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‎(一)课前自主学习 Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意 ‎1.insurance n.       保险 ‎2.bonus n. 额外津贴,奖金 ‎3.fee n. 服务费,学费 ‎4.income n. 收入 ‎5.wage n. 薪金,工资 ‎6.institute n. 机构;学院 ‎7.chemist n. 化学家 ‎8.nursery n. 托儿所,保育室 ‎9.mankind n. 人类 ‎10.battle n. 战役,战斗 ‎11.grain n.   [纵联1] 谷物,谷粒 ‎12.steep adj. 陡峭的,险峻的 ‎13.childhood n. 童年,儿童时代 ‎14.multiply v. [纵联2] 大量增加;乘 ‎15.continent n. [纵联3] 大陆,洲 ‎16.dynamic adj. 精力充沛的 Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形 ‎1.decrease v. 减少,降低 ‎2.reward n. 奖赏 ‎3.charge vt. 收费,要价 n. 负责 ‎4.consult vt. 查阅;请教 ‎5.bother vt. 烦扰;打扰 ‎6.casual_ adj. 随意的,非正式的 ‎7.overcome vt. 克服,战胜 ‎8.stage n. 舞台;阶段,时期 ‎9.universe n. 宇宙 ‎10.panic v. 恐慌,惊惶 ‎11.grasp vt. 理解,领会;抓牢,抓紧 ‎12._envy vt. 妒忌,羡慕 ‎13.branch n. 分支,部门 ‎14.junior adj. 低级的 ‎15.topic n. 题目,话题 ‎16.bend v. 弯腰,倾身 ‎17.aid n.   [纵联4] 援助,帮助 ‎18.existence n. 生活;存在 ‎19.quarrel vi. 吵架,争吵 ‎20.wisdom n. 智慧 ‎21.judgement n. 判断,判断力 Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变 ‎1.commit vt.投入→committed adj.尽责的→commitment n.承诺;保证 ‎2.appointment n.约见,约会;任命,委派→appoint vt.任命,指派;预约,安排 ‎3.constantly adv.不断地→constant adj.不断的;不变的 ‎4.illegal adj.不合法的,违法的→legal adj.合法的 ‎5.instant n.片刻,瞬息 adj.瞬间的,立即的,紧急的→instantly adv.即刻地,马上地→instance n.例子;事例;情况 ‎6.surrounding adj.附近的,周围的→surround v.包围,围绕→surroundings n.环境 ‎7.inspect v.审查→inspection n.检查,视察→inspector n.检查员,视察员 ‎8.hesitate v.犹豫,踌躇→hesitation n.犹豫,踌躇 ‎9.comfort n.& vt.(使)安慰,舒适→comfortable adj.安慰的,舒适的 ‎10.operate vi.运转,运作;做手术 vt.操作→operation n.操作,手术→operator n.操作员;接线员 ‎11.respond vi.回复,回答;反应→response n.回复,响应,反应,回答 纵联1.“谷物”相关词汇清单 ‎①corn玉米 ②wheat小麦 ‎③rice大米 ④soybean大豆 ‎⑤millet小米 ⑥grain谷物,谷粒 纵联2.“数学运算”大团圆 ‎①add vi.加;加起来 ②minus prep.减,减去 ‎③multiply v.乘 ④divide vt.除 ‎ ‎⑤square n.平方 ⑥cube n. 立方 ‎ ‎⑦plus prep.加,加上 纵联3.说说“七大洲(continent)”‎ ‎①Asia亚洲 ②Europe欧洲 ‎③North America北美洲 ④South America南美洲 ‎⑤Africa非洲 ⑥Oceania大洋洲 ‎⑦Antarctica南极洲 纵联4.“帮助”家族 ‎①aid ②help ‎③assist ④assistance ‎⑤support ⑥sponsor ‎⑦fund 单元话题——职业与工作 子话题1 职业 ‎①occupation n.职业 ②journalist n.记者 ‎③barber n.理发师 ④interviewer n.面试官 ‎⑤accountant n.会计(师) ⑥engineer n.工程师;技师 ‎⑦secretary n.秘书 ⑧author n.作者,作家 ‎⑨assistant n.助手,助理 ⑩physician n.内科医生 ‎⑪receptionist n.接待员 ⑫dentist n.牙科医生 ‎⑬physicist n.物理学家 ⑭tailor n.裁缝 子话题2 工作 ‎①dismiss vt.解雇 ②experience n.经验;经历 ‎③employ vt.雇用 ④recommend vt.推荐 ‎⑤position n.位置;职位 ⑥candidate n.候选人 ‎⑦applicant n.申请人 ⑧employee n.雇员 ‎⑨employer n.雇主 ⑩interview vt.面试 ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词汇应用 ‎1.(2014·天津高考阅读A) ❶  (locate) on the top floor of Douglas Hall, the Wellness Centre is committed to physical, emotional and social health. A doctor and nurse is available if you have health questions or need immediate❷ medical help or personal advice. The cost of this is included in your medical insurance❸. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9 am to noon and 1:00 to 4:30 pm.‎ ‎①用所给词的适当形式填空:Located ‎②写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:instant ‎③写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:保险 ‎2.(2011·浙江高考阅读C)“Many people do not like talking to machines,” says Dr. Storey, Senior❶ Lecturer in Marketing at City University Business School. “Banks, for example, encourage staff at call centers to use customer data to establish instant and good relationship with them. The aim is to make the customer feel they know you and that you can trust them — the sort of comfortable❷ feelings people have during facetoface chats with their local branch❸ manager.”‎ ‎①写出加黑词在本单元的反义词:junior ‎②写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:comfort ‎③写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:部门 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词汇应用 ‎(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)‎ ‎1.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)我希望你能抓住这个机会来进一步了解中国的传统文化。(grasp)‎ I_wish_that_you_could_grasp_this_opportunity_to_learn_traditional_Chinese_culture_further.‎ ‎2.(2017·江苏高考书面表达)这种现象背后的原因是多方面的。2016年之前经济的快速发展可能是推动票房收入持续增长最强有力的驱动力。(constant, income)‎ The_reasons_behind_this_are_various._The_fast_economic_development_before_2016_was_probably_the_most_powerful_engine_driving_the_constant_growth_in_the_boxoffice_income.‎ ‎ (二)课堂重点释疑 ‎1.reward n.奖赏,回报vt.奖赏;给以报酬 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)in reward for ... 作为报酬;作为对……的报答 as a reward (for ...) 作为(对……的)报酬/奖赏 give/offer sb.a reward for sth.‎ ‎ 因为某事而给某人报酬 ‎(2)reward sb. for (doing) sth.‎ ‎ 因(做)某事而奖赏某人,因为(做)某事给某人报酬 reward sb. with sth. 用某物回报某人 ‎(3)rewarding adj. 有报酬的,报答的 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①(2018·北京高考)Traveling along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding (reward) experience.‎ ‎②As a reward for passing the driving test, he treated himself in the restaurant.‎ ‎③The school rewarded him with a prize for excellence in his studies.‎ ‎④May I give you a reward for your helping with my English?‎ ‎⑤He received high praise in reward for his caring about the old.‎ 一句多译 我送给他一块手表来答谢他的帮助。‎ ‎⑥I_gave_him_a_watch_in_reward_for_his_help.(reward n.)‎ ‎⑦As_a_reward_for_his_help,_I_gave_him_a_watch.(reward n.)‎ ‎⑧I_rewarded_him_with_a_watch_for_his_help.(reward v.)‎ ‎[用准] reward多指因对方的工作、服务、帮助而给予的报酬或奖赏,常用搭配:reward sb.for (doing) sth.;award意为“授予,颁发”,常用搭配:award sb.sth.=award sth.to sb.‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑨(2015·四川高考书面表达)你提到你可以教我英语作为回报,这正是我想要的。‎ You_mentioned_that_you_could_teach_me_English_as_a_reward,_which_is_exactly_what_I_want.‎ ‎2.charge vt.收费,要价;指控,控告;充电n.主管,掌管,负责;费用 ‎[辨清] 写出下列句中charge的词性和含义 ‎①It looks as if they are going to charge us a lot of money for the concert hall. ‎ v.要价,收费 ‎②The shaver can be charged and used while travelling. v.充电 ‎③Li Hua was charged with breaking into a supermarket. v.控告,指控 ‎④We have a swimming pool, which is open all day and free of charge. n.费用 ‎⑤Since the manager left his position, she has been in charge of the company. n.主管,掌管 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)charge sb. for sth.     为某物向某人收取费用 charge sb. with ... 指控某人……‎ ‎(2)in charge of 主管……,掌管/管理……‎ free of charge=for free 免费 in/under the charge of sb. 在某人的掌管之下,由某人 ‎ 负责 take charge of 管理,负责 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎⑥The traffic policeman charged the driver with speeding and fined him $50.‎ ‎⑦As long as you've paid in advance, we won't charge you for delivery.‎ 句型转换 Tom takes charge of the company while the boss is away.‎ ‎⑧The company is in/under the charge of Tom while the boss is away.‎ ‎⑨Tom is in charge of the company while the boss is away.‎ 完成句子 With the ticket, you may get a French fries_free_of_charge_in KFC.‎ 凭此券你可以在肯德基免费得到一份法式炸薯条。‎ ‎⑪The man who had_taken_charge_of the company was_charged_with taking drugs.‎ 曾经掌管这家公司的那个人被指控吸毒。‎ ‎[用准] in charge of往往以人作主语,指“某人负责(主管)某事”; in the charge of往往以物作主语,指“某物由某人主管”。类似的还有:in control of“控制”,in the control of“由……控制”;in possession of“拥有”,in the possession of“被……拥有”。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑫(2014·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)我想知道这个为期六周的课程您向我收费多少。‎ I_wonder_how_much_you_will_charge_me_for_the_sixweek_course.‎ ‎3.consult vt.请教;查阅 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)consult sb. about sth.     向某人请教/咨询某事;就某事与某人磋商/交换意见 consult with sb. about sth. 与某人商量某事 consult a dictionary 查字典 ‎(2)consultant n. 顾问 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①She consulted with her parents about the way to do the matter.‎ ‎②He felt quite honored to become the President's consultant (consult) on economic affairs.‎ ‎③He often goes to my office to consult me about the method of learning English.‎ 完成句子 ‎④When in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult_a_dictionary.‎ 当拿不准词义时,查查词典。‎ ‎⑤Parents can_consult_the_teachers_about their children.‎ 家长可以向老师询问孩子们的情况。‎ ‎[用准]  consult作“查阅”讲时,相当于refer to或turn to,后面接要查询的工具书;look up也有“查阅”之意,但它后面需接要查询的问题或内容。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑥(2012·山东高考书面表达)我建议你经常去办公室向老师请教关于学习英语的方法。‎ I_suggest_you_should_often_go_to_the_office_to_consult_your_teacher_about_the_method_of_learning_English.‎ ‎4.commit vt.投入;使承诺;犯(错误、罪行等)‎ ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)commit sb. to (doing) sth.  使某人承诺(做)某事 commit oneself to (doing) sth. 专心致志于;投入于 commit sth. to sth. 调拨,拨出……供……使用 commit suicide/a crime/a murder  自杀/犯罪/谋杀 ‎(2)commitment n. 承诺;保证;承担义务;奉献 make a commitment/promise 作出承诺 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①The contract commits him to playing (play) for the team for the next three years.‎ ‎②Giving up my job to go back to fulltime education was a big commitment (commit), but now I know it was the best decision I ever made.‎ ‎③They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest nations.‎ ‎④She didn't want to commit herself (she) to that matter.‎ 完成句子 ‎⑤I felt I did not have to make_such_a_commitment to them.‎ 我觉得我没有必要对他们作出那样的承诺。‎ ‎⑥She tried to commit_suicide,_but we saved her life by chance.‎ 她试图自杀,但我们碰巧救了她。‎ ‎[用准] 在短语commit sb./oneself to中,to为介词,其后须跟名词、代词或动名词。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑦(2015·陕西高考书面表达)我专心致志学习英语,有良好的英语知识,因此被选为英语课代表。‎ I_commit_myself_to_learning_English_and_have_a_good_command_of_English,_so_I_am_elected_as_assistant_of_my_English_teacher.‎ ‎5.hesitate v.犹豫,踌躇;不愿意;有顾虑 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)hesitate to do sth. 不愿意做某事,对做某事有顾虑 hesitate about/over (doing) sth. 对(做)某事犹豫不决 ‎(2)hesitation n. 踌躇,犹豫 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①We are at your service. Don't hesitate to_turn (turn) to us if you have any further requests.‎ ‎②After some hesitation (hesitate), the manager decided to go on the discussion.‎ ‎③I hesitate about/over taking his side until I know the whole story.‎ 一句多译 他毫不犹豫地跳进冰冷的水中去救那个溺水的女孩。‎ ‎④He didn't_hesitate_to_jump into the icy water to save the drowning girl.(hesitate v.)‎ ‎⑤He had_no_hesitation_in_jumping into the icy water to save the drowning girl.(hesitation n.)‎ ‎⑥He jumped into the icy water to save the drowning girl_without_hesitation.(hesitation n.)‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑦(2016·北京高考书面表达)如果你想了解更多的中国历史,不要犹豫直接来问我。‎ If_you_want_to_know_more_about_Chinese_history,_don't_hesitate_to_ask_me_directly.‎ ‎6.decrease v.& n.减少,降低 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)decrease in ...       在……(方面)降低/减少 decrease to/by ... 减少到/减少了……‎ decrease from ...to ... 从……减少/降低到……‎ ‎(2)on the decrease/increase 正在减少/增加 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①There has been some decrease in traffic accidents this year.‎ ‎②In our school the number of students who are addicted to computer games is on the decrease.‎ ‎③After taking the medicine, his temperature decreased from 38℃ to 36.8℃.‎ 单句改错 ‎④Five years ago the population of the village was 2, 000.Now it's 1,500. It means that it has decreased to 25%.to→by ‎⑤The number of teaching staff members in this school has decreased by 700 persons so far.by→to 根据汉语提示完成下面小片段 ‎⑥In this area, there is a decrease_in (在……方面减少) population. It has decreased_from 10 million to (从……减少到……) 9 million in the last three years. That is to say, the population has decreased_by (减少了) 10%, and the number of the people will be on_the_decrease (在减少) in the future. ‎ ‎[用准] decrease to/by ... 表示“减少到/减少了……”。类似的动词还有increase, reduce, decline, drop等。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑦(2015·江苏高考书面表达)说实话,违反交通规则的人正在减少。‎ Honestly_speaking,_people_who_break_traffic_rules_are_on_the_decrease.‎ ‎7.operate vi.运转,运作;做手术;起作用 vt.操作;经营 ‎[辨清] 写出下列句中operate 的含义 ‎①People were trapped between floors because the lift didn't operate properly. 运转 ‎②The new drug began to operate not long after it was taken. 起作用 ‎③Young as he is, he operates the company very well. 经营 ‎④No matter which machine he operates, he will do with it carefully. 操作 ‎⑤If the doctor had operated on him earlier, he wouldn't have died. 做手术 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)operate on=give/perform an operation on  给……做手术    ‎ ‎(2)operation n. 运作;经营;手术 bring/put ...into operation 使……运作/转;实施 come/go into operation 实施,开始生效 in operation 在运行/转中,起作用 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎⑥When the machine is in operation, keep away from it.‎ ‎⑦Having seen the Xray, the doctor decided to operate_on the patient.‎ ‎⑧To our surprise, the operation (operate) on her heart lasted three hours.‎ 完成句子 ‎⑨The new regulations will_come/go_into_operation next Sunday.‎ 新的规章将于下周日起生效。‎ ‎⑩It's reported that the local government will bring/put_the_new_law_into_operation next month.‎ 据报道,当地政府将于下个月实施这项新的法律。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑪(2014·湖南高考书面表达)当搜索一些信息时,我们可以通过触摸屏幕来操作。‎ When_searching_for_some_information,_we_can_operate_by_touching_the_screen.‎ ‎8.respond vi.反应;回复,回答 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)respond to        回答……,对……作出反应 ‎(2)response n. 回答;反应;响应 make a/no response to ... 对……给予/没有回答 in response (to) 作为(对……的)回应 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I reminded him of the appointment, but he didn't make any response (respond).‎ ‎②Receiving a text does not mean you need to respond to it.‎ ‎③These comments came in response to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.‎ ‎④The spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce already made a response to this issue yesterday.‎ 一句多译 他对我的建议未做出回应,这让我感到很失望。‎ ‎⑤He made_no_response_to_my_suggestion,_which made me very disappointed. (response)‎ ‎⑥He didn't_respond_to_my_suggestion,_which made me very disappointed. (respond)‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑦(2011·江苏高考书面表达)作为回应,这位母亲跪了下来表达此时她是多么地幸福和欣慰。‎ In_response,_the_mom_kneels_down_to_show_how_happy_and_thankful_she_feels.‎ ‎9.bother vt.烦扰,打扰;使恼怒;使不安vi.烦恼,担心;麻烦,费心n.麻烦;令人烦恼的事或人 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)bother sb. with/about sth.  因某事麻烦(打扰)某人 bother about sth. 为某事费心,为某事烦恼 bother to do/doing sth. 费/操心做某事 It bothers/bothered sb. that ...‎ ‎ 使某人烦恼/担心的是……‎ ‎(2)put sb. to any bother 给某人添乱 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①You don't bother to_get/getting (get) dinner for me today. I'll eat out.‎ ‎②Don't bother your deskmate about/with the math problem. Try to work it out by yourself.‎ ‎③It bothers me that I haven't told him the truth.‎ 完成句子 ‎④It_bothers_me_that_he always bothers_me_with boring questions. I don't want to_bother_to_answer_these questions.‎ 令我烦恼的是他总是问些无聊的问题烦我。我不想费神回答这些问题。‎ ‎⑤I don't want to put_him_to_any_bother,_so I try doing it by myself.‎ 我不想给他添乱,所以我试着靠自己做这件事。‎ ‎[用准] bother作“麻烦;困难”讲时,是不可数名词;作“令人烦恼的事物;讨厌的人”讲时,是可数名词。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑥(2016·江苏高考书面表达)让许多人苦恼的是,他们不得不给熟人和朋友投票。‎ It_bothers_many_people_that_they_have_to_vote_for_their_acquaintances_and_friends.‎ ‎ [词汇过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.The big fire panicked (使恐慌) people into running out of the building.‎ ‎2.The baby has reached the stage (阶段) where he can stand up.‎ ‎3.To tell you the truth, I envy (羡慕) you having such a close family.‎ ‎4.It's illegal (不合法的) to read people's private letters without permission.‎ ‎5.To work out the difficult maths problem, I have consulted (咨询) Professor Russell several times.‎ ‎6.Since we'll cycle there and work in the field, you'd better wear casual (非正式的) clothes and comfortable (舒适的) shoes.‎ ‎7.Due to the strict traffic regulations on drunken driving, the number of accidents from it has greatly decreased (减少).‎ ‎8.They will live longer, work smarter and even have a greater understanding of nature and the universe (宇宙).‎ ‎9.Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way to success is our fear; overcome (克服,战胜) it, and we will be able to achieve our goals.‎ ‎10.The bus is designed to operate (运转) in all weather conditions.‎ ‎11.The ABC bank has many branches (分行) all over the country.‎ ‎12.Try to grasp (理解) what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.They didn't hesitate to_give (give) their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.‎ ‎2.Before we can accept the firm's offer we must consult with the workers.‎ ‎3.They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers when the match ended.‎ ‎4.One should not be bothered about/with one's personal gains or losses.‎ ‎5.In response (respond) to complaints, the company reviewed its safety procedures.‎ ‎6.The owner of the house charge us for fixture and fittings.‎ ‎7.We have no idea when the housing prices decrease to the level we can afford.‎ ‎8.In the good care of the nurses, the boy is gradually recovering from his heart operation (operate).‎ ‎9.She got into a panic when she couldn't find the tickets.‎ ‎10.I have an appointment (appoint) with my doctor this afternoon.‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.The government must commit itself to improve social security and health care. improve→improving ‎2.The doctors decided to operate the patient for his lung cancer. operate后加on ‎3.The housing price is hoped to decrease to 10% this year. to→by ‎4.The whole factory will be in charge of me when Mr Black is away. in后加_the ‎5.As reward for being admitted to college, many students got iPhone X as presents.‎ ‎_As_后加a Ⅳ.翻译句子 ‎1.应观众的强烈要求,这部戏每周将会在这个剧院上演两次。(response)‎ In_response_to_the_audience's_great_demand,_the_play_will_be_put_on_in_the_theatre_twice_a_week.‎ ‎2.使汤姆烦恼的是,他不能找到一份他真正喜欢的工作。(It bothers sb. that)‎ It_bothers_Tom_that_he_can't_find_a_job_that_he_really_likes.‎ ‎3.(2015·浙江高考书面表达)我毫不犹豫地决定跟随他们,那天我们玩得很高兴。(hesitation)‎ Without_hesitation,_I_decided_to_follow_them_and_we_did_have_lots_of_fun_that_day.‎ ‎4.我被委派来负责安排你们那天的所有活动。(appoint, take charge of)‎ I_was_appointed_to_take_charge_of_arranging_all_the_activities_on_that_day.‎ ‎5.我们必须尽快实施计划。(bring ... into operation)‎ We_must_bring_the_plan_into_operation_as_soon_as_possible.‎ ‎ (一)课前自主学习 ‎1.take_charge_of       接管,控制 ‎2.make_up_ [串记1] 编造;组成 ‎3.make_out 假称;听出,看出 ‎4.go_into_detail(s) 讨论,细谈 ‎5.speak_up 大声地说,自由而大胆地说出 ‎6.sit_up 坐直;熬夜 ‎7.believe_in 信任,信仰 ‎8.turn_over 反转;翻转 ‎9.pay_off 得到好结果;取得成功 ‎10.keep_up_with 跟上,赶上 ‎11.in_case 以防万一;万一 ‎12.due_to 由于 ‎13.in_addition 此外 ‎14.turn_up 调高(音量);出现,到达 ‎15.leave_behind 留下来,将……落在后面 ‎16.above_all [串记2] 首先;最重要的是 ‎[同根短语串记]‎ 串记1.up短语全接触 ‎①build up逐渐增强;建立 ②hang up挂起来;挂断电话 ‎③pick up捡起;学会 ④bring up抚养;教育 ‎⑤dress up穿上盛装;打扮 ⑥clear up澄清;(天空)放晴 ‎⑦take up占据;从事 ⑧make up编造;组成 ‎⑨mix up混淆;搅匀 ⑩stay up不睡觉,静夜 ‎⑪turn up调高(音量);出现,到达 ‎ 串记2.归纳all短语 ‎①after all到底,毕竟 ②first of all首先 ‎③in all总共 ④all at once突然;同时;马上 ‎⑤all of a sudden突然 ⑥all the best万事如意 ‎⑦all the same尽管如此 ⑧above all首先;最重要的是 ‎⑨not ...at all一点也不 ⑩all in all总的说来 ‎⑪all the time始终,一直 ‎1.win an award 获奖 ‎2.achieve success 获得成功 ‎3.have an advantage 占优势 ‎4.without doubt 毫无疑问 ‎5.on one's own 独立地 ‎6.have a big lunch 吃一顿丰盛的午餐 ‎7.take down notes 做笔记 ‎8.keep calm 保持镇静 ‎9.set an example (to sb.) (给某人)树立榜样 ‎10.give aid to 对……援助 ‎1.The_instant she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out of the room.‎ 她一停止问问题,我就起身走出了房间。‎ ‎2.I discovered then that as_long_as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports.‎ 那时我发现,只要我具有献身精神,决不放弃,就能写出高质量的报道。‎ ‎3.Between now and the 21st century, citizens of the world's richest and most advanced nations will find_it_more_and_more_difficult_to_keep_up_with the demand for change.‎ 在现在和21世纪的这段时期,这个世界上最富裕和最先进的国家的公民将会发现赶上变化的需求越来越难了。‎ ‎4.It's not about making men more like women, but helping men to communicate as well.‎ 其目的不是令男人更像女人,而是帮助男人同样良好地沟通。‎ ‎5.Whatever_I_do,_it will be with music.‎ 我无论做什么,都与音乐有关。‎ ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词块与句式 ‎1.(2018·浙江高考完形)Because of all this extra time, there was no sense of urgency to do my school work immediately. (用本单元短语替换加黑短语)Due_to ‎2.(2015·北京高考阅读D)Furthermore, studies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication between parents and their college children.(用本单元短语替换加黑词汇)In_addition ‎3.(2014·全国卷Ⅱ阅读七选五)The more you learn and the more you try, the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.(用本单元短语替换加黑短语)take_charge_of 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词块与句式 ‎(根据汉语及提示翻译句子)‎ ‎1.(2018·浙江高考书面表达)我紧紧抓住了绳子,以防我会摔下去。(in case)‎ I_held_the_rope_tightly_in_case_I_might_fall_off.‎ ‎2.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)实际上,我很喜欢唐诗。我认为和你一起学习唐诗是很有趣的。(it作形式宾语)‎ Actually_I_am_very_fond_of_Tang_poems.I_think_it_great_fun_to_learn_the_poems_written_in_the_Tang_Dynasty_with_you._‎ ‎3.(2014·山东高考书面表达)正如谚语道,有志者,事竟成。我们的付出最终会得到回报的。(pay off)‎ As_the_proverb_goes,_where_there_is_a_will,_there_is_a_way._Our_efforts_will_pay_off_in_time.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎ [短语集释]‎ ‎1.make up占,形成,构成,组成;弥补;编造;整理;化妆;和好 ‎[辨清] 写出下列句中make up的含义 ‎①Leave this notice hanging on your door, asking the servant to make up your room. 整理 ‎②Peasants make up over 80 percent of the population in that developing country. 占 ‎③Can I leave early this time and make up the time next time? 弥补 ‎④He made up some excuse about his daughter's being sick. 编造 ‎⑤In order to attend the important meeting, she spends too much time making herself up.化妆 ‎[记牢]‎ make out       (费力)理解;假装;辨认出;看清楚 make it 取得成功;准时到达;做到了 be made up of 由……组成 make for 移向,走向;促成;有利于 make up for 弥补,补偿 make up one's mind to do sth. 下定决心做某事 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎⑥I heard the voices, but couldn't make out_what they were saying.‎ ‎⑦We believe that openness and honesty make for the best relationships because they lead to trust and faith.‎ ‎⑧They'll do all they can to make up for the economic losses.‎ ‎⑨Thanks to your encouragement, I made continuous progress in math, and finally made up my mind _to_study (study)it in the university.‎ 完成句子 ‎⑩Our class is_made_up_of_50 lively boys and girls, who are warm and generous and ready to offer help. ‎ 我们班由50名活泼的男生和女生组成,他们都热心、慷慨、乐于助人。‎ ‎⑪Caroline doesn't have a gift for music, but she makes_up_for it with hard work.‎ Caroline没有音乐天赋,但是她努力工作弥补了这一点。‎ ‎⑫The task is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can make_it?‎ 这项任务富有挑战性且要求很高。你认为谁能完成它?‎ ‎[用准] be made up of 表示“由……组成/构成”,其同义短语还有consist of, be composed of等。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑬(2018·浙江高考书面表达)做一名志愿者也是我提高英语口语和弥补缺点的好机会。‎ Being_a_volunteer_is_also_a_good_opportunity_for_me_to_improve_my_spoken_English_and_make_up_for_my_disadvantages.‎ ‎2.pay off得到好结果,得到回报;取得成功;还清,偿清;(付清工资后)解雇 ‎[辨清] 写出下列句中pay off的含义 ‎①After all these years, we've at last paid off our debts. 还清,偿清 ‎②Her design won the first prize in the competition.Years of patience and hard work had at last paid off. 得到好结果,得到回报 ‎③Things are looking bad and we might have to pay off more workers. (付清工资后)解雇 ‎④However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run.取得成功 pay back        偿还(欠款);报复,回报 pay for 付……的钱;为……付出代价 pay a visit to 参观……;看望……‎ pay attention to 注意 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎⑤What made him happy was that after all these years he at last paid off all his debts.‎ ‎⑥Loss of health is too high a price to pay for success.‎ ‎⑦That I can pay back the help people give me makes me happy.‎ 完成句子 ‎⑧We're pleased to hear that your US School Delegation will pay_a_visit_to our school on June 26th.‎ 我们很高兴地听说你们美国学校访问团将在6月26日访问我们的学校。‎ ‎⑨It's high time that we_paid_much_attention_to_protecting our environment.‎ 到了我们应该高度重视环境保护的时候了。‎ ‎[用准] pay off当“(努力、辛苦)取得好结果,得到回报”讲时,为不及物动词短语,在句中用主动语态。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑩(2017·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)尽管唐诗很难学,但你的努力总有一天会得到回报。‎ Though_Tang_poems_are_very_difficult_to_learn,_your_efforts_will_pay_off_one_day.‎ ‎3.in case以防万一;万一;假如 ‎[记牢]‎ in case of ...       假如……,在……情况下 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in no case 绝不,在任何情况下都不(位于句首时,句子部分倒装)‎ in this/that case 如果是这样/那样的话 as is often the case 这是常有的事 ‎[练通]‎ 选用上述短语填空 ‎①It is said that we'll have to do extra work on Sunday. In_that_case,_we can't go to a movie.‎ ‎②There is no simple answer, as_is_often_the_case in science.‎ ‎③I took my driving license with me on holiday, in_case I wanted to hire a car.‎ ‎④In_no_case will I turn against my motherland.‎ ‎⑤The cost may be higher than we first thought, but in_any_case it will still be quite satisfying.‎ 一句多译 带把伞以防下雨。‎ ‎⑥Take an umbrella in_case_it_rains.‎ ‎⑦Take an umbrella in_case_of_rain.‎ ‎[用准] in case后跟状语从句,并且从句用一般现在时表示将来,有时可用“should+动词原形”。而in case of后跟名词,不跟从句。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑧(2018·江苏高考书面表达)在那种情况下,根据排名来买书,既方便又经济实惠。‎ In_that_case,_it_is_both_convenient_and_economical_to_buy_books_according_to_the_ratings.‎ ‎[句式集释]‎ ‎1.find+it+adj.+to do sth.‎ ‎[教材原句] Between now and the 21st century, citizens of the world's richest and most advanced nations will find_it_more_and_more_difficult_to_keep_up_with the demand for change.‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)The two girls are so alike that strangers find_it_difficult_to_tell one from the other.‎ 这两个女孩长得如此相像,以至于陌生人很难把她们区分开。‎ ‎(2)(2014·福建高考)It was the culture, rather than the language, that made_it_hard_for_him_to_adapt_to the new environment abroad.‎ 是文化而不是语言使他很难适应国外的新环境。‎ ‎(3)Susan made_it_clear_to_me_that she wished to make a new life for herself.‎ 苏珊清楚地向我表明,她希望为自己创造新的生活。‎ ‎(4)I consider_it_no_use quarrelling with him about it.‎ 我认为就这件事和他争吵是没有用的。‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 ‎(1)句中使用了“find+it+adj.+to do sth.”结构。其中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语“to keep up with the demand for change”,形容词difficult作宾语补足语。‎ ‎(2)it 作形式宾语,用于“动词+it+宾补+真正的宾语”即“6123”结构中:‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)(2012·山东高考写作佳句)I also find it useful to keep English diaries. I keep on doing it these years and it is helpful to my English.(要点句)‎ ‎(2)(2012·四川高考写作佳句)My English is just OK and the two main problems in my study are that I feel it difficult to learn words by heart, and that I often feel nervous when speaking English.(要点句)‎ ‎2.as long as引导条件状语从句 ‎[教材原句] I discovered then that as_long_as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports.‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)So_long_as we hold fast to our ideals and never give up, we are bound to achieve success.‎ 只要我们坚定信念,永不放弃,我们一定会取得成功的。 ‎ ‎(2)Assuming/Assume_that you are right, we'll make a great deal of money from the project.‎ 假定你是正确的,那我们将会从这项工程中赚得许多钱。‎ ‎(3)You'll make success sooner or later on_condition_that you don't lose heart or give up.‎ 只要不失去信心或放弃,你迟早会成功的。‎ ‎(4)(2018·江苏高考)Unless you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and stay motivated after one or two nights.‎ 除非你能睡得好,否则一两个晚上后你就会失去集中注意力、做好规划和保持积极性的能力。‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 ‎(1)as long as/so long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。‎ ‎(2)引导条件状语从句的其他连词有:unless, in case, on condition that, provided/providing (that), suppose/supposing (that), assume/assuming (that), (only) if, given (that) 等。‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)(2017·全国卷Ⅱ写作佳句)You won't find paper cutting difficult as long as you keep practicing it.(总结句)‎ ‎(2)(2014·广东高考写作佳句)As long as there is kindness and virtue, the world will become more beautiful.(总结句)‎ ‎[词块、句式过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 turn over, take charge of, in case, make out, believe in, pay off, keep up with, due to, turn up, make up ‎1.A week later, I volunteered to take_charge_of English study in my class.‎ ‎2.There is someone outside the window, but I can't make_out who it is.‎ ‎3.The athlete's years of hard training paid_off when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.‎ ‎4.Leave your key with your neighbor in_case you lock yourself out one day.‎ ‎5.Her good health is chiefly due_to proper diet and regular exercise.‎ ‎6.Though she is very old, she likes to keep_up_with the latest fashions.‎ ‎7.When the sports hero turned_up at our party, he was welcomed with open arms.‎ ‎8.To succeed, one must first of all believe_in_himself.‎ ‎9.The boy made_up_a wonderful story to explain his absence. ‎ ‎10.A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to turn_over.‎ Ⅱ.句型转换/完成句子/句式升级 ‎1.Alisha fell asleep the moment she got into bed.‎ ‎①Alisha fell asleep the minute/instant she got into bed.‎ ‎②Alisha fell asleep immediately/directly/instantly she got into bed.‎ ‎2.(2014·山东高考)Last term, after getting a low score in the midterm exam, I_made_up_my_mind_to_believe_in_myself and I tried to change.‎ 上个学期在期中考试中得了低分后,我下定决心要相信自己,并努力做出改变。‎ ‎3.We can overcome the difficulties as_long_as_we_are_organized.‎ 只要我们组织起来,我们就能克服困难。‎ ‎4.Wherever_he_is,_he_makes_it_a_rule_to go for a walk after supper.‎ 不管在哪里,晚饭后都要去散步,这是他的惯例。‎ ‎5.We consider it is necessary that we should have a good command of a foreign language.(it作形式宾语)‎ ‎→We_consider_it_necessary_that_we_should_have_a_good_command_of_a_foreign_language.‎ Ⅲ.分步写作 假如你是李华,当获悉某大型酒店要招聘10名女服务员的信息后,便写信与酒店经理联系求职。求职信应包括下列全部内容:‎ 姓名 性别 年龄 文化程度 婚否 健康状况 李华 女 ‎20‎ 高中 未婚 良 住址 深圳市深南路48号 个人简历 ‎6~12岁     在第一小学学习 ‎12~18岁    在深圳中学上学 ‎18~至今    在邮局当邮递员 爱好及特长 上学期间学习了六年英语,现在英语口语很棒,打字也不错。 喜欢唱歌和跳舞。2018年曾获深圳市业余歌手比赛一等奖。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ No.48 Shennan Road Shenzhen February 26th, 2019‎ Dear Mr Margaret,‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ Yours faithfully,‎ Li Hua 第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点 本写作属于应用文中的求职信,时态以一般现在时为主,人称为第一人称。要点表达可以从下面四方面着手:一是阐述写信的理由;二是作完整的自我介绍;三是主要介绍自己的爱好和特长;四是进一步提出请求,盼回复。要点表达要囊括表格所有内容,但不是逐条翻译,而是要合理整合,力求条理清晰,内容完整。‎ 要点1:我申请这份工作。‎ I_apply_for_the_position.‎ 要点2:我想介绍一下我个人的基本信息。‎ I'd_like_to_share_my_personal_information_with_you.‎ 要点3:我的特长和爱好如下。‎ My_strengths_and_hobbies_are_as_follows.‎ 要点4:我期盼着你的答复。‎ I_am_looking_forward_to_your_reply.‎ 第二步:添加细节,文意更丰满,表达更亮眼 为了使内容更充实,我们需要对要点进行升级改造。例如要点1可补充表明自己渴望申请这份工作并且可以运用the instant把两个句子巧妙地衔接在一起;要点2把表格中的个人基本信息进行有效的整合,使之更条理清晰,例如既可运用定语从句,又可用动名词作宾语及介词短语作状语;要点3列举自己的爱好(唱歌和跳舞)和取得的成就(曾获业余歌手比赛一等奖),突出自己的优势(英语说得好,打字快),运用since引导的状语从句,and并列句以及keep on doing sth., enjoy doing sth.高级表达;要点4运用it作形式宾语,提出进一步请求,表达感激之情,结束全文。‎ 拓展1:当我获悉你们酒店招聘10名女服务员时,我非常渴望申请这份工作。(the instant引导的时间状语从句)‎ The_instant_I_heard_ten_waitresses_are_needed_in_your_hotel,_I_have_a_strong_desire_to_apply_for_the_position.‎ 拓展2-①:我是一名二十岁的中国女孩,我单身、健康。(定语从句)‎ I'm_a_Chinese_girl_of_twenty_who_is_single_and_healthy.‎ 拓展2-②:6岁至12岁我在第一小学学习,然后去了深圳中学就读。(动名词作宾语)‎ I_studied_in_No.1_Primary_School_from_six_to_twelve._Then_I_went_to_Shenzhen_Middle_School_for_learning.‎ 拓展2-③:自从18岁从那儿毕业后,我就一直从事邮递员的工作。(介词短语作状语)‎ Since_graduating_from_it_at_the_age_of_eighteen,_I_have_been_working_as_a_postwoman.‎ 拓展3-①:上学期间我学习了六年英语,中学毕业后一直不间断学习英语。(since引导的状语从句, keep on doing sth.)‎ I_had_learned_English_for_6_years_at_school,_and_have_kept_on_learning_it_since_I_left_school.‎ 拓展3-②:现在我英语说得好并且打字也好。(and并列句)‎ Now_I_can_speak_English_well_and_type_well.‎ 拓展3-③:我喜欢唱歌和跳舞。2018年曾获深圳市业余歌手比赛一等奖。(enjoy doing sth.)‎ I_enjoy_singing_and_dancing._In_2018,_I_once_got_the_first_prize_in_the_competition_for_the_amateur_singers_in_Shenzhen.‎ 拓展4:如果我能够被接受,我将非常感激。(it作形式宾语)‎ I_would_appreciate_it_if_I_could_be_accepted.‎ 第三步:连句成文,排语句顺序,重衔接过渡 文章开头就要开门见山地点明写信的目的;中间巧妙地运用关联词first of all, secondly, in addition等,使段与段、句与句之间衔接自然、流畅;最后结尾段落中进一步提出请求,结束全文。‎ No.48_Shennan_Road Shenzhen February_26th,_2019‎ Dear_Mr_Margaret,‎ The_instant_I_heard_ten_waitresses_are_needed_in_your_hotel,_I_have_a_strong_desire_to_apply_for_the_position.‎ First_of_all,_I'd_like_to_share_my_personal_information_with_you._I'm_a_Chinese_girl_of_twenty_who_is_single_and_healthy._I_studied_in_No.1_Primary_School_from_six_to_twelve._Then_I_went_to_Shenzhen_Middle_School_for_learning._Since_graduating_from_it_at_the_age_of_eighteen,_I_have_been_working_as_a_postwoman._Secondly,_my_strengths_and_hobbies_are_as_follows._I_had_learned_English_for_6_years_at_school,_and_have_kept_on_learning_it_‎ since_I_left_school._Now_I_can_speak_English_well_and_type_well._In_addition,_I_enjoy_singing_and_dancing._In_2018,_I_once_got_the_first_prize_in_the_competition_for_the_amateur_singers_in_Shenzhen.‎ I_would_appreciate_it_if_I_could_be_accepted._I_am_looking_forward_to_your_reply.‎ Yours_faithfully,‎ Li_Hua ‎ ‎ 理清文体结构之(十四) 夹叙夹议文——叙的是故事,议的是观点 夹叙夹议文有记叙文叙事的特点,也具备议论文的特色,它一边叙述,一边分析、评论。其优点在于作者可以自由地表达情意。在结构方面,还起到总起、提示、过渡和总结作用。在叙议结合中,我们对作者的写作目的渐渐清晰,进而掌握文章大意,为解题做好铺垫。‎ ‎  [高考典例] 2016·天津卷·B篇 ‎[读文明晰文章结构]‎ ‎  [1]Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone, not in features but in footsteps. As he grows you also age, and your ambitions become more unachievable. You begin to realize that your boy, in your footsteps, could probably accomplish what you hoped for. But footsteps can be muddied and they can go off in different directions.‎ ‎[2]My son Jody has hated school since day one in kindergarten. Science projects waited until the last moment. Book reports weren't written until the final threat.‎ ‎[3]I've been a newspaperman all my adult life. My daughter is a university graduate working toward her master's degree in English. But Jody? When he entered the tenth grade he became a “votech” student (技校学生). They're called “motorheads” by the rest of the student body.‎ ‎[4]When a secretary in my office first called him “motorhead”, I was shocked. “Hey, he's a good kid,” I wanted to say. “And smart, really.”‎ ‎[5]I learned later that motorheads are, indeed, different. They usually have dirty hands and ‎1.第1段提出自己对儿子的期望→议 ‎“As he grows you also age ...what you hoped for.”表明作者希望自己的儿子实现自己没有实现的目标。‎ ‎2.第2段叙述儿子对学习不感兴趣→叙 ‎3.第3段描述家庭氛围→叙 女儿在学校里的表现要比儿子好。‎ ‎4.第4段为故事的转折点→叙 ‎5.第5段表达自己对技校学生的传统观点→叙 ‎⇧‎ ‎2、3、4、5段的叙述都是为了支持第1段作者的观点。‎ ‎6.第6~9段叙述儿子以具体行动改变了作者的看法→叙 ‎7.第10~11段得出结论→议 孩子虽然学习不优秀,不能追随父亲的足迹,但他自己选择的道路却让父亲引以为豪。‎ ‎ wear dirty work clothes. And they don't often make school honor rolls (光荣榜).‎ ‎[6]But being the parent of a motorhead is itself an experience in education. We who labor in clean shirts in offices don't have the abilities that motorheads have. I began to learn this when I had my car crashed. The cost to repair it was estimated at $800. “Hey, I can fix it,” said Jody. I doubted it, but let him go ahead, for I had nothing to lose.‎ ‎[7]My son, with other motorheads, fixed the car. They got parts (零件) from a junkyard, and ability from votech classes. The cost was $25 instead of $800.‎ ‎[8]Since that first repair job, a broken airconditioner, a nonfunctioning washer and a nontoasting toaster have been fixed. Neighbors and coworkers trust their car repairs to him.‎ ‎[9]These kids are happiest when doing repairs. They joke and laugh and are living in their own relaxed world. And their minds are bright despite their dirty hands and clothes.‎ ‎[10]I have learned a lot from my motorhead: publishers need printers, engineers need mechanics, and architects need builders. Most important, I have learned that fathers don't need clones in footsteps or anywhere else.‎ ‎[11]My son may never make the school honor roll. But he made mine.‎ ‎[定区间·细比对]‎ ‎41.What used to be the author's ?‎ A.To avoid becoming his clone.‎ B.To resemble him in appearance.‎ C.To develop in a different direction.‎ D.To reach the author's unachieved goals.‎ ‎42.What can we learn about ?‎ A.His daughter does better in school.‎ B.His daughter has got a master's degree.‎ C.His son tried hard to finish homework.‎ D.His son couldn't write his book reports.‎ ‎43.The author let his son because he believed that ________.‎ A.his son had the ability to fix it B.it would save him much time C.it wouldn't cause him any more loss D.other motorheads would come to help ‎[答案] 41.D 42.A 43.C ‎41.对儿子的期望第1段中划波浪线部分,分析得出答案。‎ ‎42.孩子的情况第3段中划波浪线部分,对比即可得出答案。‎ ‎43.修车第6段,根据最后一句得出答案。‎

