2020-2021学年高一英语课时同步检测5-1 Reading and Thinking

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2020-2021学年高一英语课时同步检测5-1 Reading and Thinking

2020-2021 学年高一英语课时同步检测 5-1 Reading and Thinking 一、基础巩固 I.单词拼写 1.Over the next 40 years,the world will be adding some 3 b_____________(十亿) people. 2.As for students like us , we should have a good a___________(态度) towards failure. 3.They have a support s_____________(系统) of these all around from one base to another. 4. More than 90,000 foreign-invested companies have been set up in Shenzhen, one of the s____________ of China's reform and opening up. 5.The main f__________(因素) in deciding whether or not to do so is the size of your project. 6.Williams was impressed with Benjamin and gave him two c__________(经典的) books on painting to take home. 8.They have s_______(明确的) requirements of how to do that. 9.Above the main gate was a sign written in large c___________(文字). 10. D_________ the heavy hit of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy, Shenzhen has shown strong economic vitality(经济活力) and attracted foreign money with its excellent business environment. II.单句语法填空 1.She shows little a____________(appreciate) of good music. 2. He,as a famous c_______________(calligraphy) in our country,has an influence on the later generations. 3. Rural children are more energetic and they enjoy r________(run)and jumping. 4. The discovery provides an important material r__________ (refer) for studying the development of local culture and education in southern Hebei 5.B_________(base) an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later. 6. I believe that China's success is a global success-a great c_____________(civilize)that has escaped from poverty (and) developed advanced technologies is a great benefit for the world. 7.Xu Zhen's work s__________ the fast pace and dynamic ( 活跃的)nature of Shanghai and urban(都市的) life. 8.The quality of life has improved and watching films is regarded as a good m_________(mean)of entertainment. 9.Missing the train means w________(wait) for another hour. 10.The young man m___________(major) in Chinese while he was at college. III.短语填空 an increasing number of , refer to,date back to, not only…but also…,be known for,be based on, up and downs, no matter, played an important role, be based on,in a majority 1.The actress _________ many excellent TV plays she starred in. 2.His first book to be published next month ___________ a true story. 3. _____________ how many products we make, the center will sell them all. 4.In the nursing profession,women are ____________. 5.Now when people___________ England you find Wales included as well. 6. A stone tablet, ______________ the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), has been discovered in north China's Hebei Province, local authorities said on Friday. 7.With the development of global service trade in recent years, CIFTIS(服贸会) has ___________________ in the modern world. 8. Lamian now is ________ the noodle that helped us get rid of poverty __________ the noodle that is helping us achieve prosperity(繁荣). 9. ___________________ young people have joined the fans of Kunqu for their taste in the traditional art. 10.The piano has accompanied me throughout my ___________________ in its own way. It brings so much pleasure into my life. Ⅳ.完成句子 1. 无论走到哪里,他总是带着本书。 __________________________,he took a book with him. 2. 过去河上曾有座桥。 _____________________ a bridge across the river. 3. 他迅速切断了电源,阻止了一起意外事故。 He cut off the electricity quickly,preventing an accident. 4._________________when I hated going to school. 有一段时间我讨厌去上学。 15. 水果对我们的健康非常有益。(be of+抽象名词) Fruits are _________________. V.根据课文填空 The main reason 1. ________ China's ancient civilization has continued all the way through into modern times has been the Chinese writing system. At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture•based language, which 2. ________ (date)back several thousand years to longgu. Symbols 3. ____________ (carve)on animals bones and shells by ancient Chinese people. Over the years, there was 4. ____ time when the Chinese people were divided geographically, 5. ________ (lead) to many varieties of dialects and characters. Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country, making the Chinese writing system begin to develop 6. ____ one direction. It was of great 7. ________ (important)in uniting the Chinese people and culture. People in modern times can read the classic 8. ________ (work) written by Chinese in ancient 9. ________. Nowadays, Chinese calligraphy has become an important part of Chinese culture. As China plays a greater role in 10. ________ (globe) affairs, a large number of international students are beginning to appreciate China's culture and history through this amazing language. 二、拓展提升 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Language as a System of Symbols(符号) Of all systems of symbols,language is the most highly , developed. It has been pointed out that human beings,by agreement,can make anything stand for anything. Human beings have agreed,in the course of centuries of mutual(相互 的) dependency,to let the various noises that they can produce with their lungs,throats,tongues,teeth,and lips systematically stand for certain happenings in their nervous systems. We call that system of agreements language. There is no necessary connection between the symbol and that which it stands for. Just as social positions can be symbolized by feathers worn on the head,by gold on the watch chain,or by a thousand other things according to the culture we live in,so the fact of being hungry can be symbolized by a thousand different noises according to the culture we live in. However obvious these facts may appear at first glance, they are actually not so obvious as they seem except when we take special pains to think about the subject. Symbols and the things they stand for are independent of each other,yet we all have a way of feeling as if,and sometimes acting as if,there were necessary connections. For example,there are people who feel that foreign languages are unreasonable by nature; foreigners have such funny names for things,and why can’t they call things by their right names?This feeling exhibits itself most strongly in those English and American tourists who seem to believe that they can make the natives of any country understand English if they shout loud enough. Like the little boy who is reported to have said,“Pigs are called pigs because they are such dirty animals,” they feel that the symbol is inherently(内在地) connected in some way with the things symbolized. 1.Language is a highly developed system of symbols because human beings . A. have made use of language for centuries B. use our nervous systems to support language C. have made various noises stand for any events D. can make anything stand for anything by agreement 2.What can we conclude from Paragraph 2? A. Different noises may mean different things. B. Our culture determines what a symbol stands for. C. The language we use symbolizes our social positions. D. Our social positions determine the way we are dressed. 3.In Paragraph 3 the underlined phrase “take special pains” probably means “ ”. A. try very hard B. take our time C. are very unhappy D. feel especially painful 4.In Paragraph 3,the example of the little boy is used to show that . A. adults often learn from their young B. “pig” is a dirty word because pigs are dirty C. words are not connected with the things they stand for D. people sometimes have wrong ideas about how language works B How words came into being is unknown. All we assume is that some early men invented certain sounds,in one way or another,to express thoughts and feelings,actions and things ,so that they could talk with each other. Later they agreed upon certain signs,called letters,which could be put together to show those sounds,and which could be written down. Those sounds,whether spoken or written in letters,are called words. The power of words,then,lies in their associations—the things they bring up to our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience;and the longer we live,the more certain words bring back to us the happy and sad events of our past;and the more we read and learn,the more the number of words that mean something to us increases. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which have powerful effects on our minds and feelings. This clever use of words is what we call literary style(文体).Above all,the real poet is a master of words. He can express his meaning in words which sing like music,and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them correctly,or they will make our speech silly and common. 1.We learn from the text that language might have begun with . A. expressions B. actions C. signs D. sounds 2.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2? A. The learning of new words. B. The importance of old words. C. The relation of human experience with words. D. The gradual change and development of words. 3.In the last paragraph,what does the author suggest that we should do? A. Use words skillfully. B. Make musical speeches. C. Learn poems by heart. D. Associate with listeners. II.完形填空 Throughout history,people have been interested in knowing how language first began,but no one knows exactly where or how this happened. 1 , we do know a lot about 2 ,the languages of today and also the languages of 3 times. There are 4 about three thousand languages in the world today. Chinese is the language 5 the most speakers. English,Russian and Spanish are also spoken by many millions of people. 6 ,some languages in the world have less than one hundred speakers. There are several important 7 of languages in the world. For example,most of the languages of 8 are in one large family 9 the Indo•European language family. The original language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years 10 .Many of the present languages of Europe and India are modern 11 of the language of 4,500 years ago. Languages are 12 changing. The English of today is very different 13 the English of 500 years ago.Over time some even 14 completely. About 1,000 years ago 15 was a little known relative of German 16 on one of the borders(边界) of Europe. If a language has 17 speakers or if it is very old, there may be 18 in the way it is spoken in different areas. That is,the language may have several 19 .Chinese is a good example of dialect differences. Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of speakers. The differences among the dialects of Chinese are so great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China 20 understand speakers from other parts. 1.A. But B. Rather C. However D. Besides 2.A. English B. history C. Chinese D. languages 3.A. earlier B. latter C. modern D. hard 4.A. frequently B. probably C. fluently D. gradually 5.A.for B. with C.in D. of 6.A. In a word B. At present C. On the one hand D. On the other hand 7.A. blocks B. accents C. families D. changes 8.A. Europe B. Asia C. Africa D. America 9.A. called B. spoken C. calling D. speaking 10.A. before B. ago C. later D. old 11.A. times B. families C. forms D. members 12.A. always B. seldom C. often D. sometimes 13.A. about B. with C.in D. from 14.A.die out B. die away C. die down D. die off 15.A. Spanish B. English C. Chinese D. Russian 16.A. called B. referred C. spoken D. named 17.A.a great deal of B. a few C. a little D. a number of 18.A. speakers B. differences C. identity D. changes 19.A. dialects B. spellings C. usages D. expressions 20.A. mustn’t B. may not C. won’t D. can’t III.短文填空 Many English language learners believe that the 56. (great) difficulty with listening comprehension(理解) is that the listener cannot control how quickly a speaker speaks. They feel that what the speaker says disappears 57. they can follow. This frequently means that students 58. are learning to listen cannot keep up. They are so busy 59. (work) out the meaning of one part of what they hear that they miss the next part. Or they 60. (simple) ignore a whole section because they fail to catch it quickly enough. Another difficulty is that the listener is not always in a position to get the speaker to repeat what has been said. And ,of course,repeats cannot 61. (ask) for when listening to the radio or watching TV. Besides,62. (choose) of vocabulary is in the hands of the speaker,not the listener. Very often,for people listening to a foreign language,an unknown word can be like a suddenly 63. (drop) stone making them stop and think about the meaning of the word,64. (cause) them to miss the next part of the speech. In listening,it really is a case of “He who 65. (stop) to work out the meaning is lost”. IV. 写作 假设你是李华, 你的外教Declan让你推荐一份英文报刊 ,供同学们阅读。 你建议订阅 “学英语”报,请你给Declan 发一封电子邮件说明理由。 内容包括: 1. 与教材同步,适合中学生;2.内容丰富,开拓视野;3. 提高英语水平,深受欢迎。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 。 _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________ 诗欣赏 送友人 李白 青山横北郭, 白水绕东城。 此地一为别, 孤蓬万里征。 浮云游子意, 落日故人情。 挥手自兹去, 萧萧班马鸣。 FAREWELL TO A FRIEND Translated by Xu Yuanchong Green mountains bar the northern sky; White grids the eastern town. Here is the place to say goodbye; You’ll drift like lonely thistledown. With floating cloud you’ll float away; Like parting day I’ll part from you. You wave your hand and go your way; Our steeds still neigh, “adieu,adieu!” 答案 一、基础巩固 I.单词拼写 1.billion 2.attitude 3.system 4.symbol 5.factor 6.classic 7.specific 8.means 9.characters 10.Despite II.单句语法填空 1.appreciation 2.calligraphist 3. running 4.reference 5.Basing 6.civilization 7.symbolizes 8.means 9.waiting 10. majored III.短语填空 1.is known for 2.is based on 3.No matter4. in a majority 5. refer to 6.dating back to 7.played an important role 8.not only…but also… 9.An increasing number of 10.ups and downs Ⅳ.完成句子 1.Wherever/No matter where he went 2.There used to 3.preventing an accident. 4.There was a time when 5.of great benefit to our health. V.根据课文填空 1.Why 2. dates 3.were covered 4.a 5.leading 6.in 7.importance 8.works 9.times 10.global 二、拓展提升 Ⅰ.阅读理解 语篇解读: 语言作为高度发展了的符号体系,它与文化有着密切的 联系。 1.答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知选D项。 2.答案 B 解析 段落大意题。由第二段两次提到的“according to the culture we live in”可知,本段在谈论我们的文化决定了某 种符号代表着什么,因此B项为正确答案。 3.答案 A 解析 词义猜测题。根据其所在句中的“...they are actually not so obvious as they seem except...”可猜测出“take special pains”的意思是“努力尝试”。故A项正确。 4.答案 D 解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,作者列举小 男孩的例子是为了说明人们有时对语言是如何发挥作用 的产生误解。因此选项D正确。B语篇解读: 本文主要说明了语言的来历以及如何用词。 1.答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“All we assume is that some early men invented certain sounds,in one way or another...”可知,sounds很可能是最初的语言雏形。 2.答案 C 解析 段落大意题。阅读第二段中的“The power of words ,then,lies in their associations—the things they bring up to our minds.Words become filled with meaning for us by experience”可知,该段主要讲了人类经历与语言的关系。 3.答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them correctly,or they will make our speech silly and common.” 可知,作者建议我们应巧妙地用词。 II.完形填空 语篇解读: 本文主要介绍了语言的起源及变化。 1.答案 C 解析 语言的起源一直是人们感兴趣的事情,但是没人确 切地知道语言的起源究竟是怎样的。然而,我们还是对语 言有许多了解。but后不能出现逗号,因此此处用however 表转折。 2.答案 D 解析 由上下文可知,此处讲的是对语言的认识,而不单 纯是对汉语或英语的认识。空后的“the languages of...”是 提示。 3.答案 A 解析 人们对现在的语言以及更早的语言有所了解。由上 下文可知此处与today对应。 4.答案 B 解析 现在世界上可能有大约三千种语言。probably可能 ,符合语境。frequently频繁地;fluently流利地;gradually 逐渐地。 5.答案 B 解析 由with引导的介词短语作定语,修饰language,表示 “汉语是使用人数最多的一种语言”。 6.答案 D 解析 上文提到汉语是使用人数最多的一种语言,接着又 说英语、俄语和西班牙语也有数百万人使用,后文话锋一 转讲到,还有不到一百人使用的语言。on the other hand另 一方面,符合语境。in a word总之;at present现在;on the one hand一方面。 7.答案 C 解析 由后面的内容可知,语言有几大语系(family)。“ For example,most of the languages of are in one large family the IndoEuropean language family.”也是提示 。block块;accent口音;change变化。 8.答案 A 解析 由后面的“IndoEuropean language family”可知, 欧洲的大多数语言都属于一个大的语系——印欧语系。 9.答案 A 解析 过去分词called作定语,表示“被称作”。 10.答案 B 解析 由前面的was spoken可知,此处应该用与一般过去 时连用的ago。before用于完成时的句子中。 11.答案 C 解析 现在印度与欧洲的许多语言实际上就是4 500年以 前的语言的现代形式(form)。 12.答案 A 解析 由下文可知,语言一直都在发展变化。always与现 在进行时态连用表示“总是”。 13.答案 D 解析 be different from与……不同,为固定短语。 14.答案 A 解析 随着时间的推移有些语言甚至完全消失了。die out 灭绝,消失,符合语境。die away逐渐模糊,逐渐减弱; die down逐渐变弱,暗淡;die off相继死去。 15.答案 B 解析 一千年前的英语还与欧洲边界地区人们讲的德语 有关。 16.答案 C 解析 表示“讲(某种语言)”用speak,此处用过去分词作 定语表示被动。 17.答案 D 解析 如果讲某种语言的人多或某种语言很古老,那么不 同地区人们说话的方式就有差别。A、C两项只修饰不可数 名词;a few表示“几个”,意义不符。 18.答案 B 解析 由 上 文 可 知 , 此 处 指 人 们 说 话 方 式 的 不 同 (difference)。 19.答案 A 解析 根据后一句中的dialect differences可知,一种语言可 能有几种方言。dialect方言,符合语境。 20.答案 D 解析 汉语方言的差别如此之大,以至于来自不同地区的 人都无法相互沟通。此处表示“不会,不能”,故用can’t 。 III.短文填空 语篇解读: 本文主要分析了很多同学发现英语学习中听力最困难 的具体原因。 56.答案 greatest 解析 考查形容词的比较等级。听力最大的困难是无法控 制说话者的语速。故答案为greatest。 57.答案 before 解析 考查连词。他们感觉还没有来得及理解,说话者说 的内容就消失了。连词before在这里表示“还没有来得及 ……就……”。 58.答案 who/that 解析 考查定语从句的引导词。根据句子结构可知,此处 为定语从句,关系代词who/that指代先行词students并在从 句中作主语,不能省略。 59.答案 working 解析 考查固定搭配。be busy (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事 。 60.答案 simply 解析 考查副词。修饰谓语动词ignore,作状语要用副词 simply。 61.答案 be asked 解析 考查动词的语态。本句主语repeats与动词ask之间为 被动关系,所以要使用被动语态。 62.答案 choice 解析 考查词形变换。在句中作主语要使用名词choice。 63.答案 dropped 解析 考查非谓语动词。不认识的单词就像突然落下的石 头。此处是过去分词作前置定语。 64.答案 causing 解析 考查非谓语动词。突然出现的不认识的单词就像突 然落下的石头,让人们停下来去思考单词的意思。这属于 正常的、意料之中的结果,故要用现在分词作状语。 65.答案 stops 解析 考查定语从句中的主谓一致。关系代词who指代先 行词He在定语从句中作主语,从句的谓语动词stop要与主 语he保持一致,所以使用stops。 IV. 写作 Dear Declan, There are several English papers aiming at helping us improve our English , the best of which is Learning English. Learning English is written according to textbooks , so it is especially fit for us students. Besides, the paper is rich in contents, whose articles include stories, school life, news , foreign cultures, technology, environmental protection and so on. It also provides plenty of necessary exercises for us to strengthen our skills. With the help of the paper , we can greatly broaden our horizons and knowledge. I have been using the paper since I studied English. It is very popular with us because it can help improve our English. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua Native attitude system billion despite factor bone symbol carve dynasty affair specific calligraphy classic Characters Reference appreciation means global Russia sound beautiful civilization carving enjoy doing symbolize basic civilized appreciate appreciation date back to be based on refer to a variety of major in no matter do business neither nor communicate in see as play a role in an increasing number of connect with according to not only but also be known as /to/for

