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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit3Under the sea 单元学案 单元基础知识过关复习 核心词汇 ‎1.Hearing the gun,the enemies were horrorstruck and____________(逃跑)in all directions.‎ ‎2.The businessman___________(抛弃)his wife and went away with all their money.‎ ‎3.You must be very careful to cut meat with this____________(锋利的)knife.‎ ‎4.She sat____________(思考)on how much had changed since she’d bought the farm.‎ ‎5.One of the firemen went back in and____________(拖)my husband out through the flames.‎ ‎6.A man in a(n)____________(整洁的)grey suit sat on the other side of the bar.‎ ‎7.Generally speaking,if you want to shoot the ____________(目标),you must aim at it a little bit higher because of the effect of gravity on the arrow.‎ ‎8.I ____________remember the picture he drew last week whose colors were____________.(vivid)‎ ‎9.用witness的适当形式填空 ‎(1)The two ____________to the accident said the driver appeared to be ‎ drunk.‎ ‎(2)The crash was ____________by millions of viewers who were watching the race on TV.‎ ‎1.fled 2.abandoned 3.sharp 4.reflecting 5.dragged,6.neat 7.target 8.vividly;vivid 9.(1)witnesses,(2)witnessed 高频短语 ‎1.________________ 优于;在……前面 ‎2.________________ 瞄准 ‎3.________________ 在此期间;与此同时 ‎4.________________ 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难 ‎5.________________ 对……知道、明白;意识到 ……‎ ‎6.________________ 上下翻转 ‎7.________________ 吓死了 ‎8.________________ 举起,抬起;支撑;阻挡, 使延误 ‎9.________________ 即将;将要 ‎10.________________ 靠近 ‎1.ahead of 2.aim at 3.in the meantime 4.help(...)out 5.be/become aware of  6.upside down 7.(be) scared to death 8.hold up 9.be about to do 10.get close to 重点句式 ‎1.____________the killer whales,or “killers ”as they were then ‎ called,helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.‎ 那个时期,虎鲸(当时被称为“杀手”)帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徙时捕捉须鲸。‎ ‎2.This was the call that announced there_____________be a whale hunt.‎ 这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的呼声。‎ ‎3.As we drew closer,I could see a whale_____________a pack of about six other killers.‎ 靠近一看,原来是一头大鲸受到大约六条虎鲸的攻击。‎ ‎4.________such extraordinary beauty,I think every cell in my body woke up.‎ 看到这样奇特的美景,我全身的每个细胞都苏醒了。‎ ‎5.There were other creatures that I didn’t want to get too close to—an eel with its strong sharp teeth,__________________,watching for a tasty fish(or my tasty toe!);and the giant clam half buried in some coral waiting for something to swim in between its thick green lips.‎ 还有一些其他的动物,我不想太靠近它们——一条带有利齿的海鳗,从洞穴里探出头来,望着可作美餐的鱼过来(或者在等着我美味的脚趾伸过去!);一个巨大的蛤蜊半掩在珊瑚礁中,等待着有什么东西游过来,游到它宽厚的绿嘴唇中去。‎ ‎1.It was a time when 2.was about to 3.being attacked by 4.Seeing 5.with only its head showing from a hole 知识详解 ‎1 .witness n. 目击者;证人;证据 ‎ ‎ vt. 当场见到;目击 I thought,at the time,that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times.‎ 当时我认为这只是个故事,但之后我亲眼目睹了好多次。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①One witness to the accident said that the driver appeared to be drunk.‎ 事故的一位目击者说司机看上去好像喝醉了。 ‎ ‎②His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment.‎ 他身体健康证明这种疗法是成功的。‎ ‎③He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room.‎ 他证明看到那个人进了房间。‎ ‎④Police have appealed for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them.‎ 警方呼吁凡是目击这一事件的人与他们联系。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎1.很多人被亲眼目睹的暴虐场面吓呆了。‎ Many people were shocked by the violent scenes ________ ________ ________.‎ 答案:they had witnessed ‎2 .flee(fled,fled) vi.& vt. 逃走,逃避;消失,消散 ‎ “And those others are stopping it diving or fleeing out to sea,”George told me,pointing towards the hunt.‎ ‎“而其他那些(虎鲸)则阻止它潜水或逃跑,”乔治一边指着捕猎的情景一边告诉我。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①He fled to London after an argument with his family.‎ 他与家人争吵以后离家去了伦敦。‎ ‎②He was caught trying to flee the country.‎ 他试图逃离该国时被抓住。‎ ‎③Why does he always flee any kind of responsibility?‎ 他为什么总是逃避任何责任?‎ ‎④His hopes fled when he lost the election.‎ 当他落选时,他的希望就破灭了。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎2.The thieves have already________the city,so it is difficult for the police to arrest them.‎ A.fled          B.run away C.escaped D.got rid of 解析:选A。表示“逃离某地”时,run away和escape后需加from,get rid of则不合句意。‎ ‎3 .abandon vt. 遗弃;抛弃;丢弃;放弃;中止;(与oneself连用)使放纵,使听任 n. 放任;放纵 From James’s face,I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.‎ 从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出,他害怕被我们抛弃。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①Rescuers abandoned all hope of finding any more survivors of the crash.‎ 援救人员完全放弃了会再找到坠机生还者的希望。‎ ‎②We must urge people who smoke to abandon the habit.‎ 我们必须敦促吸烟的人戒烟。‎ ‎③Hong Zhanhui brought up a girl abandoned by her parents.‎ 洪战辉抚养了一个被父母遗弃的女孩。‎ ‎④The match was abandoned because of bad weather.‎ 比赛因天气恶劣而取消了。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎3.那个孩子被他的父母遗弃了,后来有人发现那个被抛弃的孩子在大街上游荡,他已陷入了绝望。‎ The child ________ ________ by his parents.Eventually the ________ boy was found wandering in the street,________ himself to despair.‎ 答案:was abandoned;abandoned;abandoning ‎4 .urge vt. 催促;极力主张;驱策 ‎ “Man overboard!Turn the boat around!”urged George,shouting loudly.‎ 乔治催促着,大声喊道:“有人落水了!调转船头。”‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎①Katy’s family urged her to find another job.‎ 凯蒂的家人催促她去找另一份工作。‎ ‎②The report urged that all children be taught to swim.‎ 这份报告呼吁给所有的儿童教授游泳。‎ ‎③He urged on his pupils the importance of hard work.‎ 他向学生们力言努力学习的重要性。‎ ‎④He urged all the students to take part in this activity.‎ 他要求所有学生参加这次活动。‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎4.我极力主张应该立刻采取措施阻止这样的事情再发生。‎ I urged that we________ ________ ________to prevent such things happening again. ‎ 答案:take immediate action ‎ ‎5 .reflect vt. 映射,反射 vi.& vt. 思考 I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day—a day of pure magic!‎ 我坐在温暖的夜空下,手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情——这是神奇的一天!‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①When the sun’s rays hit the earth,a lot of the heat is reflected back into space.‎ 太阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。 ‎ ‎②Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community.‎ 我们的报纸旨在表达当地人们的心声。‎ ‎③Before I decide,I need time to reflect.‎ 在我决定前,我需要时间认真考虑。‎ ‎④After long reflection we decided to buy that house.‎ 经过长时间的慎重考虑,我们决定买下那所房子。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎5.完成句子 ‎(1)肖恩对祖国的爱在他最近出版的诗歌里反映出来。‎ Sean’s strong love for his country is ________ in his recently published poems.‎ 答案:reflected ‎(2)你应该留出时间反思你的成功和失败。‎ You should set aside some time to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.‎ 答案:reflect on your successes and failures ‎6 .help(...)out  帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难;协助;使(某人)脱离困境 What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping the whalers out?‎ 有什么证据能说明老汤姆帮助捕鲸者摆脱险境?‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①When I bought the house,my sister helped me out with a loan.‎ 我买这所房子时,我姐姐借给了我一笔钱解了急。‎ ‎②As he is my best friend,when I am in trouble he will certainly help me out. ‎ 因为他是我最好的朋友,当我遇到麻烦时他肯定会帮我。‎ ‎③I can’t help thinking he knows more than he has told us.‎ 我总觉得他没把知道的事情全告诉我们。‎ ‎④She couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking.‎ 她不禁琢磨着他在想些什么。‎ ‎⑤He couldn’t help to wash the clothes.‎ 他不能帮忙洗衣服。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎6.My father has often ________ me ________ when I’ve been a bit short of money.‎ A.sent;out       B.driven;off C.helped;out D.pulled;in 解析:选C。考查短语辨析。help sb.out帮助某人摆脱困境。‎ ‎7.The passengers had a chat with the college students______‎ as conductors during the summer vacation.‎ A.help out B.helped out C.to help out D.helping out 解析:选D。本题考查非谓语动词。动词不定式作后置定语表示一个将要发生的动作,过去分词表示一个已经发生了的被动的动作,故B、C两项不符合题意。句意:旅客们同那几个在暑假临时帮忙充当列车员的大学生聊天。‎ ‎7 .be/become aware of  对……知道、明白、意识到……‎ The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me—purples,reds,oranges,yellows,blues and greens.‎ 我首先注意到的是我周围那些鲜艳的色彩——紫色、红色、橘黄、明黄、蓝色和绿色等。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①Most people are aware of the dangers of driving after drinking.‎ 大多数人知道酒后开车的危险。‎ ‎②I don’t think people are really aware of just how much it costs. ‎ 我认为人们并不真正明白这要花多少钱。 ‎ ‎③We are not aware(of) what he is longing for.‎ 我们不知道他在渴望什么。‎ ‎④As far as I’m aware,nobody has done anything about it.‎ 据我所知,尚无人对此采取任何措施。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎8.Most parents are not ________ the danger of their babies’eating jelly,which causes most unfortunate incidents to happen.‎ A.well aware to      B.very aware of C.aware that D.well aware of 解析:选D。考查形容词用法。空白处后面不是句子,故排除C项;aware后面接of,故排除A项;另外表示“清醒地,充分地认识到”时,表语形容词aware的修饰语应使用well,不用very。‎ ‎【教材原句】 There were other creatures that I didn’t want to get too close to-an eel with its strong sharp teeth,with_only_its_head_showing_from_a_hole,watching for a tasty fish(or my tasty toe!);and the giant clam half buried in some coral waiting for something to swim in between its thick green lips.(P24)‎ 还有一些其他的动物,我不想太靠近它们——一条带有利齿的海鳗,从洞穴里探出头来,望着可供美餐的鱼过来(或者在等着我美味的脚趾伸过去!);一个巨大的蛤蜊半掩在珊瑚礁中,等待着有什么东西游过来,游到它宽厚的绿嘴唇中去。‎ ‎【句法分析】 “with复合结构”表示动作或伴随情况,在句中一般作定语或状语。它的构成形式为with+名词+形容词/副词/现在分词/过去分词/动词不定式/介词短语。‎ ‎(1)with+n.+介词短语 ‎①The little girl came to a stream,with red flowers and green grass on both sides.‎ 小女孩来到一条小溪边,小溪的两岸长着红花绿草。‎ ‎②The teacher entered the classroom with a thick dictionary in his hand/under his arm.‎ 老师进了教室,手里拿着一本厚字典/胳膊底下夹着一本厚字典。‎ ‎(2)with+n.+adj.‎ ‎③I like sleeping with all the windows open.‎ 我喜欢开着窗子睡觉。‎ ‎(3)with+n.+to do sth.‎ ‎④With all the clothes to wash,I will be very busy today.‎ 所有的衣服都要洗,今天我将会很忙。‎ ‎(4)with+n.+doing sth.‎ ‎⑤Their teacher is a young girl with long hair covering her shoulders.‎ 他们的老师是一个长发披肩的年轻姑娘。‎ ‎⑥With the boy leading the way,they had no difficulty in finding the house.‎ 有那个男孩领路,他们很容易就找到了那栋房子。‎ ‎(5)with+n.+done ‎⑦With his homework finished,the boy went out to play.‎ 做完作业后,那男孩出去玩了。‎ ‎(6)with+n.+adv.‎ ‎⑧With her mother away,the little girl felt lonely.‎ 由于妈妈离开了,小女孩感到孤独。‎ ‎9.You have no idea how she finished the relay race________her foot wounded so much.‎ A.for          B.when C.with D.while 解析:选C。句意:你根本无法体会,在脚伤得那么厉害的情况下她是怎样完成接力比赛的。这里是一个“with+n./pron.+done/adj.”的复合结构。要注意her foot wounded so much 不是一个完整句子,所以不能用连词when,while,for 引导,选B项可以这样改 when her foot was wounded so much。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ 作文指导 提纲类作文 ‎【体裁导航】‎ 提纲类写作也是情景作文的一种,是通过给出段落提纲或者给出关键词语、短语等提示的一种“引领”性的写作。‎ 无论是英语的段落主旨句、提纲提示,还是汉语的词组或短语等引导写作思路,进行习作时,毕竟减少了审题环节,也不用谋篇布局、重组语序,所以,在写作练习的初级阶段,这种习作形式尤其受到师生的欢迎。‎ 做这类写作题要特别注意以下三点:‎ ‎1.要按照所提供的“纲”的思路而写;‎ ‎2.要考虑提供的各“点”之间该用什么样的连接词、连接句,以及上下句之间的关系;‎ ‎3.看有无题目要求,有无词数限制,有无逻辑悖理现象(观点不要悖理或前后矛盾)。‎ 总之,能做到循“纲”蹈“句”、“纲举目张”,此类写作便能顺利完成。‎ ‎【写作要领】‎ 一、审题 ‎1.体裁:题目中已明确给出可以写记叙文也可以写议论文。‎ ‎2.时态和人称:如果写记叙文,应是结合过去发生的事件来说明怎样有一个好的心情,所以应用过去时态和第一人称。如果写议论文,则应该用现在时态和第三人称。‎ 二、谋篇 ‎1.记叙文的篇章结构应为:‎ Para.1:描述过去发生的一件令人心情不好的事情以及由此产生的不良情绪。‎ Para.2:讲述如何从坏心情转至好心情的。‎ ‎2.议论文的篇章结构为:‎ Para.1:提出问题:好心情的重要性。‎ Para.2:分析问题:产生坏心情的原因。‎ Para.3:解决问题:调整心情的方法。‎ 三、注意事项 提纲作文虽然给出了写作的要点,但要点非常简略,因而还需要对要点进行丰富和拓展。‎ ‎【范文点评】‎ Turning a bad mood into a good one ‎①At the end of the last semester,I got a C in the English examination.②When I knew the result,I couldn’t hold back my tears.③My mood was terrible and I thought the world was coming to an end.④I feared to see my English teacher and I thought my classmates would laught at me.⑤My parents weren’t satisfied with me and maybe they would scold me.⑥So I even wanted to leave my school and family.‎ ‎⑦But after a while,I found I was wrong for I came to realize “Failure is the mother of success”.⑧What I should do was to find the reason why I got so bad a result.⑨And I thought this was a lesson to me and it helped me to find my shortcomings.⑩Maybe it could help me to improve my English.⑪So my bad mood turned into a good one.‎ ‎1.文章标题,不要遗漏 本段为造成心情不佳的事件以及造成的影响,具体如下:‎ ‎(1)①言简意赅地点明导致心情不佳的事件。‎ ‎(2)②③为具体心情不佳的表现。‎ ‎(3)④⑤为导致心情不佳的心理原因。‎ ‎(4)⑥为心情不佳造成的影响——想离家(学校)出走。‎ ‎(5)综上所述,整个事件的叙述娓娓道来,语意连贯,步步深入。‎ ‎2.本段为“我的心情是如何由坏变好的”。具体过程如下:‎ 意识到“失败是成功之母”——自我反省——吸取教训——提升英语——心情变好。‎ ‎3.本文作者心情由坏变好的原因就是“自我反思,不放弃,继续努力”。当然也可以借助外力,如老师、父母的教导,书中的某一句话等都可以成为心情变好的原因。‎ ‎【类题尝试】‎ 假如你是李华,你们学校最近开展了创建“平安校园”的活动。你们班为此组织主题班会,请你用英语写一篇发言稿,谈一谈你对如何创建“平安校园”的一些想法。短文应该包括下面的内容:‎ ‎1.安全意识的重要性;‎ ‎2.在运动中要注意安全;‎ ‎3.在校内要注意人身安全;‎ ‎4.同学间发生矛盾时,一定要保持冷静、理智;‎ ‎5.逐步将“平安校园”活动转化为全体师生的实际行动。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯;‎ ‎2.词数:120左右;‎ ‎3.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:校园安全safety at school My dear classmates,‎ There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life.Recently our school has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on.‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ My_dear_classmates,‎ There_is_no_denying_that_safety_plays_an_important_part_in_our_daily_life.Recently_our_school_has_carried_out_a_program_aimed_at_making_our_campus_a_safe_place_to_stay_on.‎ I consider this as indeed a good practice,which will make us aware that safety should always come first in our daily life,whether when we stay at school or outside it.When we are doing sports,we should attach importance to the safety and avoid being hurt.‎ Furthermore,when we get into trouble with our classmates,we should remain calm and avoid any form of fighting,which may only bring suffering and pain to us mentally and physically.‎ As far as I’m concerned,I feel all the students and teachers should work hard and creatively to keep the “safety at school” activity in mind.Besides,we are supposed to observe the law discipline where we are at any moment.‎ Thanks.‎ ‎[单元语基落实]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Over the past 40 years, China has_witnessed (witness) dramatic changes.‎ ‎2.When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one that reflected (reflect) my interest.‎ ‎3.This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to_come (come) to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth.‎ ‎4.Feeling frustrated, I found I abandoned myself to playing (play) computer games.‎ ‎5.Only when everyone has the environmental awareness (aware) can we have cleaner air.‎ ‎6.—Where do you plan to work?‎ ‎—I’ve made up my mind to go where I’m most needed.‎ ‎7.The music plays for 15 minutes at a time, with a few short pauses (pause) in between.‎ ‎8.One afternoon last week, I saw three tearful children from my son’s school being_comforted (comfort) by teachers.‎ ‎9.To everyone’s surprise, the CEO fled (flee) to the US, leaving his company in a mess.‎ ‎10.I was too scared (scare) to go into the water even though they tried to persuade me several times.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Though urging to go to bed many times, the little boy just ‎ turned a deaf ear and fixed his eyes on the cartoons.urging→urged ‎2.I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflected on the day — a day of pure magic!reflected→reflecting ‎3.The performer was waving his stick in the street, and it narrow missed the child standing nearby.narrow→narrowly ‎4.The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste.taste→tasty ‎5.I vivid remember the first time when I went to Hong Kong with my Dad.vivid→vividly ‎6.The local government forced them to abandon do the research on cloning humans.do→doing ‎7.A truck came in an opposite direction of the car, so the car driver made a sharply turn.sharply→sharp ‎8.Police have appealed for witnesses for the accident.第二个for→to Ⅲ.选词填空 be/become aware of, help out, upside down, be scared to death, hold up, ahead of, aim at, in the meantime ‎1.We finished the work several days ahead_of the deadline.‎ ‎2.I like skiing and in_the_meantime,_I know it is very dangerous.‎ ‎3.The police held_up the traffic to allow the pupils to cross the road.‎ ‎4.I don’t really work here. I am just helping_out until the new secretary comes.‎ ‎5.In the Spring Festival, Chinese people like to hang the character “fu” upside_down.‎ ‎6.Seeing a toy snake suddenly sometimes, the little girl can be_scared_to_death.‎ ‎7.The visit was aimed_at promoting mutual communications between these two countries.‎ ‎8.Seeing a large crowd at the street corner,I became/was_aware_of something unusual happening.‎ Ⅳ.根据提示词和相关要求补全(或翻译)句子 ‎1.我经常怀念我的童年。那是一段几乎每天都无忧无虑的日子。(It was a time when ...)‎ I often miss my childhood. It_was_a_time_when_I_spent_almost_each_day without worries.‎ ‎2.当他们正打算看他们最喜爱的电影时,他们听到来自外面的一个奇怪的噪声。(be about to ... )‎ When they were_about_to_watch_their_favorite_movie,_they heard a strange noise coming from outside.‎ ‎3.请记住:哪里有问题,哪里就有解决办法。(where ..., there be ...)‎ Remember that where_there_is_a_problem,_there_is_always_a_solution.‎ ‎4.每天,学生们要花三个多小时写作业。(it takes sb.+时间+to do ...)‎ It_takes_the_students_more_than_three_hours_to_do their homework every day.‎ ‎5.我看见他安全地穿过马路跑开了。(see ... doing)‎ I_saw_him_crossing_the_road_safely_and_running_away.‎ 单元综合知识运用检测 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A 话题 词数 建议用时 海上遇险 ‎339‎ ‎7分钟 It sounded like ice, that awful sound I experienced in the icy Cook Inlet years ago. It didn't alarm me, and that's how I knew I was asleep, because there was no ice where we were.‎ My door flew open, the engineer shouting, “Get up!” I got out and climbed up to the wheelhouse, and there in front of us was the reef (礁) marker, the one that we aren't supposed to get anywhere near. Our ship ran aground (搁浅地), and in the open waters a 6foot swell was rolling in over the reef, picking up the ship and dropping us onto the reef with a frightening shake. We were stuck, and were going to break up on that reef if we stayed there. On the cold Alaskan night, if you went into the water, you only had a few minutes before unconsciousness and death came.‎ I started telling jokes. No one was hurt! The ship was still holding together, and we still had the lifeboats. Even when all our priorities (当务之急) shifted to little more than survival, there was much to be thankful for. When you find yourself in that kind of situation, thinking a lot about the failures that got you to that point serves no purpose. Worrying about it will not save anyone, so we went to work. Finally, we got ourselves off the reef and moved slowly over to a bay, with the bottom holed. I'll never ‎ forget the feeling of being safe in the bay after that accident.‎ I would like to say that it makes no sense to focus on the 5% which is bad in your life, when 95% of it is good. In truth, even when 95% of it is bad, it still makes sense to be thankful for the 5% that is good. There is always something to be thankful for in a horrible situation, and always something to be learned on a spiritual level. Gratitude isn't just a direct line to happiness; it can also save your life!‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者乘船在海上突遇险境,并想方设法脱险的故事,并告诉读者即使身处糟糕的境地,也要常怀感恩之心。‎ ‎1.Why does the awful sound fail to alarm the writer in the beginning?‎ A.It was a scene happening in his dream.‎ B.He was too exhausted to give any response.‎ C.He knew exactly what it was by experience.‎ D.His knowledge of the surroundings misguided him.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段的内容,尤其是“It didn't alarm me, and that's how I knew I was asleep, because there was no ice where we were.”可知,那个像(撞到)冰块(才发出)的声音之所以没有使作者恐慌是因为他知道他们所在之处并无冰块,即作者对周围环境的了解误导了他,故选D。‎ ‎2.What does Paragraph 2 show?‎ A.The change of the sea.‎ B.The danger of the situation.‎ C.The importance of responsibility.‎ D.The extreme weather in Alaska.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段的内容,尤其是“in the open ‎ waters ... with a frightening shake”以及“On the cold Alaskan night, if you went into the water ... unconsciousness and death came.”可知,第二段提及的海浪的涌动以及阿拉斯加寒冷的夜晚和会使人很快失去意识甚至死亡的海水暗示了作者的处境很危险。故选B。‎ ‎3.What message is conveyed in the third paragraph?‎ A.Lifeboats are necessities in voyages by sea.‎ B.The body of the ship was damaged severely.‎ C.The major concern for those on board was safety.‎ D.Learning lessons from failures is quite important.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Even when all our priorities (当务之急) shifted to little more than survival, there was much to be thankful for.”可知,对作者他们来说,当务之急是他们的安全(问题)。故选C。‎ ‎4.What does the author advise people to do at last?‎ A.Focus on living in the present.‎ B.Be brave in the face of danger.‎ C.Always be grateful for what they have.‎ D.Never overlook their potential for success.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据全文,尤其是最后一段的内容可知,作者通过讲述自己的亲身经历告诉读者即使身处糟糕的境地,也要能发现值得感激的事情,常怀感恩之心甚至可以救命。故选C。‎ B 话题 词数 建议用时 暴风雪 ‎306‎ ‎8分钟 A large powerful autumn snowstorm slowly moved out of Colorado on Thursday and moved toward Nebraska and Kansas, causing terrible ‎ conditions on the eastern plains. Hundreds of flights were cancelled (取消) because of the snowstorm.‎ The snow dropped more than 3 feet in areas of the foothills west of Denver and closed schools and businesses. Roads across the region remained full of snow and icy.‎ ‎“Big storms like these seem to come to America around every 10 to 12 years,” said Kyle Fredin, a National Weather Service meteorologist (气象学家).‎ The storm also spread a blanket of white from northern Utah's Wasatch Front to western Nebraska's northern border with South Dakota. Denverbased Frontier Airlines said it cancelled 19 flights in and out of Denver, and some flights were delayed by up to four hours at Denver International Airport. United Airlines, a carrier at the Denver airport with about 400 flights per day, cancelled about half of its flights. The area around the airport received between 11 and 16 inches of snow, the weather service said. Airport spokesman Chuck Cannon said crews were using 174 pieces of snowremoval equipment to keep runways and taxiways clear as they dealt with severe (猛烈的) wind gusts.‎ ‎“Our biggest problem area now is the eastern plains of Colorado,” said CDOT spokesman Bob Wilson. “One of the biggest conditions we are dealing with is the wind because it makes us unable to see.” He said snowplows (扫雪机) had been removing snow. “But the wind is blowing so badly that it will basically just blow more snow onto the roadway,” he added.‎ Wilson said no serious accidents had been reported, likely because shuttered businesses meant fewer cars on the road.‎ Whiteout (暴风雪) conditions were forecast on Thursday for the ‎ plains of Wyoming and western Nebraska, where 12 inches of snow were reported in Rushville and 11 inches nearby Clinton. Threefoot drifts were reported elsewhere in western Nebraska.‎ 语篇解读:本文主要讲述美国遭遇了罕见的暴风雪的侵袭,严重影响了交通和人们的生活。‎ ‎5.We learn from Paragraph 1 that the autumn snowstorm ________.‎ A.is still happening in Colorado now B.is leaving Nebraska and Kansas now C.hasn't caused much damage to Colorado D.has caused terrible conditions on the eastern plains 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“A large powerful autumn snowstorm slowly moved out of Colorado on Thursday and moved toward Nebraska and Kansas, causing terrible conditions on the eastern plains.”可知答案为D项。‎ ‎6.What is implied in the passage?‎ A.Denver has never experienced such a big snowstorm before.‎ B.Wasatch Front and Nebraska have been affected by this snowstorm the most.‎ C.Many students are unable to leave their schools because of the snowstorm.‎ D.It's not the first time that America has experienced such a big snowstorm.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Big storms like these seem to come to America around every 10 to 12 years ...”可推断,美国不是第一次遭遇这么大的暴风雪。‎ ‎7.What do we learn from Paragraph 4?‎ A.No planes can land at Denver International Airportnow.‎ B.The area around the airport has the thickest snow in Denver.‎ C.Airlines in Denver are greatly affected by this snowstorm.‎ D.Crews have no idea how to deal with the snow around the airport.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。通读第四段可知,Denver的很多航线都受到了严重的影响。‎ ‎8.What does the underlined word “shuttered” in the last but one paragraph mean?‎ A.Developed.        B.Closed.‎ C.Balanced. D.Protected.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据遭遇暴风雪的语境可知,很多商场都关门歇业了,出去购物的人少了,街上的车也相对减少了。shutter作动词时,意为“以百叶窗遮蔽”,本文中shuttered business意为“关门停业的商场和店铺”。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 After I dropped my daughter at Youth Move, I picked up lunch at the nearby naturalfood store. On my way inside, I __1__ a nice elderly couple who seemed to be __2__ on their luck. Intuition (直觉 ) told me to get them some McKenzie Mist water, and I __3__ it.‎ By that time, her husband had stepped away. __4__, I brought the water bottles to the woman, who I __5__ was named Deborah. She looked up at me with a __6__. She was very __7__ for the water and remembered having McKenzie Mist water in the home they used to have. That is all I knew about their __8__ the first time I passed by. As I left, I hugged her and said, “May your blessings keep going better.” She ‎ showed a__9__ smile and I continued to walk to the library, a few steps away.‎ After I left the library, I __10__ Deborah another hug, and she beamed (笑容满面 ) back at me again. After the hug, I thanked her for her __11__ in cleaning up cigarette butts __12__ on the sidewalk. She seemed happy, __13__ her hard circumstances. I could __14__ she had gratitude and faith. She __15__ ideas for the city to fix up that particular vacant lot, and expressed some great ideas of her own, although my memory was __16__ me at the moment. They were __17__ ideas, though!‎ I walked to my vehicle, feeling thankful for how her uplifting spirit had __18__ my day. I am in __19__ of the wonderful day it has been. There have been some moments of __20__, yes, but I continue to focus on the positive and gratitude.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。一位老妇人处境艰难,但她却清理着人行道上的烟头,为创造一片更美好的环境建言献策。作者被她的行为感动了,这一天也因此过得很愉快。‎ ‎1.A.noticed        B.praised C.contacted D.recognized 解析:选A 根据上文中的“I picked up lunch at the nearby naturalfood store.On my way inside”可知,作者去食品店吃饭的时候,注意到一对和蔼的老夫妇。notice“注意到,理会,察觉”;contact“联系”;recognize“认识,认出”。‎ ‎2.A.above B.down C.through D.under 解析:选B 根据下文中的“Intuition (直觉) told me to get them some McKenzie Mist water”“in the home they used to have”和“her hard ‎ circumstances”可知,这对老夫妇比较贫穷。be down on one's luck是固定短语,意为“因一时不走运而没有钱,穷困潦倒”。‎ ‎3.A.doubted B.ignored C.resisted D.followed 解析:选D 根据上文中的“Intuition (直觉) told me to get them some McKenzie Mist water”及下文作者把水送给老妇人的内容可知,此处指作者听从了自己的直觉。doubt“怀疑”;ignore“忽视”;resist“反抗”;follow“遵循,听从”。‎ ‎4.A.Anyway B.However C.Therefore D.Meanwhile 解析:选C 根据上文中的“her husband had stepped away”可知,此处表示“因此(Therefore),‘我’把水给了那位老妇人”。anyway“反正,尽管”;however“但是”;meanwhile“与此同时”。‎ ‎5.A.acknowledged B.realized C.learned D.remembered 解析:选C 根据语境可知,此处指作者得知(learned)她的名字叫Deborah。acknowledge“承认”;realize“意识到”;remember“记得”。 ‎ ‎6.A.sigh B.smile C.relief D.confusion 解析:选B 根据语境可知,作者把水给了那位老妇人,她面带微笑 (smile)地抬起头看了看作者,且下文中的“She showed a __9__ smile”也是信息提示。 sigh“叹气,叹息”; relief“宽慰,轻松”;confusion“不确定,困惑”。‎ ‎7.A.anxious B.suitable C.ready D.grateful 解析:选D 她非常感激作者给她送水,并回忆起在他们过去拥有的那个家里也喝过这种水。be grateful for是固定搭配,意为“感激……,感谢……”。anxious“渴望的,急切的”;suitable“适合的,合适的”;ready“准备好的,乐意的”。‎ ‎8.A.story B.identity C.suffering D.expectation 解析:选A 这是作者第一次经过时了解到的关于他们的全部故事(story)。identity“身份”;suffering“痛苦,苦难”;expectation“期待”。‎ ‎9.A.bare B.pale C.wide D.narrow 解析:选C 她露出了一个大大的微笑,作者继续去了几步之外的图书馆。bare“裸露的,仅有的”;pale“苍白的”;wide“广阔的,宽的”;narrow“狭窄的”。‎ ‎10.A.charged B.guaranteed C.offered D.promised 解析:选C 作者离开图书馆后,再次主动拥抱了她。offer“提供,给予”,符合语境。charge“要价,收费”;guarantee“保证,担保”;promise“承诺”。‎ ‎11.A.kindness B.friendliness C.carefulness D.eagerness 解析:选A 作者因她清理在人行道上的烟头所表现出来的善心(kindness)而向其表示感谢。 eagerness“渴望”。‎ ‎12.A.lying B.accumulating C.throwing D.deserting 解析:选A 参见上题解析。lie“平放”符合语境。accumulate“‎ 聚集”; throw “投,抛”;desert“抛弃,离开”。‎ ‎13.A.in terms of B.in view of C.in case of D.in spite of 解析:选D 尽管她处境艰难,她好像很开心。 in spite of“不管,尽管”,符合语境。in terms of ...“就……而言”;in view of“考虑到,鉴于”;in case of“如果,假使”。‎ ‎14.A.tell B.admit C.predict D.imagine 解析:选A 作者可以看出她内心的感激和信念。 tell“看出,判断”;admit“承认”;predict“预言,预告”;imagine“想象”。‎ ‎15.A.held back B.put down C.commented on D.turned down 解析:选C 根据下文中的“expressed some great ideas”可知,此处表示她就城市安置这个特别的空地发表意见。comment on“发表意见,作出评论”,符合语境。hold back“阻止,抑制”;put down“记下”;turn down“拒绝”。‎ ‎16.A.interrupting B.escaping C.impressing D.misguiding 解析:选B 根据语境可知,此处表示尽管当时作者心不在焉。escape“逃离,避开”,符合语境。interrupt“打扰,打断”;impress“使留下深刻印象”;misguide“误导”。‎ ‎17.A.ridiculous B.impractical C.common D.acceptable 解析:选D 根据上文中的“great ideas”可知,作者觉得她的观点是可接受的。acceptable意为“令人满意的,可接受的”。ridiculous“‎ 荒谬的”;impractical“不切实际的”;common“普遍的,常见的”。‎ ‎18.A.brightened B.controlled C.witnessed D.lengthened 解析:选A 她的令人振奋的情绪感染了作者,让作者的一天过得很愉快。brighten“使快活起来,使更开心”,符合语境。control“控制”;witness“见证,目击”;lengthen“使变长”。‎ ‎19.A.celebration B.appreciation C.honor D.support 解析:选B 根据上文中的“feeling thankful”可知,此处指作者很感激这美好的一天。in celebration of“庆祝”;in appreciation of“感激,感谢”;in honor of ...“为了表示对……的崇敬”;in support of“支持,赞同”。‎ ‎20.A.uniqueness B.madness C.concern D.fantasy 解析:选C 根据下文中的“but I continue to focus on the positive and gratitude”可知,空格处应与“the positive”和“gratitude”相对应,指生活中的一些忧虑的时刻。concern“担心,忧虑”,符合语境。uniqueness“独特性”;madness“疯狂,狂热”;fantasy“幻想,想象”。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2018·石家庄市复习教学质量检测)Once upon a time there was a great man. He had a bright and __1__ (cheer) little girl and the man loved her very much. When __2__ little girl was growing up, the man would hug her and tell her, “I love you, little girl.” The little girl would shout and say, “I'm not a little girl anymore.” Then the man would laugh and say, “__3__ to me, you'll always be my little girl.” The little girl, __4__ was not little anymore, left home and went into the world. __5__ she ‎ went, the man would call her and say, “I love you, little girl.”‎ One day the girl received a phone call, __6__ (say) the man was ill. He couldn't talk anymore and they weren't sure whether he could understand the words __7__ (speak) to him. The little girl sat next __8__ the great man. Tears ran from both of their eyes. Her head on his chest, she remembered the wonderful times together and the __9__ (protect) from him. And then she heard from within the man, the beat of his heart. His heart __10__ (beat) out the words that his mouth could no longer say — I love you, little girl.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了父亲和女儿之间简单而真挚的感情。‎ ‎1.cheerful 根据“and”可知,它前后两词词性要一致;由“bright”可知,此处用形容词cheerful。‎ ‎2.the 此处用定冠词the特指上文提到的小女孩。‎ ‎3.But 由语境可知,小女孩不愿意父亲说自己还小,但在父亲的眼里,她永远都是小孩。上下文构成转折关系,因此用But。注意首字母大写。‎ ‎4.who 根据先行词“The little girl”可知,此处用关系代词who引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。‎ ‎5.Wherever 根据“went”可知,无论她走到哪里,爸爸总是给她打电话说爱她。此处用Wherever引导让步状语从句,意为“无论在哪”。‎ ‎6.saying 根据语境可知,有人打电话告知女孩,父亲病了。此处用saying作伴随状语。‎ ‎7.spoken ‎ 根据语境可知,他们不确定他能不能明白大家对他说的话。words与speak之间构成被动关系,因此用spoken作后置定语。‎ ‎8.to 句意:小女孩紧挨着父亲坐着。next to“紧挨着”,符合语境。‎ ‎9.protection 根据“the”可知,此处用名词protection。‎ ‎10.beat 全文用一般过去时,因此此处用beat。‎

