青海省海东市2021届高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷 Word版含解析

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青海省海东市2021届高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷 Word版含解析

- 1 - 高三英语试卷 考生注意: 1. 本试卷共 150分。考试时间 120分钟。 2. 请将各题答案填写在答题卡上。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上 的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分) 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一 小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15 B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15. 答案是 C. 1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 How many people are there in Bob's family? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 【答案】A 【解析】 【原文】W: How many people are there in your family, Bob? M: Three. Father, mother and I. My father is a professor. My mother is a writer. I love them very much. 2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 What's the man? A. A teacher. B. A salesman. C. Amusician 【答案】B 【解析】 【原文】M: I think you have made the right choice before coming to us. We have a wide selection of cars. - 2 - W: I would like to rent a car with a good music player. I love listening to music. 3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 What are the speakers going to do? A. Return a file together. B. Take an exam separately. C. Go to the library together. 【答案】C 【解析】 【原文】W: I want to seek some important materials for the coming exams next week. Would you like to go to the library with me? M: Of course. I happen to return the English book. Besides, I plan to borrow several maths magazines. 4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 Which is the best season to visit the Fragrant Hills? A. Summer. B. Fall. C. Winter. 【答案】B 【解析】 【原文】W: Can you tell me something about the Fragrant Hills in Beijing? I heard it is very popular in China. M: Yes, especially in autumn, the red leaves of the trees make the whole mountain red, which attracts many people from all over the world. 5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 Where are the speakers talking now? A. On the phone. B. In the flight. C. At the airport. 【答案】C 【解析】 【原文】M: Hi, Miss. I would like to buy a round-trip ticket to Paris, please. W: Certainly sir. This is our flight schedule. We have a direct flight leaving every morning and an indirect flight leaving at night. 第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分) - 3 - 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 6. What do we know about the man? A. He has planted flowers in the garden. B. He has made noodles for his mother. C. He has worked the whole morning. 7. What does the man want to eat? A. Noodles. B. Tomatoes. C. Beef. 【答案】6. C 7. A 【解析】 【原文】M: I'm hungry, Mom. I have been watering the flowers in the garden all the morning. Is lunch ready? W: Yes. Wash your hands first. M: What are we going to have for lunch? W: Beef, eggs and tomatoes. All are what you like to eat. M: Are there any noodles? I haven't eaten noodles for a long time. W: Yes, there are. There is rice, too. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 8. What's the relationship between the speakers? A. Father and daughter. B. Mother and son. C. Brother and sister. 9. Who is in the yard? A. The man. B. The woman. C. The man's grandparents. 【答案】8. B 9. A 【解析】 【原文】W: Hurry up, Bob. We are about to visit your grandparents this morning. - 4 - M: Yes, Mom. I am coming. W: Take a shower first, then we will go to the supermarket to buy something for your grandparents. M: All right, Mom. W: What are you doing in the yard, Bob? M: I am doing morning exercises. I want to be stronger by doing morning exercises. W: Good! You can benefit by daily exercise. M: What are we going to buy for my grandparents, Mom? W: Some delicious foods, T-shirts and gym equipment. M: Oh, your are so considerate, Mom. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 10. What is the woman doing? A. Interviewing the man. B. Looking for a suitable job. C. Talking with the man about her job. 11. What was the man's previous job? A. Amarket researcher. B. A doctor. C. A sales manager. 12. What will the man do next week? A. Work as a manager. B. Go to China for business. C Start his job in the new company. 【答案】10. A 11. C 12. C 【解析】 【原文】W: Do you have an English name? M: Yes, I have. k-a-y Kay. W: Are you married? M: Not yet. I'm single. W: What is your education background? And what is your major? M: I graduated from college, and I majored in Computer Application. W: What did you do in China? - 5 - M: I worked as a sales manager in a Chinese company. W: Which company did you work in? M: A branded sports clothing company. W: What was your responsibility in the company? M: I was responsible for market research and analysis, sales planning, sales channels and customer management and training. W: Well... Please come next week and begin your work. M: I am glad to join your company. Thank you very much. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 13. Where are the speakers now? A. In a school. B. In a hotel. C. In a restaurant. 14. What is the man busy doing now? A. Packing his luggage. B. Eating something in his room. C. Receiving the woman customer. 15. When is the man going to check out? A. Before having lunch. B. About half past eleven. C. About a quarter to twelve. 16. What does the man feel about his stay? A. Satisfied. B. Disappointed. C. Bored. 【答案】13. B 14. A 15. C 16. A 【解析】 【原文】M: Hello. Is that the reception desk? W: Yes. May I help you, sir? M: Yes. I'll be checking out today. I'd like to have lunch before checking out. Could you arrange to have my bags brought down when I have my lunch? They are too heavy for me to carry. W: Certainly, sir. May I have your room number, please? M: It's Room 506. - 6 - W:What time will you be checking out? M: Around 11:45 am. W: I see, sir. Could you make sure that your bags are packed before you leave? M: Yes, of course. I'm packing them now. Maybe it will take me half an hour. W: Well... I will send our workers to carry your bags half an hour later. Then you can collect your bags from the reception desk in the hall. I hope you have enjoyed your stay here. M: Thank you very much, Miss! I will introduce more of my friends to come here. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 17. How long will sunburn be usually recovered? A. At least ten days. B. Within seven days. C. About half a month. 18. How can you treat your slight sunburn? A. By having a warm bath. B. By drinking some boiled water. C. By taking some foods with Vitamin E. 19. What might sunburn lead to? A. Whitening the skin. B. Skin cancer. C. Getting young quickly. 20. When might you get sunburnt more easily? A. At 3 pm, August B. At 4 pm, July. C. At 10 am, June. 【答案】17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A 【解析】 【原文】When skin is damaged by sun rays, it becomes red and sore. That is sunburn. It usually can't last too long. It can be fully healed within seven days, but in the meantime it may make your day-to-day life uncomfortable. You can usually treat mild sunburn at home. There are a number of ways to help until your skin heals. These include cooling your skin by having a cold bath or shower. And certain foods can help reduce sunburn. Vitamin E from nuts and vegetables can help to reduce sunburn. Once you've been sunburnt, you should try to avoid sunlight by covering up the affected skin until it's fully healed. Sunburn can increase your risk of developing skin problems in later life, such as - 7 - ageing, so it's important to follow the methods of prevention. Wear suitable clothing and apply sunscreen to your entire body 30 minutes before going outside, which can help protect your skin from strong sun rays. The risk of getting sunburn is highest from March to October, particularly from 11 am to 3 pm—this is when the sun's rays are strongest. Sunburn can also increase your risk of developing skin cancer. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Book Recommendation Second Harvest Author: Don Agey Like the first installment, Eclectic Harvest, this book includes rhymed poems which em-ploy different poetic techniques. If you are interested in it, buy it at a discount. Of Human Nature and Good Habits Author: Prabhash Karan Research claims that maintaining only 5 good habits—eating healthily, exercising, drinking properly, not smoking and maintaining a healthy body weight—can not only keep the life in golden years healthy but also extend the lifetime of the old men and women by 12 years and 14 years respectively. The book illustrates some aspects of lifestyles. As you can see, this book is especially suitable for people after retirement. The Dueling Wizards of Simpletown Author: Whitney Lee Preston The Dueling Wizards of Simpletown is a tale of fantasy involving two silly magicians, and a tricky plan by their two-faced servant. There is no doubt that kids will like it. Marvlt and Goreg Get in Big Trouble with a Dinosaur Author: Connor Anstiss Marvlt and Goreg live next door to each other, and are best friends. These two naughty 8-year-olds seem to get into all sorts of troubles. At the zoo, they have a much different encounter. Will they be okay? Read it and find the answer yourself. - 8 - 21. Which book will interest poetry lovers most? A. Second Harvest. B. Of Human Nature and Good Habits. C. The Dueling Wizards of Simpletown. D. Marvlt and Goreg Get in Big Trouble with a Dinosaur. 22. What does Prabhash Karan think enables the aged to live longer? A. Gaining weight. B. Keeping a healthy diet. C. Eating more. D. Drinking much wine. 23. What's Marvlt and Goreg Get in Big Trouble with a Dinosaur about? A. A story of zoo keepers. B. The experience of two magicians. C. A tale of the animal and children. D. The way to deal with naughty children. 【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇应用文。短文向读者推荐了四本书。 【详解】1.细节理解题。根据关键词“poetry”定位到 Second Harvest,结合本段中“Like the first installment, Eclectic Harvest, this book includes rhymed poems which em-ploy different poetic techniques.”和第一部《收获折衷主义》一样,这本书收录了押韵的诗歌,运用了不同的诗歌 技巧。所以 Second Harvest 这本书最能吸引诗歌爱好者。故选 A。 2.细节理解题。结合关键词“Prabhash Karan”可以定位到“Of Human Nature and Good Habits”,结 合“Research claims that maintaining only 5 good habits—eating healthily, exercising, drinking properly, not smoking and maintaining a healthy body weight—can not only keep the life in golden years healthy but also extend the lifetime of the old men and women by 12 years and 14 years respectively. ”研究表明,只保持健康饮食、锻炼、适量饮酒、不吸烟、保持健康体重 等 5 个良好习惯,不仅可以使老年人的晚年生活保持健康,而且可以使老年人的寿命分别延 长 12 年和 14 年。可知,保持五个良好的习惯(健康饮食、运动、适量饮酒、不吸烟、保持 健康体重)可以让男性老人和女性老人的预期寿命分别延长 12 年和 14 年。故选 B。 3.细节理解题。结合关键词“Marvlt and Goreg Get in Big Trouble with a Dinosaur”,定位到文章最 - 9 - 后一个黑体字部分。根据“Marvlt and Goreg live next door to each other, and are best friends. These two naughty 8-year-olds seem to get into all sorts of troubles.At the zoo, they have a much different encounter”Marvlt 和 Goreg 是邻居,他们是最好的朋友。这两个淘气的八岁 小孩,好像惹了很多麻烦。在动物园里,他们有着截然不同的遭遇.可知,这本书讲述了关于 动物和孩子的故事。故选 C。 B The 64-year-old Mahendra, the Secretary at People for Animals (PFA), talks about his disabled and wounded dogs like a father talks about his children—with the same love, affection and warmth. It was this love that led him to establish India's first shelter home for dogs living with disabilities. It all started in 1998. While taking a midnight walk, Mahendra came across a very weak dog on the street, whose bones were visible under its skin. Mahendra decided to feed it and for the next couple of days it became the centre of his life, until the night when he found it dead. After that, Mahendra started providing treatment to all wounded and sick dogs he came across. Some time later, someone told Mahendra about PFA, India's largest animal welfare organization, chaired by Mrs Maneka Gandhi. Mahendra contacted her and she was impressed by the work he was doing. Mrs Gandhi asked him to start a PFA chapter in Ahmedbad. Thus, in 2004, he started the shelter. It took a long time for Mehendra to find the land where the shelter could be set up. Finally, Ramesh Bhai Patel, a native farmer from a village named Jundal, agreed to give his land for nothing. Along with a team of four doctors and many volunteers, the shelter now has 25 dogs that were unable to walk at all when they were brought in. Today, they' re slowly healing. Dogs that have healed with proper treatment are sent back to where they came from if the environment there is safe. However, the shelter will be home to the blind dogs for all their lives, says Mahendra. The shelter runs on money coming from Mahendra's own pension of Rs. 45,000. There have been some financial crunches now and then, but Mahendra is determined that no matter what challenge comes their way, they' ll fight through. 24.What made Mahendra decide to do something for disabled and sick dogs? A. His contact with PFA. B. The encouragement of Gandhi. C. Awalk with a sick dog of Gandhi. D. The death of a homeless sick dog. 25.What happened to Mahendra when he tried to build the shelter? - 10 - A. He secured government funds. B. He got a land from a local farmer for free. C. He learned medical knowledge from doctors. D.He met with much difficulty in finding volunteers. 26.What does the underlined word “crunches” in the last paragraph probably mean? A. Advantages. B. Crisis. C. Services. D.Details. 27.Which of the following words can best describe Mahendra? A. Kind-hearted. B. Humorous. C. Open-minded. D.Modest. 【答案】24. D 25. B 26. B 27. A 【解析】 本文是记叙文,讲述了 Mahendra 成立印度第一个残犬、病犬收容所的过程和收容所的现状。 【24 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段的第一句“It all started in 1998.”这开始于 1998年。接下来第二段讲 述了Mahendra 散步时遇到了一条受伤的狗,然后就全身心地照顾他,直到小狗死亡。再结合 第三段“After that, Mahendra started providing treatment to all wounded and sick dogs he came across.”在那之后,Mahendra 开始为他遇到的所有受伤的和生病的狗提供治疗,综合可知, 一只虚弱、生病的流浪狗的死亡让他决定为残疾和生病的狗做些什么。故选 D 项。 【25 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段“Finally, Ramesh Bhai Patel, a native farmer from a village named Jundal, agreed to give his land for nothing.”可知,最后一个名叫 Ramesh Bhai Patel,来自 Jundal 的农民 同意将自己的土地无偿让给他。即当 Mahendra试图建造庇护所时,他从当地一位农民那里免 费得到一块地。故选 B 项。 【26 题详解】 词句猜测题。根据最后一段划线词后“but Mahendra is determined that no matter what challenge comes their way, they' ll fight through.”但是 Mahendra 决心无论他们面临什么样的挑 战,他们都将战胜它。再结合划线单词所在句子“There have been some financial crunches now and then”时不时有经济方面的 crunches,结合两句的意思以及两句之间的转折关系,可知 financial crunches 意思应该是“经济方面的困境,危机”,结合选项,可知 crunches 是“危机” - 11 - 的意思,故选 B 项。 【27 题详解】 推理判断题。根据 Mahendra 救助一只虚弱、生病的流浪狗,并努力建立残犬、病犬收容所的 故事可知,他是一个善良的人。故选 A 项。 C Modeste Traore has lived his whole life near Lake Wegnia, in the Sahel area of Mali. The lake’s fish have provided him with a way to earn money to support his extended family. How-ever, because he can’t catch enough fish to feed his family, he now raises farm animals. But as temperatures rise, evaporation increases, making the body of water shrinks. Studies have linked rising temperatures on Earth’s surface to climate change. The lake is shrinking, so are the chances of his children becoming fishermen. “If things go on like this, I don’t think our children can become fishermen like us. They will have to choose other jobs,” the 56-year-old Traore said. “During the rainy season, there is a lot of water but as soon as it’s over, there is no water left in the lake. We are fishermen. I don’t think our children will be,” he said. Lake Wegnia is in the Sahel region of Koulikoro, around 120 kilometers north of Mali’s capital, Bamako. Some 12,000 people, including fishermen and farmers, depend on it for food, water and employment. But the lake has shrunk by 20 percent since 2017. The UN expects temperatures there to increase 1.5 times higher than the average increase worldwide. UN officials note that the flooding and a severe lack of rainfall can cause problems in the Sahel: Food insecurity, the fight over farmland and the fast population growth can lead to conflict. Aid group is leading the Eco-Lac Wegnia project. The group is working to improve water management and fight the effects of global warming. Moussa Savagodo is Eco-Lac Wegnia’s local representative. He says that failing to make changes quickly can mean the lake will disappear completely in less than 5 years. People in the rural areas Wegnia and Kononi-Sirakoro have planted 56,000 trees in the past two years. And they are better controlling their water by building stone barriers to help the soil keep the rain that does fall. The progress and international official support are not enough for them, however. More and more people are turning to other agriculture. 28. How did Traore work to support his family in the past? A. By fishing. B. By raising farm animals. - 12 - C. By taking charge of the lake. D. By working as an environmentalist. 29.What effect will the current trend of the lake have according to Traore? A. A lot of farmland will form. B. The rainy season will end early. C.Many fishermen will flee their homes. D. The later generation will change their careers. 30.Which statement do the UN and Aid group agree with? A. Drought and flood will directly cause conflict. B. Reducing population is a way to protect the lake. C.Water management makes no difference to the lake. D. The rise in temperature will cause water resource problems 31.What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to? A. The local officials. B. The Aid group members. C. The villagers. D. The representatives. 【答案】28. A 29. D 30. D 31. C 【解析】 本文是说明文。马里不断缩小的湖泊意味着渔民家庭的末日。随着气温升高和蒸发的增加, 水体萎缩导致湖泊逐渐缩小,渔民的孩子成为渔民的机会也在减少。 【28 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段 “The lake’s fish have provided him with a way to earn money to support his extended family. How-ever, because he can’t catch enough fish to feed his family, he now raises farm animals.”(湖中的鱼为他提供了赚钱养家的途径。然而,由于他捕不到足够的鱼来养活家 人,他现在饲养农场动物。)可知,在过去,Traore靠捕鱼养家。故选 A 。 【29 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段中 “ ‘If things go on like this, I don’t think our children can become fishermen like us. They will have to choose other jobs,’ he 56-year-old Traore said.”(“如果这样下 去,我想我们的孩子可能成为不了我们这样的渔民了。他们将不得不选择其他工作,”56岁 的特拉奥雷说。)可知,下一代人将会选择其他的职业。故选 D。 【30 题详解】 - 13 - 推理判断题。根据第四段 “UN officials note that the flooding and a severe lack of rainfall can cause problems in the Sahel: Food insecurity, the fight over farmland and the fast population growth can lead to conflict.”(联合国官员指出,洪水和严重缺雨会给萨赫勒地区带来问题:粮食不安 全、农田争夺和人口快速增长都可能导致冲突。)可知,可知温度上升会导致水资源的问题。 故选 D。 【31 题详解】 词句猜测题。根据上文“People in the rural areas Wegnia and Kononi-Sirakoro have planted 56,000 trees in the past two years.”(在Wegnia和 Kononi-Sirakoro农村地区的人们在过去两年里种植了 56000棵树。)以及下文“More and more people are turning to other agriculture.”( 越来越多的人 转向其他农业。)可知这里指的是这些村民通过建造石头屏障来使土壤保持雨水,从而更好地 控制水分。所以 they指的是村民。故选 C。 D A new study suggests drinking coffee as soon as someone wakes up from a poor night's sleep greatly affects metabolism (新陈代谢) and blood sugar control. In the study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, UK researchers let 29 healthy men and women take part in three different overnight experiments. In the first two scenes, participants were given a sugary drink upon waking-first from a normal night's sleep, and then again after a poor night's sleep during which they were woken up for five minutes every hour. In the third, their sleep was similarly disrupted, but they were given a strong black coffee 30 minutes before consuming the sugary drink. Blood samples from participants were taken following the sugary drink, which mirrored the calories of a typical breakfast, in each experiment. Results showed that one night of disrupted sleep did not worsen the participants' blood sugar responses at breakfast when compared to a normal night of sleep. However, strong black coffee consumed before breakfast in-creased the blood sugar response by around 50 percent. By drinking such kind of drink after breakfast, UK researchers found that our bodies' ability to break down our food healthily is completely improved. Examining the effects of bro-ken sleep and. morning coffee across a range of different metabolic markers, scientists at the University of Bath found that, while one night of poor sleep had a limited effect on metabolism, drinking coffee before breakfast could have a negative effect on blood sugar control. - 14 - “We know that nearly half of us will wake in the morning and, before doing anything else, drink coffee—the more tired we feel, the stronger the coffee is. This study is important and has far-reaching health influences, and it indeed moves some coffee drinkers' heartstrings. As up to now we have had limited knowledge about what this is doing to our bodies, in particular for our metabolic and blood sugar control, so we have a long way to go.” said Professor James Betts, co-director of the Centre for Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism at the University of Bath. 32 How did UK researchers get the result of the experiment? A. By assumption. B. By making comparisons. C. By questionnaire. D. By consulting journals. 33. What can we learn from the experiment? A. One night of poor sleep surely affects blood sugar. B. Drinking coffee after breakfast does harm to health. C. Having strong drinks has a good effect on metabolism. D. Drinking coffee at different time has different effects on health. 34. What does James Betts think of the study? A. It makes no sense. B. It is limited and blind. C. It remains to be continued. D. It is particular and explicit. 35. What can be the best title for the text? A. How. Much Coffee to Drink Matters B. Does Coffee Really Wake Up an Appetite? C. Drinking Coffee before Breakfast Harms Metabolism D. How Does Drinking Black Coffee Affect People's Sleep? 【答案】32. B 33. D 34. C 35. C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了一项研究,研究发现早餐前喝咖啡会损害新陈代谢,尤其是血 糖水平。 【32 题详解】 推理判断题。由第二段中的“In the study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, UK researchers let 29 healthy men and women take part in three different overnight experiments. In the first two scenes, participants were given a sugary drink upon waking-first from a normal night's - 15 - sleep, and then again after a poor night's sleep during which they were woken up for five minutes every hour. In the third, their sleep was similarly disrupted, but they were given a strong black coffee 30 minutes before consuming the sugary drink.”(在发表在《英国营养学杂志》上的研究中,英 国研究人员让 29 名健康的男性和女性参加了三个不同的通宵实验。在前两个场景中,参与者 首先从正常的睡眠中醒来,然后在一夜睡眠不好后再喝一杯含糖饮料,在此期间,他们每小 时被叫醒五分钟。在第三组中,他们的睡眠也受到同样的干扰,但在饮用含糖饮料前 30 分钟, 给他们一杯浓咖啡。)和第三段中的“Blood samples from participants were taken following the sugary drink, which mirrored the calories of a typical breakfast, in each experiment. Results showed that one night of disrupted sleep did not worsen the participants' blood sugar responses at breakfast when compared to a normal night of sleep. However, strong black coffee consumed before breakfast in-creased the blood sugar response by around 50 percent.”(在每个实验中,受试者的血样都是 在含糖饮料之后采集的,含糖饮料反映了典型早餐的热量。结果表明,与正常睡眠相比,一 晚睡眠中断并不会使参与者早餐时的血糖反应变差。然而,早餐前喝浓咖啡能使血糖反应提 高 50%左右。),可知英国研究者们让三组健康的男女参加不同的实验,然后通过对比参与者血 糖的反应得出研究结果。故选 B项。 【33 题详解】 细节理解题。由第三段中的“However, strong black coffee consumed before breakfast in-creased the blood sugar response by around 50 percent.”(然而,早餐前喝浓咖啡能使血糖反应提高 50% 左右。)和第四段中的“By drinking such kind of drink after breakfast, UK researchers found that our bodies' ability to break down our food healthily is completely improved.”(英国研究人员发 现,通过在早餐后喝咖啡,我们身体健康地分解食物的能力得到了完全提高。),可知实验证 明:在不同时间喝咖啡对健康会产生不同的影响——早餐前喝浓咖啡会使血糖反应增加约 50%,早餐后喝咖啡会使身体健康分解食物的能力得到提高。故选 D项。 【34 题详解】 推理判断题。由最后一段中的“As up to now we have had limited knowledge about what this is doing to our bodies, in particular for our metabolic and blood sugar control, so we have a long way to go.” said Professor James Betts, co-director of the Centre for Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism at the University of Bath.”(巴斯大学营养、运动和新陈代谢中心的联合主任 James Betts教授 说:“到目前为止,我们对咖啡对我们的身体所起的作用知之甚少,尤其是对于我们的新陈 代谢和血糖控制,所以我们还有很长的路要走。”),可知 James Betts 认为这项研究仍需继续。 - 16 - 故选 C项。 【35 题详解】 主旨大意题。第一段讲“研究表明早餐前喝咖啡会极大地影响新陈代谢和血糖控制”,第二 三四段讲“英国研究者们让三组健康的男女参加不同的实验,然后通过对比参与者血糖的反 应得出研究结果:在不同时间喝咖啡对健康会产生不同的影响”,最后一段讲“这项研究很 重要,但有很长的路要走,仍需继续研究”,可知本文主要讲早餐前喝咖啡会损害新陈代谢, 尤其是血糖水平。故选 C项。 第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。 During the holidays or festivals, most of us get time away from work or university and we all intend to put this time off to good use, but it's not always easy. To help, we've had come up with a few ways to keep up with your courses, as well as the festive activities and celebrations. ___36___When you're in holiday mode, it's easy to lose track of the hours and days. To avoid this, try to plan your schedule beforehand. Mark certain days, or hours, as learning hours and set reminders on your phone or. in your diary so that you can stick to them. ___37___ This is very important when you want to combine work and pleasure during the holidays. Think of a goal. What do you want to achieve at the end of the holiday period? ___38___You can write your goal out nice and big on a note or a piece of paper and stick it. somewhere you can see it, so you're reminded of what you're working towards. Take it step by step. A key thing to remember over the holidays is that you can learn something in a few short bursts. ___39___ If sitting down for a solid hour of learning isn't working for you, just try 10 minutes at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don't forget to reward yourself. If you're still struggling to keep going with your learning, try making sure you have rewards for when you complete some learning. For instance, if you finish one third of today's lesson, you can have a cup of hot chocolate. ___40___ A. Try setting yourself a goal. B. Create a schedule and follow it. C. Arrange your plan randomly during the holiday. D. Learning doesn't have to take over your whole day. - 17 - E. Remember to try to get recognition and reward from others. F. Little rewards can help keep you active if you are struggling. G. By doing this you can easily balance learning with festive activities. 【答案】36. B 37. G 38. A 39. D 40. F 【解析】 本文是说明文。在假期或节日期间,我们大多数人都不用工作或上学,所以我们都想好好利 用这段时间,但这有时并不容易的。文章主要介绍了几个在假期兼顾学习的方法。 【36 题详解】 根据后文“When you're in holiday mode, it's easy to lose track of the hours and days. To avoid this, try to plan your schedule beforehand.(当你处于假期模式时,很容易忘记时间和天数。为了避免 这种情况,试着事先计划好你的时间表)”可知,本段主要是在说明如何计划好自己的假期, 结合后文可知方法是创建自己的时间表并执行,后文中 plan your schedule与 B选项中 Create a schedule相对应。故 B选项“创建一个时间表并执行它”符合语境,故选 B。 【37 题详解】 根据上文“To avoid this, try to plan your schedule beforehand. Mark certain days, or hours, as learning hours and set reminders on your phone or in your diary so that you can stick to them.(为了 避免这种情况,试着事先计划好你的日程。把一些特定的日子或时间标记为学习时间,并在 手机或日记中设置提醒,这样你就可以坚持下去)”以及后文“This is very important when you want to combine work and pleasure during the holidays.(当你想在假期里兼顾工作和娱乐时,这一 点非常重要)”可知,本句承接上文说明制定时间表来规划假期的好处和作用,且后文中 combine work and pleasure与 G选项中 balance learning with festive activities可对应。故 G选项 “这样,你就可以轻松地在学习和节日活动之间找到平衡”符合语境,故选 G。 【38 题详解】 根据上文“Think of a goal. What do you want to achieve at the end of the holiday period?(考虑一 个目标。在假期结束的时候,你想实现什么目标?)”以及后文“You can write your goal out nice and big on a note or a piece of paper and stick it. somewhere you can see it, so you're reminded of what you're working towards.(你可以把你的目标写在一张便条或一张纸上,并把它贴在纸上。 在某个你能看到它的地方,这样你就能想起你正在努力的方向)”可知,本段主要是关于在假 期中设定目标的建议,且 A选项中 setting yourself a goal 与上文中 Think of a goal相对应。故 A选项“试着给自己设定一个目标”符合语境,故选 A。 - 18 - 【39 题详解】 根据上文“A key thing to remember over the holidays is that you can learn something in a few short bursts.( 在假期里要记住的一件重要的事情是,你可以在短时间内学到一些东西)”以及 后文“If sitting down for a solid hour of learning isn't working for you, just try 10 minutes at breakfast, lunch and dinner.(如果坐下来学习一小时不适合你,那就试着在早餐、午餐和晚餐时 间都学习 10分钟)”可知,上文说明了假期中重要的是学到一些东西,后文则提到只在早中晚 餐时间学习十分钟,可推知本句是在说明假期中学习不必占据一整天的时间。故 D选项“学 习不必占据你一整天的时间”符合语境,故选 D。 【40 题详解】 根据上文“Don't forget to reward yourself. If you're still struggling to keep going with your learning, try making sure you have rewards for when you complete some learning. For instance, if you finish one third of today's lesson, you can have a cup of hot chocolate.(不要忘记奖励自己。如 果你仍在为学习而挣扎,试着确保在你完成一些学习后有一些奖励。例如,如果你完成了今 天课程的三分之一,你可以喝一杯热巧克力)”可知,本段主要说明了奖励问题,且上文提到 了如果学习让人感觉挣扎,可以在学习后得到一些奖励,F选项中 rewards与 struggling 与上 文中 rewards和 struggling 相对应。故 F选项“如果你觉得挣扎,一些小奖励可以让你保持活 力”符合语境,故选 F。 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 Last month, I slept through a flight from London to Beijing. Upon waking up, I was shocked to discover that I could no longer ___41___ my right arm and fingers. My arm just simply did not follow my brain’s ___42___ , as if it no longer ___43___ my body. The doctor at the Sino Japanese Friendship Hospital ___44___ me to have suffered neural (神 经的) injury. Aside from ___45___ that I see a physiotherapist (理疗师), he only told me, “Rest for two months first and come back for___46___ check-up. ” In that moment of ___47___ , a long-time family friend, who is an acupuncturist in Sichuan, ___48___to help. I started my acupuncture ___49___ the next day. I was sceptical at first, but my ____50____ was soon beaten by the results. After a few days, I could move my ____51____ Two - 19 - weeks later, I could have meals using chopsticks. After a month, my arm and fingers were almost back to their ____52____ functions. In that clinic, I heard many other patients’ ____53____ . One 11-year-old boy, who was born with ____54____ autism (自闭症), was treated at the age of three, and now he communicates quite ____55____ One lady, who suddenly became deaf two months ago, has just ____56____ her hearing. I’m surprised at how these ____57____ needles can cure so many illnesses, many of which even big hospitals with expensive medical devices ____58____ with. Is it magic? No! But it is the right ____59____ of the Chinese tradition that brings ____60____ and happiness to friends here and farther. 41. A. move B. touch C. understand D. shape 42. A. structures B. instructions C. schedules D. principles 43. A. got hold of B. appealed to C. belonged to D. put up with 44. A. judged B. advised C. forbade D. requested 45. A. warning B. persuading C. ordering D. recommending 46. A. happier B. further C. simpler D. mature 47. A. hopelessness B. eagerness C. hesitation D. preparation 48. A. refused B. failed C. pretended D. offered 49. A. punishment B. research C. treatment D. learning 50. A. shock B. worry C. loyalty D. belief 51. A. legs B. fingers C. knees D. wrists 52. A. normal B. superior C. unique D. wonderful 53. A. adventures B. backgrounds C. stories D. efforts 54. A. widespread B. steady C. reasonable D. severe 55. A. silently B. carefully C. smoothly D. exactly 56. A. influenced B. admitted C. damaged D. recovered 57. A. tiny B. wide C. rough D. soft - 20 - 58. A. communicate B. compete C. start D. struggle 59. A. direction B. occasion C. wisdom D. comment 60. A. knowledge B. health C. experience D. interest 【答案】41. A 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. D 46. B 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. B 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. D 59. C 60. B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者通过自己的亲身经历,讲述了中国传统文化——针灸智慧的力量。 【41 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:醒来时我惊呆了,我发现自己的右臂和手指动不了了。A. move移 动;B. touch接触,轻按;C. understand理解;D. shape形成,塑造。根据下文“After a few days, I could move my 11 ”可知我的右臂和手指动不了了。故选 A。 【42 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但手臂就是不能按照大脑的指示活动,好像它不再是我身体的一 部分一样。A. structures 结构;B. instructions 指令,说明;C. schedules 时间表;D. principles 原则。根据“my brain’s”和下文“have suffered neural (神经的) injury.”可知我的手臂 根本不听从大脑的指令。故选 B。 【43 题详解】 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:但手臂就是不能按照大脑的指示活动,好像它不再是我身体 的一部分一样。A. got hold of抓住,占有;B. appealed to呼吁,求助;C. belonged to属于;D. put up with 忍受,容忍。根据“simply did not follow”可知好像手臂不再属于我身体的一部分 一样。故选 C。 【44 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:中日友好医院的医生诊断我为神经损伤。A. judged判断,裁判;B. advised建议;C. forbade禁止;D. requested请求。根据“to have suffered neural injury”可知 医生诊断我为神经损伤。故选 A。 【45 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:除了建议我去看理疗师,他只告诉我,“先休息两个月,然后回 来再做进一步的检查”。A. warning 警告;B. persuading 说服;C. ordering 命令,指示;D. recommending建议,推荐。根据“I see a physiotherapist (理疗师)”可知他建议我去看理疗师。 - 21 - 故选 D。 【46 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了建议我去看理疗师,他只告诉我,“先休息两个月,然后 回来再做进一步的检查”。A. happier 更快乐的;B. further更多的,进一步的;C. simpler 更 简单的;D. mature 成熟的。根据“Rest for two months first and come back”可知回来是做进一 步的检查。故选 B。 【47 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在绝望的时刻,一位在四川做针灸师的亲戚朋友主动帮助了我。A. hopelessness 绝望,无望;B. eagerness 渴望,热心;C. hesitation 犹豫;D. preparation 准备。 根据上文“to have suffered neural injury”和医生的话,可知这个时刻是绝望的。故选 A。 【48 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在绝望的时刻,一位在四川做针灸师的亲戚朋友主动帮助了我。A. refused拒绝;B. failed失败;C. pretended假装;D. offered提供,提议。offer to help“(主动) 提供帮助”,根据下文“I started my acupuncture 9 the next day.”可知一位在四川做针灸 师的亲戚朋友主动帮助我。故选 D。 【49 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天,我开始接受针灸治疗。A. punishment 惩罚;B. research 研究,调查;C. treatment治疗,疗法;D. learning学会。根据“started”和下文“Two weeks later, I could have meals using chopsticks. ”可知我接受了针灸治疗。故选 C。 【50 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一开始我还持怀疑态度,但很快我的担心就被疗效打消了。A. shock 震惊;B. worry 担心,担忧;C. loyalty 忠诚;D. belief信念。根据转折词 but 可知我的担心 被疗效打消了。故选 B。 【51 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:几天后,我的手指就可以活动了。A. legs腿;B. fingers手指;C. knees 膝盖;D. wrists 手腕。根据下文“Two weeks later, I could have meals using chopsticks. ”可知我 的手指可以活动了。故选 B。 【52 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一个月后,我的手臂和手指几乎恢复了正常功能。A. normal正 常的;B. superior上级的,优秀的;C. unique独特的;D. wonderful极好的,精彩的。根据“ almost - 22 - back to”可知我的手臂和手指几乎恢复了正常功能。故选 A。 【53 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在那家诊所里,我听到了许多其他病人的故事。A. adventures冒险; B. backgrounds背景;C. stories故事;D. efforts努力。根据“ I heard”以及下文对几个患者的 描述,可知我听到了许多其他病人的故事。故选 C。 【54 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一名 11岁的男孩,生来就患有严重的自闭症,在三岁时接受了 治疗,现在他的交流相当顺畅。A. widespread普遍的;B. steady稳定的;C. reasonable合理的; D. severe严重的,严厉的。根据“was treated at the age of three”可知他应该是生来就患有严重 的自闭症。故选 D。 【55 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:一名 11岁的男孩,生来就患有严重的自闭症,在三岁时接受了治 疗,现在他的交流相当顺畅。A. silently 默默地;B. carefully小心地;C. smoothly流畅地,平 稳地;D. exactly 恰好地,正是。此处是讲述针灸的神奇疗效,根据“now”可知现在他的交 流相当顺畅。故选 C。 【56 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一位女士两个月前突然失聪,现在听力刚刚恢复。A. influenced影 响;B. admitted 承认;C. damaged损害;D. recovered恢复。根据“ has just”可知现在她的听 力刚刚恢复。故选 D。 【57 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很惊讶,这些细小的针是如何能够治愈这么多不同的疾病, 这些疾病里有许多甚至连拥有昂贵医疗设备的大医院也难以应付。A. tiny 微小的;B. wide广 阔的;C. rough粗糙的;D. soft柔软的。根据常识可知针灸的针是细小的。故选 A。 【58 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很惊讶,这些细小的针是如何能够治愈这么多不同的疾病,这 些疾病里有许多甚至连拥有昂贵医疗设备的大医院也难以应付。A. communicate 沟通;B. compete竞赛;C. start开始;D. struggle 挣扎。struggle with“与…斗争”,根据“even”可知 其中很多疾病甚至连拥有昂贵医疗设备的大医院都难以对付。故选 D。 【59 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但这正是中国传统的智慧,给这里和远方的朋友们带来了健康和 - 23 - 幸福。A. direction方向,指导;B. occasion场合;C. wisdom智慧;D. comment评论,意见。 根据“ of the Chinese tradition”可知针灸治愈如此多的疾病,这正是中国传统的智慧。故选 C。 【60 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但正是中国传统的智慧,给这里和远方的朋友们带来了健康和幸 福。A. knowledge 知识;B. health健康;C. experience经验,经历;D. interest兴趣,爱好。针 灸治好了许多人的病,使他们恢复了健康。和 happiness并列,故选 B。 第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 If you went looking for a ___61___ (differ) planet, from Earth as you could find, you wouldn't have to go all that far, at least in space terms. Just look to ___62___ fifth planet in our, solar system, Jupiter. This gas giant has no solid surface. Its diameter (直径) is more than 11 times as great as Earth's. Its mass is more than twice than ___63___ of all the other planets in. the solar system combined. Jupiter's atmosphere is covered with bands of clouds and filled with vast ___64___ (spin) storms. The most famous of these is the Great Red Spot, ___65___ is so big that Earth could fit inside it. Jupiter is also a planet full of ___66___(puzzle). Those thick bands of clouds hide. what is happening inside the planet. Is there water? How much? Does Jupiter have a solid center? And then there's the question of just what ___67___ (drive) those monster storms. Nine spacecrafts ___68___ (send) to study Jupiter by now. The most recent was Juno, which arrived at the planet in July 2016. It will orbit this gas giant at least until July 2021. When the spacecraft ___69___ (final) retires, its Earth-bound pilots will send it on a path to dive to its ____70____ (dead) into the Jupiter's atmosphere. 【答案】61. different 62. the 63. that 64. spinning 65. which 66. puzzles 67. drives 68. have been sent 69. finally 70. death 【解析】 - 24 - 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了太阳系中第五颗行星——木星的一些情况。木星的大气层 被云带所覆盖,并充满了巨大的旋转风暴,到目前为止,已经有九艘宇宙飞船被派往研究木 星。 【61 题详解】 考查形容词。句意:如果你去寻找一颗与地球完全不同的行星,你不用走那么远,至少从空 间角度来说是这样。修饰后文名词 planet应用形容词 different,作定语。故填 different。 【62 题详解】 考查冠词。句意:只要看看我们太阳系的第五颗行星——木星就知道了。后文 fifth 为序数词, 前面要与定冠词 the连用。故填 the。 【63 题详解】 考查代词。句意:它的质量是太阳系中其他所有行星质量总和的两倍多。此处指代上文同类 事物 mass,且 mass不可数,应用 that指代。故填 that。 【64 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:木星的大气层被云带所覆盖,并充满了巨大的旋转风暴。分析句子 结构可知 spin在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语 storms构成主动关系,故用现在分词 作定语。故填 spinning。 【65 题详解】 考查定语从句。句意:其中最著名的是 Great Red Spot,它大得可以容纳下地球。此处为非限 制性定语从句修饰先行词 Great Red Spot,先行词在从句中作主语,指物,故应用关系代词 which,that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故填 which。 【66 题详解】 考查名词的数。句意:木星也是一个充满谜题的行星。puzzle为可数名词,根据空前的“full of” 可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。故填 puzzles。 【67 题详解】 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:接下来的问题是,究竟是什么推动了这些巨大的风暴。此处陈 述客观事实应用一般现在时,主语为 what,故谓语动词一般用第三人称单数,故填 drives。 【68 题详解】 考查动词时态语态。句意:到目前为止,已经派出了九艘宇宙飞船去研究木星。根据时间状 语 by now可知,此处应用现在完成时,且谓语动词与主语构成被动关系,所以用现在完成时 的被动语态,主语为 Nine spacecrafts,助动词用 have。故填 have been sent。 - 25 - 【69 题详解】 考查副词。句意:当这艘宇宙飞船最终退役时,地球上的领航员将把它送上一条通往木星大 气层的死亡之路。修饰动词 retires,应用副词 finally,作状语。故填 finally。 【70 题详解】 考查名词。句意:当这艘宇宙飞船最终退役时,地球上的领航员将把它送上一条通往木星大 气层的死亡之路。its为形容词性物主代词,修饰名词,故此处应用名词 death,表抽象概念, 不可数。故填 death。 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分) 71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。 Last Saturday witnessed an impressive marathon race what nearly drew the attention of every student and teacher in our school. The students selecting from every class took an part in the competition. The route, measures about five kilometers, were from our school gate to the Science Museum. All the runners tried our best to finish the task, their classmates along the way giving them necessarily help as well as encouragement. At last, every runner managed to reach the finish line, receiving cheers from all the direction. The activity was highly spoken, because not only did it provided a chance for us to exercise, but also made us more united. 【答案】1. what→which/that 2. selecting→selected 3. 删除 an 4. measures →measuring 5. were→was 6. our→their 7. necessarily→necessary - 26 - 8. direction→directions 9. spoken 后加 of 10. provided→provide 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章简单讲述了一场印象深刻的马拉松比赛。 【详解】1. 考查定语从句。句意:上周六见证了一场几乎吸引了我们学校全部师生注意力的 马拉松比赛。此处是限定性定语从句,先行词是 race,指物,且在从句中作主语,应使用关系 代词 which/that。故把 what 改为 which 或 that。 2. 考查非谓语动词。句意:从每班选出来的学生参加了这个比赛。非谓语动词作后置定语修 饰 students,且学生 students 和 select 之间是被动关系,使用其过去分词形式,故把 selecting 改为 selected。 3. 考查固定短语。句意:参见上题。固定短语:take part in,意为“参加”。故把 an删掉。 4. 考查非谓语动词。句意:这条路线,从我们学校门口到科学博物馆,大约 5 公里。非谓语 动词修饰 route,且 measure 意为“长度是”,和 route 是主动关系,应使用其现在分词形式。 故把 measures 改为 measuring。 5. 考查主谓一致。句意:参见上题。主语“The route”为单数形式,谓语动词需使用单数形 式。故把 were 改为 was。 6. 考查代词。句意:所有跑步的人尽他们最大的努力完成任务,他们的同学沿途给他们必要 的帮助和鼓励。try one's best“尽某人最大的努力”,此处代指 runners,所以应该是尽他们最 大的努力。故把 our 改为 their。 7. 考查形容词。句意:参见上题。修饰名词 help,应使用其形容词形式。故把 necessarily 改 为 necessary。 8. 考查名词复数。句意:最后,每一位参赛者都成功地到达了终点,收到来自四面八方的欢 呼。根据 all 可知,这里指很多方向,direction 应使用复数形式。故把 direction 改为 directions。 9. 考查介词。句意:这次活动受到了高度赞扬,因为它不仅给我们提供了锻炼的机会,而且 让我们更加团结。speak highly of“高度评价”是及物动词短语,应使用其被动语态时,其介 词不能省略。故在 spoken 后加 of。 10.考查部分倒装。句意:参见上题。此句是部分倒装句型,前面的 did 已经体现其时态,其 后动词应使用原形。故把 provided 改为 provide。 - 27 - 第二节 书面表达(满分 25分) 72. 假定你是李华,上周日你校英语社在报告厅举办了一场英语单词拼写大赛(A Spelling Bee)。请你给校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括: 1. 活动时间、地点; 2. 活动内容; 3. 活动反响。 注意:1. 词数 100左右; 2. 标题已为你写好。 【答案】A Spelling Bee Last Sunday our school English club held a Spelling Bee for English words in the lecture hall. It involved three rounds, each with a different level of difficulty. Contestants were required to spell the words immediately the judge pronounced them, or they would be knocked out. The one who made it to the end became the honorable spelling champion and were rewarded English story books. Through this activity, the students aroused their passion for English learning. Those who participated in it not only increased their vocabulary but also developed learning strategies. They are looking forward to the next contest. 【解析】 【分析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给校英文报写一篇报道,描述上周日学校英语社在报告 厅举办了一场英语单词拼写大赛(A Spelling Bee)。 【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般过去时。 结构:总分法 总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。 要求: 1. 活动时间、地点; 2. 活动内容; 3. 活动反响。 - 28 - 第二步:列提纲(重点词组) with a different level of difficulty, be required to, knock out, make it, the honorable spelling champion, arouse one’s passion for, not only …but also…, increase their vocabulary 第三步:连词成句(包含关键句,至少 3句) 1. Last Sunday our school English club held a Spelling Bee for English words in the lecture hall. 2. Each with a different level of difficulty. 3. Contestants were required to spell the words immediately the judge pronounced them, or they would be knocked out. 4. The one who made it to the end became the honorable spelling champion and were rewarded English story books. 5. Through this activity, the students aroused their passion for English learning. 6. Those who participated in it not only increased their vocabulary but also developed learning strategies. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) not only …but also…, 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。 【点睛】[高分句型 1] Contestants were required to spell the words immediately the judge pronounced them, or they would be knocked out. 参赛者必须在评委说出单词后立即拼写出来,否则就会被淘汰。句中用到了一 般过去时的被动语态。 [高分句型 2]The one who made it to the end became the honorable spelling champion and were rewarded English story books. 最终成为荣誉拼写冠军的人,会获得英语故事书奖。句中“who… to the end”为定语从句,修饰先行词 those。

