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2020-2021 学年高三英语书面表达模板《求助信》 题型特点 写英文求助信的原因是目前自己遇到了一些困难,需要请求对方帮助,因此整篇文章应用一般现在时表达 文意。当描述自己得到帮助后的进步时应用一般将来时。 模板① Dear ________(收信人), My name is ________(自我介绍).I’m writing to you for some help. I ________(遇到的困难).Faced with so much difficulty,I have to turn to you for help.Would you like to ________ so that/in order that ________(请求得到的帮助)? Also,I would like you to ________(进一步的要求). I will appreciate any of your help.Thank you for your time. Yours sincerely, ________(写信人) 开头: 自我介绍,表明写信目的。 主体: 说明所遇到的困难或麻烦,陈述请求得到什么样的帮助。 结尾: 希望得到帮助。注意语气委婉、真诚,并要向收信人表示感谢。 模板② Dear ______ , I am writing to formally request to ______ ( 请 求 的 内 容 ) .The reason for _____________is that_____________(给出原因). I___________ , so I _____________(给出细节).I would also like to request ___________(提出进一步的要求). I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused. Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at __________(电话号码). I look forward to a favorable reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 模板③ Dear________, My name is _______________(自我介绍). I’m writing a letter to you to ask for some help. I have met difficulty in _______________(求助内容). First, I find ___________(困难 1). Besides, ________(困难 2). What’s more, __________(困难 3). Faced with so much difficulty, I have to ask you for some help. Would you like to ____________(委婉提出请 求)?In the meanwhile, I beg you to (请求内容) so that ___________(请求目的). Also, I would like you to (请求 内容). I’m sure that I can make great progress in _____________(表达期待). Yours, Li Hua 常用句型: (做某事有困难) 1.I have trouble in doing sth. 2.I find it extremely hard for me to do sth. 3.Doing sth is another terrible headache for me. 常见困难: 【生活方面】 与人相处 get along well with my classmates/ the new teacher / my parents. 和我的同学/新老师/父母相处 把握时间 arrange and make good use of my everyday time for valuable things. 安排和利用每天的时间去做有意义的事情 明确目标 know the purpose of my life and the destination of my future in order to passionately live a purpose-driven life eve ryday. 知道我生命的目的和未来的目标,以便每天充满激情地过着“目标驱动”的生活 【学习方面】 不懂语法 have trouble in mastering the advanced grammar rules and put them into use in my speaking and writing. 进步太慢 find myself making progress not as fast as before, which has been annoying me for a long time. 精力有限 can’t be passionate and energetic all day long so as to make every moment meaningful and splendid. 满分句式 1.开头部分常用语 (1)My name is...I’m writing to you for some help. 我叫……,写信的目的是向你寻求一些帮助。 (2)I’m writing to ask you to do me a favor. 我给你写信想请你帮我一个忙。 2.寻求帮助常用语 (1)Faced with so much difficulty,I have to ask you for help.面对这么多的困难,我不得不向你求助。 (2)In the meanwhile/At the same time,I beg you to...so that...Also,I would like you to... 同时,我恳求你……以便……我也想让你…… (3)I would like you to introduce some good ways to learn grammar. 我想让你给我介绍一些学习语法的好方法。 3.结尾部分常用语 (1)I’m sure with your help I can make great progress. 我相信在你的帮助下我会取得很大的进步。 (2)I will appreciate any of your help. 我将非常感谢你的一切帮助。 假设你是李华,是一名高三学生。你的同班同学王强因患白血病(leukemia)而住院,目前已经花光了家 里的所有积蓄,现在需要骨髓移植(bone marrow transplant),需要 20 万元。请你帮他写一封求助信。要点如 下: 1.对病人的简单介绍; 2.目前的困难; 3.希望得到捐助。 联系电话:白天 5221600;晚上 5221610。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear friends, I’m very sad to tell you that_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours truly, Li Hua 【写作指导】 该写作根据要求可分为三部分来写,即先说明王强患病的情况,再简单介绍王强目前所处的困境,最 后写出求助要求和帮助方式。可用第一人称写,时态可以一般现在时为主。 【范文赏析】 Dear friends, I’m very sad to tell you that my classmate Wang Qiang, a Senior Three student, suddenly felt faint when he was preparing for the coming College Entrance Examination. He is suffering from a serious illness "leukemia". He has been in hospital for about three months and spent all the money his parents saved. His parents, both farmers, tried every means to save him. Wang Qiang is a top student in our class, but he is in hospital now. He is in urgent need of a bone marrow transplant. However, his family is too poor to afford the expenses, which total 200,000 yuan. How can a poor family afford such high expenses? But time is life. We can’t wait to see such a sunshine boy lose his life. So your help is badly needed. Let’s do what we can to save our fellow student. The life of a lovely boy is in your hand. Your love can save a life. You can contact 5221600 in the daytime and 5221610 at night. Yours truly, Li Hua 【范文亮点】 该范文结构合理,层次分明,语言表达地道,行文流畅。内容涵盖了所有的要点,运用了较多的高级 语法结构和词汇,如 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,when 引导的时间状语从句等。 Writting1 假如你是李华,你对太空旅行感兴趣;经常到图书馆阅读资料,但得不到父母理解,于是你给英国朋友 Stephen 发电子邮件进行交流并请求帮助。要点如下: 1)你的观点。(至少写 2 点) 2)父母的意见。 要求:1)词数 100 词左右,开头和结尾已给出的内容不计入总词数 2)内容要包括上述要点,可适当增加细节。 3)文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。 Dear Stephen, I am writing to tell you about my problem with my parents. I don't know how to deal with it and would like your help. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ What shall I do? Can you offer me some suggestion? I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 本书面表达属于应用文要求写一封信。 第 1 步:根据提示可知本片为一封电子邮件,就个人爱好带来的困惑,给英国朋友斯蒂文发电子邮件, 进行交流并请求帮助。要点如下:对太空旅游感兴趣,经常到图书馆阅读资料,个人爱好有助于学习,但 得不到父母理解,父母认为时间应花在功课上,成绩(good marks)就是一切。人称使用第一人称,时态应 为一般现在时。 第 2 步: 根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),be crazy about( 对……痴迷),space travel( 太空旅行), spare time(空闲时间),make my parents very angry(使得我的父母很生气), be helpful for( 对……有帮 助)。 第 3 步:根据其实及关键词组进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第 4 步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的名词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整 洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 【范文】 Dear Stephen, I'm writing to tell you about my problem with my parents. I don't know how to deal with it and would like your help. You know I'm crazy about space travel. In my spare time, I often go to the library to find something about space travel to read. This makes my parents very angry. To them, good marks are everything and I should spend more time on my lessons, even at weekends. I think healthy hobbies are helpful for our development. But I don't think my parents understand me. I feel bad about that. What shall I do? Can you offer me some suggestions? I'm looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 【亮点点击】 本人是一篇求助信。本文简要说明写信的目的,并向对方交代了困惑问题的具体内容,同时期待对方 回信。包含了文中要求的要点。文中不仅使用的熟悉的单词句式,并使用了高级的词汇和句型,增加了文 章表现力,提高了文章档次。例如:You know I'm crazy about space travel. 运用了宾语从句;I often go to the library to find something about space travel to read. 运用了动词不定式做状语;Can you offer me some suggestions 用了高级词汇 offer。 Writting2 假设你是李华,想戒除网络游戏瘾。请你给澳大利亚笔友 Isaac 写一封邮件求助,包含以下要点: 1).写信目的; 2).网络游戏对你的影响(学习,生活方面): 3).寻求建议或帮助。 注意 1)、词数 100 左右: 2)、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【写作指导】 本题是一篇英文信件,要求,好像以李华的身份给澳大利亚笔友 Isaac 写封邮件向他求助,请他帮你戒除网 络游戏网瘾,要点已经给出。属于提纲类作文。内容包括: 1).写信目的; 2).网络游戏对你的影响(学习,生活方面): 3).寻求建议或帮助。 根据求助性的特点,开头要点明写信目的,最后期待回信。以第一人称为主,第二人称为辅,主要用现在 完成时和一般性的词来写。写作时要表达清楚,态度诚恳,还要注意高频语言和词汇的运用。如定语从句 which I find difficult to get rid of,宾语从句 that playing the game does me too much home and I must change this. 和 how you made it. 【范文】 Dear Isaac, How are you ? I'm writing to ask you for help. Recently I have been addicted to a popular online game, which I find difficult to get rid of. I spend a lot of time on it and often stay up late. As a result, I feel sleepy in class during the day and I cannot focus on my study and, as expected, I get left behind. What's worse, my parents often complain about my terrible hobby so we are having a tough time getting along with each other. I’ve realized that playing the game does me too much home and I must change this. I know you once gave up online games successfully, so could you tell me how you made it? I would be so thankful if you could help me. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 【亮点点击】本文语气中肯礼貌,段落层次清晰,行文连贯,要点齐全,言简意赅,目的明确,比较具有 说服力。还使用一些连词让文章条理清楚,使文章生动而流畅,并使用了一些复杂句和复合句,提高了文 章档次。这些都体现了较强的语言驾驭能力,具体如下:Recently I have been addicted to a popular online game, which I find difficult to get rid of. 运用了定语从句;my parents often complain about my terrible hobby so we are having a tough time getting along with each other. 运用了结果状语从句;I’ve realized that playing the game does me too much home and I must change this. 运用了宾语从句;I would be so thankful if you could help me. 运用 了条件状语从句。 Writing 3 请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文。 假如你是李华,你报名参加了本校举行的英语演讲比赛 (the English Speech Contest),并且进入了总决赛。 而你在准备资料和比赛心态等方面遇到了困难。请你给你的外教 Laura 写一封信,寻求帮助。 注意:1)词数 100 左右; 2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【写作指导】 本题是一篇英文现象,要求考生以李华的身份给你的外教 Laura 写一封信,写作背景:你报名参加了本 校举行的英语演讲比赛,并且进入了总决赛。而你在准备资料和比赛心态等方面遇到了困难请你给你的外 教写一封信,寻求帮助。考生要认真阅读提示,灵活运用英语知识,采用不同的表达方式,将各要点完整 的表达出来。写作时注意时态语态的合理运用,同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,适当增加细节,以使 得行文连贯。 【范文】 Dear Laura, My name is Li Hua. I'm one of the students from class 3 grade 3. I am sorry that I have to ask a favor of you, but I hope that you will be very kind to help me. The English Speech Contest hosted by our school has lasted for many days. And final is going to be held next week. While preparing for it, I have come across some problems that I cannot deal with. I find it very hard to search for materials for my topic. Most of them are very similar on the Internet. What's more, since this is the first time I have been in the final, I feel very nervous about it. After all, the final will be full of talented students. I'm eager to get your advice and I will be very grateful for any help. I look forward to your reply yours. Yours, Li Hua 【亮点点击】 本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,使用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连 接成分,是整个文章结果点错很好地完成了写作任务。例如:,I am sorry that I have to ask a favor of you, but I hope that you will be very kind to help me. 运用了并列句和宾语从句;While preparing for it, I have come across some problems that I cannot deal with. 运用了分词做状语和限制性定语从句;since this is the first time I have been in the final, I feel very nervous about it. 运用了原因状语从句。 Writing 4 假如你叫李华,你是高中的足球队的队长,目前在足球队发展上遇到困难。你想寻求帮助,于是向足 球协会写一封求助信。内容包括:一、球的基本情况;二、目前的困难;三、请求帮助。 注意: 1.内容应包括以上所有信息,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 2.词数 100 左右。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【写作指导】 本文是一篇书信,你是光明高中的足球队队长,目前在足球队发展上遇到困难,你想寻求帮助。于是 向足球协会写一封求助信,内容包括:一、球的基本情况;二、目前的困难;三、请求帮助。写作时首先 要认真阅读前面的提示,列出要点,并以此为基础,充分发挥自己的想象力,灵活运用英语知识,采用不 同的表达方式,将各要点完整的表述出来。写作时注意时态语态的合理运用,同时应选用合适的连接词或 过渡词,适当增加细节,以使得行文连贯。 【范文】 Dear Sir or Madam, I'm Li Hua, captain of the football team in Guangming High School. I'm writing to seek help from you. There are 50 members in our football team, including 32 boys and 18 boys, who are keen on football. We hold a variety of activities on a regular basis such as holding football matches every 2 weeks, having formal practice every other day, watching love football matches on TV every weekend and so on. However, we are facing some difficulty in developing our football team. We lack enough coaches and we need formal practice. So we sincerely hope that you can send some coaches to guide us and teach us more about football. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【亮点点击】 本文是篇书信,格式正确,内容齐全,结构布局合理,文中使用高级句子。I'm Li Hua, captain of the football team in Guangming High School. 使用同位语;There are 50 members in our football team, including 32 boys and 18 boys, who are keen on football. 使用了非限定性定语从句;we sincerely hope that you can send some coaches to guide us and teach us more about football. 使用了宾语从句;另外,Such as … and so on, every other day, however, some difficulty in developing, looking forward to等的运用为文章增添色彩。 Writing 5 假设你是李华, 一月一次的月考即将来临,目前你正在为第二次月考紧张复习,但你最近遇到了一些 问题,导致无法集中精力学习,于是你给你的笔友 Smith 写了一封求助信,请求帮助。要点如下: 1. 作业多,没时间运动。 2. 压力大,难以入睡。 3. 对考试信心不足 4.希望得到 Smith 的帮助。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.开头和结束语已经写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Smith, I’m Li Hua_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【写作指导】 本人为作文中的书信。本人分为三个部分,第一部分写写信的原因,目前你正在为第二次月考紧张复 习,但你最近遇到了一些问题,导致无法集中精力学习,因此写求助信。第二部分叙述遇到的问题,即作 业多,没有时间运动压力大,难以入睡;对考试信心不足,难以集中精力学习;希望得到史密斯的帮助。 最后一部分表达期待对方的来信。 【范文】 Dear Smith, I’m Li Hua,Senior 3 student. Recently I’ve been busy preparing for my second monthly exam, but unfortunately I find it quite hard to concentrate on my study. So I'm ready to turn to you for help. I'm encountering some problems which trouble me a lot. First of all, I have to spend so much time on my homework that I can hardly spend any time to take sports. Moreover, with the high expectations from our teachers and my parents, I'm always under great stress, which makes it difficult for me to fall asleep every night. As a result, I cannot focus on what's the teacher says in class. Faced with the above problems, I’m anxious to get your help. Could you please offer me some advice on how to solve these problems? Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【亮点点击】 本文要点完整,结构合理,文中运用了较多的高级词汇。e busy in doing …,prepare for…, concentrate on …,turn to sb. for help, spend much time on …, as a result及顺序连接词如first of all…,moreover等,这使 得文章条理清晰,一气呵成。同时本文的句式很灵活,并有并列句I’ve been busy preparing for my second monthly exam, but unfortunately I find it quite hard to concentrate on my study. So I'm ready to turn to you for help.其中以复合句最为出色,如限制性定语从句I'm encountering some problems which trouble me a lot.和非限 制性定语从句I'm always under great stress, which makes it difficult for me to fall asleep every night. ;状语从句I have to spend so much time on my homework that I can hardly spend any time to take sports.;名词性从句As a result, I cannot focus on what's the teacher says in class.;非谓语作状语Faced with the above problems, I’m anxious to get your help.;介词结构with the high expectations from our teachers and my parents等。 Writing 6 假如你是高中学生李华。想利用暑假做兼职,但是你的父母不同意,为此你感到很苦恼,请你用英语 给英语报社 Advice 专栏的编辑 Miss Kind 写一封求助信。内容主要包括: 1.你和父母所持的不同观点及理由; 2.请求对方提出建议。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【写作指导】 这是一篇英文求助信。写作时注意以下几点:一、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确有 哪些要点。二、所给要点是文章的总体框架,要在这个框架的范围内进行分析,构思和想象,并依据提示 的情景或要点兼顾逻辑关系。三、认真审题,确定句子的时态语态,同时注意语言表达要符合英语习惯。 写作时,切记使用自己熟悉的句型,同时间或高级句型和词汇,为文章精彩,同时注意字数限制。 【范文】 Dear Miss Kind, I'm Li Hua, a Senior student. With the intention of setting a disagreement between my parents and I, I am writing to enquire of you what I'm supposed to do. With the summer vacation approaching, I have been planning to find a part-time job. However, I find myself trapped in the situation where my parents disapprove of my plan and insist that I should spend more time studying instead of wasting precious time on a job. I think, on the contrary, that taking a job will bring me not only extra pocket money but also practical life skills. That's where our disagreement lies. Would you please offer me some constructive suggestions on what to do with their opposition? I would feel obliged if you could help me out. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【亮点点击】 范文中出现一些高级句型:With the summer vacation approaching, I have been planning to find a part-time job. 使用了with复合结构;However, I find myself trapped in the situation where my parents disapprove of my plan and insist that I should spend more time studying instead of wasting precious time on a job. 使用的过去分词作宾补、 定语从句、短语disapprove of、insist 后that引导的宾语从句中虚拟语气、instead of 短语;I think, on the contrary, that taking a job will bring me not only extra pocket money but also practical life skills.使用了短语on the contrary, 动名词作主语和not only … but also结构;That's where our disagreement lies.运用了表语从句。Would you please offer me some constructive suggestions on what to do with their opposition?使用了固定句型Would you please… ;I would feel obliged if you could help me out. Looking forward to your reply.运用了条件状语从句。 语篇欣赏 (2020·丽水模拟)假定你是高中生李华,你们学校要在三月十日举办英语配音比赛(dubbing contest),你想参 赛,但是不知道该选什么电影。你给笔友 Peter 写封邮件,请他推荐。 要求:1.主题是关于友谊; 2.时间限定在 4 到 5 分钟; 3.每个节目最多 6 个角色。 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【审题谋篇】 体裁 时态 人称 要点 应用文之 求助信 以一般现在时为主 以第一人称为主 写信目的;说明具体困 难;表示感谢 【范文赏读】 Dear Peter, I’m writing to ask you for some help. Our school will hold an English dubbing contest on March 10th.I am eager to have a try.However,I don’t know which film is suitable.As a movie fan,would you be so kind as to give me some recommendations? According to the requirements,the theme should be about friendship.And each video may last 4 to 5 minutes.What’s more,there should not be more than six characters in each video. I would really appreciate it if you could do me the favor.Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua (2020·武汉调研考试)假如你是李华,在伦敦作交换生,昨天你的室友 Tony 在校园摔倒后住院。请给校求助 中心写封邮件,寻找昨天帮助过 Tony 的中国学生。 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam, Yours, Li Hua [参考范文] Dear__Sir/Madam, I am Li Hua,an exchange student from China.I am writing to ask you to look for a Chinese student. Yesterday,my roommate Tony was on the way to the classroom when he fell down and could hardly move.Just at that moment,a Chinese girl came to him.She gave him first aid and called an ambulance.But the girl left quietly before Tony could say thanks to her.The girl is about 18 years old and of medium height with short hair.Tony is eager to meet her to express his sincere thanks.Could you please help find her? I will appreciate any of your help. Yours, Li__Hua

