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高考冲刺卷(六)‎ 第一部分 听力(略)‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎21.It might be early to talk about potential colors for next summer when we have just entered autumn,but the fashion world can’t wait that long.‎ A.trendy B.worthy C.hearty D.touchy 答案 A 解析 考查形容词辨析。trendy流行的;worthy有价值的,值得的;hearty衷心的;touchy易怒的,难以取悦的。句意为:当我们刚刚进入秋天的时候,谈论明年夏天可能的流行颜色也许太早了,但时尚界等不了那么长时间。根据句意可知A项正确。‎ ‎22.The news said that the death toll in the tsunami in Indonesia had climbed over 400,with a lot more reported .‎ A.to miss B.to have been missing C.having missed D.missing 答案 B 解析 考查非谓语动词。句意为:新闻报道称,印尼海啸造成的死亡人数已攀升至400多人,据报道还有更多人失踪。分析句子可知,此处为with的复合结构,be reported to do sth. 被报道做某事。本句中“be missing”发生在“report”之前,所以用动词不定式的完成时。故B选项正确。‎ ‎23.The modern age of science and technology has witnessed an increased combination of the world,which requires us to the intention of international co-operation into action.‎ A.translate B.innovate C.involve D.classify 答案 A 解析 考查动词。句意为:当今科学技术时代见证了世界一体化程度不断提高,这要求我们把国际合作的意图转化为行动。translate翻译,转化;innovate创新;involve牵涉;classify分类。结合句意可知答案为A。‎ ‎24.Effective weight management requires a long-term in order to lose weight for good.‎ A.establishment B.commitment C.tournament D.assessment 答案 B 解析 考查名词辨析。establishment建立,成立;commitment投入,承诺,保证,献身;tournament锦标赛;assessment评估。句意为:为了永久减肥,有效的体重管理需要长期的投入。根据句意可知B项正确。‎ ‎25.I’m to hear that Bob has asked Mary to marry him.I’ve always thought they were made for each other.‎ A.green with envy B.white as a sheet C.black and blue D.tickled pink 答案 D 解析 考查习语。句意为:听说鲍勃向玛丽求婚,我高兴极了。我一直认为他们是为彼此而生的。green with envy非常嫉妒;white as a sheet苍白如纸;black and blue遍体鳞伤;tickled pink非常高兴。由句意知选D。‎ ‎26.According to the new regulation,every employee shall be paid their work so that productivity can be increased.‎ A.in regard to B.in reference to C.in proportion to D.in contrast to 答案 C 解析 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:根据新规定,每名员工的工资都应与他们的工作成比例,这样才能提高生产率。in regard to就……而言;in reference to 关 于;in proportion to与……成比例;in contrast to 和……对照。故C选项正确。‎ ‎27.Using AI, many companies are now conducting experiments that possible just a few years ago.‎ A.would have been B.might have been C.shouldn’t have been D.couldn’t have been 答案 D 解析 考查情态动词表推测。句意为:很多公司现在使用人工智能进行试验,这在几年前是不可能的。根据“a few years ago”可知,此处表示“过去不可能”,应该用couldn’t have done,故D项正确。‎ ‎28.The “new” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants the USA to promise Japan declares war against China,the USA will give military aid, promises to be impossible.‎ A.if;which B.whether;it C.if;that D.when;it 答案 A 解析 考查条件状语从句和非限制性定语从句的引导词。动词promise后接从句作宾语,if引导条件状语从句;第二空前有逗号,是非限制性定语从句,指代前面的句子,故用which。‎ ‎29.The discount houses were first established in that period of time people’s ‎ purchasing power was low.‎ A.what B.where C.which D.when 答案 D 解析 本题中,先行词为表示时间的that period of time,且在定语从句中作状语,故用关系副词when引导。‎ ‎30.—Have you heard of the Chinese Zodiac Art Exhibition being held in the Palace Museum now?‎ ‎—Sure.Han Meilin,a veteran artist no less than 600 new artworks in it.‎ A.is presenting B.has presented C.will present D.has been presenting 答案 A 解析 考查时态。句意为:——你听说过现在在故宫博物院举办的十二生肖画展吗?——当然。资深艺术家韩美林正在那儿展出不少于600件的新作品。此处表示正在进行的动作,所以用现在进行时态,故选A。‎ ‎31.—What’s up,Kim? You look very excited!‎ ‎—Sorry,just a moment ago I ran into Tayor Swift so I was a bit .‎ A.given up B.held up C.carried away D.driven away 答案 C 解析 本题考查动词短语的辨析。give up放弃,辞去,让出;hold up举起,支撑;carry away变得很激动,失去自制力;drive away赶走,离开。答句句意为:对不起,刚刚我撞见了泰勒·斯威夫特(著名女歌手),我有点儿激动(失去自制力)。‎ ‎32.Had it not been for the fact that he hurt his leg in a traffic accident,he the first prize in the race last week.‎ A.would win B.had won C.would have won D.must have won 答案 C 解析 本句是对过去的虚拟,从句使用了“had done”;主句用“would/should/could/might+have done”形式。故选C项。‎ ‎33.Such a fright that she didn’t dare to breathe until the plane had landed safely.‎ A.did she get B.she got C.got she D.she did get 答案 A 解析 在such...that...结构中,若such与被其所修饰的词置于句首,要用部分倒装。句意为:她吓了一跳,直到飞机安全着陆,她才松了口气。‎ ‎34. that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city,their bodies nearly completely and disappeared, empty spaces in the ash.‎ A.It turned out;broke down;leaving B.As turned out;broke up;which left C.It turned out;broke off;leaving D.What was turned out was;broke down;left 答案 A 解析 句意为:结果,火山灰覆盖了没能逃离城市的人,他们的身体几乎全部烧化消失了,只留下火山灰里的人形空当。turn out结果是,证明是;break down分解,瓦解;leaving是现在分词作结果状语。‎ ‎35.—I’d advise anyone to put aside a proportion of their earnings.‎ ‎— .‎ A.Nothing great is easy B.Nothing comes from nothing C.A bad penny always turns up D.A penny saved is a penny earned 答案 D 解析 考查情景交际。句意为:我建议每个人都把收入的一部分存起来。——省一分钱就是赚一分钱。nothing great is easy天下无难事;nothing comes from nothing无中生有;a bad penny always turns up总会有不如意的时候;a penny saved is a penny earned省一分钱就是赚一分钱。故选D。‎ 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎“That foundation(地基) there,”my father said,pointing as he drove, “was once a little bungalow that belonged to a woman named Betsy Williams.” He 36 so I could see the foundation—the broken rocks hidden among the weeds.‎ ‎“I was hunting one day and a sudden 37 came up.” He drove on for a while,then pointed again,this time to a dirt road grown over with grass.“I had 38 down that road,and the rain caught me in the middle of the 39 .By the time I got back to the truck I was soaked to the skin,and the truck was 40 in the mud.”‎ He paused,laughing to himself.“I walked to that house and asked to use the 41 ,and while I waited for someone to come and 42 the truck out,Ms Williams made 43 and had me stand by the wood 44 to warm myself.”‎ My father paused again,full of 45 .I waited,knowing the pause was for emphasis,or perhaps he was only 46 standing by that good fire while the wind blew at the windows.“She ‎ didn’t know me,”he said,“ 47 she let me in,and I stood there drinking coffee against the 48 .”‎ We drove on,past old barns and rural churches.There were 49 foundations where houses had been long ago,little 50 of stone out behind them,the weeds high around the markers(墓碑).‎ ‎“She hugged me when I left.” my father said,smiling again, 51 his head slightly in memory.“I kept in 52 with her until she passed away.That house has been 53 now for many years.”‎ His story is of a time gone,when a stranger could be invited inside an old lady’s house from a sudden storm.Hearing it,I couldn’t help 54 where in the world we can 55 such stories any more.‎ ‎36.A.settled B.slowed C.flashed D.fastened 答案 B 解析 作者与父亲驱车前行,此处是指父亲放慢(slow)车速,以便作者可以看清楚。‎ ‎37.A.silence B.challenge C.decision D.storm 答案 D 解析 作者父亲边开车边继续向作者讲述过去发生在那所老房子里的故事。有一天他在那边打猎不料暴风雨突至。根据最后一段中的a sudden storm可知答案。‎ ‎38.A.walked B.parked C.returned D.glanced 答案 B 解析 作者父亲又往前开了一会儿后,指向杂草丛中一条泥路,说暴风雨来临之前,他的卡车就停在(park)那条路的边上。由下句I got back to the truck可知,作者父亲是开车前来打猎的,故此处是指父亲将车停在那条路的边上。‎ ‎39.A.field B.house C.foundation D.day 答案 A 解析 暴风雨突来时,他穿越田野(field)往回走,等赶回到卡车时已经浑身湿透。‎ ‎40.A.sunk B.contained C.stuck D.covered 答案 C 解析 他发现卡车陷在泥潭中,没法开走了。be stuck in意为“困住;陷于”。‎ ‎41.A.bike B.bathroom C.computer D.phone 答案 D 解析 作者父亲看到附近有一间房子,便走过去求助,于是来到了威廉姆斯太太家里打求助电话。由下半句“waited for someone to come”可知父亲是打电话求助了。‎ ‎42.A.bring B.pick C.pull D.turn 答案 C 解析 打完电话,他便在威廉姆斯太太家里等待救援,希望有人来帮他把卡车从泥泞中拉(pull)出来。‎ ‎43.A.coffee B.fun C.tea D.sense 答案 A 解析 热情的威廉姆斯太太看到作者父亲浑身湿透,为了给他驱寒,便为他沏了咖啡,并让他在炉火旁取暖。根据下文drinking coffee可知答案。‎ ‎44.A.wall B.stove C.floor D.table 答案 B 解析 根据下文“standing by that good fire”可知此处父亲是站在火炉(stove)边取暖。‎ ‎45.A.admiration B.energy C.reflection D.regret 答案 C 解析 作者父亲再次停了下来,满怀沉思。reflection映像,沉思,回忆,符合语境。‎ ‎46.A.remembering B.imagining C.controlling D.maintaining 答案 A 解析 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事。‎ ‎47.A.so B.as C.for D.but 答案 D 解析 然后他说,威廉姆斯太太不认识他,但她还是让他进了屋,还给他沏了咖啡。根据语境可知此处表示转折,故用but。‎ ‎48.A.wind B.cold C.hunger D.pain 答案 B 解析 作者父亲喝着热咖啡驱寒(cold)。‎ ‎49.A.many B.few C.more D.less 答案 C 解析 作者父亲继续开车前行,经过旧谷仓、乡间教堂,看到了更多的房屋地基。‎ ‎50.A.tombs B.bridges C.gardens D.stairs 答案 A 解析 由空后的marker可知,此处指地基后面有一些小石墓。‎ ‎51.A.nodding B.shaking C.turning D.scratching 答案 B 解析 作者父亲仍沉浸在回忆中,“当我离开时她还拥抱了我,”作者父亲说这话的时候,再次笑了起来,并轻轻地摇头,表示不可思议。‎ ‎52.A.step B.view C.touch D.mind 答案 C 解析 自那以后,作者父亲与威廉姆斯太太一直保持着联系,直到她去世。keep in touch with与……保持联系。‎ ‎53.A.wasted B.pressured C.calculated D.gone 答案 D 解析 现在威廉姆斯太太的房子早已没了。gone在此处意为“不复存在的”。‎ ‎54.A.wondering B.expressing C.sharing D.noticing 答案 A 解析 听完作者父亲的故事,作者禁不住想:这样温情的故事,现在这个世界上再也找不到了。wonder想知道。‎ ‎55.A.appreciate B.tell C.collect D.find 答案 D 解析 解析参见上题。find找到,发现。‎ 第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Volunteers Welcome to the IFRC’s volunteers section.Volunteers have been the backbone of our ‎ Movement since its birth in 1863.Today,as ever they are central to all activities of the Red Cross,assisting millions of vulnerable people in times of greatest need.‎ The Movement currently has more than 17 million active volunteers.Explore this volunteer section and find out how you can become part of the world’s largest humanitarian Movement.‎ Join the team More than 17 million Red Cross volunteers play an essential role in supporting their communities throughout the world.This volunteer section gives you the basic information about volunteering with Red Cross and how your contribution will make a difference.On these pages you will find information about how you can volunteer,joining us in our mission to the most vulnerable improve their lives.‎ Contact your local Red Cross The next step is simple,contact the Red Cross in your country.Find out how you can become a volunteer!‎ Interested in volunteering overseas?‎ The IFRC does not recruit volunteers to work overseas.A small number of National Societies do send some volunteers overseas and there are numbers of organizations that receive international volunteers.If you are interested in these opportunities you should contact your local Red Cross directly.For vacant staff positions in the International Federation,visit http://jobnet.ifrc.org.‎ Learn more about Volunteerism The IFRC is completing the largest study on volunteering ever undertaken in the Red Cross.We have interviewed staff,volunteers and experts from more than 150 countries.Visit here to find out more about the Global Review on Volunteering.‎ Volunteering development in the International Federation Volunteers need support and good management to be able to make a difference in their country.The IFRC’s volunteering development programme provides Red Cross with tools and resources to provide a favourable internal and external environment that encourages and facilitates the work of volunteers,as well as promotes volunteerism across all sectors of civil society.‎ ‎56.To join IFRC’s volunteers section,we need to .‎ A.visit http://jobnet.ifrc.org B.get in touch with the local Red Cross C.learn about its basic information about volunteering D.find out more about the Global Review on Volunteering 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。由 “...contact the Red Cross in your country.Find out how you can become a volunteer!”可知,为了加入IFRC’s volunteers section,我们需要与本国的红十字会联系,了解如何成为志愿者。‎ ‎57.Why has IFRC interviewed staff,volunteers and experts from more than 150 countries?‎ A.To complete the study on volunteering.‎ B.To find out more about volunteering.‎ C.To maintain good management.‎ D.To create opportunities for work overseas.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。由Learn more about Volunteerism介绍中的“The IFRC is completing the largest study on volunteering ever undertaken in the Red Cross.We have interviewed staff,volunteers and experts from more than 150 countries.”可知,IFRC为了研究志愿者情况,采访了150多个国家的员工、志愿者和专家。‎ B I live a different life in every season.Life in the summertime is often full of pests.Like most Long Island homeowners,I want to ensure my suburban life with pest-free living.So it was with wide-eyed surprise that I greeted the smiling exterminator(灭虫者) who rang my bell.‎ ‎“We’ll be serving your neighbors,Mike and Sarah (I’m not familiar with either one by name),” he waved in the other direction.“Since we’ll have a team here tomorrow,we’re offering a discount.”He came out with numbers beginning from $299 then in seconds to $89.‎ ‎“You’ve probably been seeing the ant hills around.”He moved toward my front walkway and lawn.“And have you seen the bees that dig nests in the ground?”He continued with his head shaking up and down pushing me to do the same.‎ ‎“What we do is spray three feet out from your foundation and three feet up.”As he was talking,and without breaking eye contact,he opened his iPad cover and began operating at the screen to show me frightening images.“It also kills other pests,like spiders.It is the best pesticide(杀虫剂),” he said,pausing for effect.‎ He then went into soft talk to close the deal,correctly foreseeing that I would be concerned about safety and the environmental impact on my vegetable garden,plants and our little patch of planet here on Long Island.“The products are environmentally responsible,safe with children and pets,” he said.‎ I’m unkind when it comes to unwanted visitors entering on my out-of-doors moments.Any insect found in my house or on my deck is bound to be poisoned or pancaked.‎ Unfortunately for the exterminator,just as I was considering buying the pesticide,Billy,my fearless husband,pulled into our driveway,which made me ask for a business card out of politeness instead.‎ 语篇解读 ‎ 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者一次在家遇到有人上门推销杀虫剂,并差一点购买了杀虫剂的故事。‎ ‎58.How did the author feel at the sight of the exterminator?‎ A.Surprised. B.Disappointed.‎ C.Puzzled. D.Frightened.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。由第一段最后一句“So it was with wide-eyed surprise that I greeted the smiling exterminator(灭虫者) who rang my bell.”可知,作者看到灭虫者很吃惊,故选A。‎ ‎59.Why was the author worried about the pesticide?‎ A.It might cause frightening images.‎ B.It might harm her family and surroundings.‎ C.It might be too expensive for her to afford.‎ D.It might have no effect on unwanted visitors.‎ 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。由第五段第一句可知,灭虫者正确地预见到作者将会担心她的菜园、植物和她们在长岛的一小块土地的安全以及环境影响。故作者担心杀虫剂会对家人和环境有害,故选B。‎ ‎60.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?‎ A.Billy saw his neighbors cheated by the exterminator.‎ B.The author is sure to phone the salesman later.‎ C.Billy made up his mind to purchase the pesticide.‎ D.The author had planned to buy the pesticide before Billy appeared.‎ 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。由最后一段可推知作者的丈夫出现前,她正准备要买杀虫剂,故选D。‎ C An article published recently in the scientific journal Nature is shedding new light on an important,but so far little has been appreciated,aspect of human evolution.In this article,Professors Dennis Bramble,and Daniel Lieberman suggest that the ability to run was a decisive factor in the development of our species.According to the two scientists,humans possess a number of anatomical(人体结构的) features that make them surprisingly good runners.“We are very confident that strong selection for running,which came at the expense of the historical ability to live in trees—was helpful in the origin of the modern human body form,” says Bramble,a biology professor at the University of Utah.‎ Traditional thinking up to now has been that the upright body form of modern humans has come about as a result of the ability to walk,and that running is simply a by-product of walking.Furthermore,humans have usually been regarded as poor runners compared to such ‎ animals as dogs,horses or antelopes.However,this is only true if we consider fast running over short distances.Even an Olympic athlete can hardly run as fast as a horse can gallop,and can only keep up a top speed for fifteen seconds or so.Horses and antelopes,on the other hand,can run at top speed for several minutes,clearly outperforming us in this respect.But when it comes to long-distance running,humans do astonishingly well.They can maintain a steady pace for miles,and their overall speed compares favorably with that of horses or dogs.‎ Bramble and Lieberman examined twenty-six anatomical features found in humans.One of the most interesting of these is the nuchal ligament(颈背的韧带).When we run,it is this ligament that prevents our head from pitching back and forth or from side to side.Therefore,we are able to run with steady heads held high.The nuchal ligament is not found in any other surviving primates(灵长类动物),although the fossil(化石) record shows that Homo erectus,an early human species that walked upright,much as we do,also had one.Then there are our Achilles tendons(跟腱) at the backs of our legs,which have nothing to do with walking.When we run,these tendons behave like springs,helping to push us forward.Furthermore,we have low,wide shoulders,virtually disconnected from our skulls(the bony part of the head),another anatomical adaptation which allows us to run more efficiently.‎ But what evolutionary advantage is gained from being good long-distance runners?One assumption is that this ability may have permitted early humans to obtain food more effectively.“What these features and fossil facts appear to be telling us is that running evolved in order for our direct ancestors to compete with other carnivores(animals that eat meat) for access to the protein needed to grow the big brains that we enjoy today,” says Lieberman.‎ 语篇解读 近日,两位科学家在《自然》科学杂志上撰文公布自己的研究成果:人类的进化与其奔跑的能力密切相关。‎ ‎61.According to the scientific research,human evolution .‎ A.had something to do with the human history B.was closely related to the human ability to run C.played an important part in anatomical features D.greatly improved the human ability to run 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“In this article,Professors Dennis Bramble,and Daniel Lieberman suggest that the ability to run was a decisive factor in the development of our species.”可知,这两位科学家通过研究发现,人类的进化与其奔跑能力密切相关。故选B。‎ ‎62.Compared with animals,such as dogs or horses,we human beings .‎ A.can run more steadily B.can start running faster C.are poor runners anyway D.are good at running long distances 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“But when it comes to long-distance running,humans do astonishingly well.”可知,与狗、马等动物相比,我们人类擅长长距离奔跑。‎ ‎63.Which of the following can help us run with steady heads?‎ A.The nuchal ligament.‎ B.Our skulls.‎ C.The low,wide shoulders.‎ D.Our Achilles tendons.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三、四句“One of the most interesting of these is the nuchal ligament(颈背的韧带).When we run,it is this ligament that prevents our head from pitching back and forth or from side to side.Therefore,we are able to run with steady heads held high.”可知,是颈背的韧带帮助我们奔跑时保持头部的稳定。‎ ‎64.What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A.Traditional thinking that humans are poor runners is completely wrong.‎ B.Anatomy has been developing very fast over these years.‎ C.With Achilles tendons,we human beings could not walk.‎ D.The early living environment of humans was very tough.‎ 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“What these features and fossil facts appear to be telling us is that running evolved in order for our direct ancestors to compete with other carnivores(animals that eat meat) for access to the protein needed to grow the big brains that we enjoy today.”可知,人类祖先要发展跑步能力与其他食肉动物争食。由此推断,人类早期的生活环境非常恶劣。‎ D I’m a storyteller.And I would like to tell you a few personal stories.‎ I grew up reading British and American children’s books.When I began to write,I wrote exactly the kinds of stories I was reading:All my characters were white and blue-eyed,they ate apples and talked a lot about the weather,despite the fact that I lived in Nigeria.We ate mangoes,and we never talked about the weather.Because all I had read were books in which characters were foreign,I had become convinced that books by their very nature had to have foreigners in them.Things changed when I discovered African books.Because of writers like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye,I went through a mental shift in my idea of literature.I realized that people like me,‎ girls with skin the color of chocolate,could also exist in literature.I started to write about things I recognized.So what the discovery of African writers did for me was this:It saved me from having a single story of what books are.‎ The year I turned eight,we got a new house boy Fide from a nearby rural village.The only thing my mother told us about him was that his family was very poor.And when I didn’t finish my dinner,my mother would say,“Finish your food! Don’t you know? People like Fide’s family have nothing.” So I felt enormous pity for Fide’s family.Then one Saturday,we went to his village to visit,and his mother showed us a beautifully patterned basket that his brother had made.I was astonished.It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something.Their poverty was my single story of them.‎ Years later,when I left Nigeria to go to university in the United States,my American roommate asked where I had learned to speak English so well,and was confused when I said that Nigeria happened to have English as its official language.What struck me was this:She had felt sorry for me even before she saw me.My roommate had a single story of Africa:a single story of catastrophe.‎ Of course,Africa is a continent full of catastrophes.But there are other stories that are not about catastrophe,and it is very important,it is just as important,to talk about them.The consequence of the single story is this:It robs people of dignity.It makes our recognition of our equal humanity difficult.It emphasizes how we are different rather than how we are similar.‎ So what if my mother had told us that Fide’s family was poor and hardworking? What if we had an African television network that broadcast diverse African stories all over the world? What if my roommate knew about my Nigerian publisher,Muhtar Bakare,a remarkable man who left his job in a bank to follow his dream and start a publishing house? What if my roommate knew about my friend Fumi Onda,a fearless woman who hosts a TV show,and is determined to tell the stories that we prefer to forget?‎ My Nigerian publisher and I have just started a non-profit called Farafina Trust,and we have big dreams of building libraries and providing books for state schools,and also of organizing lots of workshops in reading and writing,for all the people who are eager to tell our many stories.‎ Stories matter.Many stories matter.Stories can break the dignity of a people,but stories can also repair that broken dignity.When we realize that there is never a single story about any place,we regain a kind of paradise.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章作者讲了几个关于个人的故事,通过故事告诫我们:如果我们只去聆听关于一个人、一个国家的单一故事,将会导致非常严重的误解。‎ ‎65.What is probably people’s first impression of the writer when it comes to her nationality?‎ A.She mainly eats apples and mangoes.‎ B.She may not speak fluent English.‎ C.She comes from a place free of catastrophes.‎ D.She prefers stories based on foreign characters.‎ 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。由本文第二段可知,作者实际上来自尼日利亚,而且从本文第四段,作者的美国舍友对她能说一口流利英语表示疑惑可以推断出人们对尼日利亚的人第一印象可能是认为他们不会说流利的英语。故选B。‎ ‎66.The underlined phrase “a mental shift” in Paragraph 2 refers to the writer’s .‎ A.discovery of African books with characters of her skin color B.acquaintance with local African writers like Chinua Achebe C.realization that not only foreign characters exist in literature D.change that she started to write about things she recognized 答案 C 解析 词义猜测题。由本文第二段中的“I realized that people like me,girls with skin the color of chocolate,could also exist in literature.”可知作者的思想转变是她意识到像她这样有着巧克力肤色的女生也是可以在文学作品中有一席之地的。即不仅仅外国人物才存在在文学作品中。故选C。‎ ‎67.How many personal stories has the writer mentioned in the passage?‎ A.Two. B.Three.‎ C.Four. D.Five.‎ 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。本文第二段、第三段、第四段分别讲了作者自己意识到文学作品中人物不限英美,作者发现Fide一家贫穷却努力,作者的室友对尼日利亚的刻板印象。即一共三个她的个人经历。故选B。‎ ‎68.The writer uses several single stories in the passage to illustrate that a single story .‎ A.matters in keeping listeners well informed B.tends to convey a prejudiced idea to listeners C.gets increasingly popular among story tellers D.fails to produce a lasting effect on listeners 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。通读全文可知,不论是作者、作者妈妈、作者的室友,不同的人们有着不同的single story,实际上可以理解为“一面之词”“刻板印象”,但其实又不符合事实,即会给听众传达有偏见的想法,故选B。‎ ‎69.The writer lists many “what ifs” in Paragraph 6 to .‎ A.emphasize our differences rather than similarities B.indicate the way that stories are used to break dignity C.show the hardship of recognizing our equal humanity D.stress the importance of telling diverse,balanced stories 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。作者的一系列假设,其实是提出一种更好的做法。兼听则明偏信则暗。我们不应该听信一面之词,应该去多角度的均衡的了解。故选D。‎ ‎70.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?‎ A.The Danger of a Single Story B.The Importance of Telling Stories C.The Single Stories That Matter D.Stories That Can Repair Broken Dignity 答案 A 解析 标题归纳题。全文讲述了作者、作者妈妈、作者的室友的偏见,以及作者对此的看法。认为一面之词实际上是很不好的。在并没有亲自去观察探索也没有去多方面了解之前,人们就接受了single story。但其实往往并不符合事实。因此最好的标题是一面之词的危险。故选A。‎ 第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。‎ 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。‎ Millions of ants live together in a colony,but they don’t compete,get confused,or become disorganized.They behave in an amazing orderly manner at all times.Some scientists refer to ants as “super-organisms” because they live in such highly organized societies that work together to survive.The way ants live and work together has made them one of the most important creatures on the planet.‎ Ants,like bees,belong to a class of eusocial insects.Eusocial insects are broken into groups within their community,and each group has a special job to do depending on the needs of the community.There are three basic groups in an ant colony:queens,soldiers,and workers.Queens are the largest ants,and their only job is to reproduce—they lay all of the eggs that will eventually become soldiers and workers.Soldiers are responsible for protecting the colony and finding new places for nests.Worker ants have many jobs within the community,including caring for the eggs and young ants,hunting for food and maintaining the nest.‎ Some scientists are studying how ants can lead to a better understanding of labor issues,social class,and the use of nature resources in human communities.Ants have had millions of years of practice in working together to survive and grow.For a colony to function successfully,ants have to cooperate,from which people can learn a lot.Researchers hope that gathering information about how ants live together in communities can help people learn to cooperate and compromise with ‎ each other.‎ However,others argue that there are fundamental differences between ants and humans that mean human societies are unlikely ever to attain ant-like levels of collaboration.For example,ants in a colony don’t compete with each other.When they are short of food in the colony,some worker ants automatically become “feeder” ants and feed others with the food in their stomachs,regardless of their usual job.When the food supply is replenished,they become worker ants again.‎ In addition,ants are able to work together without a leader giving them directions.Despite their names,queen ants are not leaders.Instead,ants find out what they need to do from their sense of smell.Research on harvester ants pass each other,they pick up a chemical smell which tells them what the other ant is doing.The number of ants they pass doing a particular job determines what they need to do.It is a form of communication,but unlike human communication it has no content;it is just based on numbers.‎ While ants undoubtedly have a great deal to teach us about organization and the structure of networks,those searching for a greater understanding of human behaviour and morals may need to look somewhere.‎ Ants:Master Cooperators Main 71. ‎ They live together in colony without competitions,72. or being disorganized.‎ The way they work together for 73. living in highly organized societies makes them unique on the planet.‎ Three groups,including queens,soldiers and workers in an ant colony have a special job,74. on the needs of the community.‎ ‎75. of studying ants It helps people understand labor issues,social class,and the use of natural resources better.‎ Ants are 76. in working together to survive and grow,helping people run the communities smoothly.‎ It helps people learn to cooperate and 77. with each other.‎ Differences between ants and humans For 78. of food,some worker ants automatically become ‘feeder’ ants.‎ ‎79. ants,humans have leaders giving people directions.‎ Suggestion Researchers should have different 80. in understanding human behaviour and morals.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。通过对蚂蚁的研究了解了它们的特点以及与人类之间的关系。蚂蚁共同生活和工作的方式使它们成为地球上最重要的生物之一。毫无疑问,蚂蚁可以教给我们很多关于网络的组织和结构的知识,但是那些想要更好地理解人类行为和道德的人可能需要从别处寻找答案。‎ ‎71.答案 features/characteristics 解析 根据右侧表格内容可知是在讲蚂蚁的“特点”,故答案为features/characteristics。‎ ‎72.答案 confusion 解析 根据第一段第一句“Millions of ants live together in a colony,but they don’t compete,get confused,or become disorganized.”可知此空答案为confusion。‎ ‎73.答案 survival 解析 根据第一段第三句“Some scientists refer to ants as ‘super-organisms’ because they live in such highly organized societies that work together to survive.”可知,此处填survival。‎ ‎74.答案 depending 解析 根据第二段中“each group has a special job to do depending on the needs of the community”可知,答案为depending。‎ ‎75.答案 Significance/Importance/Meaning/Benefits 解析 根据右栏内容可知此处是在讲研究蚂蚁的“意义(重要性)”,故答案为Significance/Importance/Meaning/Benefits。‎ ‎76.答案 experienced 解析 根据第三段中“Ants have had millions of years of practice in working together to survive and grow.”可知答案为experienced。‎ ‎77.答案 compromise 解析 根据第三段最后一句中的“how ants live together in communities can help people learn to cooperate and compromise with each other”可知答案为compromise。‎ ‎78.答案 shortage/lack 解析 根据第四段中的“When they are short of food in the colony,some worker ants automatically become ‘feeder’ ants and feed others with the food in their stomachs”,可知答案为shortage/lack。‎ ‎79.答案 Unlike 解析 根据第五段第一句“In addition,ants are able to work together without a leader giving them directions.”可知答案为Unlike。‎ ‎80.答案 angles 解析 根据最后一段“While ants undoubtedly have a great deal to teach us about organization and ‎ the structure of networks,those searching for a greater understanding of human behaviour and morals may need to look somewhere.”可知,研究人员应该从不同的角度理解人类行为和道德,故答案为angles。‎ 第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎81.请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。‎ A survey and report on adolescent online addictive behavior in 2017 and 2018 by the Ministry of Education shows that children whose parents are in different cities working apparently spent more time on online games than children whose parents are home.‎ A left-behind child from Jinhu,Jiangsu Province,once left a note to a volunteer who came to support her school by bringing supplies,writing,“I don’t like what you brought. I want a phone that can play King of Glory.”‎ Zhang Haibo,the director of the children media literacy education research center of the China National Youth Palace Association,believes that unlike urban parents,rural parents are restricted by factors such as education level,and fail to truly realize the harm from letting children freely play online games.‎ Liu Sumei,a middle-school teacher in Henan Province,suggests that some students living in the school often lie under a quilt to play mobile phone games or watch videos.“They have no energy during the day class.And after less than a semester,their grades plummeted(骤然下跌),” Liu told the China Youth Daily.‎ 写作内容 ‎1.用约30个单词概括上述信息的主要内容;‎ ‎2.用约120个单词就“农村留守儿童沉溺于网络游戏”发表你的看法,内容包括:‎ ‎(1)简要分析导致农村留守儿童沉溺于网络游戏的原因;‎ ‎(2)你有什么好的建议来帮助这些孩子?‎ 写作要求 ‎1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;‎ ‎2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;‎ ‎3.不必写标题。‎ 评分标准 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。‎ 参考范文 People now witness the online addictive issue on left behind children and believe it is a hard nut to crack.Not only does it affect children’s study,but it may also threaten their health.‎ Quite a few things give rise to that phenomenon.Above all,many parents have to leave home to big cities to seek good salaries,leaving their children staying at home.Lack of parents’ love and ‎ discipline,the children start to play online games without stop.What’s worse,these children at school just choose playing games or watching videos as their hobby when free.‎ I think we should take the following suggestions into consideration to help these children.First,the government should take measures to help parents to find jobs near their hometown or give their children chances to get better education near their parents’ workplace.Second,schools can create more activities for them to join in.What’s more,all people around the children should try their best to help them to develop a good outlook of life.Only by doing so can we help the children live a better life.‎

