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‎2020届二轮复习阅读理解热点话题专题之十二:悲伤的考拉将它的头埋在自己的手中,站在朋友的尸体上 Grieving koala buries its head in its hands as it stands over dead body of friend 悲伤的考拉将它的头埋在自己的手中,站在朋友的尸体上 读前导读:‎ 一只悲痛的考拉用双手捧着自己的头,站在朋友的尸体旁。另一只考拉躺在它面前,部分身体浸在水中。我们来看看澳大利亚的森林大火对该国特有的野生动物(考拉)造成了的影响。‎ 一:高级实词荟萃 ‎1. grief-stricken ‎ ‎2. heartbreaking ‎ ‎3. image ‎ ‎4. bushfires. ‎ ‎5. marsupial ‎ ‎6. Partially ‎ ‎7. Submerge ‎ ‎8. underwater.‎ ‎9. devastating ‎10. impact ‎ ‎11. unique ‎ ‎12. estimate ‎ ‎13. reptile ‎ ‎14. dehydration ‎ ‎15. starvation ‎ ‎16. Prompt ‎ ‎17. Widespread ‎ ‎18. criticism ‎ ‎19. response ‎ ‎20. Concede ‎ ‎ 二:高级词汇拓展 ‎1. Partially部分 adj ________________‎ ‎2. devastating毁灭 的 vt ____________‎ ‎3. impact影响 vt ____________‎ ‎4. estimate估计 n. ____________‎ ‎5. starvation饥饿 v. ____________ adj ____________‎ ‎6. criticism批评 vt ____________‎ ‎7. response响应 vi ____________‎ 三:高级短语荟萃 ‎1. bury its heads in its hands ‎2. at the edge of a creek. ‎ ‎3. pick up the injured animal ‎ ‎4. account for ‎ ‎5. habitat loss. ‎ ‎6. climate policy 原汁文章思维能力提升训练 A grief-stricken koala buried its heads in its hands as it stood of the dead body of its friend in a heartbreaking image from the Australian bushfires.‎ The photo was taken on South Australia's Kangaroo Island and shows the small marsupial sitting at the edge of a creek.‎ The other koala lays in front of it partially submerged underwater.‎ In a further image, a member of the Humane Society picks up the injured animal in a towel and takes it away to care for it.‎ Fires on Kangaroo Island have killed an estimated 30,000 koalas and destroyed 200,000 hectares of land.‎ The Australian bushfires have had a devastating impact on the country's unique wildlife.‎ Scientists have estimated that up to a billion mammals, birds and reptiles have been killed in the inferno.‎ That estimate accounts for animals killed directly in the fire as well as those that have died from dehydration, starvation and habitat loss.‎ The huge impact prompted Versace to announce it will no longer use kangaroo leather in its products .‎ Experts have said that it could take Australia up to 100 years to recover from the fires.‎ Prime Minister Scott Morrison has faced widespread criticism over his government's response to the bushfires and its climate policy.‎ Since September, bushfires have killed at least 28 people and destroyed thousands of homes.‎ Mr Morrison conceded there were, "things I could have handled on the ground much better".,‎ ‎1.What is the devastating impact of the Australian bushfires?‎ ‎2. Is it easy to for Australia to recover from the fires?‎ ‎3. What is Mr Morrison’s attitude towards the handling of the bushfire?‎ 五:报刊复杂句式品鉴。‎ That estimate accounts for animals killed directly in the fire as well as those that have died from dehydration, starvation and habitat loss.‎ 双语赏析 A grief-stricken koala buried its heads in its hands as it stood of the dead body of its friend in a heartbreaking image from the Australian bushfires.‎ 一只悲痛的考拉用双手捧着自己的头,站在朋友的尸体旁。‎ The photo was taken on South Australia's Kangaroo Island and shows the small marsupial sitting at the edge of a creek.‎ 这张照片拍摄于南澳大利亚的袋鼠岛,照片中这只树袋熊坐在小溪边。‎ The other koala lays in front of it partially submerged underwater.‎ 另一只考拉躺在它面前,部分身体浸在水中。‎ In a further image, a member of the Humane Society picks up the injured animal in a towel and takes it away to care for it.‎ 在另一张图片中,动物保护协会的一名成员用毛巾把受伤的考拉抱了起来,把它带走以照顾它。‎ Fires on Kangaroo Island have killed an estimated 30,000 koalas and destroyed 200,000 hectares of land.‎ 据估计,袋鼠岛的大火已导致3万只考拉死亡,20万公顷土地被毁。‎ The Australian bushfires have had a devastating impact on the country's unique wildlife.‎ 澳大利亚的森林大火对该国特有的野生动物(考拉)造成了毁灭性的影响。‎ Scientists have estimated that up to a billion mammals, birds and reptiles have been killed in the inferno.‎ 科学家估计,在这场大火中丧生的哺乳动物、鸟类和爬行动物多达10亿。‎ That estimate accounts for animals killed directly in the fire as well as those that have died from dehydration, starvation and habitat loss.‎ 这一估计包括直接死于火灾的动物,以及死于脱水、饥饿和栖息地丧失的动物。‎ The huge impact prompted Versace to announce it will no longer use kangaroo leather in its products .‎ 巨大的影响促使得“范思哲”(世界著名品牌)宣布其产品中将不再使用袋鼠皮革。‎ Experts have said that it could take Australia up to 100 years to recover from the fires.‎ 专家表示,澳大利亚可能需要长达100年的时间才能从这场火灾中恢复过来。‎ Prime Minister Scott Morrison has faced widespread criticism over his government's response to the bushfires and its climate policy.‎ 澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)因其政府对森林大火的反应和气候政策而受到广泛批评。‎ Since September, bushfires have killed at least 28 people and destroyed thousands of homes.‎ 自9月以来,森林大火已造成至少28人死亡,数千座房屋被毁。‎ Mr Morrison conceded there were, "things I could have handled on the ground much better".,‎ 莫里森承认,有些事情“我本可以在当场就处理得更好”。‎ 同话题泛读材料 The Australian government said this week it will spend over 34 million dollars on helping wildlife recover from bushfires.‎ 澳大利亚政府本周表示,将花费3400多万美元帮助野生动物从丛林大火中恢复。‎ The bushfires crisis threatens several animal species, including koalas and rock wallabies.‎ 丛林大火危机威胁着几种动物,包括考拉和小袋鼠。‎ Josh Frydenberg is the Treasurer of Australia.‎ 乔希·弗里登伯格是澳大利亚的财政部长。‎ He told reporters on Monday, "This has been an ecological disaster, a disaster that is still unfolding."‎ 他周一告诉记者,“这是一场生态灾难,一场仍在蔓延的灾难。”‎ He spoke during a visit to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, where workers are treating 45 koalas for burns.‎ 他是在访问麦夸里港考拉医院时说这番话的,那里的工作人员正在治疗45只考拉的烧伤。‎ Frydenberg added that Australia's native trees and plants had been "very badly damaged."‎ 弗莱登伯格补充说,澳大利亚本土的树木和植物已经“严重受损”。‎ Huge wildfires have destroyed more than 11.2 million hectares - nearly half the area of Britain.‎ 大火烧毁了1120多万公顷土地,几乎是英国面积的一半。‎ The fires destroyed or severely damaged the areas where several native animals live.‎ 大火摧毁或严重破坏了一些当地动物生活的地区。‎ Some estimates suggest as many as one billion creatures have died in the fires 一些估计表明,多达10亿生物在火灾中死亡,‎ or are at risk now because of a lack of food and shelter.‎ 或由于缺乏食物和住所而处于危险之中。‎ This number includes farm animals and family pets like cats and dogs.‎ 其中包括农场动物和家庭宠物,如猫和狗。‎ People around the world are sharing images of animals that survived the fires 世界各地的人们正在分享从大火中幸存下来的动物的照片,‎ and videos of people risking their lives to help Australian wildlife.‎ 以及人们冒着生命危险帮助澳大利亚野生动物的视频。‎ In one program, national park employees used helicopters 在一个项目中,国家公园的工作人员用直升机 to air drop thousands of kilos of carrots and sweet potatoes to brush-tailed rock wallabies in New South Wales (NSW).‎ 空投了数千公斤的胡萝卜和红薯给新南威尔士州的沙袋鼠。‎ The state's environment minister Matt Kean said 澳大利亚环境部长马特·基恩表示,‎ giving them this food is one way Australians are trying to help endangered animals like the wallaby.‎ 给它们提供这种食物是澳大利亚人帮助袋鼠等濒危动物的一种方式。‎ ‎"The wallabies typically survive the fire itself," he said,‎ ‎“小袋鼠通常能在火灾中幸存下来,”他说,‎ but they have no natural food left after the fire passes.‎ 但火灾过后,它们没有任何天然食物。‎ The koala is a national symbol, so Frydenberg said it would be a focus of national government spending.‎ 考拉是国家的象征,所以弗里登伯格说,它将成为国家政府资助的重点。‎ He added that the full amount of the damage would not be known until the bushfires are out.‎ 他补充说,直到丛林大火熄灭,才能知道损失的全部程度。‎ Experts say the fires could continue burning for months.‎ 专家表示,大火可能会持续数月。‎ Threatened Species Commissioner Sally Box said 濒危物种专员萨莉·博克斯说,‎ an estimated 30 percent of koala habitat in New South Wales state may have been lost.‎ 新南威尔士州大约30%的考拉栖息地已经消失。‎ Koalas have heavy fur, and usually climb higher when they are in danger.‎ 考拉的毛很厚,遇到危险时通常会爬得更高。‎ That is not helpful in fast-moving bushfires.‎ 但是面对快速蔓延的丛林火灾,却毫无帮助。‎ ‎"Everything that can be done to rescue and recover koala habitat will be done,"‎ ‎“我们将尽一切努力拯救和恢复考拉的栖息地。”‎ 你的泛读笔记

