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‎2018届人教版必修二一轮复习:Unit 5 Music单元教案 第一部分 教学设计说明 About the topic and the structures 单元话题和结构 本单元的话题是Music, 介绍了几种类别的音乐和一支著名的乐队组合。‎ 句法项目是in/for/with/by/+which/whom 引导的定语从句。 ‎ 教学设计在单元课时划分上与课本保持一致,即“阅读课、知识课、运用课三课时/三课型划分”。但在实际教学过程中,我们建议教师依据学生基础、教学条件、学校安排等因素,对课本、对教学设计重新划分课时,裁剪、拼接使用教案提供的材料,以便“物尽所用”,达到最佳教学效果。教师也可以参照教案提出的“实际教学过程课时划分建议”进行教学。‎ Period 1‎ Reading ‎ 阅读课 Warming Up要求学生看、听、说有关音乐的事情,为其后的阅读作词语、句法和话题的准备。教师可补充:爵士乐,一种起源于非洲的音乐形式。爵士乐在其发展过程中除了有黑人音乐的根源外,还吸收了如古典音乐,民族音乐等诸多音乐元素,逐渐形成了今天多门多类的爵士乐,所传递的内容也更为多样,不光只是早期的“黑人风格”。‎ Pre-reading要求学生用英语口头交流自己最喜欢的乐队组合。教师可以补充介绍如下学生喜爱的组合:凤凰传奇,信乐团,飞轮海,信乐团,水木年华,飞轮海,花儿乐队,羽泉,五月天,T.G.4,吉祥三宝,小虎队,后街男孩,黑鸭,飘乐团,Mix,南合文斗。‎ Reading短文重点介绍一支名为“The Monkees”的乐队组合。教师可引导学生抓主题句、句子结构、短语搭配,理解全文, 并依据教案提供的“表格”、“结构图”等进行课文复述活动。‎ Period 2‎ Learning about language ‎ 知识课 Learning about language Learning about language和课本一样,也分两部分:词法和句法。第一部分是词法训练,强化学生对本单元重点词汇、短语的掌握和使用;第二部分是句法训练,学习和使用英语“介词+which/whom引导的定语从句”。‎ Period 3‎ Using language 运用课 Using language首先引导学生朗读学过的课文,然后阅读一则有关Freddy水平的短文,其后是“如何组建乐队”的听说活动。‎ 实际教学过程课时划分建议 Period 1‎ 将Warming Up、 Pre-reading、Reading和Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。‎ Period 2‎ 将Learning about language 和Workbook中的 USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS、USING STRUCTURES 整合在一起上一节“语言知识课”。‎ Period 3‎ 将Using language 设计为一节包括听说读写单项技能或组合技能训练的“综合技能课(一)”。‎ Period 4‎ 将Workbook 的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING整合在一起上一节“听说课”。‎ Period 5‎ 将Workbook 的LISTENING TASK、READING AND WRITING TASK和 SPEAKING TASK整合为一节“综合技能课(二)”。‎ 第二部分 教学资源说明 Section 1‎ Background ‎ 背景 围绕单元话题“音乐”教案提供了若干实用性背景材料。这些材料既可以作为教师教学参考材料为教师所用,也可以直接或改写、重组后作为课堂内外的拓展性阅读材料呈现给学生。‎ Section 2‎ Explanation 解析 重点针对“阅读课型”中的课文难句,教案提供了详尽的,就句论句的解析和翻译,并且以解析的焦点话题为线索,进行了一定的归纳、辨析和总结,以帮助教师更好地实施“语言形式”的教学。‎ Section 3‎ 按照课本单元词汇表顺序,教案重点提供动词、短语搭配的讲解。所提供的例句,经典、地道、实用、易懂,完全可以直接用于教学。‎ Vocabulary 词汇 第三部分 教学测评说明 围绕单元词法、句法项目,教案提供了长短不一的“单元教学测评”,并备有参考答案供教师使用。有些测评题目直接源于历年高考试卷,更具有说服力和实用性。‎ Period2 language points roll ‎ n. 卷,滚动,名单 v. 滚,使...转动,摇摆 ‎1. The dog rolled on the floor. 狗在地板上打滚。‎ ‎2. The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick. 轮船不停地缓慢摇晃使他感到不适。‎ ‎3. Years rolled on. 岁月流逝。‎ ‎4. The ship was rolling heavily to and fro. 那船晃来晃去很不平稳。‎ ‎5. She rolled in for work twenty minutes late. 她懒懒散散地来上班,迟到了二十分钟。‎ ‎6. Let them roll!/Roll 'em! 开机!‎ ‎7. The comedian soon had them rolling in the aisles. 那滑稽演员很快就逗得他们捧腹大笑。‎ ‎8. He's an artist, a scientist and a shrewd businessman (all) rolled into one. 他既是艺术家, 又是科学家, 同时还是个精明的生意人。‎ dream of ‎ vt. 做梦(梦见)‎ ‎1. I shouldn't dream of doing such a thing. 我做梦也不会想到做这件事。‎ ‎2. She dreamed of a handsome young prince coming to rescue her from her misery. 她梦见一个年青漂亮的王子把她从苦难中救出。‎ ‎3. His dream of becoming an artist has been fulfilled. 他成为一个艺术家的梦想实现了。‎ ‎4. I hope his dream of becoming a pianist will come true. 我希望他成为钢琴家的梦想可以成真。‎ ‎5. It goes without saying that a real sportsman will never dream of cheating in a game. 不用说,一个真正的运动员绝不会梦想在比赛时作弊。‎ ‎6. I'd never dream of allowing my child to do that. 我决不允许我的孩子做那种事。‎ ‎7. Against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming a ballerina. 她冲破重重困难, 实现了当芭蕾舞演员的梦想。‎ to be honest ad. 说实在的(老实说)‎ ‎1. I find (that) it pays to be honest. 我认识到为人诚实终受益。‎ ‎2. It pays to be honest with the taxman. 纳税诚实不吃亏。‎ ‎3. We knew her to be honest. 我们知道她很诚实。‎ ‎4. It is annoying to be honest to no purpose. 毫无意义地诚实是恼人的事。 ‎ form ‎ n. 形式,形状,表格 v. 形成,组成,建立 ‎1. A plan began to form in his head. 一项计划在他脑子中形成。‎ ‎2. He determined to form a club. 他决心成立一个俱乐部。‎ ‎3. In the early morning light we could just see the dark forms of the mountains. 在晨曦中,我们仅能看到群山的轮廓。‎ ‎4. Judging by recent form, he should easily pass the exam. 从他最近的表现来看,他应该很容易考及格。‎ ‎5. I've got no record of this horse's form. 我没有这匹马的情况记录。‎ ‎6. His research formed the basis of his new book. 他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础。‎ ‎7. After six months training, the whole team is in superb form. 全队经过六个月的训练竞技状态极佳。‎ ‎8. The team were on excellent form throughout the whole competition. 这个队在整个比赛过程中一直处于极好的竞技状态。‎ earn v. 赚得,获得,博得 ‎1. His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician. ‎ ‎ 他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明战略家的名声。 ‎ ‎2. He has earned a lot of money in this month. 这个月他已经赚了好多钱了。 ‎ ‎3. How does she earn her living? 她靠什么谋生? ‎ ‎4. Money earns more in a high interest account. 钱放在高利息的帐户里获利多。‎ ‎5. He earns 10000 a year. 他一年赚10000英镑。‎ ‎6. You've certainly earned your retirement. 你确已理当退休了。‎ ‎7. She earned her living by singing in a nightclub. 她靠在夜总会唱歌谋生. ‎ ‎8. Well-known sportsmen can earn large sums of money from manufacturers by endorsing clothes and equipment. ‎ ‎ 著名运动员在广告中替厂家宣传运动服装和器械, 可获得巨额报酬。‎ perform ‎ v. 执行,表演,做 ‎1. The surgeon has performed the operation. 外科医生做了手术。‎ ‎2. Their football team performed very well in the match yesterday. 他们的足球队在昨天的比赛中表现突出。‎ ‎3. The magician performed some astonishing tricks. 魔术师表演了一些令人惊叹的戏法。‎ ‎4. The new drug has performed well in tests. 那种新药试验效果不错。‎ ‎5. They are performing his play/piano concerto tonight. 他们今晚演出他的剧[钢琴协奏曲]。‎ ‎6. How is the new car performing? 新汽车性能如何?‎ ‎7. That notary is authorized to perform the certain legal functions. 公证人被授权执行某些法律职能。‎ ‎8. Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 现在激光可以用来做手术。‎ in cash ad. 有现款 ‎1. Four armed robbers forced their way into a Long Island house where they tortured a woman with a hot iron, then made off with$5, 000 in cash and jewelry, police said yesterday. ‎ ‎ 警方昨天说,四名挟带武器的强盗闯入长岛一户住宅,用烧热的熨斗折磨一位妇女,然后抢走了5000元的现金和珠宝。 ‎ ‎2. If you can't pay for the house in cash, you can buy it on installment. ‎ ‎ 如果你不能用现金购房, 也可以分期付款。 ‎ ‎3. Are you paying in cash or by cheque? 你用现款还是用支票支付? ‎ rely v. 信赖,倚赖,信任 ‎1. We are relying on your decision. 我们相信你的判断。 ‎ ‎2. I think I can come, but don't rely on it. 我想我能来,但还说不定。 ‎ ‎3. They have to rely on the river for their water. 他们用水只好依靠这条河。 ‎ ‎4. She cannot be relied on to tell the truth. 别指望她能说真话。‎ ‎5. Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us. ‎ ‎ 现今人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作。‎ ‎6. You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend. 你放心好了, 本周末一定下雨. ‎ ‎7. I relied on you(r) coming early. 我指望你早来。‎ ‎8. You can rely on me to keep your secret. 你尽管相信我一定为你保密。‎ rely on vt. 依靠(信赖)‎ ‎1. They have to rely on the river for their water. 他们用水只好依靠这条河。 ‎ ‎2. If Helen says she will complete the job on time you can always rely on her to deliver the goods. ‎ ‎ 如果海伦说她将按时完成任务的话,你可以永远信赖她,她会按时完成的。 ‎ ‎3. Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents. ‎ ‎ 既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。 ‎ ‎4. Don't rely on him to do anything he's just a talker. 什麽事都不要依靠他--他光会说空话。 ‎ ‎5. I think I can come, but don't rely on it. 我想我能来,但还说不定。 ‎ ‎6. Charities rely on voluntary donations/contributions. 慈善事业依靠自愿捐赠。‎ ‎7. I rely on my brother's words absolutely. 我绝对相信我哥哥的话。 ‎ ‎8. You can rely on your solicitor's professionalism in dealing with the house purchase. ‎ ‎ 你尽可依靠律师处理购房事宜。‎ or so ‎ 大约 ‎1. There are 300 students or so in this middle school. 这所中学大约有300个学生。‎ ‎2. The county town is a hundred li or so away from here. 县城离这有百儿八十里。‎ ‎3. The oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use. 按现在的消耗速度, 三十年左右现在的油井就会干涸。‎ ‎4. Granddad usually conks out (ie sleeps) for an hour or so after lunch. 爷爷吃过午饭往往要睡一个小时左右。‎ break up ‎ vt. 开垦(破碎,破坏,解散,结束,衰弱)‎ ‎1. He was breaking up under the strain. 他劳累过度,身体逐渐衰弱。‎ ‎2. The Government has broken up the large private estates. 政府把大片的私人地产分割开。‎ ‎3. The weather shows signs of breaking up. 好天气看样子要过去了。‎ ‎4. Police were called in to break up the meeting. 出动了警察将集会驱散。‎ ‎5. The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock. 会议在十一点钟散会。‎ ‎6. They decided to break up the partnership. 他们决定终止合作关系。‎ ‎7. Their marriage is breaking up. 他们的婚姻已破裂。‎ ‎8. Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可分成分句。‎ in addition 另外,加之 ‎1. In addition, delphi2.0 make it easy for customer to create application to meet the requirement to get the window95 logo. ‎ ‎ 另外,为了满足得到Windows95徽标的要求,Delphi2。0使客户创建应用程序更加简便。 ‎ ‎2. The negotiations struck a snag when the union leaders asked for paid holidays in addition to the usual wage increase. ‎ ‎ 当工会领袖们要求在通常的工资增加之外还应有带薪假日时,商谈遇到了阻碍。 ‎ ‎3. In addition to this item, please offer us2000 pieces of art. No.64 and58. ‎ ‎ 此外,请将货号64和58的2000件货物的报价告诉我们。 ‎ ‎4. In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience. ‎ ‎ 课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。 ‎ ‎5. In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil. ‎ ‎ 除了一本照相簿外, 我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。 ‎ ‎6. In addition to a diet, she pursues various exercises on TV. ‎ ‎ 节食以外她还随电视做体操。 ‎ ‎7. In addition (to the names on the list) there are six other applicants. ‎ ‎ 除此(名单上的名字)之外, 还有六个申请人. ‎ sort ‎ n. 种类,样子,态度 v. 分类,整理,排序 n.[计算机] DOS命令 : 在字符型文件中进行数据排序, 或者将DOS命令的输出进行排序 ‎1. Sort these eggs by size. 将这些蛋按大小分好。‎ ‎2. What sort of book do you want? 你要哪一类的书?‎ ‎3. She's been out of sorts since the birth of her baby. 她生了孩子以后身体一直不好。‎ ‎4. I'll leave you to sort this problem out. 我把这个问题交给你来处理。‎ ‎5. You sort of twist the ends together. 你怎么把顶端缠绕在一起了。‎ ‎6. I'll soon sort him out. Just let me get my hands on him! 我就要收拾他了, 等我捉到他时再说!‎ ‎7. He's always out of sorts early in the morning. 他大清早总是不痛快。‎ ‎8. What sort of paint are you using? 你用的是哪种颜料?‎ sort out ‎ vt. 分类(整理,选出,解决,惩罚,把...分类)‎ ‎1. It is necessary that he (should) sort out the information for my reference. 他有必要整理些资料供我参考。‎ ‎2. We must sort out the good apples from the bad. 咱们得把好苹果拣出来, 与坏的分开。‎ ‎3. Sort out a dispute. 解决一场争执。‎ ‎4. Sort out colours. 把颜色分类。‎ ‎5. Climbing that mountain will certainly sort out the men from the boys. 爬爬那座山就知道谁行谁不行了。‎ ‎6. There's always an odd one out when I sort out my socks. 我给袜子配对时, 总是有单只的剩下。‎ above all ‎ 首先,尤其是 ‎1. Children should learn above all how to observe good manners at table. 小孩首先应学会餐桌礼仪。‎ ‎2. He was above all a good and tireless writer. 他首先是位优秀的、不知疲倦的作家。‎ ‎3. What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his studies. 小孩子该做的最重要的事是学好功课。‎ ‎4. Shakespeare towers above all other Elizabethan dramatists. 莎士比亚远超过伊丽莎白时代所有的剧作家。‎ ‎5. He longs above all (else) to see his family again. 他尤其渴望再见到家的人 ‎1. Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? 你梦想在成千上万的人面前举办音乐会,人人都为你喝彩,赞颂的音乐?‎ 本句at which 引导的是非限制性定语从句,可以改写为:Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyone clapping and appreciating your music?‎ With复合结构中的everyone和clapping是逻辑主谓关系。复合结构的构成:with+宾语+宾语补足语,构成with复合结构,宾语可以是名词或是代词,宾语补足语可以是介词短语、过去分词、现在分词、形容词、动词不定式、副词。且with后面的宾语与其后的宾语补足语有逻辑上的主谓关系。‎ ‎1)With+宾语+介词短语He was asleep with his head on his arms. ‎ ‎2)with+宾语+过去分词(宾语与宾补之间是被动关系) All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. He lay in bed with his head covered. ‎ ‎3)with+宾语+现在分词(宾语与宾补之间是主动关系) With winter coming on,it's time to buy warm clothes. ‎ ‎4)with+宾语+to do(不定式做宾补有“将来”的含义) I can't go out with all these dishes to wash. ‎ ‎5)with+宾语+形容词/副词With John away,we've got more room. Anderson was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.‎ ‎2. They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practicing music in someone’s house is the first step to fame. 开始的时候他们往往是中学生组合,对于他们来说,在某个同学家练习是走向成功的第一步。‎ 句中for + whom 引导的是定语从句。“介词 + 关系代词”中的介词主要有以下三种确定方法:‎ ① 根据定语从句中的谓语动词或形容词来选用介词。如:The fellow to whom I spoke made no answer at first. (speak to) The West Lake, for which Hangzhou is famous, is a beautiful place. (be famous for) ‎ ② 根据先行词来确定介词。如:In his room, we saw a big table on which there were all kinds of books. (on the table) Yesterday we had a meeting at which we discussed many problems. (at the meeting) ‎ ③ 根据定语从句所表达的意义来确定介词。如:Air, without which man can't live, is really important. In front of the house Tom is planting a tree, under which he will be able to sit and read some day.‎ ‎3. However, there was one band that started in a different way. 然而有一个乐队起步的方式就不一样。‎ 句中however是连词,表示转折,可以放在句首或者句中。例如:I thought those figures were correct. However, I have recently heard they were not. 我原以为那些数字正确无误。不过我最近听说并不正确。 However does he manage to write music when he is so deaf? 他聋成这个样子,究竟是怎样从事作曲的呢? His first response was to say no. Later, however, he changed his mind. 他最初的反应是不同意。可是後来他改变了主意。 She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate. 她病了。然而她照旧去上班,并且尽力集中精神工作。However I approached the problem, I couldn't find a solution. 这一问题我不管怎样都无法解决。‎ 单元综合知识运用 第一部分 基础测试 A. 单词拼写 请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式 ‎1. Their first TV show was a big h_________ and many people phoned asking for another show. ‎ ‎2. In the evening he does an e__________ job in a restaurant to earn more money. ‎ ‎3.This company spends a lot of money on a________ every year to show their products to the public.‎ ‎4. During a football match, thousands of football f___________ often shout at the top of their voice to cheer for their teams.‎ ‎5. Some people beg from p__________ in the streets. This is their way of making a living.‎ ‎6. The little boy likes music and dreams of becoming a m_____________. ‎ ‎7. She is fond of singing f__________ songs. ‎ ‎8. Let’s go to the theatre first and eat at a restaurant a____________. ‎ ‎9. Were you nervous (紧张) when you gave a p___________ to a TV camera for the first time.‎ ‎10. I’m sure you have the a_________ to solve the problem. Don’t be disappointed.‎ B. 句型转换 根据A句句义,用本单元所学的句型或短语完成B 句,使其句义相同或相近。‎ ‎11. A: Do you sing karaoke and close your eyes and pretend you are Coco Li and Liu Huan?‎ ‎ B: Do you sing karaoke and close your eyes and pretend _____ _______ Coco Li and Liu Huan?‎ ‎12. A: They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.‎ ‎ B: They may play to passers-by in the street or subway______ _______ _______ earn some extra money.‎ ‎13. A: Their music and jokes were based loosely on the band called “The Beatles”.‎ ‎ B: They ______ their music and jokes loosely on the band ______ ______ called “The Beatles”.‎ ‎14. A: As soon as the programme ended, the telephones started singing.‎ ‎ B: As soon as the programme ______ ______, the telephones started ringing.‎ ‎15. A: Is this the hospital? He was born in the hospital.‎ ‎ B: Is this the hospital ______ ______ he was born?‎ C. 完成句子 ‎16. I ______ ________ (很荣幸) to be asked to speak at the meeting.‎ ‎17. ______ ______ ______ ________ _______(大部分男生) are fond of playing basketball.‎ ‎18. The students pretended ________ _________ _________ (在看书) when the teacher came in.‎ ‎19. I came across his name _______ _________ (偶然) on the list and knew he would go there too.‎ ‎20. It is good to have money, but __________ _________ (最重要的是) we must be healthy.‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 ‎21. Some _________ used to perform in the street of London to ___________.‎ A. man musicians; passers-by B. man musicians; passers-bys C. men musicians; passers-by D. men musicians; passers-bys ‎22. With everything she needed ________, Mum left the marketplace.‎ ‎ A. to buy B. having bought ‎ C. buying D. bought ‎23.The little boy pretended ___________when his mother came in. His mother believed it and didn’t wake him.‎ A. to be asleep B. asleep C. sleeping D. to be sleepy ‎24. I hurried _____ I wouldn’t be late for class.‎ ‎ A. since B. so that ‎ C. as if D. unless ‎25. Would you please answer the telephone, Tom? It has been ringing ________.‎ ‎ A. the forth time ‎ B. the forth times ‎ C. four times ‎ D. forth time ‎26. —You seemed to be very surprised at the news that he won.‎ ‎—Not exactly. It was his courage his skill really struck me.‎ A. as well as; that B. with; that C. but also; which D. and; which ‎27. The Chinese are good at table tennis ________ the English are interested in football.‎ A. if    B. as C. while   D. since ‎28. You needn’t wait for me. I’ll be there for ___________.‎ ‎ A. one hour or two ‎ B. an hour or two ‎ C. a hour or two ‎ D. one or two hour ‎29. His novel is a great success and it is ___________ young people.‎ A. popular with B. popular by C. refused by D. received with ‎30. — You’re two hours late!‎ ‎— The car ___________ halfway for no reasons.‎ A.broke off B.broke down C.broke up D.broke out ‎31. We congratulated him _____ his getting a gold medal. That is to say: we offered him our congratulations _____ his getting a gold medal.‎ ‎ A. at; on B. of; on C. on; for D. on; on ‎32. It looks _______ you are ill. You should go to see the doctor.‎ ‎ A. as B. as if C. which D. whether ‎33. The theory ___________ he’s stuck ______ us that earthquakes can be forecast.‎ ‎ A. to that; proves to B. to which; prove C. which; to prove to D. to which; proves to ‎34. She stepped on my foot ________, not ________, which made me angry.‎ A. by chance; on purpose B. on purpose; by chance C. by purpose; by chance D. for purpose; by chance ‎35. (2004年辽宁卷35) The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _____ are sold abroad.‎ A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。‎ One evening, long after most people had gone to bed, one of my friends and I 36 happily home through the 37 street. We had been to a musical concert and 38 about the people we had seen and heard in it.‎ ‎“The show 39 him a star overnight,” said my friend about one of them. “He was completely 40 before. And now thousands of people 41 him gifts and letters.” “I thought him quite good,” I said, “but not 42 thousands of letters. As a matter of 43 , one of his songs gave me a shock. It was too noisy.” “What was that?” my friend asked me, “ 44 it to me.” I began to sing. “Do be quiet. You will give everybody a shock and 45 them up for miles 46 , besides, there will be a policeman 47 us.” My friend gave me an astonished look.‎ ‎“Never mind. I don’t care. What is the matter?” I said and went on singing 48 the top of my voice.‎ Presently there came a policeman, 49 in front of me, his notebook 50 . “ 51 , sir,” he said, “You have a very good voice, if I 52 say so. Who taught you singing? I’d very much 53 to find someone who can give my daughter singing lessons. Would you be 54 to tell me your name and address? Then my wife and I would 55 on you and we could discuss it.”‎ ‎36. A. went B. was coming C. was making our way D. had lost our way ‎37. A. calm B. crowded C. silent D. quiet ‎38. A. were thinking B. were talking C. knew D. were discussing ‎39. A. called B. turned C. named D. made ‎40. A. famous B. forgotten C. stranger D. unknown ‎41. A. show B. write C. send D. brought ‎42. A. worthy B. worth C. received D. accepted ‎43. A. fact B. facts C. a fact D. the fact ‎44. A. Read B. Sing C. Say D. Tell ‎45. A. call B. pick C. wake D. join ‎46. A. long B. far C. around D. away ‎47. A. observing B. after C. besides D. in front of ‎48. A. with B. on C. in D. at ‎49. A. stood B. going C. standing D. walking ‎50. A. closing B. closed C. open D. opened ‎51. A. Wait a minute B. Stop singing C. I’m sorry D. Excuse me ‎52. A. may B. can C. must D. don’t ‎53. A. liked B. wanted C. like D. eager ‎54. A. brave B. kind enough C. willing D. honest ‎55. A. try B. visit C. invite D. drop in 第三部分 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C或D)中,选出最佳选项 A Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the United States today because it is about simple but strong human feelings and events-love, sadness, good times, and bad times. It tells real-life, stories and sounds the way people really talk. As life becomes more complicated(复杂), it is good to hear music about ordinary people.‎ Country music, sometimes called country-western, comes from two kinds of music. One is the traditional music of the people in the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern Unite States. The other is traditional cowboy music from the west. The singers usually play guitars, and in the 1920s they started using electric guitars. At first city people said country music was low class. It was popular mostly in the South. But during World War II, thousands of Southerners went to the Northeast and Midwest to work in the factories. They took their music with them. Soldiers from the rest of the country went to army camps(军营)in the South. They learned country music. Slowly it became popular all over the country.‎ Today country music is also popular everywhere in the United States and Canada—in small towns and in New York City, among black and white, and among educated and uneducated people. About 1, 200 radio stations broadcast country music twenty-four hours a day. English stars sing it in British English, and people in other countries sing it in their own languages. The music that started with cowboys and poor southerners is now popular all over the world.‎ ‎56. It can be learned from the passage that country music comes from .‎ ‎ A. the Northeast and Midwest ‎ B. factories and army camps in the South ‎ C. the Appalachian Mountains and the West ‎ D. real-life stories in small towns ‎57. Before World War II country music was popular mainly in .‎ ‎ A. the south B. the north ‎ C. the Midwest D. the Northeast ‎58. During World War II many Southerners went to the Northeast and the Mid-west because .‎ ‎ A. they wanted to take music with them ‎ B. they wanted to make other people like country music ‎ C. they wanted to work in the factories there ‎ D. they wanted to make country music popular ‎59. Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the world today because .‎ ‎ A. city people said it was low class ‎ B. people could sing it in many different languages ‎ C. it started with cowboys and poor Southerners ‎ D. it is loved by different kinds of people in the world ‎60. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?‎ ‎ A. Country music is about human feelings and events.‎ ‎ B. Country music is sung by stars all in English.‎ ‎ C. Country music is popular among city people today.‎ ‎ D. City people didn’t like country music at first.‎ B Alice always wanted to be a singer. Music was the most important thing in her life and, to tell you the truth, she took lessons for years, and practiced every day, but in spite of all this, her voice didn’t improve. Honestly, it didn’t get better, it just got louder.‎ Her teacher finally gave up and stopped the lessons, but Alice refused(拒绝)to give in, and one day she decided to give a concert and invited her teacher to attend.‎ The teacher was very worried about what to say after the concert. She knew it would be terrible and it was. She didn’t want to tell a lie, but she didn’t want to hurt Alice’s feelings, either. Finally, she got an idea and went backstage (后台) to greet her pupil.‎ ‎“Well,” said Alice, “what did you think of my singing?”‎ ‎“My dear,” said the teacher, “you’ll never be better than you were tonight.”‎ ‎61. Alice wanted to be a singer because she .‎ ‎ A. was good at singing B. could do nothing but sing ‎ C. had a good teacher D. was most interested in music ‎62. Alice’s teacher stopped the lessons because .‎ ‎ A. Alice didn’t make any improvement in singing ‎ B. Alice’s voice became louder and louder ‎ C. Alice didn’t work hard enough ‎ D. Alice was so proud and wouldn’t listen to her ‎63. What made Alice decide to give a concert?‎ ‎ A. She wanted to prove that her teacher was wrong.‎ ‎ B. She wanted to please her teacher.‎ ‎ C. She was sure that she could sing beautifully.‎ ‎ D. Somebody else wanted her to do so.‎ ‎64. What is really meant by saying “You’ll never be better than you were tonight.”?‎ ‎ A. You gave a wonderful concert tonight.‎ ‎ B. You won’t make any improvement in future.‎ ‎ C. You have never sung so well before.‎ ‎ D. You did much better before than tonight.‎ ‎65. If Alice’s teacher had told a lie, she might have said .‎ ‎ A. “I don’t like the concert.”‎ B. “You have made no progress.”‎ ‎ C. “The concert tonight is terrible.”‎ D. “Your concert tonight is excellent.‎ C If parents bring up child with the aim of turning the child into a genius(天才), they will cause great damage to him. According to several leading educational psychologists(心理学家), this is one of the biggest mistakes which some parents make. Generally, the child will understand very well what the parent expects, and will fail. Unrealistic(不现实的) parental expectations can cause great damage to children.‎ However, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible (有理智的) way, the child may succeed in doing very well — especially if the parents are very supportive (支持的,鼓励的) of their child.‎ Michael Li is very lucky. He is very fond of music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometres twice week for violin lessons. Although Michael’s mother knows very little about music, Michael’s father plays the trumpet (小号) in a large orchestra (管弦乐队). However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling.‎ Michael’s friend, Winston Chen, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him in every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. “When I was your age, I used to win every competition I entered.” Winston’s father tells him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.‎ ‎66. The main idea of the passage is .‎ ‎ A. how parents should make a child a musician ‎ B. how parents should bring up a child ‎ C. what differences there are between two kinds of parents ‎ D. what aim of a child can be much easier to reach ‎67. Michael is lucky because .‎ ‎ A. his parents help him in a sensible way ‎ B. his family is rich enough to have a car ‎ C. his father is a musician in a orchestra ‎ D. he is free to do anything that he likes best ‎68. Winston’s parents set so high a standard for him that .‎ ‎ A. he has to do his best to do everything ‎ B. he has made greater progress in music ‎ C. he is afraid he may disappoint them ‎ D. he often wants to kill himself some day ‎69. It is one of parents’ worst mistakes if .‎ ‎ A. they want their child to be a musician ‎ B. they help their child to win music competitions ‎ C. they don’t care for their child’s education much ‎ D. they make their child try to achieve too much ‎70. According to the author’s opinion, .‎ ‎ A. it is unimportant to let the children develop in the way they want ‎ B. parents should be supportive of their children ‎ C. all sensible parents can train their children to succeed in everything ‎ D. unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children 第四部分 阅读表达 阅读下面短文,然后根据文章后的题目要求进行简答。‎ To me, life without music would not be exciting. I realize that this is not true for everybody. Many people get along quite well without going to the concert or listening to the record. But music plays an important part in everyone’s life, whether he realizes it or not. Try to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feelings, the moving plots (情节), and the greatest interests, be as exciting or dramatic (富有戏剧性的)? I’m not sure about it. ‎ ‎  Now, we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning — the kind of music we hear in the concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music more closely, we discover them in our everyday life too — in the rhythm (旋律) of the sea, the melody of a bird in the woods and so on. So music surely has meanings for everyone in some way or other. And, of course, ___________________ for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.‎ ‎  Once a great man said, “Through music a child enters a world of beauty, expresses himself from his heart, feels the joy of doing things alone, learns to take care of others, develops his mind and makes his body strong.” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?‎ In my opinion, life would be less exciting if there was no music.‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4. What’s your opinion about the music in everyday life? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.)‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________________‎ 第五部分 书面表达 请你仔细阅读所给英文信,然后给Worried写一封回信。要求包含以下内容:‎ ‎1、安慰鼓励。‎ ‎2、记一些惯用词组和句型结构,将它们组织在一起并用其造句。‎ ‎3、多读英语,告诉他通过大量阅读才能正确使用语言。‎ ‎4、多背诵一些好的短文。‎ ‎ 要求: 不要逐字逐条翻译,词数一百左右。‎ Dear Helpful,‎ I’m a middle school students and I’m in trouble. I used to like English, but now I have some difficulty in English, especially in English writing. Though I know English is a very important subject, I think now it is too difficult for me. You know I have got poor results in English tests many times because my writing is poor. I wonder why so many students like English and can get good results in English tests. I do want to be one of the best students and go to a famous university after graduation. But my English is not good enough. What should I do?‎ ‎ Worried ‎______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考答案及重点解析 第一部分 基础测试 A. 单词拼写 ‎1. hit 2. extra 3. advertisements /adverts 4. fans 5. passers-by 6. musician 7. folk 8. afterwards 9. performance 10. ability B. 句型转换 ‎11. to be 12. in order to / so as to 13. based, which /that was 14. was over 15. in which C. 完成句子 ‎16. am /feel honoured 17. Most of the boy students 18. to be reading 19. by chance 20. above all ‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 ‎21—25 CDABC 26—30 ACBAB 31—35 DBDBA 重点解析:‎ ‎22. she needed是定语从句,修饰everything,everything与选项在逻辑上有被动关系,故选D,with everything bought是with的复合结构。全句意思是:买完了她需要的一切后,妈妈离开了市场。‎ ‎23. 根据题意判断,小孩假装睡觉。be asleep和be sleeping表示“在睡觉”,be sleepy表示“昏昏欲睡;想睡觉”。因而选A。注意下列结构: be sleepy (昏昏欲睡的;困了) à go to bed (去睡;就寝) à go to sleep / fall asleep (入睡;睡着) à be asleep (睡着(的状态))/ be sleeping (正在睡觉(表示动作)) à wake up (醒来)à get up (起床)‎ ‎24. 句意为:为了上学不迟到,我走得匆忙。‎ ‎26. 从句意看,答语使用的是强调句型,故排除C、D项;with不能作连词使用,因而选A。‎ ‎28.“一两个…”可以用“a +单数名词+or two”或“one or two +复数名词”表达; “两三个…”要用“two or three +复数名词”表达。or表示约略数字,意为“大约”,不用and。‎ a student or two =one or two students two or three students three or four students ‎29. 前文说小说很成功,那么它一定受人欢迎,因而,首先排除C项。选项中receive和popular都能表达这一意思,但是receive是动词,如果用在此处,句子是被动语态,应该用by,而不是with;表示“受某人的欢迎”用be popular with sb,不可用be popular by sb。‎ ‎31. congratulate sb. on / upon (doing) sth.意为“为某事祝贺某人”。congratulation通常用复数congratulations,其后多用介词on。‎ ‎33. stick to表示“坚持(原则、计划、诺言等)”;prove to …表示“向…证明”。本题主句为:The theory proves to us that earthquakes can be forecast;he’s stuck to是定语从句,其中介词to放在了关系代词前。句意为:他一直以来坚持的理论向我们证明地震是可以预报的。‎ ‎34. 由定语从句表达的意思可知,她是故意踩我的脚。on purpose的意思是“故意;有意地”,其反义词组为by chance或by accident,意思是“偶然;无意”。故选B。‎ ‎35. 在“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,介词后不能使用关系代词that,故排除D项;若选C项,在“80%”前应使用and,而不是逗号;B项结构错误;故A项为最佳答案。‎ 第二节 完形填空 ‎36—40 ADBDD 41—45 CBABC 46—50 CDDCC 51—55 DACBD 重点解析:‎ ‎37. calm冷静,镇静,多形容人的情绪,情感;silent意为沉默不语的,排除A、C。crowded意为拥挤的,与most people had gone to bed 不相符。故答案为D。‎ ‎38. A、C都不符合句意,discuss为及物动词,后直接接宾语,故只有B为正确答案。‎ ‎41. show不符合句意,brought意思和时态都不恰当,排除A、D;letters可write,但gifts不行,排除B。故答案为C。‎ ‎43. as a matter of fact为固定搭配,意为“事实上”。‎ ‎44. 根据下句I began to sing判断,此处应为sing。‎ ‎45. call up打电话;pick up捡起,拾起;join up连接起来;wake up叫醒。根据上下文,C为正确答案。‎ ‎46 for miles around意为“周围几里”。‎ ‎48. at the top of one’s voice习惯搭配,意为“以最大的噪音”。‎ ‎50. 此处强调状态,不强调动作,因此用形容词open。‎ ‎52. may可以用于礼貌地评价或提问等,意思是“可以”,例如:You look lovely, if I may say so. (我觉得你看上去很可爱)。‎ ‎53. 解题时,首先确定I’d是I would还是I had的缩写。从句意看,I’d是I would的缩写。故选C项,构成I’d like to do sth结构。‎ ‎54. Would you be kind enough to do…?是请某人做事或帮忙,是一种非常委婉客气的表达式。‎ ‎55. drop in on sb. 意为visit sb. 拜访某人,故选D。‎ 第三部分 阅读理解 ‎56—60 CACDB 61—65 DACBD 66—70 CACDB 重点解析:‎ ‎56. 从第二段前三句可以推知答案。‎ ‎57.依据It was popular mostly in the South.‎ ‎59.从短文最后一段可以得知。‎ ‎60.依据最后一段,其他国家的人用自己的语言演唱。‎ ‎61. 此题考查细节理解。第一段说明Alice对音乐最感兴趣。‎ ‎62. 第一段末的那句话,表明Alice在唱歌方面没有任何进展,只是声音更大了,因此,她的老师才决定放弃。‎ ‎64. 此题考查句意理解。老师委婉地说明Alice不适合学音乐,同时也不让她下不了台。“你不会再比今晚唱得好了”,意即你不会有什么提高了。‎ ‎65. 老师因不想撒谎,才说了文中那句话。倘若老师违心,她该极力赞扬Alice的演唱会,说它“棒极了”。‎ ‎66. 此题考查文章大意。这是一篇议论文。前两段提出问题,从反正两面提出如何培养教育(bring up) 孩子成才的问题;后两段从正反两面进行例证。‎ ‎67. 此题考查上下文的逻辑关系。文章第二段从正面提出“如果家长不对孩子抱着不现实的幻想,而是以理智的方法对其进行帮助,孩子就有可能成功……”,而Michael就很幸运(Michael is very lucky)。接着文章第三段介绍了他的父母明智的(sensible)、支持(supportive)孩子学习的教育方式。‎ ‎68. Winston的父母抱着不现实的期盼,给孩子定的目标太高,对孩子并没有什么帮助,反而使孩子总是担心会使父母失望。‎ ‎69. 文章第一段提到:几位重要的教育心理学家认为,以把孩子培养成天才为目的,是有些家长所犯的最大的错误之一。‎ ‎70. 此题考查作者的倾向性。从文章内容看,作者赞成对孩子的培养要现实、理智。‎ 第四部分 阅读表达 ‎1. Importance of Music.‎ ‎(评分要求:依据与文章整体内容的相关程度酌情给分。)‎ ‎2. To me, life without music would not be exciting.‎ ‎ (评分要求:要求准确找出以上的句子。)‎ ‎3. it has special meanings ‎(评分要求:要求给出的答案要保持与上下文的连贯性,而且与参考答案的意思相近。)‎ ‎4. (略)‎ ‎(评分要求:只要给出文中所列四条建议中的任何一条即可得1分;能对做出的选择进行合理的解释可得2分。)‎ ‎5. 但是不论人们是否意识到这一点,音乐在每一个人的生活中都起重要作用。‎ ‎(评分要求:要求在准确、全面的基础上,翻译成较为通顺的汉语,并表达出作者的思路。)‎ 第五部分 书面表达 One possible version:‎ Dear Worried,‎ ‎ I have received your letter and I’m glad to give you some suggestions. First of all, don’t be disappointed. Many students find it difficult to write well. In my opinion, if you want to improve your writing, you can do several things. First, do some study with set phrases and sentence structures. Keep a list of them and then try to make some sentences with them. Second, read as much as possible. There are many things that can’t be learnt. You must see them in books many times. Then you’ll be able to use them correctly yourself. So, in order to write well, you must learn to read much. Finally, you’d better recite some good passages.‎ ‎ Good luck to you in your writing.‎ Helpful

