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河北省衡水市第二中学2020届高三下学期二模英语试题 ‎【参考答案】‎ 听力:1-5CBCAC 6-10CACBA 1-15CBBAB 16-20ACABA 阅读:BCA CADB BBCC DBDA BGADE 完形: 41-45 BBCAC 46-50 DADBB 51-55 AADBC 56-60 DACBC 语法填空:61. was founded 62.events 63. Elected 64. At 65.being inspired 66. who/that 67. an 68. to organize 69. awareness 70. largest 短文改错:‎ My family go on vacation for every summer. But last year, I decided to try a difference ‎ ‎ different ‎ holiday. I found a job at the animal care center in my city. The center provides shelter to dogs abandoned or lose. I did anything I could^ help the workers there – feed, bathing, and walking the ‎ ‎ lost to feeding dogs. The dog which impressed me the most was one about three month old. It was so weak ‎ ‎ months when it was took to the center that some thought it might not survived. However, it surprised us all ‎ ‎ taken survive that the baby dog health began to improve. It must be a strong dog. I love the experience at the ‎ dog’s ‎ center or I will return this summer. ‎ and/so 书面表达:‎ Notice Garbage Classification Poster Design Competition To raise awareness of garbage classification and help people form a good habit, we will hold a competition to design a poster about garbage classification. ‎ The competition is open to anyone. The designs, using both Chinese and English, can be hand-drawn or digitally produced. Submissions can be made as an individual or as a team. Please hand in your work before April 22nd to Miss Li in Room 102. The designs will be displayed form ‎ April 23rd to May 10th in the school hall and on our school website. The award ceremony will be held on May 15th and the awards for winners will be amazing. ‎ We are looking forward to lots of creative designs. ‎ Student Council

