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Book 4  Unit 10 Money ‎1.determine v.决定,确定,下定决心 ‎________ adj.(作表语)已下决心的 ‎________ n.决定,决心,果断 归纳拓展 ‎(1)“决定做某事”常见表达方式有:‎ determine to do sth.‎ determine on (doing) sth.‎ be determined to do sth.‎ make a determination to do sth.‎ make up one’s mind to do sth.‎ make a decision to do sth. ‎ ‎(2)a man of determination果断的人,坚定的人 with determination坚决地,果断地 a determined look坚定的眼神 ‎(1)They were determined to find out if she really was a witch.(2009·江西,阅读理解A)‎ 他们决定去探究她是否真的是巫婆。‎ ‎(2)What determined her to marry him?‎ 是什么使她下决心嫁给他的?‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)用determine及其相关单词或短语填空 He ①________________(下决心) his mind to study abroad,so he was buried in books, ②________ (下决心) to improve his English.Finally his efforts paid off and he was pleased with the ③______________________ (他所做的决定).So if you ④________ (决心) something,be a man of ⑤________ (果断) and do it.‎ ‎ (2)________ to go to college,he studied harder and harder.‎ A.Determining B.Determined C.Determine D.Having determined ‎2.aware adj.意识到的;知道的 ‎________ n.知道,意识 归纳拓展 ‎(1)Older women are much more aware of celebrities. (2010·湖北,阅读理解C)‎ 年长的妇女更了解名人。‎ ‎(2)I don’t think people are really aware of just how much it costs.我认为人们并不真正明白这要花多少钱。‎ ‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)用aware, conscious填空 One may be ________ of fear,but not altogether ________ of the danger which is going on about him/her.‎ ‎(2)Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously________situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.‎ A.aware of B.worried about C.familiar with D.accustomed to ‎3.bargain vi.讨价还价;讲条件;n.便宜货 归纳拓展 ‎(1)bargain with sb.for/over sth.就某事和某人讨价还价 ‎(2)a good/bad bargain买得(不)合算 make a bargain with sb.和某人达成协议 I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real bargain.‎ 在大甩卖中我花了10美元买了一件裙子,可真便宜。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)In the market,dealers were __________________ growers over the price of coffee.在市场上商人正和种植者就咖啡的价格进行商谈。‎ ‎(2)—I bought this MP4 for only 300 yuan.‎ ‎—You really got a wonderful________.‎ A.price B.bargain C.gift D.value ‎4.concern n.关心,关注;(利害)关系;vt.涉及;关系到;(使)担忧 ‎________ adj.关心的,担忧的;焦虑的;相关的 ‎________ prep.有关;关于 归纳拓展 ‎(1)I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat.(2010·重庆,阅读理解A)‎ 我担心的是他或许没有钱买不起吃的。‎ ‎(2)We’re rather concerned about father’s health.‎ 我们相当担心父亲的健康。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)用concern的相关短语填空 Professor Li ①________________________ (关心)world peace and human progress. He also makes it clear that his research work should ②________________________ (关注) the farmers’ income.③________________________ (就他而言),to increase the farmers’ income is of greater importance than anything else.‎ ‎(2)Mike works far away from home and he is always________ his parents.(2011·合肥模拟)‎ A.concerned B.concerned about C.concerns D.concerned with ‎5.annoy vt.使……不悦;惹恼 ‎________ adj.恼怒的 ‎________ adj.使生气的 归纳拓展 Would people continue to use email if they had to deal with an annoying amount of spam each time? (2010·陕西,阅读理解D)‎ 如果人们每次都不得不处理很多的垃圾邮件,他们还会继续使用电子邮件吗?                   ‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)I was ________________ his bad habits.‎ 他的不良习惯使我生气。‎ ‎(2)The teacher ________________________ him for his naughtiness.‎ 他的顽皮使老师生气。‎ ‎(3)He always interrupts others’ talk and this is an ________ habit.(2010·信阳月考)‎ A.annoyed B.annoying C.annoy D.annoyance ‎6.appeal vi.& n.上诉,申诉;有吸引力 归纳拓展 appeal to sb.吸引某人;上诉 appeal to sb. to do sth.呼吁某人做某事 for help向某人求助 make an appeal to sb.向某人提出呼吁 The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府呼吁人人节约用水。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)Does the idea of working abroad ________________ you?‎ 出国工作对你有吸引力吗?‎ ‎(2)—Does the newlypublished detective book sell well?‎ ‎—No,it will only ________ the limited public.‎ A.attach to B.appeal to C.refer to D.bring up ‎7.advance vt.&vi.前进;促进;提出;提前;n.前进;进步 ‎________ adj.高级的;先进的 归纳拓展 ‎(1)Encouraged by the advances in technology,many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. (2009·天津,9)‎ 受科技进步的激励,很多农民在他们的田地上建起了风力发电农场。‎ ‎(2)Chemical fertilizers advance the growth of crops.‎ 化肥促进庄稼生长。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)用advance的适当形式及其相关短语填空 You’d better learn the ①________ (高等的) maths ②________________ (提前) or you will ③________________ (落后).‎ ‎(2)用ahead of,in advance填空 The reason why he finished his work ________________ his colleagues was that he made a careful plan ________________.‎ ‎(3)At proper horse races everyone has already studied the form of the horse ________.‎ A.behind time B.in progress C.in advance D.in time ‎8.replace vt.取代;替换;代替;放回原处 归纳拓展 ‎(1)The house I grew up in has been taken down and replaced by an office building.(2009·江西,26)‎ 我在其中长大的那所房子已经被推倒,取而代之的是一个办公大楼。‎ ‎(2)My daughter replaced the cup carefully in the saucer.我女儿小心翼翼地把杯子放回茶碟。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)It’s not a good idea to miss meals and ________________ snacks.‎ 不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。‎ ‎(2)When you have finished the book,please________ it on the shelf.(2011·洛阳调研)‎ A.replace B.take place C.take place of D.in place of ‎9.drop out退出,不再参加;掉队;放弃;离去 归纳拓展 drop behind落在后面,呆在后面 drop off下降,减退;脱落 drop in on sb.顺便拜访某人 at sp.顺便到访某地 Dwyer had to drop out of the race because of the injury.‎ 德怀尔由于受伤不得不退出比赛。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)Don’t ________________ the others on the trail in case you get lost.‎ 路上别掉队,以免迷路。‎ ‎(2)I dropped in________ her on my way home.‎ A.at B.for C.on D.to ‎10.be/get tired of对……厌烦,厌倦 归纳拓展 be/get tired of be fed up with be bored with 厌烦…… be tired out be worn out 累极了 I’m tired of your stupid remarks.‎ 我听烦了你的蠢话。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)They began to sleep,________________________ the lecture.‎ 因厌烦了演讲,他们开始睡觉。‎ ‎(2)I was tired________ listening to classic music.Let’s listen to the pop songs.‎ A.with B.of C.to D.in ‎11.instead of代替;而不是 归纳拓展 ‎(1)We went right round to the west coast by sea instead of driving across the continent.我们坐海轮经海路去西海岸,而不是开车通过陆路。‎ ‎(2)Give me the red instead of the green one.‎ 给我那个红的,而不是绿的。‎ ‎(3)We walked down the stairs instead of taking the lift.‎ 我们走楼梯下来,而没有乘电梯。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)用instead of,instead填空 ‎①Mr.Wang is ill,so I will take his class ________.‎ ‎②I will go to school on foot ______________ by bike.‎ ‎(2)Judy didn’t answer.________,she turned and walked away.‎ A.But B.However C.Instead D.And ‎12.put off延期;推迟;使反感;使疏远 归纳拓展 The openair celebration has been put off because of the bad weather.因为坏天气,露天庆祝活动被推迟了。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)Never ________________ till tomorrow what may be done today.今天能干的事绝不能拖到明天。‎ ‎(2)They were all against the suggestion that the meeting________till next week.(2011·巢湖模拟)‎ A.put off B.be put off C.is to put off D.should put off ‎13.Comfortable and safe,these attractive shoes can be worn to any event.‎ 译文:________________________________________________________________________‎ 句式提取:Comfortable and safe,...‎ 归纳拓展 comfortable and safe是形容词在句中作状语,表示原因。‎ ‎(1)形容词或形容词短语可在句中作状语,表示原因、时间、条件或方式、伴随等,还可作整个句子的状语,对句子的内容作出评价。形容词作状语时往往与句子之间用逗号隔开。‎ ‎(2)形容词置于句首常作原因状语。‎ ‎(3)形容词置于句子的后部常作伴随状语,表示意义上的增补,和句子的主语有逻辑上的主谓关系。‎ 注意:形容词作状语时,不表达动词的方式,往往与句子隔开。‎ After the long journey, the three of them went back home, hungry and tired.‎ 长途旅行后他们三人回家了,又累又饿。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)________________________________,Jenny went to buy a big pile of Chinese textbooks.‎ 简妮渴望学习汉语,于是买来很多汉语课本。‎ ‎(2)The survivors lay on the beach,________________________.‎ 幸存者们躺在海滩上,疲惫而震惊。‎ ‎(3)________ fine equipment,three Chinese astronauts in Shenzhou Ⅶ came back,________.‎ A.Having owned up;soundly and safely B.Having made up of;safety and sound C.Armed with;safe and sound D.Being concentrated on;safe and sound ‎(4)He arrived at the station,________,only to find that the last train had just left.(2010·六安月考)‎ A.exhausted B.worried C.astonished D.disappointed ‎14.Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free.查尔斯·格雷决定退出富人圈,他发现只有少量的钱财才可以使人自由。‎ 句式提取:主语+make+宾语+宾语补足语 归纳拓展 make的意思是“使……如何”,在此结构中可用作宾补的有名词、代词、形容词、不带to的动词不定式、过去分词、介词短语等。make变为被动语态时,不定式作主语的补足语要带to。‎ ‎(1)European football is played in 80 countries,making it the most popular sport in the world.有80个国家踢欧式足球,这使它成为世界上最受欢迎的运动。‎ ‎(2)We were made to work for the boss 16 hours a day.老板让我们一天为他工作16个小时。‎ ‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)It is difficult to ________________________ in English.‎ 我很难用英语把自己的想法表达清楚。‎ ‎(2)He had to speak in a loud voice in order to make himself________. (2011·淮南月考)‎ A.hear B.hearing C.heard D.to be heard ‎(3)The question is too difficult and we found________.‎ A.it not easy to answer it B.it was not easy for us to answer it C.it’s not easy to answer D.it not easy to answer 答案 Book 4 Unit 10 Money 课堂活动区 ‎1.determined determination 活学活用 ‎(1)①made up ②determined ③decision he had made ④decide/determine ⑤determination ‎(2)B [“决定上大学”,过去分词短语作状语。因此处应是表状态,不宜用A或D项。]‎ ‎2.awareness 活学活用 ‎(1)conscious aware be aware of,be conscious of 二者都可以表示“意识到”,用法区别如下:‎ ‎(1)be aware of表示感官上的一种知觉。‎ ‎(2)be conscious of表示内心所意识到的感觉。‎ ‎(2)A [所填的部分应该是形容词作宾语补足语。aware of明白;意识到;worried about为……担心;familiar with对……熟悉;accustomed to习惯于……。根据句意,只有A项符合要求。]‎ ‎3.活学活用 ‎(1)bargaining with ‎(2)B [由句意“你真的买了一件便宜货”可知。]‎ ‎4.concerned concerning 活学活用 ‎(1)①is concerned about/for ②be concerned with/concern ③As far as he is concerned ‎(2)B [句意为:迈克在远离家乡的地方工作,他很挂念父母。be concerned about关心,挂念;be concerned with关于。]‎ ‎5.annoyed annoying 活学活用 ‎(1)annoyed at/about (2)was annoyed with ‎(3)B [句意为:他总是打断别人的谈话,这是一个令人烦恼的习惯。因此选B项。annoying令人烦恼的。]‎ ‎6.活学活用 ‎(1)appeal to ‎(2)B [由句意“它将只吸引有限的人”可知,此处应填“吸引”,故选B。]‎ ‎7.advanced 活学活用 ‎(1)①advanced ②in advance ③fall behind ‎(2)ahead of in advance in advance,ahead of ‎(1)in advance预先,事先。‎ ‎(2)ahead of(指位置)在……的前面;(指时间)在……之前;比……有优势,领先于……。‎ ‎(3)C [此处句意为“提前研究马……”。故选C。]‎ ‎8.活学活用 ‎(1)replace them with ‎(2)A [句意为:当你读完这本书时,请把它放回书架。replace放回原处,符合句意。]‎ ‎9.活学活用 ‎(1)drop behind ‎(2)C [drop in on sb.为固定搭配,“顺便走访某人”。]‎ ‎10.活学活用 ‎(1)bored with/tired of ‎(2)B [由下句“我们听流行音乐吧”可知,应是“厌烦听古典音乐”,故选B项。]‎ ‎11.活学活用 ‎(1)①instead ②instead of instead of,instead ‎(1)instead of表示“代替;而不是”‎ 的意思时,后可接名词、代词、动名词、形容词、副词、介词、介词短语,表示否定后者。‎ ‎(2)instead adv.意思是“代替;而不是,而是;相反”,在句中作状语,可位于句首,也可位于句末,用以否定前文。‎ ‎(2)C [instead放在句首,表示“相反地”。]‎ ‎12.活学活用 ‎(1)put off (2)B ‎13.又舒适又安全,这些迷人的鞋子可以被穿着从事任何活动。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)Eager to learn Chinese (2)exhausted and shocked ‎(3)C [句意为:配备着良好的设备,神州七号的中国宇航员安然无恙地回来了。第一空为过去分词短语作状语;第二空为形容词短语作状语。]‎ ‎(4)A [句意为:他筋疲力尽地到达车站,结果发现最后一班火车刚刚离开。exhausted形容词作状语,“筋疲力尽的”。]‎ ‎14.查尔斯·格雷决定退出富人圈,他发现只有少量的钱财才可以使人自由。‎ 活学活用 ‎(1)make myself understood ‎(2)C [由句意可知,此处应是“使他自己被听到”。make+宾语+过去分词。]‎ ‎(3)D [此题属“find+宾语+形容词”结构。A和B应去掉第二个it;C应用过去时。]‎ ‎     Book 4   Unit 10 Money Ⅰ.语境填词 ‎1.Some people are ________(贪婪的) for money.They try to get it so ________(贪婪地) that sometimes their ________(贪婪) makes others suffer a lot.‎ ‎2.Don’t speak ________(粗鲁地) to your parents and try not to be ________(粗鲁的) to anyone.‎ ‎3.Some ________(烦人的) flies kept ________(使人厌烦) me and I felt ________(烦恼的) very much.‎ ‎4.What ________(使人困惑) me is why the story has such a ________(令人困惑的) ending.‎ ‎5.The girl lost her ________(平衡) and fell off the ________ beam(平衡木).‎ Ⅱ.选词填空 ‎1.He’s always been kind to me.I can’t just ____________________________ him when he needs help.‎ ‎2.Because his scandal was brought to light, he had to ________________________ the presidential race.‎ ‎3.He’s in his midfifties, fiftysix ________________________.‎ ‎4.It is said that the headmaster will ________________________ the prizes to the sportsmen.‎ ‎5.She can always ________________ some new reason for not doing anything unpleasant.‎ Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1.我们两个出去散散步怎么样?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.鱼生活在有水的地方。‎ Fish live in the place ________________________.‎ ‎3.应该为这件事负责的是汤姆而不是你。‎ It is Tom rather than you ______________________ the matter.‎ ‎4.我的英语和你的一样不好。‎ My English ________________________ yours.‎ ‎5.恐怕你会发现他远远不能令人满意。‎ I’m afraid you will find him ________________.‎ Ⅳ.单项填空 ‎1.Computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed making our life________and more________, have reduced the need for facetoface communications. (江西高考)‎ A.easily;efficient B.easier;efficient C.easy;efficiently D.easily;efficiently ‎2.What a wonder! They’ve finished________half of the project in such a short time.‎ A.no more than B.no less than C.not more than D.less than ‎3.I will put the book________you placed it and make a mark at the place________I put it.‎ A.where;where B.at which;at which C.where;which D.at which;where ‎4. It was him________we met at the school gate.Which is wrong?‎ A.that B.who C.whom D.which ‎5.—Tom, how about going for a picnic this weekend?‎ ‎—________.I love getting close to nature.‎ A.I’m afraid not B.I couldn’t agree more C.It’s well done D.I don’t think so ‎6.Some people maintain that watching violence on TV is one of the major causes ‎ of________behavior and crime in society. (上海春季高考)‎ A.childish B.artificial C.aggressive D.heroic ‎7.________to give up smoking, he threw away his________cigarettes.‎ A.Determined;remained B.Determined;remaining C.Determining;remained D.Determining;remaining ‎8.To her surprise and________,Lisa found that the others had gone without her.‎ A.annoyance B.amusement C.determination D.relief ‎9.I think it would be a good idea to have comments________secretaries and typists who have already used it.‎ A.to B.about C.from D.in ‎10.I was annoyed________him because he kept interrupting.‎ A.at B.with C.in D.for ‎11.The boy________his father’s offer of help, for he was trying to be independent.‎ A.turned down B.turned away C.turned off D.turned up ‎12.The hotel was awful!________,our room was far too small.Then we found that the shower didn’t work.‎ A.To start with B.After all C.In reality D.As a whole ‎13.If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him ________during the day.(江西高考)‎ A.away B.up C.in D.back ‎14.Attendances at football matches have________ since the coming of television.(2010·安庆质检)‎ A.dropped in B.dropped back C.dropped off D.dropped out ‎15.—What’s the matter with you?‎ ‎—After the long walk, my legs________and I couldn’t go any further.‎ A.gave out B.gave off C.gave in D.gave up Ⅴ.完形填空 In my dual(双重的) profession __1__ an educator and health care provider,I have worked with many children infected with HIV. They have taught me so many things,but I have especially learned that great __2__ can be found in the smallest individuals. Let me tell you something about Tyler.‎ Tyler was __3__ infected with HIV; his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life,he was dependent on medications to __4__ him to survive. When he was five,he had a tube inserted in a vein(静脉) in his chest. At times,he also needed extra oxygen to support his __5__.‎ Tyler wasn’t __6__ to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not __7__ to find him playing and racing around his backyard,wearing his medicineloaded backpack and __8__ his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon(小手推车). All of us who knew Tyler were impressed by his pure __9__ in being alive and the energy it gave him. Tyler’s mom often __10__ him by telling him that he moved so __11__ she needed to dress him in red. That way,when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard,she could quickly __12__ him.‎ This deadly disease eventually __13__ down Tyler. He grew quite ill and,unfortunately,__14__ did his HIVinfected mother. When it became __15__ that he wasn’t going to survive,Tyler’s mom talked to him about __16__. She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too,and that she would be with him soon in heaven.‎ A few days before his death,Tyler __17__ to me to come to his hospital bed and __18__,“I might die soon. I’m not __19__. When I die,please dress me in __20__. Mom promised she’s coming to heaven,too. I’m be playing when she gets there,and I want to make sure she can find me.” (2011·六安模拟)‎ ‎1.A.in B.for C.as D.on ‎2.A.pleasure B.pain ‎ C.sorrow D.courage ‎ ‎3.A.seriously B.born ‎ C.unlucky D.disappointingly ‎ ‎4.A.cause B.enable C.make D.lead ‎5.A.breathing B.living ‎ C.running D.walking ‎ ‎6.A.happy B.willing ‎ C.daring D.discouraged ‎ ‎7.A.common B.unusual ‎ C.surprised D.ordinary ‎ ‎8.A.dragging B.carrying ‎ C.pushing D.taking ‎ ‎9.A.character B.joy ‎ C.moment D.excitement ‎ ‎10.A.comforted B.scolded ‎ C.teased D.praised ‎ ‎11.A.slowly B.happily ‎ C.quickly D.fast ‎ ‎12.A.know B.spot ‎ C.stop D.observe ‎ ‎13.A.tore B.broke ‎ C.wore D.kicked ‎ ‎14.A.neither B.so C.such D.nor ‎15.A.apparent B.hopeless ‎ C.sure D.terrible ‎ ‎16.A.life B.dream ‎ C.future D.death ‎ ‎17.A.waved B.said ‎ C.signed D.explained ‎ ‎18.A.whispered B.shouted ‎ C.cried D.spoke ‎ ‎19.A.excited B.surprised ‎ C.scared D.happy ‎ ‎20.A.red B.white ‎ C.bright D.beauty ‎ Ⅵ.阅读理解 A Two years ago,the Funk family of suburban Chicago adopted a Chinese baby girl who had been abandoned on a sidewalk near a textile factory in Yangzhou.‎ Last year,the Ramirez family of suburban Miami adopted a girl who had been abandoned a week later on the same spot.‎ Both families named their daughters Mia. It turns out,a first name and Chinese heritage aren’t the only things the threeyearolds have in common. The girls’ mothers—Holly Funk and Diana Ramirez—met on a website for parents who had gone through international adoptions. After a lot of emails comparing photographs and biographical details,DNA testing proved the families’ suspicions: The girls are probably fraternal twins.‎ ‎“I was in shock,” said Ramirez,who lives with her husband Carlos in Pembroke Pines,Florida.“Well,now this is for real.”‎ The Internet and Web groups revolving around international orphanages are increasingly being used to link adopted children with biological kin(亲属). The site that Funks and Ramirezes used has a membership of 137 people,with 15 sets of twins and 7 sets of siblings whose relationships have been confirmed.‎ At a reunion at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport,Mia Diamond Funk and Mia Hanying Ramirez shyly surveyed each other,and then reached for each other’s hand.‎ DNA tests establish an 85 percent probability that the girls are at least halfsisters. Scientists do not have a biological parent to test and reach a greater certainty,but given their ages and physical similarities,experts say it is likely they are fraternal twins.‎ Douglas and Holly Funk hope to bring their Mia to Miami in October. Both sets of parents say they are committed to staying in touch and often let the two sisters talk to each other on the phone. (2011·商丘调研)‎ ‎1.Both the adopted girls shared a first name ________.‎ A.because they both came from China B.because of their physical similarities C.because their US parents suspected they were twins D.for no good reason ‎2.Why did the girls’ mothers meet on the Internet?‎ A.To compare photographs of the two girls.‎ B.To find the girls’ biological kin.‎ C.To test their suspicions.‎ D.To know how to adopt children.‎ ‎3.Experts are still not 100 percent sure that the two girls are fraternal twins because ________.‎ A.DNA tests are still not accurate enough B.the two girls were born in two different families C.the DNA of a biological parent is still missing D.one girl was born a week later than the other ‎4.What Ramirez said in Paragraph 4 suggests that she ________.‎ A.didn’t believe what had happened B.was surprised at what had happened C.didn’t want to accept the fact D.was pleased with what they had done ‎5.What would be the best title for the passage?‎ A.Adopted sisters are reunited B.Adopted sisters live happily in the US C.Suspicion turned into reality D.The stories of two families B The earth,moon,sun and all visible stars in the sky make up less than one percent of the universe. Almost all the rest is dark matter and dark energy,unknown forces that puzzle astronomers.‎ Observations in recent years have changed the basic understanding of how the universe evolved and have indicated how little is known about the major forces and substances that shaped our world.‎ Astronomers now know that luminous(发光的) matter—stars,planets and hot gas... accounts for only about 0.4 percent of the universe. Nonluminous components,such as black holes and intergalactic(星系间的) gas,make up 3.6 percent. The rest is dark matter,about 23 percent,and dark energy,about 73 percent.‎ Dark matter,sometimes called “cold dark matter”,has been known for some time. Only recently have researchers come to understand the key role it played in the formation of stars,planets and even people.‎ ‎“We owe our very existence to dark matter,” said physicist Paul Steinhardt. “Dark matter dominated the structure formation in the early universe,” Steinhardt said. “For the first few billion years dark matter contained most of the mass of the universe. You can think of ordinary matter as a froth(泡沫状物) of an ocean of dark matter. The dark matter dumps and the ordinary matter falls into it. That led to the formation of the stars and galaxies(星系). Without dark matter,there would be virtually no structure in the universe.”‎ The nature of dark matter is unknown. It cannot be seen or detected directly. Astronomers know it is there because of its effects on celestial(天上的) objects that can be seen and measured. But the most dominating force of all in the universe is called dark energy, a recently proven power that astronomers say is causing the galaxies in the universe to separate at a faster and faster speed.‎ ‎6.We know from the text that ________.‎ A.all visible stars are very important in the universe B.the basic understanding of the universe evolution was totally wrong C.dark matter is also known as dark energy D.dark energy makes up about three quarters of the universe ‎7.The text tells us “dark matter” ________.‎ A.plays an important part in forming stars,planets and humans B.has been fully understood by researchers C.remains an unimportant force to the universe like dark energy D.has nothing to do with the formation of the universe today ‎8.“The major forces and substances that shaped our world” (in Para. 2) refers to ________.‎ A.luminous matter B.nonluminous matter C.dark matter D.ordinary matter ‎9.According to Paul Steinhardt,our existence today ________.‎ A.depends mainly on dark matter B.has something to do with ordinary matter C.results from the formation of celestial objects D.evolves from the mass of the universe ‎10.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?‎ A.Dark Matter or Dark Energy B.The Formation of the Universe C.Dark Forces Dominate the Universe D.Unknown Forces Puzzle Astronomers 答案 课外练习区 Ⅰ.1.greedy greedily greed 2.rudely rude 3.annoying annoying annoyed 4.puzzles puzzling 5.balance balance Ⅱ.1.turn my back on 2.drop out of 3.to be exact ‎4.give away 5.dream up Ⅲ.1.What/How about the two of us going out for a walk?‎ ‎2.where there is water 3.who is responsible for 4.is no better than 5.very unsatisfying Ⅳ.‎ ‎1.B [“make+life+形容词”, 而且后面为比较级, 所以两个空应同为形容词同为比较级。]‎ ‎2.B [句意为:真是奇迹!在这么短的时间里他们就完成了多达一半的工程。no more than仅仅,和……一样少;no less than不少于,多达;not more than至多,不超过;less than少于;比……少得多。由句意可知,B项正确。]‎ ‎3.A [句意为:我会把书放在你原先放的地方,并在放书的地方做一个标记。第一个空是由where引导的地点状语从句;第二个空是由where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词place,where也可改为at which。本题将定语从句和地点状语从句结合起来考查,增加了试题的难度。判断where引导的是定语从句还是地点状语从句,关键是看where前面有没有表示地点之类的名词作先行词,如有就是定语从句,反之就是地点状语从句。]‎ ‎4.D [在It is...that...强调句型中,强调人时,that可用who, whom (只能用于强调宾语)代替。]‎ ‎5.B [I couldn’t agree more表示我完全同意,符合语境。句意为:——汤姆,这周末出去野餐怎么样?——完全同意。我喜欢接近大自然。]‎ ‎6.C [句意为:很多人坚持认为荧屏暴力是社会上犯罪和攻击性行为的主要原因之一。childish孩子气的,幼稚的;artificial人工的;假的;aggressive攻击的,挑衅的,好斗的;heroic英勇的,英雄的。根据句意,C项正确。]‎ ‎7.B [短语be determined to do sth.的逻辑主语是句子的主语,所以可以直接用形容词短语determined to do作状语;remaining adj.剩下的,剩余的,通常作前置定语。]‎ ‎8.A [句意为:让丽萨吃惊而又恼怒的是,她发现其他人不等她就走了。to one’s annoyance 让人恼怒的是;to one’s amusement 让人开心、好笑的是;to one’s relief 让人欣慰的是;determination不构成该结构。根据句意,A项正确。]‎ ‎9.C [句意为:秘书和打字员已经使用过它了,搜集他们的评论是个不错的主意。此处from表示来源。]‎ ‎10.B [be annoyed with sb.at sth.因某事对某人生气。]‎ ‎11.A [句意为:由于这个男孩想尽量自立,所以他拒绝了父亲的帮助。turn down拒绝,符合句意。turn away撵走,把……打发走;turn off关掉;turn up出现;到达。]‎ ‎12.A [句意为:这家宾馆太糟糕了!首先,房间太小。其次,淋浴器也坏了。to start/begin with首先;after all毕竟;in reality实际上;as a whole总体说来。做好本题,要把信息词then与to start with对应起来。]‎ ‎13.A [句意为:如果一个人没有睡够觉的话,那么在白天他的行为就会表露出来。give away赠送;泄露;表露;give up放弃;give in屈服;让步;give back返还;归还。]‎ ‎14.C ‎15.A [句意为:——你怎么啦?——走了这么长的路,我的腿没力气了,我再也不能走了。give out筋疲力尽;give off发出,放出(气味、热、光等);give in 屈服,让步;give up 放弃。根据句意A项正确。]‎ Ⅴ.内容解读 这是一个感人的故事:一个感染了HIV病毒的孩子Tyler,面对残酷的人生结局——死亡,他仍然非常乐观,对生活充满着美好的向往。‎ ‎1.C [由第1空后面的an educator and health care provider可知,前面缺少表示“作为”的介词来连接后面的双重职业身份,因此用as。 ]‎ ‎2.D [从下文可知,“我”特别了解到了Tyler这个弱小的家伙身上有着巨大的勇气(courage)。pleasure快乐;pain痛苦;sorrow悲伤,都不符合语意。]‎ ‎3.B [be born infected with HIV表示“出生时携带HIV”,从后半句his mother was also infected和后一句可以推知答案选B。]‎ ‎4.B [从上文提示可知,他依赖药物治疗,这使他能(enable)活下去。cause引起;make使得,应该用make sb. do sth.结构;lead导致,应该用lead to sth.。]‎ ‎5.A [从该句中的oxygen(氧气)可知,他需要额外的氧气来支持他的呼吸(breathing),其他选项不符合语境。]‎ ‎6.B [根据下文语意可知,Tyler不愿意放弃他童年的快乐时光,此处语意表示他的心理状态,用be not willing to不乐意,不愿意,符合语境。]‎ ‎7.B [所以“我们”经常(not unusual)可以看出Tyler背着装满药物的背包,后面小车中拖着(drag)氧气瓶,在后院玩耍、跑步。]‎ ‎8.A [参见7题解析。从常识可知,车在后面,应该是拖着(drag),而不是carry“携带”;push推;take带走。]‎ ‎9.B [从上下文可知,“我们”都对Tyler的那种努力活下去的纯真快乐(joy)印象深刻。character性格;moment时刻;excitement兴奋。]‎ ‎10.C [从常识判断,他母亲也是苦中作乐,常取笑(tease)他,告诉他跑得太快(fast)了,以致于他需要穿红色衣服,以便她透过窗户看他的时候能够很快发现(spot)他。comfort安慰;scold指责;praise表扬,都与语境不符。]‎ ‎11.D [参见10题解析。slowly和happily不符合语境,quickly强调动作迅速、敏捷,而fast则强调速度快,故D项符合语境。]‎ ‎12.B [参见10题解析。spot在这里表示“发现,看见”。]‎ ‎13.C [从上下文可知,这致命的病最终消耗了Tyler的生命。wear down(使)消耗,损耗;tear down拆毁,拆卸;break down作“垮掉”讲时应表达为Tyler’s health broke down; kick down踢倒。]‎ ‎14.B [此处是so引起的倒装结构,表示“他感染了HIV的母亲也如此”,所以选B项。]‎ ‎15.A [apparent明显的,显然的;hopeless无望的;sure跟从句时不能是it作主语;terrible可怕的,糟糕的。语境表示“很明显Tyler活不了了”,所以选A项。]‎ ‎16.D [他母亲跟他聊起了死亡(death)的话题。由后面一句可知答案选D项。]‎ ‎17.C [他死前几天示意(sign)“我”到他病床边。wave招手,挥手,一般不跟不定式。]‎ ‎18.A [由常识判断,他濒临死亡,肯定很虚弱,只能轻轻地对“我”说(whisper)。B、C两项不符合语境,D项后面通常不跟直接引语。]‎ ‎19.C [Tyler说他不害怕(scared)死亡,但他死后,要给他穿红色(red)衣服,这样在天堂他母亲就能很容易地认出他来。根据语境选C项。]‎ ‎20.A [文中11空后有提示。解析参考19题。]‎ Ⅵ.语篇定位 本文是一篇逸闻趣事类文章。两位美国母亲从中国收养了两个女孩。两位母亲通过在网上比较两个女孩的照片发现,她们长得很像,然后进行DNA检验,结果证明,这两个孩子很可能是双胞胎。‎ 长难句分析 Both sets of parents say they are committed to staying in touch and often let the two sisters talk to each other on the phone.‎ be committed to doing sth.表示“承诺干某事”。句意为:双方父母都说他们准备保持联系,经常让两个姐妹通过电话通话。‎ ‎1.D [推理判断题。两位母亲都给女儿取了Mia这个名字,后来在网上交流时才发现两个女孩长得很像,因此断定两个母亲取名时是无意的,仅是一种巧合。]‎ ‎2.B [细节理解题。从文章第五段中的“The Internet and Web groups revolving around international orphanages are increasingly being used to link adopted children with biological kin(亲属).”可知答案。]‎ ‎3.C [细节理解题。文章倒数第二段说科学家还没有女孩亲生父亲或母亲的DNA,因此不能作出确切的判断。]‎ ‎4.B [细节理解题。从第四段Ramirez所说的话可以看出她非常吃惊,但还是相信眼前发生的一切。]‎ ‎5.A [标题归纳题。这两个姐妹分别被两个家庭收养,最终得以团聚。A项最能体现本文的中心。]‎ 语篇定位 地球、月亮、太阳和肉眼可见的星体还占不到宇宙的1%。而约96%都是暗物质和暗能量。这使天文学家感到困惑。近年来的观察改变了人们对宇宙演变历史的认识,同时也说明了人们对塑造宇宙的那些物质和作用力知之甚少。‎ ‎6.D [细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句中的“dark energy,about 73 percent”可知,正确答案为D项。原文中的account for与make up同义,表示“占(比例)”。]‎ ‎7.A [细节理解题。通读全文可知,近年来的观察改变了天文学家对于宇宙演变历史的认识,也就是直到最近天文学家才认识到:dark matter(暗物质) 又称为“cold dark matter”,在宇宙早期结构形成的过程中起主导作用。其他选项的陈述都与原文不一致。]‎ ‎8.C [推理判断题。根据第五段第二句话可知,暗物质(dark matter) 在宇宙早期结构形成的过程中起着支配的作用。]‎ ‎9.A [细节推断题。第五段第一句话告诉我们,我们今天的存在应归功于暗物质,即暗物质决定了我们的存在。]‎ ‎10.C [标题归纳题。全文的内容可以概括为:科学家最近认识到暗物质被证明是存在的一种能量,这种能量正影响着整个宇宙的构成,并主宰着宇宙。]‎ ‎  ‎

