【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:必修3Unit8A Adventure作业

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【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:必修3Unit8A Adventure作业

限时规范练15(必修3 Unit 8A)‎ 核心素养关键词:培养学生人与自然、爱护自然的素养能力意识 ‎ 限时规范练第30页  ‎ 一、阅读理解 A A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is not in London,New York,or Paris,but in Warsaw (capital city of Poland).It’s called Nowy S‎'‎wiat,which means New World.About 14,000 Poles walk down this main street every hour.‎ It is a lovely place to shop.The street is very wide.There are statues,palaces,attractive town houses,high-class cafés and restaurants.The buildings aren’t too tall.They look old,but in fact the whole city was rebuilt after World War Ⅱ.There aren’t any billboards (广告牌),loud music,or many tourists.People think that Polish shops have nothing to sell,so tourists don’t come shopping here.The world doesn’t know about this good place for shoppers yet.‎ It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw.There are many shops from the West.However,Nowy S‎'‎wiat has a lot of small shops and specialist shops.It hasn’t got the huge department stores that sell the same things everywhere.‎ If you want an excellent handmade suit,Nowy S‎'‎wiat is the place to go.It isn’t cheap.You will pay up to £1,000.For beautiful French baby clothes,go to Petit Bateau.You will pay £50 for a pair of blue jeans for a baby.A dress for a baby girl is about £90.At Desa,a famous antique (古董) shop,a desk costs £5,000.‎ Not everything is expensive.At the shop Pantera you can buy leather goods — handbags,purses,coats,and belts.Cepelia is famous for folk art.There are also book shops and record shops.And there are a lot of small shops that sell clothes that aren’t too expensive.If you’re tired,stop at Café Blikle.You’ll find a lively environment,and a lot of well-known Poles.‎ It is possible to travel the world and find the same things for sale in every country.But Warsaw is different because its shops are unique— and they’re in Nowy S‎'‎wiat.‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了世界上最繁忙的商业街Nowy S‎'‎wiat。‎ ‎1.How is Nowy S‎'‎wiat in outsiders’ eyes?‎ A.It is not worth visiting.‎ B.It is a tourist attraction.‎ C.It is a perfect place for shoppers.‎ D.It is no different from any shopping street.‎ 答案A 解析推理判断题。由第二段中的“There aren’t any billboards,loud music,or many tourists.People think that Polish shops have nothing to sell,so tourists don’t come shopping here.”可知,没有去过Nowy S‎'‎wiat的人对它不了解,认为这里没有什么可购买的商品,因此不值得一去。‎ ‎2.What’s so special about the shops in Nowy S‎'‎wiat?‎ A.They’re all hidden in ancient buildings.‎ B.Everything sold there is very expensive.‎ C.Most goods sold there are handmade.‎ D.They sell goods you can’t buy anywhere else.‎ 答案D 解析细节理解题。由第三段中的“However,Nowy S‎'‎wiat has a lot of small shops and specialist shops.It hasn’t got the huge department stores that sell the same things everywhere.”可知,Nowy S‎'‎wiat的特色商铺卖的东西只能在这里买到。‎ ‎3.Where can you most probably meet famous Poles?‎ ‎         ‎ A.Cepelia. ‎ B.Pantera.‎ C.Café Blikle. ‎ D.Petit Bateau.‎ 答案C 解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“stop at Café Blikle.You’ll find...a lot of well-known Poles”可知答案。‎ B Sometimes people make history.George Washington became the first president of the United States and made history.Sometimes wars make history.The two World Wars are examples.Sometimes nature even becomes part of history.Shaking earthquakes are recorded in history books.‎ Several years ago,nature caused just such a history-making event.In September 2005,Hurricane Katrina came ashore in New Orleans,Louisiana.The deadly storm flooded New Orleans.Before Katrina,no other big American city had ever been flooded in the history of the country.This natural disaster caused great harm and deaths.‎ New Orleans is located below sea level.This location places it at great risk.Levees were built to protect New Orleans from the ocean.(A levee is like a wall between the city and the ocean.) When Hurricane Katrina came ashore,water moved over the levees into the city.Flooding made it necessary for everyone to leave the city.Before Katrina,Creole food (a special kind of cooking only in Louisiana) filled the air with delicious smells.The sound of jazz music traveled through the streets.Now the city has to return to its former glory.‎ Before Katrina,the U.S.government had never made everyone leave a city.People in New Orleans had to find shelter quickly.Some had to stay at the Superdome Sports Center.Some rode on buses to other towns.Thousands drove their cars to get away from the storm.The roads and shelters filled up fast.‎ The lesson learned from Katrina was that cities must be better prepared for big storms and other terrible disasters caused by nature.Being prepared might have kept more people safe.Hurricane Katrina is one of the history-making events that will be remembered forever.Today,history is still being made that will shape the future.‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了卡特里娜飓风给美国新奥尔良市所造成的影响。‎ ‎4.What does the author tell us about New Orleans?‎ A.It was built above sea level.‎ B.It had few jazz musicians after Katrina.‎ C.It was the first U.S.city that had been flooded.‎ D.It created a wholly new way to cook after Katrina.‎ 答案C 解析细节理解题。由第二段中的“Before Katrina,no other big American city had ever been flooded in the history of the country.”可知,新奥尔良市是美国第一个被洪水淹没的城市。‎ ‎5.What can we say about the levees?‎ A.They were almost useless for fighting Katrina.‎ B.They helped people leave New Orleans quickly.‎ C.They made New Orleans a special American city.‎ D.They should be built to match the size of New Orleans.‎ 答案A 解析推理判断题。由第三段中的“When Hurricane Katrina came ashore,water moved over the levees into the city.”可知,在对抗卡特里娜飓风的时候,防洪堤几乎没有什么作用。‎ ‎6.What might the author advise city governments to do?‎ A.Put up more shelters in the city.‎ B.Build more levees around the city.‎ C.Teach people how to avoid floods.‎ D.Try to get ready for natural disasters.‎ 答案D 解析推理判断题。由最后一段中的“The lesson learned from Katrina was that cities must be better prepared for big storms and other terrible disasters caused by nature.”可知,作者实际上是建议城市应该努力为预防自然灾害做好准备。‎ ‎7.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.Storms are dangerous B.Katrina makes history C.Floods shape Louisiana D.History must be remembered 答案B 解析标题归纳题。由文章首段的关键词made history以及下文介绍说明卡特里娜飓风给新奥尔良市所造成的巨大改变可知,B项作标题可以全面概括本文主旨。‎ 二、七选五 A long and healthy life Everyone wants to be healthy and live a long time. 1 Some years ago,a 90-year-old American writer gave some advice for a long and healthy life: ‎ ‎• Believe in yourself.‎ ‎• Keep your mind active.‎ ‎• Be positive.‎ ‎• Love people and enjoy helping others.‎ The women of Okinawa,in Japan,are another great example. 2 Their secret? They exercise every day,they don’t have much stress in their lives,and,in general,they are positive and active. ‎ But of course,diet is important,too. 3 They eat some meat,but they don’t eat any fat from the meat.And they eat seaweed (海藻).This is good for your heart. ‎ The Mediterranean diet is very healthy,too.It includes vegetables,tomatoes,fish,beans,cheese and rice. 4 It comes from olive oil and from fish. ‎ So,what do these two diets tell us?‎ ‎• Don’t eat any bad fats — like fats in sweets,fried food and meat.‎ ‎• Eat healthy vegetables,fruit,potatoes and rice.‎ ‎• 5 If you use oil,use a good one like olive oil.And avoid deep-fried food! ‎ ‎• If you’re a little hungry,eat an apple or a carrot — not a bag of potato chips!‎ Eat well,live an active and stress-free life,and you’ll live a long time.‎ A.But how can we do it?‎ B.The fat in this diet is “good fat”.‎ C.Be active and do exercise every day.‎ D.Don’t use too much oil when cooking.‎ E.Why do the Japanese women live the longest?‎ F.The Okinawa women eat fish,green vegetables,carrots,fruit and sweet potatoes.‎ G.They live a long time,they are very healthy and they don’t have many diseases or heart problems.‎ 答案与解析 ‎【篇章导读】本文是说明文。怎样才能够健康长寿?本文给出了几点建议。‎ ‎1.A 根据文中的“Everyone wants to be healthy and live a long time.”与“Some years ago...advice for a long and healthy life:”可知,画线处应该是对如何能够健康长寿提出的疑问,故选A项。‎ ‎2.G 根据上文中的“The women of Okinawa,in Japan,are another great example.”可知,冲绳的女人们也健康长寿。故G项符合此处语境。‎ ‎3.F 联系语境及上文中的“But of course,diet is important,too.”可知,饮食健康是冲绳女人长寿的一个重要原因,F项介绍了冲绳女人的饮食,故应选F项。‎ ‎4.B 根据下文中的“It comes from olive oil and from fish.”可知,地中海饮食中的脂肪是从橄榄油和鱼中获取的,所以是健康的。‎ ‎5.D 下文中的“If you use oil,use a good one like olive oil.And avoid deep-fried food”与D项“做饭不要用太多油”相呼应。‎ 三、语法填空 Needless to say,the trip to the Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁) was a great experience.‎ The first day 1.      (begin) early at a dive shop in Cairns.2.      took a few hours to get to the first reef,so we had a good chance 3.      (meet) the people we’d be hanging out with. ‎ Diving was great.Even from the surface of the water,I had a 4.      (wonder) view of the reef.Between the fish 5. the endless coral,there was something interesting and beautiful to look at in every 6.      (direct).When the sun hit the reef,everything seemed even more bright and alive. ‎ As we swam around,tons of colorful fish were diving in and out of the coral and I also saw starfish dancing in the waves as sharks swam past.I couldn’t believe how 7. (relax) I felt! Everything moved slowly.It was so enjoyable.‎ I still remembered that day 8.      I dove deep into the Great Barrier Reef with great courage.Going diving for my last Australian adventure was the 9.      (good) decision I made.If I had to describe the experience in one word,I’d say diving in the Great Barrier Reef was 10. (simple) unbelievable. ‎ 答案与解析 ‎1.began 考查一般过去时。由前面的The first day可知,此处是对过去事实的描述,应用一般过去时,故填began。‎ ‎2.It 考查it的用法。设空处做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语,故填It。‎ ‎3.to meet 考查不定式做定语的用法。chance后常跟不定式做定语,表示“做某事的机会”。‎ ‎4.wonderful 考查形容词做定语的用法。设空处做定语修饰view,表示“极好的”,故填wonderful。‎ ‎5.and 考查连词。between...and...意为“在……和……之间”。‎ ‎6.direction 考查名词。设空处在此做in的宾语,意为“方向”,且前面有every,故填direction。‎ ‎7.relaxed 考查过去分词做表语的用法。设空处所在句意为:我无法相信我感到多么的放松(relaxed)。‎ ‎8.when 考查关系副词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词day,且在从句中做时间状语,故填when。‎ ‎9.best 考查形容词最高级。由设空处前面的the可知,应用形容词最高级,故填best。‎ ‎10.simply 考查副词。设空处做状语修饰unbelievable,表示“非常”,故填simply。‎

