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‎ Unit 4 Pygmalion Ⅰ.单项填空 ‎ ‎1.We are at your service.Don’t ______to turn to us if you have any further problems.‎ A.beg    B.hesitate   ‎ C.desire    D.seek 解析 考查动词词义辨析。beg“乞求”;hesitate“犹豫”;desire“渴望”;seek“寻求”。hesitate to do sth.“犹豫做某事”。句意:我们(随时)为你服务。如果你还有什么问题,请不要犹豫找我们帮忙。‎ 答案 B ‎2.He betrayed his friends______the enemy,which surprised us all.‎ A.to B.for ‎ C.with D.by 解析 “出卖……”应该用betray sb.to...结构,由此可知正确答案。‎ 答案 A ‎3.______achievement,last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing,grade.‎ A.In terms of B.In case of C.As a result of D.In face of 解析 in case of以防万一,以免;as a result of由于……的结果;in face of面对。句意:就成就而言,上周的WTO部长级会议虽然没有失败,但是收效甚微。‎ 答案 A ‎4.The books in the library are classified ______ subject.‎ A.under B.in C.by D.as 解析 classify“分类,归类”。句意:图书室的书按科目分类排放。‎ 答案 C ‎5.The history teacher often tells his students to ______ the knowledge they have learned according to chapters.‎ A.separate B.divide C.classify D.collect 解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意:历史老师经常让他的学生们把学过的知识按章节进行分类整理。只有C项有此意,符合这个语境。‎ 答案 C ‎6.—When did the accident happen?‎ ‎—______when I was walking in the street.‎ A.The other day B.Some day C.Another day D.Other day 解析 the other day几天前;some day将来的某一天;another day改天。‎ 答案 A ‎7.I feel sure that ______ qualification,ability and experience,you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind.‎ A.on account of B.in terms of C.in spite of D.by means of 解析 考查介词词组辨析。on account of因为;in terms of就……而言;in spite of尽管;by means of用,依靠。依据句意B项正确。‎ 答案 B ‎8.We seldom hesitate ______ where to stay in Paris.‎ A.with B.to ‎ C.about D.on 解析 句意:去巴黎要住哪儿,我们很少有拿不定主意的情况。hesitate的用法如下:hesitate(about)+wh对……犹豫不决;hesitate about/at/over doing sth.做……犹豫不决;关于……犹豫不决;hesitate to do sth.迟疑于做某事。‎ 答案 C ‎9.There is a saying that a friend ______ is a friend indeed.‎ A.in silence B.in need C.in surprise D.in want 解析 in need“需要”。句意:有个谚语说:“患难见真情。”‎ 答案 B ‎10.The servant was ______ for being lazy and dishonest.He’s now out of work.‎ A.praised B.blamed C.dismissed D.apologized 解析 be dismissed for“因……而被开除”。句意:那位服务员因懒惰和不诚实而被开除。‎ 答案 C ‎11.When they got there,they found the people suffering the storm were______food and water supplies.‎ A.in need of B.in praise of C.in honour of D.in place of 解析 句意:当他们到达那里时,他们发现遭受风暴的人们需要水和食物。‎ 答案 A ‎12.Encourage your children to reach a(n)______between what he wants and what you want.‎ A.achievement B.appointment C.compromise D.adaptation 解析 句意:在你想要的和你孩子想要的中间折中一下(达成相互谅解)。‎ 答案 C ‎13.She was dismissed ______ her job for disobeying the company safety regulations.‎ A.of B.to ‎ C.into D.from 解析 dismiss sb.from“解雇某人”。句意:她因为没有遵守公司的安全规则而被解雇。‎ 答案 D ‎14.I’m afraid I have only a nodding acquaintance______him.‎ A.in B.with ‎ C.to D.of 解析 acquaintance with sb.“与某人相识”。句意:恐怕我与他只是相识。‎ 答案 B ‎15.The judge condemned the criminal______all his life in prison.‎ A.to spend B.spending C.to spending D.spent 解析 句意:法官宣判罪犯终生监禁。condemn sb. to是“宣判……”,to为不定式符号。‎ 答案 A Ⅱ.阅读理解 A Walk down the drinks section at the supermarket.Look in the drink cooler in your local convenience store.A new drink is taking up more and more space on the shelves,and that drink is water.Bottled water sales in the US rose to 1.7 billion gallons in 2010 for plastic bottles alone,compared to total sales of only 700 million gallons in 1990.Whereas bottled water was once associated only with the rich and the privileged (特权阶层),it is now regularly drunk by people at all income levels despite the fact that the price of bottled water can be between 240 and 10,000 times higher per gallon than tap water.What accounts for this surprising increase in demand?‎ Traditionally,people have drunk bottled water for health reasons.The practice of “taking the waters” originated with the Romans,who believed that a person developed a healthy mind by building a healthy body.Across Europe,drinking or bathing in mineral water has been associated ‎ with the power to cure various diseases.Health spas at Evian in France and Pellegrino in Italy began bottling water so that their consumers could continue their treatments at home.The consumers in the 21st century are also concerned about health.However,in America,where the habit of drinking bottled water is relatively new,the concern is often more related to the purity or sterilization (消毒) of the water than to its mineral contents.Americans are often worried about the effects of the chemical pollution and other contaminants on the water supply.Many Americans view bottled water as a safe alternative to tap water.‎ Further reasons for drinking bottled water are its usefulness as an aid to digestion,as a complement to a good meal in a restaurant,and for taste.City tap water is often treated with chlorine (氯) to guard against harmful microorganisms.Chlorine,as well as metals from pipes and tanks used to distribute and store tap water,can leave behind an unpleasant taste.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文从两个方面分析了瓶装水销量提高的原因。‎ ‎1.Which of the following statements is true?‎ A.Bottled water was once drunk both by the rich and the poor.‎ B.Bottled water sales have risen,for it’s cheaper than tap water.‎ C.Europeans believed in the power of treatment of mineral water.‎ D.Americans have had the habit of drinking bottled water for long.‎ 解析 正误判断题。由文章第二段的第三句可知,在整个欧洲,饮用或用矿泉水洗澡已经与治愈各种疾病的能力联系起来。‎ 答案 C ‎2.People prefer bottled water because________.‎ A.it does good to their health B.it has chlorine to make it taste good C.it contains no mineral pollution at all D.it’s a practice originated with the Romans 解析 细节理解题。由文章第二段的第一句“Traditionally,people have drunk bottled water for health reasons.”可知答案。‎ 答案 A ‎3.The underlined word “contaminants” most probably means________.‎ A.pollutants    B.microorganisms C.chemicals    D.minerals 解析 词义猜测题。由“the chemical pollution and other”可知画线词与pollutants同义。‎ 答案 A ‎4.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?‎ A.How Bottled Water Originated B.“Taking the Waters” Has Been Practiced for Long C.What’s the Safe Alternative to Tap Water ‎ D.Why Bottled Water Sales Increase 解析 主旨大意题。文章第一段的最后一句“What accounts for this surprising increase in demand?”是一个承上启下的句子,下面两段都在讲瓶装水销量上涨的原因。‎ 答案 D B For anyone who is determined to be a fashion designer,it is not enough to have succeeded in college.The real test is whether they can survive,and become established during their early 20s,making a name for themselves in the real world where business skills can be as important as talent and creativity.‎ Fashion is a hard business.There is a continuous amount of stress because work is at a constant and extremely fast speed to prepare for the next season’s collections.It is extremely competitive and there is the constant need to make attractive advertisements of the latest fashion in newspapers and magazines.It also requires continual freshness because the appetite for new ideas is hard to satisfy.“We try to warn people before they come to us about how tough it is.” says Lydia Kemeny,Head of Fashion at St.Martin’s School of Art in London.“And we point out that drive and determination are absolutely necessary.”‎ This may seem far removed from the popular opinions of fashionable young people spending their time designing pretty dresses.That may well be what they do in their first year of study but a good college won’t be slow in introducing students to commercial realities,“We don’t walk our foot on the blossoming flower of creativity but in the second year we start introducing the restrictions of price,producing ability,marketing and so on.”‎ Almost all fashion design is done to a brief.It is not a form of selfexpression as such,although there is certainly room for imagination and creativity.Most young designers are going to end up as employees of a producer or a fashion house and they still need to be able to work within the characteristic style of their employer.Even those students who are most modern in their own taste of clothes may need to adapt to produce designs which are right for the mainstream of the market.They also have to be able to work at both the expensive and the cheap end of the market and the challenge to produce good design inexpensively may well be demanding.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 成为时尚设计师并不是件容易的事。仅仅在大学校园里获取学业的成功是不够的,时尚在不断变化,商业技巧和天赋、创造性同样重要。 ‎ ‎5.Which of the following is mainly discussed in the passage?‎ A.Talent in fashion.‎ B.Good marks at college.‎ C.Ability to create new designs.‎ D.Business skills in fashion industry.‎ 解析 主旨大意题。第一段是文章的主题段,通读全文可知整篇文章介绍的是在时尚业应该掌握怎样的商业技巧才能立足。‎ 答案 D ‎6.What can we learn from the second paragraph?‎ A.Fashion designers are highly motivated and really detemined.‎ B.Good preparations for the next season can reduce stress.‎ C.Consumers’ appetite for new ideas keeps changing.‎ D.Advertisement business is very competitive.‎ 解析 细节理解题。从第二段中的“It also requires continual freshness because the appetite for new ideas is hard to satisfy.”可知消费者对时尚的追求是不断变化的。 ‎ 答案 C ‎7.What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 3 refer to?‎ A.Lydia Kemeny’s opinion.‎ B.The competitive business world.‎ C.The warning to the young designers.‎ D.The real situation in fashion industry.‎ 解析 代词指代题。通过阅读第二、三段可知,This指代的是第二段讲到的内容,即时尚界的真实情况。 ‎ 答案 D ‎8.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.St.Martin’s School‎ of ‎Art encourages the new students to design dresses they like.‎ B.St.Martin’s School‎ of ‎Art requires students to develop their creativity in their designing.‎ C.St.Martin’s School‎ of ‎Art demands students to make pretty dresses for companies.‎ D.St.Martin’s School‎ of ‎Art focuses on teaching students commercial realities. ‎ 解析 正误判断题。根据第三段的第二句和第三句可知该校重视教学生有关商业方面的知识。‎ 答案 D

