2020届一轮复习人教版必修5Unit5 Firstaid单元学案(36页)

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2020届一轮复习人教版必修5Unit5 Firstaid单元学案(36页)

‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修5 Unit 5 First aid单元学案 ‎ 要 点 梳 理 高效梳理·知识备考 ‎●重点单词 ‎1.aid n. & vt.帮助;援助;资助 ‎2.temporary adj.暂时的;临时的 ‎3.injury n.损伤;伤害→injure v.受伤 ‎4.bleed vi. & vt.流血→bled(过去式)→bled(过去分词)‎ ‎5.choke vi. & vt.(使)噎住;(使)窒息 ‎6.poison n.毒药;毒害 vt.毒害;使中毒→poisonous adj.有毒的 ‎7.variety n.变化;多样(化);多变(性)→various adj.各种各样的→vary v.变化 ‎8.mild adj.轻微的;温和的;温柔的→mildly adv.轻微地;温和地 ‎9.swell vi. & vt.(使)膨胀;隆起→swollen adj.肿胀的 ‎10.squeeze vt. & vi.榨;挤;压榨 ‎11.symptom n.症状;征兆 ‎12.pour vt. & vi.倒;灌;注;涌 ‎13.tight adj.牢的;紧的;紧密的→tightly adv.紧地 ‎14.firm adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的→firmly adv.坚固地;稳定地 ‎15.treat vt. & vi.治疗;对待;款待 n.款待;招待→treatment n.治疗;疗法;对待;待遇 ‎16.apply vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi.申请;请求;使用;有效→applicant n.申请人→application n.申请(书)‎ ‎17.pressure n.压力;挤压;压迫(感)‎ ‎●重点短语 ‎1.first aid 急救 ‎2.fall ill 生病 ‎3.prevent...from... 阻止……‎ ‎4.get burned 烧伤 ‎5.electric shock 触电;电休克 ‎6.squeeze out 榨出;挤出 ‎7.over and over again 反复;多次 ‎8.in place 在适当的位置;适当 ‎9.a number of 若干;许多 ‎10.put one’s hands on 找到 ‎11.make a difference 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用 ‎●重点句型 ‎1.If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible.若烫伤是在胳膊或腿上,如果可能的话,把它们抬得高于心脏。‎ ‎2.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.‎ 约翰正在房间里做功课,突然听到一声尖叫。‎ ‎3.It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade’s life.‎ 正是约翰的快速反应和急救知识救了斯莱德女士的命。‎ ‎4.There is no doubt_that John’s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade’s life.‎ 毫无疑问,是约翰敏捷的思维和在学校所学的急救技术,使得斯莱德女士得救了。‎ ‎●高考范文 请从下列人物中选择你最喜欢的一位,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文。要求根据所给信息作适当发挥,且需包括以下三部分内容:‎ ‎1.对该人物的简单介绍;‎ ‎2.喜欢该人物的理由;‎ ‎3.从该人物身上得到的启示。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Thomas Edison Helen Keller William Shakespeare inventor;‎ creative; diligent;‎ full of wisdom ordinary but great woman; disabled;optimistic; eager ‎ to learn writer; talented;imaginative; man of all ages ‎ ‎“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”‎ ‎“...if I had the power of sight for three days.”‎ ‎“Life is a stage...”‎ ‎[范文]‎ Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact, he was a man full of imagination.‎ I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world. He had more than 1 000 inventions. In his life time, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname “the Wizard of Melo Park”. He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so many great inventions.‎ What impresses me most is his famous saying, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hardworking learner. From him, I realize ‎ the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you ‎ 考 点 探 究 互动探究·能力备考 Ⅰ.词汇短语过关 ‎1.aid n.&vt. 援助;资助;救助 first aid 急救 give/do/offer sb. first aid give/do/offer first aid to sb.对某人进行急救 with the aid/help of... 在……的帮助下 without sb.‘s aid/help 没有某人的帮助 go to one’s aid/help 前去帮助某人 aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 aid sb. in/with... 为……帮助某人 ‎[即学即练1](1)The organization offers economic ‎ ____________ the Third World.‎ 这个组织给第三世界提供经济援助。‎ ‎(2)Dictionaries are ___________________ learning languages.字典对于学习语言有很大的帮助。‎ ‎(3)They ______ the poor country ______ money.‎ 他们用钱帮助那个穷国。‎ aid to a great aid in aided with ‎(4)His workmates ______ him ____________ the difficulty.他的工友们帮助他克服了困难。‎ ‎  ‎ aided to overcome ‎2.swell v.(使)膨胀;增长 (swelled, swollen)‎ n.涌浪;海浪的涌动 swollen adj.肿胀的 swell(sth.) into/to sth.(使某物)膨胀,肿胀,增强,增多 swell(sth.) with pride/anger etc.洋洋得意/怒气冲冲等 ‎[即学即练2](1)Her face ______ (______) with toothache./Her face ____________ (______) with toothache.‎ 她的脸因牙痛而肿了起来。‎ ‎(2)A small business ____________ a big company.‎ 小商店发展成大公司。‎ ‎(3)Her heart __________________ as she watched her son receiving his award.‎ 看着儿子领奖时,她心中充满了自豪。‎ ‎  ‎ swelled up was swollen up swelled into swelled with pride ‎3.squeeze vt. & vi. 榨;挤;压榨 squeeze out榨出;挤出 squeeze...out of/from...把……从……中榨出来 squeeze into/through...挤进……‎ ‎[即学即练3](1)Must you _________ the toothpaste tube in the middle?你非得从中间挤牙膏吗?‎ ‎(2)Try to ________ a bit more ____________ the tube.‎ 尽量从管里再挤出一点儿。‎ ‎(3)Five of us ____________ the back seat of the car.‎ 我们中有5个人挤进了汽车的后座。‎ squeeze squeeze out of squeezed into ‎4.treat vt. 治疗;对待;款待 n.款待;招待 treat...as/like把……当做 treat sb./oneself(to sth.)请客吃……‎ be one’s treat由/该某人请客 ‎[即学即练4](1)They ______ me ______ one of the family, which was very kind of them.‎ 他们把我作为一个家庭成员来对待,他们真是太好了。‎ ‎(2)He is seriously ill, and __________________in hospital now.他病得很重,现在在医院接受治疗。‎ ‎(3)We’ll ______ you ______ dinner.我们请你吃饭。‎ ‎(4)__________________. What would you like to eat?‎ 我请客,你们想吃什么?‎ treated as is being treated treat to It’s my treat ‎5.apply vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi.申请;请求;使用;有效 apply to适用于 apply...to...把……应用到 apply to sb. for...向某人申请……‎ apply oneself to(doing) sth.专注于;专心做某事 ‎[即学即练5](1)What you said doesn’t ____________ me.你所说的并不适合我。‎ ‎(2)You can’t ______ this rule ______ every case.‎ 这个规则并不能适用于所有的状况。‎ ‎(3)She ____________ a job ______ an English teacher.‎ 她应征英语教师的工作。‎ ‎(4)We had to ____________ the government ______ financial help.我们只好向政府申请财务援助。‎ apply to apply to applied for as apply to for ‎(5)He __________________ learning English.‎ 他专心学英语。‎ applied himself to ‎6.fall ill生病 fall asleep 睡着,入睡 fall behind (竞赛等)落在(对方)后面;输给别人 fall apart 土崩瓦解;(关系)崩裂,崩溃 fall down 从……落下;倒下;跌倒;(建筑物等)倒塌;‎ ‎(计划等)失败 fall off 下降;跌落 fall over 跌倒 ‎[即学即练6](1)Caught in a heavy rain, he ____________ and died.淋了大雨,他生了一场病就死了。‎ ‎(2)Work hard, or we will ____________.‎ 努力学习,否则我们就会落后。‎ ‎(3)He ____________ his bike while riding.‎ 他骑车时从自行车上摔了下来。‎ ‎  ‎ fell ill fall behind fell off ‎7.in place 在适当的位置;适当 out of place 不在适当的位置;不恰当 in the first place 首先,第一 in the next place 其次,第二点 in place of... 代替……‎ take the place of... 代替,取代 take one‘s place 代替某人;就座 take place 发生,举行 give place to 让位于,为……取代 ‎[即学即练7](1)She likes everything to be ____________ before she starts work.‎ 她喜欢东西都摆好再开始工作。‎ ‎(2)Her dress was quite ____________ at the ceremony.‎ 在那个典礼上她的服装非常得体。‎ ‎(3)I felt completely __________________ among all those smart rich ‎ people.‎ 在那些衣冠楚楚的富人中间,我觉得自己完全格格不入。‎ ‎ (4)__________________ for the next dance.‎ 各就各位,准备跳下一个舞。‎ in place in place out of place Take your places ‎8.put one‘s hands on=lay/get one’s hands on 找到,得到 at hand 在手边;即将来到 by hand 用手做,靠手工 from hand to hand 从一人手中传到另一人手中 hand in hand 手拉手,共同地 in hand 在手里;在掌握中,在控制下 join hands 携手,联手 on the one hand..., on the other hand... ‎ 一方面……,另一方面……‎ out of hand 无法控制 ‎[即学即练8](1)I‘ll bring some tapes if I can ‎ ‎________________________ them.‎ 如果找得到的话,我会带几盒录音带来。‎ ‎(2)________________________, I want to sell the house, but ________________________ I can’t bear the thought of moving.‎ 一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿搬家。‎ ‎(3)Don‘t worry—all the arrangements are ____________.‎ 别担心,一切都安排好了。‎ lay my hands on On the one hand on the other hand in hand ‎(4)He believes that the great day is ____________.‎ 他相信这个伟大的日子就要来到了。‎ ‎    ‎ at hand ‎9.make a difference区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用 make no difference(to sb./sth.)‎ 对某人/物没有作用或影响,对某人/物不重要/不要紧 make some difference(to sb./sth.)‎ 对某人/物有些作用或影响 tell the difference分辨,区分,区别 ‎[即学即练9](1)It _______________________ which way he goes.‎ 他走哪条路会有很大不同。‎ ‎(2)Whether he will come _________________.‎ 他是否来无关紧要。‎ ‎(3)The twins are so alike. It’s difficult to ‎ ‎__________________.这对双胞胎长得太像了,很难分出谁是谁。‎ ‎ ‎ makes a great difference makes no difference tell the difference Ⅱ.重点句型详解 ‎1.If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if_possible. 如果烫伤的部位在臂部或腿部,如果可能的话就要把手臂或腿抬到高于心脏的位置。‎ if possible 为状语从句的省略,其完整形式为 if it is possible。 ①If possible, do it by yourself.‎ 可能的话,你自己做。‎ ‎②If possible, I‘ll go to Beijing tomorrow.‎ 如果可能的话,明天我要去北京。‎ 拓展:if so 如果这样的话 if not 如果不是的话 if any 如果有的话 if necessary 如果必要的话 if ever 如果曾经有的话 ‎[即境活用1] —I hear Bob has been ill in hospital for days.‎ ‎—______, let‘s go to see him.‎ A.If ever   B.If any C.If possible D.If so 答案:D 解析:考查省略句 if so“如果这样的话”。‎ ‎2.John was_studying in his room when he heard screaming. 约翰正在屋里学习,突然听到一声尖叫。‎ when 并列连词,意为“这时”,相当于 and then。 when 作并列连词用时,构成并列句,意为“就在这时,恰恰在这时”,多用在下列句型中:‎ ‎...be doing...when... 正在……这时……‎ ‎...be about to do...when... 正打算做……这时……‎ be just going to do...when... 正要……这时……‎ had just done...when... 刚做了……这时……‎ be on the point of doing...when... 正要……这时……‎ ‎①He was sleeping when there was a knock at the door.‎ 他正在睡觉,这时有人敲门。‎ ‎②I was about to go out when someone knocked at the door. 我刚想出门,这时有人敲门。‎ ‎③We had just begun to work when the machine broke down. 我们刚开始工作,这时机器坏了。‎ ‎④The thief was on the point of putting his hand into the lady‘s handbag when the bus suddenly stopped.‎ 小偷正要把手伸进那位女士的手提袋中,这时公共汽车突然停了。‎ ‎[即境活用2] The children were playing football happily on the playground ______ it began to rain heavily.‎ A.as B.while C.when D.suddenly 答案:C 解析:句意为:孩子们正在操场上高兴地踢足球,这时天开始下起大雨。‎ 易 错 点 拨 自我完善·误区备考 ‎1. injury/wound/hurt/damage/harm ‎(1)injury指平时的大、小创伤或伤害,也可用于无生命物。‎ ‎(2)wound指战斗中刀或枪的创伤、伤口。‎ ‎(3)hurt尤指精神上或感情上的伤害,肉体上的伤痛。‎ ‎(4)damage指损失、损害(不表示伤痛),主要用于物。‎ ‎(5)harm指精神和肉体上的极大损害,不但可用于生物也可用于抽象事物。‎ ‎[应用1] (1)Too much drinking will do you great ______/do great ______ to you.过量饮酒有害。‎ ‎(2)He got an ______ in the accident.他在事故中受伤。‎ ‎(3)Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most ______.在加利福尼亚大地震中,火灾造成的损失最大。‎ harm harm injury damage ‎(4)The soldier had a ______ in his chest.‎ 这位战士胸部受伤。‎ ‎(5)My sympathy eased his ______.‎ 我的同情减轻了他的痛苦。‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ wound hurt ‎2. a number of/the number of 同:两者均修饰可数名词复数。‎ 异:a number of是指“大量的”,后面的谓语动词是复数形式。the number of是指“……的数量”,后面的谓语动词是单数形式。‎ ‎[应用2] (1)_________________ students in my class is 56.‎ ‎(2)________________ our classmates love English.‎ The number of A number of 高 效 作 业 自我测评·技能备考 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.The old man was sent to hospital because of high blood p_____________.‎ ‎2.The cut on my arm b____________ a lot when I was hurt yesterday.‎ ‎3.As soon as he came back to life from the accident, he called an a______________.‎ ‎4.The dog was killed by rat p___________.‎ pressure ‎ bled ambulance poison ‎5.He had a badly s__________ ankle after falling down from the stairs.‎ ‎6.More and more people are riding _______ (电的) bikes.‎ ‎7.Although I ______(倒) it carefully, I spilt some of the oil.‎ ‎8.In the crash he suffered severe ___________(伤) to the head and arms.‎ ‎9.The news of the _________ ( 辐射) leak caused widespread public alarm.‎ ‎10.An old woman was found _________ (使窒息) to death.‎ swollen ‎ electric poured injuries radiation choked ‎ Ⅱ .单项选择 ‎1.-Let’s go Dutch for this supper. OK?‎ ‎-No, ______ this time, as a reward for all your help.‎ A.it’s up to you       B.it’s my treat C.let’s talk about it D.it doesn’t matter 答案:B 解析:句意为:“这顿晚饭让我们AA制吧。”“不,这次由我请客,作为对你的帮助的回报。”A项意为“由你做决定”;B项意为“由我请客”;C项意为“让我们讨论一下”;D项意为“没关系”。‎ ‎2.The most successful retired athletes are those who can ______ the life skills they learned in sports to another area of life.‎ A.contribute B.employ C.apply D.engage 答案:C 解析:考查动词辨析。语意:最成功的退役运动员当属那些能将自己在体育中学到的人生技能运用到人生的另外一个领域的人。这里用apply A to B表示“把A应用于B”。‎ ‎3.-What do you think of our next game?‎ ‎-A bit worried. We ______ it with our two major players ______ injured.‎ A.have lost; / B.will have lost; being C.will lose; are D.are losing; /‎ 答案:D 解析:第一空用现在进行时表将来;第二空为with的复合结构,过去分词injured做宾补。‎ ‎4.You have to be accurate in this job, because a small mistake can make a big ______.‎ A.difference B.difficulty C.trouble D.change 答案:A 解析:make a (some, no) difference有(一些,没有什么)作用;关系;影响。‎ ‎5.On a rainy day I was driving north through Vermont ______ I noticed a young man holding up a sign reading “Boston”.‎ A.which B.while C.when D.as 答案:C 解析:句意为:在一个雨天我正开车沿Vermont向北行驶,这时我注意到一个年轻人举着一个写着Boston的牌子。when这时。其他选项无此意。‎ ‎6.Life is tough in the city. In order to lose their ______, some people drink alcohol.‎ A.temper B.mood C.consciousness D.pressures 答案:D 解析:句意为“在城里生活很艰辛,为了减压,一些人喝酒”。A.脾气;B.情绪;C.意识;D.压力。‎ ‎7.It's a good habit to keep everything ______ in your study.‎ A.in the way B.in place C.in hand D.in the place 答案:B 解析:keep...in place 把……保存在适当的位置。in the way 挡道,碍事;in hand 保有,可用;in the place 在这个地方。‎ ‎8.______ most efficient way to understand thousands of new words is to gain ______ good knowledge of basic word information.‎ A.A; a B.The; /‎ C.A; / D.The; the 答案:A 解析:考查冠词。第一空 a most efficient way 表示“一种非常有效的方法”,第二空 a knowledge of 指“一门……知识”。‎ ‎9.I think Jack will ______ a good monitor, so I'd like to vote for him.‎ A.turn B.change C.make D.elect 答案:C 解析:考查动词辨析。此处make表示“成为”。假如选择A项,应该去掉句中的不定冠词。‎ ‎10.-Did you have any trouble finding your way in Shanghai?‎ ‎-Yes, I tried to find my way to the airport but ______.‎ A.has been lost B.get lost C.lost D.got lost 答案:D 解析:前面的问句以及tried暗示时态应为一般过去时,因此选got lost。‎ ‎11.The painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate ______ its price would be.‎ A.that B.which C.what D./‎ 答案:C 解析:考查名词性从句。这里用what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作表语。这画太名贵了,很难估量其价格。‎ ‎12.______ that we should look after the three dogs three times, my mother left home.‎ A.Mentioning B.Having been mentioned C.Having mentioned D.Mentioned 答案:C 解析:mention这个动作的逻辑主语是mother,首先排除B、D两项;‎ mention这个动作发生在leave之前,故应用having done的形式。‎ ‎13.There are ______ people dancing and singing in the park on May Day.‎ A.a great many B.a great many of C.the large number of D.a great deal of 答案:A 解析:a great many 修饰可数名词复数;a great deal of 修饰不可数名词;the number of “……的数量”;a great many of 所修饰的可数名词前有 the, these, those 等。‎ ‎14.He is always too ready to help others, seldom, ______, refusing them when they turn to him.‎ A.if never B.if ever C.if not D.if possible 答案:B 解析:句意为:“……他很少拒绝别人,如果曾经有过的话。”‎ ‎15.Tom has practised his part over and over again. ______ that he will perform well on the stage.‎ A.No doubt B.No wonder C.No possibility D.No good 答案:A 解析:句意:汤姆已经反复练习他的角色多次了。毫无疑问他将会在舞台上有很好的表现。‎ Ⅲ .完形填空 ‎“Are you too stupid to do anything right?” These words—said by a woman to a little boy who was obviously her son—were spoken __1__ he had walked away from her. The boy returned, his eyes downcast.‎ Not a __2__ moment, perhaps, __3__ small moments sometimes last a very long time. And a few words—though they mean __4__ at the time to the people who say them—can have great __5__ .‎ I recently heard a story from a man named Malcolm Dalkoff. For the last 24 years he has been a professional __6__. Here is what he told me:‎ As a boy in Rock Island, Dalkoff was terribly __7__ . He had few __8__ and no selfconfidence. One day, his English teacher, Ruth ‎ Brach, gave the class an assignment(作业). The students had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Now they were to write their own chapter that would __9__ the last chapter of the novel.‎ Dalkoff wrote his chapter and turned it __10__ . Today he can not recall anything __11__ about the chapter he wrote, or what __12__ Mrs Branch gave him. What he does remember is the four words Mrs. Branch wrote in the margin(空白处) of the paper:“This is __13__ writing.”‎ ‎ Four words. They __14__ his life.‎ ‎__15__ I read those words, I had no idea of who I was or __16__ I was going to be,”he said.“After reading her note, I went home and wrote a short story, something I had always been __17__ of doing but never believed I could do.”‎ ‎ Over the rest of that year in school, he wrote many short stories and always brought them to school for Mrs Branch to evaluate. She was __18__ , tough and honest. “She was just what I __19__,” Dalkoff said.‎ His confidence __20__. Dalkoff believes that none of this would have happened if that woman had not written those four words in the margin of his paper.‎ ‎1.A. where B. why ‎ ‎ C. because D. when ‎2.A. wonderful B. difficult ‎ ‎ C. funny D. big ‎3.A. yet B. although ‎ ‎ C. for D. therefore ‎4.A. much B. little ‎ ‎ C. more D. most ‎5.A. meaning B. power ‎ ‎ C. force D. sense ‎6.A. writer B. player ‎ ‎ C. poet D. singer ‎7.A. sorry B. proud ‎ ‎ C. sick D. shy ‎8.A. books B. ideas ‎ C. friends D. chances ‎9.A. follow B. match ‎ C. decide D. improve ‎10.A. on B. in ‎ C. out D. down ‎11.A. more B. again ‎ C. special D. different ‎12.A. honors B. remarks ‎ C. prizes D. grade ‎13.A. poor B. serious ‎ C. good D. silly ‎14.A. changed B. damaged ‎ C. affected D. improved ‎15.A. Unless B. Until ‎ C. When D. While ‎16.A. what B. how ‎ C. where D. which ‎17.A. tired B. fond ‎ C. proud D. dreaming ‎18.A. strict B. kind ‎ C. encouraging D. praising ‎19.A. feared B. needed ‎ C. expected D. loved ‎20.A. grew B. lifted ‎ ‎ C. appeared D. returned 答案及解析:‎ ‎1. C。妈妈说气话是“因为”小孩从她身边走开了。‎ ‎2. D。从后句中的small moments推出。‎ ‎3. A。根据句意表转折。‎ ‎4. B。有时候几句话对说话者没什么关系或影响,但对听话者有时候有很大的影响。‎ ‎5. B。meaning是“意思,含义”,power表“影响力”。‎ ‎6.A。根据后文可知道Dalkoff是职业作家。‎ ‎7.D。根据后文小男孩没有朋友,没有自信可推断他“害羞”。‎ ‎8.C。‎ ‎9.A。接着小说的最后一章再自己写一章。‎ ‎10.B。turn in“上交”。‎ ‎11.C。现在他不记得自己所写的特别之处,也不记得老师所给的分数。‎ ‎12.D ‎13.C。老师赞扬他的文章。‎ ‎14.A。老师对他的肯定评价改变了他的一生。‎ ‎15.B。考查not...until...句型。‎ ‎16.A。直到读了这几个字我才知道我是谁,我今后要干什么。‎ ‎17.D。写故事是我一直梦想但又从来不相信我能做的事。‎ ‎18.C。根据前文知道老师是一个“给人鼓励”的人。‎ ‎19.B。Dalkoff从小是个害羞的人,如果没有这个老师,没有这个老师的鼓励肯定,Dalkoff的一生就不会有改变,所以“老师正是他所需要的”。文章没谈到对老师的“爱”,所以排除D。‎ ‎20.A。grow“增加”。‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 Time flies as an arrow. I'm already in the second half ‎ 1.____________________‎ of senior grade 3 before I realized it. It is only a little more 2.___________________‎ than three months before I graduate middle school.3._____________________‎ At the present, I'm busy reviewing my lessons in order to 4._______________________‎ as→like realized→realize graduate后加from 去掉the take the college entrance examination. I hope to go to 5.___________________‎ Beijing University, that is one of the best universities not 6._________________‎ only in China but also in the world. I'll try my best to turn 7.___________________‎ my dream to reality. Most of my classmates are also 8.__________________‎ examination→examinations that→which ‎√‎ to→into ‎ studying very hard to realize our wishes. I do believe everyone ‎ ‎ 9._________________‎ will be able to enter a very good university and college. 10.________________‎ our→their and→or

