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高考英语单选专题突破解题方法归类 第 1 讲:心理定势 第 2 讲:假性原型 第 3 讲:意群影响 第 4 讲:一致关系 第 5 讲:母语干扰 第 6 讲:迟到信息 第 7 讲:冗余信息 第 8 讲:复杂句式 第 9 讲:相似结构 高考单项选择语法专题解题技巧第 1 讲:心理定势 高考语法专题系列复习第 1 讲 易受"心理定势"干扰的选择题讲练 I.讲解: 心理定势是指由于先前的活动而造成的一种心理准备或心理定向,它使人以比较固定的方式进行认知或做出行为反应. 但在在情况变化时,定势则会阻碍人们找到新的方法去解决新问题.因此,我们必须正确灵活地运用已有的认识和方法去 解决相似的问题,绝为可想当然.否则,便会犯这样那样的错误. II.练习: 1. He couldn't help ________ anything for his family because he was busy with the entrance exam. A. doing B. to do C. did D. and did We should prevent pollution ________ happily. A. living B. from living C. to living D. to live He was too busy ________ his friend. A. receive B. to receive C. receiving D. received The girl looked ________ at her dying cat. A. happy B. happily C. sad D. sadly It is hot ________ January. Better take off your coat. A. A. in B. during C. for D. to Is ________ "m"the 13th letter in the English alphabet A. / B. a C. an D. the __________, she could hardly have any time to play with her little daughter. A. Busy as she was B. As was she busy C. was busy she D. As she was busy Do you have any idea of the reason _________ he referred to A. that B. as C. why D. when Is this the park ________ he visited his friend the other day A. the one B. that C. where D. / 10. He hid himself behind the door _______ he still could see what would happen to his classmate. A. there B. which C. from which D. from where 11.They have a bridge to have ________ rebuilt. A. somebody B. it C. / D. that 12.It is known ________ all that the electric light was invented by Edison. A. to B. by C. for D. as 13. ___________ either you or I to look after her A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Should 14. Why don't you come again __________ other day A. the B. some C. any D. in 15. Mary didn't come to out party yesterday because he was busy preparing for the exam. We all felt sorry _________ her. A. for B. without C. except D. besides 16. _____________ will all have to answer for the fire. A.You, he and I B. I, you and he C. He, I and you D. He, you and I 17. An ant has two ___________ in its body. A.stomach B. stomaches C. stomachs D. both B and C 18. The family has been _________ the lost child for nearly a month. A.in a long search for B. searching for C. in a long search of D. searching 19. He must have been asleep at that time, _________ he A. mustn't B. needn't C. hadn't D. wasn't 20. _____________ 1994, he had learned advanced mathematics al by himself. A.By B. Until C. In D. Around 21. The tower is taller than _________ building around it. A.any B. any other C. the other D. any of the other 22. China is larger than ___________ country in Africa. A. any other B. all other C. all the D. any 23. It rains more often in Shanghai than _________. A.Beijing B. in Beijing C. it in Beijing D. that in Beijing 24. Beijing has a much larger population than __________. A.Nanjing B. that of Nanjing C. that in Nanjing D. in Nanjing 25. Towards ________ evening, _________ cold rain began. A./;a B. an; a C. an; / D. the; / 26. He spent much of his spare time __________ the nearly forest where he kept a garden. A.in B. on C. at D. for 27.The two pairs of shoes are different _________ size. A.on B. about C. from D. in 28. He has made much progress _________ these years. A.in B. from C. for D. over Key: 1-5. BDBDC 6-10. ADACD 11-15. CACBB 16-20. BCADA 21-25. ADBAA 26-30. ADDAD 31-35. DCDCB 36-40. CDDCB 41-45. BCAAD 46-50. ABCCB 51-55. BAAAA 56-60. DCDDB 61-66 BDAABB 29. Written English is more or less the same ________ both Britain and America, though there are some spelling differences. A.in B. as C. with D. to 30. About half an hour _______ and I found that I had lost my way. A.later B. late C. or so D. passed 31. ---How many guests have arrived so far ---__________________. A. Few than 15 B. Fewer than 15 C. Little than 15 D. Less than 15 32. __________ from his expression, he was greatly moved. A.To be judged B. To judge C. Judging D. Judged 33. ________ piano is useful to those who enjoy music. A. / B. One C. The D. A 34. They went there ______________. A.by bikes B. with bikes C. on bikes D. on bike 35. They are _________ children that they can't dress themselves. A.so little B. such little C. so small D. too small 36. What he did suggested that he _________ little education. A.receive B. receives C. receives D. should receive 37. Bob insisted that John _________ the wallet. A.steal B. should steal C. has stolen D. had stolen 38. It was at eleven last night that he arrived ___________ home. A.at B. in C. to D. / 39. ---I feel a bit hungry. ---Why not have ___________ bread A.a B. any C. some D. a few 40. The car got the medal, but its driver came close to _________. A.be killed B. being killed C. kill D. killing 41. I'm going to town, for there is something I need __________. A.buy B. to buy C. to be bought D. buying 42. Tom might have come to school in time for class, __________. A.if he got up earlier B. unless he had got up earlier A.C. but he got up rather late D. but he fhad got up so late. 43. The skin of snakes _______ some kinds of musical instruments. A.is used to make B. is used to making C. are used to make D. are used to be made 44. The table in that restaurant are so close together that there's hardly any room to move __________ them. A. between B. among C. in the middle of D. at the center of 45.The room _____ face south is the bedroom of his. A.whose B. whose window C. which D. the window of which 46. __________ about the get-together, few of them were present. A.Not having been told B. Having not been told C. Having been not told D. Having been told not 47. Write it _________ a pen and blue ink. A./ B. with C. by D. both A and B 48. There is no _______ book in the bookshop. A./ B. a C. such D. such a 49. Is this the watch you wish to __________ A.have it repaired B. repair C. have repaired D. have repaired it 50. ---Sorry. I forgot to post the letter for you. ---Never mind. __________ it myself after school. A.I'm going to post B. I'll post C. I'd rather post D. I had better post 51.The window ___________ while he slept, he caught a cold. A.opening B. open C. to open D. was open 52.It was the bravery of William Tell _________ encouraged the Swiss people in their fight against the enemies. A.that B. which C. who D. both A and B 53.The is nothing else _________ a table in the room. A.besides B. but C. except D. except for 54. Nothing can make him turn _________. A.thief B. a thief C. thieves D. both A and B 55. How hard he studies, ___________ A.isn't it B. isn't he C. doesn't he D. doesn't it 56. I wish to have a word with you, ________ I don't B. can't C. will D. may 57. Don't make any noises, __________ you A.do B. can C. will D. won't 58. Can you see __________ boy coming toward us A.few B. a few C. little D. a little 59.The news ahs come from Japan _________ Liu Xiaomei has got the first place in the women's 100-metre dash in the 12th Asian Games. A.where B. from where C. which D. that 60. I have enjoyed my visit here. I'll be very sorry ________. A.for leaving B. to leave C. of leaving D. to have left 61.he has a suggestion _________, please listen to him. A.make B. to make C. making D. made 62. Over 80 percent of the population of China _________ farmers. A.has been B. have been C. is D. are 63. ---Why isn't John here yet ---Sorry. I forgot all about _________ him. A.telephoning B. telephoning to C. to telephone D. to telephone for 64. It is who _________ to answer for his safety. A.am B. is C. are D. both A and B 65.She is the only one of the women teachers who _________ invited. A. have been B. has been C. had been D. were 66.One day he will have to answer _________ her _________ his wrong doings. A.for; for B. t; for C. to; to D. for; to Key: 1-5. BDBDC 6-10. ADACD 11-15. CACBB 16-20. BCADA 21-25. ADBAA 26-30. ADDAD 31-35. DCDCB 36-40. CDDCB 41-45. BCAAD 46-50. ABCCB 51-55. BAAAA 56-60. DCDDB 61-66 BDAABB 高考单项选择语法专题解题技巧第 2 讲:假性原型 高考语法专题系列复习第 2 讲 易受"假性原型"误导的选择题讲练 I.讲解: 对解决问题产生启发作用的事物叫原型.在英语学习中,学习者受其自身知识水平的制约,容易将貌似原型的事物当作原 型,以致获取了错误的解决问题的方案.命题者往往会利用学生这一心理特点,故意设置一些所谓的原型,来诱使学生模仿. 要排除这类题设"陷阱"的诱导,就必须全面把握题干的语境,努力拓展思维的广度,注意对所获取的信息的分析和比较,决 不可凭一知半解就匆忙作结论. II.练习: 1. ---Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. ---__________________________. A.I don't B. I won't C. I can't D. I haven't 2. ---I wonder if your wife will go to the ball. ---If your wife does, so ____________ mine. A.is B. do C. does D. will 3. ---Would you lend me your pen for a while ---Certainly I ___________. A.would B. should C. will D. shall 4. ---When will the train start ---It _______ at 2:35 this afternoon according to the time-table. A.start B. starts C. will start D. is going to start 5. ---What need I do now ---You _________ get into touch with them by phone at once. A.need B. need to C. will need D. both A and B 6. The Whites came here, to buy some clothes and __________ on an old friend of theirs. A.call B. to call C. calling D. called 7. He said French is the beautiful tongue in the world and __________ he was determined to learn it well. A./ B. that C. also D. besides 8. Japanese speak Japanese, and __________ German. A. German B. Germans C. Germen D. Germanies 9.I wonder why ________ little animals eats so many insects. A.so B. such C. very D. too 10. One evening he came to borrow the book 《Robinson Crusoe》from me and promised to get through it _________ one evening. A.in B. on C. about D. / 11. Do you go to school every day before you went to _________ university A. a B. an C. the D. / 12. An electric light can give us rich light. We all think it great for Edison to invent __________. A.electric light B. an electric light C. the electric light D. electric lights 13. It is a good piece of advice to write that on ___________. A.a white paper B. a paper of white C. a white piece of paper D. a piece of white paper 14. You should throw these old papers into _________ basket. A. a paper B. paper C. papers D. the papers Key: 1-5. BDCBB 6-10. ABBBA 11-14. CCDA 高考单项选择语法专题解题技巧第 3 讲:意群影响 高考语法专题系列复习第 3 讲 易受"意群"影响的选择题讲练 I.讲解: 所谓意群,就是句子中根据句法结构和逻辑关系必须停顿的若干部分.意群划分正确与否直接影响对句子的理解,进而影 响答题.划分意群时应注意以下几点: 1. 保持句法结构的完整; 2. 弄清句子结构之间的关系; 3. 通览全题,切忌将思维局 限在空格前的有关信息上; 4. 注意句子的逻辑性.上述几点虽各有侧重, 但在实际运用中往往是协调的,并不矛盾,可以综 合运用. II.练习: 1. What water _________ known to us all. A.is B. is is C. is are D. are 2. This is the swimming-pool __________ we swam in our childhood. A.that B. which C. in which D. in it 3.Whom is it up to __________ the matter A.decide B. to decide C. deciding D. be decide 4. She is often listened __________on TV. A.sing B. singing C. to sing D. to to sing 5. He was _________ for what he had done for the people. A.sung high praise B. sung highly praise C. sung high praise for D. sung highly praise for 6. It was said __________ was the reason why he didn't attend the meeting. A.that that B. why that C. that which D. that 7. The day we looked forward to _________ at last. A.come B. comes C. came D. coming 8. I'd like the man you referred _________ join us. A./ B. to C. about to D. to to 9. ___________ told you that was lying. A.Who B. Whoever C. Who ever D. No matter who 10. _________ do you suppose he took to the park with him A.Who B. Why C. When D. That 11. He told us ________ she had done. A. that all B. what all C. all what D. all which 12. What he has learned through practice before _________ him a lot in his future work. A.helping B. helped C. it helps D. will help 13. What do you consider _________ to her A.to happen B. happen C. happening D. happened 14. The way she thought of ________ enough money was to sell her hairs. A.to get B. get C. getting D. got 15.The boy you lent the pen to ________ it. A.break B. breaking C. broke D. had broken 16. Get to the hall as nearly as you can ________ the meeting. A.attend B. attending C. to attend D. to be attended 17. Don't miss the meeting. The question to be discussed at it ________ of great importance. A.is B. are C. was D. will 18. He made a fire _________ up. A.warm B. to warm C. warming D. warmed 19. The pen that was used to _________ is missing. A. write B. write with C. writing D. writing with 20.It's dangerous to let the children who are ________ go swimming in the river. A.Too young B. so young C. not old enough D. so old 21. The play ________ on New Year's Eve was a great success. A.put B. put on C. to be put D. to be put on 22. We will use what we have _______ a new dress for you. A.getting B. got C. get D. to get 23. Lincoln's stepmother was very kind to him. She did all she could ________ him. A.to help B. helped C. helping D. help 24. The fellow I spoke to ________ no answer at first. A. made B. make C. making D. to make 25.The two cities referred ________ London and Paris. A.to is B. to are C. to be D. are 26. There is a police car in front of the house of our neighbor's. ________ do you think __________ A.What; has happened B. What; of happening C. What; of being happened D. Whatever; of happening 27. In their country the king has __________ powers while the government are in charge of most affairs. A.his B. limit C. limited D. limited his 28. The working hours will be changes from 8 to 12 _______ 7 to 11. instead of B. to C. from D. and from 29. He must catch the horse. He knew _______ man than he had tried. A.well B. better C. it better D. best 30. I was not angry at all _________ he had done. A.that B. which C. what D. those Key: 1-5. BCBDC 6-10. ACDBA 11-15. CDDAC 16-20. CBBAB 21-25. BDAAB 26-30. ACBBA 高考单项选择语法专题解题技巧第 4 讲:一致关系 高考语法专题系列复习第 4 讲 易受"一致关系"影响的选择题讲练 I.讲解: 一致关系包括:主谓一致,时态一致,代词指代一致,比较对象一致,句法结构一致以及逻辑关系一致等.答题时应注意保持 以上诸方面的一致关系. II.练习: 1. It rains more often in Hainan than __________. A.Jiangsu B. In Jiangsu C. it in Jiangsu D. that in Jiangsu 2. I'm sure someone will agree to give up ________ opportunity. A.someone's B. their C. his D. her 3. He went there ________ some books and call on an old friend of his. A.buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought 4. Mrs. White was in the kitchen, but she heard the small boy shouting and ________ into his room quickly. A.to go B. go C. going D. went 5. __________, we stand; divided, we fall. A.Uniting B. Being united C. United D. To be united 6. She advised him as well as ________ him with his physics. A.help B. helped C. helping D. to help 7. You may either ask his brother or _________ for advice. A.sister B. his sister C. ask his sister D. to ask his sister. 8. Two days ________, and they had to give in. A.passed B. past C. later D. away 9. _________ from the tower, the building seems beautiful. A.Seen B. Seeing C. To be seen D. Being seen 10. Thinking of his son, who had been away for twenty years, _________. A.the old man's eyes were filled with tears B. you could see the old man bursting into tears C. tears came down from the old man's face D. the old man burst into tears. 11. Child as he is, __________ he knows a great deal. A./ B. but C. however D. and yet 12. __________ the man who had his classmate ten years before, so he went over to say hello to him. A.Recognizing B. Having recognized C. Having been recognized D. He recognized 13. ---What do you think made her so sad ---_________________. A.Losing her necklace B. Because of losing her necklace C. Her necklace was lost D. It was said that her necklace was gone. 14. _____________ such a good chance, why not have a try A.Giving B. Having given C. Given D. To be given 15. The bread my brother brought this morning is quite different from __________. A.it B. that C. that one D. these ones 16. Nobody ________ willing to give up __________ rights. A.is; his B. is; her C. are; his D. are; their Key: 1-5. BCBDC 6-10. BCAAD 11-16 ADACBA 高考单项选择语法专题解题技巧第 5 讲:母语干扰 高考语法专题系列复习第 5 讲 易受"母语"干扰的选择题讲练 I.讲解: 母语对英语既有促进,也有干扰,两者之间在某些方面的不一致现象是形成干扰的基本原因.答题时, 不能用母语 进行思维, 不能从母语的角度在英语中寻求对等的规律.性腺学会区别两种语言在语言知识和社会文化方面的不同之处, 并认真进行辨别和对比,力求从对比中把握语言的正确性和得体性. II.练习: 1. I don't think the price of grain _________ than ten years ago. A.more B. more expensive C. greater D. higher 2. _________ is the number of girl students in your school A.How many B. How much C. What D. How 3. She wanted very much to _______ a PLA man. A.marry B. marry with C. marry to D. be married 4. I wonder __________ I should call his father. A.how B. what C. which D. who 5. Do you know the boy whose name _________ Gao Ming A.is B. called C. is called D. is calling 6. He had his wallet __________ when he visited the park. A.robbed B. stolen C. cheated D. missed 7 ---How long have you __________ the bike ---Two months. A.bought B. repaired C. had D. borrowed 8. Those who _______ the plan, raise your hands. A.against B. will against C. are against D. is against 9. Though he is young, _________ he knows a great deal about the second World War. A./ B. however C. but D. and yet 10. Given me some paper to write __________. A. / B. on C. with D. by 11. His handwriting is better than __________ in his class. A.anyone B. anyone's C. anyone else D. anyone else's 12. "No, I have nothing to say for myself."he said, shaking ___________. A.the head B. his head C. head D. / 13. __________ be late for the meeting this afternoon. It is a meeting of great importance. A.Everybody can B. Nobody can C. Anybody can't D. Everybody can't 14. Mr. Smith patted _______ head. A.the boy's B. the boy his C. the boy on his D. the boy on the 15. Her face suggested that ___________. A.she was in poor health B. her health was poor C. her body was not healthy D. her body was ill 16. Thank __________. A.your help B. you your help C. you for your help D. you and your help 17. ---Does this coat fit you well ---__________. I'd like to have it changed. A.Yes, it does B. Yes, it doesn't C. No, it does D. No, it doesn't 18. The teacher's eyes, without any expression, _________ the boy who made faces. A.watched B. stared at C. glared at D. were fixed upon 19. ---I have a serious headache, Mike. ---_________________. A.Sorry to hear that B. That's bad. C. It doesn't matter. D. Take it easy. 20. ---I got the first place in the history exam. --- ________________. A.It's impossible B. No wonder C. Oh, dear D. Congratulations 21. _________ do you think the house belongs to A.Who B. Whose C. Which D. How 22. Those who have been invited are _________ young scientists. A.most B. almost C. mostly D. at most 23.The song was so instructive that everyone considered it __________ worth listening to. A.well B. very C. fairly D. hardly 24. __________ is the population of Hainan A.What B. How C. How much D. How many 25. We will continue to fight ________ pollution until it is stopped. A.about B. with C. for D. against 26. I had no idea why they had returned _______ the village so soon. A. back B. to C. back to D. / 27. I wonder when he will return _________ the book. A. A. back B. to C. back to D. / 28. The number of students here is ________ than that of their school. A.much more B. more C. higher D. larger 29. Our living expenses are now much ________ than ten years ago. A.more B. more expensive C. greater D. higher 30.---_________ do you call it in English ---Bread. A. How B. Which C. What D. Why 31. We were not ________ to do like that. A.promised B. permitted C. agreed D. suggested 32.They are going to hold a meeting in the next house ________ door faces to the south. which B. of which C. whose D. its 33.They played football _________ the rain. A.under B. in C. below D. through 34. When he got home, he found his house __________. A.stolen B. robbed C. broken into D. looked into 35. The child _________ nothing but a new pencil-box. A.hopes B. hopes for C. expects for D. wants for 36. He longed ___________ a soldier. A.my being B. me being C. me to be D. for me to be 37. The soldier ________ in a battle. A. was wounded in the legs B. was wounded in his legs C. wounded in the legs D. wounded the legs 38. ---_________ should I do with these papers ---Have them burned, I think. A.When B. Why C. How D. What 39. The reason for sending you so many flowers is ________ I love you. A.the reason B. why C. because D. that 40. New comer as she was, she was not ________ nervous. A.a lot of B. a bit of C. a bit D. a little 41. He walked ________ in the room as if he was thinking about something important. back and forth B. forth and back C. from and to D. downwards and upwards 42. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gave the students six minutes to look _______ what they had written. A.through B. at C. on D. back 43. The Smiths warmly welcomed you _________ their home. A.to B. to go C. go D. going 44. The enemy fled _________ the city in disorder. A.away from B. away C. to D. / 45. He is determined to devote himself to _______ the country. A.serve B. serve for C. serving D. serving for 46. He was often seen _____ before the door, staring at the pine tree. A.seating B. seated C. seat D. to seat 47. Did you notice anyone ___________ the room A.entering into B. to enter into C. to enter D. enter 48.If these trousers are too long, choose a shorter __________. A.trousers B. trouser C. pair D. one 49. If you _________, telephone me please. A.free B. are free C. will be free D. will free 50. We must find a box to put ___________. the jewels B. the jewels in C. the jewelries D. the jewelries in 51. Oh, it begins to rain. Let me __________ you to school. A.take B. bring C. send D. see off 52. The color of the shirt is too __________. It doesn't go with my light blue trousers. A.heavy B. dark C. deep D. shallow 53. __________ and you will succeed. A.If you work hard B. Work hard C. Working hard D. To work hard 54. Speak in a _________ voice. A.louder B. bigger C. greater D. higher 55. He is the tallest _________ brothers. A.among his B. in his C. of his D. of the 56. The wounded soldier needs to be ________ in no time. A.operated B. operated on C. operating D. operating on 57. It is difficult for you to cure _________ his illness. A.him of B. for him C. him D. his 58. The old man ________ last week. A.died B. had died C. has died D. was dead 59. I was called into the room first, my name being at _________ of the list. A.front B. the head C. top D. the above 60. China _________ the Third World. A.belongs to B. is belong to C. is belonged to D. is belonging to 61. The new evening dress ________ them 400 francs. A.used B. spent C. cost D. took 62. When the old man talked of his own story in the old days, tears came _______ his eyes. A.from B. out of C. in D. to 63. The street was so crowded that he couldn't find a place to _______ his car. A.stop B. put C. park D. lie 64. ---Who broke the window ---I think _______ must be one of the boys. A.the one B. he C. it D. that 65. Great changes __________ last year. A.took place B. were taken place C. had broken out D. happened 66. We usually work eight hours ___________. A. everyday B. one day C. a day D. in a day Key: 1-5. DCABA 6-10. BCCAB 11-15. DBBDA 16-20. CDDAD 21-25. ACAAD 26-30. BDDCC 31-35. BCBCB 36-40. DADDC 41-45. AAADC 46-50. BDCBB 51-55. ABBAD 56-60. BAABA 61-66. CDCCAC 高考单项选择语法专题解题技巧第 6 讲:迟到信息 高考语法专题系列复习第 6 讲 易受"迟到信息"干扰的选择题讲练 I.讲解: 在单项填空题的题干中,空格后有时还附加一些信息, 这些迟到的信息有的是无关紧要的, 而有的则对答案确定 起着决定性作用.答题时,切忌粗枝大叶,无视那些迟到的信息, 而应该瞻前顾后,通盘考虑. II.练习: 1. How _____ the music sounded! We were all struck by it. A. sweet B. clear C. loud D. terrible 2. --- Shall I tell John about it ---No, you __________, I've told him already. A. needn't B. won't C. mustn't D. shouldn't 3. --- The problem isn't difficult for the children to work out, isn't it __________. Perhaps they should have been given a more difficult one. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, it isn't C. No, it is D. No, it isn't 4. Exercise one is ______ easier than Exercise two. You will have much trouble in both of them. A. much B. a little C. no D. not 5. Would you mind my turning ___________ the radio a bit It's too noisy. A. on B up C. down D. around 6. She often gets up ___________ eight. She is a lazy girl. A. at B. before C. after D. around 7. She doesn't speak English as _________ as her friend, but her written work is excellent. A. good B. well C. much D. often 8. ---Are you going to watch the game ---I'm sure _______, for it promises to be a close one. A. so B. I will C. not D. I won't 9. If you don't like _________ of the books, I will give you a third one. A. each B. any C. both D. either I took them _________ because I didn't know which was the best. A. neither B. both C. no one D. all Mr. Black ________ his wife to teach their child a lesson. So he did. A. promised B. persuade C. wanted D. told 12. ---The play is seldom put on here, is it ---_____________. Only once five years ago. A. No, it isn't B. Yes, it is C. Yes, isn't it D. Yes, it is. 13. Someone was heard __________ up the stairs and open the door. A. come B. to come C. coming D. came 14. Jenny _________ have kept her words. I wonder why she changed her mind. A. could B. might C. would D. should 15. ---__________ did you take ---I took half of it. A. How many B. How much C. How D. What 16. When I was a news reporter, I __________ to Japan a lot of times. A. flew B. had flown C. used to fly D. was used to flying 17. Peter ________ come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet. A. can B. may C. must D. will 18. I didn't know __________ you were getting on well with your work A. because B. how C. that D. which 19. You're ________ your time trying to persuade his; he'll never join us. A. spending B. wasting C. losing D. missing 20. ---Kate! Have you got an invitation from Nancy ---___________. A what A. Yes, I've got one B. I'm sorry I don't know C. I beg your pardon D. Say again 21. --- You are not a new member, are you ---_____________. I joined only yesterday. A. No, I'm not B. Yes, I'm not C. No, I am D. Yes, I am. 22. ---Do you think books are expensive now ---___________. They are expensive indeed. A. Yes, I do B. No, I don't C. So do I D. Nor do I 23. ---Can't you answer my question ---___________. I know little about it. A. Yes B. No C. Never D. of course 24. ---You seem to be a teacher. ---__________. I have been teaching English since 1980. A. Of course B. I think so C. I don't think so D. So I am 25. ---Would you like to play football ---__________. I feel like playing basketball. A. I believe so B. I don't like it C. I don't think so D. Not really. 26. --- You must have been tired out yesterday. ---Oh, _________. I felt as if I were dying. A. not at all B. almost not C. not a little D. not a bit 27. -It tastes __________! ---Would you like a little more of it A. well B. sweet C. bitter D. terrible 28. ---Anything I can do for you ---I'd like to have this coat _________; it's a bit smaller. A. made B. changed C. washed D. ironed 29. ---Is __________ present ---No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody 30. ---Which of these two dictionaries will you buy ---I'll buy _________, for the different uses. A. either B. neither C. both D. all 31. I like _________ of the two stories, for this story is no more interesting than that one. A. either B. neither C. both D. none 32. ---Does he speak English or Russian ---He speaks _________. But he knows some German. A. both B. either C. neither D. no one 33. These trousers _________him. You'd better go and get another pair for him. A. are not fit B. don't fit for C. fit D. hardly fit 34. he _________ her to have another try, but she didn't like to. A. refused B. demanded C. permitted D. promised 35. We've planted a lot of apple trees. But ________ have borne fruits because there has no rain. A. few B. a few C. little D. many 36. Make yourself ___________ when you speak to others. A. understand B. understood C. be understood D. to be understood 37. What ________ information it is! Put it into the computer. A. uninteresting B. terrible C. useless D. useful 38. You're ________ your time trying to persuade him; he'll never join us. A. spending B. wasting C. losing D. missing 39. He was _________ to move the box, let alone carry it upstairs. A. strong B. too strong C. strong enough D. not strong enough 40. He dropped the _________ and broke it. A. cup of coffee B. coffee's cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup 41. I don't regret _________ her the news even if it might have hurt her. A. telling B. to tell C. to have told D. and tell 42. It was _________ unusual work of art that everyone wanted very much to have a look at it. A. / B. an C. such D. such an Key: 1-5 AADCC 6-10 CBBDD 11-15 AABDB 16-20 ABCBC 21-25 DABDC 26-30 CBBCC 31-35 BCDCA 36-40 BDBDD 41-42 AD 高考单项选择语法专题解题技巧第 7 讲:冗余信息 高考语法专题系列复习第 7 讲 易受"冗余信息"干扰的选择题讲练 I.讲解: 有些单项选择题的题干往往很长,命题人常在某些固定结构中间插入一些次要信息,用来干扰学生的正常思维,分 散其注意力,从而使其心理活动不能指向或集中于一定的事物.我们可视这样的信息为"冗余信息".撇开这些信息,句子的 主要结构便会一目了然. II.练习: 1. How about the rest of us _________ a meeting after dinner A. will have B. have C. to have D. having 2. John plays football _________, if not better than, David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as 3. She spent as much time as she could __________ over her lessons. A. go B. to go C. going D. went 4. We should do more such exercises in the future, I think, _________ those we did yesterday. A. as B. like C. about D. than 5. I held different opinions on the subject _____________. A. with you B. with yours C. from you D. from yours 6. The gold medal we looked forward to __________ got at last. A. being B. be C. was D. has been 7. He will tell you, _________ he expects will win such a match. A. who B. whom C. which D. why 8. Mr. Li as well as two sons ___________ already in the waiting room. A. have been B. has been C. are D. is 9. The writer and professor, who I often refer to at the meetings, ______ famous for those works. A. is B. are C. was D. were 10. He turned off the head ;amp of the care to keep the light from flashing in through the window of Jack's house and ________ Jack up. A. woke B. waking C. wake D. to wake 11.He often leans over the fence and talks endlessly with my father ______ gardening problems. A. to B. of C. about D. on 12. You should impress the news learned from the radio this morning _________your mind. A. in b. into C. inside D. upon 13. The old man said that he would _________ more people who would not have too much work to do in the week to come to do the construction work. A. let B. promise C. get D. force. 14. He was forced to give everything he had stolen _______ the people. A. to B. from C. of D. by 15. With a quick kick the policeman sent the knife in the robber's right hand ________. A. fly B. to fly C. flying D. to be flying 16. At five she was ________ by her mother, who was a famous dancer when young, to go into training. A. led B. agreed C. demanded D. forced 17. Some of the rubbish, such as food, paper and iron, _______ away over a long period of time. A. rot B. rots C. is rotting D. are rotted 18. All but one ________ here the other day. A. was B. were C. is D. have been 19. The number of the people present, as we had expected, _________ very large. A. was B. were C. is D. are 20. Obviously he didn't agree with two men--- ___________. A. Tom and I B. I and Tom C. Tom and me D. me and Tom 21. _________ was Goodyear, an American, who invited the basic method of preparing rubber for trade use. A. Who B. He C. It D. This Key: 1-5 DBCAD 6-10 CADAB 11-15 CDCAC 16-21 DBBACC 高考单项选择语法专题解题技巧第 8 讲:复杂句式 高考语法专题系列复习第 8 讲 易受"复杂句式"干扰的选择题讲练 I.讲解: 不少单项选择题的题干是由学生并不那么熟悉的句式构成的, 这无形中增加了试题的难度.要答好这类试题,就必须设法 将复杂的,不常见的句式还原成简单的,常见的句式,以便快速地,准确地把握句子结构,理解题目意思.还原的方法归纳起 来主要有以下几种: 1. 将疑问句还原成陈述句; 2. 将感叹句还原成陈述句;3. 将倒装句还原成正常语序;4. 将省略句还原成完整的句子;5.将 强调句还原成一般句式;6. 将被动语态还原成主动语态;7. 将复合句还原成简单句. II.练习: 1.Is this factory _________ you visited the other day A. the one B. that C. where D. when 2. Who did the teacher ________ the article A. have written B. have write C. had written D. has writing 3. Is _________ you want to say A. that all B. all that C. all what D. what 4. Was it ________ she heard with her ears ________ really made her frightened A. what, that B. because, that C. that , which D. what, / 5. How pleased the teacher was _______ what the student said! A. hearing B. heard C. hear D. to hear 6. _________ what they said sounded! A. How foolishly B. How foolish C. What foolishly D. What foolish 7. To all of you _______ the honor for the success. A. belongs to B. belong to C. belongs D. belong 8. Here is a notebook, in which ________ the names of the visitors. A. write B. written C. were written D. was written 9. Never _________ she praised __________ what she did. A. did, for B. did, of C. was, for D. was, of 10. John plays football ________, if not better than, David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as 11. Could you give us the reason why you didn't do as ___________ A. were told B. to be told C. told to D. told 12. It was ________ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home. A. repaired B. repairing C. to repair D. in repair 13. It was during the Liberation War _________ he dies. A. that B. which C. in which D. when 14. Was it __________ yesterday evening ________ you met him A. on, that B. on, when C. until, that D. not until, that 15. The students are _____ to hand in the exercises before class. A. wished B. hoped C. agreed D. promised 16. Charles Babbage is generally considered _________ the first computer. A. to invent B. to have invented C. inventing D. having invented 17. His lost eyesight was ________ by his ever sharpening sense of hearing. A. made up for B. made up of C. made use of D. made of 18. The blackboard was wiped _________. A. clean B. cleaned C. cleanly D. to be cleaned 19. The car ________ she was traveling was late. A. which B. by which C. on which D. in which 20. Is this the watch you wish to _____________ A. repair it B. have repaired it C. have it repaired D. have repaired 21. Would you please point out the mistakes in my composition, if _________ A. any B. none C. some D. anything 22. Is ________ he said it worth believing A. all what B. what C. it D. that 23. Whom would you rather have _________ with you this time A. to go B. go C. gone D. going 24. ---________ you did ---No, as a matter of fact, i didn't need to. A. That is what B. what is that C. Is that what D. Is what that 25. __________ everything he had taken away from him A. Was B. Should C. Did D. Had 26. Has everything ________ can be done ________ A. what, done B. that, been done C. that, already done D. what, already been done 27. Is this the school _________ you visited some foreigners a few months ago A. that B. which C. the one D. where 28. Where was ________ the traffic accident happened last night A. it that B. it C. the place that D. the place 29. Whose eyes ________ it that he saw in the darkness A. was B. were C. is D. are 30. It was _______ the neighbors saw catch the thief. A. him that B. he that C. said that D. where 31. Along the paths stood some signs, _________ was written/Keep Off The Grass!/ A. on which B. in which C. which D. that 32. Rather than _______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _____ a bicycle. A. ride, ride B. riding, ride C. ride, to ride D. to ride, riding 33. They want to see how civilizes (驯化) the animal can ________. A. experience B. change C. develop D. become 34. ____________ it snow, the crops would grow better. A. Were B. Were to C. Should D. Would 35. The boy I considered ________ cheated in the exam. A. being honest B. to be honest C. was honest D. that is honest 36. Did _________ on time make her teacher angry A. not to come B. her not to come C. her not coming D. not her coming Key: 1-5 ABAAD 6-10 BCCCB 11-15 CBACA 16-20 BAADD 21-25 ADBCA 26-30 BDAAA 31-36 ACDCBC 高考单项选择语法专题解题技巧第 9 讲:相似结构 高考语法专题系列复习第 9 讲 易受"相似结构"影响的选择题讲练 I.讲解: 我们时常会碰到这样一些单项选择题, 它们的题干在句式,句型,词语搭配及用法等方面近乎一致,有时公是一个词,一个 标点符号之别.然而,就是这些细微差别,却往往导致题意以及答案的迥然不同.经常有意识地辑录一些结构相似的选择题 并对其进行认真的对比练习,必能提高自己的观察能力和应变能力.解答这类习题时,首先应通过比较弄清句子结构之间 的相似之处与不同之处,在此基础上再注意分析其题旨和命题角度,试图从中找到答题的契机. II.练习: 1. Is this school ________ you visited the other day Is this school ________ you visited your uncle the other day Is this the school ______ you visited the other day Is this the school ______ you visited your uncle the other day A. the one B. where C. when D. that 2. It is a store, ________ sells science book. It is the very store _______ sells books are sold. It is the store ________ science books are sold. It is in the store _______ science books are sold. A. who B. which C. that D. where 3. I will never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country. I will never forget the days _______ we worked together in the country. A. on which B. where C. that D. when 4. Here is such s difficult text _______ none of us can understand. Here is such a difficult text _______ none of us can understand. A. as B. which C. that D. where 5. Finally they arrived at a farmhouse, ________ roof well above the others'. Finally they arrived at a farmhouse, ________ roof was well above the others'. A. what B. which C. whose D. its 6. _________ is known to all that paper was first made in China. _________ is known to all, paper was first made in China. A. That B. Which C. As D. It 7. ________ he was badly ill that the enemy set him free. ________ he was badly ill did the enemy set him free. A. Until B. Not until C. It was until D. It was not until 8. _________ he has done it is surprising. _________ he has done is surprising. A. What B. That C. Whether D> / 9. _______ from the hill, the park seems beautiful. _______ from the hill, you'll find the park beautiful. _______ from the hill, and you'll find the park beautiful. A. See B. Seen C. Seeing D. to be seen 10. There ________ no bus, we had to walk home. As there _______ no bus, we had to walk home. A. was B. were C. being D. be 11. It is kind ________ you to do so. It is easy ________ you to do so. A. to B. for C. of D. with 12.No one but I ________ asked to help rebuild the tower. Not you but I ________ asked to help rebuild the tower. Not only you but I _______ asked to help rebuild the tower. A. am B. is C. are D. were 13. Tom and Jack are good at music, but ________ of them is good at art. Tom and Jack are good at music, and ________ of them is good at art. Tom and Jack are good at music, and ________ of them are good at art. A. neither B. either C. both C. two 14. I have nothing to do but _____ his advice. I have nothing to choose but _______ his advice. A. follow B. following C. to follow D. followed 15. ---________ are you going to do with the letter ---I'm going to have it burned. ---________ are you going to deal with the letter ---I'm going to have it burned. A. Whether B. Why C. What D. How 16. He spent _______ hours than she on maths. He spent _______ time than she on math A. many more B. much more C. many D. much 17. This book is worth ______. This book is worthy ________. This book is worthy of _______. A. being dipped into B. to be dipped into C. dipping into D. dipped into 18. I ________ five yuan on the book. I ________ five yuan for the book. The book _____ me five yuan. A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost 19. Newton was famous _______ a great scientist. Newton was famous _______ his great discoveries. A. for B. in C. as D. because of 20.---I'm tired _________ taking a train. ---You'd better take a rest. ---I'm tired _________ taking a train. ---You'd better take a bus. A. from B. by C. for D. of 21. Let's have a short rest, ________ Let us have a short rest, _______ A. will you B. will we C. shall we D. don't you 22. _________ this road, you will get there. _________ this road, and you will get there. A. Follow B> To follow C. Following D. Followed 23. We have decided to accept the proposal that he ________ his new theory. We have decided to accept the proposal that he ________. A. offer B. offers C. offered D. would offer 24. Two years ________, he had to return to his native village. Two years ________, and he had to return to his native village. A. passed B. past C, after D. later 25. The English teacher and class teacher _______ friendly to us. The English teacher and the class teacher _______ friendly to us. A. / B. be C. is D. are 26. _________, and he can't tell true friends from false ones. _________, he can't tell true friends from false ones. A. For he is a child B. He is a child C. A child as he is D. Child as he is 27. He is one of the persons who _________ invited. He is the only one of the persons who _________ invited. A. has been B. have been C. had been D. is being 28. He is ________ young a boy that he can't dress himself. He is ________ a young boy that he can't dress himself. A. such B. so C. very D. too 29. Do me the favor ________ on the radio. Do me a favor ________ on the radio. Do me the favor----_________ on the radio. A. turn B. to turn C. turning D. by turning 30. I have a doubt _______ he will succeed. I have no doubt _______ he will succeed. A. if B. whether C. that D. how 31. I'll drop in __________ the tailor tomorrow. I'll drop in __________ the tailor's tomorrow. A. / B. at C. on D. with 32. I think all _______ I need is nothing but time. think _______ I need is nothing but time. A. what B. which C. that D. all what 33. ---Would you mind _________ the window It's hot in here. ---No, please. ---Would you mind _________ the window It's hot in here. ---I'd like to. A. your closing B. your opening C. my closing D. my opening 34. They came _______ car. They came _______ a car. A. by B. on C. in D. with 35. I didn't know _______ you were getting on well with your work. I didn't know _______ you were getting on with your work. A. how B. which C. that D. because 36. He walked across the bridge carefully because he was afraid ________ into the water. He wanted very much to have a swim, but he was afraid ________ into the water. A. to jump B. to fall C. of jumping D. of falling 37. I used to _________ a walk after supper. I've got used to ________ a walk after supper. A. take B. taking C. be taking D. being taking 38. Write it ________ pen. Write it ________ a pen. Write it _______ a pen and blue ink. A. by B. through C. in D. with 39. They turned ________. They turned out ________. A. thief B. a thief C. the thief D. thieves 40. Her parents ______ her to take some exercise but without result. Her parents ______ her taking some exercise but without result. A. suggested B. persuaded C. tried to persuade D. managed to suggest 41. __________ will you be back __________ do you come back __________ have you been back A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far 42. The young man _________ a lot of money ________ me. The young man _________ me _________ a lot of money. A. robbed, from B. robbed, of C. stole, of D. stole, from 43. There were only 12 persons in the bus, _______ a baby. There were only 12 persons in the bus, a baby ________. A. to include B. including C. included D. include 44. She is a good woman, _______ her beauty. She is a good woman, _______ some shortcomings. She is a good woman, _______ she is sometimes lack of patience. A. except for B. except that C. but D. besides 45. ________ books of his are on science. ________ his books are on science. A. Two dozen B. Two dozens C. Two dozen of D. Two dozens of 46. ________ Monday morning he wrote an article on grammar. ________ Monday morning he had written an article on grammar. A. By B. On C. At D. / 47. Our class is _______ Mr. Wang, our English teacher. Mr. Wang, our English teacher, is _________ our class. A. in charge B. in the charge C. in the charge of D. in charge of 48. He was very busy ________ his friend. He was too busy ________ his friend. A. receive B. to receive C. receiving D. with receiving 49. I feel like _______ something different. I would like ________ something different. A. do B. to do C. doing D. being doing 50. We have fount a hotel. Sleep for us is ________ question tonight. We haven't found a hotel. Sleep for us is _________ question tonight. A. out B. out of C. out of a D. out of the Key: 1 ABDB 2. BCDC 3. CD 4. AC 5. DC 6. DC 7 DB 8 BA 9 BCA 10 CA 11 CB 12 BAA 13 ABC 14 AC 15 CD 16 AB 17 CBA 18 BAD 19 CA 20 AD 21 CA 22 Ca 23 AC 24 DA 25 CD 26 BD 27 BA 28 BA 29 BDA 30 BC 31 CB 32 CA 33 DB 34 AC 35 CA 36 DA 37 AB 38 CDD 39 AD 40 CA 41 CAB 42 DB 43 BC 44 DAB 45 AC 46 BA 47 CD 48 CB 49 CB 50 BD 基本上不看短文内容仅看选项,2010 年高考有人竟然过了 100 分! 高考有没有瞬间大幅度提分的可能? 谁能让你不用花很多时间和心思学习,英语就能提高至少 20-30 分?要是真的话,简直是白捡的分数!不仅如此, 当你了解了高考真题答案的所有内幕规律,看到了绝密的解题招式,就会豁然开朗。哇!原来也可以这么做题!你的 思路因此将会被彻底打通,提高的分数将不仅仅是 20-30 分!无论现在的英语成绩是 60 分,还是 110 分,任何人都可 以做到!这些绝密招式是太简单、太震撼了!所以,如果你看到了,切勿告诉他人,否则,他们会在高考中轻松超过 你! 请注意 ! 如果你不相信这世上有考试秘诀,请立即将您的眼睛离开; 如果你习惯于按照传统思路做题,不希望有思维上的突破,请你立即将您的眼睛离开; 如果你现在的成绩已接近满分,甚至已是满分,请你立即将您的眼睛离开; 如果你患有心理疾病或心脏病,请您立即将您的眼睛离开; 如果你选择留下来,那么接下来的事,很可能让你目瞪口呆! 如果我告诉你 N 个秘诀,在做完形填空和阅读理解题时,不用看文章和题干,只是简单的比较四个选项,就能瞬 间选出正确答案,你是否想看? 请先看下面的例子,它是辽宁卷 2010 年真题的第 36 题,是一个完形填空题. 在此我只列出它的四个选项,试试 看,只是比较选项,你是否能够在 3 秒之内选出正确答案? 36. A. worried B. sad C. surprised D. nervous 正确答案是 C, ABD 都是一个人状态不好的倾向词,而 C 则为中性词,表述态度不一致者是答案。.如果你知道了 这个秘诀,可以解决很多类似的完型填空题! 看一下辽宁卷 2010 年完形填空真题的第 52 题: 52. A. Largely B. Generally C. Gradually D. Probably 正确答案是C, ABD都是含义不肯定的副词,排除表述不明确的选项,答案就水落石出了. 如果你知道了这个秘诀, 你更是可以解决很多类似的完型填空题! 试想一下,知道了全部 36 个完形秘诀之后,您的分数会怎么样呢? 请再看下面的例子,它是辽宁卷 2010 年真题阅读理解题的第 56 题,在此我只写出它的题干和四个选项.也试试 看,只是比较选项,你是否能够在 5 秒之内选出正确答案? 56. From Paragragh 1 we learn that the villagers . A.worked very hard for centuries B.dreamed of having a better life C.were poor but somewhat content D.lived a different life from their forefathers 正确答案是 C, 选项中表述的内容前后相互矛盾的是答案! 思路很简单,如果你掌握了其中的秘诀,抛开文章, 你也可以很快选出正确答案. 掌握此类瞬间解题秘诀,不仅缩短了答题时间,还能保障近乎 100%的准确率!请上 www.sypeterwu.com 或上百度,输入"沈阳英语家教吴军"查询! 吴军英语高分密码,让您第一次课就提 10 分!20 次课提 25-62 分! 模棱两可处和看不懂,该怎么办? 要知道,如果对文章似懂非懂,那么,在文章中寻找答案线索就像大海捞针一样的难,更谈不上做对题!吴军英语 高分密码将会告诉你此类瞬间解题秘诀,帮助你辨识选项中的诸多暗示点,瞬间找出正确答案,或者瞬间排除错误选项. 请记住!在英语完型填空和阅读理解题的选项中,从头到尾都充满了暗示点,善于利用这些暗示点,可以快速做对题! 无论任何人,在考试中,总会遇到吃不准选项的题,或可以称之为不会做的“难题”,那么,如果遇到“难题”,你会 怎办?是放弃?不可能,怎么着也要“猜”出一个答案!那么,是“瞎猜”吗?如果是“瞎猜”,其正确率仅是 25%,是可 想而知的低!那么,如何“猜”才能有高的准确率呢?如果我告诉你 N 个秘诀,让你在做“难题”时,猜出的答案的准确率 由 25%提高至 95%,甚至是 100%,你愿意继续看下去吗? 35. A. eat up B. deal with C. throw away D. send out 35 题在 B 和 C 模棱两可处到底选哪个? 当然选范围大的,能包括另一个的,即选 B. 再举个例子,假如 2010 年辽宁卷高考英语完形填空的 47 题,不知选哪个, 怎么办? As I found out, there is, 46 , often no perfect equivalence(对应)between two 47 in two languages. My aunt even goes so far as to 48 that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the 49 meaning of a word in English! 47. A. words B. names C. ideas D. characters 很简单,选 A,勿须有任何的犹豫,为什么?复现法则! 吴军英语高分密码会告诉你具体原因以及更多的解决“难题”的秘诀,都是非常的简单和直接.请记住!遇到“难题”,即 使“猜”答案,也要“猜”的有理有据,切勿盲目的“猜”! The moment he was about to 47 the hospital, he saw on the desk the 48 new book ,just as he had left it one 49 ago. 48. A much B still C hardly D quite 很简单,选 B,为什么?答案高频词汇倾向归纳让你笑逐颜开! 高频形容词 副词: suddenly, even, finally, first, last, again, also, however, though, although, yet, instead, even though, but, still 等. 吴军英语高分密码真的有这么神奇吗?是!一点儿没错!效果是绝对的真实!作为一种标准化考试,选择题本身 是有很多缺陷的,这些缺陷就是暗示点,就是解题的突破口!吴军英语高分密码通过对历年真题的长时间的研究,对这些 暗示点进行了全面、深入、细致的挖掘和整理,将其转化为超级解题秘诀! 每一个秘诀的准确率都在 95%以上,甚至是 100% 吴军英语高分密码,真正做到了立竿见影!甚至是一剑封喉!单 选 280 个考点,42 个诀窍; 阅读 16 大满分攻略; 完形 36 绝招; 七选五 6 大原则; 改错 36 个规律;作文 4 大模板 6-8 页; 不想考上一本、二本都很难!马上用吴军英语高分密码对照历年所有的高考真题进行逐一的验证吧! 遇到吴军老师,您 太幸运了!请上 www.sypeterwu.com 或上百度,输入"沈阳英语家教吴军"查询! “当时学习,当时提分”的超实战家教! 抚顺 2 中的徐金良同学,来时成绩是 71 分左右, 2009 年高考成绩为 117 分;沈阳 4 中的刘洪鹏同学 来时成绩是 46 分, 2009 年高考成绩为 100 分; 黑山 1 中的高三刘璐同学来时成绩是 50-70 分, 2010 年高考成绩为 113 分!………………………. 孩子从小学开始,学习英语已经多年,孩子天天背单词、做习题、记笔记,做过的卷子岂止几百套,上千套,那 么孩子的英语成绩一直在稳步提高吗?还是一直没有提高,甚至越学越落后、越学越迷茫?如果孩子的英语成绩一直 提高不了,如果孩子一直抓不住重点、找不到感觉,就来找 “神奇”的吴军老师吧!在这里孩子马上就会体验到英语 学习成绩“突飞猛进”的快乐!在这里一天提高几十分的孩子比比皆是! 鲁美附中、沈音附中 7 人全部考取国本! 热烈庆祝吴军一对一家教学员---2010 届鲁美附中 1 班王巨龙、冯潇潇,沈音附中李同学(女,不愿公开全名)及 沈阳 2 中补习班姜雯悦等 7 人考取鲁美和沈阳音乐学院!为什么一个英语烂到家的学生,在不到 2-3 个月内成绩突飞 猛进?为什么英语基础几乎为零的学生经过他辅导 10 到 20 次课,成绩就能迅速提升 30-70 多分?走捷径考高分的窍 门是什么?沈阳高端英语快速提分名师吴军老师将为您咨询谜底。艺术类国本,英语小分很关键!9 年的高分经验能成 就了他们,同样也可以成就暂时停止成功的你! 只学习 5-10 次课,英语成绩就提高了 30 多分! 能接触到吴军老师《英语高分密码》的人太幸运了!如何把握中心,猜测题意,一听就会!融会贯通,举一反三! 沈阳 83 中高二的金柏岑同学来时成绩是 82 分, 2010 年学习 5 次课后的期末成绩为 108 分; 现就读于沈阳 4 中高二文科 班的胡兢元同学来时成绩是 91 分, 13 次课后的期末成绩为 125 分; 现就读于皇姑区沈阳 10 中高一的高雅慧同学来时成 绩是 90 分左右, 2010 年高一下学期期中考试的成绩为 127 分;现就读于沈阳东北育才高中本部高二的戴冠宇同学来时成 绩是 107 分,学习后的成绩稳定在 125-140 分之间,最好成绩是由倒数到班里前 6 名。 2010 年沈阳中考距离满分竟然只差了 7 分! 2010 届杏坛中学初三 6 班的周千会同学(女), 2010 年沈阳市铁西区一模才 120 分左右,其中一大半还是‘懵’来 的。跟吴军老师学习 3-4 次后,自己很快找到了英语学习的感觉,好像一下子容易了很多,二模考了 135 分。10 次课 后,中考距离满分竟然只差了七分,考了 143 分。她说没想到她的最高纪录竟然创造在 2010 年沈阳中考中! 请上 www.sypeterwu.com 或上百度,输入"沈阳英语家教吴军"查询! 2010 中考冲刺,没想到效果居然这么好! 2010 届 43 中学初三 13 班的李圣同学(男),初三后成绩与其他同学突然拉大,成绩一直在 80 分左右,很少达到 及格线 90 分,对自己没有信心,对英语家教更是排斥。跟吴军老师学习 20 次后,虽与好学生还有 5-7 分的差距,但 又找到了初一前十名时的感觉。2010 年沈阳中考虽然发挥不算理想(非选择手写部分基础不好),也达到了 129 分! 请上 www.sypeterwu.com 或上百度,输入"沈阳英语家教吴军"查询! 英语一对一家教授课内容 单项选择 13 条经典实战技巧,助你避开语法的干扰轻松得高分; 完型填空 11 个重要特点,10 种判断技巧,彻底解决一错错一串、发挥不稳定两大难题; 阅读理解 9 大要点,9 种提高方法轻松解决 做题慢准确率低等难题; 短文改错 6 大应试策略,6 大提高方法让你拿分如探囊取物; 书面表达 “黄金写作模型”,精辟独到的讲解,写出让阅卷老师无可挑剔的高分作文! 以下情况不能提分: 单词量要达到初二牛津 8B 水平(目标高考分数是 70-95 分),初二牛津 9B 水平(目标高考分数是 95-115 分),当 次见效(通过现场实战做题,题也可以自己带,明显感觉提了 8-10 分),一般 8-20 次课达到目标!什么也不会(连羊 sheep 和睡觉 sleep 都分不清就别浪费家里的钱了),家里有钱也没用,”神”也帮不了你! 心里形成强烈“自己不行”思维定势,不能迅速扭转的,应先找心理医生或另寻他法; 一模 40 分,二模 50 分以上可以来,30 分左右的得包 5-8 天,费用得 1.5 万起,否则拒访! 不走心,每次课都没有问题,甚至连给的课后专项题或语境化词汇题都不做的, 拒访!非要学可以,成绩变化不大, 就别来找我! 仅上 3-5 次课就想提 30-50 分的别来,当次课提分是因为阅读或完形有了技巧性突破,但考点还没系统化,所以只能 提 10-15 分. 提 30-50 分不是 3-5 次而是包 3-5 天! 他的诚信宣言: 1.我只能帮助孩子提高英语分数,而不能提高孩子基本功! 2.现成绩 125 分以上的同学,建议不要参加。因为他们只有 10~15 分的提分空间,性价比不合适! 3.听完 1 小时内不满意,保证不问原因、不问理由、无条件地、全额退费!超过了,则按一课收取。讲课当中或 讲完后,提供试题或自己带题,马上答题验证!再于下次补交 10-20 次的费用,3 课内不满意可以退回未上课的所有费 用,因用大量时间为您的孩子做个性化教案,故 3 课后恕不退还!本承诺已坚持了四年半! 4.保分”需要过程,中考高考结束后才能验证,到时就算退回了学费也买不回来孩子的时间和未来。Peter 高分英 语“立竿见影”当次课见效!每次课后都可以拿高考真题和你的期中/末考题来验证高分教案,答的正确率高或方法好 使,就可以证明我们的教案有效!一般情况下,85 分以上来的,都能在 6-20 课内提到 105-135 分。2009-2010 年(吴 军亲授的学生)高考 130 分以上的有 39 人,3 个月内提高了 50-70 分的有 17 人。请上 www.sypeterwu.com 或上百度, 输入"沈阳英语家教吴军"查询!

