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短文改错题九大考点分析及典题演练 短文改错题具有“高起点、低落点”的特点,对学生的语言感觉和 语言能力要求较高,但改正的错误往往比较简单。很多学生做不好改 错题不是因为没有掌握这些语法知识,而是不能通过语感找出错误。 所以培养学生有意识地去注意一些高考短文改错的常考点非常重要。 综合近年的高考题我们可以看出主要在以下语法项目上设题: 1. 名词和限制词的搭配 主要涉及可数与不可数名词与冠词、指示 代词、物主代词的错误搭配,以及名词的单复数的误用。 如:they take him lots of good book and fresh fruit.(2009.陕西卷) 此处 book 改为 books. book 前用 lots of 修饰,应用复数。 2.动词的时态、语态以及非谓语动词 常出现在总体时态为过去或 现在时中间杂有另一时态的现象,以及动词的谓语与非谓语形式、 非谓语动词之间的误用。或是及物动词后无宾语,或是不及物动 词后加了宾语;需要接 ing 形式的接了 to,或相反等。如:The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop across the street from our middle school were gone. 把 were 改为 are。根据上文可知饭店和 鱼店消失都陈述的是现在的情况。 2. 代词的误用 主要是代词的格与数的错用。如男性用了女性代词, 单数用了复数代词或相反;应当用形容词性的物主代词用了名词性 等。关系代词的错用或缺失。如只能用 that 引导的用了其它,或 在不能用 that 的地方却用了 that,或是在“介词+关系代词”结构中 漏掉了介词等。  反身代词一直以来都是短文改错中经常设空的语法项目,先将其用法 简单归纳如下: 一、反身代词的基本形式 反身代词是 oneself 根据所指词的人称、性别、单复数等的变化可以 有 myself, himself, herself, yourself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 等形式。 二、oneself 与 himself 当 one 指人时,其相应的反身代词通常用 oneself, 在美国英语中也可 用 himself: One should not praise oneself [himself]. 一个人不应该自吹自擂。 三、反身代词的句法功能: 1. 用作同位语(加强被修饰词的语气,紧放在被修饰名词后, 或句末): The box itself is not so heavy. 箱子本身并不重。 Martin himself attended the sick man. 马丁亲自照顾病人。 Don’t trouble to come over yourself. 你不必费神亲自来了。 You yourself said so. / You said so yourself. 你自己是这样说的。 Never leave to others what you ought to do yourself. 不要把自己该做的 事留给别人做。 2. 用作宾语(动词或介词的宾语): Take good care of yourself. 照顾好自己。 He has a right to decide for himself. 他有权为自己做出决定。 He made no complaint for himself. 他没为自己抱怨什么。 She finally gained control of herself. 最后她控制住了自己。 She could not make herself understood. 她不能使别人听懂她的话。 Everybody here has the influenza including myself. 包括我在内所有人 都患上流感。 The child cried himself to sleep. 孩子哭着哭着睡着了。 She convinced herself that it was so. 她说服自己情况是这样的。 He had a couple of revolvers with which to defend himself. 他有一两把 手枪用来自卫。 3. 用作表语 The poor boy was myself. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。 The ones who really want it are ourselves. 真正想要它的是我们自己。 【说明】有时用于 be, feel, seem, look 等后作表语表示身体或精神处 于正常状态: I’m not quite myself these days. 我近来身体不大舒服。 I’ll be myself again in no time. 我过一会儿就会好的。 4. 用作主语。在现代英语中,反身代词一般不能独立用作主语,但 是它却可以借助 and, or, nor 等连词与其他名词一起构成并列主语 (且位于并列主语的后部),以及用于某些特殊结构(如 as...as 等): My brother and myself went there yesterday. 昨天我兄弟和我一起去了 那儿。 Jim’s sister and himself get up at six every day. 吉姆的妹妹和他每天 6 点起床。 He was as anxious as myself. 他和我一样担心。 3. 冠词:定冠词 the 的多余或缺失,如季节,月份,星期,球类 及三餐活动,称呼头衔前等不能加 the 的地方加了 the,或是 same 等常和 the 一起使用的词却漏税掉了 the;a, an 的混用,特别注 意:hour, honest 等虽然首字母不是元音字母,但其发音却是以 元音素开头,故用 an,而 useful, university, European, one—hour 等虽然首字母是元音字母,但却以辅音音素开头,故用 a。 如:and sports center has been built in their place. (2009 全国卷 I) 在此 sports 前应加 a。 sports center 是可数名词单数,表示不确定。 4.数词的误用 主要是序数词与基数词的混用和错用,以及 hundred, thousand, dozen, score 等词和具体数量词连用时的用法以及表示约数 的用法。如分数的分子大于一时分母没有用复数等,基数词的复数形 式如几百 hundreds of,几千 thousands of 漏掉了 s,或是当其前有具 体数字或 several 时加了复数,如 seven hundred,写作 seven hundreds。 5.形容词与副词 主要涉及到形容词和副词的原级、比较级与最高 级的误用,以及形容词和副词的误用等。如:He has a comfortable room, patiently nurses, and a great deal of time to read. (2009. 陕西卷) 此处 patiently 改为 patient.修饰名词 nurses,用形容词。 6.考查英语(课程)中的并列现象 在一些英语中的并列结构中没有 用并列的语法结构,如并列连词连接的两个部分等。 7.考查上下文的逻辑关系 but, and, so,however, otherwise 等一些 并列连词和连接副词的误用。before, after, when, until, since 等状语 从句引导词的误用等。还有肯定和否定的误用等。 8.一些相似结构的误用 如 used to do, be used to do, be used to doing 等结构的误用。 9.惯用法的搭配。介词:主要是介词的多余或缺失,错用。这一部 分需要平时多多积累,弄清常用介词的搭配。主谓一致性:第三 人称单数漏掉 s,或主语为复数,谓语动词用了单数;再就是就近 原则对主语的影响。 如:It was a lesson to us that it was possible give without expecting anything in return.(2009 浙江卷) 在 possible 后加 to。由 It is/was possible(或其他形容词)+ to do sth. 固定句型决定。 改错步骤上述 9 个方面,同学们在做题时只要稍加留意,找出错误的 比率就会增大很多。做短文改错题时一般遵循以下几个步骤: 1.先通读全文。认真阅读短文,在做题之前确保已经弄清原文大意。 注意文章中上下文的逻辑关系是否正确,时态、人称、主谓、指代等 是否一致。 2.聚焦出题热点、综合运用所学语言知识,分句(注意以句子为单位而 不是以行为单位)对不同的错误情况进行分析和回答(即改词、加词或 减词)。 3.再次通读全文,校对自己的改正是否正确。一般各种改错的方式都 应该用到,如果出现了某一种改法(如加词、减词等)没有用到,要考 虑自己的改错应该有问题,要对刚才不是很有把握的行进行推敲。在 自己认为正确的行后划勾,并且校对其他行改正的符号是否准确,大 小写是否拼写正确(这点同学们很容易忽视)。如果某一行有两种改错 方式要推敲哪一种是最佳改法. 典题演练 1.There is an old English saying. It told us that we must go to bed earlier and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever. This is real. The body needs enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours' sleep for every night. Children who have enough sleep cannot do his work well and they may not be health. The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping and playing games are all exercises. Exercise keeps the body strong and help the blood to move around inside the body. It is very important. Our blood moves to all parts of our body. The head also needs bloods. Exercise helps us to think better. 2.I met Kate at the gate of the hospital about eight o'clock this morning. Mr. Wang was ill in the hospital. We went to see him with some flowers. Mr. Wang was happily to see us. We told him that we all did good in the exam. Mr. Wang said he was happy to hear of that. He hoped that we will have a good summer holiday. And she told us to keep on studying hard and get on well with our lessons. We talked happily for about half a hour. It was nearly half past ten. We said goodbye with Mr. Wang and left the hospital. 3.Our eating habits are very important for good health and strong body. There are times most of us like eat sweets and ice cream better than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for us if we eat them by the end of a meal. If we eat them before the meal, they may take off our appetite. So the doctors suggest us that we shall have our meal regularly. In old England, the judges usually asked the prisoners to eat bread without water. If they couldn’t swallow in the bread, it meant that they weren’t saying the truth. Though this seems strange and foolish, they thought it was an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man worrying about something have difficulties in swallowing dry bread, because he loses his appetite. 4.An old scientist recently made several tests with different animals to find out which was clever than other animals. In one test the old scientist put a monkey in the room where there was several boxes. Some boxes were inside other boxes. One small box have some food in it. The scientist wanted to watch the monkey and to find out how long it will take the monkey to find the food. The scientist left the room. He waited for a few minutes outside the door. Then he got down his knees and put his eyes to the keyhole. What did he see? To her surprise, he found himself looking at the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looks at the scientist through the keyhole. 5.Bruce and Dick are friends. They are in same school, but in different classes. They study hardly and are good at their lessons. They went to school together. They have lessons every day besides Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday was a Sunday. They didn’t go to school. They stayed at home and doing their lessons in the morning. In the afternoon Bruce went to swim. She enjoys swim very much. Dick didn’t go to swim. He went to see John. John is a new student in Dick’s class. His family moved to the city ten days before. John is not very good at his lessons. He needs help. Dick helped him for his lessons. In the evening, Bruce, Dick and John went to watch a football game. They enjoyed themselves very much. 答案 1.答案:第一行:told----tells, earlier----early 第二行:real---true 第三行:删 sleep 后的 for 第四行:who 后加 don’t, his----their health---healthy 第五行:exercises---exercise,第六行: help---helps 第 七行:bloods---blood 2.答案:第一行:hospital 后加 at, 删 the 第二行:happily----happy 第三行:good---well, 删 of, will---would,第四行:she---he, get---getting 第五行:a---an, with---to 3.答案:第一行:times 后加 when 第二行:eat---eating 第三行: by---at , 第二个 the---a, off---away 第四行:shall---should 第五 行:删 in 第六行:saying---telling, seems---seemed 第七行:have---has 4. 答 案 : 第 二 行 : clever---cleverer 或 more clever the---a, was---were 第三行:have---had 第四行:will---would 第五行:删 for 第六行:加 on, her---his 第七行:at---into, looks---looking 5.答案:第一行:加 the 第二行:hardly---hard, went---go 第三行: besides---except, 删 a 第四行:doing---did, She---He 第五行: swim---swimming 第六行:before---ago 第七行:for---with

