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Unit 11 The media 1. the media The media are/ is to blame for starting the rumour.‎ Commercial TV is an effective medium for advertising.‎ 2. chat n./vi. (chatted/ chatting)‎ have a chat with sb.‎ chat with sb. about sth.‎ 3. quiz n./vt. ( quizzes/ quizzed/ quizzing)‎ a quiz show/game He quizzed me about my reasons for leaving.‎ ‎4.soap opera ‎5.current adj.‎ current affairs This note is no longer current.‎ ‎6.affair ‎ n. “事情”,“事件”,“事务”(复数),“事态”‎ foreign affairs affairs of state 辨析:event, business, matter, thing, incident, accident ‎1). event n. (重大的)“事情”,“事件”, (运动)“项目”,“比赛”‎ The first day at school is a big event in a child's life. 第一天上学在孩子的一生中是件大事。‎ ‎2). business n. “商业”,“生意”, “营业”, “事情”,“事务”,“职责”‎ ‎(指有责任为谋生而应做的事。)‎ The business of doctors is to prevent and cure disease. 医生的职责是预防和治疗疾病。‎ ‎3). matter n. [U] “物质” the matter “麻烦事”‎ Most matter has three states: solid, liquid, and gas. 大多数物质具有三种状态:固态、液态和气态。‎ ‎4). thing n. “事情”,“事件” ‎ A funny thing happened today. 今天发生了一件很有意思的事。‎ ‎5). incident n. 表示 “小事”, “有政治影响的事件”‎ ‎ The night passed without an incident. ‎ 这一夜平安无事。‎ ‎ The Lugouqiao incident occurred on July 7,1937. 芦沟桥事变发生于‎1937年7月7日。‎ ‎6). accident n. “意外的事”, “事故”, “偶然的事”‎ It was quite an accident. 这是一件很偶然的事。‎ ‎7.explode vt. / vi.‎ explode a bomb The firework exploded in his hand.‎ At last his anger exploded.‎ explosion n.‎ a terrible explosion/ a population explosion Lesson One 1. agenda n.‎ Let us go on to the next item on the agenda. ‎ What's on your agenda today?‎ 1. nation/national/nationality The whole nation was in deep sorrow at the news.‎ nation 侧重于国民,指一个独立政府领导下的全体人民或整个民族的集合体。‎ Italy is becoming an industrial nation. 意大利成为一个工业国。‎ 辨析:kingdom, state, country,‎ kingdom侧重于王国。state侧重于政权,即独立的国家, 也可指政府。country表示地理概念, 侧重于疆土, 国土, 家园, 也就是一个国家的整个区域。例如:‎ ‎①Long long ago there was a kingdom in the forest. 很久以前,森林里有一个王国。‎ ‎②The company belongs to the state. ‎ 这家公司属于国家所有。‎ ‎③China is a great socialist country. ‎ 中国是一个伟大的社会主义国家。‎ ‎④The whole country came to their rescue. 全国都来救援他们。‎ 2. politics/political 3. widespread damage wide awake He is still wide awake.‎ nationwide全国范围的;全国性的 worldwide 4. poverty/poor/poorly below the poverty line He lived in poverty.‎ His work was criticized for its poverty of imagination.‎ 1. electricity / electric/ electrical 2. sex What sex is the baby?‎ There are members of both sexes in the committee.‎ 3. administration The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people.‎ administrator/administrative He works in an administrative position.‎ 4. reform n. /v. / reformer carry out reforms in education reform an unfair salary structure 5. demand vt./n.‎ 常用来表示有权力的人物要求别人服从或顺从,常指强硬的、理直气壮的 “要求”。‎ This sort of work demands great patience.‎ He demanded to be told everything.‎ He demanded that he (should )be told everything.‎ meet/satisfy one’s demands Demand for skilled workers is high.‎ demanding (adj.)jobs/bosses 辨析:require, request, ask require 口气比较缓和,有 “需要”含义,当主语是物时,后接动名词,用主动语态,有被动含义,也可接不定式,用被动语态。request意为(很客气地)“要求”,“请求”,比ask更客套地请求。ask 和request一样都表示“要求”,“请求”, ‎ 但它是最为常用的词。例如:‎ ‎①The windows require repairing (=to be repaired). 窗子要修理了。‎ ‎②The situation there requires that I (should) be present. 那里的局势需要我在场。(虚拟语气)‎ ‎③He requested me to go there. He requested that I (should) go there. 他求我去那里。(虚拟语气)‎ ‎④The villagers always ask them to stay for lunch. ‎ 乡亲们总是请他们留下来吃中饭。‎ 1. debt pay off one’s debts be in debt be out of debt ‎12. belief/ believe I haven’t much belief in his honesty.‎ He lost his belief in God.‎ ‎13.pain/ painful ‎14.host n./ vt./hostess Beijing is the city to host the 2008 Olympic Games ‎15.announce/announcement/announcer They announced their engagement to the family.‎ announcements of births/marriage 16. ‎ distinction make/draw a distinction between A and B London has the distinction of being the first city to host the event three times. (honor)‎ She has the distinction of being the first woman to swim the channel. (award)‎ 16. application /applicant/ apply I made an application for a loan.‎ ‎200 applications for the job the application of the theory apply for a job/post apply to an organization This regulation applies to her too.‎ can’t apply the rule to each case 17. delight To his delight, he passed the entrance exam.‎ She ran back home with delight.‎ I’m delighted at your success.‎ I’m delighted to hear the news.‎ I’m delighted that you succeeded.‎ 18. stand for ‎“代表”,“象征”;“主张”,“支持”;“容忍”‎ USA stands for the United States of America.‎ The letters USA stand for…‎ We should stand for freedom of the press.‎ We will not stand for impolite behavior.‎ I won't stand for his insults any longer. ‎ stand by Whatever happens, I will stand by you.‎ She stands by every word she said.‎ Don’t just stand by. Can’t you lend a hand? 别袖手旁观,你不能帮一下忙吗? ‎ stand out“显眼”,“出色”‎ Her red hair made her stand out in the crowd.‎ John stood out as a track star. ‎ 约翰是一个出色的田径运动员。‎ 16. publish/ publisher/ publishing The first edition was published in 1990.‎ She chose publishing as a career.‎ publishing house 17. evidence Have you any evidence to support this statement?‎ 18. explain sth. to sb. = explain to sb. sth.‎ an explanation for the attacks It needs no explanation.‎ 这无需解释。‎ ‎23.come down to结果是P.101‎ He had come down to begging.‎ What comes down to is a choice between cutting wages and reducing the number of staff.‎ Lesson Two 1. analyze vt./analysis/analyses /analyst By analyzing parts of the sentence we can learn more about English grammar.‎ 2. arise vi.(arose, arisen)‎ Many problems arise out of lack of communication.‎ Accidents often arise from carelessness.‎ rise (rose, risen)‎ 1. blame blame sb. for sth.‎ She doesn’t blame anyone for her father’s death.‎ blame sth. on sb.‎ Police are blaming the accident on the driver.‎ be to blame If anyone is to blame, it’s me.‎ Who is to blame for the accident?‎ ‎____ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.‎ A. Blaming B. Blamed ‎ C. to blame D. to be blamed ‎4. be willing to do sth./be unwilling to do sth.‎ ‎5. self/ selfish/ selfless ‎6. employ/ employer/ employee ‎7. legal/illegal 8. ‎ attempt vt./ n.‎ The prisoner attempted an escape.‎ The prisoner attempted to escape, but failed.‎ They made an attempt to escape.‎ They made no attempt at/on escaping. ‎ attempted robbery/murder She had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first attempt.‎ 8. defend vt.‎ defend one’ country against enemies defend sb. from attack/injury defence =defense 9. argue/argument 10. process the digestive process/ the ageing process 11. profit make great profits (of)‎ He made a profit of fifty thousand US dollars on his house.‎ We gained a lot of profit from your advice.‎ 12. in favour of 支持 Was he in favour of the plan?‎ in sb’s favor 对某人有利 They reached an agreement in their favour.‎ do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙 Do me a favor and turn the radio down while I’m on the phone?‎ 13. courage/ encourage/encouragement/‎ discourage/ discouragement 14. an attitude to/towards 15. dislike vt. unlike prep. ‎ I dislike it when you whistle.‎ I dislike having to get up early.‎ He dislikes the cat, doesn’t he?‎ He doesn’t like the cat, does he?‎ 8. pretend vt.‎ She pretended not to notice me.‎ She pretended to be reading when her mother came in.‎ He pretended (to his family) that everything was fine.‎ 9. hire vt./ fire hire a car/room/ sb.‎ 10. bush /in the bush 11. respect vt./ n.‎ Mr. Brown is respected by everybody.‎ respect one’s wishes I have the greatest respect for him.‎ I show respect to him.‎ a much loved and highly respected teacher respectful adj.‎ I hope you would be more respectful to your father. (show respect to)‎ 我希望你对父亲有礼貌些。‎ The woman kept a respectful silence.‎ 那位妇人恭敬地保持着沉默。‎ respectable adj.(good enough or acceptable)可敬的;体面的 Our new neighbors are very respectable people.‎ 我们的新邻居是十分可敬的人。‎ It is not respectable to spit on the sidewalk.‎ 在人行道上吐痰是不文雅的。‎ 8. disagree/ disagreement disagree with him on most things Disagreement arose about how to plan the show.‎ 9. in public She was appearing in public for the first time since her illness.‎ the public The public are/is not allowed to enter the court room. ‎ Lesson Three 1. advertise/advertiser/advertisement advertise in the local newspaper advertise a product 2. classic a classic novel/ movie/ work一流的 a classic example/ mistake典型的 classical music/ a classical ballet/dance / architecture 古典的 3. certain They are certain to agree He is certain/sure to succeed ‎=we are sure /certain that he will succeed.‎ He is certain/sure of success.‎ ‎=He is certain/sure that he will succeed.‎ It is certain that they will agree.‎ For certain personal reasons, I shall not be able to attend.‎ A certain Dr. David performed the operation.‎ Some person at the door is asking to see you.‎ 1. sew vt./vi ( sewed; sewed/sewn)‎ Would you sew this button onto my shirt?‎ do some sewing 2. be suitable for What time is suitable for us to meet?‎ She is suitable for the job.‎ These films are suitable for adults only.‎ 3. consist of= be made up of The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.‎ 4. budget a monthly budget an annual budget 5. visual/ visually I have a very good visual memory.视觉记忆 visual aid直观教具 Visually the chair is very pleasing, but it's uncomfortable.‎ 这椅子看上去很可爱,但它并不舒服。‎ He explained the journey visually by use of pictures.‎ 他运用图片形象地讲述了这次旅行。‎ 6. boom n./v.‎ a boom in car sales a boom year繁荣昌盛的一年 Sales are booming.激增 ‎ Business is booming.兴隆 1. concept the basic concepts of mathematics ‎11. approach n./ v.‎ The school has decided to adopt a new approach to discipline. (方法)‎ Snow announced the approach of winter. (靠近;即将达到)‎ All approaches to the city were blocked. (通道)‎ Winter is approaching. (临近)‎ What’s the best way of approaching the problem? (处理)‎ When Brown approached me about the job, my first reaction was of disbelief. (与……接洽)‎ 1. humour / humourous He has a good sense of humor.‎ They were imaginative, quick, and humorous.‎ 2. contemporary n./adj.‎ ‎ contemporary fiction/music当代的 Was he contemporary with Shakespeare? 同龄的 He was respected by his contemporaries. 同龄人 3. contribution make contributions to contribute to (有助于)‎ Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness.‎ Lesson Four 1. consideration/ consider/ considerate The proposals are still under consideration.‎ take …into consideration Taking everything into consideration, the event was a great success.‎ Everything ____________into consideration, they ought to have another chance.‎ 2. brave…bravery…bravely 3. innocent…innocence Don’t be so innocent as to believe everything the politicians tell you.‎ be innocent of crime 4. conclude/ conclusion We concluded our meeting at 9 o'clock.‎ What do you conclude from the facts?‎ reach /draw /come to a conclusion in conclusion bring sth. to a conclusion 5. spokesman/ spokeswoman/ spokesperson 6. as long as so long as As long as it doesn’t rain we can play.‎ 7. fiction science fiction科幻小说 8. scene What a fantastic mountain scene景象!‎ The scene 情景in the hospital was very moving.‎ the first scene 场面,片段of the play ‎ the scene现场,地点 of the accident 1. fog/ foggy 2. mud/ muddy 3. load The truck was carrying a load of sand.‎ 卡车装运一车沙子。‎ a truck load of vegetables The branch was broken by the load of snow on it.‎ take a load off one’s mind The good news has taken a load off my mind.‎ 听了这个好消息我就放心了。‎ What a great load the students will feel ____their mind the moment they finish their entrance examination this June.‎ A. turned down B. set free C. taken off D. taking off load A with B The bus is loaded with people.‎ Now the middle school students are loaded with heavy homework.‎ Communication workshop 1. ahead adv./adj.‎ The road ahead was blocked.‎ Go straight ahead.‎ Go ahead. 说吧/走吧/干吧 ‎"Could I ask you a rather personal question?" "Sure, go ahead."‎ Go ahead, we are all listening.‎ We've received permission to go ahead with the music festival in spite of opposition from local residents. ‎ ahead of She was always well ahead of the rest of the class.‎ We expect the building work to be completed ahead of schedule.‎ Let's meet for lunch. I'll call you ahead of time to fix up exactly when and where.‎ 1. harm/ harmful/ harmless do harm to do sb. harm be harmful to 2. anyhow(anyway)/ somehow Of course I don't mind taking you home ---- I'm going that way anyway.‎ 3. false give false information/ a false passport false teeth/ true or false

