2020-2021年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Cultural relics

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2020-2021年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Cultural relics

2020-2021 年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Cultural relics 【核心素养分析】 语言知识 :要求考生掌握并能运用英语词汇、语法基础知识以及所学话题。 1.考纲内要掌握的词汇、短语和句型 项目 单词及其词性变化(语法填空必备) 重点单词 1.valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的→value n.价值 v.估价→invaluable adj.无法估价的,无价 的 2.survive vi.幸免;;生幸存还→survivor n.幸存者→survival n.幸存,存活 3.amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶→amazing adj.令人吃惊的→ amazed adj.感到吃惊的→amazement n.惊奇,惊异 4.select vt.挑选;选择→selective adj.有选择性的 5.design n.设计;图案;构思 vt.设计;计划;构思→designer n.设计者 6.decorate v.装饰;装修→decoration n.装饰,装饰物 7.jewel n.珠宝;宝石→jewellery n.珠宝(总称) 8.remove vt.移动;搬开→removal n.移动;排除 9.doubt n.怀疑;疑惑 vt.怀疑;不信→doubtful adj.怀疑的 10.former adj.以前的;从前的 11.worth prep.值得的,相当于……的价值 n.价值;作用 adj.[古]值钱的 12.evidence n.根据;证据→evident adj.明显的;有线索的 13.explode vi.爆炸→explosion n.爆炸 14.entrance n.入口 15.sink vi.下沉;沉下 16.debate n.争论;辩论 vi.争论;辩论 重点短语 1.in search of 寻找 2.belong to 属于 3.in return 作为报答 4.at war 处于交战状态 5.less than 少于 2. 语法基础知识——定语从句 主题语境:话题——文化遗产(人与自然) 语言技能:能在主题语境下,运用所学的语言知识写出日常生活事物的应用文,能够以较 丰富的语言写出读后续写的故事。 【基础巩固】 知识点 1.survive vt. 在……之后仍然生存;逃生;比……活得长 vi. 活下来;幸存 【归纳拓展】 survival n. 存活,幸存 survivor n. 幸存者 survive sb. (by) 比某人活得长(几年) survive sth. 幸免于某事 survive on sth. 靠……存活下来 6.take apart 拆开 7.think highly of 看重;器重 8.serve as 充当;担任 9.be of the fancy style 风格奇特的 10.rather than 而不是 经典句型 (高考书 面表达必 备) 1.Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世永远想象不到,他赠给俄罗斯人民的最厚重的礼物会有这样一段 令人惊讶的历史。 2.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train... 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火 车…… 3.After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. 从那以后,琥珀屋的最终所归 便成了一个谜。 必备语法 (高级句 型) 定语从句 survive from sth. 从……存活下来;流传下来 【典例 1】 1. When students learned on Wednesday that only one of the 13 workers having been trapped underground _____, they burst into tears. A.survives B.had survived C.has survived D.has been surviving 【答案】B 【解析】考查时态语态。过去完成时表示过去的过去发生的事情。句意:当学生们知道周三 13 名被困在地下的工人中只有一人被救,他们都哭了起来。这名工人被挽救是在学生哭之 前,学生哭泣使用了过去时,所以过去完成时。而且动词 survive 是没有被动语态的。故 B 项正确。 2.(2019·江苏徐州一中高三月考)____________, all have suffered at least some harm from centuries of rain, war, fire and theft. A.Although a number of tombs have survived with great damage, B.Great damage as a number of tombs have survived with C.In spite of what little damage a number of tombs have survived with D.Providing that a number of tombs have survived with little damage 【答案】C 【解析】考查状语从句。尽管大量的幸存下来的墓穴几乎没有受到破坏,但所有的陵墓都经 历了几个世纪的以来的风吹雨打、战争、火灾和偷窃造成的伤害。分析句子可知,空后的句 意为“所有的陵墓都经历了几个世纪的以来的风吹雨打、战争、火灾和偷窃造成的伤 害。”although 表示前后意思是转折的,如果选 A 项“虽然有许多幸存下来的坟墓遭到了极大 的破坏”与后一句“但所有的陵墓都经历了几个世纪的以来的风吹雨打、战争、火灾和偷窃造 成的伤害”,显然句意前后不是转折关系,句意不正确,故 A 错误。 B 选项是一个句子, 题目中已有一个句子,两个句子没有连词,所以 B 排除。C 项“尽管许多陵墓幸存下来没有 多少破坏,” 与题目中的后一句“但所有的陵墓都经历了几个世纪的以来的风吹雨打、战争、 火灾和偷窃造成的伤害”是转折关系,句意完整。故 C 正确。D 项“假如许多墓葬幸存,几乎 没有损坏。”与题目中的“但所有的陵墓都经历了几个世纪的以来的风吹雨打、战争、火灾和 偷窃造成的伤害”意义也不一致,故选 C 项. 3.There are concerns that the beggars in the street may not the freezing winter. A. survive B. live C. suffer D. experience 【答案】A 【解析】句意:人们有些担心大街上的乞丐可能会熬不过这个寒冷的冬天。survive 此处用 作及物动词,意为“艰难度过”,符合句意。live“居住,生活”;suffer“蒙受,遭受”;experience“经 历”。 【变式】 用所给词的正确形式填空 1.(2019·天津耀华中学高考模拟)Had it not been for his experience in the forest,we wouldn't ____________ (survive)in the battle with the fierce bear. 【答案】have survived 【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果不是他的丛林经验,我们就不会从与熊的搏斗中幸存下 来。分析句子可知,从句为省略 if 的条件状语从句,if it had not been for his experience in the forest,是对过去情况的假设,主句则用 would have done,故填 have survived。 2.If your are not careful enough, your chance of _________(survive) are very small. 【答案】survival。 【解析】考查名词。句意:如果你不够小心,你的生存机会是非常小的。结合句意可知此处 用名词形式,故答案为 survival。 3.【2019·天津模拟】Compared to the advantages of the Internet, those of the television alone will not be enough to ensure its _________(survive), and the latter will be replaced. 【答案】survival 【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:相较于网络的优势,电视单靠自身的优势将不足以保证它幸 存下来,所以其将会被网络取代。名词:survival 幸存,故填 survival。 4. 如果不及时采取措施这些植物可能活不过冬天。(survive) 【答案】The plants may not survive the winter unless immediate measures are taken. 【解析】本句为 unless 引导的条件状语从句。单词 survive“幸存;活下来”。故译为“The plants may not survive the winter unless immediate measures are taken.”。 知识点 2.design n.设计;图案;构思 vt. 设计;计划;构思 【归纳拓展】 by design=on purpose 有意,故意 have designs on/upon sth. (money/life) 图谋(钱、生命等) be designed for sb./sth. be designed to do sth. be designed as sth.为某目的或用途 【典例 2】 语法填空 1.(2020·黑龙江大庆实验中学)Architects preferred _______(design) buildings with more light, which contrasted with the heaviness of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle ages. 【答案】designing/to design 【解析】句意:建筑师们更喜欢设计光线更充足的建筑,这与中世纪哥特式教堂的沉重形成 了鲜明的对比。prefer 后面可以接动词不定式或者动名词作宾语。第一个空可以填 to design 或者 designing。 2.(2020·山西)The wheelchairs _____(design) for the people who are unable to walk. 【答案】are designed 【解析】句意:轮椅是为那些不能行走的人设计的。固定搭配:be designed for“为…设计”。 故填 are designed。 3.( 2020·江苏高三)______(design)a powerful beginning is crucial-not only does it make readers stay with your story, ______you develop the plot. 【答案】Designing 【解析】考查倒装句。句意:设计一个强有力的开头是至关重要的——它不仅能让读者关注 你的故事,还能帮助你发展情节。此处是动名词短语作主语,故填 Designing。 【变式】 单项填空 1.(2020·江苏省天一中学高三)________ computer lessons, designed for children, is an important qualification for the job. A.Having studied B.Having been studiedC.Being studied D.Had studied 【答案】A 【解析】考查动名词的完成式。句意:学习过专为孩子设计的计算机课程是担任这项工作的 一项重要条件。分析句子结构可知,句子缺少主语,故用非谓语中的动名词做主语,又因 study 这个动作已完成且是主动的,故用动名词的完成式 having done,故选 A 项。 2.(2019·天津高考真题)Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially ________ to help them succeed academically and personally. A.designed B.designing C.to design D.being designed 【答案】A 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:现在大多数大学都为一年级学生开设了一门课程,专门帮 助他们在学业和个人方面取得成功。a course 和 design 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。 故选 A。 3.(2018·江苏高考模拟)The Lifelong Learning Programme to enable people to take part in learning experiences has taken off across Europe. A.having been designed B.being designed C.designed D.designing 【答案】C 【解析】C 考查非谓语动词。句意:让人们参与学习体验的终生学习计划在欧洲各地流行起 来。Design 和 programme 是动宾关系,用过去分词作定语,故选 C。 4.(2018·江苏高三期中)Don’t be angry any more. I’m sure he ignored you by accident and not ______. A.by chance B.by mistake C.by design D.by force 【答案】C 【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:别再生气了。我敢肯定,他忽视你是偶然的,而不是故 意的。A. by chance 偶然的;B. by mistake 错误地;C. by design 故意地;D. by force 使用暴 力。由“Don’t be angry any more.”可知,C 选项正确。 完成句子 1.这个项目是为穷人设计的。The project the poor. 2.这个项目为赚钱而设计。The project make money.. 3. 她刚好在我们正要离开时到达,但我不能肯定这是出于偶然还是有意安排。 She arrived just as we were leaving,but whether this was by accident or ________/on purpose I'm not sure. 4. 这些运动是为增强肌肉力量而设计的。(朗文 P507)These exercises ___________strengthen muscles. 【答案】 1.is designed for 2.is designed to 3. by design 4. are designed to 知识点 3.fancy adj. 奇怪的;异样的 vt. 想象;设想;爱好 n.想象力;幻想;爱好 【归纳拓展】 fancy oneself (as sth.) 自命不凡;自负 fancy+n.+(to be)/as+n. 认为……是…… fancy (one's) doing 想象(某人)做某事 have a fancy for 爱好 catch/take one's fancy 合某人的心意;吸引某人 take a fancy to sb./sth. 喜欢上/爱上某人/某物 【典例 3】 1. They are too _______ for me; I prefer the plain ones. A.ordinary B.fancy C.imaginary D.common 【答案】B 【解析】形容词辨析。A 普通的;B 奇特的;C 想象中的;D 常见的;句意:对于我来说, 他们太奇特了,我宁愿要一些普通的。故 B 正确。 2. ______letting go of a god chance like that ,the silly girl .! A. Fancy B. Suspect C. Suppose D. Wonder 【答案】A 【解析】这题考查 fancy“想像,设想”的用法,搭配是:fancy sb/one’s doing,句意是:想象一 下发走了这么好的机会,傻丫头。选 A。 3. —What on earth do you want? —I just want a common sports coat—nothing ________. A.fancy B.amazing C.informal D.valuable 【答案】A 【解析】考形容词辨析。A 奇特的,昂贵的;B 令人惊奇的;C 不正式的;D 宝贵的。 因 为买的运动装很普通,所以后面相对应,nothing fancy,一点不贵。句意:你究竟想要什么? 我只是想要一件普通的运动装,一点也不贵。故选 A 【变式】 1.The teacher_________________ how excited I was feeling hearing the news! (fancy) 老师永远也不可能想到, 我听到那个消息的时候感到多么的兴奋! 【答案】can / could never have fancied 【解析】考查情态动词和虚拟语气。情态动词+have done 表示对过去的事情进行虚拟,can have done 可能已经做了某事;should have done 本应该做某事;must have done 一定已经做 了某事。fancy 认为,料想,想象,故填 can /could never have fancied。 2.Fancy ________(讨价还价) with them about it? They might reduce the price. 【答案】bargaining 【解析】考查短语。Fancy ________(讨价还价) with them about it? They might reduce the price. 句意为和他们花式讨价还价,他们可能会降低价格。Bargaining with sb 和某人讨价还价。 知识点 4.doubt n. 怀疑;疑惑 vt. 怀疑;不信 【归纳拓展】 doubtful adj. 怀疑的 beyond/out of doubt 毫无疑问地;确实地 in doubt 不肯定;不确定 no doubt 无疑地;很可能 without doubt 无疑地;确实地 I don't doubt that...我确信…… I doubt whether (if)...我怀疑是否…… There is no doubt that-clause about...毫无疑问…… 注意:doubt 在肯定句中用 whether 或 if 引导从句,但在疑问句和否定句中用 that 引导从句。 【典例 4】 单项填空 1.(2020·江苏高三月考)There can be no doubt ____________teachers love hardworking students. A.where B.that C.which D.whether 【答案】B 【解析】考查同位语从句连接词。句意:毫无疑问老师都喜欢用功的学生。固定句型 There is no doubt that…表示“毫无疑问……”,that 后面的内容就是毫无疑问的事实。故选 B。 2.(2020·天津高三)______ the mother really doubts is ______ her son will join the army soon. A.That; what B.What; whether C.That; whether D.What; that 【答案】B 【解析】考查主语从句和表语从句。句意:妈妈真正担心的是将来她的儿子是否能参军。主 语从句______ the mother really doubts 中缺少宾语,为“……的事”,故填 what;表语从句 her son will join the army soon.中不缺成分,意思为“是否”,故填 whether,故选 B。 语法填空 1. There is a certain doubt among people __________the official advertisement has a misleading effect on customers’ choices of electronic products. 【答案】whether 【解析】考查同位语从句和固定句式。句意:人们对官方广告是否会误导消费者选择电子产 品存在一定的怀疑。分析可知,“There the official advertisement has a misleading effect on customers’ choices of electronic products”应是之前名词 doubt 的同位语从句,根据语境,表示 “是否”,且本句属于同位语从句固定句式结构:there is doubt whether+从句,其中 whether 引导同位语从句对名词 doubt 进行补充说明。 2. There is no doubt ______ cultural relics are worth protecting. 【答案】that 【解析】考查固定句型和固定短语。句意:毫无疑问,文物是值得保护的。固定句型:There is no doubt that…“毫无疑问”。故填 that。 【变式】 完成句子 (1)_____________________________ they will agree with you on this matter. 毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的意见的。 (2)_____________________________ their football team will win the match. 他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。 (3)I don't doubt______ he can finish the task on time. 我相信他能按时完成任务。 【答案】(1)There is no doubt that(2)There is some doubt whether(3)that 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)I doubt___________ they can swim across the river. 我怀疑他们能否游过河去。 (2)This meeting has been, ____________ , one of the most useful we have had so far. 这无疑是我们迄今为止最有用的一次会议。 【答案】(1)whether(2)without doubt 知识点 5.worth prep. 值得的;相当于……的价值 n.价值;作用 adj. 值钱的 【归纳拓展】 be worth+n.“值……”(仅限于少数表示钱数或某种代价的比喻性名词) be (well) worth doing “(很)值得做”(用 well 修饰;用动名词的主动式表示被动含义) be worthy of+n. of+being done 值得做某事 to be done It is worthwhile to do sth. doing sth.做某事是值得的 另外:worthy 可用做前置定语,表示“有价值的;可敬的”,而 worth 不能做前置定语。如:a worthy gentleman 一位可敬的绅士。 【典例 5】 单项填空 1.(2020·郑州外国语新枫杨学校高三月考)—Do you think it ___ to argue with them? —The question is not worthy ___. A.worth; discussing B.worthwhile; to be discussed C.worthy; to discuss D.worth; to be discussed 【答案】B 【解析】考查动词不定式和形容词。句意:——你觉得跟他们争辩有意义吗?——这个问题 不值得被讨论。分析句子结构可知,it 作形式宾语,空白处应该是宾语补足语,在这里要用 形容词。worth 的用法中,可以接动名词 be worth doing 意为“值得被……”,但不能后接不定 式且只做表语;而 worthwhile 可以接不定式 be worthwhile to 意为“值得……”。而答语中, be worthy to be done sth 意为“值得被……”,分析句意可知,主语 the question 和动词 discuss 之间是被动关系(问题被讨论),要用被动语态。结合选项。故选 B 项。 2.(2019·黑龙江鹤岗一中高三月考)It is a great evening, and definitely _____________ all the hard work. A.worthy B.worth C.worthwhile D.worthless 【答案】B 【解析】考查形容词用法辨析。A. worthy 有价值的,值得的;B. worth 值得的,值钱的; C. worthwhile 值得做的;D. worthless 不值钱的;形容词 worth 后面可以接表示具体价值的 名词或者金钱数字。句意:这个晚会很精彩,值得所有的努力工作。故 B 项正确。 3.(江苏金陵中学高三课时练习)I don’t think the necklace made of diamond is _______. A.worthy to buy B.worthy of being bought C.worth being bought D.worthy of buying 【答案】B 【解析】句意为我认为由钻石制成的项链不值得购买。值得做某事,be worth doing sth.或者 be worthy of doing sth.。结合选项知 B 符合题意。故选 B。 【变式】 语法填空 1.(江西高三期中)The magazine is very worth ________(read), so he advised me ________ (buy)it. 【答案】reading;to buy 【解析】考查非谓语动词 sth. is worth sth/ doing 此句型中只能用 doing, 不能使用被动。值 得做某事.句意:这本杂志非常值得一读,因此他建议我买了它.不定式作宾语补足语表示具体 的将要发生的动作,结合语境可知填 reading;to buy。 2.(2019·黑龙江月考)A lot of small towns in the area are definitely worth ________(visit). 【答案】visiting 【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:这个地区的许多小城镇绝对值得一游。be worth doing sth. 值得做某事,故填 visiting。 用 worth/worthy/worthwhile 填空 ①This second-hand car is $2,000 at the most. ②Guangzhou is to be visited. ③It is to go to the Summer Palace for a visit. 【答案】 ①worth ②worthy ③worthwhile 翻译句子 我们付出的每一次努力未必都能成功,但是但凡值得我们做的事情都值得做好。(worth) ________________________________ 【答案】Every effort that we make can / may not be successful, but whatever is worth our / us doing is worth our / us doing well. / Every effort that we make is not necessarily successful. … / Every effort that we put in is not always going to / does not always work, … 【解析】句中使用 whatever 引导的主语从句和 be worth doing sth.结构,结合所给汉语可知 effort 后要用 that 引导的定语从句,故答案为 Every effort that we make can / may not be successful, but whatever is worth our / us doing is worth our / us doing well. / Every effort that we make is not necessarily successful. … / Every effort that we put in is not always going to / does not always work, … 知识点 6.select vt.挑选;选择 【归纳拓展】 ①select...for...为……而挑选…… ②select...from...从……中挑选…… 【典例 6】 语法填空 1.( 2019·江苏高三月考)The _______(select)of the date was rather arbitrary, since it mattered little to most of the club members who were free during the holidays. 【答案】selection 【解析】句意:日期的选择是相当随意的,因为对大多数在假期里有空的俱乐部成员来说, 这无关紧要。根据句意及句子成分可知,填 selection。 2.(2019·黑龙江哈尔滨市第六中学校高三月考)I advised you to buy ____________(select) poems of LiBai, which is intended for primary students. 【答案】Selected 【解析】句意:我建议你买《李白诗选》,它是为小学生准备的。根据句意可知,是被选出 的诗,故用过去分词。因为是书名,故用大写。故填 Selected。 【变式】用所给词的正确形式填空 语法填 1.Yesterday, he ______ (select) from a great number of candidates. 【答案】was selected 【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。句意:昨天,他从众多的候选人中被选拔了出来。根据 Yesterday 可知应用一般过去时,He 与 select 之间为被动关系,因此用一般过去时的被动语 态。故填 was selected。 2. The book which ________ (select) for your son last week is said to be the best-seller this month. 【答案】was selected 【解析】考查被动语态。which 引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语,指代 The book,与 select 是动宾关系,且根据 last week 可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态。故填 was selected。 单项填空 1.—What do you think of the two students ________ to take part in the competition? —They are hardworking as well as intelligent. A. selecting B.selected C.having selected D.to select 【答案】B 【解析】B 考察非谓语动词。句义:你觉得那两个被选出来参加竞赛的学生怎么样?—他们 很勤奋,也很充满。;逻辑主语 the boy students 与 select 之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以 使用过去分词的形式。 2. ---What do you think of the two students ______ to take part in the competition? ---They are hardworking as well as intelligent. A. selecting B. to select C. selected D. having selected 【答案】C 【解析】C 考察非谓语动词。逻辑主语 the boy students 与 select 之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系, 所以使用过去分词的形式。句意:---你觉得那两个被选出来参加竞赛的学生怎么样?---他们 很勤奋也很聪明。故选 C 3.The players from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game. A. selecting B. to select C. selected D. having selected 【答案】 C 【解析】考查非谓语动词做定语的用法,select 修饰 players,为被动关系,只有 C 选项表被 动。 知识点 7.in search of=in one's search for 寻找;搜寻 【归纳拓展】 search...for...在……里面/身上搜寻 search for=look for=hunt for 寻找 search out 找出某人或某物 search through 把……仔细搜寻一遍 make a search for...搜查,搜寻 拓展:in honour of 为了纪念;为向……表示敬意 in praise of 歌颂……;表扬…… in memory of 为纪念…… in favour of 赞同,支持 in place of 代替 in charge of 负责 in possession of 拥有 in control of 控制 in face of 面对…… in need/want of 需要 【典例 7】 单项填空 1. A group of soldiers went into the woods ________ the missing pilot. A.search for B.search of C.in search of D.search 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查 search 的用法和搭配。由 went into 判断所选答案不应是谓语动词,排除 A、 B、D。句意:一队士兵走进树林去搜寻失踪的飞行员。in search of 搜寻,答案为 C。 2. The police _________ the mountain to ________ the murderer. A. is searching; search for B. are searching for; search C. is searching for; search D. are searching; search for 【答案】D 【解析】考查主谓一致。通常用作复数的集合名词 police(警察),people(人),cattle(牛,牲口)等 集合名词,总是表示复数意义,用作主语时,其谓语要用复数。search for sb.寻找某人;search sb./sth 搜查某人/某物。句意:警察正在搜山,寻找杀人犯。故 D 正确。 3. A couple of young people went _____ the ship ______ their stolen necklace worth $5000. A.abroad; searching for B.aboard; in search of C.board; in their search of D.broad; searched for 【答案】B 【解析】第一空考查单词辨析:A. abroad 在国外 B. aboard 在船上(飞机上,火车上)C. board; 木板 D. broad 宽阔的,填 aboard,是上船,第二空考查词组 insearch of 寻找,句意:这对 年轻夫妇上船寻找他们丢失的价值 5000 美元的项链。选 B。 【变式】 完成句子 ①他们立刻启程去寻找那个走失的女孩。 They started off at once the missing girl. =They started off at once the missing girl. ②他们到处寻找那个人。 They that man everywhere. =They that man everywhere. 【答案】 ①in search of;to search for ②search for;are in search of 翻译句子 救援人员正在废墟中挖掘,以搜寻其他受害者。 (in search of) ____________________________________________________________ 【答案】Rescue workers are digging through the ruins in search of other victims. 【解析】“救援人员正在废墟中挖掘”应该用进行时态。表示“搜寻……”,应该用 in search of。 故该句可以翻译为:Rescue workers are digging through the ruins in search of other victims。 知识点 8.belong to 属于;为……的一员 【归纳拓展】 提示:(1)belong to 不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。 (2)belong vi. “适合待在某处,放在某处”,没有含被动意味的过去分词用法。 (3)belongings n. 财产,所有物,相关事物 【典例 8】 语法填空 1. Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future _____(belong) to the well-educated. 【答案】belongs 【解析】考查固定词组 belong to 的用法。句意:威廉斯教授一直告诉他的学生,未来属于 受过良好教育的人。固定词组:belong to“属于”,它没有进行时态和被动语态,再根据主句 是一般现在时态,所以后面的宾语从句也用一般现在时,主语是 the future 故填 belongs。 2. The house ______(belong) to an old lady is in good condition. 【答案】belonging 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:属于老太太的房子状态很好。is 是谓语动词,所以空格处 作 house 的后置定语,belong to 是不及物动词,没有被动结构。故填 belonging。 3.Whatever you have picked up, you must give it back to whoever it belongs _____________. 【答案】to 【解析】句意:无论你捡到什么,你必须把它还给它的主人。第一空 Whatever 引导的是让 步状语从句,Whatever 在这里相当于 No matter what;第二空 whoever 引导的是宾语从句, 且 whoever 在从句中作 belongs to 的宾语。故填 to。 4. You’d better lock your valuable ___________________(belong)in the safe (保险柜) before going out. 【答案】belongings 【解析】句意:你最好把贵重物品锁在保险箱里再出去。根据 in the safe 可知是贵重的物品 才会放进去保险柜,故填 belongings。 【变式】 完成句子 1. Some years ago,the group ______which Sparrow __________was taken over by another company. 几年前,Sparrow 所属的集团被另一家公司收购。 2.As is known to us,China is a country __________the Third World. 众所周知,中国是一个属于第三世界的国家。 【答案】 1. to; belonged 2. belonging to 语法填空 1.It’s important to have a sense of ________(belong). 2.Put the chair back where it ______________(belong). 【答案】1.belonging 2.belongs 知识点 10.in return 作为回报;作为交换 【归纳拓展】 in return for 为……作为回报 without return 无赚头;无利润 by return (接信后)立即回复 return sb. sth. (=return sth. to sb.) 将某物归还某人 return to some place/life 回到某地/复活 【典例 10】 He helps me with English, and I help him with Chinese . A. for return B. as return C. in return D. to return 【答案】 C 【解析】 分析句意可以看出后一分句“我帮他学汉语”是对“他帮我学英语”的“回报”。 【变式】语法填空 (1)I did her many favors and got nothing _______ return.我帮了她许多忙,没得到任何回报。 (2)In return ________ our donation, we only ask that you let us know how it was used.作为对 我们捐助的回报,我们只请求你让我们知道我们的捐赠是怎样被使用的。 (3)The old lady helped me a lot when I was in trouble. I do wish I could do something for her ________ one day.我倒希望你不要提及我的名字。 【答案】(1)in(2)for(3)in return 知识点 11.at war 处于交战状态 【归纳拓展】 at work 在上班 at play 在玩 at peace 处于和平中 at school 在上学 at breakfast 在吃早饭 at table 在吃饭 at desk 在学习 at rest 静止 【典例 11】 Leading the US women’s volleyball team back to her hometown for the Beijing Olympic Games, Lang Ping felt ______ when she saw some familiar faces. A.at home B.at heart C.at will D.at sight 【答案】A 【解析】考查短语辨析。句意为:……当郎平看到一些熟悉的面孔时,她感觉很亲切。at home“自在的,不拘束的”;干扰项 at heart 意思是“内心里,本质上”;at will 意思是“任意, 随心所欲地”;at sight 意思是“一看到……就”。由题意可知,A 为正确答案。 【变式】完成句子 (1)The two countries have been __________ for years.这两国已经打了好几年仗了。 (2)____________ the insect looks like a dead leaf. 这种昆虫不动时看上去像一片枯叶。 (3)The countries have been ____________ for more than a century.这些国家和平共处已有一个 多世纪了。 【答案】(1)at war(2)At rest(3)at peace 知识点 12.take apart 拆开,拆散 【归纳拓展】 拓展:apart 是副词,“相距,相隔;分开,分离;在一边”。还可以构成如下短语: apart from 除……以外 know/tell... apart 辨认,区别 put/set sb./sth. apart (from sb./sth.) 使某人/某物显得优越或独特 stand apart 分开站 live apart 分开住 be wide/far apart 相距很远 【典例 12】 Rod loves clocks. However,he never manages to put them together again. A.taking apart B.giving away C.making up D. turning off 【答案】 A 【解析】 A 项意为“拆开,拆卸”;B 项意为“赠送,泄露”;C 项意为“编造,弥补,化装”; D 项意为“关掉”。根据句意,可知,Rod 喜欢拆卸钟表,然而,他从来都不能再重新装好。 【变式】完成句子 (1)The Germans ____________ the Amber Room and moved it away. 德国人把琥珀屋拆开移走了。 (2)John enjoys __________________ to see how they work.约翰喜欢拆卸东西,以研究它们的 工作原理。 【答案】(1)took apart(2)taking things apart 知识点 13.think highly of 看重;器重 【归纳拓展】 think well/much of sb./sth. 对某人/某物评价高 think badly/little/ill/lightly of sb./sth. 对某人/某物评价低(印象不好) think poorly of 不放在眼里;轻视 think nothing of 轻视;认为无所谓 speak highly of 高度赞扬 speak well/ill of 说……好/坏 think of 想起,记得;觉得怎样 think of...as...把……当做…… 提示:当 think highly/well/much...of 用于被动结构时,修饰动词的副词应放在动词之前,即:be highly/well/much thought of。 【典例 13】 —What do you think ______ Mr Wang? —He is ______ thought of by us. A.of; well B.about; badly C.over; worse D.of; good 【答案】A 【解析】What do you think of...?句式表示:“你认为……怎么样?”be well thought of 被评价 很高。 【变式】完成句子 (1)I don't __________________ these so-called improvements to the town center. 我对这些所谓的改善市中心的措施评价不高。 (2)We all __________________ her.我们都很看重她。 【答案】(1)think much of(2)think highly of 【考点精讲】 考点 1:could have done 表示推测 【教材原句】Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世永 远想象不到他赠给俄罗斯人民的最厚重的礼物会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。 【考点聚焦】could have done 表示推测 【句法分析】本句中 could never have imagined 为情态动词表推测的用法,can 和 could 可 以用在否定句和疑问句中,后接完成式,表示对已发生的事情的惊讶、怀疑、猜测或不相信 等;或接进行时,表示对正发生的事情的惊讶、怀疑、猜测或不相信等;或接原形,表示对 现在或一般情况的否定推测。 ①Could/Can he have been told the news? 他被告知这个消息了吗? ②He knew little about Japanese, so he couldn't have learned it. 他对日语一无所知,因此他不可 能学过。 ③The light is out. They can't be at home. 灯灭着,他们现在不可能在家。 拓展:(1)can/could 主要用于否定推测;must 表推测只用于肯定句;mustn't 表示“禁止;不 允许”。情态动词 can 和 must 表推测时,其反意疑问句的动词形式要依据主句中有无具体 时间状语而定。 (2)could have done 用于肯定句,则表示“本来能够做到却没有做到”,此时 could 不能换成 can。 ①It seems that he is unhappy. He must have been told the bad news. 看起来他不高兴,他一定已被告知这个坏消息了。 ②He could have caught the early bus, but his bike broke down on the way. 他本能够赶上那辆早班车,但是他的自行车在路上坏了。 【典例 1】 【2019·苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查(一)】10.The accident which left 15 people on board dead if both the angry female passenger and the bus driver had kept calm. A. should have avoided B. should be avoided C. could have avoided D. could have been avoided 【答案】D 【解析】考查情态动词+完成式。句意:如果愤怒的女乘客和巴士司机保持冷静,这起导致 15 人死亡的事故本来是可以避免的。could have done“本来能做而没有做”,且句子主语 The accident 和谓语动词 avoid 之间是被动关系,结合句意可知答案为 D。 【总结提高】 情态动词+ have done 结构: 1.“must + have + 过去分词”表示对过去发生的事情或状态进行推测,语气比较坚定,通常只用于 肯定句.如:It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet. 2.“can / could + have + 过去分词”表示对过去某种情况的怀疑或不确定.can 和 could 一般用于否 定句和疑问句,could 的语气较 can 弱.如:He can't have finished the work so soon. 3.“may / might + have + 过去分词”表示对已发生的动作或存在的状态进行不肯定的推测,might 的语气比 may 弱一点.这种结构主要用于肯定句和否定句,疑问句改用 can 或 could.如:They may not have known it beforehand. 4.“need + have + 过去分词”表示过去做了不必做或不需要做的事情,或过去做某事纯属多余.如:I needn't have bought so much wine—only five people came. 5.“should / ought to + have + 过去分词”表示过去本该做某事但没做,其否定式表示过去不该做某 事但做了,这种句式含有不满或责备之意,ought to 的语气比 should 强一些.如: You ought to / should have studied harder.你本应该更努力学习的.(但没有) He oughtn't to / shouldn't have done that.他本来就不该做那件事.(可是做了) 6.“would + have + 过去分词”表示对过去的某种情况进行猜测,或本来要做某事却因某种原因 未做成,通常用来说明某一情况,但不像用 should 或 ought to 那样含有责备之意.如: I guess the poet would have been about twenty when she wrote her first poem. Another worker wouldn't have acted like that. 【变式】 1.(2020·南京外国语学校高三)He _____ his stay in France, didn't he? He looks amazingly different. A.will have enjoyed B.should have enjoyed C.can have enjoyed D.must have enjoyed 【答案】D 【解析】考查情态动词+have done。句意:他在法国一定过得很愉快,是吗?他看起来很不 一样。must have done 一定做某事。表示对过去事情的较有把握的推测。由“ He looks amazingly different.”可知,他在法国一定过得很愉快。所以这是对过去事情的较有把握的推 测。故选 D 项。 2.【2020 届江苏省泰州市高三三模】34.A recent survey has demonstrated that a large number of victims during the COVID-19 Outbreak______,if they had worn masks. A.should have been saved B.must have been saved C.need have been saved D.could have been saved 【答案】D 【解析】考查情态动词+have done。句意:最近的一项调查表明如果他们在新冠肺炎爆发时 期戴了口罩,很多受害者本来可以被救。由句意可知,此处指如果带了口罩,一些人本来可 以被救,could have done,意为“过去本可以做却未做”。故选 D 项。 3.(2019·江苏高三月考)We found it astonishing that the bush fire in Australia _______ one billion animals. A.must kill B.could have killed C.should have killed D.might kill 【答案】C 【解析】考查情态动词。句意:我们发现令人震惊的是,澳洲的山火竟然杀死 10 亿动物的 死亡。A. must kill 肯定杀死;B. could have killed 本该杀死;C. should have killed 居然杀死; D. might kill 可能杀死。结合句意可知,should 表示“居然,竟然”,接完成时表示动作发生 在过去,此处用“竟然杀死”符合语境,表示惊讶,故选 C 项。 4.【江苏省五校 2019 届高三 12 月联考】2.—Tony _______ what I did annoying though he didn’t say anything. —So you think you will have to make an apology? A. could find B. should have found C. might find D. must have found 【答案】D 【解析】考查情态动词+完成式。句意:—Tony 一定觉得我做的事很烦人,尽管他什么也没 说。—所以你认为你得道歉?此处是对过去事情有把握的推测,must have done“一定是做某 事了”,故选 D。 考点 2 have+宾语+宾语补足语结构 【教材原句】Later,Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.(P2)后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避 暑的宫殿中。 【句法分析】had the Amber Room moved 是“have+宾语+宾语补足语”结构。 If she's lucky,she'll have her business plan accepted.如果她够幸运的话,她的商业计划会被 接受。 The patient is going to have his temperature taken.这个病人准备让人量体温。 ①have/get sth.done 可以表示:使某事被做(主语有意识的行为,可能是主语自己做,也可能 是让别人做);遭遇,经历(此事违背主语的意愿)。若宾语和宾补之间是主动关系则用: ②have sb.do sth.(do 强调做某事这一事实)③have sb./sth.doing(doing 强调持续进行某一动作) 【考点聚焦】have+宾语+宾语补足语结构 【典例 2】 1.Claire had her luggage an hour before her plane left. A.check B. checking C.to check D. checked 【答案】 D 【解析】 所填词做使役动词 have 的宾语补足语,其逻辑主语是 have 的宾语 her luggage, 非谓语动词与逻辑主语是被动关系,且其表示的动作在位于动词动作之前已经完成,用过 去分词,选 D。 2.I'll have all of the readings by the end of this term if my plan goes well. A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. being completed 【答案】 C 【解析】 句意:如果我的计划顺利的话,到这学期末我将把所有这些读物读完。have sth.done 使某事被做;all of the readings 与 complete 为逻辑上的被动关系,故答案为 C 项。 【变式】 I am going to Beijing. Do you have anything ? A. taking B. to take C. to be taken D. taken 【答案】C 【解析】句意:我去北京。你有东西要捎吗?take 的执行者是“我”,原句的主语是“你”。故 答案选 C 项。 考点 3 be doing...when...意为“正在做……这时(突然)……” 【教材原句】. One day he was looking in a second-hand furniture shop when he saw an amazing object among the many different vases and jewels.(P3) 一天,他正在一家二手家具店里查看,这时他(突然)在众多不同的花瓶和首饰中看见了一个 神奇的东西。 【句法分析】be doing...when...意为“正在做……这时(突然)……”,when 在句中作并列连词。 相当于 and then,and at that time。 I was thinking of this when I heard my name called. 我正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。 I was reading a book attentively when an old friend came to see me. 我正在全神贯注地读一本书,忽然一位老友来访。 【归纳拓展】 be about to do...when...即将做……这时…… be on the point of doing...when... 正要做……这时…… had just done...when...刚做完……这时…… 【考点聚焦】be doing...when...意为“正在做……这时(突然)……” 【典例 3】 I had hardly got to the office my wife phoned me to go back home at once. A. when B. than C. until D. after 【答案】 A 【解析】句意:我刚到办公室,我妻子就打电话让我立刻回家。“hardly...when...”是固定句型, 意为“刚……就……”。类似的结构还有 scarcely...when...,no sooner...than...。以上结构中如 果 no sooner,hardly,scarcely 放在句首时句子用倒装语序。解答本题的关键是句中的副词 hardly。 【变式】 完成句子 ①他刚刚离开,电话就响了。 He the telephone rang. ②我们正要离开,突然 Jerry 来了。 We Jerry arrived. 【答案】 ①had just left when ②were about to leave when 考点 4 “it+be+过去分词+that 从句” 【教材原句】For example,it can be proved that China has more people than any other country in the world.(P5)举例来说,中国人口比世界上任何其他国家的人口都多,这是可以得到证实 的。 【句法分析】句中“it can be proved that 从句”为“it+be+过去分词+that 从句”结构。在 该结构中,it 为形式主语;that 从句为真正的主语。 It is proved that the method has a better effect. 实验表明,该方法不仅简单,而且效果良好。 It was proved that steam is hotter than boiling water. 蒸汽比沸水要烫的事实是被证明过的。 It is said that...据说…… It is reported that...据报道…… It is believed that...人们认为/相信…… It is suggested that...人们建议…… It is hoped that...人们希望…… 有的“It is+过去分词+that 从句”结构可与“sb./sth.is+过去分词+to do...”结构相互转换。 【典例 4】 一句多译 据报道,献血(donating blood)对身体有好处。(2 种) 【答案】 ①It is reported that donating blood does good to health. ②Donating blood is reported to do good to health. 【变式】 It has been proved ______ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life. 【答案】that 【解析】已经证实,儿童时期食用蔬菜有助于保护你免受后期生活中重大疾病的侵扰.1.此句 中,it 为句子的形式主语,而proved 后面的从句才是该句的真正主语,即为主语从句。该从句语 义和结构都完整,所以用 that。 考点 5 话题写作——文化遗产 【典例 5】 [2019·北京高三期末]假设你是李华,你的英国朋友 Chris 在给你的邮件中提到他对中国文化 非常感兴趣,想请你介绍一项你最引以为傲的中国文化遗产。请你给他回邮件,内容包括: 1.文化遗产的名称; 2.简要介绍; 3.你感到自豪的理由。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 1.文章体裁:应用文——电子邮件。 2.行文逻辑:引出话题→点出介绍的文化遗产(长城)→介绍长城→推荐理由→结束语。 3.词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如: stand out (脱颖而出), protect…from…(保护…… 免遭破坏), serve as (充当……);compare … to …(把……比作……)等。 4.句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:①定语从句: He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man;②现在分词短语作状语: extending itself for more than 21,000 kilometers;③状语 从句: as it climbs over mountains from the east to the west;④过去分词短语作状语:Built and rebuilt in different dynasties;⑤并列结构:not a building, but a cultural symbol;⑥形式宾语: I feel it an honor to introduce the Great Wall to you 等。 Dear Chris Glad to receive your e-mail. Knowing you are interested in Chinese relics, I feel it an honor to introduce the Great Wall to you. The Great Wall stands out from the other relics for its historical value and beauty. Built and rebuilt in different dynasties, it served as a great defense work, which could protect people from being attacked by other nationalities living in the northern part of China. Nowadays its grandness still attracts eyes of the world, as it climbs over mountains from the east to the west, extending itself for more than 21,000 kilometers. Chinese poets like to compare the Great Wall to the backbone of Chinese which shows its place in Chinese hearts. There is also a famous saying: He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. The Great Wall is not a building, but a cultural symbol. For further information of Chinese cultural relics, don't hesitate to ask me.122 Yours Li Hua 【变式】 (2020·内蒙古高三期末)假定你是李华,是校学生会主席,你发现由于各种原因,越来越 多的文化遗产遭到破坏,甚至消失。请你根据以下要点向同学们发出倡议。 1.保护文化遗产的意义: 2.号召同学们立即行动起来保护文化遗产。 注意 1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear schoolmates, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________. 【答案】 As we all know, more and more cultural relics have been damaged. Some of them are facing the danger of disappearing, which should draw everyone’s attention. First of all, cultural relics represent our historic cultures, offering us a great chance to learn about what happened in the past. Secondly, they can help us pass down our traditional cultures from generation to generation. What’s more, cultural relics are of great value, so protecting them can help us improve our cultural confidence. Since protecting cultural relics is so important, let’s take action in no time and do our best to protect them. Students’ Union 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封倡议信,介绍保护文化遗产的意义并号召同学们 立即行动起来保护文化遗产。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 人称:第一、二人称; 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时; 结构:总-分-总法 要点: 1.保护文化遗产的意义; 2.号召同学们立即行动起来保护文化遗产。 第二步:列提纲(重点词组) cultural relics ;damage; disappear; draw one’s attention; represent; offer sb sth; pass down; traditional cultures; generation; be of great value; improve; cultural confidence; take action; in no time; do one’s best to do sth 等 第三步:连词成句 1. As we all know, more and more cultural relics have been damaged. Some of them are facing the danger of disappearing, which should draw everyone’s attention. 2.First of all, cultural relics represent our historic cultures, offering us a great chance to learn about what happened in the past. 3. Secondly, they can help us pass down our traditional cultures from generation to generation.. 4. What’s more, cultural relics are of great value, so protecting them can help us improve our cultural confidence. 5. Since protecting cultural relics is so important, let’s take action in no time and do our best to protect them. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表转折对比关系:but;such…that… 2.表并列补充关系:and;still 3.表因果关系:for;because of;as 4.表时间先后关系:when;before 等 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 第五步:润色修改 【点睛】 范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关 系。作者在范文中使用了较多高分句型,如 Some of them are facing the danger of disappearing, which should draw everyone’s attention.使用了由 which 引导的定语从句;First of all, cultural relics represent our historic cultures, offering us a great chance to learn about what happened in the past. 使用了现在分词作状语;What’s more, cultural relics are of great value, so protecting them can help us improve our cultural confidence.使用了动名词作主语。全文中没有中国式英 语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自 然,为文章增色添彩。

