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Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage 一、语基必备知识 ‎(一)重点词汇——分类记忆 Ⅰ.阅读词汇——在不认识的词汇前划√‎ exposure n.       evolution n.‎ fund n. catastrophe n.‎ inhabitant n. mankind n.‎ bid n. discrimination n.‎ advocate v. status n.‎ compromise n. agenda n.‎ subjective adj. thorough adj.‎ guidance n.‎ Ⅱ.核心词汇——写其形 ‎1.preserve v. 保护;保存 ‎2.relation n. 亲属,亲戚 ‎3.list v. (按某次序)把……列表,列清单 ‎4.maintain v. 保持;维持;保养 ‎5.endangered adj. 濒危的 ‎6.recommend v. 建议;推荐 ‎7.precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的 ‎8.estimate n. 估计;估算 ‎9.length n. 长度 ‎10.request n. 请求;要求 ‎11.enlarge v. (使)增大;(使)扩大 ‎12.honour v. 给予荣誉 Ⅲ.拓展词汇——通其变 ‎1.agree vi.同意→agreement n.协议 ‎ ‎2.invest v.投资→investment n.投资→investor n.投资者 ‎3.remains n.遗体;遗迹→remain vi.剩余;留下,逗留;保持,仍是 ‎4.exist vi.存在→existence n.存在 ‎5.sharp adj.锋利的→sharpen v.使变锋利 ‎6.contribute v.促成→contribution n.贡献 18‎ ‎7.aware adj.认识到的→awareness n.意识;认识;感悟能力 ‎ ‎8.propose v.建议;提议→proposal n.建议;提议 ‎9.assist vt.援助→assistance n.帮助,援助→__assistant n.助手 ‎10.mercy n.任凭……的摆布→merciful adj.宽大的;仁慈的 ‎11.undertake v.许诺做某事;同意做某事→undertook/undertaken(过去式/过去分词)‎ ‎12.absent adj.缺席的;缺乏的,不存在的→absence n.缺乏;没有 ‎13.ignore v.忽视;不理;不管→ignorance n.无知;愚昧→ignorant adj.愚昧的,无知的 ‎1.“要求”知多少 ‎①request    要求;请求 ‎②insist 坚决要求 ‎③demand 要求,请求 ‎④require 要求,需要 ‎2.“忽视,忽略”动词小结 ‎①ignore      忽视;不理 ‎②neglect 忽略;忽视 ‎③overlook 忽视;忽略 ‎④omit 忽略;省略 ‎3.动词前缀en面面观 ‎①enlarge    (使)增大;(使)扩大 ‎②encounter 遭遇 ‎③entitle 给……定名 ‎④endanger 危害 ‎(二)重点短语——记牢用活 ‎1.of__vital__importance     至关重要 ‎2.apart__from 除……之外 ‎3.go__through 获准,经过程序 ‎4.remind__sb.of__sth. 使某人想起……‎ ‎5.at__the__mercy__of... 受……支配 ‎6.in__return 反过来;作为回报 ‎7.be__honoured__for 因……而受到尊敬 18‎ ‎8.contribute__to 导致;有助于 ‎1.“除……之外”短语大集合 ‎①apart from ‎②except for ‎③other than ‎④aside from ‎⑤in addition to ‎2.“引起;导致”词语大荟萃 ‎①contribute to    导致;造成 ‎②lead to 引起,导致,造成 ‎③result in 导致,造成 ‎④bring about 引起,导致 ‎⑤cause 引起,造成 ‎3.go短语集锦 ‎①go through     获准,经过程序 ‎②go after 追求,设法获得 ‎③go against 反对,违背 ‎④go in for 酷爱 ‎⑤go wrong 出毛病 ‎⑥go away 走开 ‎(三)重点句式——背熟巧用 句型公式 教材原句 句型1:主语+be+adj.+不定式(主动表被动)‎ The site is__extremely__expensive__to__maintain and it will cost between three and five million yuan to repair it.‎ 这个遗址保护起来是极其昂贵的,要花三至五百万元来修缮。‎ 句型2:be of+抽象名词 (= be+adj.)‎ They are a precious part of our cultural heritage—it is of__vital__importance that we do something.‎ 它们是我们文化遗产中极其宝贵的部分——因此我们采取行动就显得尤为重要。‎ 二、语境强化训练 Ⅰ.语境填词——根据提示写出该词的适当形式 A.根据汉语提示写出下列单词 18‎ ‎1.(2017·天津卷)Write another email as swiftly as you can and send it with a brief title explaining that this is the correct version and the previous version should be ignored(忽视).‎ ‎2.Unfortunately, the restaurant he recommended(推荐) fell far short of our expectations.‎ ‎3.My hobbies help me maintain(保持) a mental and physical balance and make my life colorful!‎ ‎4.The high building is one of the most challenging engineering projects they have ever undertaken(承担).‎ ‎5.We gave our classroom a thorough(彻底的) cleaning before the National Day.‎ B.根据所给单词写出适当形式 ‎6.It is estimated(estimate) that a round trip to Mars would take more than a year.‎ ‎7.I am so honoured(honour) to be here today with all of you to talk about the mutual help.‎ ‎8.As is known to us, the People’s Republic of China came into existence(exist) as an independent country in 1949.‎ ‎9.All foreign visitors are requested(request) to observe the regulations in this area.‎ ‎10.I planned to have the photograph enlarged(enlarge) and hang it on the wall.‎ Ⅱ.语境品词——写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义 ‎1.(2019·天津卷)In the 1960s, scientists proposed that predators at the top of a food web had a surprising amount of control over the size of populations of other species—including species they did not directly attack.提议 ‎2.(2019·浙江卷6月)Many factors contributed to the decline, said Patrick McIntyre, an ecologist who was the lead author of the study.导致 ‎3.(2019·北京卷)He recommended that she do some research and talk to dentists about what a healthier candy would contain.建议 ‎4.(2018·天津卷)If your awareness is as sharp as it could be, you’ll have no trouble answering these questions.(感观)敏锐的;(人)机灵的 Ⅲ.选词成篇 apart from; remind sb.of sth.; of vital importance; at the mercy of ...; go through;‎ 18‎ ‎ in return Don’t think that your father is a very important person in your life? You know, your father helped you 1.go__through the difficulty you had faced. 2.In__return,__you should work hard to thank him.His words will be 3.of__vital__importance to you in all your life, so you should remember them forever.‎ be honoured for; act as; in case; contribute to; be/get involved in A woman and a man 4.were__involved__in a car accident on a snowy cold Monday morning.Both of their cars became totally damaged.But amazingly neither of them was hurt.The woman’s carelessness and icy road 5.contributed__to this accident.A great many drivers 6.acted__as volunteers to help the two to leave the scene of the accident 7.in__case another unexpected accident happened.‎ Ⅳ.完成句子 ‎1.这台机器很容易操作。任何人在几分钟之内就可以学会使用它。‎ This machine is__very__easy__to__operate. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.‎ ‎2.尽管互联网非常有帮助, 但我认为长时间上网并不是个好主意。‎ Although the Internet is of__great__help,__I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.‎ ‎ remains n.遗迹;遗体;剩余物 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①a.The guests came in, but she remained sitting(sit) at the desk reading.‎ b.(四川卷)Ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated(seat) until the plane has come to a complete stop.‎ ‎②(浙江卷)It remains to__be__seen(see) whether Jim’ll be fit enough to play in the finals.‎ ‎③(上海卷)The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the remaining(remain) 20 dollars.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎④尽管他们有争吵,他们仍然是最好的朋友。‎ In spite of their quarrel, they remain__the__best__friends.‎ 18‎ ‎(1)remain vi.      剩下;停留;留待 remain link.v.(+adj./n./分词/介词短语)‎ ‎ 保持;仍然是……‎ remain to be done 某事有待去做 ‎(2)remaining adj. 余下的,剩下的  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] There remains a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.‎ 人们对这一项目的实用价值仍抱有怀疑。(安徽卷)‎ ‎[名师点津] 当表示“剩余的,剩下的”意思时,常把remaining放在被修饰词之前作前置定语,而left常放在被修饰词之后作后置定语。‎ ‎ recommend v.推荐;建议 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(天津卷)It was really annoying; I couldn’t get access to the data bank you had__recommended(recommend).‎ ‎②(2018·北京卷)I recommend applying(apply) for Peking University. ‎ ‎③a.I recommend you to__think(think) carefully before you make any decision.‎ b.I recommend that you (should)__think(think) carefully before you make any decision.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎④我想推荐李华为篮球俱乐部的领导人。‎ I would like to recommend__Li__Hua__to__be/as__the__leader of the basketball club.‎ recommend sth.to sb./recommend sb. sth.‎ ‎           向某人推荐/介绍某物 recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend sb.to do sth. 建议某人做某事 recommend that...(should) do...‎ ‎ 建议……(应该)做……‎ It is/was recommended that...(should) do...‎ ‎ 有人建议……(应该)做……  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] A great many tourist spots can be found along the Yangtze River, and that’s why I recommend you the trip/recommend the trip to you. 长江沿岸景点数不胜数,这就是我向你推荐这条线路的原因。(2017·北京卷)‎ 18‎ ‎ apart from 除……之外;除了……之外(还有)……‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(2017·天津卷)Apart from my academic studies, I always manage to find time for what I’m interested in.‎ ‎②The two brothers are so much alike that their mother can hardly tell them__apart.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎③(辽宁卷)罗德喜欢拆钟表,然而他从来不能把它们再组装起来。‎ Rod loves taking__apart clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.‎ tell...apart        区分,分辨 take(...)apart 将……拆卸开  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Apart from English classes, I took an active part in English corner and other afterclass English activities, which benefited me a lot.‎ 除了上英语课,我还积极参加英语角和其他课外英语活动,这些使我受益很多。‎ ‎[名师点津] apart from表示“除……之外”时,相当于except, except for, but;表示“除了……之外(还有)……”时,相当于besides, in addition to。‎ ‎ remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事;提醒某人某事 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(全国卷Ⅲ)Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and were too violent for use at the table.‎ ‎②Please remind me to__write(write) an email to my mother tomorrow, for it’s her birthday.‎ ‎③Michael put up a picture of Messi beside the bed to keep himself reminded(remind) of his own dreams.‎ ‎[能力提升]——句式升级 ‎④(普通表达)We put up a board at the edge of the woods. It reminded people to protect the trees.‎ ‎(高级表达)We put up a board at the edge of the woods__reminding__people__to__protect__the__trees.(分词短语作定语)‎ remind sb.to do sth.    提醒某人做某事 18‎ remind sb. that... 提醒某人……  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Reminded not to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, which is dangerous. ‎ 尽管司机经常被提醒不要酒后驾车,但是一些人还在碰运气,这很危险。‎ ‎[名师点津] 常考的“动词+sb. of sth.”短语:‎ inform sb.of sth.       通知某人某事 accuse sb.of sth. 控告某人某事 warn sb.of sth. 警告某人某事 cure sb.of sth. 治愈某人某病 convince sb.of sth. 使某人相信某事 主语+be+adj.+不定式(主动表被动)‎ ‎ (教材原句)The site is extremely expensive to maintain and it will cost between three and five million yuan to repair it.‎ 这个遗址保护起来是极其昂贵的,要花三至五百万元来修缮。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①As far as I’m concerned, this complex sentence is not easy to__explain(explain), so I want you to help me.‎ ‎②A man who is so difficult to__please(please) must be hard to get along with.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子/同义句转换 ‎③未来是一个值得憧憬的梦, 但现在才是我们真正拥有的。 ‎ The future is a dream which is pleasant to__look__forward__to;but what we have is now.‎ ‎④It is easy to get along with his new colleague.‎ ‎→His new colleague is easy__to__get__along__with.‎ ‎(1)在本句型中不定式的主动形式表被动意义;不定式和句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系;如不定式是不及物动词,则要在动词之后加适当的介词。‎ ‎(2)常用于该句型的形容词有difficult, hard, easy, comfortable, pleasant, interesting,exciting,(im)possible等。  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] It’s much more comfortable and safer to travel by highspeed train in China now.‎ 18‎ 现在在中国乘高速列车旅行更舒适、更安全。‎ 维度一 在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.The other day, he undertook to__finish(finish) the work by himself, however difficult it might be.‎ ‎2.In our childhood, we were often reminded by Grandma to__pay(pay) attention to our table manners.‎ ‎3.Measures have been taken to prevent accidents, but much remains to__be__done(do) for more improvement.‎ ‎4.At the school opening ceremony, our headmaster required us students to raise our competitive awareness(aware) in modern society.‎ ‎5.When I got up early the next day, I found the air on the hill good to__breathe(breathe).‎ 维度二 在空白处填入1个适当的单词 ‎1.Speaking fluent English like English native speakers requires extensive exposure to the English environment.‎ ‎2.Doing small things well contributes to building up our confidence and helping us meet bigger challenges in the future.‎ ‎3.I have just found that the class meeting that afternoon is of__great importance to me.‎ ‎4.We went through a period when communications were very difficult in the countryside.‎ ‎5. He was watching a film when the scene reminded him of what he had experienced in France.‎ 维度三 派生词练习 ‎1.Thanks to the investment of the foreign company, the local economy has developed rapidly. As a result, more and more investors come to invest here.(invest)‎ ‎2.The contributor has already contributed a lot of money to the project; that is to say, his contribution was great.(contribute)‎ ‎3.As an assistant,__she always assists the manager in dealing with problems. So the manager thinks highly of her assistance.(assist)‎ ‎4.He was absent from the meeting and his absence made the problem more difficult.(absent)‎ 18‎ ‎5.He proposed we (should) hold a party to welcome the new year and his proposal went through.(propose)‎ ‎6.Many people do not believe the existence of the ghosts. Some young children doubt whether there exist all kinds of ghosts in the world.(exist)‎ 维度四 完成句子/句型转换/一句多译 ‎1.把小事做好有助于增强我们的自信心并帮助我们迎接未来更大的挑战。(contribute)‎ Doing small things well contributes__to__building__up__our__confidence and helping us meet bigger challenges in the future.‎ ‎2.由那位年轻工程师单独承担的项目最终获得了巨大的成功。(undertake)‎ The project undertaken__by__the__young__engineer on his own turned out to be very successful.‎ ‎3.The book will be very valuable to students of history.‎ ‎→The book will be__of__great__value to students of history.‎ ‎4.Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.‎ ‎→Besides/In__addition__to/As__well__as that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.‎ ‎5.如果年轻人每天都处于嘈杂的音乐中,他们可能有变聋的危险。(expose)‎ ‎①Young people may risk going deaf if they are__exposed__to very loud music every day.‎ ‎②Exposed__to very loud music every day, young people may risk going deaf.‎ 提能一 语段填空(短文中黑体部分为本模块核心知识点,请补全短文,并背诵体会黑体部分用法)‎ Recently I 1.attended(attend) a lecture about the world heritage. I have known at present some world heritage sites are in danger.‎ As far as I 2.am__concerned(concern), it is pollution and tourism 3.that contribute to the serious problem. As 4.a result, we should remind people 5.to__raise(raise) their awareness of protecting these 6.endangered(endanger) heritage sites. Apart 7.from these measures, our government also recommends that everyone 8.(should)__protect(protect) them because they are our precious treasure. ‎ Actions speak louder than words. 9.Apparently(apparent), it is of vital 10.importance(important)to take action and do something. ‎ 提能二 话题写作(用本模块词汇、句式和语法知识写满分作文)‎ 18‎ 假定你是李华,你的美国好友Jim对中国很感兴趣,请你给他写一封邮件简要介绍一下中华民族、中国的文化遗产现状和人们的遗产保护意识,并给他推荐一些可以参观的历史古迹和景观。‎ ‎1.补全要点句(黑体部分请用本模块所学词汇)‎ ‎①中华民族是一个勤劳智慧的民族,为世界文明做出了巨大贡献。‎ The Chinese nation is a hardworking and intelligent people and she has__made__great__contributions__to__the world civilization.‎ ‎②说到中国的文化遗迹,有一些被保护得很好。‎ Referring to the Chinese cultural heritage sites, some of them are__preserved__very__well.‎ ‎③如果你有机会来中国旅行,我建议你先去北京和西安看一看,那里有许多历史古迹值得参观。‎ If you have a chance to travel to China, I recommend__you__first__to__visit Beijing and Xi’ an, where many historic sites are worth visiting.‎ ‎④除了这些历史文化遗产外,杭州西湖的美景和桂林景观也不容忽视。‎ Apart__from__the__historical__and__cultural__heritage,__the beauty of West Lake in Hangzhou and Guilin scenery cannot__be__ignored.‎ ‎⑤云南省的一些村寨仍然保持着淳朴的民风,置身其中,会让你想起往昔美好的岁月。‎ Some villages in Yunnan Province still remain__simple__folk__customs,__and inside them you will be__reminded__of__the__good__old__days.‎ ‎⑥由于到处都在倡导新的生活方式,人们已经意识到与自然和谐相处至关重要。 ‎ A new way of life being advocated here and there, people have realized that living harmoniously with nature is__of__vital__importance.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 ‎⑦用定语从句升级句①‎ The__Chinese__nation__is__a__hardworking__and__intelligent__people__who__has__made__great__contributions__to__the__world__civilization.‎ ‎⑧用介词+关系代词引导的定语从句升级句⑤‎ Some__villages__in__Yunnan__Province__still__remain__simple__folk__customs,__inside__which__you__will__be__reminded__of__the__good__old__days.‎ ‎3.衔接成美文(注意用适当的过渡衔接词汇:nowadays)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 18‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ Dear Jim,‎ How is everything going? I’m glad to introduce you something about Chinese cultural heritage.‎ The Chinese nation is a hardworking and intelligent people who has made great contributions to the world civilization. Referring to the Chinese cultural heritage sites, some of them are preserved very well. If you have a chance to travel to China, I recommend you first to visit Beijing and Xi’an, where many historic sites are worth visiting. Apart from the historical and cultural heritage, the beauty of West Lake in Hangzhou and Guilin scenery cannot be ignored. Some villages in Yunnan Province still remain simple folk customs, inside which you will be reminded of the good old days.Nowadays, a new way of life being advocated here and there, people have realized that living harmoniously with nature is of vital importance.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎ (建议用时:40分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020·济南针对性训练)‎ The Amazon basin region is home to about 2.5 million insect species, tens of thousands of plants, and some 2,000 birds and mammals. To date, at least 40,000 plant species, 3,000 fish, 1,294 birds, 427 mammals, 428 amphibians, and 378 reptiles have been scientifically classified in the region. One in five of all the birds in the world live in the Amazon rainforest.‎ The warm and wet forest has been in existence for at least 55 million years, and thrived even during glacial periods, allowing for the evolution of an unbelievable diversity of species. Radiocarbon dating(放射性碳定年法) has revealed trees of 10 centimeter in diameter to be more than 300 years old, and some trees over 1,000 years old, indicating that untouched forests can experience unbelievable 18‎ ‎ longevity.‎ The first human inhabitants are thought to have settled in the Amazon region about 11,200 years ago. European explorers arrived in the 16th century, bringing diseases which traveled faster than the explorers themselves, killing perhaps as many as 90% of the indigenous inhabitants(土著居民). By the late 17th century the Amazon basin was controlled by Portuguese and Spanish explorers.‎ The Amazon rainforests has been described as the lungs of our planet because of its important role in recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. But due to deforestation(滥伐森林), rainforests now cover less than 5% of the Earth’s land surface, and experts believe that this is a big contributor to global climate change. Severe deforestation began in the 20th century, with 587,000 square kilometers lost up to the year 2000.Most deforested land is used for grassland to raise farm animals and agriculture. The addition of transport routes has led to increased settlement and deforestation, and at the present rate, scientists estimate that the Amazon rainforest will be reduced by 40% in two decades.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了亚马逊热带雨林的历史、丰富的物种以及现在所面临的危险。‎ ‎1.Why are the figures mentioned in Paragraph 1?‎ A.To prove the forest untouched.‎ B.To classify species scientifically.‎ C.To show the diversity of species.‎ D.To attract more attention to the Amazon region.‎ C 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的内容并结合第二段第一句中的“allowing for the evolution of an unbelievable diversity of species”可推知,那些关于动植物种类的数字说明了亚马逊热带雨林的物种多样性,故选C。‎ ‎2.Why did most indigenous inhabitants in the Amazon region die?‎ A.European explorers brought diseases there.‎ B.Portuguese explorers treated them badly.‎ C.A lot of trees were cut down and burned.‎ D.They got killed by Spanish explorers.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“European explorers arrived in the 16th century, bringing diseases which traveled faster than the explorers themselves, killing perhaps as many as 90% of the indigenous inhabitants(土著居民).”可知,可能多达90%的亚马逊土著居民因为欧洲探险者所带来的疾病而死亡,故选A。‎ 18‎ ‎3.What can be inferred about the Amazon rainforest?‎ A.It has the largest number of species.‎ B.It covers over 5% of South America.‎ C.It is becoming larger in area.‎ D.It is being endangered now.‎ D 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段尾句中的“at the present rate...in two decades”并结合最后一段的整体内容可推知,亚马逊热带雨林遭到破坏,而且未来20年可能会减少40%,故选D。‎ ‎4.What may be included in the following paragraph?‎ A.Examples of destroying forests.‎ B.Measures to protect rainforests.‎ C.New settlements in the Amazon region.‎ D.Ways to stop global warming.‎ B 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的关键词“deforestation”可推知,亚马逊热带雨林砍伐严重,那么本文接下来自然就会论述这一问题的解决措施,故选B。‎ B ‎(2020·武汉高三质量监测)The Notre Dame fire has been put out, but its spire(塔尖) and a large portion of its wooden roof have been damaged. The terrible destruction causes a sudden sharp pain to people around the world. On Chinese social media network WeChat a common comment on the disaster is:“What a pity that we cannot see the damaged parts of the wonder anymore.”‎ But the good news is that there is at least one way of seeing them, namely via a video game called Assassin’s Creed Unity. In this game, the player can travel to one city after another and enter the buildings exactly like what they are in the reality, and see Notre Dame as it was before the fire. Further, with virtual reality technology, which is already quite mature, one can even look around the undamaged Notre Dame as if it were still there. Maybe digital technology could help to better protect architectural cultural heritage.‎ The idea of digitizing ancient buildings, making digital models of them so their data can be saved, dates back to the 1990s and the necessary technology has continued to advance since then. By scanning the ancient buildings with lasers, building 3D models with multiple images, as well as measuring everything precisely, engineers can make a copy as accurate as the real one.‎ As computers and smartphones are hugely popular, the digital replica(复制品) has ‎ 18‎ great use value. First, it allows tourists to feel the cultural relics without touching them, which helps protect them. The virtual tour of Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province is a good example of this as tourists can view the paintings without standing near them. Furthermore, it can make the digitized cultural relics more famous by spreading awareness about them via the Internet. In 2000, a virtual tour of the Great Wall became very popular at the Hannover World Expo, which increased the number of foreign tourists visiting the site in the following years. Above all, it preserves all the information of the cultural relics. Even if the original ones are damaged one day, people can still know what they were like and can build replicas if desired.‎ Of course, however precise a model is, it is not the original. Time is the biggest threat to a country’s architectural heritage, which will always become ruins with the passing of time. Maybe we will have better technologies in the future, but the digital technology offers a practical way to preserve architectural cultural heritage at the moment.‎ ‎【解题导语】 巴黎圣母院的大火让人们再也无法看到其中被损坏的部分,但是利用数字技术,可以让其原貌重现。人们利用数字化复制品,在不触碰到实物的情况下,可以让文化遗产栩栩如生地展现在眼前,并且数字化复制品可以保存文化遗产的所有信息,对认识和保护文化遗产有着非凡的意义。‎ ‎5.What can we see about Notre Dame in the game?‎ A.The damaged parts.  B.Its wooden shape.‎ C.Its original look. D.The big fire.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“In this game, the player can...see Notre Dame as it was before the fire.”可知,在这个游戏中,我们可以看到火灾前的巴黎圣母院的原貌,故选C项。‎ ‎6.What will engineers do to create digital replicas of the ancient buildings?‎ A.Improve the technology needed.‎ B.Scan the photos of the buildings.‎ C.Build 3D models of full size.‎ D.Measure all the parts exactly.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“By scanning the ancient buildings with lasers, building 3D models with multiple images, as well as measuring everything precisely, engineers can make a copy as accurate as the real one.”可知,为了制作数字化复制品,工程师需要精确地测量每一部分,故选D项。‎ 18‎ ‎7.How does the author prove the digital copy has vital practical importance?‎ A.By comparison. B.By giving examples.‎ C.By classification. D.By listing data.‎ B 解析:写作手法题。通读第四段可知,该段列举了敦煌石窟利用数字化复制品让游客在不接触实物的情况下体验文化遗产;列举了利用数字化复制品制作长城虚拟游并在网上推广,让世界上更多的人了解长城,吸引了更多的游客。据此可知,作者使用了“举例”的方法证明了数字化复制品的重要实用性。故选B项。‎ ‎8.What is the author’s attitude towards the application of digital technology?‎ A.Doubtful. B.Neutral.‎ C.Supportive. D.Conservative.‎ C 解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段最后一句“Maybe we will have better technologies in the future, but the digital technology offers a practical way to preserve architectural cultural heritage at the moment.”可知,作者认为当下的数字技术为保护建筑文化遗产提供了一个实用的方法。据此可推知,作者支持数字技术的应用,故选C项。‎ Ⅱ.读后续写 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。‎ Though it is one of the faded memories of my life today, there are times when I remember his face clearly, especially his eyes. As he had yellow spots on his eyes we called him Spotty. He would have been a stray(流浪的) dog, until he came to me.‎ I was seven years old. My dad had just got a new job in Nasik. We had moved into a rented house. It was raining very heavily on the day we moved.‎ It was a cold dark night. We had our meal and went to sleep. Somehow in the midnight I heard some strange sounds outside the main door. I gathered courage and looked out through the window and I was really amused with what I saw outside.‎ There was a small puppy lying on an old doormat which my mother had put outside the door. It was wet and trembling. At first it was difficult to see the little one. It was the yellow spots on its eyes that made me realize its presence.‎ It was trying to get under the doormat to avoid the cold air outside and it had managed to get in as I could see only its head outside the doormat. Was it sick or injured?‎ I felt pity for the poor soul. I went in and came out with an old towel. I went 18‎ ‎ near the innocent one and held it in my hand and wiped the puppy till he became dry. I took him into my room and made a bed for him with a woolen blanket and a small pillow. He seemed very healthy and comfortable in his new bed as he went to sleep immediately.‎ The next morning, everyone in the family came to know about the unusual guest. “Shall we keep him with us?” I questioned my mom.‎ Like any other parents would, my parents first totally refused my idea but my sister and I convinced them to keep Spotty.‎ Slowly Spotty got on with everyone and became one of the family members.‎ Paragraph 1:‎ One day, Spotty returned from his daily walk with a broken leg.________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Paragraph 2:‎ Almost a year later, one midnight we heard Spotty barking breathlessly.________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ Paragraph 1:‎ 18‎ One day, Spotty returned from his daily walk with a broken leg.I called out my mother and she quickly tied a bandage around his leg and gave him food to eat. I was very upset. But the next day, Spotty was up to his usual games though his leg was injured. After this incident my relation with Spotty became more intense. I really admired him for his courage.‎ Paragraph 2:‎ Almost a year later, one midnight we heard Spotty barking breathlessly. We came out and saw that he was barking continuously heading somewhere. After some time Spotty became quiet. The next morning, my heart skipped a beat when I didn’t see Spotty. I searched for him in each and every corner but he was nowhere. I cried and waited for him but there were no signs of him. What would have happened to Spotty? Would he have died? These were the only questions in my mind, but they all remained unanswered forever.‎ 18‎

