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‎2020届二轮复习 阅读理解中推理判断--写作意图题考查解读 ‎【题型解读】‎ 各种话题的阅读材料都可能考查写作目的/意图题。设问形式常有:‎ ‎1.整篇文章的写作目的/意图:‎ ‎(1)The writer writes this passage in order to .‎ ‎(2)The purpose of the text is to .‎ ‎(3)What is the main purpose of the passage?‎ ‎(4)The writer of the story wants to tell us that .‎ ‎2.某处细节的写作目的/意图:‎ ‎(1)The writer uses...in the first paragraph to .‎ ‎(2)The writer uses the example of...to .‎ ‎(3)The author writes the last paragraph in order to .‎ 二、解题技巧 ‎1.文体特点推意图 ‎ (1)记叙文:一般会在首段或尾段出现高度概括的总结性语言,且往往有一定的哲理性,所有的叙述都是围绕该哲理展开的。‎ ‎(2)应用文:文章中有对某种物品或服务的详尽介绍,使用具有明显支持倾向的语言。‎ ‎(3)说明文:写作目的有赖于对文章主旨的把握,阅读时需要找准主题句。‎ ‎(4)议论文:提出论点——进行论证——得出结论,作者的意图往往 隐含于最后一部分中。‎ ‎2.看写作手法找答案 ‎(1)在文章开头提出问题或介绍与主题有关的其他事物时答案中往往会含有to bring in/to introduce the topic等字眼。‎ ‎(2)举例或引用某人的话时答案中往往会含有to support/to show...‎ 例如:【真题感悟】中的第46题,文章为说明文,主要介绍了一项新的研究发现——蠕虫可以分解塑料。因此可以推断该篇文章的写作意图是告诉读者一种新的分解塑料的方法。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【课堂练习】‎ A In my very first job with some 1archaeologists,I wasn’t digging objects out of the ground,instead I was employed as an artist,drawing what they found.However,I was soon more interested in the stories behind the objects than in drawing them and that’s how my career in archaeology started. I still draw what I find in my work as a specialist on the Silk Road,the old trade route running from Egypt to Mongolia,and I also work on some underwater projects too.‎ In archaeology,my all-time hero is an American called Raphael Pumpelly. I first heard about him when I was a student ‎ on a trip to Turkmenistan,a country right in the heart of Asia. To get around the country,I had to learn Russian so that I could speak to the local people. When I got there I thought,“Wow! I’m one of the first Americans here!” Then an old man told me about an American archaeologist,Raphael Pumpelly,who was there doing the same thing over 100 years ago.‎ Archaeology’s in my family. My wife’s in the same 2profession,and,although our two boys aren’t interested in the future in archaeology themselves,we’ve been on some great digs together and they love what we do because they get to travel with us. Last summer,we took them to Lake Titicaca in South America,in the high areas of the Andes mountain range. My best experience was when I was digging on the Egyptian Red Sea coast. There’s very little rain and it’s so dry that everything is kept as it was. In an old house,where the owner used to store goods from the ships that came in,I picked up a 700-year-old mat in front of the house and there,under it,after all that time,was the house key with the owner’s name carved on it. It felt like he could be on his way home any minute! And I thought,“Hey,I do just that. This man’s not much different to me!”‎ 语篇解读 作者在文章中介绍了自己喜欢做考古学家的原因,并讲述了自己在各地考古的经历和感受。‎ ‎1.While working in Egypt,what did the writer find so interesting?‎ A.That people from different centuries could be so similar.‎ B.The fact that the doormat was in such good condition.‎ C.The way the people managed to live in such a dry place.‎ D.That there had been so much trade in that area.‎ 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据第三段“My best experience was when I was digging on the Egyptian Red Sea coast.”和“It felt like he could be on his way home any minute!And I thought,‘Hey,I do just that. This man’s not much different to me!’”可知,作者看见了地垫下的钥匙,感觉700年前的那个人就在回家的路上,感觉彼此没有什么不同。故选A。‎ ‎2.Which 3entry will the writer probably make in his diary?‎ A.Turkmenistan is interesting. I’m the first American to come here but I’m glad this is my last trip away.‎ B.I have been diving today and found some objects for an exhibition. I’ve just finished drawing them for my records.‎ C.I wish my children weren’t more interested in archaeology and would not work hard in the open like their parents.‎ D.It’s nearly dark but Raphael’s still busy digging in that old house. He can be very annoying. He thinks he’s the most important person here.‎ 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“I still draw what I find in my work as a specialist on the Silk Road,the old trade route running from Egypt to Mongolia,and I also work on some underwater projects too.”可知,作者从事画图工作,还从事水下工作。B项与画图和水下工作有关,故选B。‎ ‎3.What is the writer’s main purpose in writing the text?‎ A.To describe the life of an archaeologist he admires.‎ B.To persuade people to take up archaeology as a career.‎ C.To explain what he enjoys about being an archaeologist.‎ D.To show how archaeologists work.‎ 答案 C 解析 写作意图题。根据第一段中的“I was soon more interested in the stories behind the objects than in drawing them”可知,作者在文中解释了自己喜欢做考古学家的原因,故选C。‎ B Stained glass(彩色玻璃) artists create different designs by making cuts on the glass to “score” it and then breaking off the pattern that they want to use in the finished product. The ‎ most difficult cut in stained glass is called an inside cut. Basically,it’s a curved(弯曲的) line where you throw away the part inside of the curve. The problem with inside cuts is that the edges of the curve tend to break off when the pieces of scored glass are broken apart.‎ As the artist talked about inside cuts,he said,“The glass will break into pieces if you try to cut too much off at once. The best way to do an inside cut is to 7slice off smaller curves piece-by-piece. In fact,it’s not just the best way to do it,but it’s the only way to do it.”‎ How many times do you try to make a big change and cut the entire piece at once? We convince ourselves that we can do this all the time. We’ll 4commit to 5transforming our diet overnight or we get inspired to launch a business in a weekend or we finally get motivated to work out and push ourselves to the edge of burning out.‎ Why not approach your goals and dreams like a stained glass artist? Starting by slicing a shallow curve and breaking a small piece off,you cut a slightly deeper curve and break that off until you have your full inside cut. By slowly cutting deeper and deeper curves,you prevent the glass from breaking as it changes shape.‎ Of course,change isn’t easy—no matter how you do it. Slow gains are boring,but if we keep making small improvements,then pretty soon we will end up with a beautiful masterpiece on our hands instead of a bunch of broken pieces.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。作者通过讲述玻璃艺术家切割玻璃的方式——慢慢地切割不造成玻璃破碎——告诉读者生活中我们也应该一点点取得进步,最后达到目标,获得成功。‎ ‎4.Why is an inside cut believed to be most difficult?‎ A.It needs a one-and-only design.‎ B.It 6calls for nothing but inspiration.‎ C.The edges of the curve break easily.‎ D.The glass inside the curve is easily broken.‎ 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,内部切割的问题在于,当划过的玻璃裂开的时候,曲线的边缘往往会折断。故选C。‎ ‎5.What mistakes are easily made according to Paragraph 3?‎ A.Being too eager to make improvements.‎ B.Being too worried about the final outcome.‎ C.Trying to make a complete change all at once.‎ D.Developing to focus on progress instead of achievements.‎ 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段前两句可知,我们很容易犯的错误是试图一次就做出彻底的改变。故选C。‎ ‎6.What does the author suggest by saying “slicing a shallow curve”?‎ A.Moving forward with a clear aim.‎ B.Starting slow and improving little by little.‎ C.Developing a new habit with great determination.‎ D.Handling something major first and ignoring the minor part.‎ 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。根据上文“Why not approach your goals and dreams like a stained glass artist?”可推断,作者建议人们要像一个彩色玻璃艺术家一样接近目标和梦想。结合第一、二段的讲述可推断,画线句的意思是:慢慢开始,一点点进步,每次一小块,逐渐稍微大一点直到完全切开整个里面。故选B。‎ ‎7.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?‎ A.To show his love for stained glass.‎ B.To introduce the skill of an inside cut.‎ C.To appreciate designs of stained glass artists.‎ D.To share his opinions on how to make a change.‎ 答案 D 解析 写作目的题。纵观全文可知,最后一段点明了作者的观点:改变不容易,如果保持小的进步,很快我们会完成我们的杰作而不是满地碎片。因此推断本文的写作目的是为了分享他关于如何做出改变的观点。故选D。‎ ‎【提炼拓展】‎ Ⅰ.障碍词汇突破 ‎(一)阅读下列句子,并根据句意猜测画线部分的意思 ‎1.The archaeologist has to get special permission to open up the grave.考古学家 ‎2.Although I like singing,I still don’t treat it as my life-long profession.职业 ‎3.Because there are several files,you need an entry for each one.条目 ‎4.The president is committed to reforming health care.承诺 ‎(二)同义词语替换 ‎5.They transformed the basement into a reading room.changed ‎6.To be a nurse calls for endurance and patience.needs ‎(三)一词多义 ‎7.slice n.片,切片,薄片;一份;vt.切下;把……分成部分;将……切成薄片 ‎(1)Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day.薄片 ‎(2)Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market.一份 ‎(3)Slice up the onions and add them to the meat.将……切成薄片 Ⅱ.长难句理解 ‎1.In an old house,where the owner used to store goods from the ships that came in,I picked up a 700-year-old mat in front of the house and there,under it,after all that time,was the house key with the owner’s name carved on it.‎ ‎[句式分析] 本句话是一个并列复合句,and前的句子的主干部分是简单句的主谓宾结构;In an old house,where the owner used to store goods from the ships that came in,为地点状语,其中where the owner used to store goods from the ships that came in为定语从句,修饰house;that came in为定语从句,修饰the ships;and后的句子是一个完全倒装结构,调整为正常顺序后为the house key was there,under it;with the owner’s name carved on it是with复合结构,在此处作定语,修饰the house key。‎ ‎[精美译文] 在一座旧房子里,它的主人过去常在这儿存放从海上运来的货物,在这座旧房子里的前面,我捡起了一个有700年历史的垫子,就是在那,在垫子的下面,过了那么多年,放着上面刻着主人姓名的钥匙。‎ ‎2.Slow gains are boring,but if we keep making small improvements,then pretty soon we will end up with a beautiful masterpiece on our hands instead of a bunch of broken pieces.‎ ‎[句式分析] 本句话是一个并列复合句,but前的句子的主干部分是简单句的主系表结构;后面是复合句,含有条件状语从句。‎ ‎[精美译文] 慢慢地收获是令人厌烦的,但是如果我们连续不断地取得进步,那么很快在我们手上就会出现一个美丽的杰作而不是一堆碎片。‎ 强化训练 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Nightlife Downtown Crested Butte is home to some fun adventure nightlife! With many different options for enjoying a night,you’re sure to have a great time! Enjoy the free bus system between the mountain and town to get around.‎ Kids’ Night Out On vacation,kids and parents deserve a special night out. But sometimes,what’s special for the kids isn’t quite what you have in mind. We created Kids’ Night Out so you can all have the night you’re looking for. Our fun-loving kids’ instructors host your kids for a visit to the Adventure Park,followed by dinner and games while you head out of the town. Ages 8~12 are welcome, 75 per child. Kids’ Night Out takes place nightly in the coldest days.‎ Majestic Movie Theater It is small and personal and it offers a wide range of ‎ movies,from new releases to classics,action etc. All natural snacks and alcoholic drinks are available. For movie show times and more information,call 970-349-8955 or visit our website.‎ Princess Wine Bar Escape the ordinary and experience the Princess Wine Bar in downtown Crested Butte. Enjoy the coffeehouse featuring Belgian snacks,baked eggs,apple-wood smoked bacon,and coffee drinks. Live entertainment makes the Princess Wine Bar the perfect choice. Open daily from 8∶00 pm to midnight,but advance reservations are required. For more information you can call 970-349-0210.‎ Talk of the Town If you are looking for a good time,the Talk offers foosball,pinball,video games,good music,and pool tables any night of the week. Located in the center of Crested Butte on Elk Avenue,open daily at 3∶00 pm,the Talk’s Happy Hour is from 3∶00 to 8∶00 pm. For further information,you can call 970-349-6809.‎ 语篇解读 本文介绍了Nightlife Downtown Crested Butte为人们提供的几个有趣的节目。‎ ‎1.What is special about Kids’ Night Out?‎ A.It’s in the town center.‎ B.It opens only in winter.‎ C.It offers many games.‎ D.It gives parents an interesting night.‎ 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Kids’ Night Out takes place nightly in the coldest days.”可知,Kids’ Night Out只在冬天开放。故选B。‎ ‎2.What should you do if you plan to go to the Princess Wine Bar?‎ A.Read some extraordinary stories.‎ B.Know the names of different snacks.‎ C.Contact it ahead of time.‎ D.Arrive before 8∶00 pm.‎ 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中“but advance reservations are required”可知要提前预订。故选C。‎ ‎3.What is the purpose of the text?‎ A.To promote some fun programs.‎ B.To advertise the free bus system.‎ C.To compare the night life items.‎ D.To encourage more outdoor activities.‎ 答案 A 解析 写作意图题。根据第一段第一、二句“Nightlife Downtown Crested Butte is home to some fun adventure nightlife! With many different options for enjoying a night,you’re sure to have a great time!”可知,本文目的是为了推广一些有趣的节目。故选A。‎ B Two summers ago I was about to turn fifty and wanted to do something I’d never done before. My daughter Bailey thought skydiving(跳伞) would be perfect for me. I can promise you that of all the things I was thinking of doing,jumping out of an airplane never came close to making the list. As I age,I seem to have developed a growing fear of heights.‎ After several requests from my daughter,I finally said yes and she looked almost shocked. I told a friend what we were doing,then we set off. We had a 3-hour drive to the jump site. We drove through some beautiful countryside,but then we passed a small cemetery(墓地).Then we passed another cemetery and another one. I asked if so many people died jumping out of airplanes in this area that they needed to keep building more cemeteries to bury all the bodies!‎ As we squeezed into the little plane,I tightly held the ‎ right hand of my partner Ronnie. The short ride to altitude was cruel for me. As Bailey stepped to the door,she looked back at me and said,“Dad,I’m sure you can do it!” I said yes as she rolled out. I immediately looked behind me and said,“RONNIE I AM NOT FEELING GOOD!” He said,“It’s going to be great. Besides,it’s too late now anyway”,and we jumped out.‎ The next five minutes were some of the most exciting of my life. It was so beautiful and peaceful—except for the parts where I was screaming. I prayed to God for the parachute(降落伞) to open,but mostly I told Him how thankful I was for my life and being with me through good and bad.‎ 语篇解读 本文主要讲了作者快50岁的时候,在女儿的鼓励下,尝试了跳伞运动。‎ ‎4.What’s the author’s main purpose of mentioning cemeteries in Paragraph 2?‎ A.To tell how determined he was.‎ B.To show how rough the trip was.‎ C.To express how scared he was then.‎ D.To prove how lonely the jump site was.‎ 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。在文章第二段中作者询问是不是有很多人在这里跳伞摔死了,所以需要建造很多的公墓来埋葬这些尸体。从这里可以推断出,那时候作者非常的害怕,故选C。‎ ‎5.What did Bailey do for her father before she skydived?‎ A.She played a joke with him.‎ B.She gave him encouragement.‎ C.She comforted him constantly.‎ D.She offered him useful guidance.‎ 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。由第三段中的“As Bailey stepped to the door,she looked back at me and said,‘Dad,I’m sure you can do it!’”可推断出,在跳伞前,作者的女儿贝莉在鼓励作者。故选B。‎ ‎6.How did the author behave after jumping out of the airplane?‎ A.He enjoyed himself.‎ B.He stayed quite calm.‎ C.He breathed out in relief.‎ D.He kept fearing for safety.‎ 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。由最后一段中的“The next five minutes were some of the most exciting of my life. It was so beautiful and peaceful—except for the parts where I was screaming.”可推断出,作者从飞机中跳出来后,表现得很享受,所以选A。‎ ‎7.What can be inferred about the author from the text?‎ A.He skydived for the first time at the age of 48.‎ B.He jumped at his daughter’s recommendation.‎ C.The older he gets,the less fearful of heights he is.‎ D.Never had he considered attempting to do skydiving.‎ 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。由第一段中的“I can promise you that of all the things I was thinking of doing,jumping out of an airplane never came close to making the list.”可推断出,作者从来没有考虑过会尝试跳伞运动。故选D。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 John graduated from a key university and he was very good at his major. He wished to find a good job.‎ One day,he went to a company to 8 for a job. He got the news in a newspaper. He did some research on this company. When he was 9 ,everything went well. The manager asked him some questions and he answered them 10 .John was very satisfied with his performances and was very 11 that he could get the job. But at that moment,the manager’s phone 12 .He picked up the phone,listened and nodded. And then he turned around and said to John,“Sorry,I want to get some important 13 now. Please give me the book with the red ‎ ‎14 on that desk.” John looked around and found 3 books on the desk,so John went to the desk,took one book and handed it to him 15 .Holding the book,the manager 16 the phone and said,“Sorry,we cannot give the job to you.” John was 17 and wondered why. The manager said,“There are three 18 .First,when you came into the office room,I found that the third button on your shirt had been missing. Second,there are three books with red covers on that desk,but you didn’t ask me which one I needed and you took one 19 .Third,I was answering the call. You should 20 to the desk to save time. These 21 showed you are not a careful person.” Therefore,John didn’t get the job.‎ We can learn a(n) 22 from John’s experience. Some people don’t 23 the details in our life. But it is the details that 24 .Not only should we value what we learn,but also we should pay more attention to the details. Sometimes they can even 25 our success or failure. We should form the habit of being careful and learn to keep the 26 of quantity and quality. We should keep it in mind that 27 comes first,without which quantity is of no significance.‎ 语篇解读 文章通过讲述约翰面试没成功的例子告诉我们要注重细节,有时细节能决定成败。‎ ‎8.A. vote B.apply C.prepare D.wait 答案 B 解析 vote投票;apply申请;prepare准备;wait等候。根据上句“He wished to find a good job.”可知,约翰在找工作,此处指一天他去一家公司申请工作。apply for a job申请工作,故选B。‎ ‎9.A. interviewed B.contacted C.asked D.questioned 答案 A 解析 interview面试;contact交往;ask问;question询问。根据“The manager asked him some questions”可知约翰在参加面试,故选A。‎ ‎10.A. immediately B.slowly C.fluently D.generally 答案 C 解析 immediately立即;slowly慢慢地;fluently流利地;generally通常。根据上句的“everything went well”(一切顺利)可知,约翰流利地回答面试问题,故选C。‎ ‎11.A. grateful B.excited C.lucky D.confident 答案 D 解析 grateful感激的;excited兴奋的;lucky幸运的;confident自信的。因为面试顺利,所以约翰对自己的表现非常满意,很自信能得到这个工作。故选D。‎ ‎12.A. lost B.called C.answered D.rang 答案 D 解析 lose失去;call打电话;answer回答;ring响铃。此时经理的电话响了,下句“He picked up the phone,listened and nodded.”也给了提示,故选D。‎ ‎13.A. arrangement B.response C.insight D.information 答案 D 解析 arrangement安排;response响应;insight洞察力;information信息。经理说想得到一些重要的信息,故选D。‎ ‎14.A. picture B.cover C.character D.mark 答案 B 解析 picture画;cover封面;character性格;mark标志。此处指桌上红色封皮的书,故选B。‎ ‎15.A. politely B.eagerly C.purposely D.quickly 答案 A 解析 politely有礼貌地;eagerly渴望地;purposely故意地;quickly迅速地。因为是面试,所以约翰非常有礼貌地把书递给经理,根据常识选A。‎ ‎16.A. searched for B.picked up C.hung up D.held on 答案 C 解析 search for寻找;pick up捡起;hang up挂断;hold on不挂断电话。此处指经理拿着书挂断电话,与上文picked up the phone呼应,故选C。‎ ‎17.A. helpless B.surprised C.disappointed D.worried 答案 B 解析 helpless无助的;surprised感到惊讶的;disappointed失望的;worried担心的。约翰感觉面试顺利,肯定能被录用。但经理说不录用他,所以他感到非常惊讶想知道原因。根据情境选B。‎ ‎18.A. methods B.results C.reasons D.collections 答案 C 解析 method方法;result结果;reason原因;collection收集品。根据上句“wondered why”可知此处是经理解释不录用约翰的原因,故选C。‎ ‎19.A. eventually B.randomly C.regularly D.certainly 答案 B 解析 eventually最后;randomly随便地;regularly定期地;certainly当然。桌上有三本书,你没问哪一本就随便给我拿了一本。故选B。‎ ‎20.A. run B.push C.walk D.move 答案 A 解析 run跑;push推动;walk走;move移动。根据“to save time”可知,为了节省时间应该跑到桌边,故选A。‎ ‎21.A. parts B.facts C.stories D.details 答案 D 解析 part部分;fact事实;story故事;detail细节。经理指出的这些细节表明约翰不是细心的人,故选D。‎ ‎22.A. subject B.idea C.lesson D.skill 答案 C 解析 subject科目;idea想法;lesson教训;skill技能。从约翰的经历中我们能学到一个教训,即约翰不注重细节,故选C。‎ ‎23.A. mention B.mind C.ignore D.provide 答案 B 解析 mention提及,谈到;mind介意,专心于;ignore忽视;provide提供。此处指一些人不注重生活中的细节,与下文“pay more attention to the details”意思一致,故选B。‎ ‎24.A. matter B.trouble C.interest D.impress 答案 A 解析 matter有关系;trouble麻烦;interest使感兴趣;impress给人印象。此处指确实是这些细节有关系,起重大作用。故选A。‎ ‎25.A. describe B.replace C.determine D.value 答案 C 解析 describe描述;replace代替;determine决定;value评价。这些细节有时甚至能决定我们的成功和失败,故选C。‎ ‎26.A. selection B.importance C.competition D.balance 答案 D 解析 selection选择;importance重要;competition竞争;balance平衡。此处指学会保持数量和质量的平衡,平衡两者关系。故选D。‎ ‎27.A. quantity B.quality C.safety D.promise 答案 B 解析 quantity数量;quality质量;safety安全;promise许诺。我们应该记住质量第一,如果没有质量,数量就没有意义。根据上文的“quantity and quality”和下文的quantity可知答案选B。‎

