2021届高考英语一轮总复习Book1Unit3Traveljournal课时跟踪练 人教版

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2021届高考英语一轮总复习Book1Unit3Traveljournal课时跟踪练 人教版

课时跟踪练3 Unit 3 Travel journal Ⅰ.阅读理解 Most autonomous vehicles testdriving in cities navigate (导航) by using 3D maps marking every edge of roadside with almost centimetrelevel accuracy.But few places have been mapped in such detail, which has left most areas like smaller towns inaccessible to those driverless cars.‎ Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) now have developed a new navigation system that guides autonomous vehicles without such accurate maps.This technology can help driverless cars travel almost anywhere.‎ The navigation system maps out a course down unfamiliar roads much as a human driver would do by continually scanning its surroundings, with a laser sensor (激光传感器), to measure how close it is to the edges of the road.Meanwhile, the car also follows a tool like a smartphone map app that provides directions to its destination, as well as information about the rules of the road, such as speed limits and the positions of stoplights.Teddy Ort, a roboticist at MIT, testdrove a car equipped with this navigation system on a oneway road.It slowly travelled one kilometre without any human assistance.‎ ‎“This system assumes that a car has a clear path down the road, but it can be paired with other existing computing technology to discover onroad obstacles (障碍),” says Ort.The researchers also plan to build a version of this system which can spot markings painted on the streets so that the car can drive on twoway roads.“Selfdriving cars with this navigation system may need other sensors to work in different conditions,”says Alexander Wyglinski, an electrical engineer at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.“Since laser sensors don't work well in rain or snow, these cars might need additional imaging technologies to drive safely in bad weather.”‎ ‎1.What may be a problem for most driverless cars?‎ A.They fail in testdriving.‎ B.Their maps are outdated.‎ C.They run in limited areas.‎ D.Their maps are unreliable.‎ ‎2.What can we infer about the new navigation system?‎ - 8 -‎ A.It includes accurate maps.‎ B.It removes onroad obstacles.‎ C.It works by detecting the road.‎ D.It features a smartphone app.‎ ‎3.What is the purpose of Paragraph 4?‎ A.To confirm the testdriving results.‎ B.To indicate further research areas.‎ C.To recognize scientists' achievements.‎ D.To show the creativity of driverless cars.‎ ‎4.What is the main idea of the text?‎ A.Autonomous cars beat human drivers on country roads.‎ B.Navigating selfdriving cars may work in different conditions.‎ C.Smart mapping technology adds to the functions of selfdriving cars.‎ D.A new navigation system helps autonomous cars drive to remote areas.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 麻省理工学院的研究人员研发了一种新型的导航系统,该系统几乎可以帮助无人驾驶汽车去任何地方。本文还介绍了这种新型的导航系统的工作原理及可能存在的问题。‎ ‎1.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“But few places have been mapped in such detail,which has left most areas like smaller towns inaccessible to those driverless cars.”可知,很少有地方能在地图上被绘制得如此详细,这使得那些无人驾驶汽车无法到达很多像较小的城镇这样的地区。由此可知,大多数无人驾驶汽车只能在有限的区域行驶,故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎2.解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段第一句“The navigation system...how close it is to the edges of the road.”可知,当导航系统在不熟悉的道路上时会绘制路线,像人类驾驶员一样,不断用激光传感器扫描周围环境,以测量车和道路边缘的距离,由此可推知C项“它通过探测道路进行工作”正确。‎ 答案:C ‎3.解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段内容可知,该段主要描述了自动驾驶汽车可能存在的问题及相应的研究方向,由此可推知,B项“表明未来的研究领域”正确。‎ 答案:B ‎4.解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了麻省理工学院的研究人员研发了一种新型的导航系统,该系统几乎可以帮助无人驾驶汽车去任何地方,包括一些偏远地区,故D项最能概括文章大意。‎ - 8 -‎ 答案:D Ⅱ.完形填空 I took an autorickshaw (三轮摩托车) from the town to the medical college where my friend's mother was 1 .As I was 2 back pain, I asked the driver, a pretty young boy, to ride it 3 .Though I was 4 some rude replies like how it usually is, he replied “Okay, Sir.”gently and 5 his word.‎ On reaching 6 I asked him how much and 7 he pointed to a box kept near to his seat and replied,“Put anything that you think is 8 for this ride.”I got 9 for a minute and then I saw a label over the box and I 10 —donation for the needy patients.‎ Meanwhile, the watchman 11 to us asking us to move the vehicle.But seeing the driver, he smiled and said “Hello, Sir.” The driver smiled at him and left.Upon 12 I asked the watchman more about him, to which his reply was this:He's a 13 here.His parents died earlier.The superintendent (负责人) of our hospital gave him this auto as a 14 for passing the exams with good marks.He 15 half of his earning in the first month to 16 for the auto, to which the superintendent said NO with a smile.He then started 17 rides to the medical college 18 or asking people to put the money in the box.At the end of every month, he uses it for the 19 of poor people in our hospital.‎ I was 20 .I didn't know what to say.I find myself very fortunate to have a ride with this MBBS student who is actually a super human being.‎ ‎1.A.received    B.adopted C.settled D.admitted ‎2.A.suffering from B.learning about C.researching into D.focusing on ‎3.A.naturally B.elegantly C.smoothly D.comfortably ‎4.A.guessing B.expecting C.imagining D.saying ‎5.A.weighed B.considered C.kept D.had ‎6.A.spot B.destination C.address D.location ‎7.A.in return B.in peace - 8 -‎ C.in place D.in order ‎8.A.accurate B.countable C.satisfactory D.equal ‎9.A.delighted B.disappointed C.amused D.confused ‎10.A.wrote B.read C.marked D.stated ‎11.A.urged B.skipped C.marched D.rushed ‎12.A.anxiety B.apology C.amusement D.appreciation ‎13.A.driver B.student C.director D.patient ‎14.A.vehicle B.souvenir C.gift D.condition ‎15.A.came up with B.put up with C.added up to D.got hold of ‎16.A.answer B.exchange C.save D.repay ‎17.A.agreeing B.renting C.offering D.charging ‎18.A.on purpose B.for free C.in person D.by chance ‎19.A.donation B.entertainment C.treatment D.sympathy ‎20.A.excited B.worried C.depressed D.shocked ‎【语篇解读】 本文叙述了作者的一次乘车经历。在乘车过程中,司机不收费用,作者对此感到很好奇,后来作者了解到该司机免费提供到医科大学的交通服务、为穷人支付医疗费用,认为他是个好人。‎ ‎1.解析:句中where引导定语从句,根据其先行词the medical college可知,此处指作者坐三轮摩托车去了朋友妈妈曾上的医科大学。admit有被大学录取的含义。receive意为“收到”;adopt意为“采用;收养”;settle意为“定居”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D - 8 -‎ ‎2.解析:根据空后的“back pain”可知,作者背疼。suffer from意为“患有”;learn about意为“了解”;research into意为“研究”;focus on意为“集中注意力于”。故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎3.解析:作者有背疼的毛病,故要求司机把车驾驶得平稳些。naturally意为“自然地”;elegantly意为“优雅地”;smoothly意为“平稳地”;comfortably意为“舒服地”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎4.解析:根据空后的“some rude replies like how it usually is”可知,作者根据通常的情况预料对方会给出粗鲁的回复。guess意为“猜测”;expect意为“预料”;imagine意为“想象”;say意为“说”。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎5.解析:根据司机所给予的回答“Okay,Sir.”及gently等信息可以推知,司机答应了作者,且这么做了。weigh意为“称……的重量”;consider意为“考虑”;keep one's word为固定搭配,意为“信守诺言”;have意为“有”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎6.解析:根据第一段开头一句可知,作者坐了一辆三轮摩托车去医科大学,再联系空后的“I asked him how much”可知,此时到达了目的地。spot意为“地点;斑点”;destination意为“目的地”;address意为“地址”;location意为“位置”。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎7.解析:根据句子前半句可知,作者询问需要支付多少车费,故此处是司机给予的回应。in return意为“作为回报”,此处可延伸理解为回应某人;in peace意为“平静地”;in place意为“适当地”;in order意为“按顺序”。故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎8.解析:根据司机的回答可知,他并没有给出所要支付的具体的钱数,再联系下文中作者在盒子上看到的标签的内容可以推知,司机告诉作者认为值多少钱就付多少。accurate意为“精确的”;countable意为“可数的”;satisfactory意为“合适的,令人满意的”;equal意为“相等的;平等的”,表示“与……相等”时其后一般用介词to。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎9.解析:作者想知道需要支付的钱数,可是对方并没有给出具体的回答,故可以推知作者对此感到困惑。delighted意为“高兴的”;disappointed意为“失望的”;amused意为“被逗乐的”;confused意为“困惑的”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎10.解析:根据空前的“I saw a label over the box”可知,作者阅读了盒子上面标签上写的文字——为贫困病人募捐。write意为“写”;read意为“读”;mark意为“标记”;‎ - 8 -‎ state意为“陈述”。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎11.解析:根据空后的“asking us to move the vehicle”可知,警卫跑过来让把车移走。urge意为“催促”,表示“催促某人”时其后不加介词;skip意为“跳跃”;march意为“前进”;rush意为“冲”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎12.解析:根据空后的“I asked the watchman more about him”可知,作者还没弄清情况时,那位司机已经离开,于是出于担心向警卫了解了更多有关司机的情况。anxiety意为“焦虑;担心”;apology意为“道歉”;amusement意为“娱乐”;appreciation意为“感激”。故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎13.解析:根据下文中的“for passing the exams with good marks”可推知,此处男孩的身份是学生。driver意为“司机”;student意为“学生”;director意为“主管”;patient意为“病人”。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎14.解析:根据空后的“for passing the exams with good marks”可知,是因为考试取得不错的成绩而送他的礼物。vehicle意为“车辆”;souvenir意为“纪念品”;gift意为“礼物”;condition意为“条件”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎15.解析:根据空后的“half of his earning”可知,他拿出第一个月一半的收入支付车辆的花费,这和后面的“for the auto”是相互联系的。come up with在此处意为“拿出,提供(钱款)”;put up with意为“容忍”;add up to意为“加起来计”;get hold of意为“抓住”。故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎16.解析:根据上文内容可知,车是当作礼物送给他的,但是他想要偿还。answer意为“答复”;exchange意为“交换”;save意为“节省”;repay意为“偿还”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎17.解析:医院负责人没有收他的钱,所以他就开始提供到医科大学的交通服务。agree意为“同意”;rent意为“出租”;offer意为“主动提出;提供”;charge意为“向……收费”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎18.解析:他打算通过提供交通服务来回报负责人赠予他的车辆,所以服务应该是免费的。on purpose意为“故意地”;for free意为“免费地”;in person意为“亲自地”;by chance意为“偶然地”。故选B项。‎ - 8 -‎ 答案:B ‎19.解析:根据上文中的“asking people to put the money in the box”和空后的“poor people”可知,他将挣到的钱用来为医院的穷人支付治疗费用。donation意为“捐献”;entertainment意为“娱乐”;treatment意为“治疗”;sympathy意为“同情”。故选C。‎ 答案:C ‎20.解析:上一段主要是警卫介绍了司机的情况,联系下句“I didn't know what to say.”可知,作者感到很震惊。excited意为“兴奋的”;worried意为“担忧的”;depressed意为“沮丧的”;shocked意为“震惊的”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D Ⅲ.应用文写作 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom来信询问武汉爆发的传染性肺炎(infectious pneumonia)的情况。请你给Tom回信,内容包括:‎ ‎1.表达对收到来信的欣喜之情;‎ ‎2.简述我国针对肺炎采取的措施; ‎ ‎3.有信心战胜疫情。‎ 注意:1. 词数80左右;‎ ‎2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎[参考范文]‎ Dear Tom,‎ I am very glad to receive your letter inquiring about infectious pneumonia in Wuhan. I am writing to tell you about this.‎ Since the outbreak of an infectious disease in Wuhan, Chinese government has decisively closed down the city to prevent the spread of the disease. At the same time, although cases have been found throughout the country, the Chinese people actively face it.‎ At this particular time, we should go out as little as possible. If we go out, we must wear protective masks to prevent ourselves from getting infected. ‎ - 8 -‎ As many people say, “Come on, Wuhan”, we believe we can certainly overcome the epidemic!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua - 8 -‎

