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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 类型 3| 科普知识 考查要点 方法技巧 1.科学现象、概念、定义、类别等。 2.事物的性质、特点、原理、用途等。 3.事物或现象产生的原因、过程、演 变。 4.相似事物间的异同。 1.理清说明顺序:时间、空间、逻辑顺序。 2.把握文章结构:并列式、承接式、递进式、总 分式。 3.认清说明方法:下定义、举事例、作比较、打 比方等。 (2016·江苏高考·C)El Ni o,a Spanish term for “the Christ child,”was named by South American fishermen who noticed that the global weather pattern,which happens every two to seven years,reduced the amount of fishes caught around Christmas.El Ni o sees warm water,collected over several years in the western Pacific,flow back eastwards when winds that normally blow westwards weaken,or sometimes the other way round. The weather effects,both good and bad,are felt in many places.Rich countries gain more from powerful Ni os,on balance,than they lose.A study found that a strong Ni o in 1997-98 helped America's economy grow by $15 billion,partly because of better agricultural harvests:farmers in the Midwest gained from extra rain.The total rise in agricultural incomes in rich countries is greater than the fall in poor ones. But in Indonesia extremely dry forests are in flames.A multi-year drought(干 旱) in south-east Brazil is becoming worse.Though heavy rains brought about By El Ni o may relieve the drought in California,they are likely to cause surface flooding and other disasters. The most recent powerful Ni o,in 1997-98,killed around 21,000 people and caused damage worth $36 billion around the globe.But such Ni os come with months of warning,and so much is known about how they happen that governments can prepare.According to the Overseas Development Institute (ODI),however,just 12% of disaster-relief funding in the past two decades has gone on reducing risks in advance,rather than recovery and rebuilding afterwards.This is despite evidence that a dollar spent on risk-reduction saves at least two on reconstruction. Simple improvements to infrastructure(基础设施) can reduce the spread of disease.Better sewers(下水道) make it less likely that heavy rain is followed by 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 an outbreak of the disease of bad stomach.Stronger bridges mean villages are less likely to be left without food and medicine after floods.According to a paper in 2011 by Mr Hsiang and coauthors,civil conflict is related to El Ni o's harmful effects—and the poorer the country,the stronger the link.Though the relationship may not be causal,helping divided communities to prepare for disasters would at least reduce the risk that those disasters are followed by killing and wounding people.Since the poorest are least likely to make up for their losses from disasters linked to El Ni o,reducing their losses needs to be the priority. 61.What can we learn about El Ni o in Paragraph 1? A.It is named after a South American fisherman. B.It takes place almost every year all over the world. C.It forces fishermen to stop catching fish around Christmas. D.It sees the changes of water flow direction in the ocean. 62.What may El Ni os bring about to the countries affected? A.Agricultural harvests in rich countries fall. B.Droughts become more harmful than floods. C.Rich countries' gains are greater than their losses. D.Poor countries suffer less from droughts economically. 63.The data provided by ODI in Paragraph 4 suggest that ________. A.more investment should go to risk reduction B.governments of poor countries need more aid C.victims of El Ni o deserve more compensation D.recovery and reconstruction should come first 64.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage? A.To introduce El Ni o and its origin. B.To explain the consequences of El Ni o. C.To show ways of fighting against El Ni o. D.To urge people to prepare for El Ni o. 语篇解读:本文是一篇科普说明文。介绍了厄尔尼诺现象的由来以及它对人们生活的影 响。文章根据 ODI 对 20 年救灾资金的投向的分析,得出防灾重于救灾的结论,这也是作者 写此文的目的。文章最后提出防止厄尔尼诺带来次生灾害的措施。 长难句解读:El Ni o,a Spanish term for “the Christ child,”was named by South American fishermen who noticed that the global weather pattern,which happens every two to seven years,reduced the amount of fishes caught around Christmas. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 分析:这是一个复合句。El Ni o...by South American fishermen 是主句,其中 a Spanish term for“the Christ child”是同位语;who 引导限制性定语从句,其谓语动词 noticed 后面是 that 引导的宾语从句;该宾语从句的主语 the global weather pattern 与 谓语动词 reduced 之间是 which 引导的非限制性定语从句。 翻译:厄尔尼诺现象,西班牙语“圣婴现象”的译音,是由很早就注意到全球天气(变 化)模式会使临近圣诞节的捕鱼量减少的南美洲渔民命名的,这一现象每二至七年发生一次。 61.D [细节理解题。根据首段第一句...a Spanish term for “the Christ child,”...South American fishermen who noticed that the global weather pattern, which happens every two to seven years...可知,“厄尔尼诺”是西班牙语的译音,原意 是“神童”或“圣明之子”,是由很早就注意海洋与天气的关系的南美洲的渔民命名的,所 以 D 项“它能体现大洋中潮流方向的改变”为正确选项。根据首段第一句可知南美洲的渔民 发现了这一现象,而非“某个渔民”,故 A 项错误;B 项是常识性错误;C 项恰好与文章内 容相反。] 62.C [细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句 Rich countries gain more from powerful Ni os,on balance,than they lose.可知,富裕国家因厄尔尼诺而得到的东西要比它们 失去的多。由此可锁定正确答案为 C。] 63.A [推理判断题。根据文章第四段 ODI 提供的数据可知,在过去的 20 年中只有 12% 的救灾资金投入到提前预防方面,显然投入比例较小;再联系第四段最后一句...that a dollar spent on risk-reduction saves at least two on reconstruction.(……在预防 灾害方面花一美元就能在灾后重建方面至少省两美元)可知正确答案为 A。] 64.D [主旨大意题。文章从第四段 ODI 的数据分析和第五段如何防止厄尔尼诺带来次 生灾害这两个方面,鼓励人们以正向心态积极应对厄尔尼诺现象。A 项与 B 项都属范围太小; C 项偏离主题。厄尔尼诺本身是一种自然现象,人们可以研究如何利用它,而不是去违背它。] A (2016·南京、盐城一模) Scientists have known for decades that having measles(麻疹) suppresses kids' immune systems for several weeks or months,leaving them ill-equipped to fight off pneumonia,bronchitis and other infections. Now a team of researchers has suggested that the measles virus may also leave a longer-lasting sort of “immune-amnesia” that makes it harder for people to stave_off other illnesses for two years or more. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 That re-emphasizes the importance of vaccination (疫苗),said biologist Michael Mina,lead author of a paper that was published in the journal Science. “There may be a long-lasting impact that you can't undo if your child gets measles,” he said.“I hope this study can impress upon people the danger measles poses.” The researchers used what Mina called “an unconventional approach” to search for the long-lasting immune system effects.Previous work in monkeys suggested that monkeys with the disease lost white blood cells their bodies had trained to fight off other illnesses,leaving them more likely to be infected. To test if a similar thing may occur in humans,the group mined historical data to find out the relationship between measles incidence(发病率) and deaths from other infectious diseases. They turned to data from England and Wales—developed nations where disease levels are generally low,allowing a less-confused view of measles' effects. Studying measles incidence and deaths from infectious disease both before and after the introduction of the measles vaccine in the U.K.in the 1960s,Mina and the team saw a sort of shadow effect,where deaths from a variety of non-measles infectious diseases closely tracked measles incidence.The more measles in a population,the more deaths from other illnesses in the 28-month period that followed. “Really it didn't matter what age group,what decade or what country,” said Mina.“They all showed consistent results ...what we're suggesting happens over the long term is that your immune system works fine,but it has forgotten what it previously learned.” Some researchers who were not involved in the work questioned whether the reductions in deaths as measles cases declined may have had more to do with improving nutrition and smaller family size than with prolonged immune suppression. Others thought the paper's opinion of years-long suppression was seemingly reasonable but said they could not comment on the mathematical models the group used. To know for certain what was behind the effect the group saw,Mina agreed, scientists would need to look at immune cells and observe their behavior.He said he would like to push the work in a more traditional direction: back into the laboratory. 生物学家迈克尔·米纳以及他的团队通过研究发现,患上麻疹会使人的免疫力在两年甚 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 至更长时间内难以抵抗其他疾病,从而造成麻疹发病率高的地区死于其他传染病的人数增 多。这次研究再次强调了麻疹疫苗的重要性,同时使人们意识到了麻疹所造成的危害。 1.Why did Mina call their research method “an unconventional approach”? A.Their research was based on the historical data. B.Their research compared monkeys with humans. C.They only paid attention to developed nations. D.They discovered a sort of shadow effect. A [推理判断题。根据文章第五段第二句,第六段以及最后一段的第二句可知,之前的 研究是在猴子身上做实验,未来的研究还需要回到实验室,两者都是传统的研究方法。米纳 将他们使用的研究方法称之为“非传统的方法”的原因是,他们采用了历史数据作为研究的 基础。故选项 A 符合题意。] 2.According to Mina,what is the significance of their research? A.They warned people that measles can result in other infectious diseases. B.They carried out the research on measles in an unconventional approach. C.They showed how dangerous measles is and the importance of vaccination. D.They found out the disease levels are generally low in developed nations. C [细节理解题。根据文章第三段和第四段的第二句可知,米纳认为他们研究的重要性 在于:这次研究再次强调了疫苗的重要性,同时对于麻疹造成的危险给人们留下了深刻的印 象。故选项 C 正确。] 3.The underlined phrase “stave off” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________. A.keep away B.survive from C.search for D.turn down A [词义猜测题。根据文章第一段、第二段以及第五段的第二句可知,患上麻疹会使人 的免疫力在两年甚至更长时间内难以抵挡其他疾病,更容易受到感染。故选项 A 符合题意。 stave off 意为“暂时挡住;延缓,推迟;打退,击败”;keep away 意为“使不接近,使 远离,避开”;survive from 意为“从……中幸存”;search for 意为“寻找,搜寻”;turn down 意为“关小,调低;拒绝”。] 4.Which of the following may be the best title of the passage? A.Measles has been the origin of other diseases and deaths B.New research conducted into measles has been widely questioned C.Study points to years-long immune system misfortunes from measles D.Damage caused by measles to the immune system could last several weeks C [主旨大意题。综合文章内容尤其是文章第二段可知,研究表明,患上麻疹会使人的 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 免疫力在两年甚至更长时间内难以抵抗其他疾病,为文章的主要内容,故选项 C 符合题意。] B (2016·福建省五校统一考试) More than nine out of ten young people expose themselves to the blue light from smartphones before bed,causing problems with sleep.A new survey also shows more than 28 million people in the UK regularly get no more than seven hours sleep a night.Prof Richard Wiseman,who commissioned the YouGov poll described the findings as “extremely worrying”.Of the 2,149 adults questioned,78% said they used electronic devices before going to bed.This rose to 91% among the 18 to 24 -year-olds questioned in the survey. Getting less than seven hours sleep a night is below the recommended guidelines, and is associated with a range of problems,including an increased risk of weight gain,heart attacks,diabetes and cancer.“The blue light from these devices suppresses(压制) the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin,so it's important to avoid them before bedtime,” said Prof Richard Wiseman,from the University of Hertfordshire. Everyone needs different amounts of sleep,but adults are generally thought to require a minimum of seven to eight hours a night.Teenagers are recommended to get more,about nine hours.The proportion(比例)of people thought to be getting too little sleep had risen by a fifth since a “bedroom poll”conducted last year by the National Sleep Foundation. Last week revealed opticians were warning that the overuse of smartphones may be increasing people's risk of eye damage.Optician Andy Hepworth said,“Blue violet light is potentially harmful to the back of your eyes.” So over a long period of time it can damage your eyes.When you're looking at a smartphone,the light peaking out of that is blue violet.The news came as a survey of 2,000 people suggests under -25s check their smartphones 32 times a day. 本文是一篇科普说明文。研究表明,睡前使用智能手机将导致睡眠问题。 5.The purpose of the passage is to ________. A.stress that people don't use smartphones B.remind people of enough sleep C.ask people not to sleep too much D.tell people not to use smartphones before bed D [主旨大意题之写作意图题。根据第一段的第一句“More than nine out of ten young 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 people expose themselves to the blue light from smartphones before bed,causing problems with sleep.”可知,超过 90%的年轻人会在睡前玩智能手机,因此导致睡眠问题; 据此可以判断,本文旨在告诉人们不要在睡前玩智能手机,故 D 项正确。] 6.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A.According to a new survey,more than 28 million people in the UK get more than seven hours sleep a night. B.More than 90% of young people expose themselves to the blue light from smartphones before bed. C.Of the 2,149 adults questioned,91% said they used electronic devices before going to bed. D.The news came as a survey of 2,000 people suggests under-25s check their smartphones 30 times a day. B [细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句“More than nine out of ten young people expose themselves to the blue light from smartphones before bed,causing problems with sleep.”可知,超过 90%的年轻人会在睡前玩智能手机,故 B 项正确;根据第一段的 第二句“A new survey also shows more than 28 million people in the UK regularly get no more than seven hours sleep a night.”可知,这些人每晚的睡眠时间不超过 7 个小 时,故 A 项错误;根据第一段的倒数第二句“Of the 2,149 adults questioned,78% said they used electronic devices before going to bed.”可知,这些人中的 78%说他们在 睡前使用电子设备,故 C 项错误;根据文章的最后一句“The news came as a survey of 2, 000 people suggests under-25s check their smartphones 32 times a day”可知,这 些人每天检查智能手机 32 次而不是 30 次,故 D 项错误。] 7.According to what Andy Hepworth said,the overuse of smartphones may be increasing people's risk of ________. A.weight gain B.cancer C.eye damage D.heart attacks C [细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一、二句“Last week revealed opticians were warning that the overuse of smartphones may be increasing people's risk of eye damage.Optician Andy Hepworth said,‘Blue violet light is potentially harmful to the back of your eyes.’”可知,Andy Hepworth 认为,过度使用智能手机会损伤眼睛, 故 C 项正确。] 8.Teenagers are generally thought to get sleep of ________ a night. A.about 9 hours B.7-8 hours 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 C.less than 7 hours D.more than 10 hours A [细节理解题。根据第三段的第二句“Teenagers are recommended to get more, about nine hours.”可知,青少年所需要的睡眠时间是每天大概 9 个小时,故 A 项正确。] 【导学号:57732023】

