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专题二 阅读七选五 ‎ 段首、段尾题的思考点(一)——主题句 一、 ‎ 段首主题句 ‎[典例] (2018·全国卷Ⅰ片段)‎ ‎...But good news is that there’re really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones.‎ ‎ 38 . They’re the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms. Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa, small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily changeable.‎ Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas, dinner tables or bookshelves ...‎ The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls, ceilings, and floors ...‎ D.Small color choices are the ones we’re most familiar with E.It’s not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces ‎[解析] 选D 本空是一个主题句。上一段提到了由“小、中、大”三种规模物品的颜色选择,而下文依次讲述的是“中、大”两种规模物品的颜色选择,故本段介绍的是“小规模物品的颜色选择”,所以D项为本段的主题句。‎ ‎[增分技巧]‎ ‎(1)如果空格出现在段首,它通常是段落主题句。认真阅读空格后内容,根据段落一致性原则,推断出该段的主题句。‎ ‎(2)关注与下文的关系。着重阅读空格后面的第一、二句,确定相关信息词,然后在选项中查找与之相关的内容。阅读时要学会瞻前顾后,以确定答案。‎ 二、 ‎ 段尾主题句 ‎[典例] (2016·10月浙江高考片段)‎ How to Have a Successful Teenage Life Everyone wants to succeed in their life, don’t they?Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life; it really isn’t that hard. 31 ‎ ‎·Do well in school.No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society.Try your best for excellence in school;listen to the teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades.Doing so will help you get into a better ‎ university,which will enable you to have a bright future. 32 ‎ ‎·Do good in your community (社区). Volunteering can not only improve your community’s status, but could make you happier ...‎ B.School sets you up on the right track!‎ F.Here are some important points that you may find helpful.‎ ‎[解析] ‎ ‎31.选F 第31题设空在第一段的段尾。空格前一句(即使你还是少年,你也可以取得成功;成功实际上并不太难)为主题的提出做好了铺垫。下文就少年怎样取得成功的话题提出了几条建议,可见此处应是全文主题。故F项为最佳选项。‎ ‎32.选B 第32题设空在第二段的段尾。本空与下一段的开头没有关联,可见其很可能是本段的总结句。前文讲到努力学习就可以进一所好大学,这能使你拥有一个光明的未来。B项(学校使你走上正确的轨道)能概括全段,故为最佳选项。‎ ‎[增分技巧] 空格在段尾,一般是对上文或者全文进行总结概括,得出结论,也可能是对上文提到的内容做进一步地补充说明,这种情况下,就需要选择注释性的句子。‎ ‎[小结]‎ 分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉,这是阅读七选五解题的关键。分析文章的层次包含两种形式:一种是分析整篇文章的层次,另一种是分析每个段落内部的层次。一般来说,高考英语文章,无论是整篇文章,还是每个独立的语段,在行文逻辑上,通常采用的是“总-分”或“总-分-总”结构。‎ 铺阴影的题目为段首、段尾的主题句 A Some people are naturally more creative than others, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have some creative ideas locked away in your mind.You simply have to draw them out. Take some time out to think.Sometimes we’re so caught up in getting things done that we don’t have time to be creative; this goes for work and home life. 2 It’s extremely important to make time to simply stop and think.Just a couple of hours of free time each week could help you unlock your creative side.Sit down with no distractions, or go for a long walk and let your mind wander.‎ Half the battle with being creative is to gain confidence to let your creativity shine through.If you’re a painter, paint more.Writers should write more. Study techniques or analyze the work of other creative people you admire.By improving your practical skills, you’ll feel more confident in using them in more creative ways.‎ Copy others, and then make it better. 4 If you admire someone’s work, you’re bound to want to copy it and learn from it.Painters may find it useful to copy their favorite artist’s work in order to improve their technique. 5 The original (原创的) artworks help them develop their own creativity, and in future they will be better practiced at creating something truly original.‎ A.Practice makes perfect.‎ B.That’s where your creativity lies.‎ C.Try some of these techniques for unlocking your creative side.‎ D.There is no harm in taking someone else’s idea and adapting it.‎ E.But they can then take it a step further by using their own style.‎ F.We have tasks to complete, deadlines to make and housework to get done.‎ G.Maybe you’d like to start your own business or create a new invention.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章在发掘我们的创造力方面给出了一些方法。 ‎ ‎1.选C 下文的三段介绍了三个发掘创造力的技巧,故本句起承上启下的作用。‎ ‎2.选F 本空的内容是对前一句“Sometimes we’re so caught up in getting things done that we don’t have time to be creative; this goes for work and home life.”的进一步阐述,具体说明了工作和家庭生活中忙碌的内容。‎ ‎3.选A 该空为本段的中心句。俗话说:“熟能生巧”,只有不断地实践、练习,你的创造力才会显现出来。‎ ‎4.选D 把别人的一些想法拿来改造也是无害的,此处是对前一句内容的进一步阐述。‎ ‎5.选E 本句承接前后两句的内容,模仿可以提高技艺,在模仿的过程中加入自己的风格,就会提高创造力,最终达到原创的效果。‎ B Setting goals can help you stay on top of your studies and earn good grades, but it’s important to set the right kinds of goals.Setting unrealistic goals could set you up for disappointment and depression, while setting goals that are too easy will not challenge you to your full potential. 6 Here are some ideas that can help you.‎ ‎•Make your goal as specific as possible.Having a clear goal will help you stay driven and know how far you’ve come.So, instead of just saying your goal is to get through your math class, figure out what you hope to accomplish. 7 You need to keep this in mind.‎ ‎•Ensure that your progress is measurable. 8 That’s why you should always set goals with clear, measurable progress marks.‎ ‎• Even a good goal could be difficult to achieve without a clear action plan.When you set your goal, make sure you include actionoriented (行动导向) steps as part of your goal development.‎ ‎• It’s important to dream big, but it’s also important to know what you can accomplish with the materials you possess and the time you’re given.Don’t bite off more than you can chew (咀嚼), and don’t give yourself a too easy task either.‎ A.Make sure your goal is realistic.‎ B.Setting proper goals is not an easy thing.‎ C.Determine what type of goal you want to set.‎ D.Decide on practical steps to accomplish your goal.‎ E.How will I know when I’ve accomplished my goal?‎ F.Do you want to become better at math or earn a good grade?‎ G.Whenever you set a goal, you need to keep track of your efforts every step of the way.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何制定恰当的学习目标给出了建议。‎ ‎6.选B 制定恰当的学习目标不是一件容易的事,所以这里给出几条建议。‎ ‎7.选F F项通过举例说明要明确目标,“You need to keep this in mind.”中的this指代F项中提到的具体的学习目标。‎ ‎8.选G 选项中的“keep track of your efforts every step of the way”与该空前后的“progress is measurable”和“measurable progress marks”相一致。‎ ‎9.选D 根据该段中的“a clear action plan” “actionoriented steps”可知,该段旨在说明制定学习目标时要确定切实可行的行动方案。‎ ‎10. 选A 根据后文可知学习目标不能太难,也不能太容易,故可判断该段旨在说明学习目标要切合实际。‎ C No one loves hearing about their disadvantages, but accepting criticism (批评) politely can help you grow as a person.Here’s how to do it.‎ ‎•Be objective (客观的) about criticism.‎ Next time when you get a bad remark, don’t immediately begin to challenge the other person’s opinion. 11 Give yourself a chance to really take in the information and evaluate it.‎ ‎• Even if you decide that the other person is true, it may be hard to take.In your discomfort, you may feel the urge to defend yourself.But it’s best to avoid getting into an argument.Naturally, if you agree that things should change, it already makes the situation less heated, though the pain is still there. 13 ‎ ‎•Be open to the idea of change.‎ Most of us are pretty stubborn. 14 We may ignore criticism because we wish to ‎ avoid having to change, because it makes us feel bad, or because we feel it is not helpful.‎ ‎•Ask questions.‎ If you’re open to using criticism as a chance for improvement, you will likely need more information. ‎15 In this case, talk with the person who criticized you and ask how you can do better.Even though you don’t agree with their advice, thank them and promise to consider it.‎ A.Avoid unnecessary argument.‎ B.You may begin to challenge the other person’s opinion.‎ C.Watch out for your words to avoid unpleasant situations.‎ D.We refuse to change even though that’s what we need most.‎ E.You can start by saying you see the point, or that you are wrong.‎ F.Instead, take a moment to consider whether the criticism is accurate.‎ G.The criticism should come from a supportive place rather than simply out of envy.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章告诉我们应该如何对待他人的批评。‎ ‎11.选F 根据本段的小标题“Be objective (客观的) about criticism.”可知,本段的主旨为:客观对待批评。本空前的内容告诫我们面对别人的负面评价,不要马上反驳对方。本空和下一句告诉我们正确的方法:花点时间想一想对方的批评是不是准确,给自己一个机会真正理解对方的话,客观评估是否言之有理。‎ ‎12.选A 根据本段的内容尤其是本段中给出的建议“But it’s best to avoid getting into an argument.”可知,本段的小标题应为“避免不必要的争论”。‎ ‎13.选E 本空是对前一句的进一步阐述。如果你认同改变,那么就已经缓解了紧张的局面。本空就是认同改变、缓解局面的首要方法:承认你明白了对方说的,或者说你错了。‎ ‎14.选D 本段的三句话共同说明了一个存在的问题:我们不愿意去改变。而本段的小标题告诫我们:要接受改变。‎ ‎15.选G 由本空后的“In this case”可知,这种情况指的就是:对方批评的初衷应该是善意的而不是出于嫉妒。在这样的前提下询问对方的建议。‎ ‎ 段首、段尾题的思考点(二)——过渡句 一、 ‎ 段首题过渡句 ‎[典例] (2016·全国卷Ⅰ片段)‎ ‎...‎ There are three main types of cryptography.37(E.You can hide a message by having the ‎ first letters of each word spell it out.) For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”‎ ‎ 38 You might represent each letter with a number, for example.Let’s number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26.If we substitute a number for each letter, the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 5 20 13 5.”‎ ‎...‎ C.Only people who know the keyword can read the message.‎ G.Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.‎ ‎[解析] 选G 本空属于上下过渡句。上一段提到:有三种主要类型的密码学并介绍了第一种密码类型,本段介绍的是第二种类型,再根据空格后的内容可知,此处选G。由叙述顺序也可知道G项中的Another way是一种提示。‎ ‎[增分技巧] 在某段第一句设空的内容也有可能为承上启下的句子,这就需要考生做到瞻前顾后,既熟悉上一段结尾的内容,又结合下一段的内容,分析所选的答案是否能够将两段内容连贯起来。‎ 二、 ‎ 段尾题过渡句 ‎[典例] (2017·全国卷Ⅰ片段)‎ If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily.Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites, illcooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags.They had nothing in common with me. 36 ‎ The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer ...‎ B.Things are going to be improved.‎ D.I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.‎ ‎[解析] 选D 本题为段尾题。空格前一句说“他们与我没有共同之处”,空格后一段讲述了作者的一次野营,前后之间存在转折关系,所以此处需要填一个承上启下的转折句,这与D项中的however相呼应。‎ ‎[增分技巧] 若段尾句与前文之间是转折关系,此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折、对比的关联词,同时注意选项中所讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立、对比关系。‎ 铺阴影的题目为段首、段尾的过渡句 A In the late afternoon, 15yearold Saanya Hasan Ali can often be found in her comfortable family room. 1 She is cutting, drawing, gluing and folding, surrounded by a colorful chaos of paper, rubber stamps, buttons, and ribbons (丝带).“I just love arts and crafts (手工艺),” says Saanya.During the past six years, Saanya has raised $26,000 through the sale of her cards to help children and families in need.‎ “My mother received an email from the Pennies for Education and Health (PEH) organization.They were raising money for children in India to be able to go to school,” explains Saanya, who was nine years old at the time.Her mother, Salma, offered to donate $‎75 in Saanya’s name. ‎ Saanya made cards to sell at a family wedding that summer.To her own surprise, she earned $600 — enough to send eight children to school for the year.“I kept on making cards, and the following summer I was able to help support the kids for another year,” explains Saanya. 4 ‎ Saanya acknowledges that her project has helped her to see the world through different eyes.“Now that I am in high school, I would also like to inspire other kids to do their own projects. 5 Making cards is my small effort,” she says.“If everyone does their small part, it can grow into something beyond your expectations.”‎ A.I was in third grade then.‎ B.Saanya’s unexpected success began in 2005.‎ C.But Saanya decided to raise the money herself.‎ D.But she isn’t doing homework or in front of a computer screen.‎ E.No matter who you are, there is always an opportunity to make a difference.‎ F.Saanya had established her own nonprofit organization called “Children Helping Children”.‎ G.One of her goals is to support the schooling of these eight children until they graduate from college.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。15岁的女孩Saanya Hasan Ali通过制作手工贺卡筹集资金,帮助那些贫困的孩子和家庭。‎ ‎1.选D 根据本空后面的“She is cutting, drawing, gluing and folding”可以锁定D项,代入后,“但她并不是做作业或坐在电脑前”符合语境。‎ ‎2.选B 联系上文中的“Saanya已经筹集了26,000美元”和本空后面的“‎ Saanya的妈妈收到一封为印度孩子筹集学费的电子邮件……并提出以Saanya的名义捐助75美元”可知,B项“Saanya意想不到的成功开始于2005年”符合语境,在文章中起承上启下的作用。‎ ‎3.选C 根据下一段中的“Saanya made cards to sell ...she earned $600 — enough to send eight children to school for the year.”可知,Saanya想靠自己的努力资助那些孩子,故C项“Saanya决定自己筹钱”符合语境。‎ ‎4.选G 根据本空前面的“for the year” “for another year”可以推知,Saanya接下来的目标是“资助这八个孩子直到大学毕业”,故G项符合语境。‎ ‎5.选E 根据本空后面的“If everyone does their small part, it can grow into something beyond your expectations.”可知E项符合语境。“无论你是谁,都有机会影响这个社会,而制作卡片就是我为之做出的努力。如果每个人都能尽自己的绵薄之力,那么它的影响将超乎你的意料。”‎ B ‎(2018·武汉调研测试)These days when someone says a computer has a bug (小虫子) in it, usually they mean that there’s a problem with one of its programs.Maybe your computer crashed when you were in the middle of a game. But back in the early days of computers, a woman named Grace Hopper was part of the team that discovered the very first computer bug.‎ She had been invited to help program a new computer, the job of which was to quickly deal with the math problems ships used to find their way. 8 Then it translated the patterns of holes into the math problems it was supposed to solve.‎ One afternoon in 1947 Hopper and her team were running a program.But the computer wasn’t giving them the right results. 9 They finally ended up taking the computer apart, looking for problems.What did they find? It was a dead moth (飞蛾)! The moth was blocking some of the holes in the paper — no wonder the computer didn’t know what to do.‎ Hopper knew that the term “bug” had been used before when there were problems with machines.But this was the first time a computer had ever had a bug. 10 Some people think Hopper was the first person to use the word “debug” to mean “get rid of the problems in a computer”.‎ A.What could be wrong?‎ B.Hopper was a mathematician.‎ C.Who had operated the computer?‎ D.Hopper was a hardworking scientist.‎ E.She thought it was funny that it was a real one.‎ F.Or you got an error message when you tried to go to a website.‎ G.The computer worked by reading instructions from a long piece of paper with holes in it.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了电脑中bug的来历。现在人们将在电脑系统或程序中,隐藏着的一些未被发现的缺陷或问题统称bug (漏洞)。‎ ‎6.选F 空前一句表示“当你在玩游戏的时候,或许你的电脑崩溃了”,根据语境可知,空处应表示电脑出问题的时间。故F项“或者当你努力进入一个网站时,你收到了一个错误信息”符合语境。‎ ‎7.选B 根据下一句“She had been invited to help program a new computer, the job of which was to quickly deal with the math problems ships used to find their way.”可知,Hopper的工作是处理数学问题,由此可以推测,她是数学家。故选B。‎ ‎8.选G 根据空后一句“Then it translated the patterns of holes into the math problems it was supposed to solve.”中的“the patterns of holes”可知,G项中的“with holes in it”与此相照应,且G项与空后一句逻辑严密,故选G。‎ ‎9.选A 空前一句讲述了电脑不能给出正确的结果,也就是电脑出现了问题,结合语境可知,空处应在发问“可能是什么出现了问题呢?”,故选A。‎ ‎10.选E 上文讲到,在他们使用的电脑里发现了一只飞蛾,这是在电脑里发现的第一只“bug”,且是一只真正的小虫子,故选E。‎ C What to Do When Someone Doesn’t Like You When someone tells me “I don’t care if people like me”, they are showing me the emotional wall they use to block the hurt of rejection.‎ As humans are social animals, all of us care if people like us.Based on the need for social connection, your reactions to rejection and negative judgment can range from minor hurt to outbreaks of depression. The first step to handle a negative situation is to recognize your reaction.Ask yourself, “What am I feeling?” 12 Any betrayal (背叛) or embarrassment in your heart? Identify what feeling has shown up in your body, so you can choose what to do next.‎ When you sense yourself shutting down or feeling defensive, ask yourself what the person actually meant to do to you.Did they truly mean to offend you, or make fun of you?Your brain works very hard to keep you safe, so it will judge a situation as threatening if there is any possibility of social harm.‎ When our brains sense a possible threat, we react as if we were personally attacked.Take a breath to relieve the stress. Finally, if you believe the person doesn’t like you, ask yourself if this matters. 15 If not, what can you do to release your need to be liked by this person?And, what can you do ‎ to stay neutral and not return the dislike? The more you can come to accept others as who they are, the more you can move forward with your goals regardless of if someone likes you or not.‎ A.If you can, look the person in his eyes.‎ B.Do you feel any fear or anger in your head?‎ C.Ask yourself what is true about the situation.‎ D.Often people do not realize the impact of their words.‎ E.Will the person’s judgment of you impact your work or life?‎ F.The ability to let a show of dislike roll off your back is a learned skill.‎ G.This will ground you in the present and take you out of your trembling mind.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了摆脱不受别人喜欢的情况的方法和策略。‎ ‎11.选F 由空处承接下文“The first step to handle a negative situation is to recognize your reaction.”可推知,本空是一个承上启下的过渡句,即应对别人的拒绝和负面评价是一种可以学习的技能,下文具体阐述如何达成这种技能,所以选F项。‎ ‎12.选B 由空处承接上文“Ask yourself, ‘What am I feeling?’”可推知,此处表示个人的感情倾向,与下文“Any betrayal (背叛) or embarrassment in your heart?”呼应,所以选B项。‎ ‎13.选C 由空处承接下文“When you sense yourself shutting down or feeling defensive, ask yourself what the person actually meant to do to you.”可知,本段讲的是要搞清楚真实的状况,然后再具体地应对,故选C项。‎ ‎14.选G 由空处承接上文“Take a breath to relieve the stress.”可推知,空处应进一步讲这样做的好处,所以选G项。‎ ‎15.选E 由空处承接上文“Finally, if you believe the person doesn’t like you, ask yourself if this matters.”可推知,搞清楚他人的不喜欢对自己是否有影响对接下来的应对很重要,这种影响可能是工作或生活上的,所以选E项。‎ ‎ 段中位置题的思考点(一)——并列、顺承、递进关系 一、 ‎ 根据并列关系解题 ‎ ‎[典例] (2013·全国卷Ⅰ片段)‎ ‎...One is the establishment (制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting. 74 The third ‎ relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments ...‎ E.The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments.‎ F.In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects.‎ ‎[解析] 选E 此题属并列关系,根据上文所提到的“One”和下文所提到的“The third”可知,这里是按照顺序排列,此处应该是第二条,与E项“The second aspect ...”相呼应。‎ ‎[增分技巧] 表示并列关系的词有:first(ly), second(ly) ...; first, then/next ...; in the first place, in the second place ...; for one thing, for another thing ...;to begin with, to conclude 等标志性词语,则表明前后两句是逻辑上的并列关系,空格处很有可能是个并列的句子。‎ 二、 ‎ 根据顺承关系解题 ‎ ‎[典例] (2018·浙江高考片段)‎ ‎...‎ Second, take the overall appearance of the neighborhood seriously.When going for a walk, take along a small garbage bag. 33 This small act will let your neighbors know that you care about the area.‎ ‎...‎ E.Should you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car, pick it up.‎ F.People tend to take pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting.‎ ‎[解析] 选E 此题属顺承关系。空格前提到,散步时随身带个小垃圾袋;空格后提到,这个小小的举动会让你的邻居知道你关心这个区域。E项“如果你碰到从路过的车里扔出的废纸,把它捡起来”,与空格前后衔接,故选E项。‎ ‎[增分技巧]‎ ‎(1)顺承关系是按时间、空间或逻辑事理上的顺序说出连续的动作或相关的情况,分句之间有先后相承的关系,重逻辑事理上的次序,较少涉及因果。‎ ‎(2)注意所选选项要在语境方面能够与原文无缝衔接。错误选项使上下文衔接不自然,不连贯,无法体现行文结构与脉络。‎ 三、 ‎ 根据递进关系解题 ‎ ‎[典例] (2018·北京高考片段)‎ ‎...‎ Each person, no matter who they are, has psychological imbalances. People who have personality traits that connect with competitiveness and low upset tolerance are much more likely to get angry. 53 Also, sometimes preanger does not have to do with a lasting condition, but rather a temporary state before a triggering event has occurred.‎ ‎...‎ D.Anger is a particularly strong feeling and maybe people think that they have reasons to feel angry.‎ E.Having these personality traits implies the preanger state, where anger is in the background of your mind.‎ ‎[解析] 选E 选项与空后句构成递进关系。上文提到:每个人都有自己心理不平衡的地方。那些比较好强,气量比较小的人更容易生气。下一句提到:而且,有时候,preanger并不一定是一种持久的状态,而是一种触发事件发生前的暂时状态。该空承上启下,既要提到上一句中的那些性格特征,又要提到下一句中的preanger,故选E。本题空格后的“Also”是解题关键。‎ ‎[增分技巧] 递进关系主要指英语行文中,后一分句以前一分句为基点,并在程度或范围上比前一分句有更进一层的语义关系。表示递进关系的词有:too, also, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, what’s more, in addition, as well, to make matters worse, not ...but ..., not only ...but also等。‎ ‎[小结]‎ 英语词汇衔接关系表现为词的复现。词的复现指的是某一词以原词、同义词、近义词、概括词或其他形式重复出现在语篇中。文章的句子通过这种复现关系,达到相互衔接、意义完整。阅读七选五语篇的上下文语境中往往有同义词、近义词、近义表达等,甚至有时有相同词汇的重复使用。词汇衔接关系是我们解题很好的线索。‎ 铺阴影的题目为段中逻辑关系题 A We all know the benefits of regular physical activity.But about 80 percent of people don’t take exercise every day.Even some say they don’t enjoy exercise. Here are some tips.‎ Find an exercise that best fits your personality. Take a group exercise class, join a football team or walk with a group of friends.If you prefer having time alone, jogging or yoga will be a better fit for you.‎ Make it a habit.It can take a little while for something to become a habit. One way is to try to exercise around the same time each day.“Exercise can become addictive (上瘾的) in a positive way,” said Dr.Carnethon, who is also an American Heart Association volunteer.‎ ‎ 4 There are many ways to fit exercise into your life.You can find some exercise videos online.Do weight training with things around your home.Take a brief walk after lunch.And if you go to school or work by bus, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.‎ Keep going.If you miss a day, don’t worry about it. 5 Just make sure you get back the next day.It’s easy to make something a habit again.You will see the same benefits.And any little bit you can fit in will show benefits.‎ A.Build exercise into your lifestyle.‎ B.Everybody struggles once in a while.‎ C.So how can you make an exercise pleasant?‎ D.Break up your physical activity into smaller parts.‎ E.Therefore, give yourself the time to create a regular routine.‎ F.If you are a social person, do something that attracts you socially.‎ G.Finding a peer group is the perfect way to share your goals, lifestyles and hobbies.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。运动的益处人人皆知,但大部分人还是不喜欢运动,文章给出了一些可以让你爱上运动的建议。‎ ‎1.选C 根据本空后的“Here are some tips.”以及下文四段分别提出的四条建议可知,本句提出一个问题:如何让运动变得有趣呢?‎ ‎2.选F 本句与下文“If you prefer having time alone, jogging or yoga will be a better fit for you.”是并列关系,分别说明了两种个性的人应该如何选择适合自己的运动。‎ ‎3.选E 上一句说“培养一个习惯需要些时间”,本句紧接着说“因此,给自己一点时间养成经常锻炼的习惯”。‎ ‎4.选A 本句为本段的中心句。空后说“有许多方法把锻炼身体融入到你的生活”可推知空前应指出“把锻炼身体融入到你的日常生活”,前后句为顺承关系。‎ ‎5.选B 有一天没锻炼也不必担心,因为每个人都会偶尔懈怠,只要你第二天继续锻炼就可以。‎ B The oldfashioned art of letter writing is at risk of disappearing altogether.Yet, to me, there is something about receiving a letter that cannot be matched by any other form of communication.‎ ‎ 6 It probably began with the little notes I would write to my mother.My mother, also, always, insisted I write my own thankyou letters.It didn’t matter how short or untidy they were as long as they were letters.‎ When I left home at 18 to train as a doctor in London, I would write once a week, and so would my mother.Occasionally my father would write. 7 Of course, we also made phone calls but it is the letters that I remember most.‎ I love the letters that come with birthday or Christmas cards. And it’s even nicer when it’s an airmail envelope with beautiful stamps.My overseas letters arrive from Sri Lanka, from someone I trained with over 20 years ago, and I have a penfriend in Australia ‎ and another in Vancouver.‎ My biggest letterwriting success, however, came this summer, when my family and I stayed with my American penfriend in Texas.We had been corresponding (通信) for 29 years but had never met. The local press even considered the correspondence worth reporting on the front page.‎ ‎ 10 Like my mother, I insist they write their own thankyou letters.‎ However convenient communicating by email may appear to be, I strongly urge readers not to allow letter writing to become another “lost art”.‎ A.As it is, we now have a regular correspondence.‎ B.It was always a joy to receive his long, amusing letters.‎ C.I am pleased that my children are carrying on the tradition.‎ D.Everyone was amazed that a correspondence could last so long.‎ E.Letter writing has been part of my life for as long as I can remember.‎ F.Notes are appreciated, but how much better to have a year’s supply of news!‎ G.I found that I could often express myself more easily in writing than by talking.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在文中叙述了她对写信情有独钟以及家人如何将这一传统代代传承。‎ ‎6.选E 第一段提到写信这种传统的交流方式已近消失,然而,作者却对它情有独钟。根据空格后的“It probably began with the little notes I would write to my mother.”可知,本段谈论的是作者是何时开始写信的。故E项(在“我”小的时候写信已经成为生活的一部分)符合语境。空格后的It指代E项中的Letter writing。‎ ‎7.选B B项中的his指代上句中的my father。‎ ‎8.选F F项中的“how much better to ...”与空格后的“And it’s even nicer when ...”构成递进关系。‎ ‎9.选D 本段讲述的是作者最为传奇的通信经历。D项中的“correspondence”与下一句中的“correspondence”呼应。“The local press even considered the correspondence worth reporting on the front page.”与D项(通信可以持续29年,大家对此表示难以置信)均表明了作者这段通信经历的非同寻常。‎ ‎10.选C 空格后的“they”指代C项中的“my children”。本段讲的是作者如何将写信这一传统传承下去。‎ C ‎(2018·烟台模拟)There are two types of party attendees (参加者): Those who count the minutes until they can go home, and those who stay until the early hours of morning.‎ Regardless of which category you fall into, though, you must have secretly wondered about the best time to head out the door. Not only do you want to avoid being impolite,‎ ‎ but you also don’t want to overstay your welcome.Thankfully, Thomas Blaikie can help you out with this delicate matter.‎ According to Blaikie, there is a golden time to leave the gathering without appearing rude. If it’s a sitdown dinner party, but you have to leave for something urgent, you should remain until all courses have been served.It’s considered rude to leave before dessert. Aim to say your goodbyes at 11:15 p.m.Don’t be the last person to leave.‎ ‎ 14 Chatting with a drink in your hand can easily make you lose track of the time.And don’t worry about hurting your host if you must turn down an offer.After all, your host is tired out.‎ This advice depends on how well you know your host, of course. He also might appreciate it if you stayed behind to help clean up.In that case, you’ll need to know the best cleaning tips for a dinner party.‎ A.As for the weekends?‎ B.On a weeknight, it is best to leave at 10:30 p.m.‎ C.Undoubtedly, they have spent much time on the party.‎ D.Thank the host for the party when you are ready to leave.‎ E.Blaikie recommends politely turning down any afterdinner drinks.‎ F.A good friend might be hurt if you did happen to turn down an offer.‎ G.Finding the most natural moment to leave the party can be an art form.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了什么时候离开聚会最合适以及如何拒绝主人的餐后邀请。‎ ‎11.选G 空前谈到人们参加聚会时都思考过什么时候离开最合适。空后谈到既要避免不礼貌地过早离开,又要考虑不过度逗留。所以本空选G“找到离开聚会最自然的时间可能是一种艺术形式”。‎ ‎12.选B 空前谈到了礼仪专家Blaikie认为礼貌地离开聚会有一个黄金时间,因此本段应该谈离开聚会的具体时间。所以,本空谈在工作日的晚上聚会的话,10:30是离开的黄金时间。‎ ‎13.选A 本段第一句是主题句,再结合本空后面一句“Aim to say your goodbyes at 11:15 p.m.”可知选A。“Aim to say your goodbyes at 11:15 p.m.”实际上回答了如果在周末晚上聚会的话,什么时候离开最合适的问题。‎ ‎14.选E 根据空后的内容可知,本段在谈应该拒绝关于餐后饮品的邀请,因为这样会把控不了时间,况且主人也很累了。因此E选项作为本段主题句是最恰当的。‎ ‎15.选F 本段第一句谈到了这些建议要根据你对主人的了解程度来使用。本空后面的“He also might appreciate it if ... clean up.”暗示了好朋友可能真的希望你留下来帮助他清理。据此可推知,如果你拒绝餐后的邀请,你的好朋友可能会伤心。故选F。‎ ‎ 段中位置题的思考点(二)——因果、转折、例证关系 ‎ 四、‎ 根据因果关系解题 ‎ ‎[典例] (2017·北京高考片段)‎ ‎...‎ One idea is that sleep helps us strengthen new memories. 72 We know that, while awake, fresh memories are recorded by reinforcing (加强) connections between brain cells, but the memory processes that take place while we sleep have been unclear.‎ ‎...‎ A.We should also try to sleep well the night before.‎ E.That’s why students do better in tests if they get a chance to sleep after learning.‎ ‎[解析] 选E 此题从行文逻辑上判断属因果关系。空前一句的意思是,有一种观点认为,睡眠有助于增强新的记忆,选项E(那就是为什么学生如果能在学习之后有机会睡觉的话,他们就会在考试中发挥更好)是上文产生的结果。该项中的That指代的就是前面的观点,因此正确答案为E。‎ ‎[增分技巧] 表示因果关系的词有:so/therefore, thus, consequently(结果), as a result (of), so/such ...that ..., so that ...等。‎ 五、 ‎ 根据转折关系解题 ‎ ‎[典例] (2018·全国卷Ⅰ片段)‎ ‎...‎ Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point. 37 , they can get a little complex. But good news is that there’re really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones.‎ ‎...‎ A.While all of them are useful C.If you’re experimenting with a color ‎[解析] 选A 此题属转折关系,前句讲的是“有几种技巧帮助设计者”,空后句意为“它们会有一点复杂”,显然前后句意有“转折”,故A项符合语境。‎ ‎[增分技巧] 表示转折或对比关系的词有:but, however, yet, while/though, or/otherwise, on the contrary, instead, nevertheless(然而), still, yet, on the contrary, in contrast/comparison 等。‎ 六、 ‎ 根据例证关系解题 ‎ ‎[典例] (2016·全国卷Ⅰ片段)‎ ‎...‎ There are three main types of cryptography. 37 For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”‎ ‎...‎ B.In any language, some letters are used more than others.‎ E.You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.‎ ‎[解析] 选E 本题采用的思维方式是演绎(从观点到例子),空格后的句子是例子,即“For example, the first letters of ‘My elephant eats too many eels’ spell out the hidden message ‘Meet me.’”。故选E项。‎ ‎[增分技巧] 例证关系表示前后的某句是为了证明另一句而举的例子。例证的形式具有多样性,思维过程基本是归纳(从例子到观点)和推理(从观点到例子)。常见的表示例证关系的标志词有:for example, for instance, in fact/as a matter of fact, actually, in other words/that is to say等。‎ ‎[小结]‎ 上下文逻辑关系语句是对段落中的细节信息的考查,属于句子与句子间的逻辑顺序的排列。做此类试题要注意文章的语句间的组合,一是要判断语句间的逻辑意义关系:并列、顺承、递进、因果、转折、例证等关系。二是借助句子之间的连接性词语来把握,因为连接性词语能表明这个语段句与句之间、层与层之间的基本关系。‎ 铺阴影的题目为段中逻辑关系题 A Can we be really happy and content with our life? Actually, we rarely come across a person who can claim to be perfectly content with what he has. We all wish to have more than what we already have. Soon we would want something more or something ‎ different.‎ Why are humans never satisfied? One of the reasons is comparing with others. When comparing ourselves with others, we tend to rarely focus on our own unique talents and abilities, or what we already have. 2 ‎ Curiosity can also make us not satisfied with our life because it makes us pay more attention to things we don’t know about or don’t have. 3 Thus, we never feel completely content.‎ ‎ 4 We enjoy anything that’s unexplored. A good change in our life does keep up happy for some time, but soon the unavoidable boredom jumps in, and once again we wish for some more changes in life, which keeps us dissatisfied with our life.‎ Though humans can never really be completely content, we can be much more satisfied with ourselves if we try to determine how much is enough to keep ourselves happy, and limit ourselves to the pursuit (追求) of only that much. 5 As a result, we can finally make ourselves more content. In addition, it’s better to live in the present moment and do things we really want to do.‎ A.Human curiosity is a doubleedged sword.‎ B.We never feel content also because we want to change.‎ C.We do so many things just to improve others’ opinions about us.‎ D.We always want to find out more about what we aren’t familiar with.‎ E.But even if all our wishes came true, the satisfaction wouldn’t last a very long time.‎ F.So we tend to become unhappy, thinking about what others have but we do not have.‎ G.Setting up achievable goals can keep us away from disappointments and regrets.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章分析了人们不满足的原因,并提出了一些如何让我们保持快乐、满足的建议。‎ ‎1.选E 上一句说“我们都想拥有更多”,本空紧接着说“即使是所有的愿望都实现了,满足感也不会持续很长时间”,前后句之间是句意上的转折关系。‎ ‎2.选F “当我们与别人作比较时,就很少注意自己独特的才能”,这样的结果就是“我们变得沮丧,开始想别人拥有我们却没有的东西”。‎ ‎3.选D 本空进一步阐述“好奇心会让我们对自己的生活不满意”。‎ ‎4.选B 从下一句的内容“我们都喜欢未探索过的事情”以及“A good change ...”可知,我们不满足还因为我们想要改变。‎ ‎5.选G 本空是对前面一句的总结:设立一个可以达到的目标,我们就不会有那么多的失望和懊悔。‎ B Being mindful is the practice of actively paying attention and making the effort to be ‎ purposely aware of your surroundings and the people with whom you communicate. Becoming more mindful needs a lot of practice and it isn’t something that happens overnight. 6 ‎ ‎•Slow down. Deadlines are everywhere, and many of us feel like we need to hurry through each thing in order to experience the next. The truth is that moving too fast leaves us open to mistakes, both personally and professionally. 7 Slow down and pay attention to what you are doing. You are likely to be more successful and also find more enjoyment.‎ ‎•Be aware. Consider the people you see and what they are doing, the smells that surround you, and the sounds that you hear. It seems basic, but this is where you are right now. Have you really noticed all the aspects of your present experience?‎ ‎•Think deeply in silence. The act of quieting your mind is a powerful way to gain control and focus. ‎9 A few minutes a day is enough to allow you to feel centered and calm.‎ We move fast each day and feel it necessary to “get it all done”, so many of us find ourselves stressed and anxious. 10 Measuring each day by how many things you have finished on your list isn’t truly living.‎ A.This doesn’t have to take long.‎ B.Check out these tips for ways to get started.‎ C.The art of being mindful is being lost quickly.‎ D.At different points in your day, stop and just look around.‎ E.We can’t possibly fully enjoy the present moment in this way.‎ F.And experiences that happen in a rush are not fully experienced.‎ G.By being mindful, we can focus on the things making life worth living.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。每天人们似乎总是急于把事情做完,因此对当下周围的人和事不够专注。本文给出了几条建议帮助我们静下心来留意经历过的每件事情。‎ ‎6.选B 本空引出下文的内容。下文介绍了如何在生活中做一个有心之人。‎ ‎7.选F 根据上一句中的“The truth is that moving too fast leaves us ...”可知,太匆忙会让我们出错,并且匆忙中得来的体验并不能被充分地感受到。这两句共同说明匆忙的不利之处。因此下一句内容告诉我们要慢下来,专注于当下做的事情。‎ ‎8.选D 下一句内容举例说明我们要留意周围的事情,因此本空是说在一天中的不同时刻,停下来,向四周望望。‎ ‎9.选A 根据下一句“A few minutes a day is enough”可知,冥想并不会花费我们很长时间,一天中只花几分钟的时间用来冥想就足以使我们保持集中和冷静。‎ ‎10.选G G项意为:保持留心使得我们能集中精力做那些让我们的生活更有意义的事。本空与下句构成对比,都提到了living。‎ C Competition is all around us. It’s responsible for bringing the best out of people and enabling us to survive a fastpaced world. Sometimes we see young boys crying because their teams lost in interschool tournaments. Sometimes we find young teenagers lie and cheat just to win. So it’s important to develop healthy competition in children.‎ When it comes to encouraging healthy competition in kids, the first thing to do is set goals for them to work towards. 13 If you burden them with too high a goal they can’t achieve; they’ll lose confidence.‎ In addition, children may be easily affected by wrong ideas from popular media. Sportsmanship and team spirit will help them grow into sound human beings who aren’t easily annoyed by small losses or too excited by vietories. They may also dislike cheating or lying. So give the examples where one of the family members refused to cheat to win.‎ ‎ 15 After they take an exam, don’t ask about how much they expect to score; instead, ask what they wrote about. If your son played a basketball match at school, don’t ask him whether his team won or lost; ask him how many scores he got and encourage him to score higher next time.‎ A.You mustn’t push them too hard.‎ B.These are all effects of unhealthy competition.‎ C.It makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker.‎ D.However, children can be worst hit by competition.‎ E.Sending your children the right signals in life is also important.‎ F.Therefore, it’s up to you to develop in them, the right kind of spirit.‎ G.Let your kids know that you’re more interested in how they performed.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。父母应该如何引导孩子正确对待竞争呢?本文给出了几条建议。‎ ‎11.选D 本空前的内容说明了竞争的积极作用,而本空后的两个例子告诉我们有时候青少年不能用平常心对待竞争,因此本空内容承上启下,告诉我们竞争会对青少年有消极的影响。‎ ‎12.选B 本空是对空前两句话的总结:这些是不正当的竞争对青少年的消极影响。因此,良性竞争很重要,故作者在下文提出了几条建议来引导孩子正确对待竞争。‎ ‎13.选A 根据本空后的内容可知,如果给他们定太高的目标,他们就会失去信心。因此作者在本空给的建议是:不要太强逼孩子。‎ ‎14.选F 因为孩子们很容易被大众媒体传播的一些错误思想影响,所以你要教他们什么才是正确的精神。本空前的内容是原因,本空内容为结果。‎ ‎15.选E 本空为本段的中心句:生活中给孩子传递正确的讯息也很重要。‎ 阅读理解板块组合练一 ‎(限时35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Here are our suggestions for keeping busy this week.Dive in!‎ Take to the waves in Southampton Always fancied trying your hand at sailing?Now is your chance.The Southampton Boat Show has plenty of opportunities for visitors to get out on the water to experience boat sailing, powerboating or taking a ride on a RIB — all for free.‎ Discover an island on the Thames To celebrate Totally Thames, a monthlong festival is held at various locations across London.We’ve discovered 21 of the river’s most fascinating islands — all of them with interesting stories to tell.Make the most of it with our map here.‎ Catch great films in Bristol Over six days, Encounters Film Festival screens up to 400 films from over 60 different countries.The Bristol festival provides a platform for international filmmakers, and offers a gateway to the likes of the BAFTAs, Oscars and European Film Awards.See here for full details.‎ Get scientific in London Experience the latest, best and most challenging science covering all areas of our lives and universe at New Scientist Live at ExCel London.New Scientist Live is a fourday festival full of ideas and discoveries from the team behind the world’s most popular science weekly magazine, featuring four zones — Brain & Body, Technology, Earth and Universe — as well as talks from experts and over 200 exhibitors.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要推介了一周内的四个活动项目。‎ ‎1.Which is the most suitable for sailing lovers?‎ A.Take to the waves in Southampton.‎ B.Discover an island on the Thames.‎ C.Catch great films in Bristol.‎ D.Get scientific in London.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据Take to the waves in Southampton部分中的“The Southampton Boat Show has plenty of opportunities for visitors to get out on the water to experience boat sailing”可知,此活动最适合帆船运动爱好者,故选A。‎ ‎2.What is New Scientist Live?‎ A.A science weekly magazine.‎ B.A festival to celebrate great scientists.‎ C.An exhibition to show scientific discoveries.‎ D.A festival where ideas and discoveries are shared.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据Get scientific in London部分中的“New Scientist Live is a fourday festival full of ideas and discoveries”可知,New Scientist Live是一个为期四天的与大众分享科学想法和发现的节日。故选D。‎ ‎3.Where can you find the text?‎ A.On a noticeboard.    B.On a website.‎ C.In a newspaper. D.In a book review.‎ 解析:选B 文章出处题。根据文章内容尤其是Discover an island on the Thames部分中的“Make the most of it with our map here.”和Catch great films in Bristol部分中的“See here for full details.”可知,本文最有可能出现在网站上,故选B。‎ B Recently, I’ve found an increasing number of coffee shops that don’t offer WiFi.I know what they’re trying to do.They want people to talk to each other without being consumed by technology.They want to stress the relational aspect of coffee shops and would rather hear many voices having deep discussions than see keyboards or eyes staring at a cell phone.However, their good intentions are often mistaken by consumers, me included.‎ One snowy day, a friend and I decided that it would be a great idea to go to a local coffee shop and get our work done there.We found a place that had unique coffee flavors and great reviews.It was a bit of a walk from where our subway dropped us off, but we thought it was worth it.‎ We walked through the snow and my feet were almost frostbitten (冻伤的) because the boots I wore were not warm as I had originally assumed.About 10 minutes later, we found the coffee shop and our blue lips were eagerly looking forward to that warm drink.As we walked up to the door, we saw the sign, “No WiFi.” In anger, we looked at each other and said “Starbucks?”‎ Of course, this was a loss for them.They lost our business and the chance to make their relationship building task a reality.People who come to coffee shops to work do come to be on their computers, but they also go there so they can still have human interaction (互动).They want to work around other people, not in a room by themselves.What’s more, even if the shops don’t have WiFi, people will still use their phones, unless all phone service is blocked out.So my friend and I spent the snowy day working together in the biggest chain coffee shop.We completed our task perfectly and that wasn’t the case in those coffee shops ‎ without WiFi.‎ Therefore, there is no need to shut WiFi to customers.With it, the shop will get more people and there’ll be more laughter and better relationships than before.‎ Don’t make us go to Starbucks for our next snowy day.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己的切身体会,表达了对咖啡店关闭WiFi的看法。作者认为这样的做法是完全没必要的。‎ ‎4.What is the purpose of many coffee shops’ shutting WiFi?‎ A.To keep people drinking coffee quietly.‎ B.To cut down the unnecessary expense.‎ C.To get people to communicate face to face.‎ D.To prevent people from disturbing others.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段“They want people to talk to each other ...than see keyboards or eyes staring at a cell phone.”可知,许多咖啡店关闭WiFi的目的是让顾客面对面交流。‎ ‎5.What did the author and his friend plan to do on that snowy day?‎ A.Walk back home from work.‎ B.Finish their work at a coffee shop.‎ C.Find a warm place to have a good rest.‎ D.Express their anger to coffee shopkeepers.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段“One snowy day, a friend and I decided that it would be a great idea to go to a local coffee shop and get our work done there.”可知,作者和朋友在那个下雪天想去当地一家咖啡店完成他们的工作。‎ ‎6.The author thinks the coffee shop’s practice is wrong because the shopkeeper .‎ A.failed to block out all phone service B.didn’t communicate with customers ‎ C.didn’t offer computers to customers D.caused inconvenience to customers 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段内容尤其是最后一句“We completed our task perfectly and that wasn’t the case in those coffee shops without WiFi.”可推知,作者认为咖啡店关闭WiFi的做法是错误的,因为店主们这样做给顾客带来了不便。‎ ‎7.What’s the tone of the author’s writing this passage?‎ A.Persuasive. B.Encouraging.‎ C.Teasing. D.Praising.‎ 解析:选A 观点态度题。根据第五段“Therefore, there is no need to shut WiFi to ‎ customers.”及最后一段可知,作者通过自己的切身体会表达了自己对咖啡店关闭WiFi的看法。他认为这是完全没有必要的举措。他希望下次下雪时不要再让他们(选择)去星巴克了。由此可以推断,作者写这篇文章的语气是劝说性的。‎ C AT&T started its “It Can Wait” campaign against texting while driving in 2010.They call on all drivers to sign up for a 21Day pledge (保证) — a pledge to not text and drive.Since then, research suggests there has been a connection between the campaign activities and a reduction in crashes.Almost half of the people who have made pledges say they now don’t use their smartphones while driving.‎ However, AT&T has found that even though nearly 99 percent of drivers understand that texting while driving is dangerous, nearly 70 percent do it anyway.Some say they do it because they think they’re better at multitasking than others.Some say they only use their phones at red lights, or they only quickly glance at their phones sometimes.Others say they’re trying to stop, but believe that distracted (注意力不集中的) driving is even “addictive”.‎ Over the years, we have found some effective ways to deal with distracted driving.One is to use userfriendly tools to help drivers resist the urge to glance at their phones while behind the wheel.Countless handsfree devices (装置) and Bluetooth speakers combined with a mobile app will, when active, automatically block incoming notifications sensing that the car is in motion.With the right devices, drivers can stay connected without taking their eyes off the road.‎ The second way is really important.AT&T’s studies found that most smartphone users have a significant amount of their interactions with just five people.They also found that more than 80 percent of drivers said they would immediately stop using their phone while driving if a loved one or someone in their top friends list asked them to.We urge everyone to act on this information.‎ Distracted driving is a bad habit, and bad habits are tough to break.But if we work together — and keep communicating our concerns with the people we love — we can make a difference.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。文章介绍了两种约束不专心驾驶行为的方法,并且分析了司机明知注意力不集中有危险,还去接电话的心理原因,建议人们要与自己所爱的人多沟通,帮助他们摒弃这一陋习。‎ ‎8.What can we infer about the “It Can Wait” campaign?‎ A.It aims to end aggressive driving.‎ B.It provides help for drivers in emergencies.‎ C.It works well in reducing road accidents.‎ D.It makes efforts to improve road conditions.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第一段中的“research suggests there has been a connection ...while driving”可知,“It Can Wait”运动在减少交通事故方面起到了一定的作用。由第一段第一句“AT&T started its ‘It Can Wait’ campaign against texting while driving in 2010.”可知,这项运动旨在减少人们边开车边发短信的做法。‎ ‎9.Distracted driving is still at a high level because of .‎ A.high pressure from daily life B.the side effects of drugs C.lack of strict traffic laws D.drivers’ attitude problems 解析:选D 细节理解题。由第二段中的“Some say they do it because they think they’re better at multitasking than others ...is even ‘addictive’.”可知,AT&T的研究发现,将近70%的人仍然边开车边发短信,他们这样做是因为态度问题。‎ ‎10.How do handsfree devices with an app help drivers?‎ A.By reminding them to call later.‎ B.By preventing the incoming calls.‎ C.By telling callers to leave a message.‎ D.By warning them of the possible danger.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。由第三段中的“combined with a mobile app will, when active, automatically block incoming notifications sensing that the car is in motion”可知,这些工具如果被激活,能自动感应到汽车在行驶,阻止来电通知。‎ ‎11.What suggestion is made to deal with distracted driving in Paragraph 4?‎ A.Use the power of public opinion.‎ B.Educate drivers to learn selfcontrol.‎ C.Communicate more with safe drivers.‎ D.Let people close to drivers remind them.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段中提到的第二种方法可知,大多数司机愿意听从他们所爱的人或关系最亲密的人的建议,故建议利用司机最亲密的人对他的影响来减少不专心驾驶现象。‎ D Shanghai leads the mainland in an international standardized (标准化的) test of English language level, according to the British Council’s white paper on mainland test takers’ IELTS performance.The white paper shows people on Chinese mainland have been making progress in their ability to listen, read, write and speak English in the past five years.‎ People who took the IELTS Academic test showed the least ‎ progress in speaking English.The test takers’ total score from the fourpart test is below the world average, with the largest gap in the speaking test.The white paper also showed mixed development of English skills in various areas on the mainland.Shanghai, which achieved respective (分别的) average scores of 5.87 points and 5.95 points in the academic and training tests, led the mainland in the listening, speaking, reading and writing tests.Shanghai’s universities and high schools also had the best results.‎ Barry O’Sullivan, head of assessment research and development at the British Council, said Shanghai stood out against the other provinces because it is an international city, where students have a better environment and stronger motivation (动力) to learn and use English.The average score of Shanghai test takers in reading is higher than the world average, and their listening and writing scores are equal to the world average.But Shanghai test takers’ speaking score is not so good as the other three.‎ The city’s Fudan University topped other universities on the mainland with the highest average IELTS scores. Fudan students’ reading, listening and writing scores exceeded (超过) the world average but their speaking scores were below it.According to the white paper, all test takers said selfmotivation was the most important factor for them, while those with IELTS scores higher than 7 points thought their high school teachers played an important role.‎ The white paper also found that the English educators on the mainland who had mixed abilities in reading, writing, listening and speaking were weakest in speaking English. Chinese authorities are working to deal with these issues.For example, they have released the Chinese Standards of English which outlines English students’ abilities at nine levels.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。英国文化教育协会发布全球首部中国内地地区雅思考试官方白皮书,上海市雅思考生听说读写能力均居中国内地之首。‎ ‎12.Which kind of ability of the mainland students needs to be improved urgently?‎ A.The ability of listening. B.The ability of speaking.‎ C.The ability of reading. D.The ability of writing.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“People who took the IELTS Academic test showed ...with the largest gap in the speaking test.”可知,参加雅思学术考试的人在口语考试中的进步最小。考生在四项考试中的总成绩低于世界平均水平,口语考试与世界平均分的差距最大。由此可知,中国内地考生在口语能力方面急需加强。‎ ‎13.Which of the situations of the IELTS test on the mainland is correct?‎ A.The highest average score of the academic test among all provinces is 5.87 points.‎ B.Test takers in Shanghai have the best scores in the world.‎ C.There is no big gap between Shanghai and other provinces in IELTS test scores.‎ D.Mainland test takers score higher than most countries’ in the world.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Shanghai, which achieved ...and writing tests.”可知,上海市的学术类雅思分数是5.87分,培训类雅思分数是5.95,在听说读写四项考试中领先全国。由此可知,上海市的雅思平均分数是全国最高的,因此5.87分是全国各省中学术类雅思考试的最高的平均分数。‎ ‎14.According to the passage, English skills might be greatly affected by .‎ A.one’s motivation to go abroad B.one’s attitude to the test C.the level of education one receives D.the overall social environment one lives in 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Shanghai stood out against the other provinces ...to learn and use English.”可知,上海市领先于其他省份是因为它是一座国际化都市,那里的学生有更好的语言环境和更强的动力去学习和使用英语。由此可推知,社会环境对于一个人的英语能力有很大影响。‎ ‎15.It can be inferred from the passage that .‎ A.students in Fudan University have the best selfmotivation B.the speaking test is the most difficult one among the four tests in IELTS C.the scores of IELTS are much influenced by high school education D.the level of Chinese students’ English ability is above the world average 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“According to the white paper ...played an important role.”可知,根据白皮书中的信息,所有考生都说自我鼓励对他们来说是最重要的因素,而那些雅思成绩高于7分的考生认为他们的高中老师扮演了很重要的角色。由此可推知,高中教育对雅思成绩影响很大。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 As parents, sometimes it may feel like all your kids do is sit in front of a screen. 16 If we’re realistic, that’s probably not going to happen.But if you keep things properly managed, screen time can be beneficial.‎ ‎•Acknowledge that screens aren’t all bad.‎ ‎ 17 Watching television or playing games on the computer can be fun, entertaining and a good way to relax.There are also many programs, games and apps that are educational and your children will likely have some homework to do on a computer.‎ ‎• 18 ‎ While screens can be beneficial, if your kids spend too much time in front of them they will miss out on other activities.Things like playing outdoors, reading and doing sports are extremely important for balance. Facetoface communication with family and friends ‎ teaches valuable social skills — something that can’t be learnt via social media.‎ ‎•Educate yourself.‎ To strike the right screen time balance for your house, start by learning what technology is around, what it’s best used for and for the ages it’s appropriate. 19 Other parents might be able to offer some insight (见解) too.‎ ‎•Set limits for your kids and yourself.‎ It’s a good idea to put some rules in place around screen time.Let your kids know how they are allowed to use screens — what for, when and for how long. 20 They’ll be more receptive to the rules if they’ve had input.Of course, let the screentime limits you set for your kids be a guide for yourself as well.‎ A.Don’t let screens take over.‎ B.Manage your family’s screen time.‎ C.You can do your own research or talk to your kids about it.‎ D.Discuss these rules as a family so your kids can have a say too.‎ E.Children and teenagers can benefit from ageappropriate technology.‎ F.You might even feel like you want to ban screens from your home altogether.‎ G.If you’re eating dinner, set the work emails aside and chat about your day as a family.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在家庭中管理“屏幕时间”的方法。‎ ‎16.选F 根据本空前面的“feel like”可知F项“你甚至会想要在家里禁止一切屏幕设备”符合语境。本空后面一句中的that指代F项中的“ban screens from your home altogether”。‎ ‎17.选E 本段主要介绍了看电视或使用电脑等屏幕设备的好处,再结合小标题“Acknowledge that screens aren’t all bad.”可知,E项“孩子们和青少年可以从适合其年龄段的科技设备中获益”符合语境。‎ ‎18.选A 本段主要介绍了过多地使用屏幕设备的弊端,故用A项“不要被屏幕设备所左右”作小标题最符合本段的主旨。‎ ‎19.选C 根据本段的小标题“Educate yourself.”可知C项“你可以自己作研究或和孩子们谈谈”符合语境,本空与其后面一句“别的父母也可能会提供一些他们的见解”是并列关系。‎ ‎20.选D 根据本空前面的“some rules”和后面的“the rules”可知D项“全家人都来讨论这些规则,这样你的孩子们也有机会发表他们的观点”符合语境。本空后面一句“如果他们参与了制定这些规则,他们会更容易接受”是对该句的解释说明。‎ 阅读理解板块组合练二 ‎(限时35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Interesting Exhibitions Held in Four Different Museums ‎◆ Name: the British Museum Phone: 02073238000‎ Website: britishmuseum.org Opening hours: daily ‎10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.‎ Price: Free This exhibition aims to show the mysteries of mummification. From a king’s daughter to a temple doorkeeper, the displays explore the identities of eight people, using their bodies to discover clues about how they lived. By using new methods, such as CT scanning and 3D visualization, the British Museum has been able to build up a picture of life in the Nile valley over 4,000 years, from prehistoric Egypt to Christian Sudan.‎ ‎◆ Name: the Fashion and ‎Textile‎ ‎Museum Phone:02074078664‎ Website: www.ftmlondon.org Opening hours: daily ‎11 a.m.-5:30 p.m.‎ Price: £8.80 adults, £5.50 students This Fashion and Textile Museum is housing the firstever exhibition of the classic Mexican shawl (披肩), which became famous in the 20th century. Artists, photographers and fashion and textile designers will be exhibiting their colorful works there.‎ ‎◆ Name: the Victoria and ‎Albert‎ ‎Museum Phone:02079422000‎ Website: vam. ac. ‎uk Opening hours: daily ‎10 a.m.-5:45 p.m.; ‎ Fri. ‎10 a.m.-10 p.m.‎ Price: Free The Victoria and Albert‎ ‎Museum has dug out some of their most charming wedding dresses to record their history during the past two centuries. White wedding dresses were made popular by Queen Victoria in the nineteenth century. See beautiful wedding dresses made by famous designers.‎ ‎◆ Name: the ‎Science‎ ‎Museum Phone:02079424000‎ Website: sciencemuseum.org.uk Opening hours: daily ‎10 a.m.-6 p.m.‎ Price: Free This fourday festival displays the latest exciting gadgets and introduces their inventors. Visitors can explore electronics, build robots, get handson experiences with new technologies and have a go at 3D printing. There will be displays taking place throughout the festival, which is suitable for anyone aged ten and over.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四个英国博物馆的展览,包括博物馆的联系电话、网址、展出时间、票价,重点介绍了展览的内容和特色。‎ ‎1.Which number would you call if you’re interested in exploring history with modern technology?‎ A.02073238000.     B.02074078664.‎ C.02079422000. D.02079424000.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一部分最后一句“By using new methods, such as CT scanning and 3D visualization ... from prehistoric Egypt to Christian Sudan.”可知,大英博物馆的这一次展出使用CT扫描、可视化三维等高科技手段探索四千年以来的尼罗河河谷生活风貌;根据联系电话可知A项正确。‎ ‎2.Which museum can you visit if you are free at 8 p.m.on Friday?‎ A.The British‎ ‎Museum.‎ B.The Fashion and Textile‎ ‎Museum.‎ C.The Victoria and Albert Museum.‎ D.The Science Museum.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三部分中的“Opening hours: daily ‎10 a.m.-5:45 p.m.; Fri‎.10 a.m.-10 p.m.”可知,该博物馆在周五从上午十点到晚上十点都有展出;据此可知,在周五晚上八点可以去该博物馆,故C项正确。‎ ‎3.What can we learn about the Science Museum?‎ A.The exhibition will last a week.‎ B.It displays CT scanning technology.‎ C.Visitors themselves can try new technologies.‎ D.More information can be found at vam.ac.uk.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据最后一部分第二句“Visitors can explore electronics, build robots, get handson experiences with new technologies and have a go at 3D printing.”可知,游客可以自己尝试新技术,故C项正确。‎ B Hao Jingfang won the 2016 Hugo Award for best novelette (中短篇小说).“I’ve had a wide variety of interests since childhood.I’ve got used to doing different things,”says the 33yearold.‎ Although she became a famous science fiction writer after the award, she’s never thought of quitting her job as an economic researcher at the China Development Research Foundation, which gives her the opportunity to meet many interesting people, she says.Hao says that the characters in her awardwinning Folding Beijing novel were developed from people she met.Folding Beijing which tells the story of a father’s struggle to send his daughter to school in a futuristic (未来的) Beijing and is also an allusion (暗示) to the difficulties that some Chinese parents are undergoing today to ensure their children receive a highquality education brought a breakthrough in her writing career and the top global award in the genre (类型).‎ The Hugo Award came as a big surprise to her and has brought important changes to her life.“I thought it would just be an award, noticed only by people in the field. I didn’t expect it to bring this huge attention,” she says.After the award, Hao, who had an interest in poverty studies, was offered the chance to set up a program initially funded by a Chinese auto company, with the aim of educating rural children in poor areas.‎ Hao says writing science fiction combines her love of science and her dream to become a writer. Writing has been an important part of her life since she was a teenager.Hao won the national New Concept Award for writing when she was in high school and then she started writing science fiction in 2006 when she did her physics major at Tsinghua University where she continued her studies for her master’s degree in physics and then economics for her PhD.‎ Hao started reading science fiction in high school and devoted much of her time to writing novels in her university years.But to take advantage of her academic background, she turned to write science fiction then.“Science fiction opened a whole new world for me,” says Hao.Speaking of the future, Hao says, “It will take time for science fiction to grow here.”‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了2016年雨果奖最佳中短篇小说奖得主郝景芳的写作经历和获奖作品并讲述了在得奖之后她从事的一些工作。‎ ‎4.According to the passage, we can know that Hao Jingfang .‎ A.was an economic researcher when she won the 2016 Hugo Award B.gained many chances to meet interesting people due to the 2016 Hugo Award C.actually wasn’t satisfied with her awardwinning novel Folding Beijing D.didn’t become a professional writer until receiving the 2016 Hugo Award 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段“Although she became a famous science fiction writer after the award, she’s never thought of quitting her job as an economic researcher at ‎ the China Development Research Foundation...”可知,虽然在获奖之后郝景芳成为一名著名的科幻小说作家,但是她从未想过要辞掉在中国发展研究基金会的经济研究员的工作。由此可知,郝景芳在获奖时是一名经济研究员。‎ ‎5.How did winning the award change Hao’s life?‎ A.She funded a program to educate rural children.‎ B.She started to focus on rural life in poor areas.‎ C.She became famous and drew much attention.‎ D.She was finally accepted by writers in the field of science fiction.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段“I thought it would just be an award, noticed only by people in the field.I didn’t expect it to bring this huge attention”可知,郝景芳说她以为那只是个普通的奖项,只被科幻小说领域的人注意到。她没想到会得到如此多的关注。由此可知,获得雨果奖使郝景芳变得出名,吸引到很多的关注。‎ ‎6.Hao Jingfang started writing science fiction .‎ A.when she was studying in high school B.during the time she studied in the university C.after she won the national New Concept Award for writing D.after she worked at the China Development Research Foundation 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段“she started writing science fiction in 2006 when she did her physics major at Tsinghua University”可知,郝景芳在2006年在清华大学学习物理学的时候开始写科幻小说。‎ ‎7.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?‎ A.Bright and Warm Side of Serious Science Fiction B.The Road Towards Great Fame of Hao Jingfang C.Influences of Winning The 2016 Hugo Award on Hao Jingfang D.The Science Fiction and Real Worlds of the Winner of 2016 Hugo Award for Best Novelette 解析:选D 标题归纳题。本文第一、三和四段介绍了郝景芳现实生活中的一些信息,第二段和最后一段介绍了郝景芳在科幻领域的信息。由此可知,选项D“2016年雨果奖最佳中短篇小说奖得主的科幻与现实世界”可以概括本文大意,适合作文章标题。‎ C Life can sometimes go haywire rather like the feeling you get when you’ve lost control of your moving car.It’s a feeling of complete helplessness and panic that makes us feel overwhelmed (被压垮的).‎ In most cases, there is a difference between our expectations and reality.The greater the ‎ difference, the greater the feeling is of being overwhelmed.This difference is often created when our expectations are too demanding or when reality changes in a way we did not expect.Think of the weather ruining your carefully made travel plans to get across the state.Think of that illness that made you stay in bed.While we may be feeling overwhelmed with everything going on in our lives right now, there are some steps we can take to regain a sense of control of our lives.‎ We all know we should control our emotion properly and we can be affected greatly when we are overwhelmed, but feeling overwhelmed is part of life.When we’re feeling overwhelmed, it only means we are living, breathing human beings.For life is like a roller coaster ride with its ups, downs and turns.It’s also like the season with its alternating periods of relative calm and periods of varying degrees of stress and anxiety.Sometimes we forget this.‎ No matter how much we try, we may not be able to control reality.But we can adjust our expectations to match reality.This may mean revising our goals and tasks or quitting projects.It may feel like failure in the moment, like giving up, but this ability is an opportunity to create success in the long term.Working with reality rather than against it can give us hope.‎ When we’re feeling overwhelmed, we can easily fall into an allornothing (孤注一掷).We may overlook the things we manage to accomplish when we feel overwhelmed.But celebrating our small wins creates space for gratitude (感激) to take hold in our hearts.Trade our expectations for appreciation and our whole world changes in an instant.Celebrating wins (whatever size!) allows us to clearly see the progress we are making.Acknowledging our small bites and celebrating our wins however small makes us have a more accepting attitude toward the opportunities, the gifts and the joys in our lives.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。面对生活中的不如意,我们有时会感到绝望,感觉被压垮了。但我们可以采取一些有效的方法来摆脱这种困扰。 ‎ ‎8.The underlined phrase “go haywire” can be replaced by .‎ A.be in a mess B.become dull C.bring surprises D.change quickly 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据第一段内容可知,生活有时候会陷入混乱,就像你对行驶中的汽车失去控制时的感觉。这是一种彻底无助和恐慌的感觉,使你感觉被压垮了。go haywire意为“陷入混乱”。‎ ‎9.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?‎ A.We fail to control our emotion sometimes.‎ B.We must learn to control our emotion well.‎ C.It is natural for everyone to feel overwhelmed.‎ D.Feeling overwhelmed is a big barrier to our life.‎ 解析:选C 段落大意题。根据第三段可知,我们都知道应该控制好自己的情绪,当我们感觉被压垮时,我们会受到这种情绪很大的影响。但感到被压垮是生活的一部分,表明我们是有生命的人类,只是我们总是会忘记这一点。由此可知,第三段主要是说感到被压垮对每个人来说是自然的。‎ ‎10.What should we do when we can’t control reality?‎ A.Accept our failure and quit.‎ B.Change our goal based on reality.‎ C.Try our best to change reality.‎ D.Find a better way to realize our goal.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段“No matter how much we try ... or quitting projects.”可知,无论我们怎么努力,可能都无法改变现实。但是我们可以调整我们的预期以匹配现实。这或许意味着修改我们的目标和任务,或者放弃我们的计划。由此可知,当我们无法掌控现实时,我们可以根据现实来改变我们的目标。‎ ‎11.What can we infer from the last paragraph?‎ A.Small bites are better than big wins.‎ B.We should show gratitude to others.‎ C.Celebrating small wins helps us make progress.‎ D.We should appreciate even small achievements of ours.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,庆祝小的成功有利于在我们心中创造感激的空间。庆祝胜利(无论大小)可以让我们清楚地看到我们正在取得的进步。认可我们的小成就并庆祝胜利,无论它有多小,这会使我们能够更乐于接受生活中的机会、礼物和乐趣。由此可推知,我们应该欣赏我们哪怕很小的成就。A、B两项最后一段未提及,C项与原文意思相近但不是推断出来的,故选D项。‎ D Going back to school after working for a long time has not been easy.What makes it extra difficult is the Western liberal arts (文科) style of teaching.It gives special attention to discussions, which doesn’t agree with my personality and is different from the Chinese style of teaching that I am accustomed to.‎ Most of my classes are small, about a dozen people.Most students who frequently speak up are from Englishspeaking countries.Being shy and especially bored with confrontation ‎ (对抗), I am usually quiet.However, I’m not the only one.In my corner of silence are students from Asia or other nonEnglish speaking areas.‎ People are unwilling to speak up for different reasons.Not being able to speak fluent English, or at least being worried about embarrassing oneself for grammatical mistakes, might be an important one, especially in an Englishtaught program.For me, not being sure of whether I am making a convincing and fresh point is the biggest factor (因素); I feel insecure not knowing the correct answer.‎ Moreover, this insecurity turns into frustration.I feel uneasy in my seat while listening to my classmates speak.On the one hand, I’m angry at myself for not being brave; at the same time I ignore what the others are saying.But in truth, it’s just an excuse for masking my feeling of inferiority (自卑) over feeling like others know so much about so many things.‎ Of course, over time I learned the merits of this style of teaching and learning.The biggest advantage of being in a program with people from all over the world is that everybody brings in something new.What’s obvious to me, a Chinese, might not be so obvious to them.Sometimes it’s important to state the obvious.‎ Still it is hard for me to participate in class discussions.However, just because someone does not like speaking up in public, doesn’t mean they cannot think.Just because someone cannot think on their feet, doesn’t mean they can’t do good research.Just because someone is always speaking, doesn’t mean they always make good points.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。西方教学方式强调讨论,作者以自己亲身经历说明为什么人们不愿意在课上发言。‎ ‎12.The author doesn’t want to speak up in class because he .‎ A.is unable to speak fluent English B.shows no interest in the English-taught program C.is afraid of making grammatical mistakes D.doesn’t feel secure not knowing the correct answer 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,对于作者来说,(不愿意发言的)最大因素在于作者不确定他的观点是否有说服力、是否够新颖。如果不知道正确答案作者会感到很没安全感。故选D项。‎ ‎13.What’s the author’s real reason to feel frustrated while listening to others’ speaking up?‎ A.He has a sense of inferiority.‎ B.He is extremely shy.‎ C.He has no interest in their discussions.‎ D.He can’t understand others’ words.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知,但事实上,这只是一个借口去掩盖作者因为别人如此博闻强识而产生的自卑感。由此可知,当作者听他人发言时感到沮丧的真正原因是他想隐藏他有一种自卑感。‎ ‎14.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “merits” in Para.5? ‎ A.Differences. B.Changes.‎ C.Advantages. D.Methods.‎ 解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据第五段内容可知,和来自世界各地的人们同处于一个项目的最大好处是每个人都会带来一些新的东西。对于作者这个中国人来说显而易见的东西可能对他们不是那么显而易见。有时候将这种显而易见表达出来是重要的。由此可猜测,随着时间的推移,作者了解到这种教学风格的优点。merits意为“优点,优势”。‎ ‎15.Which is the best title for the passage? ‎ A.How to Take an Active Part in Class Discussions?‎ B.Why Don’t People Like to Speak Up in Class?‎ C.The Importance of Speaking Up in Class.‎ D.The Differences of Western and Chinese Teaching Style.‎ 解析:选B 标题归纳题。文章主要介绍西方教学方式强调讨论,作者以自己亲身经历说明为什么人们不愿意在课上发言。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2018·洛阳第一次统考)One of my earliest memories was watching my mom talk on our old phone. I was fascinated that she could talk to someone who wasn’t actually in the room with her. 16 I was wondering how she managed to talk with someone she couldn’t see.‎ ‎ 17 Later, we had mobile phones that could be carried around the room. Then came computers and smartphones. These days I can send an email around the world in a second. My daughter’s smartphone has a hundred apps and a dozen social media accounts. She stores all of her information in a mysterious place known as “the cloud”, where she can take it out at any time. It seems that we are more connected in this world than ever before.‎ ‎ 18 Few take the time to talk face to face. Instead of looking into the eyes of our loved ones, we stare at our screens. It seems as if the most connected generations are also the loneliest.‎ Don’t let technology take our time and ruin our life. Make the time to meet, to pray and to communicate with each other. Take a walk on the beach with a friend. Have a long conversation with the phones off and the hearts on. 19 ‎ Remember that we are here to love each other, help each other and make this world a better place. 20 But when it can’t, turn it off.‎ A.That was a long time ago.‎ B.Connect offline as well as online.‎ C.Smartphones have both advantages and disadvantages.‎ D.We should communicate with each other with phones off.‎ E.When your technology can help to do these things, then use it.‎ F.However, what bothers me is that we rarely associate with each other nowadays.‎ G.When she left the room, I slowly walked over to the phone and stared at it for a while.‎ 语篇解读:本文作者描述了家中通信工具的变化,指出人们现在很少互相见面交流,并建议人们合理利用科技,创造更美好的生活。‎ ‎16.选G 根据空处前一句可知,作者对于妈妈能够和一个与她不在同一个房间的人说话感到很好奇,这吸引了作者。G项“当她离开房间的时候,我慢慢地走到电话那儿并盯着看了一会儿”符合文意,故选G项。‎ ‎17.选A 根据空后的“Later, we had mobile phones ... Then came computers and smartphones. These days I can send an email”可知,作者阐述了随着时间的变化,家中的通信工具也发生了改变。A项“那是很久之前的事儿了”符合文意,故选A项。‎ ‎18.选F 根据空处所在的位置可知,空处为段落主题句。根据下文可知,本段主要讲述现在我们很少面对面交流了。F项“然而,令我感到担心的是,我们现在很少互相交流了”能很好地概括段意,故选F项。‎ ‎19.选B 根据上文可知,作者认为不能让科技占据我们太多的时间,摧毁我们的生活,我们应该花时间互相见面交流。B项“既要在网上联系也要在网络之外联系”符合文意,故选B项。‎ ‎20.选E 空处前一句提到我们来到这个世界是为了相互关爱,相互帮助,使世界变得更美好;后一句提到当科技不能(帮助你)做到这些时,就关掉它。所以空处应表示当科技能够帮助你做到这些时就使用它,故E项符合文意。‎ 阅读理解板块组合练三 ‎(限时35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A The Path of Life Garden lies in a 14-acre field of paths, wildflowers and open spaces on ‎ the banks of the Connecticut River.The garden is a fun place for families.Kids love running through the tree maze (迷宫) and jumping around the large stone sculptures.Grandparents love bringing their grandchildren back year after year to see what is new and what has stayed the same.More than anything else, the Path of Life Garden is a place for reflection and appreciation.‎ The garden is also a unique place for a family gathering, business outing or birthday party.If you are interested in hosting an event in the garden, please e-mail us or call 802-674-9933.‎ In July of each year, the One Drum Festival is held in the Path of Life Garden!This full day celebration aims to bring together drummers from many different traditions.‎ Visitor information:‎ ‎•Admission: $6 each (Age: 13 and over); $3 each (Age: 4-12); kids aged 3 and under are free; admission is discounted by 10% for groups of 10 or more.‎ ‎•Garden hours: Dawn to dusk.‎ ‎•Food and drink: Full lunch menu is available at Harpoon, which is close to the garden.Visitors are welcome to have picnics in the fields of the garden!‎ ‎•Touching or climbing: We hope you can protect the garden by not being too rough with our sculptures.‎ ‎•Animals: Only trained guide and service animals are permitted in the garden.Sorry, but no pets allowed.‎ ‎•Safety: Please be aware that there is poison ivy (毒葛) on the edges of the field so you should stay on the path to avoid these plants!‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了美国一个著名的公园。‎ ‎1.What do we know about the Path of Life‎ ‎Garden?‎ A.It is intended for children.‎ B.It provides places for activities.‎ C.Visitors can’t find picnics in the garden.‎ D.There are musical performances every day.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段和第三段的内容可知,这个公园可以为家庭、私人或者社会活动提供场地。‎ ‎2.How much should a couple with two kids aged 2 and 5 pay?‎ A.3 dollars.       B.9 dollars.‎ C.15 dollars. D.18 dollars.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章Admission部分的内容“$6 each (Age: 13 and over);‎ ‎ $3 each (Age: 4-12); kids aged 3 and under are free” 可知,一对夫妇和两个孩子(分别是两岁和五岁)参观公园的价格是2×6+0+3=15。‎ ‎3.Which of the following may put you at risk according to the text?‎ A.The tree maze.‎ B.Poison ivy on the edges.‎ C.Guide and service animals.‎ D.Stone sculptures in the garden.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Please be aware that there is poison ivy (毒葛) on the edges of the field so you should stay on the path to avoid these plants!”可知,园区边缘有毒葛,参观者应在公园的道路上行走,以免有危险。‎ B Zheng Xuan works in a “Confucius classroom” at the Metro Deaf School in Saint Paul, Minnesota, the United States.Named after the ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius schools and classrooms are generally run as nonprofit public institutions to help foreigners understand China through language and culture classes at overseas universities.‎ Zheng is the first hearing-impaired (听障的) teacher to have been sent abroad as part of the program, which was established in 2004.She has considered as her personal motto the words of Irving King Jordan, the first deaf president of Gallaudet University in Washington D.C., “Deaf people can do anything hearing people can do, except hear.”‎ Zheng teaches students Chinese Sign Language, basic Mandarin (普通话) and Chinese culture, but communicates with her colleagues using American Sign Language and English.‎ Born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, Zheng lost most of her hearing after a medical accident at age 2.She learned to communicate by lip-reading and entered mainstream education.In 2009, she received a PhD in literature from Shanghai’s Fudan University.She refused job offers in Shanghai and Shenzhen, choosing instead to teach at Chongqing Normal University’s special education department — the only one in West China for students who are hearing-impaired.Her hard work won her recognition at the school and it took her only two years to become an associate professor and a mentor (导师) for postgraduate students.‎ She has adapted quickly to the different teaching environment in Minnesota and accepted the opportunity to learn about special education in the US.“Doctor Zheng is one of the most intelligent and thoughtful professors I have met.Her hard work earns my respect,” Kathy Johnson, director of the SCSU Confucius Institute, said.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了中国首位聋人女博士郑璇投身于孔子学院,在海外传播中国传统文化。‎ ‎4.It can be known from the passage that .‎ A.Confucius schools aim to help foreigners understand China B.Zheng Xuan is the founder of the Confucius Institute program C.Zheng Xuan is famous for her personal education motto D.only hearing-impaired teachers can teach in Confucius schools 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段“Confucius schools and classrooms are generally run ...culture classes at overseas universities”可知,孔子学院是通过语言和文化课程帮助外国人了解中国的非营利机构。‎ ‎5.Which of the following is correct about Zheng Xuan?‎ A.She is the first teacher in the Confucius Institute program.‎ B.She was sent abroad to study in Gallaudet University in 2004.‎ C.She is very optimistic about her disability.‎ D.She works under the leadership of Irving King Jordan.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段“She has considered as her personal motto the words ...’Deaf people can do anything hearing people can do, except hear.’”可知,郑璇把“聋人除了听不到,能做任何正常人能做的事情。”作为自己的座右铭。由此可推知,郑璇对于自己的残疾非常乐观。‎ ‎6.After Zheng Xuan graduated she .‎ A.lost most of her hearing in a medical accident B.had chances to work in big cities C.became well-known due to her deafness D.learned lip-reading and sign language 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段“In 2009, she received a PhD in literature from Shanghai’s Fudan University.She refused job offers in Shanghai and Shenzhen ...”可知,郑璇在毕业之后拒绝了上海和深圳的工作邀请。由此可知,郑璇曾有机会到大城市工作。‎ ‎7.What does Kathy Johnson think of Zheng Xuan?‎ A.She is grateful to her.‎ B.She appreciates her very much.‎ C.She is shocked by her.‎ D.She feels sorry for her.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Doctor Zheng is one of the most intelligent and ‎ thoughtful professors I have met.Her hard work earns my respect”可知,Kathy Johnson说郑璇是她见过的最聪明最有思想的教授之一。她的刻苦赢得了Kathy Johnson的尊敬。由此可推知,Kathy Johnson很欣赏郑璇。‎ C What do children do when they lose their baby tooth?The custom in the US, England, Canada, Australia and some other English-speaking countries is that children put their baby tooth under their pillow before going to bed.They believe the tooth fairy (小精灵)comes during the night and gives them money in exchange for their tooth.Of course, we know that the money is not from the fairy.Their parents switch the tooth for money.‎ In some European countries, it is a common practice to bury the baby tooth in the ground.The tooth is likely buried in the garden or in the surrounding field.However, since most of the people now find themselves living in towns or cities, they begin placing the tooth in a small flowerpot.It is done so that a permanent tooth will grow in its place.‎ Putting a tooth under a pillow sounds sweet, and putting a tooth under the ground sounds safe, but what about throwing a tooth around?In some Asian countries, that’s just what they do.Children throw a lower tooth up onto the roof and an upper one is thrown down on the ground, or hidden under the bed.It is done so that the upper tooth grows healthy downwards, while the lower tooth upwards.‎ Some countries even have more interesting traditions.In Nigeria, if you’re a boy, you hold your tooth and eight stones in your fist.Girls hold six stones and their tooth in their fist.The children then close their eyes, state their name, and count to the number in the fist.Then they say, “Oh, I want my tooth back!” Next, they throw everything in their fist up in the air and run away as fast as they can.In Mongolia, the baby tooth is given to a young dog.There, the dog is respected and is considered a guardian angel.When the guardian angel eats it, it is said that a strong tooth will grow.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了各国不同的换牙习俗。‎ ‎8.Why does an American kid often put his baby tooth under the pillow?‎ A.To replace a tooth. B.To get some money.‎ C.To see the tooth fairy. D.To have a good dream.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“They believe the tooth fairy (小精灵) comes during the night and gives them money in exchange for their tooth.”可知,孩子们睡前把脱落的乳牙放到枕头下是想得到牙精灵的钱。‎ ‎9.In Asian countries, the lost baby tooth usually end up .‎ A.on the roof B.in a flowerpot C.under a pillow D.under the ground 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Children throw a lower tooth up onto the roof and an upper one is thrown down on the ground, or hidden under the bed.”可知,亚洲国家的孩子通常把脱落的乳牙扔到屋顶上,地上或藏到床底下。‎ ‎10.How is a baby tooth usually treated in Nigeria?‎ A.It is used as dog food.‎ B.It is covered with stones.‎ C.It is marked with numbers.‎ D.It is thrown up into the air.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“they throw everything in their fist up in the air and run away as fast as they can”可知,尼日利亚的孩子把拳头里攥着的乳牙和小石块一起抛向空中,然后迅速跑开。‎ ‎11.How does the author develop the last paragraph?‎ A.By listing numbers. B.By making comparisons.‎ C.By giving examples. D.By raising questions.‎ 解析:选C 写作手法题。最后一段的首句是主题句,后面分别举了两个例子加以说明。故选C项。‎ D In the book I’ve been reading lately, On Living by Kerry Egan, she shares so many powerful stories — each story a parting gift from a hospice (救济院) patient who never knew when a newly arriving day might be their last.‎ What a profound (深刻的) way to live! In a sense, I guess we all live that way, each and every day.But as I read this book, I get the feeling that only hospice patients really know this.Sometimes I realize it, like when I am faced with a choice to work more to earn more money or to go to spend the day with a loved one and earn no money.On the one hand, money, income, rent.On the other hand, love, connection, moments that make life feel like worth living for.‎ Near the end of On Living, Egan shares a story about a patient she calls Linda.Events from decades past were preserved in her mind like precious heirlooms (传家宝), but a new face could be forgotten in as little time as it took to leave the room and return again.‎ Linda said that she spent her days trying to be caring.She shared: We shower so much love on babies and children.But as we grow up, it stops.No one showers love on grownups.Life gets harder, not easier, but we stop loving each other so much, just when we need love most.She then went on to say: One day, when I was lying here, I realized how old God is.He is so old.He must need so much love.People are always demanding so much from him, but who is there to shower him with love? So I thought that was something I could ‎ do.That’s what I do all day: I try to love God ...I can lie here and love God and maybe it will help him.‎ This is the kind of story that I find impossibly inspiring and provides great impetus for me to make a change.Luckily, I read it on one of the former days and it made me realize that there is always a way to help.There is always something we can do.We don’t have to be brave, ablebodied or even of particularly sound (健全的) mind to contribute to the good.We can be caring.We can love.We can be the very love that we need.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。作者从读到的一本书中感悟到:生命是短暂而珍贵的。孩子需要关爱,老人更需要关爱。我们每个人都应该充满爱心,让人人都生活在充满爱的世界里。‎ ‎12.According to the author, most people .‎ A.give up love to earn income or money ‎ B.seldom go to care for hospice patients C.are faced with a very difficult choice in life ‎ D.ignore the fact that life is short and precious 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段及第二段中的“In a sense ...patients really know this.”可知,救济院的病人不知道过了今天还有没有明天,从某种意义上说,作者认为我们每天都应该那么过。但当读了On Living这本书时,作者觉得只有救济院的病人才真正知道这一点。由此可推知,作者认为大多数人忽视了生命是短暂而珍贵的这一事实。‎ ‎13.Linda talked about God to indicate that .‎ A.all people should love God B.God teaches us to love all people C.the older one is, the more he/she needs love D.only hospice patients know they should love God 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,琳达说人们把爱都给了孩子,而不是给成人。实际上成人会面对更多的困难,但却得不到关爱。琳达意识到上帝老了,她要尽力去关爱他。由此可推知,琳达谈到上帝是暗示人越老越需要关爱。‎ ‎14.What does the underlined word “impetus” in the last paragraph mean?‎ A.Convenience. B.Motivation. ‎ C.Chances. D.Suggestions.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据上文“This is the kind of story that I find impossibly inspiring”可知,作者认为琳达的故事能够难以置信地启发人的灵感,这给了她极大的动力去做出改变。impetus意为“动力”。‎ ‎15.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?‎ A.Kindness is always the strongest power.‎ B.We can make a great difference to others.‎ C.We should be brave enough to love others.‎ D.Whatever kind of person we are, we can be caring.‎ 解析:选D 段落大意题。根据最后一段内容可知,作者通过琳达的故事意识到我们总是可以用某种方式去帮助别人,总是可以去做一些事情。我们不必非得勇敢、有强壮的身体甚至有特别健全的头脑才能做善事。我们可以充满爱心,能够付出我们的爱。由此可知,作者在最后一段想告诉我们:无论我们是什么样的人,我们都可以充满爱心。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 A volunteering vacation can be a meaningful way to spend your time off, but to make the trip satisfying both for you and the cause you are supporting, several factors (因素) need to be considered.Here is some advice on planning the ideal (理想的) vacation:‎ ‎ 16 There are hundreds of causes to volunteer for, and finding one close to your heart will lead to a more worthwhile trip.Possibilities include wildlife conservation, education, environmental protection, health and nutrition.Also, consider any personal and professional skills that you can contribute. 17 ‎ Choose your destination and setting.Your volunteering trip will be more enjoyable if you use it to reach a favorite destination.If Southeast Asia is on your mind, helping with tree-planting programs in Bali would benefit the environment and let you appreciate the scenic island. 18 Is volunteering outdoors in a hot or snowy climate appealing, or do you prefer being in an air-conditioned office?‎ Ask the right questions. 19 Be aware that most volunteering programs require a weeklong commitment.Ask other questions like: How many hours of work per day is required?Are there days off?Will you be working individually or as part of a team?And what are the goals of your efforts? 20 Ask if the cost includes only accommodations or meals and transportation too.‎ A.Figure out your cause.‎ B.Find a well-respected organization.‎ C.And think about the surroundings you want.‎ D.Your duty there is to help, as well as to rest and relax.‎ E.The more you know about your trip, the more successful it will be.‎ F.Despite the word “volunteer”, these vacations usually cost you some money.‎ G.If you’re a doctor, for example, working at a health clinic could be an ideal fit.‎ 语篇解读 ‎:本文是一篇说明文。很多人选择在假期一边旅行一边做志愿活动,这样看似双赢的事,如果计划不周,则可能既毁了你的假期,又帮不了别人。本文给你提出了一些非常重要的建议。‎ ‎16.选A A项中的cause与该空后的“There are hundreds of causes to volunteer for”相呼应,下文紧接着介绍了一些可以选择的常见的志愿活动。‎ ‎17.选G G项中的doctor与该空前一句中的“personal and professional skills”相呼应。此处是说,除了考虑大家通常会选择的志愿活动,还可以跟自己的技能结合起来。例如,如果你是医生,那就可以考虑在诊所帮忙。‎ ‎18.选C 由本段的主题句可知,本段主要包括两个部分,一是目的地,二是工作(做志愿活动)的环境。该空前讲的是目的地,该空后的内容“你愿意在酷热的或是寒冷的户外工作,还是喜欢在有空调的办公室工作?”是关于工作环境的,故C项符合此处语境。‎ ‎19.选E 由本段的主题句可知,本段主要讲要考虑各个方面的问题。该空后列举了一些重要的问题,故该空起承上启下的作用,即“你越是考虑得细致全面,你的假期就会越成功”,故选E项。‎ ‎20.选F F项中的“cost you some money”与该空后的“the cost”相呼应,即虽是志愿活动,但通常还是要自己出一定的费用,所以必须提前弄清楚这些费用都包括哪些,尤其是最基本的吃、住、行。‎ 阅读理解板块组合练四 ‎(限时35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Here is a collection of some TV series.For this list, we stick to those that have been released in recent years and we choose not to include TV hits like Game of Thrones or Sherlock.‎ Stranger Things This US television series is a combination of three genres (类型): the typical college movies where the losers rise up, the science fiction films about crazy scientists who reached their top in the 1980s and the horror movies written in the style of Stephen King.This show, starring Winona Ryder and a group of amazing kids, has managed to combine these genres so well that it has already acquired a vast army of fans worldwide.‎ The Pillars of the Earth It is set in the twelfth century, a time which is considered one of the darkest and most romantic (浪漫的) periods in the history of England.Based on the bestselling novel written by Ken Follett, this TV show starring the brilliant Eddie Redmayne is widely recognized as one of the best historical TV dramas of recent years.‎ Mahabharata This Indian Hindilanguage series is liked by many people for being regarded as the ‎ simplest and the most fun way to learn about the age-old wisdom of the Indian people.It tells us about the kings and heroes who love, fight and make wise decisions.This drama is about the endless struggle between good and evil.‎ The Crown This story about the transformation of the young Princess Elizabeth into the queen shows everything about the British monarchy (君主制).It includes many storylines, each of which could be made into a separate TV show.The series focuses on the ageold themes of family, marriage and politics, and this is probably what makes The Crown win popularity.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四部近年来比较受观众喜爱的电视剧。‎ ‎1.What do we know about Stranger Things?‎ A.Stephen King determined its style.‎ B.It consists of three children stories.‎ C.Most of its central characters are kids.‎ D.It’s much more popular than Sherlock.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第一部电视剧简介中的“starring Winona Ryder and a group of amazing kids”可知,Stranger Things (《怪奇物语》)的主要角色大部分都是孩子。‎ ‎2.Which aspect of The Pillars of the Earth is stressed in the text?‎ A.Its background.    B.Its staff.‎ C.Its theme song. D.Its plot.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。由第二部电视剧简介可知,文章主要强调了The Pillars of the Earth (《圣殿春秋》)的时代背景。‎ ‎3.Which TV series is more like a biography?‎ A.Stranger Things. B.The Pillars of the Earth.‎ C.Mahabharata. D.The Crown.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。由第四部电视剧简介中的“This story about the transformation of the young Princess Elizabeth into the queen”可知,The Crown (《王冠》)是围绕着英国女王的成长故事展开的,比较接近个人传记类型。‎ ‎4.Which of the following do the four TV series share?‎ A.They are highly thought of by the audience.‎ B.Their storylines are relatively complex.‎ C.They mainly discuss universal themes.‎ D.Their original languages are English.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。由第一部电视剧简介中的“it has already acquired a vast army of fans worldwide”,第二部电视剧简介中的“is widely recognized as one of the best historical ‎ TV dramas of recent years”,第三部电视剧简介中的“is liked by many people for being regarded as the simplest and the most fun way”和第四部电视剧简介中的“this is probably what makes The Crown win popularity”可推知,这四部电视剧都受到观众的好评。‎ B A Welsh folk singer won first prize on Saturday in the Chinese Song UK contest, in which competitors sang in Mandarin and Cantonese (广东话).Alec Loane impressed the audience with his lively performance and lovely performance of the Chinese love song The Moon Represents My Heart at a theater in Manchester.‎ ‎“I have sung Chinese songs for many years, and my friends have always enjoyed my singing,” Loane, 58, said after the contest.Loane said he was pleasantly surprised that his hobby eventually brought him applause, and the 3,000-pound prize.“I’m over the moon,” he said.“I knew some new friends from Beijing 20 years ago.They told me some information about Confucius, Beijing Duck, the Spring Festival and so on, which attracted me a lot.From then on, I have been trying to learn more about Chinese culture,” he said.‎ Ten competitors reached the final round of the contest, performing before an audience of about 1,000 people.Gabriel Mayoral-Galindo, 21, sang the love song You Exist in My Song and impressed people on social media.His interest in the Chinese language started in middle school, when he got an opportunity to visit China.‎ ‎“My brothers and I sang in Chinese to Li Keqiang, the Chinese Premier, when he visited the UK.That encouraged me to put more effort into learning Chinese,” he said.Mayoral-Galindo, who is a student at the University of Leeds, said he would study for a postgraduate degree at Shanghai Drama School.‎ David Geary, 24, won a long round of applause from the audience for his original composition The Dialect.A past winner of the Chinese Bridge Mandarin speaking competition, Geary rapped (说唱) in Chinese — in both the Guizhou and Beijing dialects.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了在“唱响英伦”中文歌曲大赛上,一位威尔士民歌歌手演唱一首中国歌曲《月亮代表我的心》而获奖。‎ ‎5.What did Loane impress the audience in the competition? ‎ A.His handsome appearance.‎ B.His wonderful performance.‎ C.His original composition.‎ D.His standard Mandarin.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,Alec Loane生动深情地演唱了《月亮代表我的心》,给观众留下了深刻的印象。故Alec ‎ Loane以出色的表演给观众留下深刻的印象。‎ ‎6.What do you know about Loane? ‎ A.He is a lover of Chinese culture.‎ B.His friends taught him how to speak Chinese.‎ C.His friends encouraged him to take part in the contest.‎ D.He was worried about the competition but happy with the winning.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,58岁的Loane 20年前认识了来自北京的几位新朋友,他们给他讲了中国的孔子、北京烤鸭、中国春节等,这些深深吸引了Loane的兴趣。从那时起,Loane就开始设法更多地了解中国文化。由此可推知,Loane是中国文化爱好者。‎ ‎7.What’s MayoralGalindo’s future plan? ‎ A.To sing a song for the Chinese.‎ B.To go to China for a teaching job.‎ C.To go to China for a further study.‎ D.To go on with his further study in his homeland.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句可知,MayoralGalindo正就读于利兹大学,他将去上海戏剧学院攻读研究生学位,故MayoralGalindo未来计划去中国继续深造。‎ C ‎(2018·河南中原名校联考)Chances are that you’ve had to apologize plenty of times in your life.And there’s a good chance that you’ve also expressed the phrase, “I never meant to hurt you.”‎ ‎“Stop doing that,” says author Caroline Myss.‎ In a talk, Myss — a spiritual researcher — took on the topic of forgiveness and healing, and explained definitely why “I never meant to hurt you” is never a sufficient apology, no matter who it comes from.‎ ‎“Picture that person coming up to you and saying, ‘Wow, I’m sorry I did this, but, you know, I never meant to hurt you. And, hey, can we just call it a day?’” Myss says.‎ Though it can make the two bury the hatchet and keep friendship, that type of apology won’t sit well with the person on the receiving end. “That whole little thing — ‘I never meant to hurt you’ — that’s the thing you can’t forgive,” she says.“It goes right to your soul, that toxic (有毒的) and sick feeling.”‎ Instead, Myss says it’s important to approach the conversation differently.Basically, it’s about offering more than an apology.It’s about sharing a soultosoul confession (忏悔).“Let’s redo the scene,” Myss says. “The person comes up to you and says ...’‎ I need to tell you something.I consciously knew what I was doing.I know I went against you.This is not an apology.I am confessing my soul to you, and I’m asking now for your forgiveness.’” ‎ Even saying those words on stages makes Myss visibly emotional, and she points out that this is how deeply apologies within the soul are supposed to resonate (引起共鸣).‎ ‎“That’s what heals,” she says.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。每个人在道歉的时候都会说“我从没想过要伤害你”。专家认为这不是有效的诚恳的道歉方式,真正的道歉应该用别的方式,把重点放在你做的错事上,发自心灵地进行忏悔。‎ ‎8.What does Myss think of the expression “I never meant to hurt you”?‎ A.It must put the friendship to an end.‎ B.It is a great way to express an apology.‎ C.It doesn’t have any effect on restoring the relation.‎ D.It can’t express an apology thoroughly and sincerely.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段以及第五段第一句“Though it can make ...the person on the receiving end.”可知,卡罗琳·米斯明确地表示这句话绝不是一种彻底的最终能被人接受的道歉方式。由此可推测,她认为这句话不能彻底、诚恳地表达歉意。故选D项。‎ ‎9.What does the underlined phrase “bury the hatchet” mean? ‎ A.end the friendship B.make up C.bury the fighting tool D.accept the apology 解析:选B 词义猜测题。分析句子结构可知,and连接两个并列成分,根据and后的“keep friendship”以及句首的Though可以推断,此处应指双方和解。由此可猜测,bury the hatchet的意思是“和解”,与make up意思相近。故选B项。‎ ‎10.How should we apologize according to Myss?‎ A.We should confess our faults and ask for forgiveness.‎ B.We should say sincerely “I never meant to hurt you”.‎ C.We can go into a deep conversation to argue with our friend.‎ D.We are supposed to make up with the other by giving some gifts to him.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的“The person comes up to you and says ...for your forgiveness.’”可知,米斯认为道歉应该是坦白自己的错误,向对方作出忏悔,请求对方的原谅。故选A项。‎ ‎11.What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?‎ A.To encourage people to apologize first.‎ B.To tell people how to apologize sincerely.‎ C.To introduce the topic of forgiveness and healing.‎ D.To explain why people can’t say “I never meant to hurt you”.‎ 解析:选B 写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文通过引用专家的话告诉读者,真正的道歉不是一句“我从没打算伤害你”,而是坦白自己的错误,向对方真诚地忏悔,然后请求对方的原谅。由此可推测,作者的目的是告诉读者如何真诚地道歉。故选B项。‎ D People around the world are hungry to learn.Instructor Barbara Oakley discovered this when her online course Learning How to Learn attracted over 1.5 million students.‎ Part of the goal of her course is to present some of the facts that get in the way of learning; above all is the fact that we think we’re bad at something or too old to make a change.“People can often do more, change more and learn more than they’ve ever dreamed.” Oakley writes.‎ Oakley thinks it important to keep learning.Throughout her early schooling, she flunked math and science classes and resisted family pressure to go after a science degree.Today? She’s a scientist at Oakland University, after many different jobs in between.‎ Besides being fun, Oakley explains, continued learning can serve us well in our career.Many people are attending a program called “secondskilling”.When we lose our job, having other skills can give us more choices.We can also choose to take on different responsibilities within the same organization.‎ A Dutch university employee enriched her career thanks to her gaming skill.She became the community manager of the university’s online courses.We can never tell where our skill will lead us or where it will come in handy.‎ Oakley offers many tips that make learning more efficient (高效的).In order to absorb information, our brains need periods of focus followed by periods of mindwandering.So learners will actually learn more if they have the time for rest and relaxation.We should also experiment with different levels of background sound to achieve best focus.Quiet leads to deeper focus, while mild background sound may encourage creative thinking.Research is now exploring what learning looks like in the brain and it’s bad news for those who loved to cram (突击准备考试).The brain can only build so many neurons (神经元) each night; regular practice is important.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。人类是热爱学习的,只要坚持不懈,方法得当,终能学有所用。‎ ‎12.What is the biggest barrier to our learning according to Barbara Oakley?‎ A.Our low life goals.   B.Our passive beliefs.‎ C.Our personal interest. D.Our learning disability.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,Oakley认为我们学习中的最大障碍就是自己的消极意识:认为自己不擅长或是年纪大了不适合作改变就不去学习了。‎ ‎13.What does the underlined word “flunked” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?‎ A.Failed. B.Rejected.‎ C.Attended. D.Enjoyed.‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在语境可知,Oakley数学和科学学得不好,家人不同意她选择科学专业,但她还是顶住压力勇敢追求自己的梦想,最后成为知名大学的科学家。由此可推知,flunk意为“(考试、测验等)失败,不及格”。‎ ‎14.What does the author mainly want to show in Paragraph 4?‎ ‎ A.The surprises brought by secondskilling.‎ B.The wide choices coming with more skills.‎ C.The necessity of learning professional skills.‎ D.The benefits of keeping learning to our career.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段内容特别是第一句“Besides being fun, Oakley explains, continued learning can serve us well in our career.”可知,作者在这一段通过具体的事例表明不断的学习有助于我们事业的发展。‎ ‎15.Which of the following tips would Oakley agree with?‎ A.Study in a quiet environment.‎ B.Keep focused for being efficient.‎ C.Stay up for an exam when needed.‎ D.Include relaxation in the learning process.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“In order to absorb information ...have the time for rest and relaxation.”可知,Oakley赞成学习一段时间后要放松一下。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 When hiring managers post jobs, they get more applications than they want to go through. 16 Avoiding these common job application mistakes will help keep your application out of the garbage.‎ ‎ 17 ‎ The instructions are very important.Failing to follow instructions will get your application thrown away because it shows the hiring manager that you lack attention to detail.‎ Ignore the required attachments (附件).‎ When a job posting requires more than an application form, the organization is telling you that they will use these additional materials to make the decision. 18 Therefore, the hiring manager will throw out applications that do not include all the required attachments.‎ Apply for a job you are obviously overqualified for.‎ Someone with 20 years of experience in academic research who applies for a technician (技术员) position can obviously perform the tasks; however, this person is almost certainly a bad hire. 19 ‎ Leave the reader confused.‎ Often hiring managers want a clear picture of what each candidate will bring to the job. 20 Be as brief as possible while giving a thorough explanation of why you would be good for the job.‎ A.Work out the details carefully.‎ B.Using too many long or rare words will bore readers.‎ C.Pay no attention to instructions on the application form.‎ D.This person would find the position boring and leave soon.‎ E.They try to sort out people who are unlikely to be successful in the job.‎ F.Applying for a job you are unqualified for wastes your time and the employer’s time.‎ G.If you ignore these materials, the hiring manager is missing information to compare you with other applicants.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。当我们在申请工作时,我们的职位申请表如何才能不被招聘者丢到一边?文章建议我们要避免一些不必要的错误。‎ ‎16.选E 根据空前的内容可知,招聘者要浏览很多的申请表,所以他们要努力淘汰一些他们认为不能胜任该职位的申请人。‎ ‎17.选C 由本段的内容可知,作者告诫我们一定要注意招聘广告上的说明,如果不按照要求做的话,那招聘者会认为你不注重细节。因此C项作为小标题,告诉我们一个求职者会犯的错误:忽略申请表上的指示。‎ ‎18.选G 根据空后的内容“Therefore, the hiring manager will throw out applications that do not include all the required attachments.”可知,如果你忽略了这些东西,招聘者就不能用这些信息来把你与其他人相比较,这样就可能会因为相关附件的缺失而导致我们的申请表被扔到一边去了。‎ ‎19.‎ 选D 根据前文可知,对于一个能力大于实际职位需要的人来说,他们有可能会在工作之后不久就会感到无聊而因此离职,因此这也不是一个成功的招聘。‎ ‎20.选B 根据空后的“Be as brief as possible”可知,此处建议我们要言简意赅,否则会让招聘者感到无聊,不想再继续看下去。‎ 阅读理解板块组合练五 ‎(限时35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A A professor from the University of Georgia is allowing students to choose their own grades to reduce their stress and to walk out of any class if they don’t like “the group dynamics”.If the professor were to write a book outlining this educational belief, what could it be titled? Would you like to write down your possible title and then send an email to us?‎ How to enter:‎ ‎•You can send an email to contest@theweek.com.‎ ‎•Please include your name, address, and telephone number, please type “No stress” in the subject line.‎ ‎•Entries are due by noon, August 29.‎ ‎•In the case of similar entries, the first one received will get credit.All entries will become property (所有物) of The Week.‎ ‎•Winners’ name will appear on the Puzzle Page on the September 8 issue (期号) and at http:∥www.theweek.com/puzzles on September 1. ‎ What to win:‎ ‎•Winners will get a chance to discuss some topics they care about face to face with the professor.‎ ‎•Winners will get a oneyear subscription (订阅) to The Week.They will receive 4 free issues first.They’ll also get 46 more for a total of ‎50 in all for just $1.39 per issue! They’ll receive instant access to the digital edition.If you’re not completely satisfied, just cancel it and any trial issues you receive are yours to keep.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。一个教授想写一本以“学生不要任何压力”为主线的书,现在面向人们征集书的标题。‎ ‎1.How will participants know the result of the event?‎ A.By visiting the website of The Week.‎ B.By dropping in on the organizers.‎ C.By sending a special email.‎ D.By phoning the professor.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据How to enter部分的“Winners’ name will appear on ‎ the Puzzle Page on the September 8 issue (期号) and at http://www.theweek.com/puzzles on September ‎1”‎可知,参加者可以通过访问The Week网站来得知获胜者的名单。‎ ‎2.What will you get if you win the event?‎ A.An award of some money.‎ B.An honor to receive books you like.‎ C.A chance to talk with the professor face to face.‎ D.A oneyear subscription to The Week for free.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据What to win部分的“Winners will get a chance to discuss some topics they care about face to face with the professor.”可知,获胜者可以跟教授面对面交流。‎ ‎3.What is the purpose of the text?‎ A.To remind readers of their school life.‎ B.To introduce a professor’s achievements.‎ C.To encourage students to enjoy reading.‎ D.To ask for some possible titles for a book.‎ 解析:选D 写作意图题。根据第一段的最后两句可知,本文主要面向人们征集一本以“学生不要任何压力”为主线的书的标题。‎ B My husband Chris and I were on Brighton Beach.While we were walking along the beach, we saw a woman in the water.She was fully dressed, lying on her back.We hesitated: we knew this scene wasn’t right.Then we heard, “Help, please! I don’t want to die!”‎ We ran to the shoreline.I shouted to her, “We are here; you are not going to die.We won’t let that happen.Can you swim to us?” It quickly became apparent from her distress that she had gone out there with the intention of drowning herself, but had then changed her mind.‎ After struggling for a while, she was finally pulled out of the water by us.I sat next to her and asked her name.She was my age and kept saying how sorry she was for wasting our time.I couldn’t imagine how much pain she must have been in to feel that desperate.‎ ‎“Shall I let you into a secret?” I said. “Four years ago, almost to this very hour, I was taken to an operating theatre to have a double lung transplant (移植).My life was saved by a stranger, and now here we are, strangers helping you.Please don’t apologize; we are glad to be here.”‎ That was the reason why Chris and I had taken the train to Brighton: to mark the anniversary of my transplant.Before that operation, I had to wear an oxygen mask, using a wheelchair, unable to wash by myself.But I stuck to the belief that a better life was waiting ‎ for me, if I could hold on.The woman on the beach broke my heart when she said I’d deserved to get better, but that she didn’t.I told her we were both just very ill and needed to let other people help us sometimes.‎ We may get desperate sometimes, but we should always believe we’ll have a bright future.And very likely we may be helped out by a stranger.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者和丈夫在海滩散步时,发现了一位绝望的想溺亡的女士,作者和丈夫救了她。‎ ‎4.What do we know about the author when she first saw the woman?‎ A.She thought the woman was out for a swim.‎ B.She didn’t pay much attention to the woman.‎ C.She wondered why the woman wanted to drown herself.‎ D.She was confused due to the way the woman was dressed.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段的“She was fully dressed, lying on her back.We hesitated: we knew this scene wasn’t right.”可推断出作者当时感到很疑惑,不知道那位女士想做什么。‎ ‎5.What does the underlined word “distress” in Paragraph 2 mean?‎ A.Great sorrow.    B.Sudden shock.‎ C.Poor condition. D.Funny mood.‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据那位女士想自杀的语境及第三段最后一句可推断出她看起来非常悲伤。由此可知,distress意为“极大的痛苦、悲伤”。‎ ‎6.Why did the author tell the woman her story?‎ A.To show the woman’s life wasn’t good.‎ B.To explain why she saved the woman.‎ C.To let the woman show pity on her.‎ D.To make her feel a little bit better.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据上文可知,那位女士因悲伤而感到绝望从而想自杀,作者分享自己曾经非常痛苦的经历是想开导她,让她好受一些。‎ ‎7.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.An operation that saved two lives B.My experience of saving a woman’s life C.My courage to offer help to a stranger D.An important lesson I learned from a rescue 解析:选B 标题归纳题。根据文章内容可知,作者主要讲述了她和丈夫在海边救了一位女士的经历。‎ C Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.‎ ‎— Victor Hugo There is certainly no denying (否定) that while a holiday or trip to another country leaves you with a sense of excitement, moving to another country is something entirely different.Speaking from experience, one of the most worrying questions that play on everyone’s mind is always: how will I make friends? And it becomes even more terrible when a foreign language is thrown into the mix.‎ It is a longknown fact that music creates bonds.For a good reason, many people have fallen in love or built lifelong friendships based on mutual (共同的) appreciation for a band.No matter who you are, or where you come from, everyone listens to music in some way.‎ So: you’ve met people, you’re making friends, but you’ve only just overcome the “small talk” stages of these friendships.The next bit can sometimes be tricky.But, I always find, as soon as someone breaks the ice with the ageold question “What type of music do you listen to?” the language barriers seem to fall away.Music is something that everyone can speak excitedly about.‎ Music is one of the most important forms of selfexpression and individuality (个性), but, above all, it is a means of communication.Let’s also not forget the sense of pride you feel when you introduce someone to a new song that they like.Music is a universal language that everyone can understand.Whether you’re playing, singing or just listening, your mother tongue and cultural background become unimportant; so if you’re ever at a loss for something to say, say it with music.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。音乐可以突破语言的限制,有助于人们在异域他乡的生活、工作和交际。‎ ‎8.What may make people who move to another country worried?‎ A.Their foreign language is poor.‎ B.They have no good friends there.‎ C.They have no travelling experience.‎ D.Their trip cannot make them excited.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段的“And it becomes even more terrible when a foreign language is thrown into the mix.”可知,语言的不熟悉会让去另一个国家的人感到担忧。‎ ‎9.What does the underlined part “good reason” refer to?‎ A.The bond. B.The love for music.‎ C.The longknown fact. D.The appreciation for a band.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据第二段的第一句和画线词所在句中的“a band”可知,对音乐的热爱是此处提到的原因。‎ ‎10.Why does the author mention the ageold question?‎ A.To explain how to break the ice.‎ B.To teach us a good way to make friends.‎ C.To show music can help people communicate.‎ D.To prove it’s hard to cross the language barriers.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。文中第三段提到了一个问题,根据该段第一句和下文“the language barriers seem to fall away”可知,作者的目的是为了说明音乐能够帮助人们交流。‎ ‎11.What can we learn from the last paragraph?‎ A.Music always makes people feel proud.‎ B.Music is different from the mother tongue.‎ C.Music can help people express themselves better.‎ D.Music is more important than the cultural background.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Whether you’re playing, singing or just listening, your mother tongue and cultural background become unimportant; so if you’re ever at a loss for something to say, say it with music.”可知,音乐有助于更好地表达个人的思想。‎ D Kevin Petty is a meteorologist (气象学家) and chief scientific officer for Vaisala, in Louisville, Colo.The company provides weatherrelated observations and software for governments and other groups to help guide their decisionmaking.Then where does weather come from? The sun provides energy that drives the weather.Other factors (因素) also play a role.These include Earth’s oceans, its land cover, the chemistry of its atmosphere and the planet’s rotation (旋转).If any of those were different, we’d experience different weather patterns. And if the planet were just a bare rock orbiting a star, there would be no weather at all.‎ Not so long ago in human history, weather was just something that happened.People would know generally what to expect from season to season.An area’s climate — the longterm average of weather — didn’t tend to change much from year to year.People might know to expect snow in winter, for example, and hot weather in summer.But they wouldn’t know if it’d snow on any particular day or whether some July drought (干旱) would develop, putting fields of wheat at risk.‎ Today, you only need to turn on the TV or pull out your phone to have a prediction for what the upcoming weather will be.“People always say the weatherman is wrong,” notes Petty, “which is not really true.Actually, we never fault the weatherman when it’s beautiful outside, and we only notice when the forecast goes wrong.”‎ Scientists have understood the basic physics behind the weather for so long.But they require computer models and reliable weather data to turn that knowledge into reliable forecasts.Today, computers take that knowledge of what Earth is like and use it to predict the weather.And that’s one of the reasons why forecasts aren’t always right — there just aren’t enough data for those computer models to work with.‎ Nowadays, scientists are working to improve forecasts.Because of the complexity of Earth’s system, computer models still can’t reproduce everything going on with the planet, which limits the accuracy of forecasts.However, weather forecasts, imperfect as they sometimes seem, already are a key piece of knowledge in today’s world.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。天气预报有时候不是很准确,其中有哪些影响因素呢?‎ ‎12.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?‎ A.There are various factors that influence weather.‎ B.More software will be used to predict the weather.‎ C.Weather has an effect on decisionmaking abilities.‎ D.The sun creates different weather patterns on Earth.‎ 解析:选A 段落大意题。根据第一段的内容可知,许多因素导致了天气形成,这些也是影响天气的因素。‎ ‎13.The example used in Paragraph 2 is just to show that climate .‎ A.is relatively stable B.is quite dependable C.is different in areas D.is easily predictable 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二段的“An area’s climate — the longterm average of weather — didn’t tend to change much from year to year.”可知,此处举例是为了说明气候的相对稳定性。‎ ‎14.What results in the inaccuracy of forecasts according to Kevin Petty?‎ A.The errors by computer models.‎ B.The weatherman’s carelessness.‎ C.The lack of enough weather data.‎ D.The false information from websites.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段的“And that’s one of the reasons why forecasts aren’t always right — there just aren’t enough data for those computer models to work with.”可知,缺少足够的数据是导致天气预报有时候不准确的原因。‎ ‎15.What is the author most likely to mention if he continues to write?‎ A.Advantages of weather forecasts.‎ B.Difficulties weathermen are facing.‎ C.Achievements in weather prediction.‎ D.Reasons for imperfect weather forecasts.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“However, weather forecasts, imperfect as they sometimes seem, already are a key piece of knowledge in today’s world.”可判断,接下来作者极有可能举例说明天气预报的重要性,即给人们的生活带来的好处。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Christmas is a time for relaxing, having fun and spending time with family and friends. 16 It can be difficult to find the motivation for study when everyone around you is having so much fun.So, here are my top five tips for revising effectively over the Christmas break.‎ ‎•Set aside a few hours a day to revise.‎ Find the best time to revise and make sure that you stick to your timetable! For example, I find that I work best in the morning. 17 ‎ ‎•Plan something fun to do every day.‎ Even if it’s just going for coffee with a friend or watching a film at home, this will give you something to look forward to and motivate you to finish your revision.‎ ‎•Explain to your family why your revision is important.‎ ‎ 18 So, make efforts to tell them why your exams are important.Perhaps you can agree to do something nice with them when your exams are over.‎ ‎• 19 ‎ It is important to take some time to relax.When you do get back to revising, you’ll probably find it easier to concentrate.Pick the most important days for you and your family to concentrate on celebrating Christmas!‎ ‎•Remember that it won’t last forever.‎ You might have to spend your Christmas revising this year, and perhaps for a few more years, but soon enough you’ll be free of exams forever. 20 Have a great Christmas and make sure you find a balance between studying and celebrating.Good luck with your exams!‎ A.Spare your time for your family.‎ B.Make sure that you take a few days off!‎ C.So I get up fairly early and do a few hours of revision.‎ D.Sometimes it can be difficult for family to understand you.‎ E.However, for many of us, it is also the time to prepare for January exams.‎ F.Otherwise, you may probably fall into trouble with your friends and family.‎ G.And after spending time revising, your future Christmases will seem even better!‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了在圣诞节期间如何有效分配复习功课和参加娱乐活动的时间。‎ ‎16.选E 根据上文的“Christmas is a time for relaxing, having fun and spending time with family and friends.”和下文中的“It can be difficult to find the motivation for study”可知,空处应填一个起承上启下作用的句子,故E项“然而,对我们中的许多人来说,这也是该为一月份的考试做准备的时候了”符合语境。‎ ‎17.选C 根据上一句可知作者在早上学习的效果最好,故选C项“因此我起得很早来进行几个小时的复习”来承接上文。‎ ‎18.选D 根据本段的小标题Explain to your family why your revision is important.及下文中的“So, make efforts to tell them why your exams are important.”可知,复习功课时获得家人的理解是很重要的。根据“so”可知,前后存在因果关系。故选D项“有时家人理解你可能是困难的”来引出下文。‎ ‎19.选B 根据第五段的内容可知,作者建议在复习功课时要做到劳逸结合,故B项“确保你休息几天”符合语境。‎ ‎20.选G 根据本段的小标题Remember that it won’t last forever.及空处前后的内容可知,G项“花费时间复习(功课)后,你未来的圣诞节似乎会更美好”符合语境。‎ 阅读理解板块组合练六 ‎(限时35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Sometimes my friends ask me what books would make great gifts for their young ones.And perhaps they aren’t alone! Have you ever struggled to pick out a book for a teen family member or friend from the thousands of options at your local bookshop?‎ Look no further! Here are some of my favorite titles to recommend, followed up by more resources you may find helpful in your search for the perfect teen book.‎ Harry Potter fans:‎ ‎►Younger teens may enjoy The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann or The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare.‎ ‎►Older teens may enjoy Carry On by Rainbow Rowell or The Reader by Traci Chee.‎ Disney fans:‎ ‎►Younger teens might enjoy The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale.Spindle Fire by Lexa ‎ Hillyer will surely please teen Frozen fans.‎ ‎►Older teen Disney fans might like Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh, Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton, or the short story collection Because You Love to Hate Me.‎ SciFi and superhero fans:‎ ‎►Fans of Marvel and DC movies and comics (漫画) might enjoy Icons by Margaret Stohl or Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson.‎ ‎►Doctor Who fans might like time traveling tales such as The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig and Future Shock by Elizabeth Briggs.‎ Finally, don’t forget to try our online database Novelist, where you can search for your teen’s favorite book and look at suggestions for others that are similar! And of course, you can always ask the library staff for more recommendations.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章根据不同的主题推荐了一些适合当作礼物送给青少年的书。‎ ‎1.Which of the following books can be the best gift for a younger teen Disney fan?‎ A.The Iron Trial.    B.The Goose Girl.‎ C.Flame in the Mist. D.Steelheart.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据Disney fans分类下第一条中的“Younger teens might enjoy The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale.”可知答案。‎ ‎2.What do we know about the book The Girl From Everywhere?‎ A.It is a work of science fiction.‎ B.It is only suitable for older teens.‎ C.It is attractive to Harry Potter fans.‎ D.It is a comic book about superheroes.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据SciFi and superhero fans分类下第二条中的“Doctor Who fans might like time traveling tales such as The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig ...”可知,《神秘博士》迷也许会喜欢其他时空穿梭题材的故事,比如《无处不在的女孩》。由此推知,这本书是科幻小说。‎ ‎3.How are the books recommended in the text classified?‎ A.By writers’ nationalities.  B.By readers’ ages.‎ C.By popularity. D.By themes.‎ 解析:选D 写作手法题。文章所推荐的三类书籍分别为:哈利·波特迷、迪士尼迷以及科幻和超级英雄迷。每类中推荐的书籍都是分别与这些主题相关的书。由此可知,文中所推荐的书籍是按照它们的主题分类的。‎ B Sonam Tenzin has a clear understanding of what modern material wealth would mean ‎ to him: treatment and medication for his elderly, disabled mother, and his aunt and uncle and a good education for his two sons.‎ Sonam Tenzin is separated from his wife, so he supports his sons and his three aging relatives alone.Last year, the family’s situation got worse when their house was damaged by fire.Although he got help, Sonam had to borrow 60,000 yuan from the bank to repair the building.‎ In the coming five years, according to the policy, the government will provide parttime jobs, such as forest rangers (护林员), for 500,000 people.Sonam Tenzin has been offered a job as a forest ranger, which will bring him about 3,000 yuan every year.‎ ‎“However, some people just do nothing and think the government will take care of them, anyway,” Nyima, the official, said.“Stopping the resettlement projects from turning into slums (贫民区) is at the top of our tasks.”‎ The real challenge for the government lies in working out how poor families can be helped to make a living without government assistance.In one resettlement project in an urban area of Nyingchi, the government has set an entry condition that requires poor families to have at least one person working in the area before they are allowed to move in.‎ Although Sonam Tenzin had excellent performance in his schoolwork, the need to support his family forced him to drop out before he finished high school.Now, his dearest wish is that his children will receive an education good enough to help them live up to their potential (潜能).‎ ‎“Every time I am invited to a gathering of my middle school classmates, I always refuse.We were very close, but now we live very different lives,” he said.“I just hope my children will not be in the same position as me in the future.”‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了西藏自治区林芝市的Sonam Tenzin在当地政府的政策帮助下摆脱贫困。‎ ‎4.Why does Sonam Tenzin have to support his family by himself?‎ A.Because only he has a job in his family.‎ B.Because his wife doesn’t live with him.‎ C.Because only he has the ability to work.‎ D.Because his wife is terribly ill.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段“Sonam Tenzin is separated from his wife, so he supports his sons and his three aging relatives alone.”可知,Sonam Tenzin与妻子分居,因此他只能独自抚养儿子和赡养他三个年迈的亲属。‎ ‎5.What’s the biggest problem that the resettlement projects are facing?‎ A.Some people’s laziness.‎ B.The poor living conditions.‎ C.Some people’s disagreement.‎ D.The shortage of job opportunities.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,政府官员Nyima说有些人什么事情也不做,觉得不管怎样政府都会照顾他们。如何不让“重新安置工程”变成贫民区是政府议程中的首要任务。由此可推知,“重新安置工程”面对的最大问题是一些人的懒惰。‎ ‎6.What is the real challenge for the government?‎ A.Letting the poor people live a better life.‎ B.Providing the poor families with more money.‎ C.Letting every able man have a job of his own.‎ D.Letting the poor be able to make a living independently.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句可知,政府真正的挑战在于解决如何让贫困家庭在没有政府的帮助下维持生计。由此可推知,政府面对的真正挑战是让穷人独立谋生。‎ ‎7.In Sonam Tenzin’s opinion, the most important thing to his children is .‎ A.the safe life B.the chances to go out of the village C.the chances to be educated well D.the easy life 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句可知,Sonam Tenzin现在最迫切的愿望就是他的孩子能够得到足够好的教育,即在Sonam Tenzin看来,对他的孩子们最重要的事情是接受良好教育的机会。‎ C The holiday is coming.For some families with children, holiday gifts — while wonderful and thoughtful in many ways — can become nearly unmanageable, filling both rooms and minds.‎ This year, I’m trying to achieve the goal of simplicity as I pick a few key presents for my girls.I will probably fail.But it’s a good goal, and one that has some new science to back it.Little kids play longer and more creatively with toys when there are fewer toys around, researchers report.‎ Researchers led by professor Alexia Metz at the University of Toledo in Ohio were curious about whether the number of toys would affect how the children played, including how many toys they played with and how long they spent with each toy.The researchers also wondered about children’s creativity, such as the ability to imagine a bucket (桶) as a drum or a hat.‎ In the experiment, 36 children aged 18 to 30 months visited a laboratory playroom twice while cameras caught how they played.On one visit, the room held 4 toys.On the other ‎ visit, the room held 16 toys.‎ When in the playroom with 16 toys, children played with more toys and spent less time with each one, the researchers found.When the same kids were in a room with 4 toys, they stuck with each toy longer.‎ What’s more, the quality of the children’s play seemed to be better when fewer toys were available.The researchers noted more creative uses of the toys when only 4 were present versus (相对) 16.‎ Metz and colleagues noticed that initial attempts to play with a toy were often simple.But if a kid’s interest stuck, their manner of playing became more complex.This type of longlasting engagement might help children learn to focus their attention, an important skill Metz compared to a muscle that they have to exercise.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,如果给孩子太多的玩具,他们的精力会被分散,这会损害孩子的注意力和创造力。‎ ‎8.What can we learn from the experiment?‎ A.Children prefer to play with more toys.‎ B.Children are poor at focusing on toys.‎ C.Children play better with fewer toys.‎ D.Children have no aims to play with toys.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段的最后一句可知,玩具少的时候孩子玩得时间长,他们的创造力也会表现出来,由此可知答案选C。‎ ‎9.What happened when children were given only 4 toys to play with?‎ A.They tended to do more exercise.‎ B.They chose to focus on only one toy.‎ C.They lost interest in them more quickly.‎ D.They were more creative in playing with them.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句可知,当只有四个玩具可以玩的时候,孩子们的创造力会更好地表现出来。‎ ‎10.What do the researchers mainly stress in the last paragraph?‎ A.Providing kids with more exercise.‎ B.Training kids to focus their attention.‎ C.Getting kids interested in playing with toys.‎ D.Teaching kids good manners of playing.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,研究者强调了训练孩子专注力的重要性。‎ ‎11.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?‎ A.To present the finding of an experiment.‎ B.To introduce his ways to educate children.‎ C.To show the importance of playing with toys.‎ D.To advise parents to buy proper gifts for kids.‎ 解析:选A 写作意图题。本文主要介绍了一项实验的结果:给孩子太多玩具反而会损害孩子的注意力和创造力。‎ D Studies have shown a direct link between goals and improved performance in both sports and business.Earl Nightingale put it this way, “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.It’s as simple as that.”‎ Dr.Maxwell Maltz, author of the classic PsychoCybernetics, said that human beings have a builtin goal seeking “success mechanism (机制)” that is part of the subconscious (潜意识的) mind.This success mechanism is constantly searching for ways to help us reach our targets and find answers to our problems.According to Maltz, we feel better when our success mechanism keeps going after clear targets.All we have to do to use this mechanism is give it a target.‎ One important reason goal setters achieve such outstanding results is that they have learned how to focus and concentrate their time, energy and resources (资源) on a single goal, even though it is just for a few hours at a time.One major time management challenge we are facing today is that there are more things available for us to do than anyone could possibly attempt, let alone accomplish, in an entire lifetime.If we are not careful, it is very easy to waste our time on unimportant things.‎ Most significant accomplishments are accompanied with difficulties, struggles and failures.Thomas Edison failed over one thousand times before he finally discovered a way to make the light bulb work.It is very rare for something important to be accomplished successfully on the very first try.If you want to achieve anything significant, it is likely that you will struggle and fail many times before you finally reach your target.One of the main reasons why people give up so easily in the face of failure is that they lose sight of their “why”.Goals can help you remember your “big why” when you need to pick yourself up and keep going in the face of difficult situations.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。要想成功,我们要树立目标,并全身心地投入到这一件事情上,心中有目标就不会轻言放弃。‎ ‎12.What can we learn from Earl Nightingale’s and Dr.Maxwell Maltz’s words?‎ A.It’s important to succeed in life.‎ B.It’s extremely easy to achieve aims.‎ C.It’s greatly significant to set goals.‎ D.It’s common to make accomplishments.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据文章前两段的内容可知,Earl Nightingale和Dr.Maxwell Maltz所说的话都表明了设立目标的重要性,心中有目标才能成功。‎ ‎13.What’s important in achieving success according to Paragraph 3?‎ A.Setting a realistic target.‎ B.Concentrating on your aim.‎ C.Managing your time properly.‎ D.Making the most of your resources.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“One important reason goal setters achieve ...a few hours at a time.”可知,集中所有精力于你的目标上,就会有一个好的结果。‎ ‎14.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?‎ A.Goals can prevent us giving up easily.‎ B.Goals mean achieving more than others.‎ C.Goals get rid of doubts about what we do.‎ D.Goals lead to more difficulties or failures.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“One of the main reasons why people give up so easily in the face of failure is that they lose sight of their ‘why’.”可知,树立目标可以防止我们轻易放弃。‎ ‎15.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.How to set goals?‎ B.How can we succeed?‎ C.Why should we set goals?‎ D.Why should we keep going?‎ 解析:选C 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章论述了设立目标的重要性以及益处,告诉我们为什么要树立目标,故C项为最佳标题。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎30 years ago, I was rocking my baby boy in my arms. 16 My wife was half asleep and half watching TV in the living room.I poured myself a glass of iced tea in the kitchen, and walked into the front yard.‎ ‎ 17 On the hill next to our house the neighbor’s children were running after fireflies (萤火虫), hoping to catch one in a jar.I sat down in my chair and watched them for a while.‎ As fast as they could run, though, they couldn’t seem to catch the slow moving lighting insects.Finally, tired, they sat down on the grass and just watched the little guys flying through the air, flashing their light on and off. 18 It felt so good to get to see one of nature’s many miracles (奇迹) lighting up my front yard on a warm summer night.‎ Over the years since then I have appreciated and enjoyed all of the wonderful light in this world. 19 I have found it in nature, books, music, animals, prayer, and most of all in the lives of those around me.I have never tried to catch this light, however.I have learned that true light and true love must come from within. 20 ‎ A.Let them remind you to shine your own light as well.‎ B.When he fell asleep I put him gently down for a good night.‎ C.I have taken it into my heart and welcomed it into my soul.‎ D.I slowly drank my tea and joined them in their appreciation.‎ E.They must flow freely between us and cannot be caught in a jar.‎ F.The next time you see some fireflies, take a seat and enjoy their light.‎ G.As soon as I stepped into the yard I heard the sweet sound of laughter.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。一个夏夜,作者在院子里看到邻居的孩子们捕捉萤火虫,他们捕捉失败后开始看着萤火虫漫天飞舞。作者由此发出感慨:真正的光芒和爱一定来自内心。‎ ‎16.选B 上文提到作者哄孩子睡觉,下文提到作者在厨房给自己倒了一杯冰茶并走进前院。故B项“When he fell asleep I put him gently down for a good night.”符合语境,he指代上文中的“my baby boy”。‎ ‎17.选G 第一段末提到“walked into the front yard”,故G项中的“As soon as I stepped into the yard”与之呼应。‎ ‎18.选D 上文提到孩子们捉不到萤火虫后坐在草地上看着一闪一闪的萤火虫漫天飞舞,下文提到“It felt so good to get to see ...on a warm summer night.”,故空处应是作者也观赏萤火虫的内容。D项符合语境。‎ ‎19.选C 通读本段可以发现,下文句式都与该段第一句呼应,因此空处应用现在完成时。故选C项,且C项中的it指的就是上文中的“all of the wonderful light in this world”。‎ ‎20.选E 空前提到“我学到了真正的光芒和爱一定来自于内心”,结合上文作者在院子里的所见和感受,故E项“它们必须在我们中间自由地流淌,而不能被装在罐子里”,即真正的光和爱是自由的、不受束缚的,符合语境。‎

