to cycle but you remain in control. Visit the Anne Frank House Some children may have learned about Anne Frank.You can still visit the secret - 5 - place where she wrote her famous diary. There’s a film which shows images of concentration camps which may be upsetting for some children and can be skipped if necessary. The museum's website can help you decide what is and isn't appropriate for your kids to see and help you answer any questions. 1. What do we know about“Vincent's Travelling Case”? A. It makes travel arrangements for visitors. B. It helps to gain free access to the museum. C. It keeps valuable things for visitors. D. It helps to learn about Van Gogh's paintings. 2. Which allows an adult tourist and his child to work together? A. A tandem. B. A rope bridge. C. The open-air theatre. D. The Kinderkookkafé. 3. Which might cause children to feel unhappy? A. Hiring bikes. B. The Anne Frank House. C. The Vondelpark. D. The Van Gogh Museum. 【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了阿姆斯特丹里一些有特色的活动。 【1 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段中 You can request “Vincent's Travelling Case” free of charge which is packed with activities to help your little ones explore the artist's work. 可知你可以免费申请“Vincent's Travelling Case”,里面有各种活动,可以帮助你的孩子 探索这位艺术家的作品。由此可知,“Vincent's Travelling Case”有助于了解梵高的绘画。 故选 D。 【2 题详解】 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中 Green Budget Bikes offers bikes where you can carry small children in a kind of basket on the front of the bike, as well as child tandems where your little one gets to cycle but you remain in control.可知 Green Budget Bikes 提 供的自行车,你可以在自行车前面的一个篮子里载着小孩,还有和小孩一起骑的双人自行车, 在你的控制下,你的小孩可以骑。由此可知,双人自行车可以让成年游客和他的孩子一起骑 - 6 - 车。故选 A。 【3 题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段中 There’s a film which shows images of concentration camps which may be upsetting for some children and can be skipped if necessary.可知有一 部电影里的集中营画面可能会让一些孩子感到不安,如果有必要的话可以跳过。由此可知, The Anne Frank House 可能会导致孩子感到不快乐。故选 B。 B To have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see rare Black Sea dolphins(海豚),people in the landlocked Russian town of Kaluga don't have to leave their city.In the parking lot of a large shopping mall is a white aquarium(水族馆):the Moscow Traveling Dolphinarium. Russia's dozen or so traveling aquariums are seen as a way to bring native wild animals to people who might never see the ocean.Owners and operators of wildlife tourism attractions say their animals live longer than wild animals,and the animals under their care are with them for life.They’re family. Alla Azovtseva,a longtime dolphin trainer in Russia,shakes her head. “I don't see any sense in this work.My conscience bites me.I look at my animals and want to cry,”says Azovtseva.She has spent 20 years training dolphins to do tricks.But along the way she’s grown heartsick from the forcing highly intelligent, social creatures to live a lonely life in small tanks.“Dolphins have evolved to swim great distances and live in complex social groups-conditions that can't be reproduced in a pool,”she says. “I would compare the dolphin situation with making a physicist sweep the street,”she says.“When they’re not engaged in performance or training,they just hang in the water facing down.It's the deepest depression.” What people don't know about aquarium shows in Russia,Azovtseva says,is that the animals often die soon after being put in captivity(囚养),especially those in traveling shows.And Azovtseva,making clear she’s referring to the industry at large in Russia,says she knows many aquariums quietly and illegally replace their animals with new ones. - 7 - It's illegal to catch Black Sea dolphins in the wild for entertainment purposes,but aquarium owners who want to increase their dolphin numbers quickly and cheaply buy dolphins caught there.Because these dolphins are acquired illegally,they're missing the microchips that captive dolphins in Russia are usually tagged with as a form of required identification. Some aquariums get around that,Azovtseva says,by cutting out dead dolphins’microchips and putting them into replacement dolphins. 4. What can be inferred about the town of Kaluga? A. It is a seaside town. B. It is a long way from the ocean. C. It is full of traveling aquariums. D. It is well known for dolphins. 5. What does Azovtseva really mean by shaking her head? A. Dolphins in aquariums are actually treated badly. B. Her work as a dolphin trainer is really boring. C. Dolphins are more intelligent than people think. D. People know little about how dolphins live. 6. What is the use of the microchips? A. To show the dolphins are used legally. B. To show the dolphins can be replaced. C. To prove the dolphins are still alive. D. To prove the dolphins are from the Black Sea. 7. What is the purpose of the text? A. To give an account of how an aquarium works. B. To draw people's attention to dolphin society. C. To uncover the dark truth behind aquarium shows. D. To report the dolphin situation in the world. 【答案】4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 【解析】 本文是说明文。介绍了俄罗斯的水族馆虐待海豚获得利益,披露了海洋水族馆黑暗的真相。 - 8 - 【4 题详解】 推理判断题。根据 “To have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see rare Black Sea dolphins(海豚), people in the landlocked Russian town of Kaluga don't have to leave their city(为了有千载难逢的机会看到罕见的黑海海豚,内陆俄罗斯城镇卡鲁加的人们不必 离开他们的城市)”以及 “people who might never see the ocean(那些可能永远看不到海 洋的人)” 可推断 Kaluga 离海洋很远。故选 B。 【5 题详解】 推理判断题。上一段说到 Owners and operators of wildlife tourism attractions say their animals live longer than wild animals,and the animals under their care are with them for life.They’re family.( 野生动物旅游景点的所有者和经营者说,他们的动物比野生动 物活得更长,他们照顾下的动物和他们一起生活,他们是一家人。),可知 Azovtseva 的摇头, 是对“their animals live longer than wild animals, and the animals under their care are with them for life. They' re family” 的否定,结合她在下段所说的话 I don't see any sense in this work. My conscience bites me.I look at my animals and want to cry,( 我 看不出这工作有什么意义。我的良心谴责我。我看着我的动物想哭,)可确定 Azovtseva 摇头 的真正意思是水族馆里的海豚实际上受到虐待。故选 A。 【6 题详解】 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的 Because these dolphins are acquired illegally, they're missing the microchips that captive dolphins in Russia are usually tagged with as a form of required identification.(由于这些海豚是非法获得的,他们失去了在俄罗斯 捕获的海豚通常被标记的微芯片,这是一种必要的身份证明形式。)和下文的 Some aquariums get around that,Azovtseva says,by cutting out dead dolphins’microchips and putting them into replacement dolphins.(一些水族馆绕过了这一步,Azovtseva 说,通过切断死 海豚的微芯片并将它们放入到替代海豚中。)可推断,微芯片的使用是为了表明海豚被合法使 用。故选 A。 【7 题详解】 推理判断题。本文第 1、2段引出短文主题,水族馆了的海豚,其余各段均为披露海洋水族馆 黑暗的真相。所以这篇文章的目的是揭开水族馆展览背后的黑暗真相。故选 C。 C Fathers have a strong influence on their children.And one of the areas in which - 9 - researchers look for the influence is in the development of language.What begins with gestures and sounds develops into competence with language by around age 3.Fathers are proving to be an important part of this process,as Lynne Vernon-Feagans of the University of North Carolina and her colleagues are finding out. They have done some of the most interesting work looking at children's language development in both middle-class and poor,rural families.They've found,to their surprise,that not only are fathers important for children’s language development,but that fathers matter more than mothers.For example,they found that fathers'use of vocabulary when reading picture books to their children at 6 months of age was significantly related to the children's expressiveness at 15 months and use of advanced language at age 3.This held true no matter what the mother's educational level was or how she spoke to the children. Vernon-Feagans was surprised by the difference between mothers and fathers.She had thought they would be equally involved in encouraging their children’s language development.Why would fathers be more important in this regard than mothers?Maybe it's because mothers are more familiar with their kids,typically spending more time with them than fathers do.That makes mothers more likely to choose words the kids know.Fathers aren't as familiar with their kids,so they use a broader vocabulary,and the kids learn new words and concepts as a result. Vernon-Feagans thought there might be another factor at play as well.Because fathers usually spend less time with their kids,they are more of a novelty.That makes them more interesting playmates.“I do think our children see it as very special when they do book reading with their fathers,”she said.“They may listen more and acquire language in a special way.” The researchers found that wealthier fathers produced a greater rise in their children’s IQs than did similarly active low-income fathers.It might sound discouraging,but it suggests that improving men's educational or financial status would bring benefits not only to them but to their children as well. 8. What did Vernon-Feagans and her colleagues find unexpectedly in their research? A. Mothers'improper ways to talk to children. - 10 - B. Fathers'important role in children's language. C. Children’s use of advanced language at age 3. D. Different vocabulary in different families. 9. What might make mothers a less important role in children’s language development? A. Use of new words. B. Familiarity with words. C. Use of limited vocabulary. D. Too much time with children. 10. What does the underlined“a novelty”in Paragraph 4 indicate? A. Fathers cannot afford the time with their kids. B. Kids often complain about their fathers'absence. C. It is quite common that fathers stay with their kids. D. It feels new and different for kids to stay with their fathers. 11. What is the main idea of the text? A. Fathers'social status benefits children's language. B. Parents have different influences on children's language. C. Children’s language abilities depend on good fathering. D. Fathers contribute more than mothers to children's language. 【答案】8. B 9. C 10. D 11. D 【解析】 本文是说明文。介绍了父亲对孩子的语言的发展影响很大。 【8 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第 2 段中的 “They've found, to their surprise, that not only are fathers important for children's language development, but that fathers matter more than mothers.( 令他们惊讶的是,他们发现不仅父亲对儿童语言发展的是重要的,而且父亲 比母亲更重要)” 可确定答案是 B。故选 B。 【9 题详解】 细节理解题。 根据第 3 段 That makes mothers more likely to choose words the kids know.Fathers aren't as familiar with their kids,so they use a broader vocabulary,and - 11 - the kids learn new words and concepts as a result.可知,这使得母亲们更倾向于选择 孩子们知道的词语。父亲和孩子不太熟悉,所以他们会使用更广泛的词汇,而孩子也因此学 会了新单词和概念。,父亲之所以在孩子的语言发展方面起着更重要的作用是因为他们 “use a broader vocabulary”,而母亲则 “choose words the kids know”。相对父亲,母亲使 用的词汇限制在孩子认识的词汇范围内。故选 C。 【10 题详解】 词句猜测题。根据第 4 段中的“Because fathers usually spend less time with their kids” 因为父亲陪伴孩子的时间通常较少、“That makes them more interesting playmates”这 使它们成为更有趣的玩伴 、“our children see it as very special”我们的孩子认为它 很特别。可推断,因为父亲通常花更少的时间和他们的孩子在一起,他们更具新颖性,故划 线词与 D 项意思相近。故选 D。 【11 题详解】 主旨大意题。由第一段的 Fathers have a strong influence on their children. And one of the areas in which researchers look for the influence is in the development of language. (父亲对他们的孩子有很强的影响。 研究人员寻找影响的领域之一是语言的发展。)以及全 文内容可知,本文主要是关于父亲对儿童语言的贡献大于母亲。故选 D。 D I live in a small studio.I sleep in a bed that folds down from the wall.I have six dress shirts.I have 10 shallow bowls that I use for salads and main dishes.When people come over for dinner.I pull out my extendable dining room table.I don't have a single CD or DVD and I have 10 percent of the books I once did. I have come a long way from the life I had in the late’90s,when,having made a fortune from an Internet start-up sale,I had a giant house full of stuff(物 品)-electronics and cars and appliances and furniture. Somehow this stuff ended up running my life,or a lot of it;the things I consumed ended up consuming me.My life became unnecessarily complicated.There were lawns(草 坪)to mow,floors to mop,a car to insure,wash,refuel,repair and register and tech to set up and keep working.Who had I become?My house and my things were my new employers for a job I had never applied for.I started to wonder why my theoretically upgraded - 12 - life didn't feel any better and why I felt more anxious than before. For me,it took 15 years to get rid of the things I had collected and live a bigger,better,richer life with less. I like material things as much as anyone.I studied product design in school.But my experiences show that after a certain point,material objects have a tendency to crowd out the emotional needs they are meant to support.I know the best stuff in life isn't stuff at all,and that relationships,experiences and meaningful work are the main parts of a happy life. My latest project is to design thoughtfully constructed small homes that support our lives,not the other way around.The house 1 design contains less stuff and makes it easier for owners to live within their means and to limit their environmental footprint.My space is well-built,affordable and as functional as living spaces twice the size.I frequently have dinner parties for 12.I sleep better knowing I'm not using more resources than I need.I have less-and enjoy more. My space is small.My life is big. 12. Why does the author use a bed that folds down from the wall? A. To save time. B. To save space. C. To make the room neat. D. To sleep comfortably. 13. How did the author feel about his things in the late'90s? A. They were complicated. B. They were expensive to run. C. They were a great burden. D. They couldn't meet the daily needs. 14. What do we know about the house the author designs? A. It is used for dinner parties. B. There is no stuff in the house. C. It is larger than his studio. D. The space is actually larger than it is. - 13 - 15. What is the best title for the text? A. Living Better with Less B. Consuming Less to Save Money C. Longing for the Good Old Days D. Building a Comfortable Living Space 【答案】12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者通过自己的亲身经历来体现文章的主题 “简单生活使生活 更美好”( live a bigger, better, richer life with less)。 【12 题详解】 推理判断题。根据前文 作者住所很小(a small studio),可推断使用折叠床是为了节省空 间。使用 extendable dining room table(可展开的餐桌)也是如此,故选 B。 【13 题详解】 推理判断题。根据文章第三段 Who had I become? My house and my things were my new employers for a job I had never applied for. I started to wonder why my theoretically upgraded life didn't feel any better and why I felt more anxious than before. 我 变成了谁?我的房子和我的东西成了我从未申请过的工作的新雇主。我开始想,为什么理论上 的升级生活并没有让我感觉更好,为什么我比以前更焦虑。由此可以推断这些东西已经成为 作者的负担,故选 C。 【14 题详解】 细节理解题。 根据最后一段 My latest project is to design thoughtfully constructed small homes that support our lives, not the other way around. The house 1 design contains less stuff and makes it easier for owners to live within their means and to limit their environmental footprint. My space is well-built, affordable and as functional as living spaces twice the size. 我最近的项目是设计精心建造的小房子来 支持我们的生活,而不是相反。1号屋的设计包含的东西更少,让业主更容易量入为出,并限 制他们的环境足迹。我的空间建得很好,负担得起,功能是居住空间的两倍大。 故选 D。 【15 题详解】 主旨大意题。 本文主题为“简单生活使作者的生活更美好”( live a bigger, better, - 14 - richer life with less) ,起始段、尾段以及中间各段落均围绕该主题展开叙述。故选 A。 【点睛】标题猜测题。主旨大意题的一种。标题应位于文章之首,概括文章内容,点明文章 主题。它可以是单词,短语,或句子。确定文章标题,第一,标题要与主题密切相关;其次, 看标题是否能概括全文内容,不能只概括短文中的某些事实或细节;第三,标题范围不应太 大或太小;最后,标题应新颖,概括性强并且精炼。例如小题 4,本文主题为“简单生活使作 者的生活更美好”( live a bigger, better, richer life with less) ,起始段、尾段以 及中间各段落均围绕该主题展开叙述。故选 A。 第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。 Modern life is full of stress, and stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it. What is important is that we can recognize stress symptoms we have and manage them before they make us very sick. ___16___ Stress weakens the immune(免疫的) system, so you may have colds frequently. Stress can also make your body produce less endorphins, which reduce the sensation of pain, and cause different body aches all the time. What's more, stress affects sleep patterns, thus causing sleep problems such as restlessness, the inability to fall asleep and waking in the middle of the night. Of course, there is the psychological factor in stress that weakens your mind. As a result, you may have a poor memory, lack confidence and often find it difficult to make decisions.___17___ If you do have stress symptoms, take steps to manage your stress. Stress management will help to bring you back into balance.___18___You can make time for enjoyable activities outside school or work. and sitting in a quiet environment not doing anything at all can also decrease stress levels.___19___You have to ask yourself some deeper questions. You have to find out what caused the stress symptoms in the first place so that you can find effective ways to get them over. Some sources of stress, such as the death of a loved one or a serious illness, are unavoidable, and you can't change them.___20___Acceptance may be difficult, but in the long run, it's easier than complaining about a situation you can't change. A. Most importantly, be aware of the harmful effects of stress. - 15 - B. You may also feel anxious about the things you do. C. In such cases, the best way to deal with stress is to accept them. D. Sometimes, however, this isn't enough. E. Stress weakens your body in many ways. F. You may have health problems, such as high blood pressure and heart disease. G. First, try to cut down on the amount of stress you have. 【答案】16. E 17. B 18. G 19. D 20. C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。现代生活充满了压力,压力症状可能正在影响你的健康,尽管你可能没有 意识到这一点。重要的是,我们可以识别出我们的压力症状,并在它们让我们变得更严重之 前加以控制。文章主要说明了压力的不良影响,以及如何应对压力的建议。 【16 题详解】 本句为本段中心句,根据后文内容 Stress weakens the immune(免疫的) system, so you may have colds frequently. Stress can also make your body produce less endorphins, which reduce the sensation of pain, and cause different body aches all the time. What's more, stress affects sleep patterns, thus causing sleep problems such as restlessness, the inability to fall asleep and waking in the middle of the night.可知压力会削弱 免疫系统,所以你可能经常感冒。压力还会让你的身体产生更少的内啡肽,而内啡肽会减少 疼痛感,导致身体一直疼痛。更重要的是,压力会影响睡眠模式,从而导致诸如坐立不安、 无法入睡和半夜醒来等睡眠问题。由此可知,本段主要说明了压力对于身体的不良影响。故 E 选项“压力会在很多方面削弱你的身体”符合语境,故选 E。 【17 题详解】 根据上文 Of course, there is the psychological factor in stress that weakens your mind. As a result, you may have a poor memory, lack confidence and often find it difficult to make decisions.可知当然,压力中的心理因素会削弱你的思维。因此,你可能会记忆力 差,缺乏自信,经常发现很难做决定。由此可知,本句承接上文,说明压力对思维的影响, 上文提到了难以做决定,本句则是说明也会为你所做的事情感到焦虑的情况。故 B 选项“你 可能也会为你所做的事情感到焦虑”符合语境,故选 B。 【18 题详解】 根据上文 If you do have stress symptoms, take steps to manage your stress. Stress - 16 - management will help to bring you back into balance.(如果你确实有压力症状,采取措 施控制你的压力。压力管理将帮助你恢复平衡)以及后文 You can make time for enjoyable activities outside school or work. and sitting in a quiet environment not doing anything at all can also decrease stress levels.(你可以腾出时间在学校或工作之外进 行有趣的活动。坐在一个安静的环境中,什么也不做也可以减少压力水平)由此可知,本句承 上启下,提出应对压力的建议,第一步就是试着减少压力。故 G 选项“首先,试着减少你的 压力”符合语境,故选 G。 【19 题详解】 根据上文 You can make time for enjoyable activities outside school or work. and sitting in a quiet environment not doing anything at all can also decrease stress levels. 可知你可以腾出时间在学校或工作之外进行有趣的活动。坐在一个安静的环境中,什么也不 做也可以减少压力水平。以及后文 You have to ask yourself some deeper questions. You have to find out what caused the stress symptoms in the first place so that you can find effective ways to get them over.可知你必须问自己一些更深层次的问题。你必须首 先找出是什么导致了压力症状,这样你才能找到有效的方法来克服它们。由此可知,本句承 上启下说明,有时候只是减少压力可能并不够,还需要问自己一些更深层次的问题。故 D 选 项“然而,有时这还不够”符合语境,故选 D。 【20 题详解】 根据后文 Acceptance may be difficult, but in the long run, it's easier than complaining about a situation you can't change.可知接受可能很难,但从长远来看,这比抱怨你无法 改变的情况要容易得多。由此可知,本句是在说明应对压力就要接受压力。故 C 选项“在这 种情况下,应对压力的最好方法就是接受它们”符合语境,故选 C。 第三部分 语言知识运用 第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 When winter came to Washington and the streets froze over, Henderson could finally teach his favorite sport hockey(冰球). One day in 1978, Henderson___21___there were too many kids to just keep playing in the street. He felt it was___22___, so he walked to the Fort Dupont Ice Arena and___23___ice time. As more kids came, he kept buying ice time and,___24___, skates and sticks, too. - 17 - What___25___as a dad, son and neighborhood kids playing turned into the Fort Dupont Cannons, the oldest minority hockey___26___in North America. It___27___close to 50 players ages 8 to 18 each year for free; Henderson's original equipment bank has been filled through donations over the years. Participants are required to meet___28___standards.. Henderson___29___report cards for participants every academic quarter. If a player has a___30___grade, Henderson sends them to a classroom to do their homework. To Henderson, his club was always about more than learning a new___31___or having fun. The team___32___its travel for tournaments to visit museums and sometimes colleges,___33___players from mostly lower- income families to new places. “Hockey has so many interesting___34___,” Henderson said. “It's a sport where you can use your___35___,your strength and your understanding. You can___36___how well you know your teammates without speaking. You have seconds to do what you have to do each time. so it___37___your attention nonstop.” More than four decades later, Henderson is still___38___by the sport and his hockey club, mending and ordering equipment, checking report cards and so on. Because of his___39___, Henderson was nominated(提名) as one of three finalists for the Willie O'Ree Community Hero Award, recognizing a figure who has___40___influenced his or her community, culture or society through hockey. 21. A. declared B. predicted C. realized D. hoped 22. A. complex B. satisfactory C. dangerous D. easy 23. A. rented B. enjoyed C. forgot D. delayed 24. A. suddenly B. eventually C. luckily D. strangely 25. A. remained B. returned C. increased D. began 26. A. game B. hall C. club D. medal 27. A. controls B. hires C. treats D. serves 28. A. moral B. academic C. healthy D. living 29. A. checks B. designs C. buys D. sends - 18 - 30. A. perfect B. final C. failing D. specific 31. A. sport B. language C. concept D. book 32. A. leaves B. uses C. changes D. wastes 33. A. adding B. welcoming C. exposing D. accompanying 34. A. characteristics B. players C. stories D. styles 35. A. patience B. voice C. kindness D. speed 36. A. report B. show C. promise D. pretend 37. A. limits B. follows C. escapes D. holds 38. A. protected B. consumed C. measured D. puzzled 39. A. contributions B. equipment C. strength D. community 40. A. impossibly B. immediately C. equally D. positively 【答案】21. C 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. B 37. D 38. B 39. A 40. D 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了 Henderson 四十年如一日免费教孩子们学习冰球的故事。 【21 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:1978 年的一天,Henderson 意识到孩子太多了,不能再在街上玩 了。A. declared 宣称;B. predicted 预测;C. realized 意识到;D. hoped 希望。结合后 文 there were too many kids to just keep playing in the street 可知,Henderson 意识 到孩子太多,不能再在街上玩了。故选 C。 【22 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他觉得那很危险,他于是去 Fort Dupont Ice Arena 租了滑冰 时间。A. complex 复杂的;B. satisfactory 满意的;C. dangerous 危险的;D. easy 容易 的。根据 too many kids 可知,有太多的孩子在街上玩,他觉得那是危险的,有可能会引起 交通事故。故选 C。 【23 题详解】 - 19 - 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他觉得那很危险,他于是去 Fort Dupont Ice Arena 租了滑冰时 间。A. rented 租用;B. enjoyed 享受;C. forgot 忘记;D. delayed 延迟。根据后文 kept buying ice time 可知他是去滑冰场“租用(rented)”滑冰时间。故选 A。 【24 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:随着越来越多的孩子来到这里,他不断购买滑冰时间,最终还购 买了冰球鞋和冰球杆。A. suddenly突然;B. eventually终于;C. luckily幸运地;D. strangely 奇怪地。根据后文 skates and sticks, too 可知,Henderson 从最开始为孩子们租用冰上时 间“最后(eventually)”发展买冰球鞋和冰球杆。故选 B。 【25 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一开始是爸爸、儿子和邻居家的孩子一起玩,后来变成了 Fort Dupont Cannons,北美最古老的少数族裔曲棍球俱乐部。A. remained 提醒;B. returned 返 回;C. increased 增加;D. began 开始。根据 turned into the Fort Dupont Cannons 可知, 一开始是爸爸、儿子和邻居家的孩子一起玩。故选 D。 【26 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一开始是爸爸、儿子和邻居家的孩子一起玩,后来变成了 Fort Dupont Cannons,北美最古老的少数族裔曲棍球俱乐部。A. game 游戏;B. hall 大厅;C. club 俱乐部;D. medal 奖章。由下段中的 his club 可知,Fort Dupont Cannons 是北美地区最早 的少数民族冰球“俱乐部(club)”。故选 C。 【27 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:它每年为近 50 名 8 岁到 18 岁的参与者提供免费服务。A. controls 控制;B. hires 雇佣;C. treats 对待;D. serves 服务。由下文 close to 50 players ages 8 to 18 可知这个俱乐部每年免费为近 50 名队员“服务(serves)”。故选 D。 【28 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:参加者必须符合学业标准。A. moral 道德的;B. academic 学 术的;C. healthy 健康的;D. living 活的。根据后文 report cards for participants every academic quarter 可知是达到学业标准。故选 B。 【29 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Henderson 每学期检查参与者的成绩单。A. checks 检查;B. designs 设计;C. buys 购买;D. sends 寄出。根据后文 report cards 可知 Henderson 会定期检查参 与者的成绩单。故选 A。 - 20 - 【30 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果一个参与者分数不及格,Henderson 就会让他们去教室做作 业。A. perfect 完美的;B. final 最终的;C. failing 失败;D. specific 特殊的。根据后 文 Henderson sends them to a classroom to do their homework 可推知成绩不合格的参与 者会被送去教室做作业。故选 C。 【31 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Henderson 来说,他的俱乐部不仅仅是学习一种新运动或者是为了 仅仅享受乐趣。A. sport 运动;B. language 语言;C. concept 概念;D. book 书。结合上 文可知 Henderson 的俱乐部是冰球俱乐部,冰球是一项运动。故选 A。 【32 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:参赛队伍通常会利用出去比赛的机会参观博物馆,有时还会去参 观大学,向来自低收入家庭的选手介绍新地方。A. leaves 离开;B. uses 使用;C. changes 改变;D. wastes 浪费。结合后文 its travel for tournaments 可知球队会“利用( uses)” 出去比赛的机会参观博物馆和大学。故选 B。 【33 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:球队利用旅行的时间参观博物馆,有时还参观大学,让主要来自 低收入家庭的球员接触新的地方。A. adding 增加;B. welcoming 欢迎;C. exposing 接触; D. accompanying 陪伴。结合后文 players from mostly lower- income families to new places 可知是指让低收入家庭的队员们接触新地方,expose to“接触”。故选 C。 【34 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:冰球有很多有趣的特点。A. characteristics 特点;B. players 参与者;C. stories 故事;D. styles 风格。由下文中 Henderson 说的关于冰球的内容可知, 此处指的是冰球有很多有趣的“特点(characteristics)”。故选 A。 【35 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一项你可以运用你的速度、力量和理解力的运动。A. patience 耐心;B. voice 声音;C. kindness 亲切;D. speed 速度。由 You have seconds to do what you have to do each time.可知,冰球是一项需要“速度(speed)”的运动。故选 D。 【36 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你可以不用说话就表现出你有多了解你的队友。A. report 报告; B. show 展示;C. promise 承诺;D. pretend 假装。由 without speaking 可知,此处指你可 - 21 - 以不通过说话(而用行动)来“显示(show)”你多了解自己的队友。故选 B。 【37 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:每次你都有几秒钟的时间去做你必须做的事情,所以它会不停地 抓住你的注意力。A. limits 限制;B. follows 跟随;C. escapes 逃跑;D. holds 抓住,持 有。由“每次你只有几秒钟的时间来做你必须做的事”可知,这项运动会不停地“抓住 ( holds)”你的注意力。故选 D。 【38 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:40 多年过去了,Henderson 仍然着迷于这项运动和他的冰球俱 乐部,修理和订购设备,检查成绩单等等。A. protected 受保护的;B. consumed 对……着 迷的;C. measured 量过的;D. puzzled 困惑的。结合上文 More than four decades later 可知 Henderson 坚持了 40 多年,说明他仍然对这项运动和俱乐部着迷。故选 B。 【39 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于他的贡献,Henderson 被提名为 Willie O'Ree 社区英雄奖的 三名决赛选手之一,以表彰通过冰球对他或她的社区、文化或社会产生积极影响的人物。A. contributions 贡献;B. equipment 设备;C. strength 力量;D. community 社区。因为他 的“贡献( contributions)”,所以被提名 Willie O' Ree 社区英雄奖。故选 A。 【40 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:由于他的贡献,Henderson 被提名为 Willie O'Ree 社区英雄奖的 三名决赛选手之一,以表彰通过冰球对他或她的社区、文化或社会产生积极影响的人物。A. impossibly 不可能地;B. immediately 立即;C. equally 相等地;D. positively 肯定地。 Willie O'Ree 社区英雄奖是用来表彰通过冰球“积极地( positively)”影响了社区、文化或 社会的人的。故选 D。 第二节 语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填人 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Vertical gardening isn't new, but an example from India shows how this inventive technique is____41____(true) changing lives. The Mehra family from Amritsar were locally hot news last June when they showed off the vertical garden ____42____they had created at their home. The family used over 175,000 plastic bottles to create____43____garden, fixing the bottles to the exterior walls(外墙) of their - 22 - home and filling them with____44____ (variety) plants. The plants are irrigated by ____45____ (use) a simple drip system(滴灌系统)-and amazingly, this has lowered the temperature of their home by nearly a cool five degrees Celsius. The idea caught on quickly. Many local schools now have green vertical gardens on their walls,_____46_____so does Punjab Agriculture University, and even Ludhiana railway station, the first station in India____47____ (adopt) this initiative. The railway authorities note that the plants not only cool the station,but also help to absorb the noise, and____48____ (seem) to have a calming and anti-littering effect on travellers. Moreover, every vertical garden____49____ (create) this way is recycling plastic which would otherwise be a pollutant, actively reducing local_____50_____ (pollute). 【答案】41. truly 42. that/which 43. the 44. various 45. using 46. and 47. to adopt 48. seem 49. created 50. pollution 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了垂直花园这一想法的起源,以及垂直花园如今在学校、火 车站等场所都有应用。垂直花园不仅能使车站凉爽,还有助于吸收噪音,似乎还能让旅客平 静下来,防止乱丢垃圾。此外,以这种方式建造的每一个垂直花园都是回收塑料建成的,否 则这些塑料会成为污染物,垂直花园积极减少了当地的污染。 【41 题详解】 考查副词。修饰动词 change,应用副词 truly,表示“真地”,作状语。故填 truly。 【42 题详解】 考查定语从句。此处为定语从句,修饰先行词 the vertical garden,且先行词在从句中作宾 语,指物,故应用关系代词 that 或 which。故填 that/which。 【43 题详解】 考查冠词。garden 此处为特指上文提到 the vertical garden,应用定冠词 the。故填 the。 - 23 - 【44 题详解】 考查形容词。修饰后文名词 plants,应用形容词 various,表示“各种各样的”,作定语。 故填 various。 【45 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。上文 by 为介词,后跟动名词作宾语。故填 using。 【46 题详解】 考查连词。句意:现在,许多当地学校的墙上都有绿色的垂直花园,Punjab 农业大学也有, 甚至 Ludhiana 火车站也有,它是印度第一个采用这一举措的火车站。结合上下文语境,可知 前后为并列关系,应用连词 and。故填 and。 【47 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知 adopt 在句中应用非谓语动词形式,此处名词 station 由序数词 the first 修饰,后跟不定式作后置定语。故填 to adopt。 【48 题详解】 考查主谓一致。此处 seem 的主语为 the plants,且结合上文,可知为一般现在时,主语为复 数名词,谓语动词用动词原形。故填 seem。 【49 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构,可知 create 在句中应用非谓语动词形式,且与逻辑主语 vertical garden 构成被动关系,故应用过去分词作定语。故填 created。 【50 题详解】 考查名词。上文 local 为形容词,修饰名词 pollution,该空作 reducing 的宾语,表示“污 染”。故填 pollution。 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错 51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 - 24 - What people need is love and support, especially some special group of people. Here is my loving ideas for students with difficulty in learning. I think the main problem with most of whom is that they lack of motivation. So we may help them to get motivated by setting goal for them or then work together towards it. Meanwhile, we can give them as more help as possible, sharing good study methods with them or solve problems for them. What's more, we should always encourage them to believe in ourselves. Confidence, what we all know,is absolutely vital to learning. 【答案】1.group→groups 2.is→are 3.whom→them 4.去掉 lack 后 of 5.在 goal 前加 a 6.or→and 7.more→much 8.solve→solving 9.ourselves→themselves 10.what→as 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇说明文。作者介绍了如何去关爱困难学生的方法。 【详解】1.考查名词的数。group 为可数名词,some 后需用可数名词复数。故将 group 改为 groups。 2.考查主谓一致和时态。本句是 here 引导的倒装句,主语是 my loving ideas,复数,介绍 方法,谓语动词需用一般现在时态,所以 be 动词需用 are。故将 is 改为 are。 - 25 - 3.考查代词。此处需用 most of them 作介词 with 的宾语。故将 whom 改为 them。 4.考查动词。lack 缺乏,及物动词,直接接宾语,无需接介词 of。故去掉 lack 后 of。 5.考查冠词。此处需用不定冠词 a/an,表示设定一个目标,goal 是以辅音音素开头的单词, 所以此处需不定冠词 a。故在 goal 前加 a。 6.考查连词。此处 setting a goal for them “为他们设定一个目标”和 then work together towards it. “然后一起努力。”之间表示并列关系,所以空处需用并列连词 and。故将 or 改为 and。 7.考查形容词。as…as…固定搭配,此处需用形容词或副词的原形,as much help as possible 尽可能多的帮助,固定搭配。故将 more 改为 much。 8.考查非谓语动词。此处连词 or 连接的两个表示选择关系的并列成分,前后形式需一致,由 前文 sharing good study methods with them 可知,此处需用 solving。故将 solve 改为 solving。 9.考查反身代词。根据 encourage them 可知,因为是鼓励他们,所以此处表示相信他们自己。 故将 ourselves 改为 themselves。 10.考查固定搭配和 as 引导定语从句。as we (all) know 众所周知,固定搭配,此处 as 引导 非限制性定语从句。故将 what 改为 as。 第二节 书面表达 52. 假定你是李华,你班计划今年暑假去山区体验当地的生活,将住在当地家庭,并给当地 孩子教授英语。Mike 是你的英国留学生朋友,请就此事给他写封邮件,内容包括: 1.告知你们的活动计划; 2.邀请对方参加这次活动。 注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ 【答案】Dear Mike, With the summer vacation drawing near, my class have come with a plan to get the most out of it. Our plan is to go to a mountain area and stay with the local families so that we can experience the local culture and customs. Additionally, while staying - 26 - there, we intend to teach the children English, who are generally poor at English due to lack of proper training. Join us, Mike. It's really a good opportunity for you to get a true Chinese experience from inside the local culture, and you can imagine how happy the children will be when you, an Englishman, teach them English. Looking forward to your reply. Y ours, Li Hua 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇提纲类写作。 【详解】第 1 步:根据提示可知,假定你是李华,你班计划今年暑假去山区体验当地的生活, 将住在当地家庭,并给当地孩子教授英语。Mike 是你的英国留学生朋友,请就此事给他写封 邮件,内容包括:1.告知你们的活动计划;2.邀请对方参加这次活动。 第 2 步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):the summer vacation (暑假);get the most out of (好好利用);culture and customs (文化和习俗);intend to (打算做……)等。 第 3 步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要 应用一般现在时。 第 4 步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 【点睛】范文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表 达方式,Our plan is to go to a mountain area and stay with the local families so that we can experience the local culture and customs.运用目的状语从句;Additionally, while staying there, we intend to teach the children English, who are generally poor at English due to lack of proper training.运用省略句。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显 示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色 添彩。 - 27 -

