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‎ Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Ⅰ.阅读理解 ‎[2019·安徽重点中学盟校模拟]On average, Americans spend about 10 hours a day in front of a computer or other electronic devices(设备) and less than 30 minutes a day outdoors. That is a claim made by David Strayer, a professor of psychology at the University of Utah. In his 2017 TED Talk, Strayer explained that all this time spent with technology is making our brains tired.‎ Using an electronic device to answer emails, listen to the news and look at social media puts a lot of pressure on the front of the brain, which, Strayer explains, is important for critical(有判断力的) thinking, problemsolving and decisionmaking.‎ So, it is important to give the brain a rest. And being in nature, Strayer claims, helps get a tired brain away from too much technology. More than 15,000 campers from around the world attended an international camping festival in September. That is when friends and family take time off and escape to nature for several days. They take walks, climb, explore, swim, sleep, eat and play. Camping may be just what a tired brain needs.‎ ‎ Take Carl for example. He lives in West Virginia and enjoys camping. He says that staying outdoors makes him feel at ease. It also prepares him for the work he must do. Kate Somers is another example who also lives in West Virginia. She says she enjoys camping with her husband and two children. She calls it a “regenerative” experience.‎ At the University of Utah, David Strayer has studied both shortterm and longterm exposure to nature. He found that spending short amounts of time in nature without technology does calm the brain and helps it to remember better. However, he found, it is the longterm contact with nature that does the most good. He and his research team found that spending three days in nature without any technology is enough time for the brain to fully relax and reset itself.‎ ‎1.What is David Strayer's opinion?‎ A.Americans dislike outdoor activities.‎ B.Electronic equipment should be quitted.‎ C.New technologies are a doubleedged sword.‎ D.Electronic equipment brings great convenience.‎ ‎2.Why does Strayer insist we go outdoors?‎ A.To try another lifestyle.‎ - 9 -‎ B.To refresh our brain.‎ C.To make better decisions.‎ D.To play with our family and friends.‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “regenerative” mean?‎ A.Reborn. B.Memorable.‎ C.Remarkable. D.Tiring.‎ ‎4.Which is the proper title for the passage?‎ A.Electronic Equipment Harms the Brain B.Good Rest Develops Good Memory C.Tips on Using New Technologies D.Being in Nature Is Good for the Brain Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎[2018·北京卷]‎ The Homeless Hero For many, finding an unattended wallet filled with £400 in cash would be a source (来源) of temptation (诱惑). But the __1__ would no doubt be greater if you were living on the streets with little food and money. All of this makes the actions of the homeless Tom Smith __2__ more remarkable. ‎ After spotting a __3__ on the front seat inside a parked car with its window down, he stood guard in the rain for about two hours waiting for the __4__ to return. ‎ After hours in the cold and wet, he __5__ inside and pulled the wallet out hoping to find some ID so he could contact (联系) the driver, only to __6__ it contained £400 in notes, with another £50 in spare change beside it. ‎ He then took the wallet to a nearby police station after __7__ a note behind to let the owner know it was safe. When the car's owner John Anderson and his colleague Carol Lawrence returned to the car — which was itself worth £35,000 — in Glasgow city centre, they were __8__ to find two policemen standing next to it. The policemen told them what Mr. Smith did and that the wallet was __9__.‎ The pair were later able to thank Mr. Smith for his __10__.‎ Mr. Anderson said:“I couldn't believe that the guy never took a penny. To think he is sleeping on the streets tonight __11__ he could have stolen the money and paid for a place to stay in. This guy has nothing and __12__ he didn't take the wallet for himself;he thought about others __13__. It's unbelievable. It just proves there are __14__ guys out there.”‎ - 9 -‎ Mr. Smith's act __15__ much of the public's attention. He also won praise from social media users after Mr. Anderson __16__ about the act of kindness on Facebook.‎ Now Mr. Anderson has set up an online campaign to __17__ money for Mr. Smith and other homeless people in the area, which by yesterday had received £8,000. “I think the faith that everyone has shown __18__ him has touched him. People have been approaching him in the street;he's had job __19__ and all sorts,” Mr. Anderson commented.‎ For Mr. Smith, this is a possible lifechanging __20__. The story once again tells us that one good turn deserves another.‎ ‎1.A.hope B.aim C.urge D.effort ‎2.A.still B.even C.ever D.once ‎3.A.wallet B.bag C.box D.parcel ‎4.A.partner B.colleague C.owner D.policeman ‎5.A.turned B.hid C.stepped D.reached ‎6.A.discover B.collect C.check D.believe ‎7.A.taking B.leaving C.reading D.writing ‎8.A.satisfied B.excited C.amused D.shocked ‎9.A.safe B.missing C.found D.seen ‎10.A.service B.support C.kindness D.encouragement ‎11.A.when B.if C.where D.because ‎12.A.rather B.yet C.already D.just ‎13.A.too B.though - 9 -‎ C.again D.instead ‎14.A.honest B.polite C.rich D.generous ‎15.A.gave B.paid C.cast D.drew ‎16.A.learned B.posted C.cared D.heard ‎17.A.borrow B.raise C.save D.earn ‎18.A.of B.at C.for D.in ‎19.A.details B.changes C.offers D.applications ‎20.A.lesson B.adventure C.chance D.challenge Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎[2020·潍坊市统一考试]There is a saying that goes, “All roads lead to Rome.” Roads were essential for the 1.________ (grow) of the Roman Empire. These roads enabled the Romans to move armies 2.________ (efficient). At its peak, the Roman road system 3.________ (cover) 53,000 miles and contained about 372 links. The Romans were good at constructing these roads, 4.________ were called viae(路).‎ ‎ Prepared viae began in history as the streets of Rome. The Law of the Twelve Tables(十二铜表法), 5.________ (date) back to approximately 450 B. C., explains that a road shall be 8 feet wide where straight and 16 feet where curved. According to the Tables, Romans are commanded 6.________ (build) roads that would not need frequent repair.‎ ‎ The Romans had 7.________ preference for standardization whenever they could. A golden milestone was set up. 8.________ this milestone were listed all of the cities in the empire and the distances to them.‎ ‎ Roman roads 9.________ (consider) very important in maintaining both the stability and the expansion of the empire at that time. Even after over 1,000 years, these roads are still used. During the fall of the Roman Empire, the same roads offered 10.________ (avenue) of invasion to the foreigners. This contributed to the Roman military ruin.‎ - 9 -‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 ‎[2020·太原五中阶段检测]Absolutely, when I started touring in the 2015, bikesharing was just happening in a few cities, and I questioned how it was just a trend. But since then it has grew sharply, and by now it's national news. Major cities are starting to welcome bicycling, and major political leader are starting to see the bicycle only as a tool, but also as something that people are really crazy about. There's a kind of energy came from the bicycle movement, and politicians are really attracted to that. But also, it's the positive benefits which bicycling brings to the community, the moneysaving benefits, the business benefits, or the job benefits. The case for bicycling is definite becoming a lot clearer, as more people are doing it and as we have many case studies.‎ 课后提能练(十四)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,作者讲述了如今长时间使用电子设备对大脑的危害,鼓励人们放下这些电子设备,去户外让大脑休息一下。‎ ‎【难句分析】 Using an electronic device to answer emails,listen to the news - 9 -‎ ‎ and look at social media puts a lot of pressure on the front of the brain, which, Strayer explains, is important for critical(有判断力的) thinking, problemsolving and decisionmaking.‎ 分析:这是一个较长的复合句。主句使用了动名词短语Using an electronic device作主语;which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the front of the brain。‎ 译文:使用电子设备来回复邮件、听新闻、看社交媒体,给大脑前端(前额叶)带来了很大的压力,Strayer解释说,这个区域对于批判思考、解决问题和作决策都至关重要。‎ ‎1.C 考查推理判断。依据第一段可知,David Strayer认为过多使用电子设备导致大脑疲劳,第二段中的“answer emails, listen to the news and look at social media”暗示着电子设备给我们生活带来的便利,因此科技有利有弊,选项C正确。‎ ‎2.B 考查细节理解。依据前两段可知,过多使用电子设备会导致大脑疲劳,根据第三段可知,我们需要让大脑休息一下,而走进大自然可以让我们疲惫的大脑远离电子设备,从而让大脑恢复活力,因此选B项。‎ ‎3.A 考查词义猜测。画线词所在段中作者列举Carl的事例说明,户外活动能使他放松并更好地工作,作者提到的“Kate Somers is another example... two children”暗示着,Kate与家人在户外的活动也给了她活力,因此选A项,画线词表示“有再生作用的,有再造能力的”。‎ ‎4.D 考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,长时间盯着看或使用电子设备对大脑不利,作者鼓励人们放下这些高科技产品到大自然中去,给大脑一个休息时间。文中更是用Carl和Kate的事例说明走进大自然给大脑带来的益处,因此选项D适合作本文标题。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一名流浪者面对金钱不为所动的故事。通过本文要鼓励学生成长为有文明素养和社会责任感的人,帮助学生树立正确的人生观和价值观。‎ ‎1.C 对很多人来说,捡到一个装满了400英镑现金、无人看管的钱包是个诱惑。但是,如果你流落街头,没有什么食物和金钱,这种欲望(urge)无疑会更大。‎ ‎2.B 所有这些使无家可归的Tom Smith的行为更加引人注目。even修饰比较级,表示“越发,更加”。‎ ‎3.A Tom Smith在一辆停着的、开着车窗的车的前座上发现了一个钱包(wallet)。‎ ‎4.C 根据句中的“with its window down”可知,Tom Smith怕车主(owner)的钱包被偷,所以在雨中站了大约两个小时,等着车主回来。下文中的“a note behind to let the owner know it was safe”也是暗示。‎ ‎5.D 在寒冷和雨中几个小时后,Tom Smith把手伸进车内,拿出钱包,希望能找到某种身份证件,这样就可以联系司机。reach“伸手去(拿或够东西)”。‎ - 9 -‎ ‎6.A Tom Smith发现钱包里有400英镑的纸币和50英镑零钱。discover“发现”。‎ ‎7.B 然后,Tom Smith在留下一张纸条后把钱包拿到附近的一个警察局。leave... behind“留下”。‎ ‎8.D 车主和同事回到车边时,发现有两名警察站在车旁,所以很惊讶。be shocked to do sth.“很惊讶做某事”。‎ ‎9.A 警察告诉他们史密斯先生所做的事以及钱包是安全的(safe)。上文中的“let the owner know it was safe”是提示。‎ ‎10.C 二人感谢史密斯先生的善意。kindness“友好的行为;善良”。下文中的“about the act of kindness on Facebook”是暗示。‎ ‎11.A 安德森先生说:“我简直不敢相信那个男人没有拿一分钱。想想看,他今晚睡在大街上,然而他本可以拿着这钱去住宿的。”when“然而(引出令人吃惊的事实或评论)”。‎ ‎12.B 这个男人什么也没有,但(yet)他没有把钱包据为己有,而是(instead)想到了别人。‎ ‎13.D 参见上题解析。‎ ‎14.A 这只是证明了世界上有诚实的(honest)人。根据上文可知,史密斯先生很诚实。‎ ‎15.D 史密斯先生的行为引起了公众的广泛关注。draw one's attention“引起某人的注意”。‎ ‎16.B 安德森先生在Facebook上发布了(posted)关于这一友善的行为后,史密斯先生还赢得了社交媒体用户的赞扬。‎ ‎17.B 安德森先生发起了一个在线活动,为史密斯先生和这个地区其他无家可归的人筹集资金。raise money“筹集资金”。‎ ‎18.D 安德森认为每个人对他所表现出的信任感动了他。have/show faith in为固定用法。‎ ‎19.C 他有了工作机会。job offer“工作机会”。‎ ‎20.C 对史密斯先生来说,这是一个可能改变人生的机会(chance)。这个故事再一次告诉我们,善有善报。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。主要介绍了罗马帝国的陆路系统。‎ ‎1.growth 考查词形转换。与该句中的the和of呼应可知,此处应用其名词形式,即growth。‎ ‎2.efficiently 考查副词。修饰动词应用副词,故用副词efficiently修饰动词move。‎ ‎3.covered 考查动词的时态。与语境中的contained呼应,此处指的是发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时,即covered。‎ - 9 -‎ ‎4.which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰表示物的先行词these roads,故用which。‎ ‎5.dating 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词短语date back to和句子主语The Law of the Twelve Tables是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用date的现在分词形式dating。‎ ‎6.to build 考查非谓语动词。根据固定用法command sb. to do sth.“命令某人做某事”,此处应用不定式作宾语补足语。‎ ‎7.a 考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处preference意为“偏爱”,可作可数名词,其前无限定词修饰,且其发音以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a。‎ ‎8.On 考查介词。根据语境可知,此处表示“在(里程碑)石碑上”,故用介词On。本句是一个倒装句,即介词短语置于句首时,句子全部倒装。‎ ‎9.were considered 考查动词的时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,consider和句子主语Roman roads构成被动关系,且与时间状语“at that time”呼应可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,即were considered。‎ ‎10.avenues 考查名词的单复数。avenue是可数名词,且其前没有限定词修饰,故用其复数形式。‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 Absolutely, when I started touring in 2015, bikesharing was just happening in a few cities, and I questioned it was just a trend. But since then it has sharply, and by now it's national news. Major cities are starting to welcome bicycling, and major political are starting to see the bicycle only as a tool, but also as something that people are really crazy about. There's a kind of energy from the bicycle movement, and politicians are really attracted to that. But also, it's the positive benefits bicycling brings to the community, the moneysaving benefits, the business benefits, the job benefits. The case for bicycling is becoming a lot clearer, as more people are doing it and as we have case studies.‎ ‎①删除the。介词in后直接跟年份,中间无冠词,故删除the。‎ - 9 -‎ ‎②how改为whether/if。句意为:当然,当我在2015年开始旅行时,共享单车只在少数城市中出现,我还质疑这是否只是一种趋势。结合句意可知,此处应用whether/if“是否”引导宾语从句,故将how改为whether/if。‎ ‎③grew改为grown。根据since then可知,句子应用现在完成时,其构成为:have/has+动词过去分词,故将grew改为grown。‎ ‎④leader改为leaders。leader是可数名词,其前没有表示单数的冠词或代词,且由其后的are可知,此处应为复数形式,故将leader改为leaders。‎ ‎⑤在only前加not。not only... but also...为固定搭配,意为“不但……而且……”,故在only前加not。‎ ‎⑥came改为coming。句中已有谓语,此外come应用非谓语形式;energy和come之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故应用现在分词作后置定语,故将came改为coming。‎ ‎⑦which改为that。此处为强调句,强调的是the positive benefits。强调句结构为“It is/was... that...”,故将which改为that。‎ ‎⑧or改为and。句意为:但这也是自行车给社区带来的好处,即省钱、商业效益和带动就业。此处表示并列关系,不是选择关系,故将or改为and。‎ ‎⑨definite改为definitely。此处表示“肯定地”,作状语,应用副词,故将definite改为definitely。‎ ‎⑩many改为more。此处与as more people are doing it为and连接的两个并列分句,由前半句用比较级可知,此处也应使用比较级,故将many改为more。‎ - 9 -‎

