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2018 届二轮复习 构词法 —— 词 类 转 换 真题再练 1. (2017 全国 Ⅰ 卷 ·69) However, be _________ (care) not to go to extremes. 作表语要用形容词,意为 : “小心”别走极端。 2. (2017 全国 Ⅱ 卷 ·66) ...and it must have been _______(fair) unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise. 修饰形容词 unpleasant ,表示“相当地” , 用副词 fairly 。 careful fairly 3. (2017 全国 Ⅱ 卷 ·69) This development was only possible with the ____________(introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts. 作介词的宾语要用名词或者在冠词 the 后要名词,表示“采用,引入”,故填 introduction 。 introduction 4. (2017 全国 Ⅱ 卷 ·70) The Central London Railway was one of the most _________ (success) of these new lines, and was opened in 1900. 因 the most successful 为形容词的最高级。 successful 5. (2017 全国 Ⅲ 卷 ·66)She is determined to carry on with her ___________(educate). 作介词的宾语或在形容词性物主代词后,要用名词。 6. (2017 全国 Ⅲ 卷 ·70)It is _________(certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. 修饰动词 is 用副词,意为:这“当然是”有趣的事。 education certainly 7. (2016 全国 Ⅰ 卷 ·61) Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia’s biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top _________ (attract). 在“形容词性物主代词 (its)+ 形容词 (top)” 后应填名词, attraction 指“吸引人的事物”。 attraction 8. (2016 全国 Ⅰ 卷 ·63) From tomorrow, I will be their UK ambassador. The title will be _________ (official) given to me at a ceremony in London. 修饰动词用副词,表示“正式地”。 officially 9. (2016 全国 Ⅲ 卷 ·62)Then, handle the most important tasks first so you’ll feel a real sense of ____________ (achieve). 在介词后作宾语要用名词,表示“成就”。 achievement 10. (2016 全国 Ⅲ 卷 ·66)Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which _________(gradual) turned into chopsticks. 修饰动词 turned 用副词,表示“逐渐地”。 gradually 12. (2016 全国 Ⅲ 卷 ·68)Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius influenced the ______________ (develop) of chopsticks. 在冠词 the 与介词 of 之间,应填名词,表示“筷子的发展”。 development 11. (2016 全国 Ⅲ 卷 ·67)Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks _________ (regular). 修饰谓语动词用副词,表示“经常地”。 regularly 13.(2015 卷 I·69) And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia. Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it __________ (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people living in Shanghai and Hong Kong. regularly 修饰动词 arranges 作状语,用副词。 14.(2015 卷 II·63) In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ______ (able) to “air condition” a house without using electric equipment. 在形容词性物主代词后必定用名词。 ability 15. (2015 卷 II·65) Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat _______ (slow) during cool nights, thus warming the house. 修饰谓语动词 give out ,表示“慢慢地散热” , 用副词 slowly 。 slowly 16.(2015 卷 II·69) As ________ (nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly how thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days. 在名词前作定语要用形容词。 natural 17.(2014 卷 I·62) The river was so polluted that it ________ (actual) caught fire and burned. 修饰谓语动词 caught ,用副词作状语,表示“居然”。 18.(2014 卷 I·70) Just be _______ (patience). 在系动词 be 后作表语,要用形容词。 actually patient 19. (2014 卷 II·50) Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers _______ (sudden) became friendly to one another. 修饰动词 became ,作状语,用副词。 suddenly 思路点拨 当空格处所需词类与括号中所给词的词类不同时 , 就需要词类转换。这类题一般可根据以下五点顺利解决: 1. 作主语或宾语用名词形式。 如: But Jane knew from past experience that her ______ (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father. 解析: 在 that 引导的宾语从句中作主语应当用名词,或者说,在形容词性物主代词 her 后还没有名词,一定是用名词形式,故填 choice 。 choice 2. 在形容词性物主代词、冠词 (+ 形容词 ) 、不定代词 (some, any, a lot of 等 ) 、介词后还没有名词时,就用名词形式。如[真题再练]第 3 、 5 、 7 、 9 、 12 、 14 题。 3. 作定语、表语或补足语用形容词形式。如[真题再练]第 1 、 4 、 16 、 18 题,分别是作定语和表语。又如: I consider it _______(use) for us to use English-English dictionary. 解析: 句中 it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式,所给词在句中作宾补,要用形容词,表示 “有益的,有用的”,故填 useful 。 useful 4. 作状语,修饰动词、形容词或另一副词,或放在句首修饰全句,用副词。如[真题再练]第 2 、 6 、 8 、 10 、 11 、 13 、 15 、 17 、 19 题都是修饰动词、形容词或另一副词等。又如: ________(lucky), he had a cow which produced milk every day. (2015 广东卷 ) 解析: 空格位于句首,且有逗号隔开,可知是修饰全句,用副词作状语;“有一头每天都产牛奶的母牛”应当是“幸运地”,故填 Luckily 。 Luckily 5. 当所给词的词性与空格处所需词的词性相同时,无需改变词性,而可能是只改变词义但不改变词性的前缀或后缀,也可能用其比较级或最高级。如: In Alaska, the wolf almost ____________ (appear) a few years ago, because hunters were killing hundreds of them for sport. 解析: 主句缺谓语 , 应填动词,而 appear 本身就是动词,无需作词性变化,可考虑变词义;由 because 从句可知,主句意思应是“狼在几年前就差不多消失了”,要用 disappear ;再由 a few years ago 可知,要用一般过去时,故填 disappeared 。 disappeared 注意: 解题时,既要根据句子结构需要确定词类,又要考虑句意连贯或逻辑通顺。如: He failed his maths examination because of his ________ (care) work. 解析: 在名词前作定语,要用形容词;由 failed… 可知,要填表示否定意义的“ careless” ( 粗心大意的 ) ,意义才通顺。 careless 考点归纳 在高考全国卷中出现的考纲词的派生词是不算生词的,也不用汉语注明,因此,掌握基本的构词法知识非常重要。 从近四年全国卷的语法填空来看,词类转换主要考查了以下 3 点: (1) 形容词→副词。如[真题再练]的第 2 、 6 、 8 、 10 、 11 、 13 、 15 、 17 、 19 九个小题。 (2) 动词→名词。如[真题再练]的第 3, 5, 7, 9,12 题。 (3) 名词→形容词。如[真题再练]的第 1 、 4 、 16 、 18 题。 但从历年的全国卷来看,除上述考点外,还考了或可能考: (1) 形容词→名词: able→ ability ; (2) 动词→副词: surprise→ surprisingly 。 现将主要考点归纳如下: 1. 形容词与副词的转换 规律 总结 请写出下列形容词的副词形式 1 一般直接加 ly quick→________ ; rude→ ________ ; wide→ _______ ; real→ _______ ; fair→ _______; certain→ _________; careful→ _________; final→ _______; polite→ ________; high→ ________; official→ _________; regular→ _________; actual→ _________; slow→ _______; sudden→ _________ quickly rudely really widely carefully finally fairly certainly politely highly officially regularly actually slowly suddenly 规律 总结 请写出下列形容词的副词形式 2 辅音字母 + y → ily easy→________; angry→________; happy→________; heavy→_______; steady→ _________ ; busy→ ________; lucky→_________; 但 shy→________ easily angrily happily heavily busily shyly luckily steadily 规律 总结 请写出下列形容词的副词形式 3 -ble →-bly, -tle →-tly, -ple →-ply possible→___________ ; probable→___________ ; terrible→_________ ; noble→_______; comfortable→______________; reliable→_________ ; gentle→________; ample→_________; simple→_________ possibly probably terribly nobly comfortably reliably gently amply simply 规律总结 请写出下列形容词的副词形式 4 ( 个别 ) 去 e 加 ly true→ _____ ; due→ __________ whole→_________ 5 ic 结尾加 ally basic→__________; classic→__________; magic→__________; optimistic→____________; scientific →____________; energetic→____________; 但 public →__________ basically classically magically optimistically scientifically publicly wholly truly duly ( 按时地 ) energetically 规律总结 请写出下列形容词的副词形式 6 6 以 -ll 结尾加 y full→______ ( 完全地 ) ; dull→_______ ( 迟钝地 ) fully dully 规律总结 请写出下列名词的形容词形式或形容词的名词形式 1 +al/ 去 e, +al music→ musical; person→________; nation→________; tradition→ _________; centre→_______; practice→________ globe→ _______; origin→_________ 2 -ture→ -tural nature→ natural; culture→________; agriculture→____________; architecture→____________ 2. 名词与形容词的转换 architectural personal national central practical cultural agricultural traditional global original 规律总结 请写出下列名词的形容词形式或形容词的名词形式 3 -ics→ -ical politics→ political; physics→_________; mathematics→_____________; statistics →___________ 4 +ern east→ eastern; west→_________; south→_____________; north→_________; southwest→_________ physical mathematical statistical western southwestern northern southern 规律总结 请写出下列名词的形容词形式或形容词的名词形式 5 +ible access→ accessible; 注意 horror→__________; terror→__________ 6 +ful care→___________; success→ successful; power→__________; peace→__________; fruit→ _________; 注意 mercy→__________; beauty→__________ horrible terrible merciful peaceful beautiful powerful careful fruitful 规律总结 请写出下列名词的形容词形式或形容词的名词形式 7 +ish fool→ foolish; self→________; child→________ 8 +ous danger→ dangerous; humor→__________ 注意 anxiety→________; ambition→__________; curiosity→________; selfish childish anxious ambitious curious humorous 规律总结 请写出下列名词的形容词形式或形容词的名词形式 9 -ance→ -ant importance→ important; significance→___________; patience→ ________ ; distance →________ 10 -ence→ -ent absence→ absent; silence→_______; difference→__________; convenience→__________ significant distant silent different convenient patient 规律总结 请写出下列名词的形容词形式或形容词的名词形式 11 -ency→ -ent fluency→ fluent; efficiency→________; emergency→________; urgency→________ 12 +ly friend→ friendly; time→ ________; man→ ________; mother→ ________ ; 注意 day→ ________ efficient emergent urgent daily timely manly motherly 规律总结 请写出下列名词的形容词形式或形容词的名词形式 13 -ble→ -bility able→ ability; responsible→______________; possible→___________; flexible→___________ 14 +y; 去 e , +y; 双写, +y health→ healthy; sleep→___________; difficult→___________; noise→___________; sun→___________ responsibility possibility flexibility sleepy difficulty noisy sunny 规律总结 请写出下列名词的形容词形式或形容词的名词形式 15 adj . + ness→ n . weak→ weakness; kind→__________; ill→__________; sad→__________; 注意 happy→__________ 16 adj. +th → n . warm→__________; 注意 strong→ strength; long→__________; wide→__________; true→__________ kindness sadness happiness length width warmth truth illness 规律总结 请写出下列名词的形容词形式或形容词的名词形式 17 -ate → -acy accurate→ accuracy; private→_________; adequate→_________ 18 其他各类 free→ freedom; wise→________; cruel→________; safe→________; tire→________; trouble→__________; history→__________; science→________; brave→________; short→________ privacy adequacy troublesome cruelty safety tiresome historic(al) scientific bravery shortage wisdom 3. 动词与名词的转换 规律总结 请写出下列动词的名词形式 1 +ation expect→ expectation; present→_____________; 注意 explain→_____________ 2 去 e , +ation invite→ invitation; examine→_____________; prepare→_____________; 注意 pronounce→_______________ presentation explanation examination preparation pronunciation 规律总结 请写出下列动词的名词形式 3 去 e , + tion produce→ production; introduce→ _____________ ; 注意 describe→ ___________ 4 去 e , +ion devote→ devotion; pollute→ ____________; contribute→ ____________; revise→ __________ educate → ____________ ; introduction description pollution contribution revision education 规律总结 请写出下列动词的名词形式 5 +ion act→ action; attract→__________; protect→__________; suggest→__________ ; 注意 intend→__________ discuss→ __________; express→__________; possess→__________; impress →__________ attraction protection suggestion intention discussion expression possession impression 规律总结 请写出下列动词的名词形式 6 去 t/d/de , + (s)sion admit→ admission; permit→___________; extend→__________; conclude→____________; divide→__________ 7 +ance ;去 e , +ance appear→ appearance; perform→_____________; acquaint→_____________; guide→__________ permission extension conclusion division performance acquaintance guidance 规律总结 请写出下列动词的名词形式 8 +ence exist→ existence; prefer→____________; refer→____________; differ→____________; depend→____________ 9 +ment; 去 e, +ment achieve→ achievement; agree→ ____________; announce→______________; develop→________________; encourage→____________ encouragement development agreement dependence difference reference preference announcement 规律总结 请写出下列动词的名词形式 10 去 e , +al arrive→ arrival; approve→ ___________; survive→ ___________; refuse→ ___________ 11 +ure fail→ failure; press→___________; depart→ ___________; mix→ ___________ approval survival refusal pressure departure mixture 规律总结 请写出下列动词的名词形式 12 +y recover→ recovery; discover→_________ 13 其他 choose→ choice; vary→_________; tend→_________; advise→_________; apologize→_________; classify→_____________; grow→_________ discovery variety classification advice apology growth tendency 4. 动词与形容词的转换 规律总结 请写出下列动词的形容词形式或形容词的动词形式 1 +able suit→ suitable; comfort→____________; reason→__________; 注意 admire→__________; rely→__________; 2 +ful doubt→ doubtful; harm→__________; hope→__________; care→__________; use→__________ admirable reliable comfortable reasonable harmful hopeful careful useful 规律总结 请写出下列动词的形容词形式或形容词的动词形式 3 +ive act→ active; attract→___________; impress→___________; create→___________ 4 +ary imagine→ ___________ imaginary attractive impressive creative 规律总结 请写出下列动词的形容词形式,或形容词的动词形式 5 adj .+en→ v . deep→ deepen; wide→ ________; less→________; worse→________ 6 en+ adj .→ v . large→ enlarge; rich→________; able→________; noble→________ widen lessen worsen enrich enable ennoble 5. 表示否定的前缀与后缀 规律总结 请写出与下列单词意义相反或相否定的词语 1 dis+ advantage→ disadvantage; agree→ _________; appear→_________; disagree disappear 规律总结 请写出与下列单词意义相反或相否定的词语 2 il/im/ in legal→ illegal; polite→ __________; patient→__________; convenient→__________ 3 mis+ understand→ misunderstand; lead→___________; direct→___________; trust→___________ impolite impatient inconvenient mislead misdirect mistrust 规律总结 请写出与下列单词意义相反或相否定的词语 4 un+ able→ unable; fair→___________; fit →___________; fortunate→___________; usual→___________ 5 +less hope→ hopeless; end→_________; stain→_________; taste→_________; use→_________ unfair unfit unfortunate unusual endless stainless tasteless useless 6. 表示人的后缀 规律总结 请写出下列表示人的名词 1 +er sing→ singer; teach→__________; strange→__________; village→__________; employ→__________ 2 +or act→ actor; invent→ __________; educate→__________; visit→__________; conduct→__________ teacher stranger villager employer inventor educator visitor conductor 规律总结 请写出下列表示人的名词 3 +ee employ→ employee; interview→ ___________; pay→___________; absent→___________ 4 +(r)ess act→ actress; wait→___________; host→___________; steward→___________; 注意 god→___________ interviewee payee absentee waitress hostess stewardess goddess 规律总结 请写出下列表示人的名词 5 +ese Japan→ __________; Vietnam→____________ 注意 China→ ___________; Burma( 缅甸 )→__________; 6 +n Asia→ Asian; America→___________; Australia→___________; India→___________; Korea→___________ Japanese Burmese Vietnamese American Australian Indian Korean Chinese 规律总结 请写出下列表示人的名词 7 ( 去 y 或 s) +ian music→ musician; history→_________; library→_________; physics→__________; politics→________ 8 +ist art→ artist; novel→ ________; tour→________; 注意 cycle→________; science→________ historian librarian physician politician novelist tourist cyclist scientist 规律总结 请写出下列表示人的名词 9 +ant assist→ assistant; account→ ___________; consult→ ____________; 注意 apply→ __________; serve→ __________ 10 +ar lie→ liar; beg→_______( 注意拼写 ) beggar accountant consultant applicant servant 考点练透 1. “No, sir. You must also start preparing for the winter if you want to have enough to eat,” the ant said ________ (serious). 修饰动词 (said) 作状语,用副词。 seriously 2. Brazilian officials__________ (sincere) hope hosting the games will improve life in Brazil. 修饰动词 hope 用副词,故填 sincerely 。 3. It must take place in a __________ (care) controlled environment, under the guidance of your doctor. 修饰动词的过去分词 controlled ,用副词。 carefully sincerely 4. However, before I got on the bike, I felt _________ (extreme) nervous and I was afraid that I would fall off … 修饰形容词 (nervous) ,用副词。 extremely 5. You can imagine how _________ (terrible) shy I was with so many eyes fixed upon me. 修饰形容词 shy 作状语,要用副词。 terribly 6. _________ ( obvious), a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations. 作状语,修饰整个句子,用副词,故填 Obviously 。 Obviously 7. If you always go to bed and get up at about the same time, this will set a ________ (health) rhythm in your life. 在名词前作定语要用形容词,故填 healthy 。 8. My classmates attended _______ (vary) events such as running, high jump and long jump. 在名词前作定语要用形容词。 healthy various 9. I couldn’t imagine what it is like to lose your home and everything that you know and the ________ (power) effect the hurricane had on those people. 在名词 (effect) 前作定语要用形容词。 powerful 10. We can start the habit by writing summaries and remember to record something ___________ (impress) and meaningful. 由 and 可知,要与形容词 meaningful 词性一致 , 一起作 something 的后置定语,故填形容词 impressive( 给人印象深刻的 ) 。 impressive 11. I heard that listening to classical music is _______(help) in reducing stress. 作表语用形容词。 helpful 12. Some think it is __________ (convenience) to get in touch with others with the cell-phone… 固定句型 It is convenient to do sth. 意为“做某事很方便”。 13. There’s clear _________ (evident) that people who listen to lively music are lively people. 在 there be 后要用名词,作句子的主语。 evidence convenient 14. … more and more students would drop out of school if their personal _________ (safe) could not be guaranteed. 作主语要用名词,或者根据在 their 后应当用名词,故填 safety 。 safety 15. The best speed _______(eat) train their stomachs to expand. 本句谓语动词是 train ,要填的词是主语,故用名词,表示“这些吃东西的人”,故用 eaters 。 eaters 16. I had no _______ (choose) but to prepare for it, though. 因作动词 have 的宾语,要用名词;另外, have no choice but to do sth.( 除 …… 外,别无选择 ) 是固定搭配。 choice 17. Nevertheless, apologies might be an important social tool as they reaffirm ( 重新确认 ) the _________(exist) of rules that need to be observed. 作动词 reaffirm 的宾语,用名词;或者根据在 the 与 of 之间一定是填名词,故填 existence 。 existence 18. The students use a video game controller to direct its ____________ (move) in the tank. 在形容词性物主代词 its 后,要用名词,作动词 direct 的宾语,故填 movements ,用复数表示泛指。 19.A farmer once organized a ___________ (compete) between his dog and his rabbit. 作动词 organized 的宾语,用名词,故填 competition 。 movements competition 20. Actually with my __________ (confident) building up, I now turn out to be a great speaker. 作介词 with 的宾语用名词,或根据在形容词性物主代词 (my) 后面,要用名词。 confidence 21. I went off in search of him in hopes that I could _________(unite) him with his owners. 情态动词后要接动词原形,而 unite 本身就是动词;根据句意“我希望能让它 ( 这条小狗 ) 和它的主人再次团聚”,故填 reunite 。 reunite 22. Actually, I _________(agree) with you over this matter. I have my own view. disagree 23. I am sorry I ______________ (understand) what you said. misunderstood 24. It was important for you to ________ (write) the essay to polish it according to the editor’s suggestion. rewrite 25. You will be fined if you smoke in public in Hong Kong because it is ________(legal) to do so. illegal 26. In most countries, it is ________ (polite) to ask about other people’s income. impolite 27. She was taken to hospital suffering from an __________ (regular) heartbeat. 28. She is not easy to get along with. I find her very cool and ___________(friendly). irregular unfriendly 29. If you are __________ (willing) to go, don’t hesitate to say no. unwilling 30. Many cities in China now have direct or __________ (stop) flights to Beijing. 31. We must _______ (large) our views by reading. non-stop enlarge 32. The audience warmly clapped to welcome the world-famous ________ (violin), one of the best in the world. 33. The boss of the company is a woman, and most of her _________ (employ) are also women. 34. He has a strong desire to become a ________ ( music), so he works hard. violinist employees musician 35. People in China don’t like hugging each other when meeting, which is a common practice in some __________ (Europe) countries. European 36. As the wages were low, there were few __________ (apply) for the job. applicants 37. We are ready to face any __________ (hard). hardship 38. Just as the old saying goes, _________ (honest) is the best policy. 39. They show great _________ (anxious) about their retirement allowance. honesty anxiety 40. I don’t think you are telling me the whole ______ (true) about what happened. truth 41. With knowledge and _________ (wise), the old man is respected and loved by the people. wisdom 42. The program will be of ____________ (significant) in the process. significance 43. He was awarded for his _________ (brave) in the battle. bravery 44. Her perfect ____________ (pronounce) attracted everyone present. 45. They charged for __________ (admit) so we can’t enter without __________ (permit). pronunciation admission permission 46. Everyone likes to work in pleasant _____________ (surround). surroundings 47. Success is not final and _______ (fail) is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. 48. He celebrated the ________ (arrive) of the New Year with a party for his friends. failure arrival 49. In a good __________ (marry), both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise. marriage 50. Can you tell me what the real reason for your __________ (absent) was? absence 51. He gave a ___________ (humour) account of their trip to Tibet. humourous 52. They exported corn and other ____________ (agriculture) products to other countries. agricultural 53. Noise has always been the most ____________ (trouble) problem in prospecting earthquakes. 54. He has two big round Chinese _______ (wood) tables. troublesome wooden 55. He could not account for his ______ (fool) mistake. foolish 56. There is no doubt that he is a _______ (rely) person. reliable 57. All children are fond of __________ (entertain) games and ideas as well as films. entertaining 58. In the neighbour’s opinion, she is a good wife and a __________(devote) mother. 59. The scheme has been set up to help the __________ (home). devoted homeless 60. Honours were _____________ (automatic) awarded to senior officials just because they were senior. automatically THANK YOU!

