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真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 1 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Section Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading—Language Points Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Tom came to me in the________(believe) that I could help him. 答案: belief 2.Let me know the date and time of your________(arrive). 答案: arrival 3 . My younger brother likes living alone , which makes him more________(independence). 答案: independent 4.In most western countries,on April Fool’s Day,people often play________trick on each other,and children especially have great ________(funny). 答案: a;fun 5.The chair looks rather hard,but in fact it is very comfortable ________(sit) on. 答案: to sit 6.Great changes ________________(take) place in our school in the past 10 years. 答案: have taken 7.I’ll go________(hunt) with the old hunter this afternoon. 答案: hunting 8.The happiest are not those who own all the best things,but those who can appreciate the__________(beautiful) of life. 答案: beauty 9.We’re looking forward to________(reach) our goal of raising 10,000 yuan for charity. 答案: reaching 10.Li Ming speaks English very well as though he________(be) an Englishman. 答案: were Ⅱ.阅读理解 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 2 I have spent a year in India on a student exchange (交换) program.These diaries will give you an idea of what it is like to live in this country. July 6 I suddenly have the feeling that I’m alone in this unknown town.I met a Japanese student,and it’s great to share my feelings with somebody else.Of course,my Indian friends are very understanding.But if you’re not a foreigner,you can’t really understand how lonely a foreigner can feel. August 5 We got on the train,slept,read,talked,ate and watched the countryside.Before I realized what was happening,the 27hour journey was behind us.We had arrived in Delhi.I really enjoyed that trip.I slept pretty well,even though it was noisy. September 9 A new group of students arrived today.They remind (提醒) me of my arrival here.I suddenly realize how much I have learned.I don’t feel lost anymore.I know how to find my way around town.It’s quite a good feeling to be the one “who knows”—even though I don’t know that much. June 10 The last weeks have passed so quickly.I have about a month left in this country.My room is filled with things to pack,and I try to think of all the things that I want to remember.My mind is full of small,daily,unimportant events that I couldn’t have imagined a year ago. July 15 As my departure (离开) gets closer,I’m tired,and I look forward to going home.I want to see my country and family again—although I’m sorry to leave India.I wish I could take India back home with me. 语篇解读 本文是记叙文。作者在文中描述了他作为交换生在印度一年的生活。 1.When the author first arrived in India,he________. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 3 A.felt quite unhappy B.was afraid of going out alone C.couldn’t find anyone to talk to D.didn’t want to make Indian friends 解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 I’m alone in this unknown town 和 if you’re not a foreigner,you can’t really understand how lonely a foreigner can feel 可 知,作者刚到印度时很不开心。 答案: A 2.Why did the author mention the arrival of new students? A.To express his need to meet new people. B.To remind himself he was going to leave. C.To suggest he knew better about India than them. D.To show his feelings about the country had improved. 解析: 推理判断题。根据第四段中的 realize how much I have learned,don’t feel lost anymore 和 a good feeling to be the one “who knows”可推测,新生的到来让作 者想起他初到印度的情形并认识到自己已经慢慢适应异国他乡的生活,因此作者是想表达他 的感觉好多了。 答案: D 3.During the last few weeks,the author________. A.remembered nothing that happened in India B.regretted being away from his home C.wanted to stay longer in India D.got ready to leave India 解析: 推理判断题。根据最后两段中的 My room is filled with things to pack, and I try to think of all the things that I want to remember 以及 I look forward to going home.I want to see my country and family again 可推测,作者在最后的几周里 已经作好离开印度回到自己家乡的准备了。 答案: D 4.What’s the text mainly about? A.Cultural differences. B.The author’s life in India. C.A special student exchange program. D.The author’s understanding of a foreigner. 解析: 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的 I have spent a year in India 和 give you an 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 4 idea of what it is like to live in this country 以及文章接下来的描述可知,本文主 要是关于作者在印度的生活。 答案: B Ⅲ.完形填空 Many people enjoy taking trips by themselves.Unluckily,they do not always have the best __1__.Instead,people should consider group tours.Taking a group tour is a wise choice for people to__2__themselves. First,group tours plan travelers’ routes,so people don’t have to __3__where they are going next or how they are getting there.They can just__4__and enjoy their trip.__5__,my family once took a group tour to China.The travel agency (旅行社)__6__ everything for us.We just looked at the schedule the travel agency had __7__and followed it.Thanks to the travel agency,we had a __8__trip.This made things __9__on my father since he didn’t have to worry about where we would go next and __10__at night. Another __11__ of group tours is that they allow people to communicate with one another while traveling.Travelers are able to develop __12__with people they would never have met __13__they are traveling together for a number of days.As I know,my parents__14__Russia on a group tour for their honeymoon (蜜月).They __15__another couple on that trip,and everyone had a great time together.Even after many years,they still __16__ together from time to time.If my parents had traveled by themselves,it would have been __17__for them to get to know this couple. In short,there is__18__better than a group tour when traveling.Group tours schedule everything on the trip,and they give us the __19__to meet others and make friends with them.Group tours are the __20__way to travel when taking a trip. 语篇解读 本文是议论文。作者主要谈论了人们跟团旅游的好处。 1.A.maps B.cars C.places D.vacations 解 析 : 由 该 空 前 的 taking trips 及 该 空 后 的 tours 可 知 , 此 处 指 “ 假 期 (vacations)”。 答案: D 2.A.help B.enjoy C.praise D.encourage 解析: 由该空前的 a wise choice 及下文的分析可知,跟团旅游可以让人们玩得开心。 enjoy oneself 玩得开心。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 5 答案: B 3.A.guess B.prove C.worry about D.talk about 解析: 由该空前的 group tours plan travelers’ routes 可知,跟团旅游的话人 们就不必“担心(worry about)”下一步要去哪儿或是怎么去那儿。 答案: C 4.A.relax B.stop C.walk D.show 解析: 他们只需要“放松(relax)”,好好享受即可。 答案: A 5.A.In all B.So far C.As usual D.For example 解析: 由下文内容可知,作者在此以自己家人出游的经历为例,说明了跟团旅游的好 处。故填 For example。 答案: D 6.A.made use of B.took care of C.ran out of D.caught sight of 解析: 由下文的 We just looked at the schedule 及 followed it 可知,旅行社给 我们安排好了一切,故填 took care of。 答案: B 7.A.provided B.found C.changed D.bought 解析: 既然是跟团旅游,当然是旅行社“提供(provided)”日程表。 答案: A 8.A.short B.strange C.pleasant D.terrible 解析: 根据上文的 enjoy their trip 及作者一家人什么心也不用操可知,他们的旅 程非常“愉快(pleasant)”。 答案: C 9.A.earlier B.easier C.slower D.worse 解析: 由该空后的 he didn’t have to worry about where we would go next 可知,对“我”父亲来说,事情就变得“容易多了(easier)”。 答案: B 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 6 10.A.work B.practice C.stay D.perform 解析: “我”父亲不用担心下一步要去哪儿,晚上“住(stay)”哪儿。 答案: C 11.A.rule B.question C.purpose D.advantage 解析: 由该空后的 they allow people to communicate with one another while traveling 可知,这里是说跟团旅游的“好处(advantage)”。 答案: D 12.A.skills B.programs C.friendships D.treatments 解析: 跟团旅游的话,人们可以结交新朋友,故填 friendships。下文的例子也是提 示。 答案: C 13.A.because B.unless C.while D.although 解析: 此处为因果关系,故填 because。 答案: A 14.A.left B.visited C.forgot D.missed 解析: 由该空后的 on a group tour for their honeymoon 可知,“我”父母跟团去 俄罗斯度的蜜月,故填 visited。 答案: B 15.A.met B.invited C.followed D.recognized 解析: 由下文的 get to know this couple 可知,他们在旅行中“遇到(met)”了另 外一对夫妇。 答案: A 16.A.dance B.learn C.cook D.travel 解析: 由上文内容可知,他们在旅行中相遇、相识,所以多年以后他们仍然时不时地 一起去“旅游(travel)”。 答案: D 17.A.certain B.important 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 7 C.impossible D.unnecessary 解析: 如果“我”父母是自行出游的话,他们就“不可能(impossible)”认识那对夫 妇了。 答案: C 18.A.something B.nothing C.somebody D.nobody 解析: 作者在文中讨论的是跟团旅游的优点,故此处是说:出去游玩时,“没有什么 (nothing)”比跟团旅游更好的了。 答案: B 19.A.gift B.hope C.method D.chance 解析: 由第三段的例子可知,跟团旅游让我们有“机会(chance)”结识新朋友。 答案: D 20.A.best B.last C.only D.new 解析: 总览全文可知,作者认为跟团旅游是出游的“最佳(best)”方式。 答案: A Ⅳ.短文改错 When my grandfather left school,he got his first job as a office worker.In those days,he was extreme thin.He paid very little,so he could not afford to eating a lot.I have one or two photos of her from that time,and he looks just like me, but a lot thin!When he grew older,he worked at all sorts of thing,such as reporting for a local newspaper and worked as a parttime salesman.He worked hardly all his life,but he always found out time for the things he enjoyed,like going fishing on weekends or reading books at home. 参考答案 When my grandfather left school,he got his first job as a an office worker.In those days,he was extreme extremely thin.He ∧ was paid very little,so he could not afford to eating eat a lot.I have one or two photos of her him from that time,and he looks just like me, but a lot thin thinner !When he grew older,he worked at all sorts of thing things ,such as reporting for a local newspaper and worked working as a parttime salesman.He worked hardly hard all his 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 8 life,but he always found out—— time for the things he enjoyed,like going fishing on weekends or reading books at home.

