高中英语Unit1Aland课件 人教版选修8

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高中英语Unit1Aland课件 人教版选修8

Section Ⅱ   Warming Up & Reading—Language Points 记单词 记短语 记句型 3 基础梳理 illustration strait Arctic means ministry adventure hardship federal rail boom aircraft distinct distinction immigrate immigration immigrant majority major elect election percentage percent racial race live on live up to by means of... in addition in addition to... declare war on... make a life in the late 19th century keep up keep off become home to attract...to... before long long before what we now know That is why It is believed that 研词汇 析句型 练拓展 4 要点透析 has been tried have been tried of a is by no means a wise choice by no means is punishment a wise choice majored is→are in the majority in the minority to to up to in down up knowing on What puzzles me what will happen next What you say what he really meant to do what I should write about to have succeeded to be is believed to be 随堂练 固基础 夯根基 5 随堂训练 majority elected percentage means boom Ministry federal distinct hardship racial It was not until that It is generally believed that It is more likely that That is because to keep up our own custom third attracted what living was ruled a settling/to settle It racial mixture

