高中英语Unit 5 First Aid 学案(人教版新课标必修五)

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高中英语Unit 5 First Aid 学案(人教版新课标必修五)

Unit 5 First Aid 学案(人教版新课标必修五)‎ Period 4 Grammar Ellipsis ‎ 教学目标 Grasp the grammar :Ellipsis (the types ,the ways)‎ 教学重点:‎ Master the rules of ellipsis ‎ 教学难点:‎ How to make the students master the uses and the rules of the grammar.‎ 互动探究导学 探究导学 ‎ 在英语中,为了避免重复而省去某些重复的部分,这种现象叫省略。如:‎ C1) Beg you pardon.C--- ( I )Beg you pardon.‎ ‎ 2) Sounds like a good idea.--- ( It ) Sounds like a good idea..‎ 一 简单句中的省略 ‎1、 省略主语 祈使句中主语通常省略 ‎ ‎( It ) doesn’t matter.‎ ‎( It ) Sounds like a good idea.‎ ‎2、省略主谓或主谓语的一部分。如: ‎ ‎(省略主语和谓语)‎ ‎ C1) What/How (do you think) about a cup of tea ?‎ C 2) Why (do you) not say hello to him ?‎ 省略表语。‎ C1) –Are you thirsty? – Yes, I am .(thirsty).‎ C 2) His brother isn’t lazy, nor is his sister .(lazy).‎ ‎4、同时省略几个成分 ‎ C1) Let’s meet at the same place as--- (we met) yesterday.同时省略主、谓语 C 2) –Have you finished your work ? –Not yet.‎ ‎ -----I have not finished my homework yet.‎ 二 并列句中的省略 ‎1、两个并列句中,后一个分句常省略与前一分句中相同的部分。‎ ‎ My brother is a doctor and my sister-in-law (is) a lawyer.‎ 省略相同的谓语动词)‎ When summer comes, the day is getting longer and longer, and the night (is getting) shorter and shorter. 省略相同的谓语动词 三 复合句中的省略 主句中有一些成分被省略,如:(I am) Sorry to hear you are ill.‎ ‎ ( It’s a ) Pity that he missed such a good chance.‎ ‎2 主句中有一些成分被省略、而用so或not来代替 ‎1) -Are you leaving for Beijing this Sunday? ‎ ‎-I think so .(I'm leaving for Beijing this Sunday.)‎ ‎2) -Tom must be free today. ‎ ‎ -If so, he can help us .(he is free.)‎ ‎3) -It is going to rain, isn’t it? ‎ ‎ -I hope not. (it is not going to rain.)‎ 这种用法常见的有:How so? Why so? Is that so? I hope so. He said so. 及I suppose /believe /hope not. Why not?等等。‎ ‎2.宾语从句中的省略 宾语从句中常省略连词that,但当有两个并列的宾语从句时,第二个that则不能省略。 ‎ ‎1) We all know (that) the earth runs around the sun.‎ ‎2) Mary said (that) she is from American and that she is 16 years old.‎ ‎3. 定语从句中的省略 在定语从句中,that, which, who在从句中作宾语时可省略。‎ ‎1) I haven’t read the book (that/ which) you’re reading.‎ ‎2) The man (that/ who) your father just talked to is our English teacher, Mr. Smith.‎ ‎4. 状语从句中的省略 在以when, while, once引导的时间状语从句及以if, unless引导的条件状语从句中和though, although引导的让步状语从句中,如果从句中的主语与主句中的主语 ‎ 指同一对象,且从句中含有be动词时,从句中可省去“主语+be”部分。‎ C1) When he was asked what he had done, John just kept silent.‎ C When ( he was )asked what he had done, John just kept silent.‎ C2) If he is free, Jack will go with us.‎ C If (he is) free, Jack will go with us.‎ C3) Unless he is invited, he won’t come.‎ ‎ C Unless ( he is) invited, he won’t come.‎ ‎ 4) While he is doing house work, my father often listens to music. ‎ C While ( he is) doing house work, my father often listens to music.‎ 四 不定式中的省略 动词不定式中为了避免重复,省去与前面出现的相同部分,只保留to,但如果在省略的不定式结构中含有be,have, have been时,要保留这些词。 ‎ ‎1)C –Are you going there? ‎ ‎ – Yes, I’d like to .(go there).‎ ‎2)C He didn’t give me the chance, though he had promised to . (give me the chance).‎ ‎ C3) –Are you an engineer? – No, but I want to .(be)‎ ‎ 4) –He hasn’t finished the task yet. ‎ ‎ –Well, he ought to .(have)‎ Attention !‎ 使役动词及感官动词后面作宾语补足语的不定式一定要省去to,但在被动语态中须将to复原 C1) I noticed a man to enter the classroom when I passed by.‎ ‎ ----- A man was noticed to enter the classroom.‎ ‎ 这类使役动词及感官动词主要有: ‎ ‎ 一感feel, 二听listen to ,hear, 三让have ,make ,let,四看notce ,see ,watch ,observe ‎ 五 虚拟条件句中的省略 在以if引导的非真实条件句中若含有were, had, should时,常可以省略if而将were, had, should置于句首。‎ ‎1)If I were you, I’d give the AIDS patient a hug.‎ ‎---Were I you, I’d give the AIDS patient a hug.‎ ‎2)If I had a lot of money, I’d aid the poor children.‎ ‎----Had I a lot of money, I’d aid the poor children.‎ 在含有表示“命令、要求、建议、许可”或“禁止”等意义的名词性从句中使用“should + 动词原形”表示虚拟语气的,should常可以省略。如:‎ ‎1) He suggest we (should ) set out right away.‎ ‎ 2) His suggestion is that we (should )set out right away.‎ ‎ 3) The order that we should stay where we are is very serious and severe.‎ ‎4)It’s very important that students should study hard at school.‎ 课堂达标评价 ‎ I finish off excises on age 37‎ II . Choose the best answers.‎ ‎1)----Tomorrow is a holiday. Why are you doing your homework? ‎ ‎ -----I am doing these exercises now so ‎ that I won’t have _____ on Sunday.‎ A. it B. them C. for D. to ‎2)----Shall I invite Ann to my birthday party tomorrow evening?‎ ‎ ----Yes. It’ll be fine if you______.‎ ‎ A. are B. can C. invite D. do ‎3)---- Aren’t you the manager?‎ ‎ ---- No, and I______‎ ‎ A. don’t want to B. don’t want to be C. don’t want be D. don’t want ‎4)---I’ll be away on a business trip. Would ‎ you mind looking after my cat?‎ ‎ ---Not at all______.‎ ‎ A. I’ve no time B. I’d rather not C. I’d like it D. I’d be glad to ‎5)---- Won’t you have another try?‎ ‎ ---- ________.‎ ‎ A. Yes, I will have B. Yes, I won’t have C. Yes, I won’t D. Yes, I will 7)----Do you think it will snow tomorrow?‎ ‎ ----______?‎ ‎ A.I don’t think B. No, I don’t think C. I don’t think so D. No, I don’t so ‎ 8)----Have you fed the cat?‎ ‎ ----No, but______.‎ ‎ A. I’m B. I am C. I’m just going D I am just gong to Suggested answers ‎ ‎1-5 DDBDD 7-8 CD ‎ III .单项选择 ‎1. ---I won’t do it any more. ----_______?‎ ‎ A. Why don’t B. Why don’t do it any more C. Why not D. Why not to ‎2. Although ____ to stop, he kept on working.‎ ‎ A. tell B. telling C. having told D. told ‎3. ---Will you waste time and money on that? -- --Certainly_______.‎ ‎ A. I not B. don’t C. not D. No ‎ ‎4. ----Mary didn’t attend the lecture, did she? ‎ ‎ ----Yes, she_______.‎ ‎ A. attended B. didn’t attend C. didn’t D. did ‎5. ---What’s John doing? --- _______ newspapers in the room.‎ ‎ A. She reading B. She reads C. To read D. Reading ‎6. _______ always succeed.‎ ‎ A. Honest and clever students B. Students who honest and clever ‎ C. Honest students and clever D. Students are honest and clever ‎7. ---Can you climb that tree, my boy?‎ ‎ ---_______?‎ ‎ A. I B. Myself C. Mine D. Me ‎8. Some people are against the plan but _______ support it.‎ ‎ A. any more B. many more C. much more D. no more ‎9. ---I’ll be away for a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?‎ ‎ ---Not at all. ________. ‎ ‎ A. I’ve no time B. I’d rather not C. I’d like to D. I’d be happy to ‎10. ---Why not go and have a dinner in a restaurant?‎ ‎ ---________. It’s too expensive.‎ ‎ A. Why not B. I agree C. I’m afraid not D. I’m sure ‎11. ____ I had time, I would have run round that lake again.‎ If B. Unless C. Had D. When ‎12. ---What do you think made Mary so upset?‎ ‎ --- _____ her bicycle.‎ As she lost B. Lost C. Because of losing D. Losing Suggested answers :‎ ‎1-5 CDCDD 6-12 ADBDCCD IV. 下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正。‎ ‎1. Our hometown is no longer what it used to.(be)‎ ‎2. When I in trouble, I always turn to her for help.(去掉第一个I 或I后加am)‎ ‎3. Tom picked up a coin in the road and handed one to a policeman.(it)‎ ‎4. No one can bear being laughed in public.(在laugh 后加at )‎ ‎5. When comparing with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn’t seem big at all.(compared)‎ ‎6. The goods were ordered last month haven’t arrived yet.(去掉were/goods后加that )‎ V Homework ‎ ‎1 Read the grammar items of (东方轿子) on page 46-47‎ ‎2 Finish exx of "强化演练14"‎ ‎3 Finish exx 1-3 of wb on page71 ‎ ‎ Period 5 Using language ‎ ‎ Reading Heroic Teenager Receives Award 教学目标:1. Improve the students' reading ability ‎ ‎ 2. Master some words ,phrases and sentence patterns ‎ 教学重点: how to use the useful language points correctly 教学难点: how to help the students to improve their reading ability.‎ 基础自主学习 I 重点单词 ‎ 1__________________n. 咽喉,喉咙 ‎ 2___________________vt. 给,介绍,赠送,呈现 ‎ 3__________________n. 典礼,仪式,礼节 ‎ 4_________________n.压力,压, 按,压迫 ‎ II 重点短语 ‎1 若干,许多 ____________________ 2 找到__________________________‎ ‎3 有影响,起作用-____________________ 4 着火___________________________‎ ‎5被授予 ___________________ 6 为 ...... 感到骄傲和自豪_______________‎ ‎7 (别人或自己) 卷入, 介入______________________‎ Suggested answers :‎ I throat, present, ceremony , pressure ‎ II 1. A numbet of , 2 put one's hands on ,3 ,make a difference ,4 catch fire ‎ ‎ 5 be presented with 6 be proud of 7 be involved in ‎ III Find out the following useful expressions in the passage ‎ at the Lifesaver Awards 在救生员颁奖大会 ‎ at a ceremony 在颁奖大会 ‎ lifesaving first aid 紧急抢救 a shocking knife attack骇人听闻的持刀杀人 present sb with sth=present sth to sb 赠送 put one’s hands on =find 找到 the injury to the hand/ arm/ leg..手上的伤口 apply pressure to the wound 按住伤口 quick thinking 敏捷的思维 make a difference 产生差别 IV Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the phrases ‎ A number of , put one's hands on , apply ......to , make a difference , be presented with ,be proud of, cut off , no doubt ‎ He ____________________an award of "Three-good Student "this term.‎ ‎2010 Guangzhou Asia Games needs _______________________________ volunteers .‎ I know her address is here somewhere ,but I can't __________________________ it right now.‎ I _____________________ my government's handling of the crisis..‎ Senior students should be optimistic that they can ____________________ in our world.‎ There is ____________________that our educational system leaves something to be desired.‎ The mud-rock flow also _____________________ highways between Jiuzhai‎ ‎Valley and Mianyang and Chendu.‎ We have _____________ this method __________ a very difficult maths problem.‎ Suggested answers ‎ ‎1 was presented with 2 a number of 3 put my hands on 4 was proud of 5 make a ‎ difference 6 no doubt 7 cut off 8 applied to ‎ 互动探究导学 ‎ Step 1 Pre-reading ‎ ‎1 Look at the form of the article. What type of writing can it be?‎ A a novel B. a research paper ‎ C. a student’s composition D . a newspaper report ‎2 Read the headline and the first paragraph guess : what is the story about ?‎ ‎ Step 2 Reading ‎ Skimming :‎ ‎1) Who is the heroic teenager?‎ ‎2) What is the award?‎ ‎3) Where and when was he awarded?‎ ‎4) Why does he receive the award? ‎ Suggested answers :‎ ‎1 A 17-year-old teenager, John Janson.‎ ‎2 He was honored at the Lifesaver Awards.‎ ‎3 In Rivertown last night.‎ ‎4 For carrying out first aid on a neighbor after a knife attack.‎ Careful reading :‎ ‎1 Who was Anne? What happened to her?‎ ‎(His neighbour, a mother of three.‎ Had been stabbed repeatedly…‎ Bleeding heavily..‎ Her hands had almost been cut off)‎ ‎2 What first aid did John perform on Anne?‎ John _______ Ms Slade’s injuries with ____________;and then he ________________ to the wounds to ___________________.‎ Suggested answers :‎ dressed ,tea towels , applied pressure , slow the bleeding ‎ ‎3 Do EX1 of P38 of SB ‎ ‎4 Read the text and fill in the blanks.‎ Suggested answers :‎ Screaming,Front garden, tea towels,dress,applying ,slow the bleeding ,,high school ,The Lifesaver Awards Discussion :‎ ‎1 Do you think John was silly or brave to get involved in the situation? Give reasons.‎ ‎ Some possibilities:‎ ‎ The attacker was still at the scene of stabbing.‎ ‎ The attacker left but returned later.‎ ‎ The woman had AIDS.‎ ‎ John had performed first aid on the woman but she died anyway.‎ ‎2 What do you think of John’s action? Give at least 3 adjs.‎ ‎(brave heroic quick-thinking helpful selfless fearless confident kind-hearted )‎ ‎3 Would you have done the same as John ?Give your reasons .‎ Some possibilities:‎ ‎ The attacker was still at the scene of stabbing.‎ ‎ The attacker left but returned later.‎ ‎ The woman had AIDS.‎ ‎ John had performed first aid on the woman but she died anyway.‎ ‎4 Do you think it is worthwhile to take a course in first aid? Give your reasons .‎ ‎5 Discuss what you will do in the following situation.‎ On your way home, you suddenly hear a boy shouting “Help” in the river. Will you jump into the water to save him? If he is pulled out of water, will you give him some first aid and what first aid will you perform on him?‎ Step 3 Language points ‎ ‎1 (Para2): John was presented with his award … …‎ ‎ present n.礼物 ;目前 ‎ v.颁发,授予,赠送 present sth. to sb. 把某物赠送某人 ‎ present sb. with sth Eg. They presented flowers to their teacher.____________________________‎ He presented a gold cup to the winner._____________________________________‎ Suggested answers ‎ ‎1 他们送花给老师 2 他给获胜者颁发金杯 Adj 在场的,出席的,当前的 present situation 目前的形势, people present at the meeting 出席会议的人 ‎ 温馨提示: (Adj 在场的,出席的 用作表语或后定语,”目前的 ,现在的 为前定语)‎ ‎ n. = gift 礼物 即学即练 ‎1 The computer center _________ a cheque for 1$ million to cancer research center ,which is important to it. A presented B paid C reflected D charged ‎ ‎2 ______ today ______red flowers .‎ A The present workers ;presented to B Those present ;are presented to ‎ C Those present; are presented with D Present those ; are present ‎ ‎2 (Para4):but when nobody could put their hands on any … ‎ ‎ put one’s hand(s) on常用于否定句、疑问句或条件从句中,意为“找到,得到”。‎ ‎ eg, I’m afraid I can’t put my hand(s) on the book you want.‎ ‎ 恐怕我一时找不到你想要的那本书。‎ ‎ 即学即练 It's most upset that you can't ______ ______ _______ ______it when you badly need somthing . (put your hands on )‎ My mother opended the drawer to ________ the knives and spoons .‎ A put away B put down C put on D put together (A)‎ 拓展延伸:‎ 放好,把 收拾起来 put away 将 放回 put......back ‎ 推迟 put off 把 放下,写下,记下 put down ‎ 提出 put forward 穿上,上演 put on ‎ 熄灭,伸出,拿出,公布,发布,生产, put out 忍受 put up with ‎ 挂起,张贴,举起,抬起,建造,put up ‎ ‎3 (Para4): John used these to treat the… injuries dress:1). clean and bandage (a wound)包扎 Treat 此处是“处理;治疗”的意思。如:‎ He was treated for severe sunburn. ‎ 他因严重晒伤接受治疗。‎ Treat 的常用意思还有“对待;把。。。看作;款待;请客”等。如:‎ The stepmother treated Cinderella very badly. ‎ 继母对灰姑娘很不好。‎ Please treat everything I said as a joke. ‎ 请把我所说的一切都看成笑话吧。‎ I’ll treat you all dinner. 我请你们大家吃饭。‎ 拓展延伸 treat sb. badly/well 虐待/对某人好 treat ......as /like 把。。。。。。当作,像。。。。。。一样对待,处理,看待 treat sb./oneself to sth. 请客,款待,招待某人 treatment n.对待,治疗 ‎ 即学即练 ‎1 --You don't have to worry about the expense .______(C)‎ ‎----that's very kind of you .‎ A I an richer than you B I know you can't afford it ‎ ‎ C It is y treat this time D You can ask me for some mney ‎2 The medical team left the village with great satisfaction ____ a lot of local villagers.‎ A treating B to treat C treated D having treated ‎3. There is no doubt that John’s quick thinking ‎ ‎ and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade’s life.‎ There is no doubt that he can recite it. ‎ ‎= I do not doubt that he can recite it . 我相信他能把它背下来 We have no doubt of his ability.‎ 即学即练 ‎1 Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ______ a cure for AIDS will be found .,(C)‎ A which B what C that D whether ‎2 The boy said he could lift the heavy stone(A)‎ ‎ --________ is no doubt about that .‎ A There B It C This D What ‎ 5 (Para6): It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.‎ ‎ Make a(some/no/any/not much/a great deal of) difference ‎ ‎ 有(一些/没有/任何/不太大的/很大的) 重要性.‎ ‎ tell the difference between .....and ...... 辨别....... 的差别 即学即练 ‎1 Changing schools_______ ______ _________ ______ to my life. ‎ ‎ 转学对我的一生有着重大影响.‎ ‎2 It ______ ______ _____________ to me what you say: I’m not going. ‎ ‎ 对我来说你说什么都无所谓,反正我不去.‎ ‎3 The rain didn’t ______ ______ _______to the game.这场雨对比赛没多大影响.‎ Suggested answers ‎1 made a big difference 2 makes no difference 3 make any difference ‎ 说明:其余的语言点见(东方轿子)‎ Homwork ‎ ‎1 Find more articles about first aid to read .‎ ‎2 Finish the exx of 强化演练15 of "东方轿子"‎ 课堂达标评价:‎ I. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词 By no means am I satisfied with my__________________(目前的) study.‎ The schedule's so ______________(紧的 ) that we can't finish the work next week.‎ ‎3 China ___________(坚决地) opposes US military report on China .‎ Generally speaking, national flag of the People' Republic of China is raised during the opening ____________(仪式) of every important sport games. ‎ ‎5 He show great (勇气) in face of crisis .‎ ‎6 An (救护车) soon arrived and took Tony to the nearest hospital .‎ Some young people always complain their parents putting too much (压力) on them. ‎ Students should ________________themselves __________(专心于)their study.‎ Suggested answers ‎ ‎1 present 2 tight 3 firmly 4 ceremony 5 bravery 6 ambulance 7 pressure 8 apply to ‎ II完成句子 ‎1 He keeps a file of letters so he can __________________________(找到,找出) one whenever he meeds it.‎ ‎2 ___________________/_______________/_____________(毫无疑问) Li Qiang is qualified for the position of monitor.‎ ‎3 Education can ______________________________(有重大影响) to the quality of a person's life.‎ ‎4 ________________(许多) volunteers are assisting those people living in the earthquake-hit area.‎ ‎5 when I saw the flags flying in the wind,_____________________(我感到自豪) ,being a member of this school.‎ Suggested answers ‎ ‎1 put his hands on 2 There is no doubt that /No doubt /Without doubt ‎3 make a big difference 4 A large number of /Many 5 was proud of ‎ III 单选 We can see no clouds in the sky.Therefore ,there is no doubt.______it will be fine tomorrow.. A that B whether C if D how ‎2 Now a lot of new technologies can _______ problems in people's livelihood.‎ A be applied to solve B be applied to solving C apply to solve D apply to solving ‎3 It is well known to all that water,_________ enough,can change into ice quickly.‎ A if cooling B though to be cooled C when cooled D when is cooled ‎4 You can ask him again if you like , but it won't make any _____ -he will still say no .‎ A sense B decision C contribution D difference ‎ ‎5 ---It is so hot. What about getting a drink ?‎ ‎---good idea .it's my _______ today.‎ A Charge B treat C trade D cost ‎ ‎6 _______ cities in several provinces in china have been seriously hit by the debris flow . Now people in the affected areas are __________ food and fresh water .‎ A A number of ,lacking in B The number of ; lacking in ‎ C A number of ,lacking of D The number of ,lacking of ‎ ‎7 Our headteacher has announced that the basketball game won't be ____unless it rains heavily. A put aside B put off C put up D put down ‎8 In case of rain ,the opening __________of the book fair will have to be held indoors.‎ A Politeness B ceremony C behavior D kindness ‎ The corridor (走廊)was so narrow that I had to_____myself against the wall to let them pass. A Pull B press C defend D prevent ‎10-- When did you buy this still life picture ?‎ ‎---It ws in 1999 _____ i traveled in paris .‎ A since B that C when D before ‎ Suggested answers ‎ ‎1-5 ABCDB 6-10 ABBBC

