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‎2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试•江苏省名师押题密卷(3)‎ 英 语 试 题 第一部分 听力 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ ‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.What does the man mean?‎ A.He failed the exam. B.He studied very hard. C.The exam was too easy.‎ ‎2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A.Husband and wife. B.Waiter and customer. C.Doctor and patient.‎ ‎3.How much at least does one shirt cost today?‎ A.$60. B.$40. C.$30.‎ ‎4.Why did the woman decide to use a bike?‎ A.To protect the environment. B.To pay her tuition. C.To improve her health.‎ ‎5.What does the man think about Jennifer?‎ A.She is like many other people. B.She always keeps her word. C.She is tougher than men.‎ 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ ‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6.What are the speakers mainly discussing?‎ A.A festival. B.A trip. C.Some resorts.‎ ‎7.What does the man suggest doing in the end?‎ A.Visiting places of interest. ‎ B.Getting information from the Internet.‎ C.Checking the schedule first.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8.Where did the woman lose her suitcase?‎ A.On the train. B.At the ladies’ room. C.At the cafe.‎ ‎9.What information did the man ask about the woman?‎ A.The size and producer of her suitcase.‎ B.Her name and her address.‎ C.Her ID card number and her name tag.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10.What does the man say about the conference?‎ A.Not all the speakers were active. B.Some of the topics were boring. C.It was well organized.‎ ‎11.Why does the man think having fewer people made a big difference?‎ A.They had enough time for all the speakers.‎ B.They could make decisions more rapidly.‎ C.They could save more money.‎ ‎12.What did people complain about?‎ A.The service of the restaurant. B.The organizer of the conference.C.The location of the hotel.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13.How did Mr Lam help the man probably?‎ A.He gave him some money. B.He helped him with study. C.He offered him a parttime job.‎ ‎14.Why couldn’t the man go out with his friends before?‎ A.He had a parttime job to do. ‎ B.He had to prepare for the exams.‎ C.He couldn’t even pay for the bus fare.‎ ‎15.What does the man think of the club?‎ A.It’s expensive. B.It’s satisfying. C.It’s troublesome.‎ ‎16.What advice does the man offer?‎ A.Opening more club rooms.‎ B.Putting up notices in the campus.‎ C.Putting a letter box outside the club’s room.‎ 听第10段材料,回答17至20题。‎ ‎17.When was Beijing awarded to host the 24th Winter Olympic Games?‎ A.On July 31st,2015. B.On June 21st,2015. C.On September 30th,2015.‎ ‎18.According to the recording,which of the following is TRUE?‎ A.It is the second time for China to host the Winter Olympics.‎ B.Beijing is the only city to have staged both Summer and Winter Olympics.‎ C.It was Yang Yang who won the first gold medal in Winter Games for China.‎ ‎19.How long will the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games approximately last?‎ A.For 31 days. B.For 22 days. C.For 17 days.‎ ‎20.What is the speaker mainly talking about?‎ A.History of Summer Olympic Games.‎ B.China and Winter Olympic Games.‎ C.Western athletes in Olympic Games.‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎21.There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds they are not objectively true,and that giants,witches,two-headed dragons etc do not exist.‎ A.that B.what C.which D.when ‎22.Though scientists get closer to understanding why we age, the reason for different aging rates among individuals remains only understood.‎ A.concretely B.thoroughly C.vaguely D.flexibly ‎23.The expert points out the phenomenon that cream goes bad faster than butter its structure rather than its chemical composition.‎ A.lives up to B.gets down to C.comes down to D.stands up to ‎24.— you need any help,feel free to contact me.‎ ‎—Thank you for your kindness.‎ A.May B.Will C.Shall D.Should ‎25.—Oh,my God! What’s wrong with you?‎ ‎—I was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of me and I didn’t have time to stop.‎ A.between the lines B.around the clock C.out of the blue D.over the moon ‎26.They will fly to Chicago, they plan to stay in for two or three days.‎ A.where B.there C.which D.when ‎27.Either side seems to have a(n) position;there are still many uncertainties on this issue.‎ A.ambiguous B.delicate C.explicit D.confidential ‎28.—How did you enjoy the game?‎ ‎—I was impressed by the energy and shown by the players.‎ A.qualification B.commitment C.investment D.privilege ‎29.She felt totally hopeless about the future one day she learned about a charity which provided micro loan to women to start business.‎ A.until B.once C.unless D.when ‎30.—Hey! Everyone in the office was at the dinner party in honor of Mr Charles except you.What happened?‎ ‎—I after Mike,my colleague.He was badly ill.‎ A.have looked B.was looking C.would look D.had looked ‎31. making decisions,the human brain cannot be compared with the computer because in the long process of evolution the slow pace of life didn’t require such an ability of the human brain.‎ A.On behalf of B.In contrast to C.In salute to D.In terms of ‎32.I came across an old school friend in China Town last week, at his funny hairstyle.‎ A.surprised B.surprising C.being surprised D.having surprised ‎33.Mike is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does his boss.‎ A.serves B.satisfies C.promises D.supports ‎34.Home is somebody notices when you are no longer there.‎ A.that B.when C.how D.where ‎35.—What a waste of time to watch such a boring match!‎ ‎— .Why not switch the channel?‎ A.It’s no big deal B.With your permission C.My feelings exactly D.You’ve got to be kidding 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ When I was small,I spoke with a stutter(结巴).If I had a cent for every time I was 36 ,I could have potentially retired at twelve.It’s not easy being a kid,and it’s especially difficult when you’re 37 .‎ The biggest fear for most Americans is public speaking,so imagine being a stuttering child having to ‎38 a paragraph from Charlotte’s Web 39 the entire class looks,listens,and laughs.It’s 40 .‎ That all 41 for me in the eighth grade when I decided to 42 my anxiety by 43 to read each and every time.My hand was always the first to go up and stayed up for most of the class.I chose to be in complete 44 of what and when to read.If kids laughed,I’d usually have a witty one-liner to 45 ,which would finally shut them up.From then on,I never again looked at my stuttering as a(n) 46 challenge.‎ Fast forward to 2012 and I’m a comic.When I ‎47 in comedy,my goal was simply to make the audience 48 .But after each show,I’d get feedback(反馈) on how my comedy helped educate them to understand and 49 those who also suffered from a speech disorder.I was 50 .Until seeing my routine,they’d never considered the ‎51 a person who stutters faces on a daily basis.Imagine the fear of talking on a telephone.Imagine the fear of ordering food at a restaurant.‎ Stuttering is still one of the great 52 .I’ve been stuttering for forty years and still can’t explain it. 53 ,I,just like any person who stutters,have my good days and bad days and everything in between.‎ Whether it’s a big nose or ugly toes,we all have 54 that each of us should 55 ;if not,how can we possibly expect understanding and support from others?‎ ‎36.A.looked into B.made fun of C.looked after D.made use of ‎37.A.sympathetic B.different C.ashamed D.desperate ‎38.A.write B.select C.record D.read ‎39.A.as B.in case C.though D.now that ‎40.A.impossible B.uneasy C.lonely D.unusual ‎41.A.changed B.disappeared C.returned D.settled ‎42.A.share B.ignore C.relieve D.employ ‎43.A.appearing B.pretending C.preparing D.volunteering ‎44.A.control B.state C.support D.satisfaction ‎45.A.show up B.cut out C.shoot back D.break down ‎46.A.interesting B.significant C.confusing D.delicate ‎47.A.accomplished B.set out C.acted D.started out ‎48.A.laugh B.promise C.applaud D.think ‎49.A.remember B.respect C.recognize D.receive ‎50.A.put through B.cared for C.blown away D.depended on ‎51.A.challenges B.opportunities C.dilemmas D.consequences ‎52.A.findings B.unknowns C.adventures D.worries ‎53.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Instead D.Nevertheless ‎54.A.illnesses B.anxieties C.imperfections D.failures ‎55.A.accept B.expect C.believe D.entertain 第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Africa Finance Corporation(AFC) is an African-led international finance institution established in 2007 to bridge Africa’s infrastructure(基础设施) investment gap through the supply of debt and equity finance,project development,and technical and financial advisory services.AFC has invested over USD 4.5 billion in infrastructure projects in 28 countries across Africa,with a focus on power,transport,telecommunications,heavy industries and natural resources.‎ AFC is looking to appoint,for a period of 5 years (renewable),a new CEO.This individual who will be based in Lagos,Nigeria,will oversee all strategic and business aspects of the institution.This CEO will have responsibility for the day-to-day leadership,strategy,operational management,and growth of the AFC and will guide the organization as it moves into the next phase of its development.The CEO must possess excellent diplomatic and leadership skills,a natural capacity for investment & fundraising and a proven capability to manage shareholders(股东).‎ Female candidates are particularly welcome as they are currently under-represented at this level.Candidates should have the professional experience and standing to command the respect and trust of members of the business and governmental community and will have.‎ ‎•Experience in complex infrastructure and project financing ‎•Experience in originating,executing and managing equity and loan and guarantee transactions ‎•Experience in other aspects of managing a world-class financial institution like asset and liability management,risk management and environmental and social management ‎•Experience in emerging market financing and investments in ‎Africa ‎•Strong analytical and communication skills Applicants are requested to send a detailed CV,cover letter,and references to AFC@egonzehnder.com.Applications that meet the criteria must arrive by email no later than midnight on May 31st,2019.‎ ‎56.What can we learn about the AFC?‎ A.It has few female staff.‎ B.Its CEO is substituted every five years.‎ C.It will have been established for twelve years in 2019.‎ D.It provides service for projects across the world.‎ ‎57.What is the purpose of this passage?‎ A.To display the personal qualities necessary to work in the AFC.‎ B.To tell about the detailed information about the AFC.‎ C.To raise capital for an infrastructure project.‎ D.To seek to employ a CEO.‎ B I know that I shouldn’t feed my two daughters,who are eight and twelve,dinner at 7∶30.It’s too late.And so,as few weeks ago,faced with yet another late meal,my younger daughter fell into one of those anger situations.Annoyed at a perceived inequity in housework distribution,she put forcefully my glass of soda onto the counter,somewhat splattering(飞溅) the liquid onto the floor and me.She told me,“You’re not being nice!You’re being a stupid old parent who knows nothing!”‎ Shortly after this,I came across a study in which men and women stuck pins into dolls as a measure of their annoyance with their spouses(配偶).The researchers found that the subjects were more likely to stick in lots of pins when their glucose(葡萄糖) level was low.I was interested—the findings seemed to explain my experience with my kids,and offered a clear solution:eat regularly,enhance self-control.The study got a lot of attention—stories on the “Today” show,ABC News,NPR,and lots of newspapers around the world.The Ohio State psychologist Brad Bushman,who led the study,says,“With less glucose the brake on self-control is weakened.”‎ But do we really know what we think we know about blood sugar and the brain?For years,the University of Pennsylvania psychology researcher Robert Kurzban has been watching the glucose theory store positive press.He finds this deeply frustrating.“It’s a very entertaining idea,” he says,“but as a scientist I feel like we should think about whether it is correct.”‎ Kurzban and scientists don’t deny that hunger affects mood.This is obvious,they say.But it doesn’t prove that glucose fuels self-control,or that low glucose causes a failure of self-control.Kurzban told me,the brain rarely runs short of glucose.Although it uses more calories than most other organs,the brain doesn’t consume that much energy—a little more than ten calories an hour.In a study published in 2012,the Northwestern University social psychologist Daniel Molden found that mental activity doesn’t consume extra glucose.‎ To be fair,even the supporters of the glucose idea agree that self-control is multifaceted(多方面的) and not only regulated by glucose.But to Molden,giving so much weight to glucose can lead to incorrect strategies for activating self-control in real life.It minimizes the fact that humans,with their big,complex brains,have a unique ability to direct their own behavior and override(不顾) their own impulses(冲动).“You can’t throw fuel at self-control problems,” he says.“Talking about motivation,helping people focus,that’s not easy,but it can work.It is much more effective than giving people snacks.”‎ ‎58.The author’s younger daughter behaved badly because she .‎ A.considered the author not clever B.felt she had been unfairly treated C.didn’t thought the author was friendly to her D.was very full but the author continued to feed her dinner ‎59.What can be learned from the third paragraph?‎ A.Kurzban doubts the glucose theory.‎ B.Kurzban finds the glucose theory interesting.‎ C.Brad Bushman wins fame on the glucose theory.‎ D.Brad Bushman’s theory doesn’t deserve attention.‎ ‎60.The underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably means “the brain ”.‎ A.is fairly short of glucose B.seldom lacks glucose C.rarely interacts with glucose D.works well without glucose C At the end of the last ice age,around 11,700 years ago,Earth’s climate began warming rapidly.As the planet heated up,its vast glaciers(冰川) fell back.Almost immediately afterwards volcanic activity surged.That was nothing new.The geological record has plenty of evidence of big glacial withdrawals that are followed by more frequent volcanic eruptions.‎ This,at least,is the case for really big climatic swings.What has been less clear is whether more modest changes in ice cover might also affect the rate of eruptions.Given that humans are busy warming the planet,and therefore shrinking the few,relatively small glaciers that still exist,this question matters.It would be good to know if more volcanic eruptions might be another consequence of global warming.In a paper just published in Geology,Graeme Swindles,a geographer at the University of Leeds,suggests that it will—eventually.‎ The fine details of how glaciers are linked to volcanic eruptions are unknown.But volcanologists’ theory is that the weight of large ice sheets presses the crust(地壳) and mantle(地幔) below.That closes up channels within the rock through which magma(岩浆) travels towards the surface.It also leaves less room for surface water to make its way down into the rocks,where,as steam,it can increase the pressure within magma spaces.Remove the ice,by contrast,and those processes go into reverse.‎ Dr.Swindles and his colleagues studied layers of ash from Icelandic volcanoes that were deposited over Iceland and northern Europe during the relatively mild period since the end of the ice age,as well as volcanic deposits from Iceland itself.Their analysis revealed an unusual period between 5,500 and 4,500 years ago when no ash from Icelandic volcanoes found its way to Europe,and when the deposit record from Iceland suggests that no major eruptions took place.When Dr.Swindles compared the volcanic record with the climate literature,he found that the absence of eruptions was preceded by a big change in atmospheric circulation patterns about 6,100 years ago.That would have encouraged Iceland’s glaciers to advance.When conditions changed again a thousand years later,this time to favor glacial withdrawals,volcanic activity picked up after a few hundred years.‎ Based upon these findings,Dr.Swindles argues that even minor increases and decreases in glacier cover probably do affect volcanic activity,although with a fairly interval of perhaps five or six hundred years.The modern world is already recovering from its own miniature glaciation,the “Little Ice Age”,which lasted from about 1500 to 1850.Combine that with yet more glacial melt,caused this time by human-driven warming,and the centuries ahead may be noticeably fiercer than ‎ those of the recent past.‎ ‎61.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?‎ A.Volcanoes tend to erupt more frequently in the absence of glaciers.‎ B.Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and destructive.‎ C.Before the last ice age,there were seldom volcanic eruptions.‎ D.Frequent volcanic eruptions have melted many glaciers.‎ ‎62.Dr.Swindles’ study is mainly to figure out whether .‎ A.small changes in glaciers produce an effect on volcanic activity B.global warming is primarily caused by volcanic eruptions C.big climate changes will cause more volcanic explosions D.volcanic records and climate literature are authentic ‎63.According to Paragraph 3,the connection between glaciers and volcanic eruptions is .‎ A.rock B.water C.pressure D.temperature ‎64.According to Dr.Swindles’ study,what will probably happen after hundreds of years?‎ A.There will be an ice age after the Earth cools down.‎ B.Volcanoes will break out even more fiercely.‎ C.Volcanic eruptions will be under control.‎ D.There will be no glaciers on the Earth.‎ D At 88,I remain a competitive runner.The finish line of my life is drawing close,and I hope to reach it having given the best of myself along the way.I’ve been training my body to meet the demands of this final stretch.But,I wonder,should I have asked more of my mind?‎ If I didn’t exercise,I would release the hungry beasts that seek their elderly prey on couches,but not in the gym.The more I sweated,the more likely it was my doctor would continue to say,“Keep doing what you’re doing,and I’ll see you next year.” My mind,on the other hand,seems less willing to give in to discipline.I have tried Internet “brain games”,solving algebraic problems flashing past and changing the route of virtual trains to avoid crashes.But these never approach my determination to remain physically fit as I move deeper into old age.‎ Despite having many friends in their 70s,80s and 90s,I’ve been far too slow to realize that how we respond to aging is a choice made in the mind,not in the gym.Some of my healthiest friends carry themselves as victims abused by time.Other friends,many whose aching knees and hips are the least of their physical problems,find comfort in their ability to accept old age as just another stage of life to deal with.I would use the word “heroic” to describe the way they cope with aging.‎ One such friend recently called from a hospital to tell me a sudden brain disease had made him ‎ legally blind.He interrupted me as I began telling him how terribly sorry I was: “Bob,it could have been worse.I could have become dead instead of blind.”‎ Despite all the time I spend lifting weights and exercising,I realized I lack the strength to have said those words.It suddenly struck me that I’ve paid a price for being a “gym rat”.If there is one characteristic common to friends who are aging with a graceful acceptance of life’s attacks,it is contentment.Aging had to be more than what I saw in a mirror.‎ But rather than undertaking a fundamental change in the way I face aging,I felt the place to begin would be to start small.A recent lunch provided a perfect example.‎ I’ve always found it extremely difficult to concentrate when I’m in a noisy setting.At this lunch with a friend in an outdoor restaurant,a landscaper began blowing leaves from underneath the bushes surrounding our table.Typically,after such a noisy interruption,I would have snapped,“Let’s wait until he’s finished!” then fallen silent.When the roar(吼叫) eventually faded,my roar would have drained(消耗) the conversation of any warmth.It troubled me that even a passing distraction (分心) could so easily take me from enjoying lunch with a good friend to a place that gave me no pleasure at all.I wanted this meal to be different.‎ My years in gyms had taught me to shake off pains and other distractions,never permitting them to stop my workout or run.I decided to treat the noise this way.I continued talking with my friend,challenging myself to hear the noise,but to hold it at a distance.The discipline was so familiar to me in the gym—this time applied to my mind—proved equally effective in the restaurant.It was as though I had taken my brain to a mental fitness center.‎ Learning to ignore a leaf blower’s roar hardly equips me to find contentment during my passage into ever-deeper old age.But I left the lunch feeling I had at least taken a small first step in changing behavior that stood in the way of that contentment.‎ Could I employ that same discipline to accept with dignity the inevitable decline awaiting me like the finish line? Hoping that contentment will guide me as I make my way along the path yet to be traveled.‎ ‎65.The author’s question in Paragraph 1 implies that .‎ A.he has never believed the necessity of mind training B.he has realized he should mentally prepare for aging C.he feels regret for not sharpening his thinking skills D.he feels unsatisfied with the result of the brain games ‎66.The author uses his friends as examples to .‎ A.stress aging is an unavoidable stage of life to face B.indicate that people see life from many different angles C.prove it’s significant to be surrounded with positive friends D.show it’s important to take health seriously in a sensible way ‎67.What can we learn from the author’s friend mentioned in Paragraph 4?‎ A.He fears that his illness will become worse.‎ B.He takes physical illnesses as they come.‎ C.He needs to find a way through those hardships.‎ D.He sees life as a series of disappointments.‎ ‎68.After that recent lunch,the author realized that .‎ A.distractions were not uncommon in everyday life B.the restaurant was not an ideal place for eating C.his roar had spoiled the friendly conversation D.he had made small changes to adapt to aging ‎69.What’s the author’s attitude towards exercising in the end?‎ A.Doubtful. B.Indifferent.‎ C.Positive. D.Ambiguous.‎ ‎70.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?‎ A.Old Age Curse and Blessing B.The Secret to Aging Well C.Benefits of Regular Exercise D.Never Too Old to Learn 第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。‎ 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。‎ Unless you are like Nasty Gal’s founder Sophia Amoruso,the passwords you use to access your email and the endless other accounts you need for work aren’t filled with intention.With increasing security requirements,it’s likely your word/number combinations are becoming even less memorable.But new research suggests it may not be long before you won’t need to memorize passwords.‎ ‎“Brainprint”,published in Neurocomputing,reveals that the brain’s reaction to certain words could be a unique identifying code—like a fingerprint—that could eventually replace passwords.‎ In a small experiment,the researchers measured the brains’ signals of 45 volunteers as they read through a list of 75 acronyms such as FBI and DVD.The word-recognition response differed so much between each participant that a second experiment using a computer program could identify each one with 94% accuracy.‎ It’s not enough to feel totally secure,but promising enough to hint at the future of securing sensitive information.‎ The advantage of using such a biometric system(生物识别系统) is that it can be used for continuous verification(验证),New Scientist points out.Passwords or fingerprints only provide a tool for one-off identification.Continuous verification could in theory allow someone to interact with many computer systems at the same time or even with a variety of intelligent objects,without having to repeatedly enter passwords for each device.‎ As Hollywood has illustrated,it’s simply a matter of cutting off a finger to steal that person’s identity.“Brainprints,on the other hand,are potentially cancellable,” said Sarah Laszlo,assistant professor of psychology and linguistics at Binghamton University and co-author of the study,“So,in the unlikely event that an attacker was actually able to steal a brainprint from an authorized user,the authorized user could then ‘reset’ their brainprint.”‎ Until now,brain signals have been a challenge to understand.This experiment leaped over the obstacle by focusing on the brainwaves from the specific area that reads and recognizes words.The signal is therefore clearer and easier to measure.‎ The problem,so far,is that the brain signal is still not as accurate as scanning someone’s fingerprint,and initially requires sticking diodes(二极管) on your head in order to get a read.That’s OK,according to Zhanpeng Jin,assistant professor at Binghamton University and co-author of the study,because brainprint isn’t going to be mass-produced any time soon.He says the researchers foresee its use at places such as the Pentagon,where the number of authorized users is small,and they don’t need to be continuously verified the way you do to access your mobile device or email.‎ Better keep your memory sharp,at least a little while longer.‎ Present situation Chances are that your passwords are becoming more 71. to remember.‎ One experiment A small experiment shows that the word-recognition response differed a great deal between each participant,virtually 72. brainprint a promising future.‎ ‎73. of using such system ‎•You can use it to 74. the device continuously without having to repeatedly enter passwords.‎ ‎•The authorized user could “reset” their brainprint in the face of 75. because brainprints are potentially cancellable. ‎ ‎•Brain signals are now clearer and easier to measure by focusing on the brainwaves from the specific area.‎ ‎76. of using such system The brain signal is 77. accurate than scanning someone’s fingerprint.But that’s OK because brainprint is only going to be used on a small 78. ,such as at places like the Pentagon.‎ Conclusions ‎•Maybe there is no need for you to memorize passwords in the near future as brainprint—like a fingerprint—could eventually take the 79. of passwords.‎ ‎•It is 80. to keep your memory sharp at least for a short period of time!‎ 第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎81.请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。‎ It is important to note that employers expect individuals to use their imaginations to develop their ideal job descriptions.Therefore,individuals are free to deliver descriptions that are a little more attractive than the job they are applying for.For example,an interview candidate for an outside sales position can list her ideal job as one that allows her to travel every day,give sales presentations to managers and company owners,and close at a specific number of sales per ‎ day.However,it is acceptable for the interview candidate to also paint a visual picture of her “dream” clients and co-workers that would maximize her chances of success and contentment within her job position.‎ 写作内容 ‎1.用约30个单词概述以上主要内容;‎ ‎2.人们对职业各有不同的理想;‎ ‎3.我理想的职业是做一名心理学家;‎ ‎4.我怎样为我理想的职业做准备。‎ 写作要求 ‎1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;‎ ‎2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;‎ ‎3.不必写标题。‎ 评分标准 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。‎ ‎2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试•江苏省名师押题密卷(3)‎ 英 语 试 题 参 考 答 案 及 听 力 原 文 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)‎ ‎1-5 ACCBB 6-10 BBCBC 11-15 BACCB 16-20 CACCB 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎21-25ACCDC 26-30CABAB 31-35DABDC ‎ 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ ‎36-40 BBDAB  41-45 ACDAC  46-50BDABC  51-55 ABDCA 第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A篇:CD B篇:BAB C篇:AACB D篇:BABDCB 第四部分:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎71.difficult/hard 72.ensuring 73.Advantages/Benefits 74.verify/identify 75.attackers ‎76.Problems/Disadvantages 77.less 78.scale 79.place 80.better/good 第五部分:书面表达(满分25分)‎ It is important for us to describe our ideal jobs.A salesman travels every day and promotes products or services to different people.The more he sells,the more successful he feels.‎ There are various kinds of jobs,but different people are attracted by different jobs because everyone has his own interest and destination.Many people consider an ideal job as a means of making more money and living more comfortably.Others insist on seeking for jobs interesting and meaningful to meet their spiritual needs.‎ As far as my ideal job is concerned,I want to be a psychologist.I have made up my mind to realize my dream.I have been interested in psychology for a long time.I believe being a psychologist can help lots of people lead a happier life.‎ However,it isn’t easy for me to become a qualified psychologist.Apart from studying hard,I need to widen knowledge in the specialized field.I’ll make every effort to live up to the name of a qualified psychologist.‎ 听力原文 Text 1‎ W:How was your maths exam,Michael?‎ M:Emm...If I had studied a little harder,I would be smiling right now.‎ Text 2‎ W:What seems to be the matter,young man?‎ M:I’ve got a cold for a few days.‎ W:Are you eating normally?‎ M:No.I just had a glass of water from morning till now.‎ Text 3‎ M:How much are these shirts? The tag price is 50 dollars?‎ W:The regular price is 40 dollars each,but you can have two of them on sale today for 60 dollars.‎ Text 4‎ M:Great to see you on your bike!‎ W:Well,it’s not for the polluted air as you think.I’ve put the car up for sale to afford the school fees.But I’m so tired after riding.‎ Text 5‎ W:I really admire Jennifer,not because she’s a woman in the tough,male world of international politics,but because she’s so honest.‎ M:Yeah,certainly.There aren’t many people as true to their words as she is.‎ Text 6‎ M:Hi,Angela.What’s up?‎ W:We are planning to visit Zhangjiakou this February.Why don’t you join us?‎ M:Certainly I will if I don’t have anything else on my schedule.‎ W:Is the Spring Festival OK for you?‎ M:Of course.Which places are you going to visit?‎ W:We want to visit some ski resorts and other places of interest there.You know,Zhangjiakou is one of the host cities for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.‎ M:In that case,we should check information online and make a thorough plan for the trip.‎ Text 7‎ M:What’s the matter with you,Madam? You look pale and anxious.‎ W:Jesus,I lost my suitcase just now.‎ M:Take it easy.Would you please tell me more details? I will try to help you.‎ W:Thank you,Officer.After getting out of the ladies’ room,I went to the cafe and left my suitcase under the table.Then I read some newspapers while I was waiting for the train.When I finished reading,I found my suitcase missing.‎ M:What kind of suitcase did you miss? Can you describe it for me?‎ W:A small blue leather case,with my name tag on the top and my ID card inside.‎ M:I feel sorry to hear that.Will you please fill in the form and leave your name and your address here? We will try our best to find the suitcase for you.‎ Text 8‎ W:Glad you are back.How did the conference go,Chris?‎ M:Oh,it was good.All the topics were interesting and the speakers were really good.The organization was a lot better this year as well.I think having a smaller number of people there made a big difference.You know,you can make decisions a lot more quickly.‎ W:And how was the hotel?‎ M:Ah,that was probably the only thing that people really complained about.The food in the restaurant wasn’t very good and the service was slow.If we go back to the same hotel again,we’ll have to find another restaurant.‎ W:You’re right! Anyway,I want to get a cup of coffee.Do you want to come?‎ M:I’m done with coffee.I think I’ll just go and have a cup of tea.‎ Text 9‎ W:Hello,Sam.How are your exam preparations coming along?‎ M:Good,Miss Swift.I’ve been working hard for it recently.I am sure that the exam won’t cause much trouble.‎ W:Excellent! So,are you working at weekends now to get some pocket money?‎ M:Yes,I’m very grateful to Mr Lam.He really helped me with my problem.‎ W:Mr Lam said that your problem was that you had no pocket money.Is that right?‎ M:Yeah.I couldn’t go out with my friends because I didn’t have the money for the bus fare.But I’m OK now with a parttime job.‎ W:So,you think the Students’ Welfare Club really helped you?‎ M:Oh,yes.I have no complaints about the club and I think you are fantastic.‎ W:Thank you! Any suggestions as to how we can be even more fantastic?‎ M:Why don’t you have a letter box outside the club’s room? That way,we can keep in touch with you even if we don’t get to see you.‎ W:That’s a great idea.It won’t cost anything to put a letter box outside.OK,thank you for your time,Sam.‎ Text 10‎ On July 31st,2015,the bid to host the 24th Winter Olympic Games was awarded to Beijing,together with its suburban Yanqing County,and nearby Zhangjiakou City.This is the first time for China to hold the Winter Olympics.The 24th Winter Games will be held in 2022,from February 4th to 20th and then Beijing will be the first city in the world to stage both Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.‎ In 1980,Chinese athletes took part for the first time in the Winter Olympic Games at Lake Placid,New York,United States.At the 1992 Winter Olympic Games in Albertville,France,Chinese athletes won medals for the first time:Ye Qiaobo won two silver medals in the women’s 500 meters and 1,000 meters speed skating races.At the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City,Utah,United States,Chinese athlete Yang Yang won a gold medal in the women’s 500 meters short track speed skating race.This was the first gold medal won in Winter Games in Chinese history.In the 2014 Winter Olympiad in Sochi,Russia,China won three gold medals,four silver medals,and two bronze medals,the twelfth place on the medal table.‎

