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‎ [话题素材]‎ 好词 ‎1.position n. 职位 ‎2.manager n. 经理 ‎3.company n. 公司 ‎4.advertisement n. 广告 ‎5.promote v. 提升 ‎6.provide/offer v. 提供 ‎7.apply for 申请 ‎8.graduate from 从……毕业 ‎9.advertise for 为……做广告 ‎10.devote...to... 专注于……,把……奉献给……‎ ‎11.be fit for 适合……‎ ‎12.be qualified for 有……的资格 ‎13.I would appreciate it if... 如果……,我将不胜感激 ‎14.be/feel honored to_do sth.做某事深感荣幸 ‎15.in conclusion 总之 佳句 ‎1.They think learning English is one_of_the_demands of modern society and will do_good_to_our_future_career.‎ 他们认为学习英语是现代社会的要求之一,它有益于我们未来的职业。‎ ‎2.He is_strict_with everybody and in everything he does, which makes_him_deeply_loved_and_respected.‎ 他对所有人及自己所做的任何事情都严格要求,这让他深受人们的爱戴。‎ ‎3.The most important thing in life is to_have_a_great_aim,_and the determination to_achieve_it.‎ 人生最重要的是要有远大的志向和实现志向的决心。‎ ‎[精美语篇]‎ When it comes to what job to apply for, there are many factors for us to consider.‎ First of all, we should take notice of the requirement of a job. Some jobs require outgoing employees,while some require quiet and careful ones. It is important for us to know our personalities well. Secondly, our job should interest us. Don't take it for granted that you will ‎ love a job that you hate. In particular, the job we choose should offer us a sense of personal satisfaction. And I think the job has a profound effect on our life, so we should choose a job which can allow us to have a balanced life. Of course, you will consider the salary. But all the things above are more important than money.‎ Whatever job we will take up, we should be grateful and work hard to be qualified for it.‎ ‎ 高频单词 ‎1.satisfying (adj.) 令人满意的→satisfied (adj.) 满意的→satisfy (vt.) 使满意→satisfaction (n.) 满意;满足 ‎2.stressful (adj.) 充满压力的→stress (n.) 压力→stress (vt.) 强调 ‎3.signal (n.) 信号→sign(n.) 迹象→sign (vt.) 签字→signature (n.) 签字 ‎4.direct (vt.) 指挥→direction (n.) 方向,指挥→director (n.) 导演 ‎5.qualified (adj.) 合格的→qualify (v.) 合格→qualification (n.) 资格→quality (n.) 质量 ‎6.temporary (adj.) 暂时的→permanent (反义词)永久的 ‎7.freeze (vi.) 冻住→froze (过去式)→frozen (过去分词)‎ ‎8.apply (vi.) 申请→application (n.) 申请→applicant (n.) 申请人 ‎9.organisational (adj.) 组织的→organise (vt.) 组织→organisation (n.) 组织→organised (adj.) 有组织的,系统的 ‎10.require (vt.) 需要→requirement (n.) 需要 ‎11.demand (n.) 要求→demand (v.) 要求→demanding (adj.) 要求高的 ‎12.traditional (adj.) 传统的→tradition (n.) 传统 ‎13.fitness (n.) 健康→fit (adj.) 健康的→fit (v.) 适合 ‎14.personality (n.) 个性,性格→personal (adj.) 个人的→personally (adv.) 就个人而言→person (n.) 人,个人 ‎15.grateful (adj.) 感激的→gratefully (adv.) 感激地→gratitude (n.) 感激之情 ‎ 重点短语 ‎1.in_particular 尤其,特别 ‎2.on_average 平均 ‎3.in_practice 在实践中 ‎4.in_theory 从理论上说 ‎5.have_an_effect_on 对……有影响 ‎6.take..._for_granted 认为……理所当然 ‎7.take_up 接受;从事;继续;占据 ‎8.take_notice_of 注意到 ‎9.in_response_to 作为……的回应 ‎10.pass_by 经过 ‎ 热点句型 ‎1.so...that... “如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句 The drop is so_great_that_anyone_inside_the_vehicle_is_lucky_ to_survive.(教材P12)‎ 悬崖落差如此之大,在掉下去的车里任何一个能活着的乘客都是幸运的。‎ ‎2.with+宾语+介词短语(宾语补足语)‎ Every morning he climbs up to the bend with_a_large_circular_ board_in_his_hand.(教材P13)‎ 每天早晨,他手里都拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。‎ ‎3.be doing...when...“正在做某事……这时……”‎ He was_driving_a_lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.(教材P13)‎ 他正开着装满香蕉的卡车要驶过一个弯道,突然他连人带车翻到了300米深的山崖下。‎ ‎4.make+宾语+adj.(宾补)‎ Life is hard at high altitude, and the mountains make_ communications_difficult.(教材P12)‎ 在高海拔地区的生活很艰苦,高山使得地区交流非常困难。‎ ‎5.疑问词+插入语+其他 Which of them do_you_think are important in China?(教材P19)‎ 你认为它们当中有哪些在中国是重要的?‎ ‎ 教材复现 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1.Life is hard ________ high altitude, and the mountains make communications difficult.‎ 答案:at ‎2.One road in particular, ________ goes north from La Paz, is considered the most dangerous road in the world.‎ 答案:which ‎3.The drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky ________(survive).‎ 答案:to survive ‎4.Every morning he climbs up to the bend ________ a large circular board in his hand.‎ 答案:with ‎5.But often they just pass by, ________ (take) the human traffic signal for granted.‎ 答案:taking ‎6.He realised that he ________ (be) lucky to be alive himself, and felt that it was his mission in life to help others.‎ 答案:was ‎7.According ________ a survey published by an American university, the ten fastest growing jobs will be related ________ computers and health.‎ 答案:to; to ‎8.But many youngsters will need ________ (profession) care, too.‎ 答案:professional ‎9.And social workers will continue ________ (be) in demand.‎ 答案:to be ‎10.For people doing this job, common sense, physical fitness and an outgoing personality are likely to be ________ (important) than computer skills.‎ 答案:more important ‎1  offer v.(主动)提出(愿意做某事);提供;出价 n.出价;提供;提议 This person has offered to do a job-and may not be paid for doing it.(P12)‎ 此人主动去做一份工作——可能不要报酬。‎ ‎(1)offer sb._sth.(=offer sth. to sb.)提供给某人某物 offer to_do sth. 主动提出做某事 ‎(2)offer sb. money for sth. 向某人开价购买某物 ‎(3)make an offer (of) 提议;出价;提供;减价 accept one's offer 接受某人的提议 ‎①[2013·山东高考,完形填空]I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I offered_to_help.‎ 我开始询问周围的人过得怎么样,如果他们有困难,我就提供帮助。‎ ‎②[2014·陕西高考]For many poorer countries, tourism may still offer the best hope for development.‎ 对很多更加贫穷一些的国家而言,旅游业也许仍然为其发展提供最好的希望。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]He offered $4,000 for the car.‎ 他出价4000美元买这辆汽车。‎ ‎④[朗文高级辞典]I did what I could to offer comfort to the family.‎ 我尽自己所能为家人提供舒适的生活。‎ 易混辨析 offer 指主动提供。常构成“offer sb. sth., offer sth. to sb.”结构 provide 提供,供应,供给(有用的或必需的物品)。常构成固定结构“provide sth. for sb.; provide sb. with sth.”‎ supply 供应,供给(所需要或所要求的物品)。常构成固定结构“supply sth. to sb., supply sb. with sth.”‎ ‎⑤选词填空(offer/provide/supply)‎ a.[2013·浙江高考改编]A good listener takes part in the conversation, ________ ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.‎ b.This shop ________ us with food.‎ c.[牛津词典]Foreign governments ________ arms to the rebels.‎ 答案:a.offering b.provides/supplies c.supplied ‎2  apply vi.申请;适用;应用 Now think of some more questions to ask people applying for these jobs.(P15)‎ 现在,想出更多的问题来问申请这些工作的人们。‎ ‎(1)apply (to sb.) for sth. (向某人)申请 apply sth. to 把……运用于……‎ apply to 适用于;应用于 apply to_do sth. 申请去做某事 apply_oneself_to 致力于;集中精力于 ‎(2)application n. 请求;申请;申请表;应用 applicant n. 申请人 ‎(3)applied adj. 应用的;实用的 ‎①[2014·山东高考]Charlotte had_applied_for a doctor's license in both Montreal and Winnipeg, but was refused.‎ 夏洛特在蒙特利尔市和温尼伯市都申请了医师资格证,但都被拒绝了。‎ ‎②[2014·山东高考]If the constitution said that all people were free and equal, then she thought it should apply__to_her.‎ 如果宪法说所有人是自由和平等的,那么她认为这在她身上也应该适用。‎ ‎③[北师大-⑤]It is also a good idea to apply something as soon as you learn it.‎ 学了就用也是个好主意。‎ ‎④[朗文高级辞典]Stephen would do well if only he applied himself.‎ 斯蒂芬只要肯用心,就能做得很好。‎ ‎3  require vt.需要;要求 SALES STAFF required in wellknown clothes shop.(P18)‎ 在著名的服装商店里需要销售人员。‎ ‎(1)require sb. to_do sth. 需要某人做某事 It is required that sb. (should)_do sth.(虚拟语气) 要求某人做某事 require_doing/to_be_done 需要被做 ‎(2)requirement n. 要求;需要;必需品 meet/answer/satisfy one's requirement 满足某人的需要 ‎①[2014·湖南高考,阅读理解A]No previous experience or special background is_required.‎ 不要求有先前的经验或特殊的背景。‎ ‎②[2013·陕西高考]The students are_required_to retell the story after reading it.‎ 学生们被要求读后复述故事。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]The situation required that he (should)_be present.‎ 这种情形需要他在场。‎ ‎④[朗文高级辞典]If you are installing a new bathroom, it has to meet the_requirements_of the Building Regulations.‎ 建新的浴室必须符合《建筑法规》的规定。‎ ‎4  available adj.可获得的;可利用的;有空的 I would be very grateful if you could send me more information about the post(s) available.(P18)‎ 如果你能给我更多的关于可获得的职位的信息我将非常感激。‎ ‎ ‎①[2014·湖北高考,完形填空]So it took us some time to find an available site.‎ 因此花了我们一些时间才找到空位。‎ ‎②[2010·福建高考]There will be four basketball courts available_for our use with one teacher watching over each game.‎ 将有四个篮球场供我们使用,每场比赛都有一名教师监视。‎ ‎③[朗文高级辞典]Funds are available to_assist teachers who want to attend the conference.‎ 想参加大会的教师可获得资助。‎ ‎5  demand n.&v.要求,需要 But there will also be a rise in the demand for health care professionals.(P19)‎ 而对健康护理专家的需求也将会增加。‎ ‎(1)in demand (for...) (对……)非常需要的;受欢迎的 meet/satisfy one's demands 满足某人的要求 on demand 一经要求 ‎(2)demand sth. of/from sb. 对某人要求某物 demand that sb. (should)_do sth. 要求某人做某事,宾语从句用虚拟语气 demand to_do sth. 要求去做某事 ‎(3)demanding adj. 要求高的 ‎①[2014·江西高考,阅读理解D]...the demand might fall because mass production lowers the quality...‎ ‎……这种需求可能下降因为批量生产降低质量……‎ ‎②[2014·课标全国卷Ⅱ]It is expected that American demand_for au pairs will continue to rise in the next few years.‎ 人们预料美国人对于互惠生的要求在接下来的几年里会继续增加。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]The UN has demanded_that all troops be_withdrawn.‎ 联合国已要求撤出所有部队。‎ ‎④[朗文高级辞典]I demand_to_know what's going on.‎ 我要求知道发生了什么事情。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2013·北京高考,阅读理解A]Now, we have a special ________ (offer) for 10 days, during ________ you can enjoy a half price discount and a free delivery.‎ 答案:offer; which ‎2.[2012·浙江高考任务型阅读]________ (apply) these principles in your everyday life in a conscious way.‎ 答案:Apply ‎3.[2014·湖北高考,完形填空]They explained our ________ (require) and gave us a beautiful campsite. ‎ 答案:requirements ‎4.If something you want or need is ________ (available), you can find it or obtain it.‎ 答案:available ‎ ‎5.I demand ________ (see) the manager.‎ 答案:to see ‎6.Her progress in speaking ability, ________ (tell) the truth, is a big comfort to me.‎ 答案:to tell ‎7.To be a ________(qualify) teacher, I must read more books to get more knowledge.‎ 答案:qualified ‎8.Mary took up a ________ (temporary) position as a reporter for China Daily.‎ 答案:temporary ‎9.[2014·天津高考,阅读理解A]The Globe, located in the bottom level of McMillan Hall, is available ________ relaxing, studying, cooking and eating.‎ 答案:for ‎10.The official had to resign in response ________ the public pressure.‎ 答案:to ‎ 1  in particular 尤其, 特别 One road in particular, which goes north from La Paz, is considered the most dangerous road in the world.(P12)‎ 尤其是从拉巴斯通往北边的一条路被认为是世界上最危险的路。‎ ‎(1)in particular=particularly nothing in particular 没什么特别的 ‎(2)be particular about... 对……挑剔(讲究) ‎ ‎①[2014·安徽高考,阅读理解E]The young in_particular are willing to accept this concept because at heart every child wants to grow into a happy, healthy, contributing adult.‎ 尤其年轻人愿意接受这种概念,因为每个孩子内心都想长成一个快乐、健康、有贡献的成年人。‎ ‎②[2011·江西高考]She has already tried her best. Please don't be too particular_about her job.‎ 她已经尽力了,请不要太挑剔她的工作。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre.‎ 交通状况很差,尤其是在市中心。‎ ‎2  take...for granted 以为……理所当然 But often they just pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted.(P13)‎ 但经常他们只是从他身边驶过,把人体交通标志看作理所当然的事情。‎ ‎ ‎①[2012·湖北高考,阅读理解A]What changes in society can they see that the rest of us have hardly noticed—or now take for granted?‎ 他们能注意到我们其他人几乎注意不到的社会的那些变化——抑或是我们现在已习以为常了的变化?‎ ‎②Some of us always take it for_granted that our parents or grandparents should take care of us.‎ 我们中的有些人总是理所当然地认为父母或者祖父母应该照顾我们。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted.‎ 她丈夫随时都在身边,她只是认为他理应如此。‎ ‎3  in response to作为……的回应 I am writing in response to your advertisement for a temporary position as a waiter.(P18)‎ 针对你们招聘临时接待员的广告,我写了这封信。‎ ‎(1)give/make no response to 对……不予回答 as a response to=in response to=in reply to 作为对……的回应 in response 作为回应 ‎(2)respond to=reply to 对……回答;对……作出反应 respond that... 回应……;回答说……‎ ‎①[2014·江苏高考]And our behavioural response_to anger is different from our response_to ‎ other emotions, whether positive or negative.‎ 我们对生气的行为反应不同于我们对其他情绪的反应,不管是积极的还是消极的情绪。‎ ‎②[2014·辽宁高考,阅读理解B改编]Because I was too busy or lazy to respond_to it.‎ 我因为太忙或太懒而没有对它作出回应。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]When asked about the company's future, the director responded_that he remained optimistic.‎ 问到公司的未来的时候,经理回答说他依然乐观。‎ ‎④[朗文高级辞典]Carl made_no_response,_and carried on with his meal.‎ 卡尔没有回答,继续吃饭。‎ ‎⑤[2015·浙江高考]These comments came in_response_to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.‎ 这些解释是回答当地新闻记者经常提出的特定的问题的。‎ 过关演练 选词填空 in response to; have an effect on; take it for granted; take up; in demand of; suffer from; on average; in practice ‎1.He never praises his wife for her excellent cooking; he just ________.‎ 答案:takes it for granted ‎2.________ their hospitality, we wrote a thankyou note.‎ 答案:In response to ‎3.The surroundings which a child grows up in may ________ his development.‎ 答案:have an effect on ‎4.The whole meal was good but the wine ________ was excellent.‎ 答案:in particular ‎5.When did you ________ Japanese as a second foreign language?‎ 答案:take up ‎6.We are ________ more money to help the child out of school.‎ 答案:in demand of ‎7.Now there are still many Africans who ________ hunger.‎ 答案:are suffering from ‎8.400 people a year die of this disease ________.‎ 答案:on average ‎1  Every morning he climbs up to the bend with_a_large_ circular_board_in_his_hand.(P13)‎ 每天早晨,他手里都拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。‎ with的复合结构通常表示伴随情况,作状语,有时也可以作定语,说明所修饰名词的特征。其构成通常为:‎ ‎①with+宾语+形容词/副词 ‎②with+宾语+介词短语 ‎③with+宾语+不定式(主动表被动,表将来) ‎④with+宾语+现在分词(表主动,进行) ‎⑤with+宾语+过去分词(表被动,完成) ‎①[2014·陕西高考,完形填空]The old lady looked up at Tenyson with love in_her_eyes.‎ 这个老妇人眼里满是爱地抬头看Tenyson。‎ ‎②[2015·浙江高考]Close to the school there was a beautiful park with_many_trees_around_it.‎ 在这所学校附近有一个由很多树环绕的漂亮公园。‎ ‎③[牛津词典]She sleeps with the window open.‎ 她爱开着窗户睡觉。‎ ‎④[朗文高级辞典]I can't do my homework with all the noise going_on.‎ 这么吵,我没法做家庭作业。‎ 过关演练 完成句子 ‎1.The young woman, with a baby ________ in her arms, was wandering in the street.‎ 一位年轻女士,手臂抱着一个熟睡的孩子,在大街上徘徊。‎ 答案:sleeping ‎2.We were taking a walk ________.‎ 我们正在散步,这时天下起了雨。‎ 答案:when it began to rain ‎3.All night long he lay awake, ________ the problem.‎ 他整夜躺在床上睡不着,思考着那个问题。‎ 答案:thinking of ‎4.They have ________ £75,000 ________ the house.‎ 他们已向我们出价7.5万英镑买这幢房子。‎ 答案:offered us; for ‎5.Frank ________ when he noticed a letter lying on the floor.‎ 弗兰克正打算离开,这时他注意到地板上有封信。‎ 答案:was about to leave 动词的时态(2)‎ 一般过去时(The Simple Past Tense):表示“刚才,在过去”之意,暗示现在已“不再这样”。‎ 完成句子 ‎1.[2015·重庆高考]—Is Peter coming?‎ ‎—彼特要来吗?‎ ‎——No, he changed his mind after a phone call at the last minute.‎ ‎——不来了。在最后时刻接了一个电话后他改变了主意。‎ 过去完成时(The Past Perfect Tense):一件事情发生在过去,而另外一件事情先于它发生(即表示“过去的过去”),那么发生在前的事情的动词需用过去完成时。‎ 完成句子 ‎2.[2015·安徽高考]Just as I_got_to the school gate, I realized I had left my book in the cafe.‎ 就在我到达校门口的时候,我才意识到我把书落在咖啡馆里了。‎ 过去进行时(The Past Continous Tense):表示在当时发展中的或正在进行的情况。‎ 完成句子 ‎3.[2014·四川高考]She was phoning someone, so I nodded to her and went away.‎ 她当时正在给某人打电话,所以我对她点点头走开了。‎ 过关演练 用括号内单词的正确形式填空 ‎1.[2014·安徽高考]The twins, who ________ (finish) their homework, were allowed to play badminton on the playground.‎ 答案:had finished ‎2.[2014·重庆高考]James has just arrived, but I didn't know he ________ (come) until yesterday.‎ 答案:was coming ‎3.[2014·福建高考]—Haven't seen you for ages! Where have you been?‎ ‎—I went to Ningxia and ________ (stay) there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.‎ 答案:stayed ‎4.[2014·陕西高考]During his stay in Xi'an, Jerry tried almost all the local foods his friends ________ (recommend).‎ 答案:had recommended ‎5.[2013·重庆高考]I felt very tired when I got home, and I ________ (go) straight to bed.‎ 答案:went

