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2018 届二轮复习 动词与动词短语 一、及物动词与不及物动词 常见的跟单宾语的及物动词主要有 : accept, admire, admit, affect, afford, discover, educate, enjoy, explain, forget, guess, invent, love, post, raise 等。 知识梳理 常见的跟双宾语的及物动词主要有 : 1. 直、间接宾语易位需加 to 的动词 : bring, give, hand, pass, post, promise, read, return, show, teach, tell, lend 等。 2. 直、间接宾语易位需加 for 的动词 : buy, choose, cook, draw, find, fetch, make, order, paint, purchase, save, spare 等。 3. 既可加 to ,也可加 for 的动词 : do, get, play, sing 等。 常见的不及物动词主要有 : ache, agree, apologize, appear, arrive, come, go, cry, dance, die, disappear, dream, exist, fall, flow, graduate, sit, stand, stay, wait, rise, lie, happen 等。 二、延续性动词与终止性动词 延续性动词可用于完成时 ,与 以下几种时间状语连用 : for + 段时间, since + 点时间, since + 一段时间 +ago , since + 从句(一般过去时)等。 常见的这类动词有 : have, possess, keep, know, learn, live, read, sleep, wait, work, look, hear, smell 等。 终止性动词不可用于现在完成时 ,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,其 否定形式多与 until / till 连用 ,构成“ not+ 终止性动词 +until / till ...” 的句型,意为“直到 …… 才 ……” 。如: I will not go to bed until I finish drawing the picture tonight. 三、常见的短语动词有以下五种: 1. 动词 + 介词 “动词 + 介词”构成的短语相当于一个及物动词,后面跟宾语。被动语态中,整个短语不可分开。 这类短语动词常用的有: agree on, burst into, call on, consist of, deal with, depend / rely on, die of / from, dream of, feel like, get into, hear from, insist on, look / stare / glare at, prepare for, result in, set about 等。 2. 动词 + 副词 1) 用作及物动词。常用的这类短语动词有 bring up, cut off, figure out, put out, take down, take over, throw away, turn down, turn over等 。 2) 用作不及物动词。常用的这类短语动词有 break down, die away, give in, go ahead, hang on, run away, stand out, set off, wake up等 。 3. 动词 + 名词 + 介词。 这类短语动词常用的有: catch sight of, compare notes with, declare war on / upon, get rid of, have a word with, make fun of, make use of, make preparations for, pay attention to, take care of, take hold of, take advantage of, take charge of 等。 4. 动词 + 副词 + 介词。 这类短语动词常用的有: catch up with, come up with, date back to, put up with, go in for, run out of 等。 5. be + 形容词 + 介词。 这类短语动词常用的有: be accustomed / used to, be afraid of, be devoted to, be fond of, be familiar with, be famous for, be fit / suitable for 等。 动词及其词组的灵活运用是英语的特色,也是难点, 每年均为重点 。历年试题中 动词所占的比例最大 ,设题时都是给出不同的动词或短语来测试考生在具体语境中对动词 ( 短语 ) 意义的理解和运用。考点主要包括: 1. 动词词义辨析 。包括常见动词用法辨析、近义词辨析、相近词辨析和用法相近词辨析。 考点归纳 If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to ____ on the sea? 【 2015· 浙江 】 A. float B. drown C. shrink D. split 2 . 动词短语辨析。 主要包括同根动词短语的辨析、同根介词或副词的动词短语辨析、 不同动词构成的动词短语的辨析以及 “ 动词 + 副词 + 介词 ” 短语的辨析。在动词词组的测试中,绝大多数为基础动词,出现频率较高的词有: get, turn, make, put, go, give, break, cut, come, look, keep, bring, show, pick, hold, fall, carry, pull, catch, call, take 等。 除了考查其基本含义辨析外,更注重动词 ( 短语 ) 的新义和引申义,如: polish 抛光, 磨光 ( 本意 )→ 修正,文饰 ( 引申 ); sniff 嗅,闻 ( 本意 )→ 鄙视地说 ( 引申 ); break down 发生故障,失灵,失效 ( 本意 )→ 坍塌,崩溃,瓦解,中断,中止 ( 引申 ); look into 向里面看 ( 本意 )→ 调查,研究 ( 引申 ) ,同时还有 “ 浏览 ” 之意; work out 基本意思为 “ 解决, 算出,制订出 ” ,还有 “ 锻炼 ” 的意思。 Body language can _____ a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive. 【 2015· 浙江 】 take away B. throw away C. put away D. give away 3. 考查无关联的动词辨析 做这类试题时,应充分理解题干,然后结合各选项的词义,看哪个选项符合题意。 Studies have shown that the right and left ear ______ sound differently. 【 2015· 浙江 】 A. produce B. pronounce C. process D. download 4. 考查动词搭配 这类试题主要考查常见动词的固定搭配。 See, your computer has broken down again! It doesn’t ______ sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars. 【 2015· 天津 】 have B. make C. display D. bring 热点考向 1 动词词义辨析   1. 主要考点 : 考查常见动词词义辨析。强调 语言的情境化 , 把动词放在语境中进行考查。 2. 突破技巧 : 这类试题的选项往往结构相同 , 词形或意义相近。要做好这类试题 , 必须从各个动词的语意差别、用法特点等方面入手 , 然后结合题意选用合适的动词。 热点预测 热点考向 2 高频动词短语意义辨析   主要考点 : 考查主要集中于高频的动词短语 , 如 break, bring, call, come, get, go, make, take, turn, put, pick, hold, keep, look, carry, set, cut, show, pull 等构成的短语。需要特别关注 : 1. break break away from  放弃 , 打破 ; 脱离关系 break down 发生故障 ; ( 计划等 ) 失败 ; ( 精神、身体 ) 垮掉 ; 分解 break in 闯入 , 插嘴 break into 闯入 break out ( 战争、瘟疫等 ) 爆发 , 突然发生 break up 打碎 , 分手 , 分开 , 关系破裂 2. bring bring about 导致 , 造成 , 引起 bring down 使倒下 , 使降低 bring in 引进 ; 带来 ; 赚得 ; 收获 bring forward 提出 ; 提前 bring out 出版 ; 生产 ; 使显现 bring up 抚养 , 教育 ; 提出 ; 呕吐 3. call call for 要求 ; 需要 ; 去取或去接 call back 回电话 ; 回忆起 call in 召集 ; 请 ; 召来 ; 顺便来访 call up 打电话给 ; 召集 ; 使想起 call off 取消 call on 号召 , 拜访 4. come come about 发生 come to 苏醒 ; 总计 come across 偶遇 ; 无意中发现 come true 实现 , 成为现实 ( 不及物 ) come out 出版 ; 结果是 come up ( 建议、计划等 ) 被提出 come up with 提出 ( 建议、计划等 ) come on ( 催促 ) 快点 ; ( 鼓励 ) 加油 ; ( 不耐烦 ) 得了 , 算了吧 ! 5. get get across 解释清楚 ; 使 …… 被理解 get away from 避免 ; 摆脱 , 逃离 get away with 侥幸成功 ; 侥幸做成 get around 四处走动 ; 传播开来 get down to 开始认真做某事 get along/on with 进展 ; 与 …… 相处 get over 克服 ; 恢复 get rid of 摆脱 ; 除去 get through 通过 ; 完成 ; 接通电话 6. give give away 赠送 ; 泄露 ; 分发 give back 归还 give in 屈服 ; 让步 ; 投降 ; 认输 give out 分发 ; 发出 ; 公布 ; 用尽 give up 放弃 7. go go against 违背 ; 不利于 ; 反对 go ahead 开始 ( 做某事 ); ( 表同意 ) go around 参观 ; ( 消息 ) 传播 go by 过去 ; 经过 go down 下降 ; 下沉 go on 继续 ; 发生 ; 进行 go over 复习 , 仔细检查 go through 穿过 ; 经历 ; 仔细检查 go with 与 …… 相配 go without 没有 …… 也行 8. hold hold back 犹豫 ; 隐瞒 ; 阻止 hold on=hang on 别挂断 ; 等一会儿 ; 坚持 hold out 坚持 ; 伸出 hold up 举起 ; 阻挡 , 使耽搁 hold on to 紧紧抓住 ; 保留 ; 不放弃 9. keep keep away from 远离 ; 避开 keep back 留下 ; 隐瞒 ; 克制 ( 感情 ) keep on 继续 ; 坚持下去 keep out of 置身于 …… 外 ; 避开 keep up 保持 ; 继续 ; 不低落 keep up with 跟上 ; keep an eye out for 密切注意 ; 留心 ; 警惕 keep an eye on 照看 ; 密切注视 10. leave leave alone 不打扰 ; 不理 , 不管 leave behind 留下 ; 丢下 , 丢弃 leave out 遗漏 , 忽略 11. look look around 环顾四周 look away from 把目光从 …… 移开 look into 调查 ; 窥视 look back on/upon 回忆,回顾 look up 查找 , 查询 ; 向上看 look up to 尊敬 ; 敬仰 look down upon 歧视 , 看不起 look forward to 盼望 ; 期待 look through 浏览 ; 快速查看 look out (for) 当心 , 留意 , 小心 look on 旁观 12. make make use of 利用 make up 组成 ; 编造 ; 化妆 ; 和解 make up for 补偿 ; 弥补 make for 走向 ; 有助于 ; 促成 , 导致 make sense 有意义 ; 有道理 ; 讲得通 make sense of 理解 ; 弄明白 make out 理解 ; 分辨出 , 辨认出 make it 成功 13. put put aside 撇开 ; 暂不考虑 ; 储蓄 put away 收拾 , 整理 ; 储存 put back 把 …… 放回原处 ; 推迟 put forward 提出 ; 拨快 put down 记下 , 写下 , 镇压 put out 伸出 ; 扑灭 ; 生产 ; 出版 put up 建造 , 张贴 ; 提供住宿 put up with 忍受 ; 容忍 put on 穿上 , 增加 , 上演 14. set set aside 划出 ; 留出 ; 拨出 set about doing sth . 着手做某事 set out 出发 , 动身 set out to do sth . 着手做某事 set off 动身 ; 引起 ; 使爆炸 set up 建立 , 创立 15. turn turn away 走开 ; 转过脸去 turn down 拒绝 ; 关小 , 调低 turn up 开大 ; 出现 , 到场 turn out 结果是 , 证明是 ; 生产 turn over 翻转 ; 翻阅 , 仔细考虑 turn against 反对 ; 背叛 turn to 转向 ; 求助于 16. take take after 长得像某人 take apart 拆开 ; 拆卸 take back 收回 , 撤销 take down 记下 ; 拆卸 ; 取下 take away 带走 , 拿走 , 剥夺 take up 从事 ; 占据 ( 时间、空间 ); 着手处理 ; 接着做 take in 吸收 ; 接受 ; 理解 , 欺骗 take off 起飞 ; 脱下 ; 成功 , take on 呈现 ; 具有 ; 承担 ; 雇用 take over 接管 , 接收 take advantage of 利用 take it easy 放松 , 别紧张 take your time 慢慢来 , 别着急 take measures to do sth . 采取措施做某事 take action 采取行动 热点考向 3 常见的系动词的用法 1. 表示 变化类 的系动词,如 : become, go, turn, grow, get, fall, make 等。 2. 表示 感觉类 的系动词,如 : feel, smell, taste, look, sound 等。 3. 表示 状态类 的系动词,如 : keep, remain, stand, stay, lie 等。 4. 表示 “像”类 系动词,主要有 seem, appear, look, 表示“看起来,似乎,显得”。 5. 此类系动词的 特点 : ① 只适用于主动语态; ② 只用于一般时态 ( 一般现在时和一般过去时,不能用于进行时态 ) 。 热点考向 4 动词的一词多义用法 很多动词在不同的语境中有不同的意义,因此要进行专门复习,常见的有: 1. act ( v . & n . 行动 ) e.g. It will take several hours before the drug really acts . ( vi . 起作用 ) 2. address ( n . 地址; vt . 写地址 ) e.g. President Obama was scheduled to address the American people on the evening of May 7. ( vt . 向 …… 做演说 ) 3. appreciate ( vt . 欣赏,感激,感谢 ) e.g. They soon appreciated that it must be a well-designed trap. ( v . 意识到 ) 4. attend ( vt . 参加,出席 ) e.g. With several patients to attend that night, the nurse felt very tired. ( vt . 照料,照顾 ) With three kids attending high school in the town, the couple had to work day and night to earn more money. ( vt . 上学 ) 5. count ( n . & v . 计数,数 ) e.g. It is not what you are thinking but what you are doing that counts . ( v . 重要,有价值 ) 6. escape ( vi . 逃跑,逃脱 ) e.g. I saw a familiar face in the crowd. However, his name escaped me for the moment. ( vt . 被忘掉 ) The harmful gases are escaping from the pipe. ( vi . 泄漏,漏出 ) 7. fail ( vi . 失败 ) e.g. Fresh vegetables used to fail in winter. ( vi . 不足,缺乏 ) With time passing by, his memory is failing . ( vi . 衰退 ) Try as the family might, they failed to find the lost child in the town. ( vi . 未能 ) 8. introduce ( vt . 介绍 ) e.g. When tomatoes were first introduced into Europe, they didn’t accept them at all. ( vt . 引入 ) 9. make ( vt . 制造 ) e.g. New laws have been made to protect the interests of the farmers. ( vt . 制定 ) He is making his own trouble by doing this. ( vt . 引起,导致,造成 ) She will make a great teacher. ( vt . 成为,使形成 ) 10. observe ( vt . 观察 ) e.g. Having lived abroad for many years, he still observed the old traditions and customs. ( vt . 遵守 ) Every year, we will observe the traditional Spring Festival in different ways. ( vt . 庆祝 ) 11. work ( v . & n . 工作 ) e.g. The medicine will soon work . ( vi . 起作用 ) The machine works very well. ( vi . 运转 ) 1. Tom had to ____ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy. 【 2015· 天津 】 A. turn in B. turn down C. turn over D. turn to 【解析 】 上个周汤姆不得不拒绝宴会的邀请, 因为他太忙了。 turn in 上交; turn down 拒 绝; turn over 移交; turn to 求助。 真题自测 2. We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or ___ our emotions than for straight facts. 【 2015· 浙江 】 A. block off B. appeal to C. subscribe to D. come across 【解析 】 我们趋向于对于有一些记忆会比较 清楚,这些东西是让我们激动或者是吸引我 们的。 block off 封锁, appeal to 吸引, subscribe to 订阅, come across 遇到。 3. If you have any doubts about your health, you’d better______ your doctor at once. 【 2015· 天津 】 A. convince B. consult C. avoid D. affect 【解析 】 如果你对你的健康有任何疑问,你最 好立刻向你的医生咨询。 convince 说服; consult 咨询; avoid 避免; affect 影响。 4. Peter will _____ his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month. 【 2015· 陕西 】 A. take up B. put up C. add up D. break up 【解析 】 Peter 在下月底将从事旅行社负责人 的职位。 take up 拿起,开始从事; put up 竖 立;搭建; add up 加起来; break up 结束;分 解。 5. The whole team _____ Cristiano Ronaldo , and he seldom lets them down. 【 2015· 江苏 】 A. wait on B. focus on C. count on D. call on 【解析 】 全队都指望克里斯蒂亚诺 · 罗纳尔多, 他从未让他们失望。 A“ 服侍,等待”; B“ 集中 (注意力)于”; C“ 指望”; D“ 呼吁,拜访”。 6. If you come to visit China, you will ______ a culture of amazing depth and variety. 【 2015· 安徽 】 A. develop B. create C. substitute D. experience 【解析 】 如果你来中国旅游,你将会体验到 一种有深度和多样化的文化。 A 发展,培养; B 创造; C 代替; D 经历。 7. In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger upwards to ____ that someone was moving about upstairs. 【 2015· 湖北 】 A. whisper B. signal C. declare D. complain 【解析 】 为了能够被听到,她手指向上指, 示意有人正在楼上走动。 A 项“低声说,私 语”; B 项“发信号,(用手势)示意”; C 项 “(正式)宣称”; D 项“抱怨”。 用适当的动词填空。 1. Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she ________ voice to her opinion on the subject. (天津 2016 ) 2. I’m going to ________ advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle. (天津 2016 ) 3. I hate it when she calls me at work — I’m always too busy to ________ on a conversation with her. (天津 2016 ) gave take carry 4. Many businesses started up by college students have ________ off thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation. (江苏 2016 ) 5. We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite, rather than ________ us. (浙江 2016 ) taken divide I. 选用括号内合适的内容填空。 1. We all agreed that the cottage would ________ (make / turn) a perfect holiday home for the family. 2. The beautiful clouds maybe ________ (promise / record) a fine day tomorrow. 3. While I’m working I don’t want people to come to my desk just to ________ (ignore / interrupt) me. 巩固练习 make promise interrupt 4. It is said that a plan is being made that will ________ (cost / charge) users for downloading music from the Internet, but the price will be very low. 5. Parents and children should communicate more to ________ (narrow / leave) the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. 6. With the heavy burden of study, more and more children’s eyesight is beginning to ________ (fall / fail). charge narrow  fall   7. According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to ________ (decline / differ) from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22. 8. The parents only __________ (concerned / involved) themselves with making money and ignored the left-behind children’s education and life. 9. During the Spring Festival, friends may get together to ________ (comfort / greet) each other and wish each other good luck. decline concerned  greet 10. In general, do not ask people questions such as how much they ________ (gain / earn) in Australia. earn II. 选用方框内合适的短语动词并用其正确形式 填空(每个短语动词限用一次)。 account for, agree on, break down, come about, keep up, live up to, make good use of, put down, take apart, watch out for 1. Rod loves _____________ clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again. 2. You have to ______________ the things behind you that you may not be aware of. taking apart watch out for 3. After many years’ hard work, he __________ his parents’ expectation and went to a key university. 4. Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can ________ almost every word her teacher says. 5. That Peter has spent too much time reading novels recently may ____________ his poor grade in the exam. lived up to put down account for account for, agree on, break down, come about, keep up, live up to, make good use of, put down, take apart, watch out for 6. The six-party talk is a practical way to solve issues and we should ________________ the effective platform. 7. Mary, as well as Jim, will be very busy at that time. We’d better ___________ another time for the activity. 8. He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system ____________. make good use of agree on broke down account for, agree on, break down, come about, keep up, live up to, make good use of, put down, take apart, watch out for 9. How did it ____________ that you missed so good a chance, which was very important for your promotion in the company? 10. Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to ________ his courage. come about keep up account for, agree on, break down, come about, keep up, live up to, make good use of, put down, take apart, watch out for

