高中英语外研版必修2练习:Module5 Section Ⅱ Grammar

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高中英语外研版必修2练习:Module5 Section Ⅱ Grammar

www.ks5u.com Section Ⅱ Grammar 课后篇巩固提升 一、用适当的连词完成下列时间状语从句 ‎1.Have a good look at that man       you meet him. ‎ 答案when/as ‎2.It was already eight o’clock      we got there. ‎ 答案when ‎3.      time went on,he missed his parents more and more. ‎ 答案As ‎4.He learned to speak German      he was in Berlin. ‎ 答案while/when ‎5.Henry is in charge of the office      Mr Smith is away. ‎ 答案while/when ‎6.He had learned Chinese      he came to China. ‎ 答案before ‎7.I haven’t seen him      he moved to the other side of the town. ‎ 答案since ‎8.I waited      he finished his work. ‎ 答案till/until ‎9.It was not      he took off his eyeglasses that I recognised him. ‎ 答案until ‎10.We hadn’t run a while        we felt tired. ‎ 答案before ‎11.The thieves ran away             they caught sight of the police. ‎ 答案as soon as/the moment/immediately ‎12.They decided to go back home       their money ran out. ‎ 答案before 二、翻译句子 ‎1.既然你已经知道那条消息,我就没有必要再告诉你一遍了。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案Since/Now that you have known the news,I needn’t tell you about it again.‎ ‎2.我正在街上走,正在这时我碰上了我的老朋友。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案I was walking along the street when I met my old friend.‎ ‎3.是因为他病了他昨天才没听报告。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案It was because he was ill that he didn’t attend the lecture yesterday.‎ ‎4.我第一次见到他时,他穿着一件白上衣。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案The first time I saw him,he was in a white coat.‎ ‎5.直到火车启动才能用洗手间。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案Don’t use the WC until the train leaves/has left.‎ 三、完成句子 ‎  导学号17654027‎ ‎1.I’ll tell him the news                               (我一到那里). ‎ 答案as soon as I arrive there ‎2.Last night,I worried                       (到他回来). ‎ 答案until/till he came back ‎3.                          (在他进屋之前),I had cleaned the desk. ‎ 答案Before he entered the room ‎4.                                 (既然他说英语这么流利),he doesn’t have to be trained again. ‎ 答案Since he can speak English fluently ‎5.—Why was Tom absent from the meeting?‎ ‎—                          (因为雨下得大). ‎ 答案Because it rained heavily ‎6.                     (由于天黑),the farmers shall not continue to plant. ‎ 答案As it is dark ‎7.                                 (趁着没忘记,请记下来). ‎ 答案Please take down before you forget ‎8.It is ten years                          (自她移居到伦敦). ‎ 答案since she moved to London ‎9.We were just falling asleep                                        (这时有人敲门). ‎ 答案when someone knocked at the door ‎10.She hurried to work,                                                (边走边回头看儿子). ‎ 答案looking behind at her son as she went out 四、完形填空 ‎(语言能力)‎ When I was young,my mother began to write poetry,books,and letters to the editor to try to change the world.Some were  1  and others were still manuscripts(原稿)that she wrote and edited with reviews that she asked from writers she  2 . ‎ When,at ninety-three, 3  left her only a short time to live,she told me that she had submitted(提交)her recent book of poetry to a publisher. 4 ,she hadn’t received an  5  from him.So I called the publisher,only to learn that the company had gone out of  6 .As my mother’s health was falling quickly,there wasn’t time to find a  7  publisher.After a few weeks of feeling  8 ,I finally stopped sitting on my hands and  9  another solution. ‎ I found a wonderful company and a printer who  10  to produce twenty poems of my mother’s book as quickly as they could.Sandy and Bernie were  11  by my mother’s story and quickly moved into action  12  me.We worked together to complete the book just a few hours  13  I went to my mother for the last ‎ time.I handed it to her gift-wrapped.Her pain made it hard for her to see and think  14 .When she finally  15  the title,The Wrinkled Nest,she truly looked surprised.Then her face softened into a smile. ‎ Not finding a solution wasn’t a choice.And this has  16  me through so much of my life.I live in the world of education and chances,and this is a daily challenge.When faced with  17 ,I can’t simply shrug my shoulders and  18 . ‎ While I can’t change the world alone,I work on making it better by  19  problems that mean a great deal to me.And I thank my  20  for putting this belief in me. ‎ ‎                  ‎ ‎1.A.destroyed B.valued C.published D.impressed 答案C 解析根据下文中的“others were still manuscripts(原稿)that she wrote and edited”可知,母亲的作品有一些已经出版,有一些未出版。‎ ‎2.A.respected B.admitted C.imagined D.met 答案A 解析根据语境可知,母亲应是向她尊敬的作者求教,请求他们的点评。‎ ‎3.A.trouble B.illness C.pain D.health 答案B 解析根据下文中的“As my mother’s health was falling quickly”可知,在母亲93岁时,她病得很重,能活在世上的时间不多了。‎ ‎4.A.Otherwise B.Instead C.Besides D.However 答案D 解析根据语境可知,前后表示转折关系,故用However。‎ ‎5.A.award B.answer C.instruction D.order 答案B 解析根据下文的内容可知,出版社还没有给母亲任何答复。‎ ‎6.A.business B.work C.control D.fashion 答案A 解析根据下文中的“there wasn’t time to find a  7 publisher”可知,那家出版社破产停业了。go out of business意为“歇业,停业”。 ‎ ‎7.A.familiar B.responsible C.different D.special 答案B 解析母亲的身体每况愈下,没有时间去找另外一家负责任的出版社了。‎ ‎8.A.homeless B.loveless C.useless D.helpless 答案D 解析根据语境可知,几个星期以来,作者感到非常无助,因为他一心想出版母亲的这本诗集。‎ ‎9.A.got along with B.came up with C.put up with D.went on with 答案B 解析作者想到了另一个办法。故答案选B项。get along with“与……和睦相处”;come up with意为“想出,想到(主意、答案等)”;put up with“忍受”;go on with“继续”。‎ ‎10.A.imitated B.adopted C.agreed D.refused 答案C 解析根据语境可知,一家公司和一家印刷厂同意出版其中的二十首诗歌,故选C项。‎ ‎11.A.upset B.annoyed C.shocked D.touched 答案D 解析根据下文中的“quickly moved into action  12  me”可猜测出,他们俩被母亲的故事感动了。故选D项。 ‎ ‎12.A.with B.around C.beside D.by 答案A 解析根据下文中的“We worked together to complete the book”可知,他们俩和作者一起快速行动起来。‎ ‎13.A.before B.when C.after D.since 答案A 解析根据空前的“just a few hours”及空后的“went to my mother for the last time”可知,就在母亲临终前几个小时,作者他们终于把诗集赶制出来了。‎ ‎14.A.carefully B.clearly C.completely D.quickly 答案B 解析根据常识及下文中的“When she finally  15  the title”可知,母亲临终前看不清楚,思维也非常混乱。故选B项。 ‎ ‎15.A.read B.remembered C.recognised D.realised 答案C 解析根据常识及上文中的“Her pain made it hard for her to see and think  14 ”可知,母亲终于认出了诗集的名字。recognise“认得,辨认出”。 ‎ ‎16.A.guided B.supported C.pulled D.offered 答案A 解析办法总比困难多,这样的理念就像是一盏明灯照亮作者前行。‎ ‎17.A.disbelief B.problems C.accidents D.death 答案B 解析从作者的经历可知,当面临问题时,作者不会耸耸肩膀而放弃。‎ ‎18.A.give away B.give back C.give up D.give off 答案C 解析give up“放弃”,符合语境。give away“赠送,分发”;give back“归还”;give off“发出”。‎ ‎19.A.discussing B.choosing C.replacing D.solving 答案D 解析根据语境可知,尽管作者无法独自改变世界,他还是尽量去解决那些对自己而言较重要的问题,从而让一切变得更好。‎ ‎20.A.classmates B.parents C.friends D.teachers 答案B 解析根据语境可知,作者非常感谢自己的父母让自己拥有这样的信念。‎ 五、语篇填空 导学号17654030(思维品质)‎ On Christmas Eve,a poor salesman was sitting on a bench in a park and recalling the past.1.      the same day last year he was also alone drinking his Christmas day away,2.       a new car and a new house.He sighed,complained,and began to take 3. the old shoes.Suddenly,he glanced at a young man in a wheelchair 4.(pass)by him with his hands pushing the wheels forward.It made him realise that he was so lucky to have shoes 5.(wear)while that man did not even have the chance.Afterwards,the salesman did anything with 6. calm mood and seized every opportunity to improve 7..He tried his best to make progress every day.After several years of hard work,he eventually changed his life 8.      (total)and became a millionaire.If you look all around,you 9.            (find)there are so many people who were born disabled 10.      they are confident in life and never complain about the unfair destiny.By contrast,we were born in good health,but we are fed up with life.We should feel ashamed. ‎ 答案1.On 2.without 3.off 4.passing 5.to wear ‎6.a 7.himself 8.totally 9.will find 10.while 六、短文改错 导学号17654028(思维品质)‎ Most people,when they travel to the space,would like to stay in orbit for a few days or more.And this stand to reason,if you’re paying $20,000 your trip to orbit!So in order for tourism to reach its full potential(潜力)there’s going to have a need for space hotels.How will a space hotel actual be like?Hotels in orbit will offer the services you expected from a hotel—private rooms,meals,bars.But they’ll also offer two unique experience:impressive views—of Earth and space—and the endless entertainment of live in zero gravity—including sports and other activities that make use of this.Lots of people who have been to space has described vividly what it’s like to live in zero gravity.‎ 答案第一句:去掉the 第二句:stand→stands;$20,000后加for 第三句:have→be 第四句:How→What;actual→actually 第五句:expected→expect 第六句:experience→experiences;live→living 第七句:has→have

